Kff.3ftffftl Vxjmp ' teWW'V- w ' i W-rV'v V -vjv .JJ-jl. i.,1-1 , J'f, w.V1 w; - -wpyp m 7rwrvP 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY: DECEMBER 7. 1922 "iM HE mn m- mm . .m W EM" ' f I n BH fftif i HEW BILLS REVEAL III l W I ft I m I" ft l B fl f w mkuinu mm ai Helse and Senate Measures j Provide for Credits of $600,000,000 Jewels and Aoearel Valued at $50,000 Taken Frem Apartment oil rstm jura, i'cu. i. '"'" ......,-.. Si operatic star, returning yesterday te her npnrtmcnt en Onttal I'nrK e nimr n concert tour, wns notified lier enlte ns robbed jestr-rdnj. .lewclfi, furs mid nppiuel composed the crcflter pnrt of tbe loot, estimated te lie worth be tween jj'-VMrne nnd ss.-10.noe. Tins tblees .mul.id u he efclgitrH taken from the room of llie ineer'n husband. A jardiniere lllled ultli l'er l'er fiMte butts vim left en n bittlnc-roem table. The tliteef did net caie for n celaiette of rare wine". FRIEDA HEMPEL ROBBED COURT LIMITS 'DRY' SEARCH' CREATES REVOLVING FUND Washington, Dec 7. The Admlnl- ...., n.,,r-n m r-ini- tnHlen's uieupim fur innil credits leg- SICK WOMAN SAVED IN FIRE Wlatlen become mere delinltelv out-1 Itneil esti.nlnj: with the siiniilt.ineeus N hber8 Carry Helpless Patient te imrouurcieti in inn innie aim rnnn.r - - Of nn amended credits bill with new Safety When Llmerlek Heme Burns features, which were dedaied te haie Pollstewii. '... I'ee 7 Mr. Abe the support of S'errctan Wulim of the SniiKe.v. wife of n l.imrnek farmer, Department of Ayrieumire. as wpII :is n. j WM cMenlav errieil from of efhciulH of the 'I'renmirj IVpartiuent ,(ip nn(j ,n,V b ncil.be!S, cmbii- and the l'ederal l'lirm Lean Hen id inK ,,rewi,ie ,irllt,. ' Introduced hr Senater I.e.m.et. he- s k , , l,rl10m en s& ur'ws: u.It,,,;"i - V ",Ml "hp:':Mtr:;;:;; Mlnnruln. nulher nml rliHlrmim. in- "" heiim. wan .. i Ii..-. h . ime.1 pecthelj. of the feiisiilmiil Asri- I"''' thiniiph l li- lliimes an. I -in k - t a ciilturnl Comn.Usien. the bill would l'l'i"' nM ' !": .,f'V ,,,H,U l "Js ntilir.e the ptistmc l'ederal fjim-lmiti 1 stH'M'.l nt n les n ..i0W. jstem as a basis bv creatiiiB within it a fann-creditu ilepaitinent, through , Rne-rM ASTERS NAMED irhich. It wns declined, potential ( redlt ' STATE POSTMAjTfcRb INAftlfcU facilities would be pms tded for farmrrs' WailiiiictMii. !) Nominations iihert and leni term leans te the extent for pitiuaii'ilnp mhi te tin' S'umte. of nt least 5(500,000,000. tMm-dai 1 I'rexidint Haulms in- Significance was si-en in the Intie- i hided : dtictlen of the l.'cihlatien, h cause "f IVim.1 mi i (rughfeli, -liter Ij. the recent 'N'h.ite Heuse eenfeienee at- Mi niten; Hjitlild, K. ICulp; Lines tended bv Secretarv Wtillni . Sennte IIIe. 1 1. I Lew inc. Ment Alie, W. II. Watsen, "of Indiana, and n dereu ethei Miesnis. I'oeeiio I'liies. I'. U. Majer; -Kepubllcnn Senateis. nt wbnb the Ui iimldsMl e, S. M. Mi.l'rel;ht ; HI-farm-credits nituntieii wns discussed mer-bur,:. '. A. I'm; Micetc A. thoreuchh and an nciennent n ached te II. Washbuni , Koilesfewn, .1 (,. Hirr. tlrnvtiln niiiinreliiiinllii crcillt tn.lfllinel New ,ll'se AllMHl IIP, . for the fann-us iIiieukIi the l'edcial ' Cntclibn , rvt Kiulewoed. (' farm-lean fAstcm. Hank". Tim twehe faim-bmn banks at pres- nt have fievcinincnt Mibfcnntieiis t i- - tnlhiB enlv srj.eiMMMMi, but under the bill Introduced jtsterdin they would 'if provided with a losehimr fund sub scribed b iie'ernnu tit tutnllni; Sln. (KX).K)0, dmih'd npnllv anions twcUt banks. The bunks ihn would be ni ni therized te ndi-ieutit fii'n Daper with mBturllles of Hern mw nietit'ii te tin 'e Imprisoned Violators Expect Release Following Michigan Ruling 1)trelP, lee. 7. Itelensn of from fifteen te thirty-live inmates of tbe Ditieit llouse of Correction was eon een slilered likelv as n result of a new Ihpier law decision bv the Mhhlitan Supieine ("euit .esterdny. Tlie Supn met'eiirt held that a search wuriiiiit max net hi N-ued unless based en ilelmlte fncis; Hint it must lip Mipperlcd b.x written allidiixltH and net cinl ceniphilnts. and that n prlxale lesldcnee inav net be searched exi-n with n seaich wnrrnnt, unless it Is llrst shown that the building Is n jdnce of public resort or that niiiw part of it is usul ler business purposes, ItMIOK T.KAIIF.R WARNS T,W I rtumiifv Mm IMiuilit, ilnlrinnn of Uio'pe" I rrilll liKDnr rant hiiiinuihih i-tiu-v imivepcii f In llemir 1 nw III mum rers is This spe K! rml Intprtten Krntileil XXIIIInm llmtt li TM tMilrnl of I'mii J.rteui lVirelm News WK MeiMie A l'e of I'urelm Nes wh diy kri P8 In Ihn I'l niu J.iitiei n -Ailv .xil:i li ii Habit.' Villas lippfr6 In Great Variety Only a few steps down will save you 30 REISINER 939 Market St. ) Down Stain 1 North 10th St. (All One Star 20 S. 52d St. (Writ Phila. Stere) SPECIAL $1.98 R jm I Men's Tun Leather ROMEOS SPECIAL 98c (i. Scoff!: RIO, U.8.PAT, OFF, j cars. SALES ROOMS FOR- bnn Etn. PHONOGRAPHS STARR & MOSS CO. 3635-37-39 Gcrnmnlewn Ave. . fleiu Brtai and Erii-' pen't confute Scrt'I issue Ten tit -tth harsh, non absorbent paper tcnitlt. Loek for the name en every teuel. , rl inmnintnTOuiirr enari CklAP.M A MU EUGENE M. GOLDMAN 623 SOUTH ST. Open Eitnings Snnnr BELLAK 1 1129 Chestnut Street Complete Office Outfit plate-glass mirror, nickel plated towel rack and 150 ScetTissue Towels all for $3. See it at your dealer's. issue leweis the modern, economical towels for your office iiiraKi!:jr iiravuNii wrvHtimjiu mm smtTViwtwt w M4ir lft tl MYERS F. HALL, Inc. 2626 GERMANTOWN AVE. EASY TERMS MUMCil Willi rn Evenljifi,!i,ll!.TniUH,ii Li""tf w rXirtOVM I b.Sm KV'-.Lk ii 1 sBBVTa'" " rs v- - -- I J SONORA HEAD QUARTERS for n. A GERMANTOWN DAVIES PHONOGRAPH CO. S V.. Cor 6th & Yerk f.131 Gerimntewn Ave Three- of the Best Makes of Talking Machines Can Be Heard and Compared at Estey Hall. Senera Cheney Victrela Where you will find :i delight ful atmosphere and a courteous service. Convenient Terms Arranged ESTEY CO. 17th and Walnut Sti. THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY OttOti CLEAR AS A. SELL rVB if 'It Jrim St I III Br 1H HI pi if TJu Imfxrlal $150 Over a Half Millien in Use THE greatest proof of Senera's value is its popularity, but back of that popu larity is the Senera tone which has revo lutionized phonograph history. Such exceptional clarity and charm of reproduction early wen the applause of musical leaders. Then one by one a vast public listened, became convinced, and de sired te own "the Highest Class Talking Machine in the World". Between the Senera model that is exactly suited te your needs, and an inferior machine, there may be no difference in price. The difference in satisfaction, in pride of possession, in purity and fineness of tone is incalculable. Senera's loyalty te an ideal has wen the public's loyalty te Senera. It is worth your while te hear the new Senera models. $50 te $3000 Dealers Everywhere SONORA PHONOGRAPH CO., Inc. OEOROE It. HRKJHTSON, frUl 279 Broadway New Yerk Wholesale Distribute, i Soner "of Philadelphia, 1211 Arch .. Y The Highest Class Talking Li TturstyFibr& " RecdlrDMES I Mill lllll 1 I bVMMBMM MHMMMaMaBMMaMBVP Erery SeetTlMue Tewel contains millions of teft Thirsty 1'ibrei, which bterb four timet their weight in water. Thy make ScetTissue the quickest dry in IT, meat itUiUctery towels made. A fresh, dry, soft, white ScetTissue Tewel te dry your hands and face after every wash-up, is the modem way, the sanitary way- the safe way, therefore the economical way te enjoy a towel service. ScetTissue Towels are luxuriously caressing and seething te the skin. Their unusually absorbent quality is derived from the millions of tiny "thirsty" fibres which go te make up every ScetTissue Tewel. Try ScetTissue Towels in your office for a week. You'll wonder why you didn't have them before. Order a carton or two from your stationer, druggist or department store. Try our new handy 10c pack of 25 towels Scott Paper Company, Chester, Pa. rhltniJrlpliU Ofllre, K0A Wrlghtraan Bide, l'hetir: Spruce I88J S0t a carton of ISO Less by the case 25 cartons) fir "Ql&m Hzmds lnrBusiness: Ci r. c , tva Alcohol v'$$ '' '? ''"W '.'W ,v',, t . .". ''," TJ "V U '.l "Ji t.SM li Ut ..iV'W t". i" -','. 'J' ...1 '! "'' '.,: (., 1 1 T 1. 1 l l f& V iV ' 'i 6v vmA vr gamaL in xne p 7aHlWSlalW U .S.h ml wmimil ' aiH "W:l;g j 'j u. :vi " .m w&m m or every external use It pays te insist en Mifflin Alkohel Massage. Yeu get real alcohol unfitted for internal use but im proved for every external purpose by the addition of cooling, sooth seeth ing ingredients, that benefit the skin. Better than the old alcohol better than ordinary medicated alcohol. Try it. eAt all DruttJits aim-fitting, non-slip bottle RELIEVESI .' fcV il "'.' ' I ( 1 "I '1 I ' I A' V m''t(i! 1 1 V tffln Fatigue store muarfli tired feci insect liltea bed aeren A cooling lotion for after-sharing and for haby thin. Miffun Chemical ConreRAnoN Delaware Ave. and Tuber St. Philadelphia, Pa. v. V, ' I7I ';', iiM. s w , MirKr. &. t i) - : .'.!'.. l'.W. X, M llV, 1' 'I 'VvA i'i;, '.AM' HI', '.01'.": i i . ,'' r; ?. V 'J I WM t y vvwv WWa 1 ..Kiu ..' H LKO ijKp ", kWi wwsp I I '":!,. ' 1f "f'l'l ;WI ' VXi'i .11 ; Vii jjjSfe JlMljiP'g COMFY SLIPPERS na Philadelphia's Leading Rug HeuseIn Every Sense of the Werd lsVPrSlv' ''.''-rtLliU V-0vt3kaUiBtt&lBBv 1 '"iSM V)V " " 'iPlUl tf Jtl6aWWiiiiiMawt' I BBP BHBttSPflPaliBBBBBBSBjS5R 1 iB VflaawP 259 Is a Lew Price for a Beautiful 9x12 Imported Chinese Rug Fer out-and-out beauty of color, the Chinese Rugs in this sale arc the finest wc have ever offered. Their warm blue, tan, mulberry, rose and canary hues will bring cheer into any room in the home. There is the widest range of sizes from which te cheese and the prices arc remarkably low for such unusual quality. We quote some sizes and prices as examples: . Size 9 x 12 feet . . . $290.00, $325.00, $375.00 V Size 12.9 x 9.11 490.00 j Size 13.8 xl0.2 475.00 'j p Size 13.9 x 9.11 490.00 j Size 13.10 x 9.10 485.00 . ) Size 13.11x12 585.00 i Size 1 1.7 x 10.4 550.00 Size 14.10 x 8.11 485.00 Size 16.6 x 10 575.00 HARPWKK& 1220 MARKET ST Wilten Rugs Wilten Carpets in addition te our complete range of Orientals, one whole iloer of this store is devoted te Wiltens of our own manufacture Hundhar Wiltens, Hard wick Wiltens, 1'rench Wiltens, etc., in regular and extra large sizes. Ne matter what the shape or size of your room, you can secure the proper rug here. Our carpet department is unrivaled anywhere in. the world. Here you will find the most complete assort ment for every purpose in plain tones and in a wide variety of attractive patterns, with a price range that will fit every place and purie. TRUCK CHASSIS New Price F.O.B. DETROIT The Ferd One Ten Truck Chassis has proved its ability te reduce transportation costs in prac tically every line of business where there is a hauling problem. It is economical, efficient, dependable. At the new low price you will agree it represents a value that has never before been offered in the commercial car field. Place your order new for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. See Any Authorized Philadelphia Ferd and Lincoln Dealer READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS llJL tAnm P ' yir mut rtwwf W 'i'''1';1"1 "WaIHi i iwi ,Uji.Vi rf . jj, ,, ii, 1, 1 i,1 ; .A'. f ?"! Machine in the World