Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 06, 1922, Night Extra, Image 5

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gwap1 jit
llmband of Slain Choir Sinfr
Wants Governer te Assign
Detsetlv te.Case
SSuOM 14. iwwSK "":
I .w chief detective, m '"' ,""' "
" i mimi Mills IS Known in hi""
A.9.!JS2?'rt 'Detective Ellis Tnrke.
hf Mln" te 'Mills, he has tried. te
Jt evidence te Special Deputy At
1 KS. nVncral Mett, and Detective
&KZ Masen, his chief Investigator,
t.Wthey b'refujed te listen te him.
'' " knew the information I have i
afirest Importance." lie saM tedav.
mi k tried repeatedly te give it te
?2TKoVter. or his asHMnnis, bif
7m win net listen te me. This eyl-
iSeiTa been gathered by IMrcthe
L Sin working en the.cnse in the employ
' ' rf'Mws Florence betih, y .
' mtd te be trying te fasten the crime
t upon me' ..n..
Uf- Jicnry elevens, vi umwreiu'i
aff today hIie tlitl ""l believe Mr. Hull
-Si Mrs. Mills were Killed nt the same
f ft Tat the Phillips farmhouse. She
SS feed reason te believe, she said.
S ere killed separately and the
k&s taken te the farm nnd left there.
Hsnry Stevens nnd W. Edwin Cnr-
Jrfw" cousin of Mrs. Hall, have left
Era bunting trip te Greensboro. N. 0.
e will be goiie several weeks. Hi-
nJter's widow U planning a three-
Sonth trip te -Europe, and has an-
Cuncccl that upon her return she plans
-te resume church work ns usual. Her
kilf.bretber. Willie Stevens, is new ,
appearing about town in his usual i
haunts. . .. ,
The new Somerset veuniy uranu
Jury will be sworn in en December 10.
J has own information
KfbTnade today te Governer
&Er Ja"? Mllli husband eH
f S,w,SnJr Mills, who was murdered
I ffit JHK?. Edwnrd Wheeler Hall en
1 S.SS.. 14 that the Governer have
i .rwninui. -t. -:....- .i..,..,i m vnt
Qnas Gifts efiJewetry 9
j Credit Plan gives cash 1
H fj I I , advantages, convenient 9
B Ji m p a y m e n t 8 a n d B
m Mi lip immediate possession. H
B Open Erenlnf H
Welcome Visitors!
Wc extend a hearty invitation te every one te
vifait this store. This week many beautiful
Chinese Rugs arc en display. Enjoy them.
And always there is the complete range of
rare Persians and Orientals. If you are
appreciative of true beauty you are welcome
te come in as often as you cheese and you
are never under obligation te buy. Wc arc
proud of the many fine examples of the
Weaving Art which are displayed in this
store, and ac want you te enjoy them with
lib. Come in.
for her Christmas! .
The Phila.
Electric Cleaner
en this unequalled special offer
A $10 set of cleaning attachments will be given
absolutely free with each Phila. Electric cleaner
sold between new and Christmas. And te make
this wonderful Christmas preposition even morn
acceptable, we are offering this cleaner en the
easiest kind of easy payments:
Only $2.50, Down
tnd the balance In convenient monthly payment
Othtr Eltctricel Gift ter your LM te be Found
in the Ehetrie Shep
Beautiful lamps i Whether you have much or tittle te spend ; no matter
what kind of lamp you have in mind, the Etectnc Shep, at Tenth end
Chtttnut Street, is the place te come te make your selections.
Electric Teaiteri, Percolators, drill! : All sorts of beautifully finished and
5mmr tht Ktttttit She) it tnUtalflwt toieyuTChrutmti
A(nt roomy, lltcltv atfifsy envsU-frenssf ttttpftt.
Telephensi Walnut 4700
twJ!2fcU,E?M ri2"H'-40S" KtaelMS-.AmandOMra.ldli,
-.MceiiiaWaAta. WnU art Rumb Su. JUfu) aad W. CMte Aw.
raadaiidWharStaSU. ,f
y - ' -A - ,. - - rv -
j?1 TUA iffed.bjr'JttitlcV'Ptrker,
KIh believed he will devote meit of hk
ennrge u me nan-nuns esse.
Psys ISO and Costs for Demolishing
lerwlck "Silent Policeman"
Carter Lcidy, ion of Dr. Jeseph
Leidy, of this city, and husband of the
former "Flfl" Widener, was sentenced
at Bloomsburg , Pa., yesterday te nay a
flne of SCO and coats and (e reimburse
the boepuch of Berwick for property
he and his friends damaged during n
wild automobile ride there early one
mernlnfr last May, following a party at
the Leidy home.
Charges of larceny and driving an
automobile when intoxicated were drop
ped. t-Shrfakrfasfcaw
Plum Pudding, mine pi and
your entire Christmas dinner
san b cooked all at en time,
vlth only one gas burner, in
,l- even of this mi ranee.
It it automatic, fee. Yeu limply
et the wheel, then go te the
matinoe, and when you re-
turn your mtal it toady te
Demonstrated and Distributed by
tmmeM, iwe!
;ftLMUt al
Monthly Payments If Desired
vppn jrnmy fcTBiunir All! V OUiOCK
wiiuKxncijr amnta eiccinc aevicet await your
election here. Special gift seta at really moderate
Electric Laber-savers; Many busy mother
would rather have an electric washer, sewing
machine, ironer or dishwasher for her Christmas
than an assortment of miscellaneous gifti. Lets
or people buy these labor-savers as Christinas
presents, knowing that the recipient wtU enjoy
them all year 'round. Easy terms, tee.
.p.. -.
I l.EI
HBeBssssssssseaBa9kkei tt gf
IflLeBeBeBeBeBfllll IB
SMm? 1
mt Strawbridge
Tent of thousands of them in
a wonderful Gift display
Handkerchiefs are gifts welcomed by all, from the little maid
who proudly tucks a gaily embroidered Handkerchief into the
pocket of her pinafore te the exquisite gessamersheer Handker
chief of finest linen that is a part of the formal costume. The gift
array la beautiful with many novelties in a season when fashion's
fancy for novelty extends te Handkerchiefs.
Of plain Irish linen, hem
stitched hems, 12tte.
Of mull, with colored cord
borders, 12ic.
Of mull, sports Handker
chiefs, colored designs, 15c.
Of mull, with colored bord
ers, 16c.
Of gay colored linens, with 0f fine Irish linen, hem
embroidered corners, 18c. stitched, 18c
Men's Gift
Irish linen Handkerchiefs,
Of Irish linen, initialed, 25c
and 85c.
Imported Lissue Handker
chiefs with woven cords, 60c.
Of linen, with colored hems,
50c i
Of linen, with colored hems
and initialed, 76c
Of pongee silk, with colored
hems, 76c
Of linen, with woven cord
borders, $1.00.
Of pongee silk with drawn
thread borders, $1.00.
Of fine linen, $1.50.'
S000 Women's Fine
te sell at
Strswbrldi A Cletblsr Aisle
Select the
In This Great Sale
s This is a" most opportune Sale riptht in the nick e' time, and
kindreds of women will have better Furs 'this Christmas.
Fur Coats, $92.80
Bealine Coats, made en easy
lines, with the new crush col cel
lar. (Sealine it Australian
Fur Ceals, $135.00
Muskrat Coats, from, SO
inches te 40 inches long; chin'
cellar or shawl cellar. American
Opossum Coats, in the 40-inch
length, with reverse border.
Black Russian Peny Coats, with
large cellar and cuffs of gen
uine skunk. Sealine Coats
(Australian ceney) with shawl
cellar and deep cuffs of fine
Australian opossum. Sports
Coats of leopard cat with cellar
and cuffs of nutria. desirable models.
Fine Fur Coats at $295.00 and $395.00
Natural Raccoon, Hudsen Seal (dyed muskrat) and Black
Caracal, made in various lengths, beautifully lined and handsomely
Single-skin Natural Mink Scarfs, $13.50
Twe-skin Natural Mink Scarfs, $30.00
American Fex Animal Scarfs, $20.00
Natural Stene Marten Animal Scarfs, $35.00
Twe-skin Natural Skunk Scarfs. $30.00
A Sohmer Cupid
Grand Piane $1150
What a superb gift for your home for any home! Some
thing te be cherished and treasured for years te come by your
children and their children. r
The price seen fades into insignificance before the untold
msical enjoyment the Sohmer Cupid Grand brings te the home
f music-levers.
Convenient terms of purchase may be arranged. If ye
have a charge account here the amounts payable may be added
te your monthly bin. uiner
. ,. J..I.1TR.
Sheps All Under Our
Women's Gift
Frem the neatly hemstitched kind
of plain linen at 12c each te ex
quisitely embroidered kinds at $10.00.
!!'1 'J' vSSQt
Of linen, initialed, 25c
Of linen, trimmed with point
de Venlse lace, 25c.
Of linen, with hand-embroidered
corners, 85c.
Of pongee, with drawn-thread
borders, 35c.
Of Irish linen, with colored
hems, 60c.
Of linen, with colored hems
and initialed, 60c.
Of linen, Spanish hand-embroidered,
Of linen, in solid color with
embroidered corners, 75c.
Of linen, Appenzell embroid
ered, $1.00.
Children's Gift
Of mull, with embroidered
corners a box of three, 50c.
Of mull, embroidered, one for
every day of the week 7 in
box, 76c
Of mull, with Juvenile fig
ures embroidered in one cor
ner, 15c.
Of linen, with corner em
broidered in colors, 25c.
Linen Handkerchiefs
25c each
B, Centre: and Alrte 13. Market Street
Gift Furs
Fur Coats, $185.00
Ncarseal Coats (French
ceney) with cellar and cuffs of
jrray squirrel, beaver or skunk.
Natural Muskrat Coats with
cellars of contrasting furs.
Fur Coats, $235.00
Persian lamb with cellar and
cuffs of genuine skunk. Hudsen
Seal (dyed muskrat) in the 42
inch length, with self cellar and
cuffs. Russian Peny Coats in
rich brown tones, with large
cellar of the finest beaver.
.These Coats are madp in many
m, cieuuer secena fleer. Filbert Street
rianes taken as part payment
StrawbrWse A Clethler-Flfth Klecr.
.. r.x ...
& Clothier Nearly 100 Gift
1000 Pairs of Women's Kid
Gloves Under Price $1.65
Many at half price, and Christmas coming apace no need te
mrge early shopping for these everybody knows Gloves at such
reductions will net last long in December.
All imported kid Gloves exceptionally fine, and Including
seme particularly gift-like white kid Gloves with pearl clasps. The
assortment includes black, black with white, white, and white with
black: also some cOed beaver, pearl and brown shades.
BtrawMU m
Beautiful Silk Negligees
Fer no matter
hew practical her
frocks, every
woman adores a
billowy Negligee.
There's witchery
te the feminlne
mind in graceful,
drapey lines and
a favorite hue.
.Seft frills are
restful just te leek
at them. Se be ,
r riji j nil i
v sure te include a
vXSilk Nejrligee en
your kiii use.
Beautiful models
of crepe de chine,
also of satin, in
shades of rose,
Copenhagen and
turquoise blue,
pink, peach and
orchid, and some
in rich dark hues.
The m ed el
sketched at the
II If ftp
$12.75 ml a
left, trimmed with plaiting and dainty ribbon rosebuds $12.75.
Sketched at the right, a lovely model draped in coat effect.
In black or navy blue trimmer! with Paisley bands $15.00.
A tailored model, trimmed with tucks, and with a ribbon rose
fastening the long cellar $10.00.
Negligees, Special at $11.95
There's an easy grace in the long, flowing lines of these Crepe
de Chine Negligees, ribbon-trimmed and hand-embroidered.
Strawbrldie A
Seamless Fringed Velvet
Rugs, 9x12 feet $31.75
A truly remarkable value, which is possible only in this lower
price Rug Department. Of heavy quality, finely woven, in a wide
assortment of pleasing allover patterns in wanted shades. Miner
imperfections, almost invisible in the Rugs but noticeably apparent
in the lowered price $31.75.
Heavy Axminster Rugs, 9x12 $38.75
Anether instance of the exceptional value here. Made by one
of America's greatest mills, but tiny flaws bring the price down
away below usual.
Axminster Rugs, 36x63 inches $5.75
Such small "threw" Rugs make most appropriate Christmas
gifts, for the housekeeper can always find a bare spot te improve
with a bit of warm color. The price is very low, indeed S5.75.
In the Beautiful China
and Glassware Stere
The gift of China or fine Glassware is a compliment
te a woman's sense of beauty, and she lias the added
pleasure of using her gift. The Chhnware Stere is a
real treasure house of gifts gifts with the romance of
the Orient, gifts that show the skilled touch of the true
artfet, gifts that are a delight te cheese as well as te give.
BABY'S GIFT is a Porrldge
Set, u bowl and plate, and a milk
jup; that may be a pussy cat or
a duck. Children will adore
them $3.50.
uith a soft beauty of coloring,
six Plates, Cups and Saucers,
Teapot, Suar Bowl and Cream
Pitcher $15.00.
DINNER SETS, including
forty-one pieces of imported
white china with geld band
border $13.50.
VENETIAN GLASS, exquis exquis
ite in design and coloring and
decorated with tiny glass flow
ers. Baskets, Vases, Candle
sticks and Powder Bexes from
$1.00 te a fascinating "dragon"
compete at $10.00.
Jars and Baskets in soft tones,
with a mystic iridescence ever
all, many sizes and shapes
$2.50 te $6.00.
Czecho-Slovakia shows wonder
ful variety in shape and deli
cacy of design of silver trim
- Strawbrldae 4 Clothier Fourth Fleer, Market Street. Wen
Tonight at 7:30 Santa Claus is going te talk te his little friends
ever the Kadie J "LUten in" if you have a receiving set for
from new until Christmas Santa Claus will broadcast from this
Stere station W. K I., Wednesdays and Saturday Evenings at 7:30.
Seal of
Cletnier Aiiue is tad is. Harass etnas
SI 5.00
Clothler - Tbtrd Clethler - Tbtrd Fleer. Filbert fatreet Wast
'JaBfP aW
yVA Il j 1 sk
mr I j I
Strawbrldre A Clothier I'loer 4 Mi, Filbert Htrcet
-Kv t'SSKjL 2thtf vbW . i. feb a sr,
mings. Va,5e, Tandy Jars,
Candlesticks Baskets and Com Com
eotes $1.75 te $4.50.
VASES are rarely beautiful in
design. Vases from Japan,
$1.25 te $225.00. Chinese Vases,
$7.00 te $10.00; Ginger Jars and
Temple Vases, 5S.00 te $25.00.
and Candlesticks, some creamy
white, ethers handsomely decor
ated $1.00 te $10.75.
QLASSWARE, decorated with
geld-cncrusted bands is band
some. Bowls and Sandwich
Trays $3.00.
SHERBETS of amber glass
will please the hostess, $6,50
a dozen; with high btcms
Vases, Bowls, Candlesticks,
Competes and Baskets are
(rift-like in their delightful
variety and glorious coloring.
Greens, blues, vivid crimson,
erange and yellow. Many with
a black line for contrast $1.35
te 814.00.
thousands of them in the wonderful ChriHt--mas
Tey Stere which is just a few steps down
from thf first flniir An A han's n enrnricA
atXr M I BiflB I '''sWnKlll
m Jm Ws W f fBhjJH
1 flnnf Tfljf ViLlY B alH Jff . f v j HjftuS
1 mSsTm9tBmmiS3r aT aIVss II ''lWI
aTNaamSaamaaSaaTaaaaaaaaB XtS
illlllW aaaaaaaaaaaaaall laV iMMaWHr
Knit Underwear
Fer your own comfort as well at
for acceptable Gifts!
Silk Underwear is en many a gift list. Mere women
than ever before are selecting it for intimate gifts. And
new that frosty days are here, the selection of Under
garments te keep one warm comes first en the shopping
day. Reliable Knit Underwear, from foremost manu
facturers, with the added assurance of excellence that
our Seal of Confidence gives.
Women's Silk and
Knit Underwear
Pink Gleve Silk Bodice Vests
I with ribbon shoulder straps
Kayser Vests, Italian silk,
, band top, bodice style, in pink
1 or white $2.50.
Pink Gleve Silk Step-in
I Drawers $1.95.
j Pink Gleve Silk Bleemers
Ribbed Cotten Vests, crochet
front, regular sizes 50c.
Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests,
low neck, sleeveless, in regular
sizes, 65c; extra sizes 75c.
Light-weight ribbed cotton
thrce-piece Union Suits, with
band top, low neck, sleeveless,
. V StrnwbrMe ft Clothier Alalia
Men's Fine Winter
Overcoats $48, $58, $75
Among the most popular of our many lines of men'e Over
coats are these at $18.00, $58.00 and $75.00. At these prices men
of critical taste can cheese from many handsome styles, faultlessly
tailored of the finest fabrics that have yet come from leading
looms of Europe and America.
Save en Wickham Clothing
Still a plentiful supply of fine Wickham Suits and Orefeeete
in the Sale, which began en Monday. These men who missed the
first few days should certainly come te-morrow and share in the
savings they arc exceptional, as the following prices indicate:
Matchless Wickham Suits, $22.00, $29.50 and $32JS0
wtcRnam uverceats in tne eaiv, o.eu, fja.su, S44.0Q
!V "W. Gtrswhrlrlsa A rUikl ... as. -
-w w-
Beys Suits
With Extra Troupers
and Mackinaws
Wanted Western Style
The Suits are especially
well tailored, of all-wool
cheviot, with the coat lined
in mohair and both pairs of
Knickerbockers full - lined
Sizes 7 te 18 years $12.75.
The Mackinaws are of all
wool blanket cloth, equipped
with large convertible cellar
and warm muff pockets. Sizes
10 te 17 years $12.75.
Pictures Enlarged
for Gifts
Seme of these vacation
photographs enlarged would
make charming Christmas
gifts. Bring the negatives te
the Kodak Section. Prices for
making enlargements are med.
V .J . VK.- ' irl.a Avu.t . -..tltr....
also with short sleeves and
tight knees; regular eteee,
$1.00; extra sizes $1.15.
White Ribbed Merine Unhm
Suits, low neck, no sleeves,
ankle length; regular sizes,
$2.75; extra sizes $3.25.
Kayser Marvelflt Union Suits,
silk top and lisle drawers, ra
pink. Regular sizes, $3.00; ex
tra sizes $3.50.
Fer Children
Children's Gray Sleeping
Suits, drop seat, with feet 75c.
Children's Ribbed Cotten
Union Suits, seconds, 76c.
Men's Underwear
Heavy-weight gray or eera ,
ribbed Cotten Shirts and
Drawers $1.00 each.
Heavy-weight Gray Mertae
Shirts and Drawers $1.50 ea.
Heavy-weight Gray Part Part
Weel Shirts and Drawers
$2.00 each.
Light-weight ribbed gray an
ecru Cotten Union Suits $1.16.
Medium-weight white ribbed
cotton Union Suits $2.00.
anil S, Mnrktt Strwt: A I tie 4. Ceats
..... .. wvwaici svsjCVWj IQVT,
Amrad Short
Wave Radie Set
Complete $154
Tuner, Detector, TveSta4)
Amplifier, Tubes, Batteries,
Phenes and Aerial Included.
Here's a wonderfully efflel
ent Set that will make meat
delightful gift for your boy,
and for the family. Easily pat
up, easily tuned. Haa re
ceiving radius of 500 te 1.0M
miles, according te conditions,
irysiau vnscwr eeuy-sae.
Aeriela Senior Sets wMs
tubes and phones $15.00.
Aeriela Senior Amplifiers,
with tubes-$18.00.
WestingheuM . a
$112.60.. -:.
M. Pftssstver ft
Deateastratieiis .aeJl,. M
y ' jjSi
i m.
f- ,!" k
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miMdJhikM Jr;Ljmik&ii
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