i 'fm i Mmm i . umjmmmammmLJMHLL,,Jw m, wbi WWfwff ww! "!RW!OTSm5S SEWF ' ' f'P'ww;: ' " 'fflraHBm!aB .,,-,. ,,, , H(Jrf , '-".,. . s" V i -jVT'.TI:. 3 1 . i.2 . . ..Vu '' ' . . '-' " V". "'"' EVENINGS PtJBEtC VMpGBIiRHIIiABBLPHM. I THURSDAY; DKUlflMBiiiK 7.' lra ' i ' JJgKl i mM V. mmm iHM if I Supremaq in Circulation and Supremacy in Advertising' - in America's richest and largest market '.- ' A Every Advertiser should read the figures below . Government Circulation Statements Fer Six Months Ending October 1, 1922 NEW YORK EVENING PAPERS EVENING JOURNAL 622,749 dafly Evening World ,.,... . .:. 265,049 OUil rzi .,:.: '.!: .; : XZ7j"0 Mail :.: ...,xW. 161,215 " X ClCgA HIT1 xl ' .!: ivtataj i.X7OX New Yerk evening Journal had 357,700 mere circulation daily than Evening World 442,812 456,553 461,534 503,318 590,431 n 4 H M Sun Glebe Mail Telegram Pest 11,567 Mere Circulation Than Evening World, Sun and Glebe COMBINED! Supremacy in Circulation The NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL is the choice of evening newspaper readers in New Yerk because four of every ten of them buy it. The NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL is therefore the choice of both local and national advertisers and they use it mere than any ether New Yerk evening paper. The choice of the buyer is the choice of the seller. The NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL is shown by the latest Government clrcuTatien statements te stand se unquestionably head and shoulders above any of the ether six evening papers that it represents 40 of the total paid circulation of the entire New Yerk evening field. The circulation of the NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL is greater than that of the Evening World, Sun and Glebe combined. It is twice the circulation of the Evening World and 92,000 besides. It gives advertisers the largest daily circulation in America mere buyers than the total population of Pittsburgh, the eighth largest city in the country mere readers than the total population of Philadelphia America's thir city. Supremacy in Advertising What Government figures show for supremacy in circulation, official lineage records show for the NEW YORK EVENING ' JOURNAL'S supremacy in advertising. During the ten months of 1922 it published mere National, Lecal and Total Adver tising than any ether New Yerk evening newspaper. This enormous circulation reaches every level of purchasing power. Department Stere executives knew this and consequently the NEW YORK EVENING JOUR NAL carries net only mere Department Stere advertising than any ether evening paper in New Yerk, but mere than any two Sunday papers or any three Daily morning papers. The NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL publishes mere Women's Wear, Mu sical Instrument, Jewelry and Candy advertising than any ether paper in New Yerk. It carries mere Men's Wear Advertising than any two evening papers combined; mere Furniture advertising than any-week day paper in the City. It carries mere Beet and Shee and Toilet preparation advertising than any ether evening paper, and mere Brooklyn advertising than any ether paper in New Yerk. Every advertiser, National or Lecal, has available in the EVENING JOURNAL a direct and tested method of increasing sales in New Yerk City. Awaiting his sales message are the 622,749 people who pay 3c each day for the EVENING JOURNAL 40 of the total New Yerk evening newspaper field men and women who can most effectively be reached through their favorite evening paper the NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL. ' 6 2 2 f 749 Average daily net paid circulation Write for Free Copies WHAT ELEVEN MANUFACTURERS DID IN NEW YORK WHAT TEN MORE MANUFACTURERS DID IN NEW YORK Promotion Pept.. 3 Colombe! ClrcU. U. Y. NEWYORKs&jOURNAL Largest daily circulation in America and at 3c a copy Write for Free Copies WHAT ELEVEN MANUFACTURERS DID IN NEW YORK and WHAT TEN MORE MANUFACTURERS DID IN NEW YORK Promotion IJeptv, S Colombe ClrcU. N. T. d m m I V a t j..