FryygMj.rwJM4J'j ?, v Wf . iNP0BTfi6ir- 'W S? Mte t rid.llt Sp",'.," centum al par and accrued fi liflVt. " amount of the First TSwIrtl t "? " c'e, sa.V3l Che.tnut BOTfifflfcw. w- ,i!TEliT"i7lVlw THAT, THE ariii i-nwv",-'"; Vh. itrB ffiS" "&" let? iVe. "i. m mie0 TSin calied ter redemption pur; St Wi.S'sPnkln Fund provl.leni of laid Sit te A1 t ml the principal and ac. SSiue. n(1 .V.'.'.h., with a tiremlum of SOTlJet together with a premlun JS ''JJiu'in nddrd te the principal V?.if. will. w..'."..n I'.nna.. en Jam urn the S5Se,a tVr hich daw the .aid bend. aaWj!rM.'"!SlAMT. True.- January'.?tf -ni,'". ";;y-- WiM" yVnrl nrrcn. Fenny Annnal Meeting. - TflF. ANNUA'' MEFiTINO OF THR Stoc'khelclcre of jlABKET STBICCT NATIONAL DANK of riiii-AnEM-niA ,., ,i.c.0n of Director, and for the fer,M.i nt eueh ether buln a. .may trW.ctl0"mJ 1$" the meellnit, will b 1107 Market mar. win mi iicTd ""ie...... it. Jiiniiiirv u ihz .Vn Will's. January 6. IMS, be- ffrMt. .en "J",,,., M ,.-,! If. M. tcn WV?Bi7 Hl'KM.iaaT. Ca.hler. rnrnXRlfTinT COMPANY 0 i7l hi,l' Dumber (I, 1029, ataa '..-. V.ri.tu Ih 4 5??i. n eKctlen will Iw held for fl. " Mtiieiff" ,or u ,l'r,n '.reur ware, Pm --- h , .ii,i.-7. fp inaryi -TS5iiirAM'Af. MRKTINH OF THIS ., .nrr I Ceimmny will l hcM Tiiuwday, lK Sill i. IIIM. t '- 1 M.. at the eftlce SVM, ter ' ilw I purro-e of electing a 1 'r'ffirKtnr- ind rer tt.e transaction of 'S.lrtu.i"M 03 may properly coma t JWr?.r'..,V-i v"i r'hentnut Street. Phil-.. -.. ,-nII..,u,,., ,.- - - ----- . - nnara if mirth IM mectlnu. .Mu;nT sjtfinT. Secretary. -SHneTiTrKKKT tri-st company ELr" ralliile'nlili. ra.. Den. 4 1022. k. Meetlim of Mec kheldpra of -JJ,1 street Trut remi.nny will b held JfVh. liBtiklii Iteu'f. nretd Street at iLrvf .Venue. en WfdneHiliiy, Ileremher ?jr,!rtJ ffeni t te 7. P. M.. for the rlectlnn Jr olrecierK nnJ ntiv ntlier buelnesa that may It I vfi i.M. recrerarv. I'hlt.nli'lplil i. December 0. 1022. The Antnul -viceiin i nie nnnrneiner. thlt Hank fnr the election of Director. !. iuch ether bu-inci'i n miy properly fline Dcmre in'' Hi.-' i-i. " "" ...... ui me """"i'v',,.. n Tni'i.rtrt. Jnmtnrr O. m Kfn h" bnur- nf VI M nnl 2 P. M. ut xt. n.irreup weed, ra.hier. prSlON NATIIINAI. hank VS rh'li'Ie'" Ii. I)eeembir it 1022. m. Annuil M.'etlnis of the ftloekhebjer. f thin IUn' ter the eleetlen or Dlrcetere n .iul..u ..llirr lilliln'.ifl HM Tttnv nrnnnflv Seme before the meetlne will bn held nt Sm Mnkln? hnii-e en Tiiew!nr. .Iinunry , ihl l-t'en th" hour, of 12 VI. nnd 1 P. M. ""' vrtrtirnii'tC FAim.AMU fj..hler. tSPTIIK .WSlAi' air.r.iiu UF THIS tw ein'-khnbler" of the Snnte Deming JIfr Mlnln. Cemnnnr. and an election for WfKter- te eene for the en.uln-f ye.r. white hel'l t the effl"e of the Cemrany. riT Ctie-tnut etrect. en Tneeday, December lilt. 1922. t 1! o'clock nenn. H"' ' I.r.WIS M. r.VANS. Secy. THE ANNUAL MEETING UF THE irwbhn ilei- of Crefi & Allen remtMn will re M' at inn omce or me company, m Si Market tti.. en, January Fit 10:30 A. M. I, . p lf cneFT geeretary. r? w- " . ti.Aiinf nr inn Hrnrifrinisitita ! 5"rnninv will be h"M en Me"lr' ' ' A'.V ii?Sf iteccmhw-. . at 12 o'rletk f !?. ",'f. nfflce of the Company. Bread I nc 1 Dhla. Pa., at ' Receiver's Sale at Public Auction VALUABLE LEATHER PLANT AND COMPLETE EQUIPMENT Sale te be held en the premises, corner of Vandtrpoel Street and Avenue C. Newark, New Jersey, en Thursday, December 21, 1922, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of snld day, rain or shine. The property consists of eight buildings facing the main freight line of the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Lehigh Valley Railroad, from which n spur extends te the main building of the plant. There is also a Valuable Artesian Well upon the property providing a ceaseless flew of pure water The plant la fully equipped with machinery for manufacturing;, tannin nml finUMns Icithcr, The prnrerty will be eeld free and clear of all Incumbrance.. Condition, of Mle made known nt the time of .ale. Offer, te purchane at private ..lie Imllnl. Hlue print, of property nnd list of machlnvry. and pereenal property contained therein, teuether ulih ether Information In connection with the property will be fuml-he'l uMm npiillrwtlen. Patrick J. Delan, Receiver of E. H. McCormick & Sens, Inc. Michael .). Tansey, 1(11 Market htrrvt. Newark, New Ven Draw Mere Than. Crowds Wifjtt These Bavaia Every dollar yields H& pre fit W'i '.',Vi-v;ri yr f'mmfmmSSSSSSSm . CS .!,. .C.-. jJH I !, 1HI1IW,-. A " eiKTHiirr Tiuine wuchasT B SS 'ny MwPllyl ffi Uk. h enn. rauhJiM.'Nw I BKl .';ib1H MlIM la i nb rea catTeT r O ;,VB yeB' gTA7gg J HJWP Jf iBT tfjfi M' s""y " tf'u' l)'' i DRY RGHT CRISIS HERE, SAYS HAYNES "Gratified" at Enforcement Conditions Grilled by Twe Congressmen CLASHES WITH QALUVAN flu AMeciatnt Prut 4. Wtohlnjcteii, Dee. (I. The crisis In the federal prohibition enforcement light hns been renrlutl, In the opinion of Commissioner Ilnynes. If was dis closed today In reports of recent hear ing before a Heuse Appropriation Hub-Cemmlltee. In risking $0,00,000 for the next fiscnl J'enr for his dennrtmetit. Mr Hnvim told the committee thnt if n .Imllnr . - .... ...... amount wen n new oil for nreh bit en en ferccmciit continuously for five or six yenrs. a reduction then nnirlir in im PONNlble. but thnt the crltirnt nerlnd for enforcement was new ut hnnd. Mr. Haynes snld there were 3800 men employed in the work of prohibition en forcement. Ilecauxc the appropriation awted for next year represents ii reduc tion nf .!20.000 from this year's out lay, he said there would he n slight reduction In his forces, but he hoped te rearrange the organization se as net appreciably te lessen Its efficiency. The Prohibition Commissioner told the committee thnt lie was "gratified" with the present functioning of his en forcement machinery, and that the de partment was securing "fine co-operation" from States and counties in the main. Courts were becoming "mere sympathetic," he nsserted, and Jail ncntejiccs and fines were becoming heavier. Disposition te "Tighten Up" "There ts a general disposition te tighten up," he added. In the fiscnl yenr ended June 30. 1022, the Prohibition Commissioner said there were 20,482 convictions in Fed eral courts for violations of the prehibi tien law. Acnulttnls numbered -1025, rases dropped, 3217, and civil rasei dis posed of, R44. At the end of the yenr, he snld, 15,010 cases were pending in Federal courts, bringing the total of cases handled te 44,770. These figures, he said, did net include cases in State courts. Fines in Federal courts which were deposited In the treasury he placed at $2,701,000. In many cases proceedings toward for- rroneiala MEALED PROPOSALS WILL BK OPENED by the Supt, of J.lululiouee". Staten laland. N. Y.. P. M.. December tt. Il. fnr KO acetvlena flaehers for controlling 1 characterl.tlc. of oceultln. lights en beacon. anu buoy., iniormanen upon application. Solicitor of Receiver Jersey Phene Market 61R0 It has generally been found geed business te tnke a w, en a tew items in order te draw trudc for ether lines. Rut it's better business If you can draw the trade and net t.ikr. the less. still better if each item in the sale yields an tusiml profit. Thousands of retail stores in all parts of the country are doing business un tl "i basis today, thanks te the opportunity opened lv the Government's Surplus Property sales. The savings made possible by the War Dtpartnient sides enable you te offer irresistible bargains anj make tig money out ej than. They cover :i wide range of merchandise, se jour offerings need net have the limited appeal that features most retail sales. Your business paper describes the sales, their location and date. Watch for them, and write te Majer J. L. Frink, Chief, Sales Prometa n .Sictten, Office, Director of Sales, Roem 2515. Mumuun n.'.i.i'.... v..i.:. ..... r ' yjf44 &Stti UUllUUIg, ILiailllllUll, A, wwa """"A". " '.ic' ' ' " ' n r EVENING PU&LIO LEDCER-HILAbELHIA. WEDNESDAY. l f -i ' vJl Police in Airplane Hunt for Murderess Calexloe, Calif., Dec. 8. (By A. I'.) Chief of Police J. R. Hard wick reconneltered the Mexican border near here yesterday from the observer's seat of an airplane In an effort te frustrate any attempt by Mrs. Clara Phillips, convicted ham mer slayer, who escaped from the Les Angeles county jail, te enter Mexico at or near this city. An airplane Is being held in read Incss by Immigration authorities te pursue any strange aircraft heading for Mexico. felture of bends nnd ether assessments were pending. Mr. Ilnynes atked for SiGO.000 for "buying evidence" nnd told the com mittee $1311,000 had been spent In thnt way during tha last year. The Prohibition Commissioner under went n long examination at the hands of ltepreentntlve Oalllvan, who In quired particularly about the method of handling the department's publicity. Mr. (lallivnn referred, among ether things, te what he termed the "wildly extravagant" statements he Rultl emanated from the bureau, ene of which he said credited Mr. Haynes with linvliiK asserted that 20.000.000 Ameri cans had "gene en the water wagon" since the enactment of the Velstmd act. Mr. Haynes denied knowledge of the statement. Clashes With Galllvan Mr. Ilnynes told the committee there had been n "splendid reaction" by the public toward his department's work and Immediately clashed with Mr. (Jnllivnn ever the results of the election of November 7. The Massachusetts representative, citing the voting down in u(8 state et un enforcement meas ure, and the commissioner asserting that prohibition had wen where "con ditions were normal." In reply te Mr. (inllivnn Mr. Ilnynes admitted Increased nrrrsts under the nakcetle luw during the Inst fixcal ycur, but attributed It te the "Increased efficiency" of the nnrcetlc division, and net te the prohibition laws. Representative Mnger, of New Yerk, nsked If the Commissioner "did net leelize there L'l a widespread disrespect, defiance and violation of the laws." "Thnt Is true of all law," replied Mr. IIn.tnes, adding that a sub-committee of the American Har Association had mode a statement that ilisrcs-pect for all law was at a maximum ns a natural sequence of the war. Mr. Mager -aid there was no .such condition u few years age and Mr. Galllvan insisted thnt the prohibition law had "caused disrespect for till laws." Itlg Increase in Counterfeiting The testimony of W. II. Mernn. chief of the Secret Service, before the Heuse Appropriations Committee, also was mnde public today. He told the com mittee thnt the bootleg liquor business has brought about a big Increase in counterfeiting, much of which is the work of amateurs. On the Canadian border, he said, the twnri rfelter is defrauding the people il' ' ' ether side of the border in the piii,.Msc of whisky te be smuggled. He also wild that much spurious money is being pucd te ships bringing In li quor. According te n table filed with the Appropriations Committee, today by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, tli"re were :tS,82( taxable gallons of liquor In distilleries and bended warehouses when the count was made June .'10 Inst. Te show hew it Is disappearing, the amount under Government control nnd gunrd was 3.-133.201 gallons less than en the same date in 1!)21. CONVICTED FOR MINE FIGHT lirnperty. He will Wellshurg. W. Va.. Dec. 0. peter '1 '"Id, IeS conversation with an Radakevltch. a Pennsylvania miner, unidentified person." Iho telephone is was convicted Inst night by n Circuit " a direct line te "central nnd does net fVmrr Jnrv nf f-nrwiilmnv tn ilmlmv ' BO through the COUIlty office" Switch- lki Lntirniiniiil t itn I wrsas " tivw TPvria rwm' ?; i '. rrw?. , " . " . "ii Hammer Slayer Sought in Mexico I Centlnned from Fact One California neighbor, Kexlcall, wan being closely watched, Guard Berder Cities Officers of the border cities and towns were reported giving Ies Angeles offi cials excellent aft-onerntien in guarding : possible means of leaving the State and country. Armour Lee Phillips, the convicted woman's husband, upon whose story of his movements tne twenty -lour neurs preceding his wife's escape., "seme doubt" has been cast, according te Sheriff's deputies, still was In technical custody early today. .... Although net placed In jail, he was In charge of Frank Dewnr, a deputy sheriff, with whom be slept and with whom he wns te take his meals "until further notice," It was said. The exact whereabouts of Mrs. Peggy Caffce, former chum of Mrs. Phillips when they were members of the chorus of the some musical comedy company and Inter star witness for the State at Mrs. Phillips' trlnl. was unknown te the authorities early today. They said they were Interested In learning where she wns merely because they wanted te be assured of her safety. Various rumors were current about danger surrounding Mrs. Caffee after t.. ni.ininn esenned. but officials said they were discounted by the discovery she had sent n telegram from Les Angeles te her husband nt Leng Iieacn, twenty miles from here, long niter thev were set In circulation. This telegrnm stnted she was all right and premised she would "be home within an hour. ' This premise wns nor. kcjh. bwkw, according te the officers, but they ex pressed no fears for her safety. Clue Proves False Since the escape the Sheriff's office and the police hnve received many re ports that Mrs. Phillips hed been M-en at various places. One of the lntest rumors, which at first was regarded with extreme hope by Sheriff William I . Tregar, came In a telephone cull from Leng Reach. It was from a man who withheld his name, but gave what he said was the street number of a house where he said Mrs. Phillips was In hiding. A posse, headed by the Sheriff, rushed te Leng llench, only te find there was no such .uMress. Efferts te trace the call were begun. Relatives of Mrs. Phillips expressed surprise when Informed of her escape, which, It was reported, was planned during a telephone conversation Mon day afternoon, when she wns permit ted te use a direct line from the jail without interference from the authori ties. Lnter that night, It wns declared, she feigned Illness te assure herself of as much privacy as possible in filing through the bars of her cell window with files smuggled te her in some way. Mrs. Phillips occupied a cell adjoin ing thnt of Sirs. Mndnlynne C. Oben- rhnin, with whom she was bald te have become mere or less Intimate. Mrs. Obcnclinln was released from the jail Monday after the indictment chnrging her nnd Arthur C. Rurcb, of Evans Evans ten, 111., with the murder of her for mer sweetheart, T. Relton Kennedy, had been dismissed. Doubt Phillips' Statement Officials said some time after talking with I'lillllps that they hail obtained information which "enst doubt" upon at least a part of his "detailed state ment" te them of his movements Mon day night. Information obtained by the Les An geles Times wns that Mr;. Phillips wns believed te have planned her escape ever a jail telephone yesterday. The Times stntes thnt she was per mitted te use n telephone in the ma-i trim s quarters of the jnll "without in terference or censer by jail authorities, ward. II. Chnrlsen, who conducts n tire shop here, told the authorities that "a woman he recegni7ed as Mrs. Phillips," accompanied by a man about thirty live years old, stepped their automobile in fieut of his shop shortly before !) o'clock yesterday morning. "The man nsked for 'two oed desert llres in a hurry, Chnrlsen qtieteu wl as saying. He threw n 5..0 at me and told me te keep the i hill change. Joint Commission for Straits Urged Continued from Pane On. nml nf-warnnd that It opposes any plan which would give one power control, just as it would In miy ether interna tional water, "I luitu listened with intere.t te tne points of view- of the vat ions delega tions en the subject of the Straits," he said, "and trust that a statement et i he views of the. American representa tives win net he unwelcome n,,.. i,i i k..i ,i.. ' ley of our Government which stands feri witt livniLiuii la Uiint'll IIIIU11 I III IKJI border en the Rlack Sea, that nothing shnll be done thnt will take from any of them Iiulgnrlii or Huswia, the I mine of Turkey, Rumania or Georgia guarantees that they shall be ncces- ' "''IP t" tlie commerce of the world. Ac cessiblity te that commerce is their 1'li.lit ' right At n privnte conference yesterday between the leading members of the Turkish and principal Kurepean delega tions., Grent Rritnin, France and Italy I apparently ngrecd that the Straits must I be under International control. Irish Free State ; Starts Life Today Continued from l'n.n One and bail order eetimlettilv ili.'imienrs, with the Inauguration of the new- Gov- eminent. The Independent mnsidcrs that the, mnti wUn , i.. .(wikivi. nf ..iT..tH. -i.... I lug - ---.. -- - ....,- ..... i ci d wlm Ktlll lmliK in. nfllelnl i,..vt I. t" Chartriis, the Free Sttite representative In Rerlln. ' Londen. Dec. 11. (Ry A. IM A historic privy council, held In Rucking hnm Palace this nierning, dealt chiefly with the establishment of Ireland as an independent commonwealth, King Geerge signed n 'proclamation living effect te the new Irish Free State, and i.r....;:r. : v. . i. :, . .,;-. '.:.....":'."" aise a proclamation appeinuai Timethy ugnt, " w"wr!m "" wni . iieaiy as im uevttMt OMisnl et sp-ecmr pHviiege: for our cen.'aZ Who are --- ? MARY MLES MINTER for the commerce of ether nations. I nA KVJAlJmotTenr, ta "SOUTH or SUVA" "The application of this policy ren yx J ,e 'rav"S.";ii AfOR " MWilF I the question of the Straits is net diffl-1 ;uB7rl,Vtiens of icisership and all limits fj ADUV MYERS fiilt. v ilea re for the geed of eurir,s r ' ' ,,,, of thwies i , e.nmend HARft. Xr vlav-e" interest, us well ns for the geed of nil. pi " "".-...inis te be nut unen your I la "V.R.0-THF MpaJ,.-e ..miiuti, ...... i.i.4n.. -... i,.... ...!s...... iirfinii-ms ui lmi: iiiuumi 1'" in' i ."iu . ami l u i inr r.'r v n including these neenles nnd nations that Tiirre nre iHiuntlma tlmn. "... . . u -- the trmiHltieiial period, although " jeu are nmKii ig ih.w i jje te see UK1LIN 1 "Vi'' -" ' v. nniiiaraiive y young, unve suewn wen- any suis"' i'""r : - v "v THOMAS nm' ''.' ,u '" censtni.'the ability. ' net geed in any form of art or in ain M ANSI AUG MTCR" ! This is tlm nniiiversary of the siCn- 'intellectual j nnunt 'Vf- ".'""'""ra' ,, nne , t i..i...pniin ing of ihe Anele-lrlNli tieaty. ami it , l'ttcr te mr i ' "j"11? ' "L . 'Jl'r .OVERBROOK '"J'W .L"".' ., ft" either" thJeeadlfilsVm'n , RODOLPH VALENTINO , '" " "V T " ,.V.r..MiV,Jf?7; "...:. res ihut competent judges sa v I VJ55? i'bAiiu- , Cellins are dciJdReben O R r . nrVgeml. , We ;he ul 1 see these plvtures pALM khank.x,d aj B?nm ' ii.....i ti.. i'..i... it ..."' .mil Hlneerelr tf te nnu out Wily 111- .rrr- i.mi TTiTBTfr tnv tots Sii, ijilSiKttrifWi-Kas ,ini.'wi,, ,-,, wi,,e ,, !i5..i;:,vTah-S,.TnS3K': ernmr "Si .'.. !Z''lt S ii ill r nt I v I ll ik tii.iiifiiti ill iv rnmi ma. ..,.. iiv . ! .-'-. . . -v . . . . i i -.. ii , ii, . M-.-k pafe DaityMevie Magaxinej lT.T.T.TBtM-afMfBt.Bt.fJtBt-a-aaB-. THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By HENRY M. NERLT Mrs. W. F. D. writes: "This Is the very last time for this year anyway. Rut please let me write some things about J. B. P. BV letter. ' 'Broken Blossoms' 1 The photoplay at tbe top of the list for me. I can net forget It. It wns the only photo pheto phote P'ny, I 5w mero than once ana as I walked down the nisle after my second viewing I heard n woman ask her com cem com M?AenV iVn?' (, Je" think of it?' With the finality of ignorance came the rep y : 'Oh. there is nothing te it.' "Se J. E. P. R. is correct when he asserts thnt it didn't tnke with the masses. It was my first acquaintance with Harthelmess. the incomparable, but I didn't knew nnj thing aibeut movie actors at that time; In fact, I wasn't Interested. I wonder if It ('Broken Blossoms') would hnve been se ex quisitely beautiful were It played by ether actors. Miss Glsh and 'Dick' fitted In se well and the terrible prize fighter whose Identity I have yet te learn. As II. M. N. puts It the piny was 'plausible' te me, because It was nrtlstic te me nnd I fail te understand W'llV it couldn't hr un tn nvervbedv. "I like 'J. E. P. B's' view of Mr. Griffith's work. And I agree with his idea that the business instincts of Grif fith show him that the small-town viewpoint predominates nnd thence come the box office receipts. It Is tee bnd! "I wonder if Mr. Necly means 'The Yeung Rnjnh' ns the play he tells the fnns te guess en? Was it net ridicu lous? Could anything be mere inane than Mr. Valentine sitting with his fingers en his temples looking Inte the future? Of course he wns handsome as ever and Wanda was as placidly prettjr ns ever that was nil. The boy 'Pat Moere was the best thing In the piny nnd Edward .Tobsen wns pretty geed In his mirthful doubt of Ames .Tudd s mystery sight. We will hear mere of 'Pat Moere I think. The story Is the worst ever. Mr. Vnlentlne was out of his element. I suppose he did the best he could with such material The play was net 'plausible' te me. Merry Christmas nnd Happy New Year te you, II. M. N." (Snmetoyeuandmanyofem. Yes, "The Yeung Rnh-Rah" was the one te which I referred. "Broken Blossoms" te me marked the highest spot of Griffith's enreer. Don ald Crisp was the prize fighter.) E. Frances writes: "Women, judg ing by their emotions instend of brains, make the Valentine discussion a little tiresome. Valentine is picturesque and fascinating, but ns an actor he lacks nobility nnd strength, perhaps rugged ness. Might I venture te say In parts he seems small and cheap, but lie thrills nnd fascinates femininity. "Perhaps the two year rest will DC his salvation, as he is in danger of sinking Inte medlcere mannerisms. lie is pleasing nnd very attractive. Let us welcome the 'stranger within our unto' de Roehefert. Ve can still nd inlre 'Rudv' In leynltv while doing se. "Saw Ruth Renlck in 'from Rags te Riches,' nnd I seem tn recn.l her rem the days gene by. IMd she net "PPenr in pictures n long while age.' 1 tliliiK siie is very wauuiui. "Why don't we sec 'The Ruster.' with Glenn Hunter.' litm fltif? Cradle I like "Did you ever hear from fVtnnre Palmer whether Wallace Red enjoyed .. ..,... 1n,n.n t.n IiIm flltlU 111 i rue sjniimiiiy imnn ' Philadelphia V I was se sorry te hear of his misfortune nnd hope lie Is im proving rapidly. Is he? "I am very lenu m jihj .h-.j lla"J Will ou print, some time, plenfe. a nleture of Harrison tern.' Anether i I favorite." Bessie G. writes. "1 am fourteen , , fli,m!, t0, n,P tint you write uil ilimu" ,SvIt-. 1 did net knew, heenw we take another newspaper, se I bought mrs mid I think your piece in it i wonderful and I will bin your paper, eerv evening new. What actors de jeu like be-t? I like Rodelpli Valen Valen tieo bet of nil. I "Mv mother allows me only eneugh1 money te go te the metics once n week, se I don't t'e for severul weeks and sae mv money and then, when Valentine nliis in a picture I go see it several times. I saw the Sheik' three times and I saw 'Weed und Sand' live times. Dear Mr. Xeely, would ou be se kind, and print nienune s piciuru irem 'Weed and Sand'?" n nm minting that letter, funs, bc- pniiui, it is a human iiecument et vast . -.. -- .. , . . M . import pace in VA"nRil""ti0",r"L",. j f nUi,. r, in this creat country ' ... m0sS their dear hearts, they K-iP.. ,,nt,iff te be the wius and mothers of tlie nuure. ' .- :- ,.. " yMay they are somewhat stilted . "t , it, ndf-conscieusiioss that ill v, , I... .,.!.. llinkes tlielil i.ick iiiierrei, uut mm one is se Bi'iiuine that I wnnted jeu te see it. I wish eiery moving picture pre diieer and director and actor and lie .' i .lUirllmtiir nnd pxhihitnp p.mlil in- iwiu ..- -" " V, " .- " ntiye a in. i... - .",,; . v- ."-.?;' site his mother's or his wife's Or his own daughter's picture. Then there It 111 Hie Oilier sun- ei iii? u' upjii, .. . nn lllu ,1'1a .... I.I icre ""..r.7 TV ,v tirnblMii of tl.,. im.vie,. ' or s te ;.errv about. I de lib' Valentine, Hesse G. I! think be is a very talented young man ,,,,,1 a very capable young man nnd a trai:!te.?""".!L . .w.1I,0...h!8 .,,..,'i.. nnn unfortunate mistakes, but sn I .have en and 1 made mistakes gee! , when I think et some et tne mistakes 1 have made! , llwl ,., : ii. ,t i tiii iik npr.i mi unu unit niisiiiKn i.. Thnt intexirin'."' ."- " u B"ui I : ; i....i .in ..rtts, . .a ' i , iiniement. us in rum ter you unu i .A e.iiiilri! Valentine, but we will admit ourselves narrow and unintelli rent If we de net learn tp appreciate the art of Barthelmeas and Arllst and Nerma Taluiadie and Rei Ingram and UThanks for 7w Utttt, Bettl. G I hope you'll write again. B. V. IV writes t "Whtntrer I rearl In the colujre letters frost rtlss oil MB "tS fan fw-f ir rrt -rtast ' sim She is se freh nnd youthful, and hoi," ""1'1'cr. acting. I think, shows sincerity ami Mieiitnneltv. (Always glad te gt a letti r finm a tW UtUt "" i wawpw'HNIi Kf-nm fr- -?? DECEMBER 0. 1022; t-aSM IS HE VALENTINO'S RIVAL? ",' ' 4.MMflljltiMBilWBllliriB i-,-1 HBHPIsbsbsIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKJ V, yplllllllllVSBllllllllllllllllllHBsilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB I 'f, is.HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVi. mTiimlMk nmmiiiiiiiiiiiw,.iiiiH .' ' -i-x''iBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM IssiiiiiVtmBiiiiiiiiiiiHtsmliiiiiH' BsTy-jdKilEm BsrslBBslllllllllllllllllHlfilHH BSSSSSBwruBSSSHHSSSSSBSSSBSSSBBSSaBSSSS. ftaSSSSSSSl1BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHa7 SllllK'?iBsilKBsilllllSHBBFB JBPBBJGBBBBBBBBBBBBBHk' lllHllBsllllllllllHBsflBBsHLIjlllllHBVBs ?1V.'HL&HbLIIIIIIY?'jiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH BBMJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMkBBBBBBBBBBB tBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs t flksilV 'BSlllllllllllllllllllllllBBsilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllB I .vlllB'jiBsiilllllwBsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllll sHHHHHH :iBsffailllllBsllllllllllHffiSits$aB i siHHHIHbB.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH BllllllHCMIBJrBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 3tSSmmmmmmJmmmmmm9'mKKSmESmmmmmmmmM i B wliiiiiiBHBBjiwPAasiiflsiisvii i 'BeBjsllllBSlBlllllllBHyLvlllBV3BsV&J)CM i Here is Charles de Roehefert, whom the American producers insist upon advertising as Charles de Reche. The photograph was made when the French actor paid a visit te Dorethy Dalten before leaving for the West, where he Is making his first picture te be under the impression that Valen Valen tieo is pre-eminently n matinee Idel, a flapper creze and n pretty boy, I think of my experience in New Yerk en the opening night of 'Blend and Sand. "I steed for an hour In n double line that extended down Breadwnv nnd around Forty-ninth street mid en nrnmut i. i,.i ..,,.,.. .....i ti,.,.. t .,... Of course the Dappers were there, nnd I "Rudelph alentlne. whose hcarliy the Mappers' mothers and grandmothers : i before the Appellate Court wiw hel but besides these there were in thnt I yesterday. hn3 been seen lunching with crowd hundreds of people from every , Jeseph Schenck nnd A. Glmiiiii, the conceivable strnta of New Yerk life, and banker, several times lately, nnd, of a large proportion of them men. I heard course, the most popular story in town four different languages that I could new N the possibility of nn elliiincc distinguish Russian, Italian, Polish with Mr. .Schenck. One of Mr. nnd Spanish and the crowd would hnve Schenck's budne associates said yes made wonderful atmosphere for a for- tcrday 1 would net consider ntiy sort cign picture. nf n ieutr.ict with Mr. Valentine until "I sat in the gallery because I M" troubles with Famous Players thought it would be mere interesting. Lasky were settled te the mutual sat I shall never forget it. Many of these isiuctlen of all concerned." people could understand very little Kng- I rinu.n j,, , 1; wrtes: "When I saw Hsh, but they could nil understand the ,, N . ,lpnrt jm,lWi W, .leH.-ht. It unlve.sal lan.uag,. of life that nlen- , ,t ju pes.lhly ,nr,nn Xerlrlll Bn,i t fllia tll u liKiint nrt mi t i li"i nil I ' V " """ ' Vi(HIlM "ii Hit Cllll.l, ri'Illl'llllJlT HUllHim lli- 11 V.M-I'pi III) Caruso first niglits in the peanut with the rpnl miisie lnmrq. "Mv bleed beeame s Ml nut. !,.,! l.v tl... nl.-lri,..v in t),n ,.t,,...4. "' r ' J " l IOHIIU nhere l'.cs, tliere wan mirlir tot, but 1 niiiiili that hefere I knew It msif en niy Imt with the ethers .limiting, "Vlvn Va i niine '.' I wns forever rilieveil of mj unall-tnnti idea gained in Phil'id lpiiiu - tint Vnl'mtlmi's niipial is only te the Auvri- ., ., iinguisr aim any eni is a iingu in my estinintien who can tell the uirfinnee between Russian and Polish. I can nine Itnlinn out nml cct S'l.'inl-li. but j tliese ether two wave li'ii'tli nlwas lo.eieujiie em u euiei in no iri-iiii.; vVn " lentlne's appeal only te the Ha1 llHOT01'l..S The following theatres ebtan their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the linesfc production?. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA ''& Wi'Ti" JOHNNY MINES In "SUXE VtRZ FLINT" AP.3LLO "u SVvuft3 MOLLIE KING tn "SUSriCIOUS ivta Rl.UFRIRD J until 11 IACK HOLT . ,.,, .,,t jjtci sleeps" in ... ..-..-- rvSlOM 1 A I ,'1" A 'st,! ' iiil Avei. - le r. ji. WALLACE REID in "NICE PEOl'LE- . r . m-1 TVI-T- "I ml iiiruil Ave. rAlKVlUUJM "!'';" v Villi! "STROKE OF MIDNIGHT" '- , mt ' THIlATIir I l- siiruc "Wlaal" jiwrawe.'"' DOIr-1 31. mi Vi"' V nt rtei r.i riRi A sw ANSON in "HER (HIDED CAGE" ."nriT MfllDTUITDM I'' ' 2. '!?. T . ' VjrF.rti IM1' ' Lui'-" ' PRISCILLA UfcAW In "UNDER two iwu.& . IMPERIAL r." ,V. WA' W ' 0 ' llv" vjAI I ACE RFID I W?EKCE" W in "CLARENCE" I IRFRTY IlItOAH A COM M11IA AV. li Aem nil OYD " Tv - -- SHIRLEY MASON In "THE NEW TEACHER" OIA1 TO aiUlMASTOWN AVHNUn KlALlw it !"' t,"ie ",,, st mUPIllT.ljUOHES' FROpTJOTION It 9 9 CAVftV I2" MAHKKT STHKKT SAVUI S A. M. te MMnltbt IvAXuGHTiS JOT la 55TMARKET tffijgfi&i " wniiiinvi hbju. y TnKaJlAnr LAM..MftK r-iiL,. irpiJ iV t"u""i "-( mil I.. A.. . .. aw aiHk. irsp 1'u1linl AIH Itr liil C1L iZWWi' 41 JlrfJI per? Listen, R. I. N.; there are a let of us old grouches who rail against him bitterly, but wl.e alwnys sneak Inte ft seat and enjoy the spell of that appeal even If we cuss ourselves for doing it.) B. L. R. sends this clipping from p I theatrical tinner: ICu'ly In a picture together wmi ilny ! I rM,: ,,1.1 ,,' "' ' i.cumii. be my Idea of movie . "; .'" BnlnS te wNh -rt ''Hf'.1 that it'll '"' '. IO eellle tril". Think of the '.piKite ItiU'n retiitieu of some of the -r'ut Imr nt hitery and iitcruture ihe- 'v." could gie us. Won't you . 'I. tl ll'" TK.M'UIP NOTICES rCO&MEtfCIALI e . i-Micienir uiiics lOiirinttva U. 8. Gevt. Shins) rHUAli.X.iJit!A TO LUNpONptKRY. iir'-VAsr, DtTBZ.i:t & cer:; S S "EAST'sIDir' Lust liilf D-e, Seil il navian aid Baltic Ports P S "PUOrT SOUND" Dec. 11 0 he.- S U 2 l'crts i Fufclent Cnica OTrn MU0RE and MeCOSAIACK, INC. 144-4G Bour.e Bldg., Pi.ila. Lemb. 03S" Main 7513m. I'MOTeri. 5 The NIXON-NIRDLINGER m T11EATRES Nixe.N-sAMBASSAD0Rinfl,hAn,,,.AjI. WALLACE REID . in "CLABENCE" BALTIMORE 5,HM:LSM. BETTY COMPSON !nT0 HAVE AND TO HCI.a" BELMONT v'?r.,u,uw: akkt ii'-Ii ' ,r s ' a I" 11 ! M. GEORGE ARLISS ia-lAJL'JIO-AYED GOu CEDAR I'0?'1 Cr.IJAK AVKNUK ALtCE BRADY Jn' ANNA ASCLJiDS" HOOT GIBSON ' ln'TH!; GJLLOPJ.VO ID JUMB0""rn,VM ST- & ei"A.iTA a X,. .'""ibe June, cm 1'ranl.ferd "L" "TURN TO THE RIGHT" LEADER 41ST '-ANCASTKil .".VE. - . -L" "1 ' " F. 54. IVTAKaUKIR DAW 1. "THE sacebhush trail I rpi tC'r "i vMnrn.TTT T. L0CUS'.,"Alfi4 ''5 U WALLACE REID L..."CLARSNCE" " NIXON "U A,ND MARKET aTs! LOIS WILSON" 7"'9 in "BROAD DAYLIOHT" RIVOLI lS. $!' f RICHARD BARTHELMESS, In "Knyuvi SHERWOOD Mh, 'y''Ajj ucec UAnie.L.S) in "PINK OOPS" ev 4 M.?. i i :Matv-zw , WALLACE REID I In "CLARENCE" TRAND a,na,ftlss,ir'r"v,f.M , WALLACE REID in "MICE PIOFLE" ! AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN SflSiVfflnV- LHEPRI50NlRr6FZDX GRANT MS Ot k5S1?S u - ,IWI mMJ-yj I V3, vnan jeexxaaetra feew-1 'ff.::::::::::: U jt:. 0ff Daytrataa. joienian. m nawUirfMfu mi ..un i mm"m-r styi TTiniwr ----.r-r.z -i .5MfV.ll MEDITERRANEAN ,', u..i.. numiu. Aitiera. aienwmmi ",,)'!.''. Napli.. Aleaandrlrt, Hlf. AthMS M t... .t.. .Mi,iii t tout le ..inert. .1 ,V,',V1 mikML&:J:l' m WEST INDIES cnuieca m &iwmi" buta: is ihl was. iM3 VEOAMZIO M.eklaaw Dee, ;Sl Hnrtmas te American Lime .. If. T. TO HAMBURG VIA K.TXC0UTK A OKEKBOUBO .uet .. ii T. I. M i Wt l'lU'eUM):....PM.MJap.M xa: rcHyKi iaLADELPHLVJ-'HAJIBUBO .Dec. 18 lfarrUnd OjO. M M.eklaaw rt aaaopae ivMmjMiEmJNF PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM treedyk Dee. 13 Blydendyk Jan. International Mercantile Marine C. Ill STEAMERS 1.238.000 TONS Pauenrer Office. 1319 Walnut St.. Phtla. Office. 405-14 B"re P'rlr.. PlitU. "The Comfert Reute" EUROPE New Yerk Cherbourg Southampton Hamburg ORBITA Dec. 20. Jan. 31, Mar. 14 ORCA- Mar. 31 ORDUNA. . ...Jan. 10, Feb. 21, Apr. 14 WEST INDIES Twe Cruises tic l.uxe JAN. 24 FEB. 24 S. S. "ORCA" 25,500 Tens Tnreest. neneet nnd nemt liiriirl'in Milp eiisised 111 Wet Iiiilli'H rnilneii, ralltiif ut Nnsviu, Celrn, Ilnrlinilim. Ilfltiin., In Gnnru. Martlnlmie, Kliurstnn, 'Irln IU.hI. St. Thrmnii. ban Juan und llerniuda. Uat'H -50 uti. BERMUDA Twe days null from Ne Yeik lirinuM you te coral tintlilnc liemlie urni"d by tropical "i.n. liclf. lutlil'i. tl.lilii't. Regular Weekly Sailings lleplrnliie Ileiemtxr r.lntlal Trnnsntlnntlc I.lner "ARAGUAYA" n.soe Ten. Di.pL Ne Fa.ipert Heculrcd The ROYAL MAIL STEAMPACKET CO. SANIIKIISON Ic SOX. INC.. Aileiit. l'i llreuilu, N. 1.. or lex 11 1 iimnU t)-17-N8-IT lewTerk te Sl A cimiunenca oixil.S.QevimmentShtps New Reduced Rates Fastest Time te Rie dej.n.ire, Montevideo, and Baeeea Air... Klne.t .1 ip American .ervice American t-'oedArrerican comfort.. Sail Ini from Pier l.Hobektn. ii. S. Pan America . . Dec. 9 S. S. Western World . Dec. 23 I S S. Southern Cress . Jan. 6 S. S. American Legien Jan. 20 Fortnightly thereafter Fer ditcnptive booklet, ddnn Munson Steamship Lines 67 Wall St. New Yerk City Mcnttlnt Opinion far U.S. Shipping Beard CUNARO ANCHOR UN .v. v. ti ( iii'iti urs und .Soutluniuten ' BERENGARIA ' Sec. 12 Jn. 2 Feb. 87 ' Aa''ITANI.i Jan. 23 Feb. 13 Har. It miii t a r. m. '1 mi utx.r iti'UiiurH mill ut 10:00 A. u. N. V. ti. riimuutli, lii-rheuri; un'l llumburg ANT02IIA Dec.21 Jn. 31 Kar. ll eAXONIA 'Feb. 21 'Apr, 4 . i.i imiir.iv. V. Y. tn L'ulili tQueenitnun) nnd Mifrpoet CARMANIA ....... . Dec. 14 Feb. 17 Kir. IT lAUUIIlA JJ.1C. J'J 1 ALBANIA (nw) . . . .Jan. 20 Feb 2i - s . tu l mlenil- rry un I illiunw COLUMBIA Dee. 0 J.n. 13 Feb. IS AS-syiUA -Jan. 87 Mar. 10 . " l.i llnllfus. I N Y. te MnlitiMTanrnii I'ertu CAROMA Feb. 10. MM ejer Iak'iiI ri'NAltli Aui'iit r writ. CbS'AftD & ANCHOR RTEAMSHIP tllfES Paenpcr Office 1300 W.lnut St . PrUla. i.vv iirk 1n IjmhI hi . ifi.nt f,ir-p. oeurw einff,. irnil.. Ct rC'15 tf. Y.Pl'jmQUth.S, Pjrla rARIS Dec. 13 J.n. 17 Uar.'T ROCHAMnEAU Jan. 0 Teb. 13 Apr, SI t RANGE . Feb. 21 Mar. 14 Apr. New Yerk H'.vre P.rii L Bourilennalt . Dee. SB Fab. La 8 ivo.e Dec. 30 Apr. 21 Juu Rouiilllen ... . Jan. Ill Feb. 30 Har. I Chicaro . ... Jan 30 Mjr. II Anr. i !l Lafayette .Apr. 14 May 12 Juaal New Ycrk Vl.e (Snalnl H.irre Kcuntll-n . , . .Dee, 11 N. Y Vige i3paln)-Bcrd.aus NUgnri Dee. St NORTH AFRICAN MOTOR IOHeF 1 te LOIVRS. MOROCCO. TUNISIA 0"tr,br I April 30 v Fnr full detnl I'limilt til" Freneh I'ti" ir"iit In mill lt' or write te EMIT.E O OEYELIN. O.neral 1S.W S"elet St Phlllelphla NAWSCO LINES Schedvle Sailings direct te Le. Anjtelen, San Francisce, Oak land, Seattle, Tncema, PortlaetJ via Panama Canal, S. S. Blue Trianil. ( Dec t S. S. Artigai (U.S.S.U.) Dec. M, Prompt Leading Nertk AlUatic ft VVeitem S.S.Ct, (Agent. U, B. Shlppin Beard) 136 S. Fourth St., IliiladslpMft: Lcmaare .i.i'.-. Hals x T.a,f TaAWTJavrara VJjavB.ra av BiBtJjBaBva. f . Y. PIYH0UTK. 0KMB0UHO.eAlJtJJMJ.tlI FINLAMD TD.e. i Jan. fal, W hV3 LAf LAND ifreet)... Dee. . -J-TrS MM," SAltXDflIai..) Tan. Ajr&iJl T.W Sk ROYAT l ,!." I ; i W J 21 -w$i Jfl Jl 4 H ti (M ' ,. VI r n 71 vj.i Al 31 m i Al d 01 'il . mi i6 " m m fft . A'f. SM SW! ? i'v: