JS&Kk wtw& rij.V ? j t, -- '? ttfj a y.'K" .W fW&ftSW Gf"" ' ? yajilMWt 'Wl'idIW m 'A' "V'T .v'Vi; Stiff J Ufr ?W MTHE HOUSE OFMOHUNl &m By GEORGE GIBBS I tas Auther of "Youth Triumphant" and Other finer.. attt I M"""" :..D tsmn IV THE BT01W faaswa I5in aAXtlRBIi. vevnp American H$B$M andmrvtttran, amazed ffititittd Hh kr , Hiker, fcn ft leaves them te MM. U01WX, tche hat luccrtjfully IBtfJB COMMiV. a moteroar tola tela in. e rnrMM0 type, of nhem Cltrrt imagina she is enamored. 10BUOHVX. ten. it a typically reck ,lat yevnffster. KE0ROH M'Cr.TT. elderly chorus, .HiiMBehisina an the etery develops. MBS CHICHESTER, uhem Mrs. Sthvn iceuld like te call ten-in-lau. 0 David Snngree fled Incontinently iJlate his waroein, seizing unuerwenr, tiwttrt n"d shirt ns h ran, nwnn tkt Cherry Iind entered almost lm Btdlitclv behind him. With the fererMi activity of a firemnn rcipenclliift tt in alarm lie pet Inte Ills discarded dotting, even te cellar and crnvnt, lid In n few moment", reached the doorway, flushed. disturbed, grlnnln fitueudy end Mill fumbling nt his 'i''' . .. .ii .i Cherry wn clntidliifi by the table, Hie JUit catching little iridescent threads .f'hereeat. v.liidi was moist from the fci and ram euisiuc. i .... h lhadew, but the reflected glow from tbt litter of papers and reviews painted j- warm colors the fluent curve of her aKk ami chin. Her fliture gave an 1m 1m pruslen of alertness like that of n Mrt, Just alighted en n twig in an taftmlllar neighborhood, poised deli cately for fllh. But as he entered the room she tamed, thrust out an nrm te him, nailing her twisted unlle. "I hope you don't mind ray coming " she began. "Mind! Geed Lord. no. I'm de- lighted very. iJiil surprised. ion m I'm net used te visitors especially " He pnused. "Especially plrls?" she put in. "Well er you tec, irN don't come lere. It's a bachelor npnrtiuent neunc "I knew it. But T knew the number ! tnlk te him ask his advice nt n time ef your Milte, took a rlinnce nml walked Mi this. He's get te have his chance Vp the ftn!rs. The boy at the deer without worry of nny kind." thought I was n charwoman. 1 hope. "Of course. And our mother under I have en my old clothes," she -, -tun.U thW V' til ilil. Sangrec wns vegnrtllns the denr dubiously. "I'm nor yuite sure that I ought te let jeu May, dicrry." She smileil down at her lingers, which U bad forgotten te let go. "If I don't care, wny should you?" And then, withdrawing her hand tewly as she turned soberly tewurd the table, "I had te tee you at once," she Hid quietly. Be looked at her asnin and then glanced nt the locked deer into the corridor as though debating whether te epta it or net. Ax he hestiluted the poke ugniii, "Aren't en cnlnir te tmU me tn sit down, llamcftcx?" t-lie asked whimsi cally. "Oh et course," he said hastily, drawing n chnlr toward the aas leg. aew that you're heru I suppose you mht as well be killed for a sheep us Iamb. Let me take your coat." IVA ,!..... v .1........ .... 1- At the gluw from the lamp reached l(t face, he thought that she looked Mry. Her cheek bones hucmed higher, teert were fnint touches of purple around her eyes, and the scarlet of her Jlpa was faded. There was, tee", a febfr pucker at her brews born of home Inner commotion. She waited a mo me bent until he was seated before she spake. "I had te see veu, Ilameses," she ? prated. "Something happened today, came Mr.ilght here." '.Nothing serious? Nothing 'i" ', if I cheese te make it se. It serious t-neiiKli te make me feel jn need of aihlcc the advice of a a ,P. " She paused and ihen Wlahed wth ,ibieus smile "even "the risk of ray reputation." it makes me luippy te think that job a some te uie. l'e wanted te help i, Cherry. 1 thought u'd for fer tten me." 'I hadn't, lint I've been fearfully JMy, ou knew we have scarcely any niUt" eml I hnve te help." . Things are m had ns that?" he M as she tmused. 8h nodded. Oh, things nr j-ist about ns bad ?ki TV"" be except for Dad. They fftlnk he's better, thank (Jed. But r!f,t ,.n.8 '" eh, 1'" u devil of Ine'k?"0 ,,"1 tp "0,nl"K from ,1,c l..'u",Jns 0 fl"- aa I an sec until PL that Is except me." grown Mni,ll"ctl ,lt,r faeu ultl' n V"7xe'i a. V fj'sbt shrug and the 'compression "5 "Pa were bitterly ironical. tai1.!.,,int.th,nk l understand." he tterc,, though glimmerings of her tu f. werc cen'lng te him. nr lips opened te curl unpleasantly. Itft tJ I ver" simple. I'm the only asset te the Heuse of Slehun " ,iju mean that you " . K7.. l'P tnt kRl' te the highest aaer-prpfernbiy Jehn Chichester," J,Jld calmly. fnlli r?i ?Ie "an''' me- U's beautl- Kaf.I?ip1?' wunt ,0 l,mrry ' X MSmliy lloner ls ""veil. That's why jE& !.!alu l" ". An impulhe. jw think I'm mad te come here. Per Per het i,?ln' 1 haU ,0 tnlk te somebody em.fr3' ?r 1,eh' "r Pren 'lienie ia y '.10 ""derstniiilH-MiiuelHidy J?? can think for me. I can't nnv 5eam.,i" inS ".' n,e l"11"1 where I'll Wh ethinB foelilHl' ,,,B w' ' the baalv Ti!1 P'I' rapidly, bienth W. '. the erds tumbling forth end an.;.I,'.DUl there was a lively se- hsn ill n.er Phrases, between wlilch he -7-uieunings Bill "vZ anlnR ha did net utter. our mother V he began. M "1. - ,", 11 1 fff't noruehew. Jai, Oh H..1 I'm llicannliln nf linli' M,,kWenV t" ve thought and thought, make things anvthlnir pt. iz!r. "'a scrubby mustarhi,." Hh ffWaeil It. 1.. "preusi, " Atuh2rrer-f." '" nmeusfy. "Funny, isn't obsessed by mere mustache!" mile, HtwM she ad... . """" "ui ner arms in a "';. ."I, want te be loyal, of ..'" I'1!'1' "he bad n light te nbk ceu 111, unmeses. Hut t gwgggHipADirvsiSW gBggggggggggagLggg& J9CifllgggB "I'm for ule fp the highest bidder preferably .Jehn Chichester," she said cabnly you er de net Chichester, then.' care for cr Jehn She glanced at htm quickly and shrugged. ".Wert iVOl, n,?" i,c snid. S.ingree rnised hU head abruptly, "I fciippese I should have known." "There's no question for caring for him." nhe went en. "MuKy realises thnt ns well as I de. But she haa set her heart en It. She appeals te my sense of duty te the family, te her, and te te Dad. That's hew she reaches me hurts me here." She nut both hands te her breast ns though te still n. Fuiddcn jinng of conscience. "I would de an) tiling for Dad even te selling my self jiN Muzzy wishes. Hut somehow I can't think thnt he would ask this of inc. If., wasjievcr ambitious in business, yes but net socially, ns Mur..y was. He often told me never te mnrry n man unless I was Mire of myself. Hut I can't talk te him. He's In a very dangerous condition. He just lies between sleeping and walking, with intervals in which he tries te talk. IIe'n Betting better. I'm sure of it. Some Seme times I think he knows everything that is going en. There's a kind of wis dom in his eyes, like a child's, peer dear, ami lie s very submissive. Hut I can't ..v -. .'in i mum nui; irnnflin ir n little thnt he should luive foiled her at u crucial moment. With all her world werld llneys she's se very like a child!" .s she paused, Sangree turned to te wurd her Mewly. "Tell me hew far this thing has gene. Una Jehn Chi chester spoken te you?" "Ne. lie hasn't. Hut he has spoken te Muzzy " "Then you're net committed in nny way?" Cherry get up Middenly and tools two or three ntcpa away from the table. Then turned with n quick gesture of dismay or perhaps of self-abnegation. "I don't want jeu te think I'm dis dis dis loyel te Muszy," Hhe repeated. "I don't want you te think that I'm for get ting what I ewe her loyalty, alle giance! I knew what these words mean. Hut te me they don't mean submissiveness, Itnmesea, te a wrong the perpetration of a sin. I can't be submissive when Mie's done what she has." "She insists, then?" s Cherry walked te the mantel and Icaui'd ugaiiiht It, gazing down at the in candescent clay. It seemed te him that in the three weeks since he had last seen her she hud caught some glimpses of the inner meanings of life which had never been revealed te her. thut trouble and pain had already dispelled fatuities, stripping her le essentials of character for her combat with the world. He thought her mere mature, it less radi ant: mero discerning, if less preten tious. She spoke mere quietly new as though In the actual presence of her moral obligations. "I intiet tell you the whole miserable business. Hameses from the beginning. My mother was very much flattered by Jehn Chichester's attentions. I never gave him any encouragement. KIU'CATIOXAL Meth Hetea LANGUAGES French. Spanish, Herman. Italian. Knullah, etc, tnuifht hy ecvrlenced native teiieliers. Day and nvnlns ('lasses, I'rUuli- lessens. Reaso'.able tuition. t'lassea ferinlntr every week. JVeneh. Spanish, (lerman and Italian. Llcmcntary. lniermedlate and Advanced, Trial Lessen Free BERLITZ ' Scheel of Languages 181 1 Chestnut Ht. Phene Spruce 4801 KtW JEBBEY Develeil te the Interests of Hi'hoeli, shops, farms, research laberaten i:. lvniersnu Nesh. Ilei 410, BnpefletendenL STRAYER'S OH1 Chestnut treat PonadsrsnteednteVneaVVeeftLf ;.,CI r 1""had. day tt nlaht cUisss PJeliBuslness OeDsas. IB Mirk.t ml. SCHOOL OF NURSING BLOOMING DALE HOHPITAL Whit. Plains, N. Y. .The Society of the New Yerlt Hes. lUHm,V.V,' at M'oemlnadale Heaplti"; In nmtlatlen with the New Yerk Hes. pltal. an unusually tread ami Inte? estlns three.year reurse m" renefal nurslns, with apeclalliatlen In in. Important Held of nerveui a?nd menini disorders. Re,.te?ed aeheSu. "iciShti hour dny. RU day week. Text hoeka 11 ml uniform furnished, and a ?Sw. once of twenty dollars tnnnii. Unusual recreational advantSSla' Ilespltal In auburha of New t5?"' Circular aent en request, Addresa RL(I0HI.N(IIU.B HOSPITAL, wnn nalns. New Verfc MUBICAL IMBTKHCTKIM RAG Plans Plavla- Tsugkl Bsglantrt in 20 Laiaena OPEN EVENINGS Adult.. Ilealeners SSJIME npreiaiur Advanra t'euri "Trou New If fflffiysf. Legin CsMutrveatery, wn m mwmw , !a"JLV-IVemen and fllrls VVnWM HilffU EVENING PUBLIC ijUEDGER-PfflEADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY,4 Art Fletrtn tt Ret Tmlnttfi An euZ'Jteff Ml Um$ e Satan? Muzgy did. It was a feather In her cap. Ife was a citc'fi. It waa the brilliant match that alie bad been pre paring me for, I didn't realize It. X didn't want te realize It. I was per fectly contented with boys of my own age. But she thought that in time I would understand the meaning of the magnificence of becoming a Chichester. I didn't. It bored me horribly. She took me te luncheon at the Chichester house te be looked ever by the old lady. I felt like shocking them te end the farce, but I didn't. I think it amused me n little te nee hew beautifully I could behave. It seems that I passed muster." She paused as though awaiting com meat but none came, ftangree, his fingers clasped judicially under bis chin, was gating into the Arc. "Then," she went en, "this terrible thing happened. Yeu knew what it did te inci I've had no thought for any thingfbut Dad and trying te grope way out of the dark. I found ever twenty thousand dollars in bills with nothing te pay them with. I had a scene with Muzzy In which the old Biibject was renewed my responsibil ity te Dad. It made a painful impres sion en me." "Peer Cherry!" iit muttered. "i hen suddenly the ether day I had an Idea that Muzzy was In communica tion with Jehn Chichester without my knowledge. I don't knew why just one of these queer intuitions thnt women have. She began encouraging me te go out for exercise, te go te see 'Ocnic, and ether people. And one day I saw Jehn Chichester leaving the house as I oame home. It seemed as though Mtitty was drawing the net tighter and tlshtcr around me. He came te see me tee, but lie didn't speak. Evidently no was under instructions. I hadn't refused te consider him, nor had I re fused te de What Mllzzv nakul V se I was horribly uncertain ns te which I . f .T .TO 1.ny. " was Kastly. I hadn't disliked him before, but new I had n positive distaste for him. He was u caricature of Bemance, a mock cry. I paw hideous things in him I couldn't forget what I hnrl hennl 1,1.1. eeus things that he had been that he llligllt Still he. He hml ninir u.. . jectienable before. I was overwrought, you see the mere se ns the obscslien grew that it was my duty te marry "By fJed!" Sntiffrnn miitteffwl t.1... his breath, "you shan't." I Te be continued tomorrow MARRIED !..JIAJ,'0CK"r',:A.'"rOn December 2. at Va. Qcntljs wldnw ", fiU'W",yr- " MART ANNA. widow of Alexander Adair. Sr aii-d as years. J'unernl Thura.. 2:30 P M real-nZl-tHA9nT. "-J Intf eiiiland Cem llvmalna may he viewed, Wed., after 7 P. SI. OEO 11 amW1" Menth Third. 192a. ?, t!l ,. A-I'EN. In hla B3d year. Funeral at hla line res denee, 24 West at MeSli o'cieckUrt:,"day' Twel'" MntU 5k atzl'e SIAnVh1!?n,p7A$AI',,.nherr1 p."-;. Twelfth SS? 0?e,rSS-rAher,.m,5fevruee'",ae?eCe "LW aOp0saintnr,hid"ny' Tweif ff tSn?h' TthSj Aii?ii.'V, t-anaherne Friends' Cem. wJAa nf wflVu'IS"'!.' .n Oec- 3-.l22. IDA. ir9 ." William H. AUJte, &l?Tfl 4fi vmerm Wl've and frien.N iw'cd te tunernl s?r": Ice. en Thuri.. at a P SI ii fi,, 1,1! ii. Se . S5 10FM m!,y CSU Weune8aa eetellV J- .By.?JWrF A., wife UbST. Huddenly, Dee. a. nnn mi. ?Anhiri5AI.'il 5S5T; W lC "Relative. Si. i.l. :.T, "iwu in niienu runeral at Sun 1iwrieI,,,ncr't,n',',,r I'sne-herne. Pa.' Hun., vy. 10 at 1 P. SI. Int. Teiest Illlil .V M 1;ax'tl; e'l!B Terminal at i:0T ,"'i2FK!-'-. .it TUNXIE. ?"". .Hloek. aaed in. Relative and if, ,nd 'i,vL'.''i0,'".'"n'Ufunr1"'". Thura." 3 P. St.? ARflir tsV Nnn'a nnk.l era v-.l ' ' .?.. "ft wlfn of Hrea.l nf Cli.n.1 IflAS N, Int. Sit. Carmel Cem, Vlewlns VLmJI -.. srile 'Vr. lrwB3!;te ra Afew-ris:?, viK :.!'c- n; ins- WILLIAM S .son h! htl 'ii ,Th8",m,U:' P-and rarellne K. lirlelc. Ill his illlih jear. Re nt us and friends aim Slynreatenn Ixidse. Ne. l.VS. r. and A St.. and Slnrlten Iise. Ne. 82. I. e. O je are Imlted te atten.V funeral. Prl., a p. SI 2'in rf.'"aenc'1. Marlton. N. ,t. Inf. Celes'. 8 P Sf rlen,, ma- c"" Thura.. 7 te BRddllKAD. At the reild-nce of her ten. Morien. Pa., en Dee. n. 102.'. RARLOl TO. widow of Themas Rredhend. Relatives and friends r.re Invited te thu services, en Frl '., T artemen, at 2 o'clock, at Iho oiUer II. Ilnlr Illdir,. 1820 Chestnut :t, Phlla. Inter ment irlate, mRr?,,VS ,(.n('9 '''"". t1?- eriiz- ;,.; "'" Tiinm or ineran nrnwn. iteln 'i.?. "J? frlenaa are Invited le eerMces. i,.".' -.r' ?' ""0 residence, 2020 U. Lip. rili0" .r.'- ,Inl'. Private, North Cedar Hill Cem. VlewiliK Wed. eve J,JUnfJ.H:T-c- "'-'- at her late real. ient?l,i1l4? lFV. M '"'", JOSIJl'llINB ..i..BV,C,5' RJailv n,l f 1 lends nre In Jltea te attend funernl nenlrei. et Iho par. lore of Samuel W. Kehr Sen. N W. cnr. Slat and Diamond .le,, 'Jhur. 2 P. SI. 1 yiriBciv, i,n .,n. I'fuce ,. eir.. (.Al.Dr.R. auddenlr of rneumiiTila at "ij'1 eu,wr. . uec. , .ii'.."'Mi; itt'..Mi:u TON, nlfe of Iho l.Ue WIIII.1111 II. Calder. int, IlarrUburir, I'a. lluiruburj papsrs please ropy CALLAN Huddenly en D.; 3 ID22, PBTIJR ,T, CM, LAN Rlatlir hi1 friend, ulre empl'ives of Hherlff'H Ofllcn of t'hll 1 11, nnd Tenth Ward llepubllean lua. ur imitee te tr.'i innernl, n tmimeuv mum. Intr. at S:30 o'eleek. from thu Oilier II, Hair lllda.. ISl'O Chestnut at Solemn re qulem mass at Ht. Jehn's Church at 10 oriecK, interment at i(iv cress cemeierv, CAS3IDY. At hla residence 1708 N 28th at., en December ! 1D22. JAMUH. hustand of the late Slary P. cnssidy. Kunral en Saturday morning, at b.ilO o'clerlc. from the Olher If. nalr nid.. 1R20 Chestnut at. Helemn Mali mass ut Church of .Must Precious HloeJ at 10 o'clock. Interment n t St. Slary'a Cemetery, Qleurtstsr City, N, J. CHRISTIAN Diw. 0. JOHN' E.. husband nf Cernelia R. Christian, tn his 82d sear. Relatives and friends. ale Richmond Luda.i, Ne. L'SO. r and A. SI. 1 Harmony II A. C, Ne B2, KensliiKten Cemmandery, Ne. .14, K. T , nnd all ether organisatiens et which hi una a meml'ir nre muted id i,'.ihJ fu nernl. Thern.. 1.30 P. SI., at 111 late resl. rienre. L'725 II. Lchttfh ae Int vrlvate. Ml. Merluli iVin. CLOW, D,c. 4, 102.'. llOlinriT P, hus hand of Jdshle SI Clew, In hla 70th year. RelatUea and filende, nlke eiiipleye of Equitable llenef. Ae . of Camden. N J. are Invited te attend funeral, Thurs . 2 p. St., late realdence, fitu HtuM at . Camden, N. J. Int. llarlelgh Cem. Krlenda rail Wed. eve. Dexcr, Dl . papers pleisa copy. D.LI1I:Y. (hi Dec I. 1022. ANNIH L, widow of .liimm IS. Dalbv. ueed l'4 eais. Services en 'I htirail.iy afteiiuen. at 2 e clock, at her Inte lesldence. 47IS ilultlmore ue. Interment private. Viewing Wednesdiiy evo eve nliig, KlndJy emit flowers. DANN. At Staple Shade, N. J nc. 4. LOUlHti II.. lf of Rud'ilPh A. Dann. In her 24th year funeral mrwees Thurs.. 1 P. SI . nt her lati residence SfcCrnv lane and Felkiwbhlu read. N. J. Int. urhste. DAY. Dec X TKTKR. husband of late Helen Day. aaed 81. ReUtl)es nnd friends, alae Wnlter Newhsll Pest. Ne. 7. O A. R. Chesen Krlends' Lelije. Ne. 100 I. O O. p. True KntlilUs' Ledae. Ne. 220, U. of P , are Invited in attend ftiiirul rvlce. Wed., 1:80 P. M at III Inte residence. 131 DU mnnd at. Int. private, dreonnecd (K. et P.) Cem. DOIiniNS. Dee. 1. EMII.V MIINHOB. wife of the late Slurrell Dnhbltis and dauah tsr of the late Capt. Themas U, and Hester Ar Munree. Funeral aervlcea at her real dence, 1701 De Lancev at . en Men., 4th Inat.. at II A. SI. Int. private at St. An drew'a Churchyard, Sit. Helly, N. J. ti,iiiiv n.J a irilntlis 3.. huahanif Int. .7.w?.rj. rl'l;, 0.-- . " .. A ...k or naaie nuny (nee caseyi ana "y." ! vr,n nn iiv eieriin wuiif. ev ,ive ane rrisnae, also J-nua. iw -V. wi ' iMMI'fl. efilliiv rnrai. ('harle, M. !.. of 'Deven. Pa." Nw Yff Rlrhmenl. Va.. n,l chViViAiJi-irmT ?.' patera p.ease epy, ""' " PBATM ttHMI AJ5- lni-.Bn' ftw.cfm. NIIT in nf p., huabsnd et MM ten Bagan ani ten of Mary (I. and lata vanici Kazan .N'otke of runtrai laiar, . KflMIO. Di A., has ed M. lanq 01 smi residence. ivl alatlvai and irivuuH ihtiivj III lUlltlHIi J M,. .front residence of frlem .l.4. .... re s:se a. Il. Hum rwunin di iri Wellnr. aA44 tt. aRth t (1. Mre. Carrie .tilth nui at Church of Corpus Chrlttl 10 A. M. ini. smalt. FAOER. At Wlldweed. N. J., en bee. 9, 1023, JENNIB. wit at Hanrr ratarTlUta' tlvea and frlande art Intitad te the services, en Ttnwadair afternoon, at a o'elees, at har lata raaidanet, 104 N. 09J at. interment at Fernwood Camaterr. OARRSTf. Tuas.. tlee. r. JACOB OAR RKTT.In Iho 8.h year of hi, n. unVa from hla late residence. 1B1B N. fleuv er et.. Krl.. lire. H 2 V. M..1lnt. West , I.aur.J. Ill Cemfrlends may call Thurn., 7 le V P. M. . OIB30N. tJer. 4. 1022. StARaARBT daushtcr ef.W Ilium, 8, and I.aura Aletcalf Olbnefi, aajd IS.. Relatives and frlumla are Invited le funeral aervlrex, Thnri... a T. M.. at Barents' residence. 0720 chew nt.. fier. mant town, int. erivaic, 1'ficnua way call WfA eve. cirt.f.tfl. At Peverlr. K. J., Dee. a. AMANDA Ul.ty.AIir.TIt. wife of the late Thomaa C. Olllla. funeral aervlcea rrl.. 2 a 1'. M.. at son. n;a raiiaance. iieNirt Ollll.. ni'j 3 i.aur'.i at ucurj. ,t. j, mi, Aienument OORMAV pC. 4, 1022, riMZABETH, yeunceat daughter of Charles If. and Klla M. (lerman (nee McCoy). In her 4th year. Funeral services Thurt., a P. M., residence. S3IO Larchwood ave. Int. Cathedral Cem, URAY. At Wilmington, Del., en Dec. a. 1022. MARGARET J. .. wife or thi Hen. Jude Oeerga Uray, Funeral aervlcea en Thursday. Dec. T.'nt 13 o'clock neon, at her Inte residence, 1817 Market at., Wilmington, Del. Interment private. GROSE. Dee. 4. qEOROB P. C-RO.HB. Relatives and frlenda. alae Washington Camp, Ne. 204, P. O. S. of A,, are Invited te attend funeral aervlcea, Wed., 8 P. M., funeral parlera of William H. Chew, H. W. cer. ROth and Spruce at. Int. Thura.. Chnlfent. Pa. HAMLIN. Bntered Inte rst earlv Dee. B. , MARY, LOUISA, daughter of the late William K. and Cnrellne Iramlin, formerly of Philadelphia, ttetutlvc and frlenda In vltpil te funerit eervlcen. Prl.. Dr. H. 2:30 P. M.. at her la residence. 12a K. Market at,. Bethlahem, Pa. Int. pruate. Kindly emit flowera. HtMMUfj. Dee. 4, 1022.. CIIARl.Us I.i:ilOY, hushand of Ruth Riddle llammcl nnd son of Erneit ani Elizabeth Hammel.. rtinernl eervlees Thura 3:1,1 I, it., nt rr rente' residence. 108 E. Ilalrma nt.. Oer ,intnn. Int. nrlate. Prlemla mav enll HfeltTfr'AaB. Naar Hurftrllle, N. J.. Pec. 4. HENRIBTTA. widow of Arthur Heritage (nee Hurff), aged 86. Funeral services Thura., Dec. 7, 3 P. M., at the realdenca nf her en-ln-law, Charles W. Nichelson. Int. Hurftvllle. N. J. frlenda may call Wed. e. Autea will meet train arriving at Pit mm 1:21 P. M. HESS. Dec. 4. ELLA M.. luchter of Itltla and the lata William a. Hess. Fl ela- lUcs and frlenda Invited fj funeral service-, inure., s r. M... at tne ir. . 3 I M.. at the Aerlnra nf .T. t Snednreis, 1644 N. i'lth etT Int. private. HBWS. Dec. D. RICHARD H.. husband or into Mary Hewa (nee Rrefflt). eced 8.1. Relatives and frlenda. also William B. Uracil Pest, Ne. 37. U. A. R., are Invited te attend funeral services, l-rl,, 1 p. M at the residence of hla aen-ln-law. William H. Pele. Jr., 170 Kern ave, Coltlngsweod, N. J. Int. private. Frlenda may call Tliurs., after 7 P. M. HIERNET. Dee. 4, CELE M wife of Matthew J. Vlerncy (nee Campbell). Rela tives and frlenda ara Invited te funeral, Ihurs., 8.30 A. M.. from her late residence, 7.11(1 Oak nve.. Oak Lane. Solemn mnns of requiem et the Church of the Haly Angela 10 a. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. HILL On Dec. n. 1IENRT O, HILL, In Ms 821 ytr. Ke'.atlvear.nd friend), also Williamson Ledge, Ne. 360, F. and A. M Invited te funernl aervlcea an Krl.. 2 P. M.. at his late residence. 402S Lancaster nve. Interment wetiminsier Cemetery. friends limy rail Thurs. ee. H te 0 JANKn. Dec. S. HBLnXR P.. wife of Custnv Jnnke. Relatives and friends In vltcd te funeral eervlcca, Thura., 2 p. SI.. l ner imu reniuuvw, -j ,. ein el. Int. West Ijiurel Hill Cem, Friends may e.iu wen. ee. JONK9. Dee. 4, CLARA MAT. wife, of O Verhcll Jenes and dauaMer of the ltt Jehn r. and Catharine Kllzaheth dri-ene. runeral service. Thura.. S P. St., resldene.) of slfer. Sire. J. SI. Vnr.ee Paul. 1850 N llih at. Int. iirhate. Friends may call Wul. eenln. after 7. .IONns. Dec. 4. 1P22. ADELn R.. dauah t,r of the late Charlea Thomaen and Slarv Wa in Jenes. Funeral eerv;ces Thurs . 2 P SI. preclselv, at the residence of D. Sltsr Cornes, etiOl Ridge ave., Roxborough. Int. private. JORDAN. Dec. 8. HARRIBTTK TT BOUT, wife of David Wilsen Jerdan and daughter of late Geerge X. nnd Cllalieth M. Tybeut. Funeral aervlcea Wed., Dec. 0, at 11 A. St.. at the Market Square Presby terian Churen. Qermantewn. Further serv ices at tne chapel of the Wilmington and Ur.indywlne Cem,. Wilmington, Del.. 2:10 P. SI. same day. KKtaifLBT. Dee. S. SAMUEL, husband of Rese Ann Kclghlcy. Rslatlves and frlmil. also Court Colllngweod. emplejes of Thomaa Wolshemo 8ens. Invited te funeral, Thura., 2 P. SI., residence. 311,1 Ruth at. . Int. Oakland Cem. Remains may he lewed Wed., after 7 P. SI. KELLER. Dec. 8, ROB ANNA, wife of Frederick J. Keller. Relatives and frlci.dg Imlted le funeral, Sat.. 8.30 A. Sf . late residence. 2332 S, Itemberger at. Solemn reciulem mass St. Edmund's Church. Int. Hely Cress Cem. KELLY. Dec. a. JOHN If. p.. husband of Atniu Irwin (nee Wilsen). Relatives ami frlrnde. alie Dlv. Ne. 2. A. O. It., and Court Patrick Henry Ne. 281. r am i ... Invited te attend funeral. Thura.. 'S'fte A. XI . from his late residence. 2103 n AhlGrnll at. (near Frent and Nerrls). Selen.n reiiulem mass Hely Name Church 10 A. SL Int. private. KELLY. Huddenly. Dec. 4, 1022 CHARLES, husband of the late Sarah Kelly! Relatives and friends am Invited te attend funeral. Wed., 8.10 A. ST., resldenee .. tie son Jeseph I, Xellv. 2,-,3.-. (Irava Ferry ae. Koeulem mera at St. Antheny's Church 111 A St. Int, Hely Cress Cum. KLEIN. Dec. 3. 1022. LOUISE. belned wife of Frank Klein (nee Sllch-I). Relative and friends are invited e atKnd funeral. Thurs.. ...in A. SI., from her husband's re. "?; hlt'-Hers.e pike and Station bvh., Ilndden Heights. N. J. Stass of requiem a.: Roe of Lima Church at V A. SI. Int. Cal vary Cam. , AVjSvV-T:- Mid'" Shade. N .T.. Dec. 4, LOUISE H., wife et Rudelph A. .Mann. In h'r ,21th vear. Fumrai -nrvlcea Thuia.. 1 p -":. ,?1 'Le.r late realdcrce. s(ei'i.iv Una and Fillewahtp read. N. J. Int. private. MARTIN. On Dec. 2. CATHARINE St., wife of Andrew Slartln (nee McCarthy). Fu rier.il rhuraday. 8:30 A. M . resilience, 4810 wenmlnster ae. Solemn requiem mass Our Sluther of Sorrows' Church 10 A. St. Int. Hely Cress Cem. Relatives utid 0 lends In vited. MARTIN. Dec. I. 11RIDCET. wife of I'nt rick Slartln (nee Walsh). Relative and friends are Invited te attend funeral, Thurs., 8::i0 A. SI., residence. 2il211 Stanlon t. Solemn high mass of requiem nt St. An An teony a Llmrcli 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress a,:V.AiY,;i1 D?C- ..,. ?" husband of Ainelln M-ivcr lne Slllck). aaed 73 Relatives T?iLiJ?m,,n'',tf'l,w SOl43-,l r- "a11 M.i eI.lr,,.li,, Dm -?.-tiii n. A. i-hiipter. Ne. di''L.'h,!,i ,TurnBenielr.(le. Havarlnn Charity ?i'?,y' mv' J. unrl. Thurs . 1 P. SI.. i..1,elM', W-,N-,4" ' 'nt. strlttly prl prl vate Odd Fellow.' cem. ate Odd Fellows Cem. SIcARDLE Dec, 4. 102 PETER, hus- '."."' 2? .ln '". Agnes StcArdle. lute of Tren- iKNnii.Vi r..1"'. .""" nnd friends Rr1,m.V,c,,t,i.,,Mfnd funeral services. Wed. A. .' V.V lu,Jhem? et w, ' M- Rurrell 42. Slirktt at . Camden, N. J Int Arllng. ten Cem., Camden. N ,T. " SreCANDLTCSS. On Dee. 4. 1922 ED WARD S.. husband of Armenia L. M... Cand es;. Relatives and friends, also the Lesnl Slen'a Jllhle Class of Westminster Church, are lnvlte.1 te the tervlcr "en Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at hla real, dsnee. 1441 8. Mth at. Interment private. Frlenda may call Wednesday evening, THOSJA8 J huaUnd of Florence McClearv into Apple), aered 48 veara. Rsfatlvea and frlenda are Invited te the funeral aVrvlcea en Thuradav aftermen. at UUO o'clock, at m'nnrftC5S:ch fl & "PWK. Mlh jflTfttlli f; !jh!?XJ$& Washington av. StcqiNIJBl. Dee. 8, ISABELLA M.. wife ".'i.'0!1"' McOlnley and daughter of lit? til"? ,B'a . Brh ,J- 0n. Relat veS and friends, alae Ladlea of De Sote and Epiphany B. V. Sf. Sodality, Invited te fu neral. Thur... 8:80 A. M reeldenfe. Ii Eplp'ha'ny 10 "M.rCiU1,':nWe7;,6rUrCh ' wisjar tPtest? iv.Vaoer$ ion, resiaence. e, w. cer. I2th and Outh ave,. Oak Lane. Solemn requiem mass it thp Church of the Hely Angels. 10 . .V llnll. Hn,,T..k.A r'.m " "' "'", av,,. wt'Ul'l.te l..-i. m StlLLKn. Dec. I. U. AUaUHTL'H Mir VKn. Helatljes and frlmd. inVlted Tte "' tend Iho aervlcea. Thurs, a P. Jf.. at lata u.jld.me. 7413 UeKr at , Mu Airy"' Wu , SIOHSOACH At Auduhen. .N. J t),. 4, SIAHUAUkViIA (nee Ilurckei I,' widow or rVidlnand Slersbarh. aaed 7i! yeaia naia! tlve and friends, tnembers of 'frln tv 1 u h ran Chuich. 18th and Wolf, h viieVl tu funirnl services Thurs.. 1 ue p ii Dr.. rlsely. at the residence rt tier snn-ln.la7 Sir. Clarence n. Kratiss. 114 Oak at.. ?,'. r-Hill'sFlowerShep-i r 44)65 rrankfera Avenu$ CtU Framkferd 077ft L a Aawwisrs ssr slscs. SS Haa CKOCTTAEEBf JBMXSL Rave CheVtnuj' Ht. rer'rl P, at. Viewing Xtttri.l.Krt Dee. i. 102. ANNA, nlfa of MUBIAKn. Dee. 4. 161 Otte H, Mueller, and Pi .M... realdence of at late Otte H, Mtteller, and 08. Hervlcea rrl., Albrl I . r. Ji..m reaiaence or aen-in-iaw. iiarTar Jrlaht, BS7 N. 6 l at, Int. normweoa vm, of Wjlllam J. Nelan and daughter of thi lata bennla and Kllfalxth Deneitv. Funeral Sat,, S:S0 A. M.. from her late . residence, S8( Cheater ave. Helemn requiem mats Ihureh or the Most nlesavd Baerament It A. M. int, Hely Cress Cem. I OBBOnNR Near Hmlthvltle, N X 6. 33. JOSEPH OSDORNK m. junrjrn iihuuiue. irnr Funeral resldenen of Jeseph O Iary, near Bml? vllle, N. J Prl.. D'C 8, nt 1 P. M. Int. uapusi cem., vincentewn, .. a, trltARnsnJ Jkf Altentln ritv. tier 8. nsni ft. niviiAHMnun, funeral service", Thura.. .3 P. M., at the residence of her ile:. Mrs. Jehn HtueUey, 621 Bread at., leverly, N J.. Int, Monument Cem. RODOr.HH. Dec. fi. FRANK RODOF.R8. t-.xt-s: z.zzzzi: ..v----v";i" .-. ---- ei i;enier ifriuae. ra, naea 71 yearat nein lives nml rrlende lnitr,1 in funeral en Hat, at R A . n W i'.' . ."- --1-.-- -.-- e a rise. Bridge. Pa, jvi.. ireui ni into resiannce, ucmar int. Bt. Martin e cemetery, iseiv Hepe, Pa. SAC1IRR. On. Dee, 4. 1022. EMMA CARO. I.INE.wldew of the late Dr. JeiliwFred. stick nacnae. j-unerni aervlcea en inure., ie:30 A. .SI., at her late residence. 4428 Pine at.. I'hllfi. Intermnt private. , HAOB. Dee. 8. THEODORE MOIUUBON, husband of Margaret Sage, aged 82. Rola Rela tl"e and friends of family are Invited te attend aervlees. Wed., 1 P. SI., at his late residence. 703 Pnlns st.. Camden. N. J. Int. at Knights of Pythias Cem. SCHENK. Den. 2, EMIL W,. husband of Stary A. Hchenk (nee SIcPeak). Relative and friends, also power Leem Flaera' Ben. Union, Ongwo-Henno Tribe, Ne. 2UO. I. O. It, SI,, am Invited te attend funeral, Thura.. S:30 A, St.. late residence. 010 K. Clearfield st. Helnn reiiulem inase Church of the Aftcnslen 10 A. SI, Int. St. Demlnlc'a Cem. FCHtTLKU. Dtc. 4. START. Widow of jenn fcnuier. In her nnih Teer. Relat vea and. friends arc invited te attend funeral services, n ri., 2 p. M., at her lata resiaence, 807 Belgrade at. Friends may call Thurs,, after 7 P. St. SCHWARTZ Suddenly. Dec. 8, VERON ICA A., beloved wife of Walter F. Schwartr Inen Demetcr). nged 10. Relativen and frlenda are Invited te attend funernl, Thur., 8:30 A, St., from her parents' residence, 440 W. Nerrls st. Requiem mass at St, Peter's Chutrij le A. SI. Int. Hely Ilea dcemer Ctm. SCIIWIND Dee. a. 1922. HENRY J., huaband of Ilirhnrn Rehwlnd. In hla SSth ear. Relatives and frlenda are Invited te funeral rrun ids residence, ule'icester and Clement llrldce read. Ballingtei., N. J., at 8:30 o'clock en Thursday morning. High mas at St. Resu of Lima Church. Hadden Heights. N. J. at 10 o'clock. Int. Oakland Cemetery. 8COTT. On Dee. 4, ANNIE M.. wife of Nathan J. Scott nnd daughter of the late Thomaa and Stargarlt Clark. . Relat jvee and friends Invited te funeral en Thursday, at P A. SI., from her late residence. High land lane, Uryn Slawr. Pa. Solemn requiem mass at Our Mether of Ooed Counsel Church at 10 A. SI. Interment St. Denis Cemetery, 8IHJTE. J. CLINTON, aged 40. son ef the late Jehn D. and Jane D. Bhute. Fu iieral from the rcsldence of hla brother. Hurry C. C Shdle, ninssbore. N. J,. ThurH., at convenience et the family. 8INQER. Dec. 3. 19:2. MARY C. widow fe Peter U. Singer. In her 7Sth year. Funeral services Wed.. 7 P, St.. at h"r late resilience. 111:3 paite st. rrienaa may en 11 Wetl.. 0 te 10 P. St. Int. Upper Sit. Rithel Cem. Pa. 8PARKLIN. On Dec. 4, 1022. CHARLES O.. husb-ind uf Ida V. Sparklln. R'latlvea nnd friend, also empleyes P. R. T.. Invited te attind funernl rervlces. Wed. eve., et S:4K o'clock, at hla lute residence, 1I0O N. 54lh at. Interment nt Oxford. Id. STINOEL De. 4. HI22. MARIE SL (nee Maer). vldew nf Emnnviel Stlngel. eced 82. Relntives nnd frlenda are lnvlte( te nttend fuptral B"r'fa Thurs., S P SI Inte reel done. 3uie N. Ulh at. Int. HlllsWe Cem. Fr'eudn iinv call Wed. .eve. STIRI.INO. Dec. 4, 1022. HANNAH LOUISE, wife of William II. Stirling. In her 70th car. Funeral services Thurs.. 11 A. St.. at her Inte residence, 4021 Baring at. Int. tirlvata. STRETCH. Fernerly cf Woodstown. N. J Dv. 4. 1022. ELIZABETH STRETCH, aged 8.". Rlatlvesnnd frlenda are Invited te attend funerel. Frl.. Dec. 8. 10:30 A. St.. from th rtde-ice of her nephew, Themas S. Davis. 28 Cooper r! , Woedburv. N. J. Int. Epseepa,l Cem., Suelelore, N. j. StTSISER. Dec. 4. FREDERICK, hus. band of Frederick, (nee Eckard) Sumser. ageil 71 years. Relative and frlenda Invited te funeral eervlcee. Tliurs.. 2 P. St., at hla lain residence, .1810 Rnce st. Int. private, Westminster Cem. Friend may call Wed. evening, from 1 Ve 9 e'clcck. TALBOT. Dec. 3. at West Cheater. MARY JONES widow of C. Wesley Talbot. Services en Wednesday. Dec. H. 3 P. St.. at her late residence. 124 S. Chjreh st. In. terment prlvr.te. TINNEY. Dec. i. 1522. EDWARD TIN NKY. SR . hushand of the late .Mary Tlnney. Relatives and friends, also Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society, rre Invited te at' tend funsral. Sat.. 8:30 A. St.. residence. 2(38 Ulttenheuse at, Solemn requiem mass. St. Patrick's Church. 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress Cem. TUKE. Dee. 8. 1022. ELIZABETH, wife ex jenn iur-j. nn,u ,". .1 n-r ,aie resiaence, 2784 N. Slarylne st. .Funeral services Wed. 2:30 P. St.. at St. Simeon' .1 Church, 0th et. and Lehlsn ave. Int. private. WEAVER. Dec. 3. 102J. MARTHA !.. wife of DutW F. Weaver. Relative. and friends are Invited te funernl services at the pariurs "I .--..ii.u'-. ...,.- m een. i. w cer. 2lt and Diamond sts Frl,, 2 P. M precisely. Int. Odd Fellows' Cem. WRIUitT. At Indian Slill. N. j . r,e, 4. 1022. HARRY F.. husbind of Nevada E Wright, aced 50 'Service, his late rest: dence. Indian S1I11. N. J.. Frl., 1:30 P. m YERKES. At Palmyra, N. J.. Dee. .' 1022. SIILDREDA.. daushter of Sir. and Mrs. Clarence Tcrkes. aee,i s. Services Thurs., 1 P. SI., at 817 Parry ave. Train leaves Market St. Fen y 11:55 A. 31. Int Hatboro Cem.. Hatboro, Ta. YONKER. Huddenly, Dec. , me OEentJE, huelmnd of Sarah A . and son'ef late Ell utul Susan ienker. Relative ,,n,i friends nre Invited te nttend funeral, Tlmri J P. St.. residence of his uncle. Heward Pcrter. 1SH) Brown st Viewing Wej, ,.;.'.' int. Grjenwoed K. of P. via funeral car. ISEARFOSS. Les Angeles, Calif.. vnv :0. 1922, StAROARET II.. daughter of llirri It. nnd Helen C. Zenrfes. Relatives and jii r.- Ins Ha, 1 tn unei-teaa t,l A . ?VU nt parlors i. h. iiewen & eons. 50th and .....t ..I.. u,u Te, nrl,..,a l',I..J ' a,,u l,. T II Hull na . aJnaa.. a-... "s call Thuts . ' te 10 P. SI. nay FARM AND GARDEN Live Xmas Trees for your Chriitma Dinntr TabU Collin Live Clirl.iltn.iH Vriea 1 ume u-ffi reefs and aie bum, nhapelv, urouiine tree. After tlie liellila they cun be set out pennanent, ornament! Inwn treeH. Stand almit 18 liuhe hlsh. When trimmed w Christum decora tion. llie I".'.' .tu attractive, novel a""TfeE$1.00E"d- Twe Trees for $1.75 Trees nt same day order is received. All postpaid te your deer, ARTHUR J. COLLINS & SON Bex L, Moersstown, New Jersey FREE cer nig ((eitrsted Fruit and Seed Catalegai PARCEL POST Open Monday and Friday Evenings Until 9 o'clock SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE WHERE YOU GET QUALITY & SERVICE FULL LINE OF PLUMBING AND HEATING .SUPPLIES Call, Write or I'hene for Price Hat S. W. Cor. 12th & Spring Garden Streets PepUr 1708 "hi la , Pa, Stes 601S OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE KflBA TO NKir ne P h e lstsiiT' e e oatrujeteA. First eisu 1. work suarant uSSrsrsk W.vtFmtJsnt Marlnv matt rmw wnewe.ii " . . . -. a I ..la las a ' -- AmwicM UplMbtafy.Ct; Iteat Mi Um aaaMM.af 1M1.I .'? DECEMBER 6. 1922 PARCEL TOUT IRII PEARLS Resembles 75QSdit2irc NeRedTipc no Dew. SET Df PLATWUM-MOST SENSA. TI0NAL RING OFFER EVER MADE Think of It seven brllllsatateelbluesen. line diamonds messed I lamends meseea by a secret process ttlng of solid platinum set se closely inaseli teeether that only elbie Insneetlen wUI dls- tlngulshlttromasellulre valued atf 7S0,oe, hit rina (bank of ring la I4kt. solid geld. TEN DATS' FREE TRIAL Veu take no chance If 1 1 Is net satisfactory at the end 01 ten days or If you can duplf- cat tnis genuine awmenu neg in any jew - elry store for ejs thsn Joj.eo, your deposit I be retuadedte you . Wll, E FREE "R0YALT0N" PEARLS Weareslvtasania-lachstrandefataulne . Royalteo eearls fitted with e solid sold 1 dun ABSOLUTELY MilOF. u.t tn a.t I you started as a customer. Retalllewclers ter a similar graee, The I nu.tiutvl.l sited se be sure te send your l order today. 1 MINn iNn II A If AND. I.IIAKUES CUARAM. QUALITY IMPANIES JAY I. S3 FREE I00K OF GEMS Most. complete Jewelry catalea everitsuedofiliamendB.wstch. es and jewelry newest de- isns bi leaesc prices. 10 inunin. ia pay en every, thins from our two mll- in vviiar aiecs. Address Dept. 877 AMNtftaJ UN FREE $200 Makes This Genuine xxXU.Ptomend XVXmX' Di.,,. r Yours Seven perfectly cut nnd matched blue-white diamonds are skillfully set In special, patented disc of Platinum. Rrsemblea J350 solitaire. Send only $8.00 ring will be for warded te you by return mall for your examination. If entirely satis factory tiny balance in ten months, ss.30 a month, Exqulsite ns an Xmas Gift I7DI7I7 '8PaBe catales of D!s JTavauEi mends. Watches and Jew. elry. Beautiful Xmas Qlfts you'll be proud te clve. Send for copy Ne. 1C42-T. Capital St, 000, 000 WANTED! vV. 3. RAILWAY AAAIJL $1600 te $2300 Year Hundreds Nteded. Men Boyi Oyer 16 Shceld Send Coupon Imnediateljr. Stead Werk. Ne Lareffi. Paid Vscstiesi Common ,' rRAJJKtHf institute educstien Sept. JI-210, Recheiter. N, Y, Sufficient . sir Senlmc Mlthetit charce (1! Send 'ssmple Hallway Mall Clerk Eistn. uPiyinatleii nuestli'iu., (2) schedule show sure. " '" P'at'', ,,f n" eenilui I" S. Govern Gevern meut examinitlunsi (3) list rf many ,' Government Jeb env oetalnuble. Name . Address (ROOFING I MAYS' RED ELASTICT- GUM PAINT Vakil Old Tin, mubhereld aai Shingle, SUte.surftee, ad Concrete Hoefs BETTER THiH vrxir $1.25 per gal. or 5 gall. $5 Write for Circular ROBERT A. MAYS .a.. .... JFxert n Reefing 1I4I-1IH V, fath Bt. Phene PepUr 8041 tAyyy Keys Duplicated rnius veu wait 2 " 25a? Lth 4 Key Spetletlet Orlslnater of masrlns Them a for 28 e j,w w ruA.2Bn.i3tiiit. !La- MT ONI.V STORE MA $ Raier Blades Re-iliirpeatd I.DOB " enrip. c Ilrsular Itasnr (1 round A Honed. U Compute Ortndlns Kitabilibmsat THK mijEKT OBIMD1MO 00. aaaa allows faUS.. Fa. 2 for 25c Key. Duplicated WHIIE VOU WAIT Biiers Ground sr Hesed naietr jiiiees Bhsrpsnecl, Je, 3e .uempiete i.ine Cutlery, Xeeks, Kitirs .Complete lery. Xeeki lOtl Tilbert fltrert Sv. ' 1 1 ! aX 1 aTJaMIBCIlMMaWB 'aaaaaaaaaamSSaeaVsawte21S Mb lsfi iBlffllWElMKa? : tmfm m in ssafcsaafcjs.aV mTtatlek CO, gbntAkrAAyeu jf3 SCsjg -ft 'jg-f. p' Las.-1., 'aa.-iwwmrm areiHHH hb waaai VkWBKb VOfT 111 I Irt rtTl-llrVll ln- IfllbkU EtTABUBXEO 1N0 Loek for the Mam Get the Right Cerner 50 Save 50 Men's Overcoats Uteit models from beat-lraewjj,, Arms Is V. N. All shades and alt sliei. Bllra, short, i tout and refulira. $5.00 Up Valuta te $88 Beys' & Girls' Coats $5.00 Up Sift 3 te IT Ladies' Clothing Coats and Ceat Suits Marelts, trlcetlne, neltrts. sererae trimmed with hearer, skunk, squirrel and fur cellars and cuffs, $20.00 Up Vaflfeht te $200 SPORT COATS $7.00 Up FUR COATS Hudsen seal, scar seal, French seal, marmlnk and racoon. $25.00 Up Valuta up te $480 SAMPLE DRESSES Id test deslfns from New Tork. Bstls-faeed Canten, rblffen Telret, crepe Bemalni, Point twill and trlcetlne. SUea 18-55 $9.00 Up Valuta te $78 MILLER'S S. E. Car. 13U. aad Baiabridfe SU. 8T0BX 0SDXXS AOOZtTZO OFZtT ETZimOS Lionel Electric Trains at Wholesale Prices Hsrslwsrs end ElectrtesI asesJs JjSlVaw RSakaQI aflSalaPBiaV aUaaaaaVraaaaaajalaT 159 Outfit S4.3S 160 Outfit S.00 162 Outfit S.40 164 Outfit .., 11.25 166 Outfit 18.00 34 Outfit M 18.00 37 Outfit 12.60 39 Outfit m 14.48 41 Outfit 20.20 5 Outfit 18.68 Transformers 3.00 D ... 3,e6 "TM " 8.48 "K" " S.48 THE AMERICAN BEAUTY ELECTRIC IRON ' " Only $4.95 Resular 17.50 Phnne Your Order PARCEL I OUT. S5c EXTRA OPEN rVFMSfii CAXI, WVOMINGM.it FOR8ERVICR feL EverijGirlGmHdveA Abseluteli fe reason for swbedr te fcs without ens. Just send us your ntme aud adtlrfM and ns wilt tell you hew Jeu can m ese cf Uass 7-)ewl, ll-yr. suarsntee,!, jeM filled Drserltt Wttchsa Cemes iJ-'.li,'.'!f, "iTit box. RUSH Tour nlae tni addrese and ws srO) tat , . Hem "'JPPLY CO. 131 Duise St Dept. SC9. New Tork City BUILD YOUR OWN RADIO Fer UO we furnish complete parts te make one tube reeelyer. Can hear all leading fcread. .AAtln, Am?"cv Bns 10 te tpO miters. Beautiful mahesany eablaet Formica panel 6"jIV drilled and enrrared: t Ifi'J tfjSi'-!? aV"2Winr lnmct!ens Tind Lefax Radie Handbook siren free. AmpURir te match Sit. Best money value in the country. Meney baek suerantee. feu must be Mt2 fled. Order new sendlnr eheek, meniy erdsr or draft. Rifsrene. DuV,, Brad.tmt. """ 1141 Ne. Clara? W. OhlesfiT' IU. Geed Werk Lew Prices Ws (TSsrsntes yea aatlafsetlea ssi Painlsss Dantlstry At tewest, Oeet in Phil rilllnfs. 600 ll 19 ffwM Dr. Hymsn th Market and Brassies HONEY !"Jfai jPsllrered j tarsal Psa x.. atHesTrrrrm. Bests . taaasiier. rasas. HUPERT'S Wlsdew Sksse Iradut ...Msnufaetured t HARRY W. HUPERT m&dVixV: Miasmaa was ir IOC PUT DIAMONDS BOUGHT HWFREE aw-wrSfci CM mlmnnW.JMaWB WsflslssV Brlns. ua your diamonds If you wsnt ta Iss the htshest possible sr ce for tnssm. e taatter what ethra tell yes tassSs w TAMOML 901 ''' Spaciak en Sheveh Ceal Shevel D hsnells, nlaln back, solid stssl. rsunevpelnt ehevei. m. I'rice atKe each dozes, lets ' t.W or D hsndle hollow bsek s-J0j. fries 70C nrch $8.00 JeV." Cast Steel Snow Shevel Kstra Ions handle. 50c Pries, sMI ........ .... Titan Electric Drill Price $35 Wt. 4 lbs, Drills iqs t ft" diaai. rarest rest. 15s Very powerful mster nsrsBtssel Compare this drill with ether makes eeia at rnucn msn.r price, ii emiw power cannot burn out. wi rs sbh Ins It te auto manufacturers for fe tnrv m. nfan.nH. aavlelllttlral IBS chlnery manufaetursrs. electrle Indue tries, body builders, weed and furnU turs faeterlaa. horns mechanics, ste. It Is used net only for drllltns. Ml for srtndln. bufflns. reamlns sad poi lahtna. Wi will send ear man te ystir shss) te demonstrate it and msks cempsri. sons. Chain Hoiste Masts !a U. S. A. facTurerlii addition te our ewa usrseiss, Uataa . ....SSJ H-mm a a a. a OM letem ....a.lSJO Travalera er f c Trallars... v Keller esrhns Ts tt ". 1", " I seam I BEAMS s!j5 !H5 (.laeH .......... .af .ay f.laik ItJt Haaare Hr I. Beats. U Vm n,M. nlns aflAfia. sartss. ati we the. carry l-Besms in rsrleus lenstha. complete with steps, fixtures, ste. The sdrsntsBs of ualnr trelleya with heists are many maasa it poaaieia te cenve; leads te leaaa i various narta of bnlldlns. am us the heist, wnen net in use, may a hen pushed out et the a way. Oyster Knives 40e M'indi Sis .... PAJtCEL POBT. 25c s Be EXTRA Klein Pattern, Genuine Swedith Steel 9-Inch Lineman's Pliers Guaranteed te cut Ne. Insulattd rr,,a ur a. j'f-penny with nail Kf. SO.50 Our $1.40 1 Prica sal price PARCEL POST. 10c EXTRA Brass Caliper Rule Lenaih. .1 Inch. firsdiu'ed te lath Jeca. Qfi Parcel rait, PRICE gtc f.e Kitrs. E. M. HANSON & CO. 180 NORTH 4TII HTRKKT Mar. c:se Ph. your orders Main Till We DellNer Within City I.tmlta Oren lui-s nl l'rt Krii ami All Hay Sat, send NOW for this arniitienul Diamond R I n s Rnrsuln tl A'lll hrins It direct le your deer. 1'orfocl 1'erfocl 1'orfecl 1 cut blue hlte Dis Dis nend, set In b.e u utlful. Uaud-carved indensraed meuntinx of 14-ht. sreen sold with white (Sold (op, Our irle ONLY MS, snd our i e r f e e ted r . d 1 t Terms ONLY 14.40 a month fur 1ft rnnntlia exceptionally beautiful Rift for Christmas -ene that will be appreciated even by tJi meat discriminating. All tranaarltena strictly centldenUal. Ouaranlee Value Bend tlven with ery Diamond purchase. FRFFi B"-MM Diamond Reek ta ... . . . cel.0.r". "hewlns our mammoth atOCK Or beautiful riamnna XT..t... mw.Jk Jewelry beautiful Xmaa slfta you'll be preua te sive. Write te Dept. 1842-T. Capitel $1,000,000 I! v WamWmaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaa SCOOPS p sZaw-lllia5ssBsiaailiBsf i21 aaas-e- . ajarammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m.u 94 "SUCH StafsB s s ! KaSBRmmmO ff j;d" ''' V I lv 1- EUJ Bi i! K' mamamamamm tfWk esssB WeWm&is xXhaWmVmmnDB : ffiSFxl ' HW RIIY PM f TODAY fl H MONTHS S ' m TO PAY , waawanl aW Ul Ay m waHjeM awawaT AT n b w fgfgfM J f awamWaVV kW .AW waV -kATAmW i. lalatf An . BCIIBUm CTeaiuei 4-'.-,J SSaa V mULO I IVninUI .' Your old narler aulta made actual tn Im I irapestry. Vcleur or lat er. Krumes finished Ilka new fin up: all new ass n swsi u your satM fartien or dea't sis a ,n. n. .., ..l'ji . M ,& 7T7..-- .-. . , w mwh . aaa swr n F'f,!?,i'!!l -''Jy. writ. 3m rsi KsS n.imii. ijmra. H..1.11..M. .. ... ,i . aa t for estimate. rte can asywasre. Tna,a-ii isiirery. Specter's Uphelsterin Ce. m south ith sninRr . Upbeleterm for It Yesrs . W CHRISTMAS SUGGIlffl i.s-r xj& jf - LvauMTCfrSSrmV K 4 WW mm i iu 'Hi m . I.'S 'B . ..TV n ! s An n , : i j- M &. . VYi m li I -vM L.V m . m1 Lt'H . MM $ wmimteMJfeitM $82fttiMi KSSBI mj 'J7