r(Av'vv;-t f,tv'e 'vVjJiH.rft. r EVENING PUBLIC LEDGliin-PlllLADEUiHiA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1022 32 f3PCT?w M h m I . If r Rft . mn . ' .i i m? if i a'Jtl. . I .. t , er ii . Ml 'I itr :&: me OJ7 OF MOHUN By GEORGE GIBBS Auther of "Youth Triumphant" and Other Successes Copyright, ISIS, V. Appleton it Ce. WHO'S WHO IN TIIK STORY CHERRY MOIIUX, up-te-date girl , rich and charming, at once irritated and attracted by DAVID SAXORRR, young American, ethnologist and tear veteran, amazed , ay changes in manners ami customs , brought out hy the tear, hut inter- , titcd in Cherry . Ills modest funds : ere invested with her father, JIM MOIIl'X, a self-made financial' leader. Toe busy te think of his children he leaves them te VRP. MOIIl'X. who has successfully j cultivated the social side of life, BRUCE rOUM.V, a motorcar sales man, of cavr-man type, of irhem Cherry imagines she is enamored. BOB MOIIl'X, son, is a typically reck less youngster, GEORGE I.YCETT. elderly chorus, philosophizing as the story divclept, JOJIX CHICHESTER, ichem Mm. Mehun would like te call son-in-law. SHE clanred at Mm n moment n though stHrtlctl nt bis ,oliemon.e ami ( then went en hurriedly. . "Today n thli'5 happened which miitle tte desperate. Oh, eit don't hn.ny Imw long i BiruRSteu nu " .m,... ....... i Kn1" unii it MinethinB r!i inone from tl. -al1 r ii.ii,.. ..,....-', --- . one of the lnm'liinei wbirh I .ii te tfi-t Hut ir anl itutte riiiMiu Tier voice filed nwaj as thech In n er voice riled nwaj as thech In n kneKs nt the memory of what ad iwed. the account of which was veakii nllnwf hrief but eloquent of Albi.-t .Mehun's f but eloquent of A1H 1.1 .me nun s me and her own M'lf-.-tbase men . 'I accused I-er of it. Mm tlenl-l 1 a t. It was jut table. Me ceilliint name "I first. think of Ittl.v lie tlmt I could MVilllew. hn'U,1-"':1 rlhlrrts he, t:.en se was I . - 1 1 T 1-.. 1., ... Tl.it i. r.L thrnn limll'u llfil j iriv u i iiiiu w- ini'v uv'i. 1 !" svliich h" might offer in response te any demonstration of distress. or cine WTat she had no further capacity for tears. ... . .. ... He took two or three pares suit. thinking deeply, and then turneil, one nann en tnc eaci or tier ceair, toiiewinK her gnze into (be fire. "Of course it's nil verT ternb mother net even jeu.' lie tienr.l the nnlek int.ilse of her Venth ns she lenneil back in her chair as theuKb a weignt nai neen taen from her iheuldcrs. but she BW neth- in, and he spoke again even mere de- ltVinielv "" ' WM$ " "Shrturncd her" iiead te leek nt him. but he. went en a though thinking lOUO. "I I'm glad that you don't care for him. That would he had enough. But te marry him just te sae a ltuntieii or te bring the 1 i-jurles wlu.di mlsfertut.e denies e.t that wuuld b.- abominable ' May I speak plainly? Te me there'll no ery wide distinction hatween the woman who wives the problem of poverty by signing n mar rinse contract and tne emer woman he paueed for a moment "who doesn't Ign anything." Cherry moved uneasily. It was what Bruce Cowan hnd meant. Hut the phrases hnd n deeper significance from the lips of David Sangree. "I don't knew just what te say te you," he went en, "except er that We always had faith enough te be lieve tlint J'"'i would de nothing si er unintelligent nn ilutf. Se. If I'm theeked nt what lui'i happened ti, veu nt hemf I'm net surprltied nt jour het rer of tlie consequent cb nf Bucli a mar riage. You're quite right. Yeu have your own lll'e te live Ne matter hew much jeu ewe jour mother jour father even you de. net ewe them M much ns that." He paused for a moment and then jmM alewlv ; "'I" don't knew that you're er ttrtn 1 :AI.r.- 71, i ' n tc..t rlclil te what , '. iirn-'i ii.m ..'., u., , pre, J,. t ,t n bill re llltctcd D.V "" ' """ " "..c u ui, uhii uwuiuiib TI)Pn painty, thin nnd r-. J'LJ. NcwYetlOlT.ee I dldn t co m- I intRh y el ' "' but he did n-.t l..k at her Oenre?H nfler II had been dedaicd tin- lri, ', , , . )re fine d.iy ia.ne out or nttt 1P- SHCRMAN SQUARE HOTEL rn ..wiK::.'1 ,heusht ''"!----;e:,;;co,;;4,:1,e,S mum. .....,wr ... ... i---,-- her ,e0k D ", , k:ftrr:Ay "ii1 - ",,nk l :;U,n"wteui:i'Vinhx;:,i;; ; The Pe0d industry !Th,n ,-- UP 1B ?r,r. m,, -! j havi) been fhrcileni'is M it. '"" , mm' , . ..... . ,.,,. . . ., ' ., ,. 7e ;,. I.dxtoret the rxtnlxg fubUe I.tdacn I And he me.lly tore his hnlr . them came te see me today, one mil "(li, r jusr thmiKht its none of "" ""' nt V1" ' ""' 0I "" ul ",l , , .. , i,.,.i,i ,i, ,,, .. ! And i.t.e il.iy its he atmvl neon the fiore. WVZV i.i vT nrirn I'l irnl unpleasant, the ether w.dently r.ij b,.,.s, nf cmrse-but he has cuarantees m that document, and he ' J r-Ii ct iphasiinR the need ler mere . ' h.J ,mlM MOl m, U tiivi.M LA( H. t L. disatrreeabl omen that had 'nirki-l iuuii.h . 1,,,,,,-f h,.v i-nl.l that It should be oppe-ed by all oil control law- he Department of dM foellsbh Jump In. LAKE COURT APARTMENTS n tewe i nn .""'", ped and tlaueicl She m.HH a. Ins awUardne,,. and ' Itv..h win, wished te be i-r-.tected in ; Kncu tuie has dec t.re.l the nmnufac- Tneuc wal(.r . hud e,-r took h-fere. m,i for lluek,t. , ,., ,lflir, n.. nu oewiu linn ii.it , , i.,,...1 ,. ... .... .,., , , . ,,,,, ...,, ,,f tier 1 Ihm-i p. n ml of turp of loed preilucls was tlie Natien S Tlflt Trt rrttnn tn mil. I KnPH Willi II CI t .. 1 1 -- l..n.1 ai nt.l lln - .- ' - . . 1 I liit,l AtT ...... ..(,:! t .... n la I ..... nit M ' J tl?x'u i! de and found hrr ..!,....k-l..U." , , ' , ' - !;, he feared te luy , tl.lnh this country is.cn.ide.tsl ( i,;! '.Z1 Te ,. .f.r of ,J.e ;:.-, rae .cdwr: She pause, and tenU a d-"P breath. ,11.I,',,I i, Pi t . i ,0 '"' ,''uli'-r'1. educated anil tnuphl te lUtUa . , slrP1,n prnt m the Pceid.'s rerum . lowering her tone a tntie "Y..11 won't ,J ',!,,, T i,1'',',,ly r,,b" held a U.n.l f-elin.; for a fdlewmau. ' '. ', - , ,he pejr., entltl-d "nn.l " 1 "" ,J- wonder at in, t-tirt.rt-e. lintne.e." -he '.' ,,"",, '" llrr 1:is I'hraMmt it appears as though tlie officials of ' It is doubtful if mary have realized , wi.rd Iiess. jeiiv MfCUMOik. MiS miieth "when 1 tell J..u that ' 'Tl., h , I ',. ,, . ''''T"' ' m"sW01' b",u- the new county jail only knew hew hew rapidly and extensively this truly 1'hlladeU-hh. nc,-..ni .-. !- , found that" in,, had a l.alatt." of mere j , I J""-1' v.uli one rllmw en tlm , ,, .,. .enii ruttl very centrmptible important hu-ines, ha, doM-leped pre- I ,. ....... ,'.' WIM, Il0M than eL'ht "heu'and deH..r. :" . Tuh , ft I " ..r; 'Z , b" E101,'nK '"' " """r- "-if-rlunate-cenvie..' Wl.iB s it does, a !, part of the I JVmd".ni '..:.'." Saneree started forward in hi" .-hair. ..,,. . ...",. . ., w,15 nut treat these men with wme1")""!!1' Americana betiily nerishment. 1 .i,.KPOj aiem! in his unlet way. ' Yeu mean- V" I 1, .'nn V , !.Sr7J0,V,"111"1.1, c.ns.derailr,,, as they should, net like "tin- modern wife is net skilled in the ! ,-,"ete.lly amek.nK h.. M d-Meen I "lehn "hiehestiT " nid c'herr nrri': ,", V 'mcn"t f'"; ,parl dogs of the street? V fullv under- ' 'linnry art Industrial process is 1 As he turned the seu in th K-iden she-n. tlmlT. "She'd be. owed tea the,.- Jr " J K rreir ahn ''he -'" ''" """"" there for ,-unlsh- lawly te blame. She does net have te J JM' "Y'!' SKir Lnd dollars from h,m. lt.- Va of ,,, e'e,,;,, Xl ""v"?!!! " ,j't V" ''? rV.'" ,h,",t'- ,,n ttsTe'rX'ScvS nentn advance en me . like sheep p,ln Ul markl,, if , a small wale, ucli its foodless enntine- : 'e ' ,;",,l"c ,",. ", , 1 ' ,' r ,r"er' su pitch In. sun." He vras en his for. his hands deep ,., ,,,!,,,.;.,, ,,frn4" 'i,,.iir ent erMdltarj. as the., call Iff Hew,'10 butcher fc'ep and the 1 1 licatcssen In hU pockets, BtruliiiK tip and down within a reafe'iable tl me , - ' n".v Per. unfortunate con, lets' moth- '" practically ever thing a ready for ! 8e.,ictimes l. an' I d m.t 1.1.. the "is .Silence, .lust the z 1-S a failure. Y-.u "ee m rr ""' 'pifchI? ",nt I -eul,n,,ll""t" ".L" "J ,n e I.i"'in I Sutt'e'rin,. David stared a, It. irewr,. fessi,,, at .v,;,, " ' he.v feel , learn hew their sons. , ft, ' nc will troop , ,h. It ou n e-. '- ,,. toelt hi3'hands out of h Pe,M,s and .na,,. U,,, ,,, utt ' ret.y ,., awdd this inhuman treat-, ie Cft j Alwrr L turned. . . ... i1 're niianr te b" the innr. . lid-, nntl hew tn tun ., .,i ,e,,n,. ' a. , i.n.- irr.:.ri hla wrnl.d ihln. "Surely you're mista..en. im sam. " -". " men. I don't a;ree with I.'i -nie geed .l fair-i.n:i.!ed coin- A n),lllln. ,,,,,,, "".':",,. "u "im. ion you win " almost In a whisper. '" -NieUsche toy, I!,,t r,e never , mlttee pet together and have this nf- perni,m I "Oh. no. I'm net-" she said with nM,. te thlnk e( ,,, , u par fair lnvr,til.alC(1. nni, tllinKS m(1,le bet- Z tl ve f f 1 n L T, ? "l ! Had was never no Innl te fu-s a shrue. At t rsf I tueunni mat iu- "-".''', ter ter 1110s,, peer unteriunaie people .,,.,,1,1,,.. ... ,t,,. ,.,,, . '.""ifseii te nun nun m nmr u- ".-- , unrup. .11. 111 1 "And ret thnt' .i... t ...... . ,. .1.1... ...,i..i,. i. ... . ....1. 1 ! I'i nu te the products of these In- t.-i., .m..,i m his oil ii. M 1... iti.mes.1.. i:rervth ni else was ac- J' " ..Curious I , 0 never thnus it of t deen t mean thev should be kicked. ,.,, ,...!.,... ... '., "'"" hM,,WM "".".?.. ;.., ..... i,m. ,.t n leiih.' M rennted for BesUles-oppesite the uere." Ne, s.ve them a chance and they will I 'V'V"",,, '"'''"' ou "P '.'fT" '",'"" i mart af depS U entrv' wa, he one word scrawled i' Rrinned at her el.enrfully. , net be Te hardened toward their f.'ilew- ! t&Tj our ,! I '''m f,,':'1 ! An' mnnwas judSM by hi. .n,rl .f . f lean ' ' U.11, 'V'1" J llnvr ' ,l,lnk "f " AH niim and crime. Many n pe-.r fellow is, t' 1' ,,m ''?,? ," ' 7' ", ' , ' "','" 1 -""t his worldly r.lf. 1 "reed foil'" "'r th nkinK was.lot.efer.M.,,." Ami d.uii; tune for some one Vise's doings. ! '' 'V.hnm 1 e '" "'"' Ml,:,lc- , 1 .Geed (.oil. . , ....,,... ithen with a irewn. "P.Mr !,.. .......li,,.. i,.n... .i.e.- i,nt.. 1,,.,.,, ,,ii,.: nicnt tliem with ethers. U..m, Hks'trn !"iM' " ' . . 1 I trrnet .0 Sh" Um h, ". se UMpleU: .-.. ,,.,lr Mt111ltln rilll... , hav'(. ;ervP(1 ,,. bef(,lr:- AimAHAr ATKINS. e- old wk i-ch f;- ,... Je desperate peer dear, se terribly tin- ,'"',,, ';'"! ' 1,!,'T ,lw','1" 'hat. 1 let il... public p.. te-.-etl,, r and try te, HiMter. Pa.. December I. l-rjj. , "re If,h,n",d Ai hnnnv eve-' the failure of cei'Mhlns ' '' fI7 "'' ,0,hcr '""Hu-rs de." belter tlniiRS for the inmate, of Ilnlmes. , . i'er th iit,' mar ... ba.i'e at ' strlfa. fb.PtPLJnV hVrnlnes" -" lie .hruSged ,n deprei-ati,,,,. "I was l,r's jail : net only for them, but ler r.;.. A , 1 ' h.: I eaiv ti.U;..l . f th r-.-.'s ehn'.n nW V .rewied. "w,,n t"ZlK .1M "hlll"li"" s MUe f'-f p.i pv - OH1188 sicered ,, --- - -";?; ";h--,r ,hI denTiethe, he astd'him jr'whi Imve;,!": I'b.la.leln:,. I.'eer,nb,r" .".. 'l.i. " Oiling Reads te Abate Du,t Nuisanle M, m". win." for it or whether he Jus, offered ,t. r off r , .xchnnge-ve, of my wf, . . . ,. .. . 7'' !Jli1:,":: ' ,.1". '!'. ''?:" .,., ,, ,l , 1 .n,1e,l hsU: hen:e, ' went en. "ui men- " ' - 11, nr; 1 pa, 1.1, va,. ;llt . .,. v ... 1 ueienas rrisen neaa; eiames ku es , . ,. , , ' ' u'" s i-.ni.ni ," ," ,,., rresii.tunr,) imm And I waited for Muzz, there nthcr lavp ,imhlns less tlian nothing 1 Sir: Ulscusslng your articles en tlnC re.ds. "" Pun,-?, 1 iiur.Birin' m...t for ., ie,i md fe. toem, the Check book in my HHnu. ... Jits 0f honor. Smnehn.K- ' f'nnntv Tirisens with kevenil men .,f, .Maiihelm. I'a . n.n.ms... .....' U,enI 'llmhed the MUtiin o'er. 1 hnven t seen nor since. ami te place lnm ,lclmi:ey in the role , him. Ter his nnnie at the Imttnin nf ' huU ,hRI " counted 300. New. kind edl- Shf 3tepne,l spealiins. her vol.'e 0f si,j,.. I,,ls,,p,er and friend. the ear.l of rule- draw- the lutterncM ,or- vU" "" ln" "hlch '' r.lKht ' thank 1 trembling, nnu miik "" "t cr.air. no -i 1. e hi pipe kiv ,) then 1 of the prisenets iletns tinie in his cell. , ' ,.'hll.dP,,,,,,, ,.., ' 'u'" But ehe did net cry. Kl,e had come te Mt in t .0 chair upon tun opposite Fide I ha, that hitter lVe,nK many times! , ne"f,i' ! 'D;""L 'V , him for friemUbip-understan. inc. bit 0f the ilre; until t ,carllpd that the aupcrintciitlent it hi '" ,iw 'JwPra 'niten ".r." acerZ IS te Snncree it seemed that nerhu 11 hhu "Lets lacn the altnet nn lnn.iir 1....1 .,.i..i .i.t ;nii.i ...i. ., 11" ! '' ".' "nue" L.r"-K. nrcerdlng te ----. .. . -- .-.i.....w.. .'a... jL.it. nun ntiriiucti luu-it: iiiiit'AiuitT iiiirr, unit 1 ir.n nun n rrrifi art dp ns in .. .!. at.. David s,nnree wa t-.,enr mr a nine He re-.irded her for a moment ttidl!v pi, Iur wants .f the families of prison- v,la"r 'emlnds the l'eeri' s Forum that "the ' ., . JNN. imn AnplPim Jul moment. Cherry had sunk with a cusp ,n,i .. ... M ,iplii1P,..,t,.r ' eii L"t" K15'H thlrt,r' b,lt ,h wben he tal.es . l clPr' , . .. c I HIL.AUH.ia HIA y&V confession had stirred h.m deeply, if "It frlchtens me a little." '''ninnely 'th nnsenera. Ihc K.ipe in- 0p, of .. rMp.. rer,lm rfadfri eWrrll! ".Uninjured. MrT 41, --- ffi Rbeouten was what lc wanted l.e "It needn't. The odds are net tee i "'"' . ,, ,,,i i irlnV nit nrlerV I am "Vu I . ?". wnt 'Ointv f fJBfiJlV. FlslAlMfC Q t- jjt- would clve it te her -reat if voe'll let me help." reeeniiis and Giving out orders. I am . Mr..:- publlshd In this d.partmtnt. sainn V.rr,..-., .,..,.n.u JIiMSMKiW IPC.illV 9 te--C:-Hl,i TVOUIU Sive It ie ner. r .",-'... ,.,' ' u. .. ....,.. r..l! .... , , I net mepared te write where the blame I ri'fTerel nmewhit frcm the famjii. nl.i WI.NTI.K K1.MIRM V f, WJUV-V f r. v feiTT. iSBS'Ti IOU 0.011 t love jeiiii I niciiester. ieu j'm net er altogether rulnei, I hlivei"' " '"" '",.'." "';' i""-'"- """i n, jainty Hfssed ue Trie can't tnnrry lnm that's nut of the .. httl,. money " ordinary coniliuens, because tliey came s-;en,i uazlnir "t a vet hU-h stone wall, question--" til" voice ank a note. ' ..rr sia..'ree' Never '" n"' weaker mentally and plljlsldillj. ,,,, ,n mir.B frlnd. 1'jt McCann. the d?eper in Its vibration- "It isn't "I'leas'e listen ' I h.iven't the l Inow "f " c("") , "J.nt wnH Bn I"1"' ' ! - lei:nrf.. nnn. Tour body enlv that w.u'd sell, dierrv. .,,.,. .'' need fur it I c." n nnnmiv rl lv",u" 'Vcurs wl,h ,ne ,lm"1 '" r",n :,u," 'Vh" ":,Vllheu'a " but .you immortal ..! .Vebcly has tVly "nt" 1 1,'r- Tn!!r' you 'knew." !.- ''1 di," , ? mbnuedr T a run te i hsno-e of that, net your "I miililii't f'!' time almost te the daj ei nn- , .,,, . .,,. .,, ., .. . ' $1 St;,T3 SS I .gaj, r" w 5ie- "TCi "Whom would tut r.ttlier ewe me or Mr. Chichester." , impnitnnt , -Iin jeu i cnre for JMV (,,f cm-;" .. .... ........... , "p-. e):lH,, Mie wild with n , Minis, 'hut if I worn marrying for '""'"v . i uhcih jis wmi innry tin nvm ,., pnv the,H It,u , rru,.t n ,nnl,e mjself ,,-hnr y,. think IM be- f..r thnf. I c.in't sell nnself te Jehn Chicliester .,: te nnj lieili (. Iin'liester u:- te nnj hoi, " i,imii Snlr,r, w ,,cnt te thc t(lb, j lr, lis ,,lpp. "0 Pn-t min,j ) j Bm0tv. ' ,n, t,li',e ,1.,." ' .71,,:r::,,:.?.ji !';: rr?."' . 'rp , , sh '' V Z il '" "?,.. . '" ?" . T ' ' '"niiiur 1 11" ..111.... .. . .. t . . jiii-nnjn'i'- "Tlie burden of it perms , fall unen you. There's n ny out. There nlv.avs Is if veu've cut the courage " ' K ' 'T will de unvthin- enribtn, ., 1 win no anything anything, she ' gaspeii. . .leu . . .'" '",',.' '""-"' "' '.er r.- !iarln nr """ '" incempre- "" . . ,, slowly '''"'"' "Yes, I can heln you. Ven knew, lie frowned "Whom we Whom would veu iT..er r.we' tM ' or Chichester?" id " ' " uusiuui, "It lv th.it. precipe y. Wouldn't ve rather ewo me n-n tlieusnnd deUara , than ewe it te Jehn Chichester? If verV .Tii'Zru. , - :- 1?-' ''' , ', ), her'l "'. 'bS',,'" n'ml I ., j, :,,,,. ),, , .,t,iU "Den. '' . pi,.,,,.,.;" ..,e mutteiei!. ... . ,(ll.,imiri. ,o,()rren- '" " """" tomorrow JO CHAUFFEURS FREED . Aeaultted of MantlannM.r Arc cquiitea or Manslaughter Charges in Fatal Accidents I Arthur Heardley. 'JO.'l Kater street, chauffeur nf Dr. Hlla II Hveritt, 1W)7 Spruce street, who tin. killed In an ntttotiieblle crash at Twenty. third, nnd I Thompson streets en .Innuarv 24, was nciuitted of inre'untnrv m.irjsiaiighter before Judge Ia,l yebterdny. Hoard Heard Ii'j collided with nn n'ltonieltile owned by Walter Celgnn. is.".'.' Wmil Mreer IMwnrd A. Cnnnnn, M" UenHeci.it nenue. was ni-n..:t te,j nf i miiwiangl.irr in causing the death nf i.i.m,u .lories a Negri's" of 101) I Nu be'ti- street, ,x)q was Ullleil b the di'f'ndui's h.itniin,. bile en .laniinrj fl a' 1'iftli and I.-. .erne street - rvi's.) ai, riii.inKMr. ,MB'i faithful te the duties of her pnl. lien m mulel ie. u.hiir Meneuraplers, th neir BPPrOHCl, of the holiday .onion w.i uii'iuesllenahly lesult In n erettr fl, gence en tb Prt of Cun OTlif., Ko'lew this nretle chrctsr tn th All-fltar Cemta s.etten of th Hundar Pimue Lne.it. I piffls.ji8HS' v SMk.Rwi iittigjtlMKlf 11 uie merely feiltlincnt.il. 1 chanced the otiitlleil I hud formed of Pe-.uu said mat 11 .miv ceiiTit..J eight,, nnd I THE Letters te the Editor Defense of the Constitution Te the h'JIter of the Kvrnlne rublic l.tdetr: Sir The editorial in the EviatiMt I'fni-te l.Eiwni of December -I, headed "I.a I.llrtte Asl,i What Washington Rejected." nncexers one of the great dancers facing our country in n result of the election last month. It is obvi ous that the majority of-voters did net and tin net knew what these men for whom they uitctl Mand. Therefore, It pectus te me that as murh publicity as possible should be given te the true Mtmulnn .I., v'. -I - 11' ! VMernn I'm. .,'" .N T " rl : V r'nn1;? ! ,.....v, .... .,, ....... ....... .,. . t jilwietirc In IticleNins it copy. I ('. 1'. HRAI. I Secretary Pennsylvania System Veteran I Empleyes' As-sn., (Jeiieral CHiicc. Philadelphia, December.". 11--. (Judge Schaffer's iidtlresi was dc- ! vnt(,(, U) n (1K,,llvM(m , ,i,u preposition Ithat the Constitution be amended s0 as ... . .., . tiinir religion nnti et UuMr priiicri3 i.uitu..) , ,r , u p br(,ms tf) b . ol,illielll the Mipnint-ndciit. Mr. O.eUe. is resnensihle for i-onilltlenM .Wribeil. I This is natural of the puhlic ill B,.. cr;ll nn(j p.-jseners net knew ine the man or ,.emlitiOI1M nilp,. v.,lir, h ,,cr(0II1JS duties of .suneilntelidenl. 1 I....P- I .,,, ,,., f ,,t, -,,,,,- .!'""' " ". ."" V.". " Z. '. " "'. " J" III I 1.1 Ml H'l iin t-m.-iii nun U III I Mr If . . . . . . . ' rexulatieni te the point of unenlicliis hi.s office for unfortunates tent there." e .1 . -. .,1 .,.- r As 1')r. ,!", 'IV'nn'emlent s wife. I"' "","' , ' l'j't poH-iible ter a ladv te de mere. At all lmurn , i lielnin- H,t,1P one. even te sun- ... ,i,..i, KMrf l, is lilL'her. Ne. for a ,u,rt en behalf of the manv pri-ners. In all my experience i kie'v of 1,0 p. isener cured et du irs, i L'"'J V'r " '" ' .. '". ,"UZ L. J 7. i , ., . (l.nrce liver im- ."i n" i"" man llellevt, ,. Sll'n !l ie'le IM 11 de .1, I ,1,P ,,,,'v 1l , 'K With ltsS-0 .,. Ihtlr gasped bin stick Ilelleuit'-Stiatfer.l Metel Ihilailelpl a. nttnr,. , , rigors Aril ir.xe the dtl.er n I in. nt tllilr.li timn .l,1,1,n SlOl'ltllir, .IlltlCOi . ... .. T. I -.. . . , - . ., . , . .!.,...,. l,r 11S eSO "I .,"':." "'" ;"". I, .',,.,,!,i ' unl uut ,mp " ll,p UlUeriUnateS. ruini rnim nn pirniui. r, of tlie Supt'eme ( eurl of 1 cunsjUnnia. ytln .,.u (,nr Rmli tlilrt v ethers ! 'r" piUci-tnen saw tlie muss, delivered nn lutcrestlne. Instn-.ctlv.. nnd ,,,, lnrr(, , le 'position ' 'V''iiiftlrln VrhUrV'arur.l.. erceful n.l.lress en tins ve.y W'Hn Philadelphia alone. Twie'in the ' ,' ;' i "witi -m r Ills rpinnrlii were repevtctl niul w,,t Uve (,.lrs my ,,jn(.e e l)llslne!,s lms , Tili k, ou ".r i. while have Iiiifl thiM.i printed, ami I take been Imridnrixiiil nml ilm Impplnru .."..I, t u ,n Li.n i,nnn n nrlen bank " ...,. ,.. . .,. -, . i..., i.t , !.,., f .:;... I II hasn't ceme up lei. tin, ii' inusi. w "- " sent te tlie prneu inre nnu wns'Ti. win th- wai.r hs Lt re Kiten outside wen, in Knrueiin, eie wuli eitra foed: result, ne wuh his- . r-v- - -, .,iuinn nnrl k.. rJZ '" JR$ ciiu?h.Sa clean f''ewn a Ilc,,,ltlT,5 cun" ,IU,,B ,l CJM" i 11"t . . ... ,..,. L .. tt -nd nlln at rer.nrn'o rer.nrn'e . T. MAIITIN. Philadelphia. He iher R. 102a. SMiTTY PEOPLE'S FORUM Ictters te the Editor should tin ns brief and te tlie point no pedslble, avoiding anything that would open u denominational or sectarian dis cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Names anil addresses must be signed H an evidence of geed faith, although names will net he printed If request Is made that they be emitted. The publication of a letter Is net te be taken as nn Indersement of Us views by this paper. Communication)! will net be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. Favers Stern Punishment Te the J.'rfller of the Kventnu Pub'.lc Ltdetr: Sir Last Friday mv nutoinebllc was 5I0'CU W1IUII1 ICI1 UlllllllCS, Wll 0 J Weill ! make pttrcluiHe. 1'ie- stolen v.'ltliin ten minutes, while I went ,u time get away clean. AftlT riltl ttlitfllllf ..111- nf fi III, m I lred offenses before they nre cauglit, de jett tlilntc they deserve pettlm; when llnally nppreliended? Wouldn't sevete and Mimmnry punisnment neem u better deterrent? I.nek ever the records nnd ;j- .nun, w.inmi a m-i-uuii inn frrr.ntns,f itwlittitrv. tmtu iflitl ntwlfnns 1 .mlllllne. ,n as n.. t I .t !... .I.t.. .1 I . I ..M S .. .. t I'vi'utui vuiiLvjiiiwu wilts, nun uiiniiiuwuii , of ell ,, KiaU ' water-tight highly an uJ dust "wTJnr.t propos-d ia Ises by Montgem-r- Meir, , , civil crulneer vhe waa a tutu., of Michigan. ' l'l "i"," rmt,ni '" I' - nnsM,u - la nni1 0,h" t-u"Il ' Count In Deuble Plnnrlil. rstgir,,,, . ' a. 'L'"1 .?."?"W; . 1 ..-t'jt-u 1 jin-tn u tn .... louble pinnclile M'1'" ln ,hl feeM ,gr'narUiar. which the' PPle' Forum understands te mean ...Ijtlu . Rnii ..Mtly, a. b10 com i.i,e.,r way the niave-, warf n ,. euteet. Thre is no snn,!.ml te govern in - dividual uste in plnohie nne exeeMenced tews e.hi li rnce upon a lime iav. tvrentv cr t.v,,t,t n, set-i, .-.he wa. accueetmed , ,'""" ' """', """ "", wl" ' "mi " newx wn.vr mcOintt ' . zip muuinnn ! ii.i i When jre.einty, rets old fee, , :,mr inir.Kip :ust het rar ha had te i orep. Tr,. cinnt'B a detvn we'it McOlnty te th batten, of tlm will - - -J?- - -' - His head r.nl be't and Ices ner lams from a'ttlnj ei'fh a fill. Dreni'd in his btst suit rf clethei . . .... ......,. (iii.v.v.. V. , l.l.UHIk .lu belenced te Iren and steel. In fact, ue "'" sea; , MV .ill I ". -" -'. . urFHiuiilH lilO prima i het,iri,rn "Aiirhti" n. n.i,... ... sunav l-n-rlnr, 'list at nine. . -V. . . a I THINK BUT V, I J KM cl;f!IDISJN I TOLD ISND-s If N 1lfi'"?6ST, VO0IV;VNT) 1 BEfsT IT.'-NOW II -i-i v I oBejjy.go 1 rn f IEAAMG- Prem the hospital Han came horn. When they'd fixed his broken bones. Fer te nml himself the father of a. child. Se te clebr.itn 't right . Ills friends he did Invite. And he pneu aa drlnkltur whisky fst and w ill As he wandered clown the street In his Sunday milt se neat, llln lired held preu.1l)' ns Jehn I. th sreit, In the sldewntk was s hels te receive a lead Of "Oftl, Which Stcdli.y nuer sw until tee lt. CHORUS Then down went SlcOlnty te the bottom of the hole. . , , , And the driver of the cart r ths lead of coal a Marti It took n. half hour te die MeOlnty from the real. Dressed In his lest suit of clothes. , Nnw Mrainly ted nnd swore. About bis elnUies he clt m sere. lie ewe.J tint he would kill th mlin or ! citem Then dnnn went McOlnty te th bol.eti ". the Mil. , , ,i Ills be,ir.l It re.U him nix, h remained there lllg Ieiib ttientha. for tieUnly went his ball. Ilies.icd in his best ault of rle'r.ts. f'llOUXi mi. - 1- -. MMllrlfV 1 O tYlt bOttClTt Cf i nra uettn v i-u. .-.v".- --- 'There steed dad it. " ;" ' Jnc";,h, I tt,' ," sl 'corne n " ! 1IeUe' 00"' c0""' '"' ' 0p. winter's dav. the (list of snow. ; f. ,n"t lh wa. that e all must get Vn' hla .Pint .eared te th- tealma nhove On the wings of a slmvle hearted love. xn' I knew that when I ire-s the bir irrwJiM. i ' HelK sen. con-e In " ACTRESS GAINS POINT nit for SZ5.00U Mica saainsi ng ... Elaine i-iammersiein v...- Yerli. bee. 7. Miss Klnlnc iin,nmcrsleln, film actress, tuered n """""-' plu'' ..,,-,, . n 1 elnt y.rdu.v In the W.VKH) suit filed I . j ,)y Antonin flabrese, 113 1 aK , , ,, cunrdinn of his fourteen-year-old son, I .M A WINTER HOTEL De LUXE ! LTIIRHMHR SU&I&i , N.V.OFF.-BssiHOST. TEL. LONG.03IO I MIAMI uracil. FI.A. iiKmn;i The Ideal Winter Retort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA Dec. 15 te May 1 IUreetly nn tliv Harlier. Arenmtnedntes 4110. Hrlll Itoem. Tlli bnlminlni; FckiI r.rilf. '.lentils, Vhi htlnc, etc. Him tlm nf L A TW0R0GEU CO. Itesthed by eti'H.ai'rs of I'urne.s lifrmjda Line sad lleyal sie I Steam I'ackct Ce. S Tflt US - unui m. dKlA .-- -.ii N-ix e piiiqv I Ifk I -. i BUicnF' r."' jja: riLssMmTi.pv'm icii; sz liuac vr mitsm I -TLOniDA'S FOREMOST RESOIW HOTEL J ' n il WINTRR RRSftRTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY Mn On tli ueucli rrenl Alwnjs eiiea AMKIlll'AN PLAN Het and reld Salt Water llstru RATES STRAIGHT HY DAY llunnlnar Water, iTi.en rer person Until, $a.t)0 ami J7.00 per person uicnn i erner iioem ana its in twit person, JI4.00 per diy I'liene Atlnntli- city H.'.l Orrhestra I ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. j nirrelly en the Ocean Krenl . The American Flan Hetel par.excellene 5 i of the Atlantic 'ast. I I prick Cirt en WAUKIt J. BU7.DT, g hetal property Owner and Mtntftr M'Mi'irJisiisiiiMiBiaiiiana'isj 7TRA3TMOREATcllTr1,: iD Worlds Greatest Hetel Success . LAHIAVOOn, N. .1. LAUBEL.i:;.TItE.PISEb LAKEWOOK, N. J. etisrrviinre of dietary laws carefully adhired te, I'ltANK NHIDKN, Owner. i CHruiuiij stinuiNd, via. V SEBRINO. ' FIORIOA 11 the tcenlc hletit.m. nn hefllltlflll Lake Jacksen. Excellent drlnkltia waicri t.nntccn-liele seu ceuric. WEST INDIES CRUISES tj? Jsn.24.Feb. 24 S'lll among these celden llund. ui the Rlenf eivnn llnr "OIU'A." !;3,IXK tens dlsplnrnnent, th" ne e.t, larnist Hint iuet htiuilnus steatnir cnffiti'il In Wret Itnlleii ( rulmn. Interesllnc slieie neur neur eieni nt Nnsnu. lln,inn, Klnc Ken, Colen. I.a liuajrn, Trinidad, Mnitlr.loue. Kl, 'lliumns, Sun Juan tind llernieda. Darmuda Weekly Sailings S. S. ARAGUAYA Beginning Dec. 21 "The. Comfert Reute" ROYAL MAIL THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. s'ANIinnsON' J. KOV, IM At'nta Id Il'um N. V., or an) steam. liln agent S3 mi&r t jh i H I ." ... sjt r, & Arc cnurcn lu a. a. int. iev i-ameurai FA I I OBVhI3 I IllFiCra, rMLL fi a W Id K Bal W Ha , HAGAN. Dec. 3. JOHN IIKNRY D . bus- TOB05F09I Aftemoea and Brmwni Concert J-.-It t St., Pier 11 :. it.. : Verlt, 5-cn V M. I)li- 'irl Sun'li ReW LONDON UNI lniTPlr4erf.R. MauatenSt.9J0p.il Wcakdayienlr. Kdactd Rattt en AatatneblUt Tukiti at rtr Qi4 Cot. T.iUt OJIctt J V Our Qelden Jubilee Cruise marking the 50th anniversary of our first tour around the world. SAILZNQ EASTWARD Frem New Yerk, Jan. 24 Returning May 31, 1923 by the specially chartered new CUNARD LINER "SAMARIA" 30,000 miles a gorgeous itinerary covering many lands and meeting Spring' time in each country visited. CRUISE LIMITED TO 400 QUESTS. full lnfotmstlen en requeit 1 THOS. COOK & SON $ii''v AF- te tht A'E MEDITERRANEAN (.Membership limited te 450 UyJ!aBnincant.New CUNARD S.S. "SCYTHIA" Specially Chartered Twin-Screw 'Turbine, Oll-nurner. ".0.000 Tens Eatllnc Jan. 30. lt.23. returnlni Arrll I. vlsltln Egypt, Madeira, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Algien, Tunis, Hely Land, Constantinople, Greece, Italy, Sicily, Riviera, Mente Carle, etc. rree Btop-e,er In Uuiem. Tull Information en renue.t i:arly reer,atlen dHsb! Alie De I.il.Te FRANK TOURIST CO., (Established 1875) Bull Phenei IN MEMOBIAM WHjMASISON. In leUtig remembrnneoef ' Chester av Relenni mTTl 7 -father. W. V. WILLIAMSON, who departed1 , rhur",, , iu "an Hal. fir?",l this life Becember. 11)10. Int. Hnlv Cress 0mV 10 A' 3cntijG AMULEH. At Lnngherne. Pa.. Twelfth Menth 3d. r.t.l.A (;.. widow of Oeerte It. Ambler, axed 80, Jlelatlvea and friends ln vltcd te funeral, from tna residence ni net en. herne 8 P, A nntnriivr. wlf nf lata flenme w. Anrley. Itelatles and fr'.enda am Invited te attend funeral, Sat,, 8:30 A. M from residence of her daughter, Mra. Ilernard anllnchcr. HIB H. COth at. Helemn requiem mnsa at Ht. Prancls de Halca' Church 10 A. M. Int. Iieiy treaa m N'nelh f!edar 11111 Clmti. Vlewtntf Wed. eve. m:ST. Sudrtenlv, Dee. 8. ll22, Colonel CAUt. MIIADB IIUST. aged fit. Relative nnd friends Invited te funeral, from his 'nte residence, near Lnngherne, Pa.. Hun,, Dec. 10, at 1 P. M. Int. at Perest Hills t'eni. Conveyances will meet train at (Icnrge Scheel leaxlng Heading; Terminal. Philadelphia, nt ti.07 A. M. niOCK. Dee. 4. PANNIK. wife of Charlea Uleck, aped III. ricletl,ea and frlcnda Inilted te attend funeral, U'hurn., a P. M,, Asher Sen's Htead Ht. Chanel. 1309 ff, Iiread st. Int. Alt. Carmcl Cam. Vtewlnc IllilCK.' Dec. !.. 1022. WIt.MAM B.. son of the l.i'e Samuel P. and Careline K. Ilrlek. In his 00th year, nelatlvca and friends, nlne Moereatnwn Tidae. Ne. 168. F. and A. M.. and Mnrlten Ixidge. Ne. 82. I. O. O. P., are Invited te attend funeral, Prl.. '.' P. M., late resldence, Marlton, N. J. Int. Coles Celes town rem. Prlcnda may cnll Thurs., 7 te 8 P. St. mtODHBAD, At the residence of l!r son. Morten, Pa., en Dec, K. 1022. CARLOS TO, widow ief Themas llredhead. Relatives and friends are Itnlted te tin tervlces. en I'rl. day afternen, nt 2 o'clock, nt the Oil, or H. Ilalr Bldg., 1820 Chestnut nt., Thlla. Inter- ment privaie BUIt.VH. Dee. , 1(122. at hr .... . . ... . 111... at nr late real- ve.. Miss JOH15PHINK m and friends are In- ,1 servlees. t the pir - nenre. sjsi, uiraru ai I, 11UH.NM. iielatl,c vlteil fn fittenil funpr. ors or namuei v . Kenr s- Moti. .., n. nor. Hist and Diamond fcts.. Thura.. 2 P. St. preelselv. Int. Sit. Peace Cem. PCAHS!DY.-At l.ls reldenc?, 1708 N. 28th st , en December :.. 1P22. JASIP.l. husbn'nd ,f the late Mary P 'sldv. Funeral en Saturday morning, nt 8:30 o'clock, from the ;.ei.tv' im in ii.. r.m Olhcr II. Dalr Rldg.. 1820 Chestnut at. CHniHTIA. Dee. 3. JOHN n . husband i.f Cernelia R. Christian, In his 82d ear. Ilelatlvea and frlende also Richmond l.odce, Ne, 230. P and A. St.. Harmeiiv R. A. C, Ne. n2i Kenslnglen Cemmandery, Ne. .'.I. K. V and nil ether orpanlsallens of which he was a member, are Invited te attend fu neral. Thurs.. 1:30 P SI., at his late res. dince. 2723 t:. Lettish nt. Int. private, Sit. Mertsli Cm rntUIWKItl, DOC. V. ' A J lf.Slll.ri u. CIIOMWIJI.I.. Relitlvea and friends are In- vlted te attend funerul sen ices. bat. 2 P. St., nt the rescnrc of her son. Jehn M. i remweu. iuii iinrri"eii eu. 1 luiiauiiu. Int. private. Frlenda may call Frl. e,e. DAI.HKY. On Dec. 4. 1U22. ANNUS I. . widow of James K. Dalby. ascd 1)4 !.ears. ervlrev nn Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. at her late residence. 4713 Jlaltlmore ,e, ininMn.nt nrtvnte. Vtewlntf wednesdjv no. c nlea- Klnllv em't flowers. DOOHAN.Suddenly. Dec 0, 1022. JA.MKS A. son of late Rernard and Busan Deeian. Relallvrs and friends. nle Mnr- nu'... Council K. of Ci Custom Heuse In- tn funeral. Hat. 030 A. SI . from his late I residence. 120 Rlpk.i live, Mansyunk. ne- nulem mass at Church of the Hely Family, 11 A. SI Int. Wcstmlnater Cem. DUNCAN. Dec I. JANH daughter of 1 Oertrg W and lm Slary Duncan. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral. Sat.. 8 30 A. SI., from her father's lesldenre. 1007 V. Pnelfle st. Renultni muss nt St. Jean of I mill Hi .iiciu pi.ti ijuhiin. iirininc. ,i,iu friends nie In' lel tj atlend funeral, '1 hut s. 1 30 A. St., realdence of his mother. 4.120 WINTr.lt RBSOKTS "PORT MVI'HIs". Pl.y Hetel Royal Palm S?! vers, n ' IR-hele Uelf. rifhlnB, Swlmmlriir Peel. Hvery Roem with Rath. J. U NULSON. SJgr. TOPRS the "Wterltl guatts About half capacity) ueorue flmnicr. Beivee,1sve,, ui; Miea te attenu lunerRi, Fiat., (:S0 i s. ,Pa I.'Ifth-day.Twelfth .Menth 7th. at (rem ,la late residence, 2128 Hhar..x':' . M. int. at i.niiKnerna rTienas ,iiifj 1 Itequlem mass St, l.udwlu'a Church in V Vul.t'V. . Mi.ilHAnli. 1). .,. 11122, I t... ftnli. 0.4..M.. r... ".uii.1,, in . riIAm.ES V. AVEIIT. Puneral service at S'n M ' " x " te his late residence, 310 Crafta at., Newton- u, .'Ai.it' nee a moo a.nttr .. vllle. Mass., PH.. Dec. 8. nt 2 P. M. ... .'. " j1;Cm. liiiniivV. RA.S AJr,' WJ 6f HUCHT. Dee. 1. KMZA11BTH A., wlfe iVV.'A'V? ih rioirten r,i.nd!l'nc'"' !" of Henry IWlit (nee ltccker), Ilelatlvea and I:;,,1Vb.0ii,.,? vlLhJA ?",' Branch friends imltert te nttsp-l funeral services. Ne. 18: lluth MonUemery Reheliah Uaf, n..... , t t 1.19 T- riAlf.fnl .. tM X'e. in.,. I. O. O. 1.! Jehn If. lln. . . ? ' solemn limn mass ni tnurcn 01 .nun m HIM year. Jlelatlves and friends iiii t'ree'eus Weed at 10 o'clock. Interment at Williamson I.odge. Net 30'j. p inn A M St. Mary'a Cemetery, Gloucester City, N, .1. ' ln,lted te funeral services en Prl " p v CVTHP.P.S. Dec. 5. FRANK II . husband ?i,Jll;.VU'tSfinC.1'..,0.,n,T-!lnc"B,.r '' of Vlel,i K Cathers. Relaters and friends 1 ..S Thu ! nu? s iCnni,!,ery' ' 'tlm are Invited te attend funeral services. Sat,, jiitf;,- en lie? 7 iJeiMSA rifntr..,. 2 P. SI., at his late residence. 13111 72,1 mp Mw Vf Pcmck llu-' Fmierei'Vi'".1" oak I1&ne. Int. private. Friend; may en.SM,rrday? December V. 11 a7m..,",V'm';.; " " -"" uiansiene. 1 1111 anu I'nin bis. in Tour, te Jlurepe, heutl, Amerlcu, Junm,. China nnt! Ctillfernla. 219 Se. 15th St.. Phil 3pru gZt-8 (tlelew Walnut Hi i He Showed Him Out First iAa ey.pnMr, hkj v ( LrrueAjEPHEw hroldte s"sl-BE SURE AMD SHOVJ HIM IM WHEN HE C0AAGS m ,' i v J - imssa. i'iyr B ,u-i nr.ATIIR KASTLACK. Bee. 0, 1)22, NfAMA t. dnttahter nt late Kranela v. and liilVni,., ia v, and i:niB., ervlcea bat,, 2v'!H tnqther, l0 s ril' . . Int. prlv8.'!,: M f. t:nstlnel(. I'unernl aerv at tun resntonce or tier ter at,, Merrhantvllle, N' Colestown t;ein i:ilTHAI..--Dec. tl, 1022 PtltMp. h.W a isbanil nf Jesephine .Mrthal (nee S.K?.4 husband ui ffi.j"".". r.VANS. On Uee 7. 1112a. TJMMa -i. t Jeshua Kvana. Itelatlve. n.i 1 i.?J. 'Vfe , ted te funeral ser,lre. en Baturdav ..' 1! P. M.. nt her late raaldance. X4S & 'lafi1 i Interment nrlvate. " "S'h PIK. tee. 0, 1922. HOPlttA IJ. ptw .... 70. Ilelatlvea and frj'nds Invited te funeral Ne. 1.1.-,. I. O. O. 1'.! Ne. 2S, O. fi. of a. nnd North Am.'fie. Union. Invited e nttend funeral, from , hi? late rcsldence. 1703 Master at,. Prl.. ja-aa P. St. Int. nrUate. Remains may be vl.nli Th'irs.. nftr 7 P. M. ieneil n.MiitCTT,-Tues.. nee. r, jACen riAti ItBTT.In the 8Dth v?ar of his aw. Pun.JIi" nnnnrA ..I... COPV. eicaee UIXirKi:. On Dec. 0. 1022, HERMam t husband of I.ldle s. aieck3. PuniVai '..?,: lea en Saturday afternoon, at a'in '?!-X at his late v. aldence, 820 S. 6eti ?.ll,ft torment nrkute. uul" ' In- GRAY. At Wilmington. Del., en De a 022. SIAROARP.T J. 11 .wlf '?.,, .?; 10 Judge Ueerge Uray. Funeral services en Thursdev. Dec. 7. at 12 o'cleclc neon, at hJl ate residence. 1317 Market at.. Wilmington Dei. Interment private. "'"ingien, KAMTjIN, Kntered Inte rest eerK. r f. MARY I-Ol'IHA. rtauShter of in, . William K. and Care no Hatnlln fermir!.. of Phlladolehia. Uelative. , .. " l.,'J'1mr 1 ..... . .. ; : - "...m 11 enm ,m uen ie runerii services, ptl.. Dv nni P. SI., at her la'. residence 120 lV "(,;,.' at,. Rethlohem, Ta. Int. rrlate 1Vin.11 Icmlt Hnwera. nnmc. Kind! Indly 1922 ni'.TZIJI.I,. Suddenly. Dee. .-, ie ' MArJtlll! fn.. .nii,.,i ...,1 .'.. W 1 !.v:r..' .'".'.' ." r"j""'' .:". u in l-'tancls SI. Helcell foirierlv nf ..,, "'.'" ! iu'mniir retl. "nee. '' Pltma.f .V?f jSeu te";' Pttt., s j.. ji ro,ldence of w , 'H"1 ? 'iletzeli, 113 N. SBth at. In "'prilaV; Westminster Cem. i'ri,u lai.i nrlvate. -.......,. ItlUUins Dec. P. JA.MES n.. huabart'i of .Suta.11 Ituches. aged 35. Reatl,es ami friends alen Washington Catup, Ne. ri'i P. O. S. of A., are Iniltnl te funeral. Eat 2 30 P. M,. from hla late residence 3601 S, Percy st. Int. Arlington Cem. Remain 1 ,leeed Frl. eve. JANKi:. Dec. 3, HKLENIl P., wife of C.utav Janke. Relatlvea and friends in , t i,,'r late residence. ""30": ",, !nt- wt l.autel Jllll Cem. Frlendi mi' 1 ca We,. eve. ma v,,t.u tu tijiiLiui .-r.iieB. inure., l J ,ii)Il.Ni).N. Dec. 0, uliCiRal. W,. hus ,Bn,j yf i;tZabetli V.. Jehnsen fnce Uehrer) I Rentl,cH nnd filends. ulse Phlla. .Musicians I'nlen. Invited te funeral, Hat, 8:30 A. SI. Iain residence. 3221 N. Carlisle at. Slnlam. hlqh mass at Hely Child Church, 10 A. 11., Int. Hei, Sonu'ehre Cem. KLI.I.KR. Dec. 3, ROSANNA. wife of I rcdcrlck J. Keller. Relatives and frleieN United te funr.l. Sat.. b:30 A. SI.. late realdence. 2332. S. Hetnhergcr at Solemn 'Wen? mass s.t. Ldtnund's Church. Int. KUJ.H.N Dec. C. CAROLINH. widow e' Karl Kuelin. uk1 hO. ReUtl,a and fr ends n'sn ladles of St. Tbemn Hvangellcal Lutheran Chunh and ladles of the Herman ' town Slnennerchnr. nre Inilted te attend fu- nral Hr,lees. Sat.. 2.30 i'. si., at her laiu lesldence, 3012 Knox at.. Uetmantewn. Int 1 lvv "I" Cem. ICl'HMIN. Suddenly. Dec, ",. VAI.KS. . .-. m.in.i..i, nuiuruie 01 a- lorence 1. ' Kuhlen (nee Rnseman). Relatives and friend- alto Amalzamated Klthegraphcra of America ..vv. .,-. ... v Ti iii,.ii.u ,1. u.iriiu .unviiii Sat.. 8.30 A. SI , from his father-in-law's icsldence. D324 (lraa uve. Solemn high - inaas t Ht. Harnabas' Church 10 A. SI. lpt. .iun 1 Kin;, 1 fill. LEWIS. IJer. 3. 1022. THOMAS J . son of the Irfte Richard and Ann lvewls. Rela tives and friends, also all organizations 0 whltb he aa a member, are lnvlte.1 te at- I...I ll)fl,nl Ur.. J,1 . ., .A... 1.1. 1.1. ...... .w.tv-.,.., ,.t , .....ij .1. . , , ,1,111 in. ,a,' rAl.letti. jr.OO llnl,Ap t MmiBi'iinb S,nl. rrr.n requiem mass llelj Family Church, 10 A M Im. Westminster Cent I.IN'HK. Dee li. At.i:VAN'r,ER. hn.hnnil nf Hephte l.lnrli, need 'JO Illatl,eu and filends nre li,lted te nttend funeral eei'i Ices. Ki I , 10 A M. preelsely, at hla late r.ldenee, Midi l.arcltwoe.i a,e Int. liar -ebi t'em. Itetnalns may be ,lcwd Thurs.. S ti lu I. JI i.iri'ixcerr. At Mt iieiiy, n. .i Twelfth Menth cih, ll!3 WIl.MAM 0 husband of Kachel S. I.lpplncntt. In Ms 7Hth lesr. KrlrmU may call at his late res' tlence. 31 Vn'en at., Jit. IIellv, N J., sixth. dsy (Prl ), 7 w II r. SI. Funsral and Int prl, ate. I.eritltAKT Hec. 0. .MAtiaAItnT E. I.OCKIIAltT (n Norten), aired SO. neU liven and friends In, lied te funeral. Sat, J 1. SI., from late residence. Ml Trenten a,e. I'nmden, N. J. Int. at New Camden Cem. l'rlends mav (.all Frl, e,e. i.i.'Nic Dec. n. jesni'ir n.. i.iihanrt nt ' ndna I,, I.imk (ne llrevsn). !-er,lce t-,t -'.ae I'. St . nt hl Ule resldenc3. ICJ Urleee.n fct . Prankfn.d. MA'IIIIIH At i:iMles,llle. 1'n . I)er i, lll.'J, i:lll.V KOIOO.V STATHIIIS. ibugli ter of til" late .1 ie'li 'I' JtnetB Jlatlie I.eiihj -.'th Hr,lre mi Fi'd-iv Ue s ii '.' r SI at St Jame' c'hureh, ilj at,i Wnlnut eta. 1'lillndeli hl.t. Inieiiiunt p iVn.tcIlKIl)II- T)e r, DANIT.I. I... aen ef Anna, 1'. SleHrlda tnee Jerdan) and late Daniel J Slcllrlde, aed llfl Helathes an 1 filMidH are respectfully Inilted te attend I funerul, snt . I ae I. St., from his late tesldeiiie. liiTH Djre at. Tranltferd. Int rrl,ate, at fedirvllle Cem The remain may be ,Iwed I'rl., from 8 te 10 r, JI. ,Mei'ANUl.l-:f. -On Dec. 1, ltiss. I.'P WARD H , husband of Armenia I,. Jle fandluss. Itelathes nnd friends, also th th th I.oyel Slen'u Hlble Class of Westminster Church. re ln,lted te the set. Ices, en Thursduy afternoon, at i o'clock, at his rel den"e. Mil S. f.Sth t. Interment private. IVIends tnuv,aall 'cdr.e'Uv evenlni SleUtJOKlN'. Dee R, DUNNIS 11.. hu hand of Teresa .Mitloekln ItelatUes an.' friends, also emple,ei f I). i. Mctlnekln A Ce United te funeral, .Sat . 8'3( A. SI late leildence, S. W cer. 12th and UPl ni... rial; l.ane. Solemn requiem mass at the Cliutrh of the Hely Angels, 10 A JI Int Hnlv Seoul 'hr Cem SIILI.KR Dee 0. IIKNItr. beln,ed hm hand of Hertiude Mll'er flelatl,ei an friends Invited te funeral Pat., II A M fro n late residence 1138 N bth st .Solemn leQulem ma" at St. I'eter'n Church 10 A SI Int. at New Cathedral Cem Mll.l.i:il tiec I, K. At'Ol'STL'S IteU tlvs and friends are Invited te attend th" erlcc. Thurs,, '.' I. M . at lat residence 7314 llner et , Sit Airy. Int. rrHate. MITCIIUI.I, On Dee. 0. 10W2, LILLU: Stn.VCKU MlTCIIEi.i. wife of Henry r .Mitchell Relatives nnd filends ar ln,ltei te the fun-ral eerlrcr. en Saturday uttei neon. Dee n at t u'cteck. at her late re dencii. 210 .M 34th et. Interment private Strni.l.EIt -Dec. 4. 1U2:. ANNA, wife et late Otte II. Stueller. mrd t,S. Ser,lccs frl I r SI , renlijeni.e of son-in-law Harv' Albrlvbi. ,',27 N KOlb st 'lit. Northwood Cem Nil, I, I) Dee n, 1)122, ANABTAHIA I wife of Wllllnm C, Mild (nee lleurlie) R'la 'Ilea and frlnr' also St Stenlca'u rtussry ami Altar Se.til"s, are liivlted te fur.e-a Sat BSD A SI, hie ie.ldnce 1721 Kit ner at Helemn nin.i of requiem Church "r St Slimlca. 10 A SI Jut Hely I ress Cem Nllt.AN Dec 4 ,MUY B. hele,cd H' ef Wllllni'i ,1 Nni.in Htnl dnuuhter of th; Ute, Demilj anil llll.ilieih Deueltv Funeral iSl N'n" A M.. f""r' her late resldenc ..B..0 Cheater a,e. sielenin requiem maji hur.li of thj stust Illmaeil Sacrament ' A SI Int. Hely Cress Cen. ., NUM. - Dee .( 1022. DENMAMP! IIAIIMIS husband of Anna M. Nell nee weed) and son of Catharine and late Harp' Nell of 1831 N, 2d st. Kelatlves an I frleudi and nil organisatiens of which M was a member are Invited te attend tuners' nervlr-e. nt Christ Church 2d at. above, .Mar ket, Sat , Oil, lnt., at 2 P. SI. Friends m call Krl e,e. Int, Northwood Cem OOI.13 Hec r., 11)22, S1AHV C. wldsw of Dr Heward Osl, feimeily of Wilmington Iiel llelml,ta and friends ale Inxlted te at tend ftinetnl. Hat., 0 30 A SI , from her lain residence, 4dl K'tmsesslng a,e. Jtequlet'1 mass HI 1-rancls de f-'nle' Chuieb 11 A. SI Int I athedral Cem . Wltnilnetnii PAt'LV - De,. B 1(122. WIMTtED H, seu of Ocorge and I.llllan Welsh Tauls' Wi' . vears. runeral services, Sat. 1 I'. M., pareni,' realdcme, am Arber st Int Ferrmt Ilm cr,i n.!.lrNJa.Ku,llJ""v Dro 6. 1022, ClAHA ll.Ars wife of Itlchard Punls. at her lt r-mldence. Hroekllne, I'a. Due notice e' funetal will be ,rUen UA1 On nee fl, SfAIlTItA. daturhtsr el the late Willi, m nnd SIargart Kay. To Te nernl sr,lcs Rat at 2 1. SI., at hr Iste resldvnee 37 H (12d st. Int. West Lurl "lJ!',tlrn?" may CH lrfl . a te 10 P. M ItODdKltH.Dec. B. FRANK nODOERB of center llrlde, Pa, iiKcd 71 rears. Bel tl,e and friends ln,lted te funeral en Sat. ?', A M- rrem his late residence, Centir Undue Pa. Int. at. Slartln's Cemetery. New llere. 'n .r.'.'i'.M.'JM! Sudclenlv. en Dec, J 10IJ OI.HTIWI1!: c, .iC'IIMIDT Itelatlie' an'1 frle'ids are in.,tcrt te 111 senlce en Thurs ',, ','l:;,e-"i. t 1 o.leeli -u Hit, illler II "HI. lids 18'jii I'.icstiiut st Inlermen it 'ite flCllltl.tni'i. n- - in.i ,..n viii: Arilin ilsin'li , r Anilieir nnd H hara st, tyv , ( fc ttrIntlvH an' i lend, are hulled t , nilftnl funeial, P.i' rMlKHTVKKRsi III 111s nun year, iieiatnea a. 1 rrem ma into rcsiuence. leir. N. Hemier . I'rl.. Dec. M 2 P. SI. Int. Wc.t Laurel Htii Cem. Prlends may call Thtira.. 7 te 0 r ,1 okehoi:. en I):. :., insJ. jp'aI'- NBTTK RANKS. w;lf of Jehn aSSrge Fen. ice en Satuiday nftcrnoen, at 2 o'rleeC 1. her lale residence. 2.131 N, Dever aiT tjrment at, Arlington Cemetery, vie',,i- 1 rieay cvetuntf, naricien, i'a.. . .-." "" -": " ,.Jl.I H. II1I.T. , ,,,., , in , . r. 1 . i."vt 1, 1. r. . .. riht te question you, but II JV BROAD aWp V DIAMOND "ISKV il MII ., nrm m ,vl , ksfte