Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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Wd and warmer tonight M Ftt
'iJriiUh lowest tewperatHre tonight
Sent 40 degree? Increasing wind.
w"1' .:.tt at Kami neim
i- 87
TK1HXI""" .
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slfp TUP
VOL. IX. NO. 78
'55,000 STABLE
Entered Second-Clans Mttter at the Potefflorjt Philadelphia, Pa,
UniHr tha Act of March 8. ;U7
rubllthed Dally Except Bunday. flubeorlptlen Fries IS Tear by Mali.
Ceprrlfht, 1022, by Public nedrer Company.
Cut the Telephone Wiris Frem
Heuse of Assistant Welfare
Director at Malvern
Blaze Twenty-seventh of Its
Kind in Nearby Counties
Within Last Few Weeks
Gasoline Frem Garage en Es
tate Used by Incendiaries
te Start' Flame3
Furey Ellis, Member of
Prison Beard, Would
Wipe Out Rules
Dr. Reeves, President, Won't
Change Jail Regulations
Firebugs who hnvc terrorized farmers
ef Chester, Delaware nml Montgomery
Counties for several weeks visited (lie
estate of Dr. J. Klnlr Spencer, As
(rtntnnt Director of tlie Philadelphia Do De
partment of Welfare, at Malvern, dies
ter County, early this morning anil fired
the barn after cutting nil telephone
wires communicating with the estate.
. Gasoline taken from Dr. Spencer's
garage was used te start the fire. The
building wns burned te the ground,
causing a less of about 55,000. Three
tgw3 and several dogs were rescued by
by Dr. Spencer soeunf,ter the flre wns
discovered while empleyes en the farm
Trere sent te Mimmen help.
This was the twenty-seventh barn te
be burned since October ", but Is the
first in which positive proof of Incen
diary origin has been obtained. Twe
men have'been seen te run from two
barns burned previously te that en the
Spencer estate, but euthcrwlse there
Mtre no rltics ns te the many llrcs
bung the work of a firebug.
Cutting of telephene wires leading
.from Dr. Spencer's home and. from the
' heuse occupied by the farm manager
before starting tiie fire 'this morning is
(bought te have resulted from the pres
ence of many State police and the en
tlru fled force of the State Bureau of
Fire Protection in the three counties.
Majer O. M. Wilhclm, under whose
.JHipervlsien the State troopers and Flrj
Protection Bureau investigators are
.working, had received only a prelimi
nary report of the flre at his tempor
ary lk'uiKiuurtc-rs in West Chester today
at neon. Ne incut ion was ninde in
this ii'iKiit et the cutting of telephone
Mires ami until official information is
received en that phase of the flre, In;
is proceeding en the theory that natural
caimes miy have produced the blaze.
"We knew," he sold, "that there
ves considerable electrical trouble in
a large area of the county last night
and many houses had no lights. It
.may be possible that sparks from nn
electric wire in the barn caused the
Are and we are new investigating that
nle. I have had no report of the
cutting of telephone wires; they may
have been tern down by firemen or
melted by heat from the blaze."
Found Wires Cut
The fire was discovered shortly after
2 ii clock this morning b Mrb. Spencer,
.who was awakened by the glare from
the burning building. She ran te the
telephene nml tiled te get the Malvern
operator, but was unable te de se.
'After shaking the telephone! frantically
for several minutes In an 'effort te get
a connection, she ran te the home of
me inrm manager, who also had been
tying te get the operator ever his tele
phone, Mrs. Spencer directed him te go te
the adjoining farm .of .Sidn-ey Geeding,
quarter of a mile nwny, and use the
telephone there.
Mrs. Illlit Cuppnge. night operator at
JbiUern, whin newt, of the lire was
anally net te her, summoned Jehn
Jwluii. chief of the Malvern Volunteer
tiie Uepaitmeiit, nml Hurgess Evans.
I lien she railed heailipiaiters of ih
Mute peller In Malvern- and notified
twperal lox, ellicer in command, of
the Hie.
A line of St,nte troopers, en moter-rji'U-s,
vn- Inunidiately thrown around
!i 1?umy lu "" effert t0 apprehend
fe tin bugs before they could nmke
rj" einipe ami nil reads vvere pa
,,i ,. ,l1.,rlnB thu ""ninlndcr of the
'"", suspicious persons were
llV f,ew?wr' "'! Cerpm-al l-'ex be
os the incemllarle.s used an nutome-
,ll i-nips harvested en the farm due
1 K , 111" past summer ami fall vvere it-
si..!.1; 'y.1 ,i,;H,",,;li w,,h r,,M,-
npim-cr hluiN.. f i m i ii...
hi 1,1"; i ''I tl,,w '0WM u,Hl ll18 Iuk
Ihre u- the (lames te safctj. , A shown-
L s;r';!;m'l'li8 straw was full-
he bar? . r,-hS"ellCcr " ",h,"ei1 '""
ami hfrnnwiith a repe nml wet bhmkels
ana hsgnn the rescue work. Dr. Spen-
and tlL?'? Police dogs
barn. ""lucre vvere In the
Kt'if , :'
BY w. BBW ? v BMiiiBV'' JH
vIpJbRL;' H4eT
BfiRxmfmJ's ' ' ' t -' t '."
BBrBHKtv l1. v '., s JL i vl
BBBBBl "- y Hv ' f,f
bHww!' ( xt","W"
Ki JKmfmV.fi"'; '':,': Av,J
tmmbiVmJKfi-i''-' v --'f ',',&&
bWe- ' - y
bbbbbHbV'' ' bbW
Member of (he Beard of Prison In
spectors, who advocates changing
rules in ferce at Hebnesliurg
Anether Company Wants Privi
lege, He Tells Council, and
Will Pay for It
An offer from nn Independent opcr epcr opcr
uler te operate busses en lirend Btrcet
and the Itoescvclt boulevard, paying the
city for the privilege, was bent te Coun
cil this afternoon by Mayer Moere.
The propesul comes at the' moment
when Council is considering an offer
of Themas K. Mitten, president of the
P. It. 'J'., te operate meter busses en
the Koesevelt boulevard nml from !er
iniintimii te Iloxberniigh.
Ordinances authorizing the bus lines
proposed for operation by .Mr. Mitten
are te be introduced by Jdehard Weg
lcin, president of t'euneil. The lines
would be free of c-lty tux nml paving
Anether important transit preposition
was laid before Council In the form of
ordinances providing for three new
crosstown lines te connect North Phila
delphia and Oermuntewn with the
Franlaerd L nnd, eventually, the Bnmd
street subway.
The proposed lines, it Is predicted,
will serve mere than n quurtcr million
persons, and officials of the cempanv
assert that the P. . T. m have lii
spend approximately .fUMOU.OUO for
It N estimated thn4 n will cost the
cltj iipiii-exliiintely similar amount te
niaue the nercs.-nry imprtivement lit the
way of street paving and bridge re
movals. In a communication te Majer Moere
and Mr. Weglein, Mr. .Mitten an
nounces that work en one of the pro pre
posed lines will start early In the
spring, if the preposition is approved
nml will be completed during the sum
mer. Description of Keutes
A description of the routes of the
proposed lines desliriieteil hm linn l n a
with problems which will confront both
cii ami tne company were, given
i-onuiiunicniieu et Mr, Mitten
louews in part
Krle nvenue n
"Ridiculous te Listen te Com
plaints of Thieves About
County Prisons," He Says
"Put me en record as being in
favor of wiping out the rules new in
effect nt tlie county prison at
Holmesburg," says Furey Ellis, a
member of the Beard of Prison In
spectors, which madu nnd enforces
these tuIcs.
"Te my mind," said Mr. Ellis,
these rules mean nothing but hatd
ship for the convicts. Take the men
out of their solitary confinement,
give them better feed, allow them
tobacco and, above all, let them
have a word new and then with
their fellow-prisoners.
"I have been a member of the
Heard of Inspectors only five
months, but I have seen enough te
convince me that conditions at
county prisons should undergo an
immediate change.
"First I would de away with the
solitary confinement. Then I would
permit smoking and chewing with
such restrictions as would assure
discipline. Calisthenics for the con
victs is another of my ideas. This
would eliminate the enforced idle
ness. I would compel every man in
prison te take exercise nt stated In
tervals. "Then T would trv te innkc the gen
eral let of the convict mere pleasant.
Cells new barren i-mild, nt the expense
f the prisoner. lie made somewhat
Her Mind en Rest and Peace
Rather Than Winnirtg
$60,000 Will Suit
There is no thought of the success or
failjire of her suit te obtain the 00,000
insurance policy left, by her husband
te his brother and son in the liilml of
Mrs. Catherine Hosier today, who was
ncqiiitted last mouth of the murder of
her- husband, Obcnr Hosier, and bis
stenographer, Mildred Itcckert.
It is tbe ithetiglit of a place where
she can have peace nnd solitude, and
net the pleasures that money can buy
that flits through her mind today.
The dim quietude and the restfulncss
of n convent, set far away, perhaps
among the bills, with the brown tenta
cles of Ivy clambering ever the walls
that Is the place where Mrs. Hosier
wants te be.
'.'I wunt te be alone," she said this
morning. "I want te be far away from
every one and ever body. I had thought
et going into a convent, but then I was
ill nnd'the only thing I ceulil de was
stay nt home. Hut I want te go away.
I'd like te be in a convent."
Wants Kcst, Net Veil
"I wouldn't stay forever, of course,
but several months, perhaps, all alone
away from everything." she milled
wistfully. Mrs. Hosier has no thought
et taking the veil.
"Of course I couldn't have any visit visit
orsI would be shut away cntirelv, but
I ve thought I'd like te he there, se
much," she said.
"I couldn't .travel every place I
went I would be recognized. Se I've
just stayed at home. Se many persons
have usked me te visit them, but 1
didn't feel that I wanted te go any
place just yet."
Mrs. Hosier had en a daik skirt nnn
n tailored silk blouse with n perky blue
silk tie. Around her waist was a tiny
blue and whlle checked apron. vvTilcli
she smoothed down, ns she jumped up
te get Ilnby Hlehard. who was crawling
nml coelmr en the tloer.
Her face wns rounder and the cirWes
under her eyes Siine, but her expres
sion was tired, even in spite of its
animation, and the effects et the attack
of grip nnd neuritis which 'has kept
her in bed ceulil nlninlv- lie seen.
Mrs. Hosier expressed Interest in the
jurors who unci given lier her freedom,
llsklllB if there vviih illiv nen-H of I Hern
and spoke of court happenings since
"my case" was ever.
Prison Conditions Had
A new paper lay en the window sill
te which she pointed with one slim,
shiny tipped linger.
"These prison stories," she said. "I'd
like te tell some of the things I knew.
The sooner they get after Meynniensiug
the better. Have you ever seen the
-SJBJ v, bbBbbH
' ' A Mttfcut bbbbbbV
$ ':: ' -H
bbbbrTJbIbbbbbbV '
i. in i...i...i.i..v..iii,(.ill1-!'' " asKed, Intterness in her
..,., j ..,, v ...,. .....,........ .,)W(,t llU1)ullKl ,,,. fm. ,,, )10t cimn(?t!
lu the
w hii-h
route, from Alie-
kf)in,in flr"n'" arrived the flames were
C2S' they turned the"
Z ,, " t""nr'1 ".wlni! ether bulldlneij
' fr.1 t"ef ' ?i r ' " ,.akJ' en ,l,u c3t!,lu
' ii tl, 1 ' l";Wif '"'' mid hose
ln i. "8 Hcl''' "' with tile lake
funiLi . i tft.. I,,IkuiI,'k wt'e then
wined te keep the Humes from sprc id
'"S e ether bulldiugs. P U
t KtateCnefleel0n b-v,Con.ernl Fex, of
rcaehe.iP?hfc wnb,e ns seen as
caellc', the file. He found the tel-
Cwtlnned en rK.Xw.utr:tl.re..CeIumu Three
Mueh-Marrled Boxer and Acter
Files Court Petition
Ihih'v. ""'"."lii'ture netiii- nm elcliL
' I ! !,1 rii'n ' '',M '''" il",'i I, ,e. i-
-fni 0h i,.td 'i1 J'ul'iHtles nt 80050.57.
A of clothe" .' 20 r lhrP0
glieny avenue and Tvvenety-ninth
street, ever Hunting Park avenue,
connecting with Krie avenue, thence
ever existing tracks en lirle avenue te
and ever Torresdule nvenue te the Tor Ter
resdale avenue station of the Frank
lord Kluvuted. ,
"Truck building ever Hunting Park
avenue from Allegheny te Erie will be
the first undertaking in early spring, te
be completed for early summer opera
tion, from Allegheny and Twenty-ninth
te the present ternnnus of Heute 0 at
Seiend and Krlc. This service te be
cMeuiicti loiiewing rity street Improve
ments. ,.."", 'Jaming nvenue routed from
twentieth street 'at Wa.vne .lunctien,
with single tracks en Wlngohecking,
( eiirtland. FfJifteenth nml Wyoming te
erk mail ; ever existing tracks en Yerk
read te and ever Wjeinlng, crossing
Hoesevelt lleulevard te connection with
existing tracks en Wjemlng.
"The vvldenlng of the bridge at
Hoesevelt Boulevard and Vrnmin. i,
the city, nnd the short street opening
;"" i.-(ii:u, BiieiiMi mane posslelo by
Inte summer, operation by way of Ha-
Continued en race Tire, Column tilx
Nine-Menth-Old Bey Victim of
Children's Prank With IVJatches
Gus (iiistassen, nine months old, was
burned te death at 10 o'clock this
morning nt his home, 2331 EnstThemp-
son street.
Three elder children struck matches
which ignited the baby's dress. The
ether children wtre saved.
Beth Serving for Complicity In
Fifth Ward Murders Here
llarrlsbiirg, Dec. 7.- Applications
for pardon of .lai-eh Mascla and Jehn
Lostelle, convicted in the lliiliulelphln
Hfth ward murder case seme years
nge, vvere tiled with the State Beard
of Pardons today and will be heard
December 20.
There will bv sixty -five cases for
argument en that date.
tentiary. I would tr.v te infill into
the men Ii spirit that would make
thou, feel that every ene of thejn had n
task before him, that tnk being te
stnge a comeback. Xe real reform
can be attained by subjecting convicts
te treatment that will it.nke them
quail and cow every tinv it keeper
passes their cells."
Complained of Tobacco linn
"T have hnd experience In handling
prisoners', vv hen I wii- in tiie rv in.
overseas I wns detailed te one of the
stockades where 17.000 men were
locked up. If we had tried te Mibjcct
these men te the mlcs that are in
force in the county piiui at Holmes
burg we would hnve had an outbreak a
day. But because we iried te be Im
mune we were successful in sending
many of the men back te duties in the
various companies. I am happy te say
that many of them received houernine
mention for vnler in b-ittle."
Asked if he hnd made ninny visits
te Holmesburg sn,e becoming an in
specter, ami if mi nn.v of lus visits
convicts hnd ciiiuplnlued about their
trcntii.eni. Mr. Kill- -aid:
"I have been up there several times
and the principal uuiipiaiul that i
h?ard scorned t he about the ban ei(
tobacco, and solitary i-enlinenient. Yeu
understand that It is the practice te
have any. complaints written nnd then
turned ever te the visiting committee
of the Inspectors. Convicts are net
supposed te complain in person, but I
tallied with tome and nlmeit every one
of them had some kind of complaint."
"I believe that an inspector should
see everything going en In prison that
he should talk with the convicts nnd get
their views of things in general, and
this is exuctlv what I have been delii"
niieu i go mere, i go into cells unii
i ii-ien ie men
expression. "The windows in the cells
are net. ns wide as our face. Of course,
my cell was different. It was a homi
cide cell." she said ilicerfully. "Tlie
window in it was bigger.
"Seme of tlie things at Meynnicnslng
nre just as hud as at Heluisbury. The
meals are terrible. We hud hard bread
and rje water for bienkfnst. Sometimes
seupwas the main thing at lunch, nnd
n tnight, water from cocoa lieans nnd
mere bard bread.
Feed Wu "litff-Overs"
"The men had n chef from outside
te cool; for them, nu I the women had
vviai wns .ell ever fiem their tnlile.
We hud Mirce girls, ami it didn't mut
ter hew inexperienced they vvere in
our kitchen. '
"The "tirlsen beard nml llm imilrmic
and the physicians were all just like
and Mrs. HeMi r held III) three
lingers lightly nressed tecether. "IVImn
the (irnnd Jury came nreund inspecting
thev went te the-men's quarters first
nnd It was easy te get things fixed in
the women s quarters before they get
mound te us. They would glve us lit
tle pieces of sewing te make things leek
nice. And when thev Kur there the
prisoners were tee scared te say any
thing. Ithluk I :i., the enlv iiiie th'nl
Continued en
I talk with prisoners.
'nee Twe. Column One
Merlen Weman, Arrested After Col
lision, Discharged Without Hearing
Mrs. Mamie Dale Kiddle, Sycamern
and Valley reads, Merlen, arrested
yesterday en a charge of driving a
motorcar without a license, was dis
charged today by Magistrate Itenshavv
without even appearing for n hearing.
According te Traffic Patrolman
Pliintler, Mr. Kiddle's car struck n
truck nt Eighteenth mid Mnrket
streets. She could net show n driver's
license and was nrrested, hut was
stories, and if I cm. help then I tell IS0"8'!., ?".. ""N. i!"""!,1'., "ut. w
them lint I u-ll . '". D ,""' "" " ."!'. " me cuarge
"I de net feel that all Is he;., ,i. ... ".' cu?,! )nH. ,.0.',r?.' l HiN
for the convicts that should be deiiu,
and if by some one taking the initiativi)
conditions can be impreicd I am going
te lead the movement.
"Probably as a new- member of the
Beard of Inspectors I should blmrly stt
Continued en race Tirentr. Column One
Accepts Invitation te Attend Con
ference of Allied Premiers
I.0111I011, lice. 7 illy A. P.)
Premier Mussolini, of Italy, has
accepted the iuvltatiiiii l come te Lon Len Lon
eon, and the conference of the allied
premiers nt the week-end preliminary
te the Brussels coiifereuce en repara
tions and war debts is thereby assured
full representation.
Premier Mussolini left Heme this
morning. He will step off at Lausanne
te leek in for a short while, nt the
Near East conference, but Is expected
te arrive in Londen tomorrow night.
morning in Central Station. Macis-
trate llenslmw did net mention Mrs.
Kiddle by nnme. but summoned Plan
tier te the stand.
"Who made the complaint?" the
magistrate demanded,
Plantlcr explained no one hnd, but
that he made the arrest because Mrs.
Kiddle had no driver's license. Mr."
Kenshaw asked why the truck drive!
had net been arrested also. The p p
trelmnu suld Mrs. Kiddle did net re
quest biich action.
DlRelinrL'eil.' Tteieilintv ent.l i
though the defendant wns net in tiie
hearing room. Mrs. Kiddle's husband.
K. M. Kiddle, is nn attorney f.... ..,.
niiicmiiiiy company.
Mrs. Kiddie guve her age as twenty
when slip was arrested. Her car was
damaged heavily.
Sheriff's Pesse New Headed for
Heme of Resort Promoter in
Lewer California
By Anedattil I'rrss
Les Angeles, Dec. 7. The home of
Ed T. ("Geld Teeth") Jehnsen, pro
moter of a new resort ut Tla .Tiiaiiu
Lewer California, wns the objective to
day of the pose liendcd by Sheriff
Traeger which left Les Angeles last
night in search of Mrs. CInra Phillips,
"hammer murderc'-s."
Jehnsen was said te have formed a
friendship for Mrs. Phillips while he
was in the county jnll Inst Biimmcr. He
was arrested lust night pending -developments
in the K-urch for Mrs.
Phillips, who broke jnll Tiic-lay whlle
under a ten-jenr sentence u killing
Mrs. Alberta Memlewt.
Six saws were found in "the posses
sion of H. A. Mi-Xahb. held In the
prison en three criminal Hiuiccs, ac
cording te Mark llulley, jailer. The
saws vvere discovered in n search of
the jail when, after the esjcnpe of Mrs.
Phillips, a rumor readied the jailer that
certain prisoners were plotting
wholesale delivery."
Search of Train I Iitlle
The Sheriff's office announced early
today it had received a telegram from
Sheriff Tinreck at Ogilen, Ctiih, stat
ing he was positive Mis. I'hilllps was
noearu n train which passed through
fgden shortly nfter midnight. That
train and ene ether wen searched at
Laramie. Wye., but no um nnswcrlng
the description of Mis. I'hilllps was
One woman remote! rfscmbleil tlie
description of .Mrs. Phillips., )Ul nft,.r
questioning her the pullce did net do de
tuiu her.
The woman admitted she had been in
I.es Angeles recently, but insisted she
bearded the train at Opiden, Utah. She
had a ticket from Ogilen te Baltimore,
Mil. She appeared somewhat elder than
the age given for Mrs. Phillips.
The Laramie police, who made the
search, nlse iiucstlencil iiiomhers eP iln
train crew without learning anything of
Mrs. Phillips' whereabouts.
Itrperts Fly Tlilrk and Fast
It had been reported from ether
sources alie that she and n blend friend
bearded the train nt Leng Keneli, Calif.,
and throughout the trip had kept te
their stateroom. It also was declared
the women were traveling en tickets
reading from I,eng lleach, Calif., te
Other reports camp from Omaha,
where it wns said police officers be
lieved Mrs. I'hilllps bad been seen last
night en n train bound for Chicago, but
it was wild this wns impossible "unless
she hnd lied in nu airplane."
With the hour of her escape tenta
tive! lived nt about -.o'clock Tuesday
morning, thu local efllcers exnlnlneil
they found it hard te bellevu she could
iinve iviii neij uiuann iy
Prefers te Cot Out Rather Than
Have Hands TiVd by
Old Law
A i.i)iniiii-.ieii fenn of S'lvermicnl
for Camden wn advocated tnd.-M li
Miiyer-ilcit Vicinr Klu;. " ih.i, iitv.
Who Ulllltll'lll-eil lw e It V, ll'li'i in ,c-
rifice his ma ei-iilt.v eflit-e. lie Ii memuv
Mner en .huiiiai.v 1.
The BUggestlen of Mr. King, a Dem
ocrat, wns made te Acting Majer Van
Hart, a Henubllcnn. nml wns ilti-inteil
by the muddle In which the Cnniden
uovernment. has been thrown nv the
discovery nn net of 11107 Is mm- .mi.li.
cabin te Ciiniilen.
This old law, eilginull Inhniied f r
Pntersen. X. .T . provides for the ap
pointment of II lire nnd linllee Imni-d
and a public works benrd whi.-li would
control tnese hraiiche of the municipal
Tim net applies I,, eilies having n
population of ineie than 110.000 and
Caindeii passed that population quota in
H'-V. Appelutmeiit nf the beards
would virtually make the Maver pow
erless and wniild cut down tlie power
of the City Council.
Muyei-clect King declared he was al-
Centlni-cil en I'line Ini'iiM-tlirri'. Cel. Four
Edna Purvlance III With Pleurisy
Ijes Angeles. Dee. 7. (By A. P.)
Kdna Purvhiiiee, leading wemnii ler.lnst niaht destrejeil the pinning mill
Chtirile Chaplin, is ill with pleurisy, of the M. A. Hlldenrnndt Company and
Her physician sttpil, however, her- udielning lumber yards.
present condition is net ilungcteus. J The less is estimated nt ?75,000
,30,000 P. R. R. MEN
Maintenance of Way Workers Pay
Advanced by Total of $1,800,-
000 In Year
Wage Increases totaling npproNl nppreNl
liliilelj RI.HOO.000 iillllllilltj for ilOJJOll
iiinlntcnniH-e of way ciupleycH of th"
IViinsylvniilii Itiillreiul sjstcm were an
nounced today.
Tluj Increases ranged from one cent
nn hour for carpenters', painters' nnd
masons' helpers te Ave cents nn hour
for assistant bridge and building fore
men nnd will be retrenctive te Xovem Xevem
ber 1.
The adjustment was reached nfter n
sciies of conferences between the gen
eral tiuinup-rs of the four lgiens of the
read and the Peiitisjlvnnin System Fra
ternity, ii company organization.
The- Pennsjlviiiila refused te settle
with the Federated Shep (Vnflii when
the recent strike was terminated en
some reads. Instead, it ergnnlzcd its
empleyes into n company union. The
empleyes then elected representatives
te negotiate all differences with the
Four Canadian Fishing Vessels Be
lieved te Be Lest
Prince Itupert, B. t. Dec. 7. (Hy
A. P.) A score of men vvere given up
for lest when Government cutters and
fishing crafts returned last night after
days of unsuccessful search for four
llsiiing vessels long overdue nt this pert.
Three of the missing bouts were sailed
by Americans and one by Canadians.
big TwukeITbarrehre
$75,000 Less In Destruction of Mill
and Lumber Yards
Wilkes-Karre, Pa., Dec. 7. Fire
Victims Shet While en Way te
Parliament in Jaunt
ing Car
Seize Armored Car and Attack'
at Ballymakeera With
Machine Guns
A fish collector at ?1500 a year is one of the new items in
the Ceuncilmatjlc hudget -which v.-ill be up for final passage In
Council this afternoon. This job xvas added te the payroll of the
Park Commission xvitheut the knowledge of the commission. The
budget contains a number cf salary Increases for "favorites" in
county offices -which has stirred up a storm of anger nmene the
army of clerks In City Sail. b
ANGORA, Dec. 7.-The Turkish Nationalist Government It
was announced today, has decided that it cannot accept the con
tinuance in Turkey of the consulates or posteffices of any power
&t -war wan aiu&cjt
WORTH $465,000
Jury Awards Heavy Damages
te Mrs. D. S. Woodhouse
Against Parents-in-Law
II i .t5etlnffil rrest
Hiirliiigtiui, VI.. Dee. 7. An award
of !jill.,t'l0ti was innile today liv l'-
ury which for mere than fn-' ' eni-s
hnd deliberated ever Ihe u iiiloii-delhir
claim of Mr- Dnriit Stevens Wood Weed
house uguiii-f her wealth pnreiits-nt-law,
Mr. and Airs. Lorenze K. Wood Weed
house, of New rl, and this city, for
the alienation nf the affis-tiens of her
husband. Douglas Woodhouse.
The plaintiff, daughter of u family in
modest circumstances who wcre neigh
bors of the wealthy Woedhouses here,
contended that her parents-ln-lavv had
inspired and supported her husband In
n separation from her that led te his
going te Hene te establish n rcRldence
us tlie basis for a dlvetce. She had
been snubbed by them, -he submitted,
nnd never had been given adequate rec
ognition as the wife of their son
Of tile .lll.l.0lN) rilHNllL'c nu-n.ln.l
" nin; cuillll ,. ,. . , . , ti 7 " " -' -.,,
Wedtie.sdav 1 J ' "necien ui.ii .-iiiii.iiiin lie con-
( Ptui-ri-il Iirilllll iiamnges nun mi.i.ikhi as
Jlu Associated Prft
Dublin. IW. 7. Preident CnsgraW
nnneunced te tlie Parliament thl nftsr
1100 ntliut Deputy Sean Hales bad been
shot and killed, and Deputy Pn trick
O'Mnille, who wns deputy spenkcr, had
been wounded, while they were en their
way te the Parliament session.
The two victim of the sheeting- wets-'
en a jaunting car p; o'-eejjia-f nieug it,
quays when they were .-ittackasl jrilk
hcvelvers. Deputy SiieakeTiiflfaflBi
wound is serious. ., -."
After Piesident MesOrnve's an an
netiiiceiuetit .Minister of Defense Mul
enliy rose nml said :
"These men did net have a priest, nor
were they asked if the would see their
iciativcs. '
All the members of the P.irilnlment
lese ns a mark of sympathy.
These are the first acts of violence
reported during the inauguration of' the
J ree State Government.
O'Miiille was elected deputy speuker
of the Dai. or lower heus oef the l"re
Htnte Parliament, nt yesterday's n-s-sien.
when the members took the eatn
of ulleglance.
Hales was returned from Seuth Cerk
In the last parliamentary elections, run
ning iwn pre-treaty cundldiitc en th
panel ticket framed by the opposing
Cerk, Dec. 7. Twe huudrcd rebel v
captured tlie barrnckw at Kullymakeera,
near Mncroem. yesterday, killing one
man and wounding fifteen. The attack
took place ut almost the same time' that
the deputies of the new Irish Free
n WPre bpins sworn in ut Dublin.
Ihe rebels took ninety prisoners, in
cluding Commandant Mooney, after a
right lasting several hours, but re
leased theuy after taking all their
equipment. '
The tight was the fiercest ytt t t
perted in County Cerk. Before advancing-
en the barrack the irregulars'
captured an armored ear nt Branden. -which
they used, together with twenty
machine guns and bombs, in their attack
en the troops defending the. village.
The tree State military wns event
ually outnumbered nnd was- forced te
surrender. The irregulars appropriated
all the arms and niniuuiiltiun in sight
and then marched their prisoners into
the mountains.
Inasmuch as the men captured have
j '.ce reported for duty, it is believed
m- -jUI. i "-' leuiiu uimcuiry m de-
ijSiaii'u,"in" Mich n large number in the
sparsely populated mountain districts.
JJallymakcern new is occupied by the
The seai'h had widened today mull " punitive nnd e.emplarj ilamnge
it cnibni'-id nearly every rlnrt of thi!,!lwnr, .st.l'ln "''", '"ken immediately
western half of the I'nitcd States and y lu ll,,,,,"N'1 eeun-el 10 appeal the
penetrated into .Mexico, through
i.ewer v. ainernia inntinsuia
Gradual Improvement After Com
fortable Night Shown In Condition'
lelui Wnnanuiker was said te ln im.
EVEREST LEADER IN CABIWFT l"vlns griuluall) Ibis morning nfter a
cvcncai uchu-e ni ejuiiMti ,.OIuferlnbl, uifiUL n lH -, 1t ,lls
, home, UOll'J Walnut street, buffering
Lieutenant Colonel Bury Joins fuun a cold. ,
Benar Law's Official FamllV ,.," 'm"'"" "" " netter canie -ev-
Louden, Dec. 7.- Lieutenant Colonel
C. K. Heward Kury. leader of the
1021 Mount Kverest expedition, bcrame
a miner member or the iwnar Law Uev
ernmeut yesterday, when ha was se
eral dajs age after his physicians hut!
been somewhat alarmed by coughing
spells. He hnd Improved te such nn
extent yesterday that the medical men
necwea net. te i-sue any mere for.
ye-ierii-y, wueii uu wus be- '."iir.7ii.Vi-. . iu. T". '
leeted ss the psrllamentary secretary of i ""' "'""" f " i're--nt.
Honorable Walter uuinness, under
Secretary of Sttte for War,
I'ltaaur nj
(, Tt
Calexlce, Dec. 7. rollce and border
Him riders today were watchlm? tnr nn
uiitomebile stolen nt Uruwley, Cnllf.,
north of Cnloxice, after a forced land
ing of an iiirplnne eeuth of that city
nnd the inability of Its two men pns
scngers te lure u mnchlne.
The nn plane apparently wns aban
doned :U i he s,.(ne of the forced lauding.
The eilicer -.ml tlie oi-currenci's might
have -enii iMiiiiecliDii with the cscniic
of Mrs. Clnin I'hilllps from the Les
Angeles t'eunt jail.
7. (My A. P.l Mis
s Clara Hutrliin-
, -""!
Cldcace. Dec.
Elsie Coe nnd Miss
or Haltlmere, vvere (anon from the
incoming Les Angeles limited of the
Chicago nnd Northwestern Hallroed
today by police seeking Mra.. Phillips.
The women satisfied the pollce of their
U. S. Army Airman
Camden Clergyman 8aves Furni
ture and Turns Hese en Flames
The Key. Charles K. Du Kell. who
was n ihaplnin with the Tuentv-ninth
Division In rriiiue. aided linnnen this
morning when ilnuie- damaged the St.
Jehn's Heys' Club, adjoining St. Jehn's
Kplseepal Church, lireudvvnj and Line
street, Camden.
The fire s.arted at 7 o'clock In the
epdul room en the first tloer of the
club and destroyed two nenl tnhlr..
damaged a candy case and burned rugs
and furniture. A neighbor saw smoke
and notified Mr. Du Bell, rector of
ht. Jehn's. The church adjoins the
two-story brick club building.
"II... fni.111.1. ..I... ..in I .. . .. ......n.. .! a
...ii .I....... ii.ijuiiiii piiuuiiuurii ure
men and then rushed inie the burning
building, lie saved a few articles of
ene.. e turultui-e. and when llremen arrived
""" r"ra, took .1 hose line .inil lielni.,1 enflnn il.
Brazil, for Maranhao blnze m the social room.
1'iii-a. Itrall. Dec. 7.- fllv A . u i ! 'I'l'c gymnasium in the lmbenieut was
l.ieiiteiiniii Walter llhiuui resuiucil' hi damaged b water, nnd smoke caused
New- l'lk te me .Innelre nirplune
fllglit today. He took the air here nt
7 A. M., bettiiifioiitferMnranJiao, down
the coast, with the 'intention of stop step
ping nt Kragauca te replenish his ga-.
ellnt tuppl;.
slight iJiiinuKti in the rending room en
the bceeud fleer. The church was net
endangered. Mr. Du Bell estimated the
lets at $2000.
OIFTft Th Mnnl of
. Jehn Murphy co Blt
Prjr er
tlmert. Ate.
Secretary Mellen's Proposal for
Reduction of 25 Per Cent
Arouses Progressives
Stan Cerrr-imnilcnt i:i-nlnic I'uhlle I.nl-r
VepuHjUt, 1322, bu Tublie Lttljcr Company
Washington, Dee. 7 Reprecntntive
James A. I'rear, of Wl-censin, opens
the Progressive attack today in thu
nouse en Secretary Mellen's recom
mendation that the surtaxes en hie
,,m'.en!C8 be l'ut freni ",u te -" l'er cen
this is one of the shaip i-sues lietvveen
the Progressive bloc nnd the regtilai
Republicans. h
The Progressives are net only opposed
te lowering the surtaxes, but wish te
raise them te the point where they
vvere placed during the war. On this
tsue they are in a stronger position
than en any ether, for the Democrat",
position is in general hnrmenv with
On the amendment te the immlcra-
tit11 Inw- rne.Miii..,..l..l 1... f s. ..
ii,.. ;i,i.. ".;", .'"::' " ' r- -euen. i
'"' ,"' "' i reKressive- is imt
se clear. Mr. Mellen urges a nu -e
liberal Immigration law. se that the
Saseil. lbP f0P ln'IU9,ry ,m-,J b0
m.'S-lS-v t-I,, "resent law the point is
made that it lowers the total et' irnu.i-
fntende,! beJi,ul tUe V,nt wn'h was
S ' uecnuse the countries of
Western Eurepe nre net using their
in ti;?. nnd t.h-B,th; etul immigration
.?. n,ii.C0Sntrj' lp fn,Iln censidcrabh
".u, ic j,er cent mi0H.C(j,
Iaber Opposed te Liberalizing Law
i .Ownl-ed labor oppe?es the liberal,
'fug of the law. And It is likely that
the meeting in Cleveland next Merula
of the conference for Progressive no.
Utical action will deelnte jtelf against
"''"'"Stlie a per cent limit.
ihe Progressives represent te a cer
tain extent the views of this confer-
??? n 9 ethor hnn(l' nnny of
mom come from communities with n
large unmlgrant population which Is op-
,.--. . Wlu vr.BVc restrictions.
Moreover the Interests of the farm
ers require, an increase of the ludus-
1 1 mi iiuiiuinueu et the country The
present shortage of labor is dralulng
the farms of workmen.
In ether respects the Issues between
he rogresslve bloc nnd the Ad.ui.i Ad.ui.i
Utratlen Hcpubllcnns arc shar ly
drawn, Senater La Pl!cte and ether
leaders are taking steps te reuso the
West, vvhere the nhtl-rallread feellnir
s strong against the appelu ment of
Pierce Butler te the Supreme Court,
The Kansas Senators, Curtis and
Capper, bave received a telegram from
Londen, Dec. 7. fllv A. P.) The
r.iihKt.-.-'uiiii inur iving tioergo may go
t. publln te open formally the new
Irish Parliament, as advanced by th
Liverpool Courier, seems bnsed partly
en surmise nnd pnrtj en private ru
mors. Although the possibility of the King'n
pn-sence bus taken no dctiiiile shape, it
Is -afe te say that if Ireland Intimated
such n visit would be welcome the sov
ereign would acquiesce.
It is regarded ns quite unlikelv,
however, that His Mnje-ty would take
the initiative in the matter.
Belfast, Dec 7. (By A. P.) Th
process of "contracting out" Ulster
from the Irish Free State, ns permitted
under the Angle -Irish trcnty, wns
started tednj.
Premier Sir James Craig in the lower
heuse of the Clster Parliament, pro
posed an address in the name of thai thai
bedj declaring I'lster no part of the
newly established dominion.
The measure was sent te the Sen
ate, which returned it te the lower
heuse for final approval after amend
ing It by inserting the words "nnd
Senate," thereby making the address
te read in thu natne of both houses.
Cousin of Financier, Who Died Nev.
1, Left $20,000 Estate
The will of Mi's Clara V. Stetes-
bury, cousin of Kdwnrd T. Stetesburj,
vvhee death occurred nt her residsnee
in the Cilndslimi' Apartments, Eleventh
and Pine streets, November 21, wns
admitted te probate today. It dlspetes
of an cstute of $20,000.
A sister, Miss Williamannn Htotes Htetes
bury. Is mnde sole beneficiary of the
estate and nppelnted executrix. The
will was written en June 20, 1805.
Bequests of $100 each are made te
the Catholic Seminary of Ht. Charles
Korremeo, Over brook : St. Edward's
Church, Eighth nnd Yerk streets, and
the Church of Our Lmlv's Shrine,
Washington, by the will of Mrs. Mary
A. Mcl'envllle. who died recently in
Cooper Hospital, Camden She left an
estate amounting te s'oeo, the residue
of which Is bequeathed te relatives.
Other wills probated today were:
CattMM mi ran T-eas-.fcr;
i nv
City Fire Forces
Inte the Street
Atlantic City, Dec. 7.(Kv A. P.)
Mere than n scorn of person- xvere
forced te flee, scantily clnd, early thi'i
morning when llm broke nut In th
Regln.i Hetel, Rhede Island nnd Ces
piau aTenues. ResldentN in ndjelnitiif
houses nlse fled te the street when Iho
alarm was sounded.
Tin. l.li.ru ,. 1,1.1 , .,
...y u..., ...,,w, nl,n , ,., -..
of the place, caused 55000 damage
I,t,8i.Bal,l, t0,baVe '; ."farted by a
defective flue In the hotel kitchen.
hotel kitchen. '
mBLll!.(-' i.uV M .i.., fii.rt'Sr,te.ii..t.
'I I
1 .'
hi '
.'- ' t ,