wwm L,i, mi'fit ? EVENING. PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1922 Subconscious Courtship Vmtittn women'ooxtrmorJtnoryeehomo tekaep sttltere from Interfax " Im with' her Utm U told in this fascinating novel By BERTA RUCK Auther of "The Wrong Mr. Wrteht," "The Arrant Rever," Bte. Copyright, 19tt, Dedd, Head A, Ce. rSswHe n ti,e 8T0?Y VJMBIt KLPUimrgitB.frm: v - ..Umr tr 10 1108 inHuriiii fSSm. Harried by relative and l..,cn" i. .. in mnrru her for U deeii e te mom, a 'hmbmd for & te fend off "the harpies," "tfeeJ IIAHttY CAVMWltAEL, JSStVFar veteran, man of personality, V&iinttr trhe ha wventea a nce IFuTtMnef whi-h he agrees te ; "strictly business" propesl- KnSEUMlY MEADOWS, Clever's '9Sk UEAU0W8, aunt, who has Zinied Clever in aavcrttty n D trlth farms. . ... (yi)AL, iu'Jr uaugimr, a 'Wu HOLT, big, geed-natured chap, huifiiiv in hrc ,c,,h fesc"""'' "Leek a Llttle Stere Engaged ii CAIN she saw Hint the score was A u Tim vcrv softness of his tone A'l!; c,,,':,,,,. Inftiriiitlnit tint ll till" r"" i f - r i i,i.. tin- siii'icli and manner aide mj K ineiim "- - i , ,,,,.,1,1 . ii fnticiiiiinf i"."1 "' --"" , ' ... i.n-if i int he was ever SL?Li L" I, in Kimrrltic with her. ft this last shaft her only answer was te tlancc lit the tiill figure beside her E'J.rk overt out. white muffler and ?at in" texclnlm impnUMjtly. Vfel But hew stupid of ou te for- 'I'gtuplil?" 1p ,oek "! I,uzz,crt: 'What linve 1 forgotten?' VlnMn't T tell jeu thnt this was n fcner drees dance, and you ve come I am e sorry, hut one nlwiiys Ultntoed Hie fancy ilU" wan optional It thea affnirH. especially if one was Jet toil? '",co "' lllll An,lleW ' Cdirt any ether sort of costume te "ffeli, they won't let you in like 'De jeu think net?" he returned fnibly. He teuld net help being R.1. nmuil with her. She foresaw Mcultics, such ns whether or no he uld be allowed in te the gnl cries fa erdlnaiy clothes, and tiny thins fit thnt. But this w:ih one of the uteumling thing about tne young fcman she bimnl.v had net foreseen I tithe of the dillleulties or weighed I fraction of tne ceiieiiucnccs in imp frtnlng's nniieuneeiiient. They were te be engaged, and then they were te. lire one standard of "encasement for rlTtte use and one for public. There hi te be no overlapping, nnd no for- fitting, and no awkwardness, ana no Bring of themselves nwny ; no merging U Weir pnvillU l--unillt::JS imu un. neUtenes.s. she renlie? Wns thnt beginning t trouble her a little at last, or was she mil? only annoyed because he wasn't B fancy dress? "Khali we." he suggested, "leek in It Clarliseu's nnd try te rnlse n domino M temetmng ter me te rig myscit up W" .. . "Ne." slie said petulantly, "we re lite as it is." The taxi was threading its way down Piccadilly. About it were ether taxis with ether ceuples: there were couple Wthe tops of the buses; couples bust enlng ou feet toward the theatres. Cbbples everywhere; nowhere such a couple ns this. They, who meant te Barry, only knew each ether slightly but, eh! thought Clever Klpbinstene, low much mere "slightly" they would Come te knew each ether, once they ere married ! She thought she could manage be that she and this man tcarcely ever M)ele te each ether at all n tete-a-tete. In the meantime the exasperating creature had mnde this faex pas about fnney drc-s. "Tiresome." she murmured. He apeligized again, with irritating Composure. "Afraid I couldn't even 'te ns' a politician, with my coat en rerned inside out, cither," said he. 'The lining of my cent isn't quite U that could be wished. I've darned It tee often, myself. We peer bache hri, you knew! Can you think of any thing?" "Ne. Except well, you'll have te er my clenk as n domino. I bee fcething else for It." Her hands went up te the big golden fcepi at her threat. "Stand up," she eaid (hating her wb manner). He steed up In the tnxl, bent his Wd, took off his overcoat. She get JP; ihe steed beside him; she took off IK loose voluminous satin clenk, amber Www patterned with geld, gleaming tader the Btreet lights. He checked a budden "Ah! There K ! again!" "It'r was that scent which she nl r used. The perfume which had ttMn up out of the lining of her furs, Jt afternoon in Richmond Park ; that Wnume which was all about her wrap, rm from her shoulders. The breath ivrectbrier nfter rain. It "speke" tarmiehnel, who was sensitive te ft1' .II willl,n'd that breach in his JU of defense, through which there Ml already crept a possibility. New e crept through something else. J!."8 c"S(,'0us of reveling in having ibm beent te close te him. It was en w nnKera as she put them up under THE GUMPS The Meth and the Flame By Slimy 8 J chin nnd said briefly, "I'l fasten M,,R'1.i u' 1'!."1 ,,et !Tt, wrUU'; ! keep still," 'any dance; It wa plaintive, pin .. H kept breathlessly still; he wished int,' ,"lil;" .'" ,eu'r-v no,e' 1,ut b did net fasten these loops se skill ul.t un" luickly. Delight held him i2h.cn, lle fame te himself and said: inank you" in his most niatter-ef- 2l,iin,0".e1' 15ut thnt elll 'leliglit, that wwiaratien were with liim htill. 1,,5C' y with him ai he handed 'out of the taxi. This, he told him "i. , was merely because he had made "Phis mind te buck up and take this th.Viens.aB',m,,t" cheerfully. Since thing hud te be gene through with. Tww ,,'r')llBl' wi,,t " l t'1' ttaii.i iW,lN, wlmt ,he ""i"g man Sawr u!,(1 ,"H he Ntm"1 wa't' 'r wltk er.,nt '1'1' 'oer of the dnueing-roem, 'rgBmg his dress-coat. Wki-i. "8 1 . H"la J,1Mt nw. what we knew." IIe took her hand nnd tucked It under the yellow wrap. "New, de .you mind If I suggest that you begin te leek n llttle mere 'engaged'? Loek at tne." 9,ey?r tntc1 h" chin and met his light-blue eyes with u very cool glance. "I nm looking nt you." ti"Net,.n v.ery ?oetl effort," returned W C'armlchacf, looking down nt her. "1 nm smiling," retorted Clever, nnd ndecd at thnt moment her expression broke up, nnd In spite of herself, she laughed. "Much better," he approved. "I nm net going te de all the work, I warn you. New, where are these girls ah. there'H one of them." Fer It was at this moment that the ilnnee did end. The crowd eddied to ward the bides of the room, and there came up ngalnst the oderwny a bev In beuting-iiaiinels and a slim figure in all black with budding horns above a pink -cherub face. "What's that child's name?" de manded Carmlchnel qukklv. "Sandal. " "Hlght." Then In n confident nnd earning tone. "I say, Sandal!" Ihe umazed flapper hM;cd nbeiiti ami stared at him. Majer Carmlehael? Iset only had he never called her bv her Christian name before, but he hail never uddres-d her at all. "Come and hear the news," said he coolly. "Shall I tell her. Clever, 'or will ou? e nre te biceuIiiN-in-law. Sandal, you knew. Clever has se very kindly premised te mariv me." "Te m te what? Clever?" came in n faint shriek. "Have jeu. Clever?" Clever, in self-defense, turned charm full en. "Of ceur.se I have," satd she, with great sweetness. "We're engaged." 'J he ceaseless babbler find sometime In an instant's silence the spirit of supreme exclamation. Sandal Meadows had that instant new. Tlnn im without a word, she took te her black l ...if... tm..l. .....1 .. .I I 1. . ' rH.i.ii ii.i-l-. mid nm, UKIU lipilll llPUlg the Hist te hurl this bomb upon Hoe Hee uiai'y and .lim. Down the emptying middle of the room shp Wn followed by CleVer and Carinlchael. Hut. before they came up te her. there sprung forward, out of the motley throng that had dispened It self ou lounges and chairs, another figure. This was an Kli'uhcthnn, swaggering in crimson slashed doublet and trunk hose. Admirably "done." with at tention te detail net shown by many male wearers of fancy estuine, he wn obviously enjejlng the dash he cut uud the Tightness of hi rapier, his points, his shoes, his ruff. Ilnir and tiny pointed heard were se much of the period that for a moment it was diffi cult te retranspee this sixteenth century blade Inte the nut of Picca dilly, of the parks, the clubs. Swinging up te Clever, he bowed with a flourish, he suilled with an air, lie spoke. Ill voice was the voice of thnt member of Clever's "Foursome" whom Carinichael liked leust Mr. Hebby Llewelyn. "lair Spaniard," cried he. in the best braggadocio Jianner. "is this the face that launched a thousand Arma das? Thus let me pay mine homage te the loveliest eiiemj " here lie swept off his plum-colored velvet cupe and made as if te spread it ou the parquet ur Clever's little feet "for. by my halidein, thou art indeed tricked out te make short work e' the hearts of our English Admiials all!" The Wnrdeiir street tushery came glibly from his lips, he had an ea'c and a dash that would captivate eight wom en out of ten against their sounder In stincts, and would infallibly aliennte men of a certain tjpe, ut leu'i. Kntranred, Mie Danced Carinichael v. is of tin tjpe. Yeuiif; Llewelyn, catching the engineer's steel blue glance upon him, dropped his "period" talk and added with elaborate casunlne.ss, "Mrs. Klphinstenc, it's a succes foil. Thoroughly appropriate!" with an eje for the rose behind Clo Cle ver's ear, for the comb and the fan as well a for the ('banning mutinous face. "This brings out eery diep of Spanish bleed in j-eu, you knew. Ileal 'Old Madrid.' You'll gie me the next dance, Curineneltii?" Already die had .shifted her fan te the ether hand, but between her nnd the Klizabetlilan th"re stepped, quiet ly, inoffensively but determinedly, the tall blend Briten with golden dra peries flung like a careless challenge e er his worn dress suit ; mid before he knew he n. rant te speak, Carmieliael )el;e, "I think this is mine. Clever. Serry, Llcwelju," lie added te the ether jeung man. Te himself he said. "Paid te keep the ether men off, am IV tioed! Well here's where I earn my salary." Alse he bald te himself, "Kxquisite taste in scent nhe.'s get ; execrable judgment in people." Alse, "Settled his hash for one dance." Clever, with Carmichael's arm al ready slipped about her shoulders te draw her out into the room, exclaimed with mixed feelings; "But jeu don't dance, yi.u said." "Yeu said I didn't dance." "De ,eii dunce, then?" "Alight try." he retorted succinctly. The music which the bund hud just written ter sslen- sifll f Guess viu tkvcfc ?osen wys TV Ht fVTT "tttfc ?MWHGRr4lsUA v l SWE SET OF MOTHS eKOOH WrWil V . . ' 1 1 j i 'LU tVT TUEM ANW CMEVUU.H "WWW ?V.tWTN OF MOW BAU.S ntA sH . s y. hWi 'win wgfftSKHH W jHlggggk Hgggggi ?l G '7 Xiffi&lgBL .flisgggfS -?3W"::3 ktD MMCM Wfc.'WfcM QOT STTA??N6 OK HV cVMOR-- HLflOr4f "THtM UCK M "TMES'LV. VAVE "TO T0 X OW ttECTlQ KV- TMEtt BE NO THE tOVLS AE Ct05CV- "i rF m '- ft r6k(S l IANfV siMrY SOMEBODY'S STENOG She's Geed at Riddles Reslateied U. Patent Offlea By Hayward I SHALL T SEAlb 1 f AiO I SAID SEAJD "JTHE PlAJk BOOKLE.T THE STATE-MEJiT Te mTd dOWES Ce L-,UlOWSAMDTHa AND THE. STATEMENT BOOKLET Te SMlTHj, TO SMITH r " -r ggflgTl 7 '" gH m S IsJt f &d h ' T SEHT The. Booklet TO -!OAIE6 AAlD THE STATEME4T TO SWITH AC TOO TOLD MS., SIR. n YbibbiDVe-R'? UEAfiUE FORTV-ROUR. CALtBW&DUMBELL.' X SAID S&AJD THE STATEMENT TOtJ0f& AAID THE SOOKL&r ( O JV" ' ri fyP r- I r VHATS 1 HAT ' re.' r , e.fv Z?"T A MP.AM A "AKBWB- Dir?w au '.'-r-J rrVHATSTHAT 1 v f e.iv Z?s.T- A WPAh Dj.KW ' ?, .7; pi -r nOK ami new 1 zSy sJ ' 0. CcfiKl, Ittt, by P&Vc lfrCe; '-'P OH. I KAWW - jg TO KEEP Hl COLLAR r&ON i-y SLinr-iMCia urr H-4 The Yeung Lady Acresc the Way ' ")P Till: ABSENT-MINDED PllOFESSOR By FONTAINE FOX L-T" The young lady across the way says she has seen baseball players who were glasses, but she doesn't believe a football plajcr could ever be spectacular. fLEASE PHT reRGM" Te UAVU YiuR CTHCK, HAT Te D6 CteAMCD Vvi' .t kV ' A V ,! A 1 11 1 - WCUft ASO t CAHt FlKO IT K9 ,a. pi M X & I - WeTS THAT mt Yoen I e hy 'i ' ' &1- fir 4 5TKAKG&! v tNPfcfcP I , . 'NJ SCHOOL DAYS i-jj t.. .lLZ?Z-ll I B V'nfWfP'' jJsSeWmilM 2 "VViSj &i C-4 x- ;s. . ' iLL1 111 f ea,vJttr OF VT? 1.1 iJ i ITS hettV eeT rcwuei Fnnrt 6V)t. 0 Srtwtwe's cmtKBM Hurt)- iv,ei B PiCHirt TeOw C ,,-t Ters a StCrt. PI BMC 1 Stte's A'SsOWirti LOOrvMt IPOKf W IT 'rene T ftfiei-TSJ fePt eeeRjj fr WP -rjJ KWltSA W J r . i 1 v-hi. .' h7 uamni I u W A VlltaSISLpAa. p fjlk ' 7 Js" 1 Jmsmjmk) &&amL2K wmwf?iBmm!ry YlniWIHr wtigij HjAgggK KmbSKziL 1 fnmtWremw vi$l PETEYIt's a Pipe vis ZOMCTetE A leOCH Je5 TZXMC Te ?(AY A SAYAPWOME VITWOUTTHE WIFC ( 00X kievu, se Here Gees zmz& - LlsTETMT&THAr, e:vi ? -She's cemimg M.0W6FINE. . LU JUKISts. EVERVB60Y SYXMAS 0 Wf ) ia , fli ''"".' ""',c w-' de think and dlffereni "fJ.1'1"? ...JV """'v lwu8 se "lOXt nm lllll;, WIWII tlinin.l.t., .,1 ntri ueep, iieen down in i',i..i,.i,i,i, - .- -.-..... ... v.. .,.,v,i,,i n WJre Te U Si' nn, "n nd delight Btter, T,",'iV u'c,, ,,n wi"' '" oft fin. Hlm,'" P'e-Blenl eentacts-her fiiti.l.T vU,M " lH lrent as she 7.".? w 1 the rhythm and t uv. her palm against )I11 the cab. Thnv rhythm and throb of tnk. tl,0l'Sht what he did net &.. 'IPhlnstnne appeared in the iPSSi. 1 1 c?nr"w in her flouncy fleuncy flouncy ttfeemh blaK "ntllle held high by ,Jpb abeve her mull fuce. 921 ...f?. yu"l" he said. "I Mii;f..- tH dne wl be ever ""inSXJ ft ui go and find them;" temEZ .' OleTtr, (nllng KSSS ? ttjmni it. popular in Louden, as any revue mel edy, nucli is the curiously catholic and liudependable musical taste of the liriten ! lie flecks la a u.iik', Irre spective of class, te applaud the l.wles of (luy's deathless opera; he hums and whistles In bis hath the latest tinsel success of Xciv Yerk vaudeville; he fXTiArV AlTi GASOLtNE AHEl '-Always in Doubt Heipiel Meller's songs te which Clever i and Cariiilch.iel new swung into step. Fer 11 ceupie of turns they had the whole of the larger gallery te them selves. The music, the rh.Uhni, the joy of movement took and merged them. She danced as she had net ihiuced In her life te the obbligato of a dazed dis covery; why, this man was the divine the ideul partner. In the delight of dancing with him she seemed te find a trace of all ether delights ; the pleas ure she took in color, flower, sun shine, even In theie lines nml shapeB of classic (ireice that she loved. It was ul 11 pun of this waltz. She wished It need never end, Mho forget with whom she was dancing. Silent, entranced, r she danced. And he? He danced, most keenl) conscious that nheitt him rose n cloud of the scent which he most enjoyed. Faint, faint. elusle, intermittent, faint but, pelgnnnt, the Hcent ns of street brier under a shower of rain. It was like her, or she was like It. IIe didn't knew which. IIe closed his ejeH as he waltzed with whom? With 11 woman who was no longer the em ployer te whom he was bound In buil ness and between whom and hlmaMf were only the ties of gala and con venience. xnii, ion and warm and fragrant and held cleu tAthlm. wui th perfect partair tt iiTiekMwledfed 253ft5C3WX "5 'X -'PY3INK-.' - SoivieesiE" s C3r4HC ?'& fjteem, 1 is - -s" eriv ( V fttftfi ' By C. A, Voight J310 &?tAQU HEAT. fw ( "at avjfuu I -,'v lll, 1 rsiwiet-- -' Stti. mm -wheMe.'' WO-WHAT WAS IT UKe l 4r Q y- u4Wgi r.A.6t 3- ri&&3at. ivy lypyn v x. gfgi223'w3gS5v5 'Jk IllllgJ! Lflfc mmm YES, iVt: MADE APPLICATION TeX. I'M COINO TO PET HIM ALL T tJET 5KER IX ADOPTED A lAWYETeH, 1? fRIGHT BUT THERE'S A LOT gj WELL' ' M TO ADOPT HIM. THESE BIRDS ISVvORKlHO ON IT AND WB'veVTrWT SO?) OF RED TAPE TO IT AND t(CIM f " - ( THAT AY 5E OOESN'T WAMT UUBUSHEDA U V WVTAKE V X.THAT , - VME TO ARE CRAZV 'j WAIT NOW MAYBE WE MEANT HB WAS flLAO IT WOULD TAKE SOMETIME: r n ms M By DWIO By King a RgS Tw nnit.talM ny trm - "E, Sr h VI . '- ...- 1 .ftlt feri mte&mism k -lk ISXft. "it -I't'' i(l UTJ' IMAl .',! iigggMi IMKi T liii TgMgliyiiliTningigyg n v rtr i.-tu L Av.yLJiaaamaigBEiivt.!in it r ..'tfimtigigTt. .7: r . . l ...' .a rimxzzsa VUUUL drtm. - . '" ' "" --- --" L. usawSsWaft'-'- 1 ,-;;Cr,V';v:t,-vi S..J