" ft'mWRW' ' :m,' ' -i-i '" I: . . r ' ' w jh w.. '"'til BiiS!5?! wmmmm WWWWM. bit ii 'ii ' ') i 'iiBiillliTr In JMHlffillllTWBWlTBptnYilF : n? mmnmmimmf mm WMM mmm mm&wmfiEmm hnatan ntmAm Mm ! . ? It. liti nrenwj BMfdl W VsVslswa I jatSt t7JlJSEt?rBK . freih butch of' kMMT Jits te the patiaitoe., ?VL-.J;' itiMten found e6n- whfch wte a-apeed- iavD S'wai Preceded by the tow! , $3 wr cent ateck dMdend i Btadebaker directors bm tne !K atement of the dlwcteM Ttb Kanylnir statement of the diwctet ("'J?, ih-t nrninM of the ter tln.i ii. nrnanccta are attch tha ffawMemeBf bellevea the prewi. , of 10 per cent en me mm 'yi-? . Tner cent annual bnala. That $Su maintained until lart July. SfcMhe dividend rate waa Increaaed NiVSrSlO ner annum e.nd an extra $1.00 ralfwM declared. , V! . vr MlMOtiri. Kansas and Texas A The reonaniiatlen plan approved by fe'Jlnterrtfte .Commerce Cemal., en ,BW. -- .-,, .win " ". """'.r-i- ..J Tmhb H0IIWB.T yv""f""J " Kunsrw opera $K with capital flabllltfea $46,376,000 Mm thi" "theSe carried by It predecea tZ and annual Interest chnrgea alae U'E than these of the former corpora cerpora corpera fl'Sn by $1,700,000. Tue new company 3n have total stock and tend laities r-tr. - -I. . .r sum kihi inhi nnri :iim.noe shares of common ateck without par value. " ' r "i,YT. In L uiatii nf l null- . . WMIfl HII LIIU UlUltllJ m. Hiu ,. W Utaeurl-Kansas-Texaa ia acquired . nw, in. uei ?- ,"- rMa"K ftus and Oklahoma, which the old itmpany operated, will net go into the L new system. Tli? commission gave no- UeB was net te be construed as grant f'laf authority for the abandonment of V taete lines. Most of them, it Hvns ', ladlcated, would be acquired by. ether MJlreadS or persons mm nuuiu ire YHBUUUCU HI Wliwmiwm i Western Freight Movement Bubstnntinl Increases were reported iu movement of freight'en many of t- ii... vuiih tnillriillllcr thorn la Rt ill f' considerable surplus of goods te be V -BJeved this enr In both the east and c . , .....1 .wiffij rAn.tMntllfv Inltilmva of the Chicnge, llurllngten and Quincy ilkew an Increase of 25 per, cent ever the tune period Inst year. Total movement M Reck Island was 12 per cent heavier. . On the Atchison. Topeka and Santa Sa 57 per cent increase was reported, e total number of leaded cars en the Northwestern wns 43 per cent in excess of a year oke. St. Paul reports a gain of 37 per cent and Illinois Central 32 ttr cent. Tremendous, Buying Power "Periods of prosperity and depression are often the product of men's Imagina tion as much us they arc of ncutnl tangible conditions," says the monthly 'review of the Mechanics nnd Metals Na tional Bank of New Yerk. "Three years age prosperity pre vailed throughout the Unlted States; .there was an intense industrial and com- )' laercinl activity, and everywhere prices " MMere. bnelntM meted, 4emnd tot www nil BBen m tne rnppiy, ua prfcee cellapeed. Lately there dm been a renewal or InHimtriai mnA mMmniii etlrlty, and though human neede are net vastly changed buvlnghas Increased n.pnccB eare mevea upwara. ;' "In the ahert period which bM Itpttd since last spring, when the period of deflation, which began In 1020, ran its. course, it has been made re markably dear that the force of the barilla1 bower of tha rank anil Ala hf tha American people, when that buying power te operating, ia tremendous. The American, temperament is exemplified by the contrast which the present cur rent ex euying Dears with that of as recently as six months or a year age; either We take fright nil together or fltltr 11 ,A0fttllM MM.1 J.M MIM. ll.M -j vwb'j.hh i auu juab iiuw iv spirit of buying has changed the bust nees aspect of the country from one of sagging prices, accumulating stocks ana unemployment, te one or nrm prices diminishing commodity sup plies and full employment of labor. "On the whole, the recent business situation Is one thnt is marked by n fair measure of prosperity, and though slgna of caution and reactionary tend encies are seen here and there, virtu ally every trndn InHer ahnwn tha Im prevement of the autumn months fairly well maintained." Anaconda. Chile Merger Although officials of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company and the Chile Copper Company have refrained from openly discussing the merger pos sibilities, it Ja learned In reliable quar ters further progress wes made and thus far there- has been absolutely no bitch in the negotiations. This merger would be the most Im portant development in the copper in dustry in several decades. It would bring about increased stability, because ltweuid remove from the enen market the production or n low cost producer such nrtjiuie, and te this extent would strengthen the situation. ' The purchase - of the American Brass OeniDnny by the Anaconda Cen ner Mining Company was one of the big steps in the Industry taken In the last year and eliminated one of the lareest consumers from the eucn mnr- ket. The step was the, subject of bitter discussions nt times, especially as some of the ether producers, aside from the Anaconda, bad numbered the Brass Company among its lending customers. Naturally, they were disappointed te have such n consumer taken from their books, and tills -is believed te huve caused considerable price-cutting at times. As a matter of fact, there were reports in the trade Only a few months nge the market wns being hela down by the action of the Chile Copper In terests who were increasing production nnd underselling the ether producers In this country. THE TRADER. RtteHitleh InertaMt Maximum Outrahttta'Undirthft FaeHMMAet OTHER FOREIGN BUSINESS ninri V 1.5T I $7,000,000 IN DRUGS TAKEN Canadian Police Find Huge Stere of Morphine' Montreal, Dec. 0. Morphine shipped from Switzerland te Canada for llieirnl distribution in Canada and the United States, and valued, at peddlers' prices, at $7,000,000, was seised at a local commission beuse yesterday by Cana dian mounted police. - Londen. Dec., 6. , The Heuse of Commens yesterday passed n resolution 'autherising amendment of the Trade Facilities Act te 'renew It for one year and te Increase te 50,000,000 the maximum guarantees provided by the measure. , Bt. ieJm, N. B. The New Bruns wick Power Company, controlling the electric light and power, street car and cas services here, has reipctedlha municipal offer of $2,577,055 for its Ottawa A new nestal agreement fw. tween, Canada and the United HtnR will be prepared by Uanadlan postefflcc emciaia, it was announced today at the close of tne nrst international pestai conference. The new convention, which will supersede that of 1888 and will embody the decisions of the conference Just closed, Is te be made effective fanuary 1. ' ' , Santiage The majority group In the Chilean Senate at a private meeting passed a resolution asserting thnt It weu'd net authorize the contraction of further leans by the Government or new issues of paper money. The Sena tors also favored the adoption of new legislation giving the Government new sources of income. ' "" "" i Londen Asked in the Heuse of Com Cem Com eons concerning the debt incurred for the sale of silver 'during the war from the United States, and whether It had been reduced since the 1st of April, Stanley Baldwin ( the Chancellor of the Exchequer, replied thnt the total debt was approximately iz;,vn),vnr, ei which $81,000,000 is still due, nnd ar rangements had been made te repay thl amount within two years. Santiage. Chile A lockout Is re ported te have eeen declared tn the arti ficial nitrate nlnnt at Ontmu. Germany. Twenty thousand men have been left without employment. LondenThe British Rubber Grow ers' Association has accented an invi tatien from the Rubber Association of America te send representatives te the United states in January te confer en conditions in the industry. Londen An exhibition of feedstuffs prepared by Canadian manufacturers will be a leature of the British indus tries fair which will be held concur rently in Londen and Birmingham enrly next year, says the Americnn Chamber of Commerce in Londen. . 'ms&sawpx I4mt vMiMOT.aMa rhmtmmfMB Setf St Yerk WIUkM-Jarr altftiiere Chicago Ban Fnnettoe, rw( Aevrnf in PtnntytHMm Tlrri DtytM Ptwar " utA liflit ftayaiy Fine 6 Rafa-MUnf Mettfaga ' 5 aWndU, 4m 1141 M aftrnlnai far tha year ended Oete l " mT .aA tlMI ill .. than JI&, tlmaa tha antira mertgaga bend interest cnargaa ei tja.wv. Pfke 3V4 umI kitarMl YlaWmg about 5.60 Duertpftye eireutar en requett Alu A. Alexander & Ct. Stocks and B.endM Cddhlal Trust BtdH Phttm. A fa Cm of Weakly M VVTTahai - geaafjafjaarv ww rw aa- lu: mfrqwr it it $445,000 ,'; v j i ' , Dominion Iren and Steel Company, f.'W'' ,v , l i'V .s Gonselidited Mertga.e 5 Bends T - - r.ii.z 'j ii?3f VtWM . vim v V s, AWN and COMPANY CtHifhttPubUcAecewlmts FlNANC BUItCMNO-PHttADttPta A Salesman ia kA,. ...a. Haekt mera dralrabl. connection an STeraae true. An 82. anrrflafnl alllnw and ezectitlre experience. Valuable entree Ira New Jener. Eattern PenrntTlTanlaJnllniilrUI ; Atmm wmvttiwf-m r . field. B ieoe: e entree In r itTlranln Inflniit tt 01T1CE, Railroad and Ttrmlnal iendt SHEAR. ARTON J. CO. WAUATJT.. XZW Y0SX PMledtlpMa Tit: tHeu Yerk 7.1 Lembard 79S7 Recter 6761 HORACE P. GRIFFITH & CO. Certified Paftlic Accountant. FINANCE BCILDINO, FhlUdalphla Heranca P. arlffltti. C. P. A. Wllllard It. atnder, C. P. A. Vm. Lewl. McQee, C. P. A. O. T. MALLERY REAPPOINTED Hanisbtirg. Dec. 0. Otte T. Mnl lery. of Philadelphia, was reappointed a member of the State Industrial Beard. Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Ce. 316-1820 Chestnut Street 1415 Chertant Ht. 9 S. BM HI. WIEQNEB,ROCREY-Cv. Certified Public Accountant Drexel Bufldbf , Philadelphk 1 NEW ISSUE $1,150,000 Ht V Hf J.JLX1li3 1 1 JV INCORPORATED . First Mortgage 15 Year 7 Sinking Fund Geld Bends (Closed Mortgage) 'Dated November 1, 1922 v Due November 1, 1937 Interest parable Mar l.and Nerember 1. at The Flr.t National Bank of Be. ten, or Uie Central Tru.t Cempaar of llllnela, - Chloape, wltboet deduction for normal Federal Income Tax net In exreaa of i'c. Citable, a rhale or In part, en any Interrft date, en 80 dars neUee, at 108 and arrrurjl Intere.t an te and Incledlnt November 1, 1926,. the premium reduclna 1 each .Mar 1 thereafter up te nnd Inrliiilliif Mar 1. 103S. and thereafter at 10 and accrued Intere.t. . rcnnwlTanla Four M1U Tax Refunded. Caupan band. In Intarehanteabla denomination, of $1,000, SeOO. and S100, rettrterabl. aa te principal. ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON, AND CHARLES B. BREED, TRUSTEES. Mr. B. T. Martin, Pren'Jent of the Company, summarize the salient features of the issue as follews: BUSINESS. Everlastik Incorporated, a Massachusetts corporation organized in 1915, is the largest manufacturer of elastic fabrics in the world, and owns seven long established and successful fabric mills, as fellows : T. Martin & Bre. Mfg. Ce Chelsea, Mass. ' 1871 T. Martin & Bre. Mfg. Ce.. Lewell, Mass. 1893 Hub Gere Makers Brockton, Mass. 1883 Lcelastic, Inc Bavenne, N. J. 1908 Bridgeport Elastic Fabric Ce Bridgeport, Conn. 1903 Mansfield Elastic Web Ce Mansfield, Ohie. 1892 Smith Webbing Ce -.....'... .Pawtucket, R. I. 1899 The Company produces staple goods in universal demand distributed te manufacturers, jobbers, and the wholesale dry goods trade throughout the United States and Canada. , MORTGAGE SECURITY. The bends will be secured by a closed first mortgage en all the Company's plants, as well as by assignment of its valuable patents and trade-marks. In a recent indepen dent appraisal the Company's plants have been given a reproduction cost of $4,759,500 with sound N depreciated values of $3,544,000,, or in excess of three times the total authorized bend issue. The appraisal value 'of the land and buildings alone is $1,300,000. Insurance aggregating $2,700,000 is carried upon the Company's plants. ASSETS. The Company's balance sheet as of September 30, 1922, as "verified by independent audit, adjusted te give effect te the sale of the bends and the appraised instead of the book value of the Company's fixed assets, shows net tangible assets, after deduction of all liabilities ether than these bends, of $5,319,261, equivalent te $4,625 for each $1,000 bend. Current assets in the bal ance sheet are in excess of three times current liabilities, with net current assets equivalent te $1,367 for each $1,000 bend. EARNINGS. Average annual net earnings for the 7 years and 10 months ended September 30, 1922, (including the readjustment period of 1920 and 1921, in which the earnings for 1920 were reduced te $95,511 and in 1921 showed a less of $761,353) after interest and depreciation, but before Federal Taxes, were $308,642, equivalent te 3 times the maximum interest requirement upon these bends. ' Fer the 5 years and 1 month prier te the 1920-1921 readjustment period, average annual net earn ings were $632,500 or ever 7 times interest requirement en the bends. Fer the first 9 months of the current year net earnings, after depreciation but before interebt and Federal Taxes, amounted te $103,902. , SINKING FUND. The mortgage will provide for an annual Sinking Fund equivalent te 15 of net earnings after operating expenses, taxes and interest, with a minimum 6f $60,000 a year, the first payment te be mad6 te the Trustee en March 1, 1924, and te be used for the purchase of bends or their redemption by let. MANAGEMENT. ,The management is thoroughly experienced, a large number of the, officers and employees of the present Company having been for many years in the service of the constituent companies which were established ever a period extending from 1871 te 1899. Appraisal by the Amiriean Appraisal Company tarnst, Legal manors ww ee pastta upon Jehn Abbett, JSeq,, of notion, for t Offered when, as and if issued and received by us and nibjeet te approval of counsel. It is anticipated that interim ' - receipts of The First National Bank of Bosten will be ready for delivery en or about December ltth. , ; PRICE 100, AND INTEREST YIELDING 7 Spatial rjtrcalav SM Baaeaat. B. J. Baker & Ce. Inc. Central Trust Company r 20 Wt4ari-tea Street . y 0f IlVnOIS BOfTON CHICAGO" - - Tha ahaya ataUmaata an haaaa U"ntUi vpea which wa hava railed In our purchaaa el than aacaritlaa. aa4 wall. . . 'v i "i m t ' T r T" tt a. . wvT . ft t f , RSS" "5r IFfFf TittufjTjjrC il iVifeS &WiJ m ?.v (.'i 5 , cr rAtt J..-.L, aMjMMJatBMwlirflU . ..- ViAX. .' attftHAfc. iB :JJK)ty5rfAffWAit . 4M Guertnietd Principal and interest by Dominion Steel Corporation, Limited Datedune" . loot, Due September ,, .e3q , Interest payable March i and September i In United States VtefWt New Yerk, or In Canadian currency In Montreal, or In Sterling In Ijonden. f odsef I1?? gSSmv iim f..ii reuef.We RaJemahfe at ie and merest en any Interest date. National Trust (company, . , ' Limited, Terente, Canada, Trustee. U. 8. Nermal Federal Income Tai up te 2 peld fcjr tha Cemeeay CAPITALIZATION . $5,74 1,M s. h' Ar Flrat (doted) Mortea8Jle-lB,t1iia July, IW ' '',... CwiaeH-tated (etetaal) Mertiaia 5 Betida, due SeptatBktr I, IfM. pybU la Ualte4 ' - Statea told anal guraata) by Dominion Steel Coraenitlen, Ltd. (thle laaiM) CoaaelldatedJcleaed) Mertgaie 5 Benii, due Septeatber 1, IW, payable la Sterling f? 4,4S,tN n il2.- .....N amI. . v,- or tanuuiBii cuiTCTu.71 vbj Income k Benda ' Preferred "Stock, 7 Cumulatlre, f IN par Common Stock, $199 par 7,94,14 a 3t9VvfVW . . . . . . 37.tee.tH . SUMMARY The Dominion lren& Steel Company, Limited, incorporated in Neva Scotia in t8qq, owns the largest iron and steel works in Canada, located at Sydney, N. S. It owns a sufficient quantity of iron ere te supply its works for ever a hundred years. This is in the famous ere deposit-at Bell Island, Newfoundland, which yields about 50 metallic iron. ' All of the Consolidated Mortgage 5 Bends (closed issue) arc secured, in the opinion of counsel, by a direct mortgage en the entire property new owned or hereafter acquired, subject only te the closed issue of $5,741,000 First Mortgage Bends, for refunding which an equal amount of Consoli dated Mortgage 5 Bends has been reserved. .. The prevision for payment of these $4,645,000 Consolidated Mortgage 5 Bends in United States geld In New Yerk (net being included in the mortgage) is contained in a Supplemental Indenture, dated November 15, iqi2, and is inscribed en th'e-bends and coupons. ""The $4,645,000 Consolidated Mortgage Bends are unconditionally guaranteed, principal and in terest, by endorsement by the Dominion Steel Corporation, Ltd., which owns the entirecornmen stock of this Company, the Dominion Ceal Company, Limited, and ether companies. This guar anty is provided for in a covenant dated November 1 5, tqiz and applies only te the Consolidated Mortgage 5 Bends.payable in United States geld. The Net Tangible Assets, after reserves for depreciation and depletion and including only a nominal sum for the large ere holdings, equal $3,340 for each $1000 mortgage bend outstanding. The Sinking Fund of $200,000 a year will be used te purchase the First Mortgage and the Consol idated Mdrtgage Bends at the market price thereof; net te exceed their respective redemption prices. Fer the past 10 years and q months, the yearly average of net earnings after depreciation and de pletion was 3H times the present interest requirements of all mortgage bends. Fer the same period the yearly average of consolidated net earnings of ,the guarantor company and its subsidiaries was ever 44 times the interest en all mortgage bends of subsidiaries, the guarantor company having no funded debt. v These Benda are Hated en the Bosten Stock Exchange and application haa been made te Hat them en the New Yerk Stock Exchange legal proceedings in connection with this issue of bends will be passed upon by Messrs. Mclnnes, Jenks, Levett and M.i alifax, Neva Scotia, for the Company, and by Messrs. Reet, Clark, Buckner &i Hewland of New Yerk, for thi- I We offer these bends when, as, and if issued and received by us and subject te the approval of counsel. Interim bends of the Company will be issued pending delivery of permanent engraved bends. The of Halifax, Price 85 and interest yielding 6.46 Hayden, Stene & Ce. Statement contained herein are net guaranteed but are based upon Information hlch are ha Uerc te ba accurate and reliable and upon which e have acted in the purcheac of thtae Benda. V r; Engineer's Repert by Sanderson and Perter i Audits by Ernst and by Hopes, Gray, Bevden & Perkins, ej aosien, for ins trustees; ey tne uempany: and by Jehn W. MeAnarney, Esq., ej action, ana votten B franie lin, of New Yerk, for the Bankers. The Business of ENGLAND, WALTON & CO., Inc. has-been known te Philadelphia for 70 years. It is the largest business of its kind in the) United States and its products are recognized as the standard of quality. The $1,500,000 FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONDS have back of them Net assets of $5,927,305, or $3,951 for each $1,000 Bend In 70 years of operation the business has never failed te earn a profit except in 1920 and 1921, when inventory adjustments resulted in net losses. Average earnings, 1912-1921 inclusive, were ever 7 times present in terest charges. Ws offer bends of this issue at 98 and Interest. Yielding 6.15 i FREE 05 PENNSYLVANIA STATE TAX Circular en Request Ersly Bres. & Ce. 1421 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA rOCK EXCHANtl INVESTORS WHO EXPECT TO MAVB FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR IN. VESTMENT IN JANUARY, 8HOULD, WE BELIEVE, MAKE THEIR PURCHASES NOW. Wc shall be glad te reserve bends for delivery en or before January 3rd. REILLY, MOCK CO. SM CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA h Continaent BtJbm seynu MOYlfeCrCC Maeajaatamr -WetSS MrlXT M.A t) !.. ..b.rHM 4 I.Ml j . 11 . . 3k ;iii&d U..Lm'1 .'? lfr-V..uJi ' ,...! I rTJniuu Lata Insaf a at L Ai.3J0IJWi r I AKl! I " ! ,UBT " aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBlTa Jj LT f j. i ii.- a"SlT C'.'i . V i i iraMMiiiii " i"' iiE. ji-.'a.waaisii.,i,.i ,,-. -:.-itji,w' ,"f.. r: w-.j '!,.iujiaaBia. ;.. .'i'.i KBauti'ta..i-r ) i.Mu.i -fti . . 'i. i arijaawuaaarBajn jttmimma ?. A. M. & Ce. Our December Circular contain Investment niggeetient of value' te I nveetere. Reed A Merge it Ce, West Mn4 trust M4g., PkUm. Mtatkara af tha rklte. Black Back. ', awiwaaaHHaa u TB IHVIHQEt, ntiKISOl I D5Mri New Yerk and PhUadelpMm Stock Exchangee M12 Walnut St, Fire Year Geld NeUb ' ' te vield about ik tti'j jwin.iww. ' W W MM IW1 wrr a UW I -D:r-TZzr:2JTBxX' r"x -t7i-'ci- pai'M wwmtm .wm.wmsamrv ' w 'r.T.V't r -My -1 l't' mmm - i BBBBBBBLai I .- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBawaaaMawaaaaak I V BjajBHHBjir r 'rTT! rZiTil.. Jr-r-rz - .. Wi I.I-?FI i ii I l lipPPajpafjajpafafBBMl liW jfej. tm-Mt S&dL: ? sMsbiii ii 'i iii (y'fi'fcjfc-Tir ,,... maMSUmsWMk twm Ht BKSSCfM'ffS!!. spy 1 ' IGedftlCI UrtiHedtHublie Income Tax Ce Chicago WMhirUe,aC PERIODICAL r A U D I T S INDICATE THE BEST OF BUSI NESS JUDG. MENT. a Coaaaltatlen laralfaa Obiiaanasi tVslLUteTrustBlrTukM Illinois Central R.Rkf re Due Oct, IMl ,m sm-L-JjSm "' t "rriBm TowmeimI Wlsekii t i . a. raua. aaaaB iM ul I m cm ?. "JX. X . i I'.t . . Vl. a ". h ' m wlJsm