Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 06, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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Hpi-fr. r I'm l'te lat f MM
VOL. IX. NO. 72
aUn m SteeBa.
b smMarriur n"-,1,M'
tprlnff City Bricklayer Believed
Prowler Driven Frem Farm
in Chester County
Vail Officials Recognize Man
Frem Description When He
Sought Night's Lodging
Nerman Byrd, ji Negro, thought by
Ik 8tat Police te be one of the two
, inborn who hare burned twenty -six
tarns In Chester, Delaware and Ment
is Miliary Counties recently, was arrest
'j d this morning at Easten, Pa.
BtatO troopers WHO nru iiivvQiigaiiuft
the barn burnings under Majer C. M.
Wilhelm, of the Bureau of Fire Pro
tection, left at once for Easten and will
put Bvnl through a grilling te learn
bis connection. If any, with the burn
ings, nnd the Identity of the white
nan who was seen with him ear'y
Monday morning near the farm of Sirs.
H; L. Seeds in Chester County, where
tn attempt had been tnndc a few rain
utes before te set Arc te the barn.
Key Turned In Cell
When fliers, sent out by Majer Wll
hclm today, were received nt the East
en jail, Byrd wni sleeping comfortn cemfortn comfertn
Hjr In a rcll te which he was admitted
list night when he asked at the jail
for n place te Hleep.
The jailer simply turned the key en
Ejrd nnd informed him he was under
arrest. When he asked for lodging last
night Byrd said he was sick and had no
flare te sleep. When questioned thU
morning he admitted his identity.
A man wne answers uyrd's descrip
tion, nnd who occupied nn nutomebllo
aid te be owned by Byrd, was fired
upon early Monday morning as he at
tempted te enter the bnrn en the farm
of Mr. II h. Seeds nt Exeter Corners,
near Downlngtewn. Chester County.
Frank Seeds and Lewis Seeds chased
the prowler from the barn te nn auto
'mobile, the front sent of which was
occupied bv a white man. When the
Negro entered the machine sped away.
The first four numbers of the auto
mobile license were taken, nnd by a
process of eliminating the ether ninety
nlne cars having the nn me first ,i-ir
rumbers suspicion was narrowed tluvvn
te Byrd.
The police say Byrd fled from Spring
City, where he lived and where he also
worked as n brlckmaker, yesterday
morning nt 7:30 o'clock after having
been out all night in bis automobile.
Said He Was Shet At
Jonas Myers, foreman of the brick
yard, told State troopers that Byrd
had driven into the works In his car at
7:30 o'clock and said he was through
nnd was going te "beat It." The only
explanation he gave the foreman was
that be "get Inte trouble Inst night
and was shot at nnd chased by a
When questioned by Easten police
today. Byrd denied that he kenw any
thing of the bnrn burnings, but ad
mitted that it was his automobile which
the 8eeds brothers aw standing en the
read with its lights out shortly after
some one had nttempted te enter their
barn. He said the reosen he lied when
ther came un was hecaitsn be fpnrcil
they were highwaymen. He also denied
that the ether occupant of the car
was a white mnn or that either of
them was hiding In the back of the
auto. He said both were en the front
seat. The ether Negro, he wild, was
Herace Warnlek, of Spring City.
Marriage te Take Place Today at
Heme of 8lster
New Yerk, Dec. 0. Although the en-
Secernent of Miss Kntherine E. Force,
slighter of Mrs. William II. Force, te
Majer Lerlllanl Snencer has never been
formally uminunced, It has been
rumored for some time, and their wed
ging will take place today at the New
Yerk home of Mrs. William K. Dick.
Mrs. Dick, who wns formerly Mrs. .Tehn
Jcb Aster. Is Miss Force's sister.
Hie wedding will be nttended only
by relatives and n few Intimate friends.
Majer Spencer wan murrlcd in 1005 te
Silas Mary It. Sands nnd they were
divorced last March. Their son, Lor Ler
lllard Spencer, Jr., is with his mother.
Mnjer Spencer wns In France during
Ww M. ,,,, (1 wjvurfl.v WOUmifHI,
Senate Committee te Act In Butler
Case Today
Washington, Dec. 0. The certnintv
it another vnrunev nn n, .......
urt mm oil bv tim itir.i,m.t .
rOClntO Jllhtlce Pltlluv nnil.. Ik.
flslens of a law recently enacted by
uncross, bns mm-ml s!n.m-.. u.
PaMlatMi Ball
te Rsrspt BMday, akwrtsttea Pries l a Tea a
Osnrrlckt fen. by Pnblle VHmt Csaspaar.
Parele Officer Says He
Has Reported Many
Yearly Reports 8hew' That
Conditions Were Pointed
Out te Jurists
Thee Judges Name
Prison Inspector!
The Beard of Judgw, which la n
spensible for the appointment of the
Beard of Inspectors In charge of the
Holmesburg Prison, It composed oft
William H. Bbee- wiiltam c. rtnra
.mksr u .. .. aen
Clmriea.K. Byrtlytt Charles T. Audta
Harry J. McDsvHt raid
Slerrta 8. Ilarratt Themas D. Flnltt
amet aay Gorden. tar mw
ftlltam H. Busks
ehn Menishan
Herars Btam
Charlaa B. MeMlch-
Heward A. Davis
Warden McKenty Tells Hew His
Poliey of Common Sense and
Humanity Has Worked
Tales of brutal treatment of con'
victs in the Philadelphia County
Prison at Holmesburg have been
known for years te the Beard of
Judges, who appoint the Beard of
Prison Inspectors.
Women whose sons have been im
prisoned at Holmesburg have re
ported cases of ill-treatment te E.
M. Hackney, probation officer of
Quarter Sessions Court.
Mr. Haekney has, in many cases,
taken up these complaints with the
Judges who were respensible for the
commitment eY the convicts com
plaining. In seme instances, where
the convicts have been found te be
ill or deserving of parole, Mr. Hack'
ney has succeeded in having the men
aided or freed.
"Many mothers have come te me
with tales of cruelty te their sons
in the County Prison," said Mr.
Hackney. "These cases were care
fully investigated by my office. In
several cases I found that the com
plaints regarding the feed, solitary
confinement and punishment for
talking were true.
"In such instnnccs I Tinve called the
attention of the trial Judge te them
nnd have had paroles granted. Right
here let me say that fewer than 3 per
rent of these who have been paroled
from the county prison break parole.
Would Give Convicts n Change
"I de net want te assume the pesi
tien of criticizing nny one. I am simply
stating what I think should be done
te give convicts a cbance. Several
years age. us the result of many com
plaints regarding conditions In the
county prisons, bjjth Holmesburg and
Meyamensing, I decided te de some
thing. "In my report te the Beard of Judges
for three years ending November 1,
1017, I contrasted the way in which
prisoners in the Eastern Penitentiary
wcre treated and the manner in which
tliev wcre handled In Meyamensing und
Holmesburg prisoners. In my report
I said:
" 'Much could be done te better the
condition of these confined in Moya Meya
mensing and In tbe Holmesburg jail,
tee, by extending the period of exer
cise. In Improving ventilation, by keep
ing the outside wooden deer enen nil
day. by keeping the mind and bauds
of the accused occupied.'
"Then in 1010 and in 1021. In mv
repuri iu ine jwnra ei uuuges, l again
touched upon conditions in the county
prisons. The continuance of complaints
and mv study of conditions caused me
te make certain recommendations. In
my 1011) report, speaking of prison re ro re
ferm. I said In part:
"'The old Idea that every effort
should be made te humble and degrade
tun prisoner has happily become ob
solete. Practical students of penology
today acknowledge thnt it is cheaper
nnd better te return u mnn te society
improved and prepared te earn aii
honest living than te discharge him har
dened by brutal treatment, with the
spurn, ei rannnoeu ue might have
Husband Surprises Weman
Bringing Back Sick Child
After Trip te Bosten
Twe elopers who fled te Beeton last
Monday with the woman's child were
caught here last night after the woman
tried te abandon the child, who has the
mcusles, en the back step of her home.
At a hearing today, Mrs. Leone'
Janicke, 4037 Stiles street, Frankford,
accused Themas Brlndlcy, 4140 Orchard
street, of hypnetising her Inte the
elopement and also declared he threat
ened te kill her and himself if she did
net go.
Whlle Brlndley's wife glared angrily
nt Mrs. Janicke. the ncctiwil mnn ml.
mittcd te Magistrate Llndell that he had
gene away wim ine etner wemnn. He
was Held In Si., CO nnil by Magistrate
mnuen ier a iiiruier neanng next
Mrs. Janicke was surprised last
night by her husband as she tried te
smuggle the two-nnd-a-half-year-eld
girl Inte the backyard. She had come
in a taxlrab from the Wayne Junc
tion station, where Brlndlcy awaited
her return.
J-,J!nl?F 'cepcl "t Heraco Otithamer,
4CJ52 Wayne avenue, the taxi driver,
believing he was the man who had run
with his wife, but the terrified wom
an said Brlndley, a stranger te her
husband, wua waiting at the railway
Grapples Man In Station
Janicke pushed his wife aside, Jump
ed Inte the cab nnd ordered Cuthnmer
te speed te the Ktntien. He had a
ii i i, 0I "nna'eJ'i obtained from Mrs.
Jlrlndley after the couple disappeared.
The accused man wns In the waiting
room when Janicke milled In and
grappled with him. II nlnn,t m.
"pinst n wall and in the excitement
Til1 l,:,,t Jir,m,le' wns a pickpocket.
A station empleye called a patrolman.
Mr. Janicke nnd Brlndlcy are weav-
Stnr Textile Mill, Unity street, Frank
ford. They met eight weeks nge, nnd,
according te Mrs. Janicke, fcl lin love
with each ether. Mrs. Janicke and her
husband are French riinmlinn
Mrs. Janicke testified that Brlndley
"'"""" " i"ie una mat at his
suggestion Flie obtained nearly 400
from her husbund, ostensibly te buy a
piano. The money financed the clone,
Private Relas, of This City,
Makes Fatal Leap Others
Burned Under Craft'
Dies in Air Crash
Accident at Langley Field.
Majer Oearhart and Captain
Deyle-Among Victims
Bv Aiteelated Prei
Newport News, Va., Dec. 0. Majer
Guy L. Oearhart, of Leavenworth,
Kan. ; Captain Banten A. Deyle, of St.
Leuis, and four enlisted men were killed
at Langley Field today when n Martin
bombing plane, carrying five of them,
and a Fokker machine, piloted by Majer
Gearhart, collided about 250 feet in the
air, both machine crashing te earth in
The enlisted men killed were :
Staff Herccant Marsick. Xffl5 West
Forty-first street, Cleveland, O.
Private F. J. Blunka. 1018 Frv
street, Chicago.
Private Themas Jerdan. Decesten.
Private Leen Reles. 401 North
Fourth street, Philadelphia.
The bomber, piloted bv Cantaln
Deyle, was leading n formation ana
was making n banking when the Fokker
arose in the air from a long take off.
The smaller machine struck the bomber
nlmest nraldship. cutting off the tnil.
Beth planes hovered a moment, then
both broke into flames and crashed te
Private Kolas leaped from the bomber
as it neared the earth, but was fntally
injured. He died while being placed in
an ambulance.
The ethers were pinned beneath the
two machines, nnd before aid could
reach them their bodies were burned
almost beyond recognition.
Washington, Dec. C (By A. P.)
War Department records nhew that
Majer Guy L. Gearhcart and Captain
Bunten A. Deylo were stntiencd nt
Langley Field. A menage received by
the Air Service said Majer Gearhenrt
and Captain Deylo and four enlisted
men hnd been killed, but did net go
Inte details as te the accident.
fBfEJflSB'''v' J' i fjVJiBSSH
Army officer from fit. Leuis, who
was one of sis men who lest their
liven In crush of two planes at
Langley Field. He was caught In
the wreckage 'and burned te death
Accuses a Governer
Mrs. Clara Phillips Is Hunted
Far and Wide by Sheriff's
BBbbbbbbbbbp?7'4''''v v- 'SgBBBigaagaagag
V v. ',' - TaBBBaiiiiiiKar
V ? , - , JKSsaiiiiiiiiiiHF
Murderess Watched Fer at the
Berder Towns Her Hus
band Guarded
Michael Russell Killed in Res
taurant While Gang Ter
rorizes Patrons-
Threatened Death, She Says
"I ain't tell why I did It." saw
Mrn. Janicke at the nenring. 'He had
me in a daze. He told me I wns the
eniy wemnn ne ever cared for and that
if I didn't run away he would kill me
nnd himself.
"He visited urn Inst Sunday while
my liuslmiul was out and suggested that
we go awny the next day. I told him
Klenuer, the baby, hnd the measles hn
he said we would bring her nleng.
"He came around the house at T
e cieck menuny morning ana ordered
me te get ready. I didn't want te re
out ne insisted nnd i pacKeu my cabs.
We left for Bosten en the 0 :30 o'clock
"He get a room In n Bosten hotel
nnd w6 stayed there nil night. In the
morning I felt terrible. I wanted te
go home. Se he made me premise that
if he brought me home I would live
with him here In Philadelphia. Finally
I agreed. I had no Intention of re
turning te my hiifihand because I felt
I wns net worthy."
Mrs. Jnnlcke Ih twenty years old.
Elimination of Amendment Giving
Control te Congress Requested
Washington. Dec. 0. (By A. P.)
Elimination of the Madden nmendment
te the Shipping BUI, giving Congress
contiel ever the extension of govern
ment aid te shipping companies, was
urged by President Harding in a letter
willtcn te Chairman Jenes, of the
Senate Commerce Committee, and rend
te the committee today when it took
up the measure,
Congress has caused Senators Penner
tin i "Ji ' ' rPC0i'cnd te President
e i i i " "I'i'e "iment or Ifenert von
it urt. .".' entwy'winla. 'Judge von
hi?n!:i"!lHJirr " "'"?, "ccntly was placed
Snreul. ft7MMt y Governer
MMnt"1 mJnB at tbe Senate Ju
?n.il."mn.lUt.?, t0 "insider the
nemlnatlni. of 1 ierce Butler, nt St.
am, as AbPOcliitn .Tnntlni, i... a...
tttme Court will beheld today.
American Airman, Sound for Rie
Janeiro, Dreps Flight Up Amason
Para, Hraill, Dee. (l.(Jiv a. P.)
Lieutenant Walter Illnleu. the Amcrl-
i, T 'rlr"' ,i0( .!' w net te mnke
'na tWif 'i .J'" ,'IU AninMn' w,,w "is
pait of hln erlglmil program.
n-inVif,"""? I,,nten I'Inns te leave
'with PSlK T1" fT Maranlmi.
witii n mop at Braganca for the pur pur
Pese of replenishing Tils garnllne supply.
. a iMm&zuk .
inva .. . . . . w -: .
brought with him Inte prison extln- , "f slen(lcr S'."1 ttlc,lvf; with large
guished, feclinga of hatred nnd re- i,aI,c "V1 Sil, or n b'nek picture
black suede slippers and black silk
stockings. Brlndley, who Is nbnnt
thirty-two the same age as Janicke is
well built and was neatly droned.
venge rankling within his besom, and
wim uiu inmost certainty taut the
remainder of his days are te be spent
til ITtlUU.
Against Excessive Severity
' bxcesslye severity tends only .te
'""' l"u " ie strongest and
most determined man that ever lived
nn, .-.uwtuuiu unuer punisnment. He
may oe temporarily Conquered, but
uiiiiuiiu-ij, tua uenri mini wuii bitter
ness and hate, he bccemeH a mere norl nerl norl
eus and dangerous menace te society
"In ray report te the Beard of
Judges last year I devoted considerable
space te an article en the employment
of prisoners. I quoted tlw law regard
ing this und pointed ttAnn act of ji.i.
lnture approved Apill (I, 1021, which
reads as follews: ,UI
.. " i'. Vll " Lnber FonnnlHblen of
the State shall arrange for the sale of
the materials produced by the irisenr
te the Commonwealth 0r te nnv rout tv
eity, borough or township thereof or
te any of the public Institutions owned
mauaged and controlled by ,h0 Coin-'
CmUnn4 en rM, yinHf.Celumn ti,;
Garden City, N. V., Dec. 0.(Bv A
P.)-The ultimate recovery of fre7
KrnestlneSchumann.lIeink, noted ren.
traile. who is ill with hmn,hi. i ' ...
menia at her home here, wns predicted
eday by her physician. Her cend tlen
Improved materially last night. ",ew
Flra Destroys Freight Shad
".e1", Sr& JSi'w- A" wS Vi:
strecd In a spectacular fire last night."
Olv th fareny treat Cnn.
jrrv ft, mid from BatiSi
OrMbtrrtes. Hest dsUelSSf
Would Slap Weman's Fure
Brindley'H mother and stepfather also
wcre nt the hearing. Mrs. Brlndlcy
seemed tn sympathize with her hus
band. Before the henrlng started,
when Mrs. Janicke told Ilrlndlcy net
te "lie out of It," the ncciwd man's
wife threatened te slap the ether worn wern
iui'm face.
Mrs. Jennie Ilemlelewskl. n neigh
bor of the Jatiifkes, tt-stllliMl she noti
fied the huslmnd when the taxlcnb
drew up te the Stiles street house last
mgnt. isne sam sue ubkeu tne wire
if she was coining back home nnd that
uiu etner replied sue wns net wertuy,
Forecaster Predicts Light Fall Un
less Jt Rains Celder Tonight
Here's geed news for tlie youngsters
snow tomorrow,
The weather forecaster does net leek
fr u heavy full, and there is always the
cliance of rain instead.
Today is in sharp contrast te yes
tcrilny. The temperature fell 20 de
grees between 2:30 o'clock yesterday
afternoon , when It was GO, and 8
o'clock this morning, when it was ilO,
Teduy is continuing cool, Just reld
enough te put a zip in the nlr. The
fnreciiHf for tonight is continued fair
and slightly colder, Indications are
that the thermometer will hit 25 de
grees by tomorrow morning,
It will be Increasing cloudy tomorrow
afternoon, and by night the flakes will
While Awaiting Trial He Asks
Court Permission te See Physician
Washington. Dec. 0. (Bv A. P.)
Charles W. More, New Yerk ship
builder, who is under Indictment here
with his three sons and cisht ntherH
en a charge or conspiracy te ucirauu
the shipping beard in connection with
wartime contracts, asked the District
of Columbia Supreme Court today for
permission te. go te Reme te consult
Prof. Mnchlafnva, phvidcinn of the
late Pepe Benedict XV. Merse said
Prof. Machlafava was familiar with
the illness with which he said he was
suffering nnd could give him relief.
Merse wns en his wny te Heme for
n consultation in November, 11121. when
nt the request of Attorney General
Dnucherty ne wns net permited te bind
tn trance ana was returned te tne
United States. Later be wns indicted
In his petition tednr Merse premised
te return te Wnshinztnn in time for
his trlnl, fixed for February 0. His
bondsman, he said, had consented tn the
trip, but a passport is bcinit withheld
pending the consent of the Department
of Justice or the court, which fixed
Saturday as a date for a hearing en thj
Chicago Concerns 8eeklng Immu
nity In Advance, 8enater Charges
Washington, Dec. 0. (By A. P.)-
An attack en the proposed merger of
the -Armour nnd Merris meat-packing
concerns was mode in the Senate tndn
by Senater La Follette, who declared
that tbe packers were seeking im
munity In advance from President
Harding and Government officials,
Michael Russell, of 2017 Mifflin
street, was shot and killed nt dawn to
day as he sat In an all-night restau
rant by nn expert gunman te whom he
was pointed out.
Tim police viiy It was a "grudge
murder," carefully nlanned nnd exe
cuted. Russell nppurently knew his
executioners, but 'refused te reveal their
identity even nt the point of death.
The murder wns committed in n res
tnurant nt .112 North Eidith street.
Russell was far from his nsuel haunts
nnd within the territory of two no
torieus uptown canes. This fact mnv
Rive the police a clue, ns there has been
Intense rlvlary. ninnv fichts. nnil uprprnl
killings involving ene or ether of these
uptown gangs nnd n gang that makes
its headquarters in Seuth Philadelphia.
Victim Pointed Out
Russell wns known te mnny fre
quenters of the rcstaurnnt. Where he
hnd been earlier in the evening is net
Known, nor wnnt ins errand was abroad
at that hour of the morning. He en
tered the restaurant shortly before C
o'clock, greeted several persons he
knew, sat down at u table and ordered
a mcai.
A few moments later, while he wns
eating und talking, four men entered
the plnce. If they were known te nny
one there, thee' who recognized them
have hidden their identify.
Russell knew them evidently. They
approached und, ns they nen'red him,
enu of the men silently pointed him
out te the gunman of the party.
Several of the ethers at the Inbles
started up. The three men with the
gunman made threatening gestures,
though they did net utter a word, mo
tioning them back te their scuts und
away from the (loomed nun.
"Execution" In Silence
Then, before Russell had a chance
te defend himself or dodge or run, the
gunman drew u pistol. With precise
deliberation he fired five times. All
the bullets found their mark in the vic
tim's chest. Russell Ml without n
sound, mortally wounded.
Tim party of four turned nnd left ns
silently ns it hed come. Russell re
fused te mnke an ante-mnrtem uim,,.
ment at the Hahnemann lle-pitnl, where
ue un'ii ii ii-w iiumui'3 niter ueinK nd
milted. James Robinson, n Nesre, Twenty
second and Catharine stieets, was seen
acting rusplcleusly near Twelfth nfrns
and St. Albans plnce bv Jehn Mcdee
a printe watchman. When questioned'
iiuuiuuii ..- .4 i'iiiti-r iuui urea
Twe bullets struck McGce in the breast
and he fell.
Patrolman Geedman, nttrncted by the
shots, bent Robinson into submission
nnd brought him te the Second and
unrisniin sueeiw million
Bv Aaieciated Pret
Lea Angeles. Dec. 0. The search for
Mrs. Clara Phillips, convicted of beat
ing Mrs. Alberta Trcmalne Meadows te
death with a hammer nnd who escaped
early yesterday from the Les Angeles
county Jail, was in active progress to
day throughout Southern California and
Lewer California, the Mexican State.
Despite various ether clues Sheriff's
deputies generally held te their original
belief that the "hammer murderess"
had fled across the border Inte Mexico
Olid tllnns Were tnniln tn nrtmi.l flm
search today for her ns far south ns
Knsenada. en the west roast of the
Lewer California Peninsula about
ninety miles south of Snn Diege. Cnllf.
Ihey were net overlooking ether direc
tions, however, and had asked San
Irnncisce nutheritles te join in the
Meantime the border between the
Cnlifernins. from Tiinnnn. nu, Mnn
Diege, te the Arizona line, nnd espe
cially at Calexiee, Cnlif.. nnd its Lewer
Fermer secretary of Ooterner Lee
M. Russell, of Mississippi, whose
suit against the latter for $100,000
damages for seduction and breach
of premise went en trial today
BEFORE ,11111.1
Continued en Pace Twcntr-wen. Column Four
Jessup Clergyman Leses Control of
Car When Gun Wounds Him
Scranton, Pu., Dec. 0. Accidentally
shot in the leg by his own gun while he
was driving his automobile home from
a day's hunting trip in the Moosic
Mountains, the Rev. Andrew Ivan, aged
thirty-one, pastor of the Hely Ghost
Greek Catholic Church at, Jessup, tried
te muster sufficient btrcngth te drive
his car te the nearest house, only te
lese control of the machine. The car
was ditched along the roadway and the
priest thrown out.
Father-Ivan, suffering seriously frcu
less of bleed, managed te drag himself
into the reud. He was found an hour
end a half later by a number of boys,
who carried him te the Midvulley Hos
pital. Less of bleed and injuries sus
tained when the nutomebile was wrecked
resulted in his death.
Cel. McCain Declar
Time te Build Exposi
tien Is Ample
$25,000,000 COST f
Bosten's Great Music Carnival
Cited as What Can Be Den 1
If Speed (s Applied
Ideas of Men Who Have Cen
sidered Success of Plan White
Others Talked Are Presented
An intruder threatened a stenographer with n paper knife
and took ?3.08 from a desk of the Willnrd Candy and Chocolate
Company, Jasper and Willard streets, this morning. Ecnjamin
Nagel -was arrested shortly afterward.
Large sums of money nnd customers' securities have'tllsap-
penred from the"accounts of Berden & Knoblauch, bnnPmnt
brokers, according te allegations mads in Federal DIstiict Court
today "by ttarry Nnthnns, one of the receivers.
An unidentified man, who signed "Nobody" te a netelert
in his bedroom, committed suicide by hanging In a loci-,,..
house nt 1218 Cherry street today.
S7ELXESLEY, Mass., Dec. 6.-Fire that threatened te spicad
te Stene Hall, one of the largest buildings en the Wcllesley
campus, today swept through a cottage occupied by maids, cm,
pleyed at the cllege.
Formal Beginning of New Gov
ernment at Dublin Is
Inn .mrnTtm...
ItebinMiii ii snld te have shot Patrel
man joim-ea at Thirteenth and Fitz
u liter 'treetH nn November 14 Inst
Jebn-i'in i- "till in a serious condition
at Heward Ilnsptinl.
Greek Exile Ii Expected te Him
Audience With Pepe
Reme, Dee. It. (IJy A. !.) irjnce
Andrew of Green arrived here tedav
from BrimlM. where he had limdeil
j i-aii-nuiy. ji i-irriiHl no Will b re
ceived by Pope I'iiiH In privute audience
before leaving ter IhmiiIeh.
Beterade, Dec . Although official
confirmation is lackinif, the corrchiiond cerrchiiond corrchiiend
fnt Ib reliably informed that ,I.iR0.
Hlavia has advised Athens of her in
tention te send troop te Snlenieii If
the liven of the Greek royal family
are endmiRered. '
Physicians te Issue Ne Mere Bulle
tins as Merchant Gains
Jehn AVamimalicr is Imprevius
meiiuii, ins piiysiciiius nnneuiiceu nt a
e clod; tuts menunt;. ler the present
no l'uitlier ImlletliiH will be issued. He
Is ill with .1 cold at his home, 2032
Walnut btreet.
The S o'i'leel; bulletin follews:
"There bus been n gradual, steady
impieveiiK'iit In Mr. Wnnnmaker's con
ilitien for Mu'ial days. There will be
no mere bulletin issued for the present,
lionden, Dec. . (Ily A. 1' ) A
S!!?1 itlo"rsicel!'e" """y?1 h." (U,t,lt
that Htrrirlndls. former (,.L- ,..
Mne5 ,n.tU'?. M,.nerI '' respond
slble for the disaster iu that iirien. nnd
I!!0"! ."'fJT.f "lren,!y. ten mqde
trate, says a Uenters dispatch, from
It f U,...I.,1I .!.. i . I
be llylng-lf the raindrops are net fall. Umaens enferlni him te stSnlf rial I no teuV.veb rk
Inf Athens, he will be tried in abaentiaV ceiumir TW',"'
Friends Say Mary Miles Mlnter Will
Be Scenario Writer's Bride
Les Angeles, Dee. U. Mary Mlles
milliter. H-reen suir, win wea Iveuls
Sberwin, dramatic critic, author and
scenario writer, formerly of New Yerk,
according te a Htnteiuent issued by clese
friends of MIm Minter.
Hlierwin is the seueuil man whose
nnme lius bven linked with the pretty
star ns a mutilmenial prospect. The
tirst wan Thniims Dixen, but when slw
wns appreiu'lied n this rumor she em
tilii!ile.itl ileuietl it.
In tlie present ease, however, shl
u.f.tlnu iiml pnnfHSPH llllffn innv 1.'
truth in tin lepeit. Shenvln could net
be icnched at hi" l.nurcl Canyon bunca bunca
lew today, but his associates sm
ite bus admlttiil a tacit undcrstundini
hetwrun Misi Minter and himself. Thu
pmspeetlve biidecroein was formerly a
well-known dramatic critic of New
re Interestlnsr,
Bv .Hsorteleil Prcis
Dublin. Dec. O. Ireland took her
place today niuenp the world's com
monwealths. The Previsional Govern
ment nnd Piirllameut eened te function,
their place being taken by the perma
nent Parliament and Cabinet of the
IriMi Free State nnd the new Common
wealth belnc formally ureclnlmpil n nn
established (inernmetit
The previsional rettime. which ceased
te exist today, hnd Mich full powers
that the new one new Inaugurated mnrkg
but little cliaiii:e except in name. The
prejtrmn of the day provided thnt the
Parliament nipet ift ." o'clock without
ceremony, nnd after lt members had
taken the oath, elect n speaker and
numiuiiie a president.
The order of the dny c.illed for the
nnminc of the Kxecutie Council by
the President, with a committee of the
i-iiriiament neniinntini: itie ether .Iin
l&ters. llealy Takes Ollire
The oath of office was administered te
Tlnutthy Healy, the new Governer Gen
eral, by the Lord Chief Justice of Ire
land, After tnkin? the en t h lilmsclf,
Governer General llealy swore in the
Speaker of the Dull. Prof. Hayes.
The Union Jack of Britain has been
furled officially throughout the Free
State, giving place te green, nrungu nnd
wnite tricolor.
The President's nomination of thir
ty Senators was a part of the day's
business. The lower house elects the
remuinlns thirty. Fer tlne cenatnr-
Bhlps there were mere tbnn eighty can
didates. When the Senate is consti
tuted later In the week both house, will
be nddredsed by Governer General
llealy in tin Kinc's r-peecli, which will
be composed, accerdlnc te constitutional
practice, by the Irish Cabinet.
The newspupers editorially refer te
the birth of the Free State iu n hopeful
spirit. miie rreemnns journal, re
markliiR that the Irish Free Stnte be
gins life today under a constitution of
Irish manufacture, edds:
"All Intrigues te mnke trouble ever
the new instrument of the Irlh Gov
ernment fell te the ground en the reali
zation thnt the British Pnrliment. de
spite all the supremacy claimed for It,
could net change n word or plrnim In
an, Irish-wade constitution without
Ireland s consent."
The Irish Independent ceys the old
J it possible te held a SesmtU
Centennial Exposition tvithin th
three and one-half years remain.
... .i which 10 prepare for ill
Can it be made an international
Can Us cost be brought within a
reasonable limit, and yet make it
a success?
WW such an exposition b
profitable, or at least be made f
tvuk even en its cost? i
Should thrt nlntt nJ ... . t
etaee any permanent buildings?
Ib is better te let the cntir '
project fizzle out? i
The vital question that must be dei
c"jw between new nnd January 1 i
whether a sesqui-centennlal exposition!
is te be held in this citv Hint will KJ
worthy of Philadelphia.
A survey of the field shows that h
opposition te the exposition Is confined
te a small hut insistent tedy of In--dlvlduals
who have th0 indersement
two or three men of prominence.
It has been the history of nractlptll
every exposition of international scope,, fJI
with the exception of the Philadelphia, "lA
was rushed te completion within twaV
yenrs and a half, und in some instance
within two years.
The Columbian Exposition of Chicago
in ISOa is a ense in joint.
There wai the same uncertainty auj'
conflict of opinion with periods of inf
action up te within thirty months of
the opening of the fair.
Xew Yerk Wanted Fair '
Twe years almost te a day before the)
exposition opened Its doers net a stroke
of work hud been done en any of theJ
It was net until Mnr 17 isn f..J
New Yerk, which had been the rival oil
-.nicnge ier tne exposition, accepted thd
fact thnt there was te be it great Chi-!
cage exposition
The New1
announced i
it an
ConUaBenMjrwMtir-vM.roluiun Faar
Child Tells Lausanne Confer
ence America Stands for
Freedom te All Nations
Lausanne, Dec. 0. (I5y A. P.)
The Entente plan for keeping open the
Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bos Bes Bos
pherus In time of peace nnd wer pro
vides for the appointment of nn Inter
national commission of control com
posed of the great Pewrs, including
the I nited States, as well as Tuikev
and the countries bordering en the Black
Lord Curzon. of Great Britain, in the
name of the Allies, presented the details
of tills comprehensive project te the
ear Last conference today.
A chlllld' of frnnf .... tl,.. ..... .. .i .
T....M .i. i i "' l"i ei rni
iuiKlKli delegates was ferecust whlli
tne confeiene a in i n
A Turkish spokesman outside the au
ditorium snid the Turkish position en
the strnltH control would prebublv be
S"H,"n': '" thp Ullk'" "tan "'" '
!10 T'.'.rks' Ll "PPenrfl. had suddenly
&. Z, V!!" u'ilr,,1",8 would force
iT i p t0 lMlil1 n mvY- Hence doubts
d&eST ii t'"' ",lnJ.S of T. ?kl"h
uelegutes, who seemed mere disposed
te negotiate tt Hcheme for nentrallK,,
?en,r,i!tal,,8.an,, ,lle "'nek ca with
seme form of international cWrel.
Tennage te Be Limited
The trilled mnimi ni-. ... ..
scheme for n.T Vl V" ..:""."u
vanMr.. -.i .".," '"- "umuer OI
u ,!" '"'u IO'ul lennnge te be nl.
teed i he waters under contre ' ..l
tH7 .? 7nml " nl,lck St'" win"
tries the right te s. ,w long '
ships mny remain In their ports.
nr lh2 n'an. '' the demilitarization
of the straits. It nlse gives Turkey the
Delegate Barrere. of France said ih
frliigiiig tmen Vhe SW.g
the' 'Slack BHney.C0Un,ry ,,eri1""" 3S
in tne conference session Ttlchnr.i
n8J!b;,r,n Clm n"J J"""" O. Grew
presented tbe views of the United
Htntes. Foreign Minister Chlcherln of
UuMla opposed the allied propeslt Ien
Sfft. P?n te-ehlna and ..
! ei an nauena la . -il.
" .w w mmmMMi '
lerk etld of that detal
be said that no longer la
heard the question 'Are we really te
have n world's fair? That point ha
rn-en seuieu Deyenu all ileubt. Every
em believes that a great national and
international fair is n certainty, ami
only here and there can be found en
who questions that it will eclipsj all e
its predecessors."
Then followed this rather significant
"In view of the obstacles and
troubles, nianv and Berlmi wl,lnl Ka
teen encountered nnd overcome, it !
anise for no little congratulations thae1
ucn n nappy conclusion has been
It was the strong men of Chicago
bnckwl by their City Council nnd tua
.... Muaimne people, wne believed
in the success of the project, thut put
tin1 Columbian Exnesitlnn ,,f iKO'i -
In the light of this experiment whi
!"" k". nun reawakened effort,
it will net be entirely pessible te held
a hcMiui-ccntennial exposition in 1020?
il tnil iiimi nt mnue an international
nffnir tli.u will ntlraci hi- liv . , ..!..
character the nations of cUilizatien t
U I'M. IIV lfill,"ll.
Te ncceinpllsh this the Sesnul-Cea-i
tennittl should be a celebuitlen uhlek.
iu its enstmhli', will b
expositieu ever held.
in hum conneciien j. desire te sar
that the views expressed in these
columns imvi come te me ns u con-i
sensus of men deeply interested in th
Centennial, men who hnve scanned1
eery pmjrct submitted for It with dU-
ciimlunting r1ane.
Te tills 1 eeii added the abundance
of their own suggestion and a wealth
of ideas.
Must Be Entirely Different
The outstanding general feature ef
the Hvsqiil-Centciiulnl. ii Is new mn.
c,!f 'V, mi,8t .u.l " ""''lue difference that
will dlHtingulsh it from nil International
fvnnti linns ,,f I'... t.nui
. '1 here has b .'ii se much that has eesa ' "&
into tlie 11"' ' of human endeavor since
tin last i,,,it exposition m Kim Fran
Cisco In IU15 that an exposition devoted
exclusively te thexe weiidem ivauM k
well worth u trnns-Atluntic or traiHa
continental trip te see. fisj&l
The increase in the adjunct fi'PSS
science, me urouuctien of ninim.ati
nt .,, ...tlulr... .. ..mi.lr..l . &. rv
w. U..,u.. r. BUIIUHIUI US 0 vi.)
Even the cliemiHlrv nf .... K'
Cantlnned en Psst Rlrvrn. Celamia sktlT
any ethsJ
mviwniw nvisk rARRRR TH
St. Lwds, Dec. 0. (By A. P. Tfc- .' -A
Plantera Hetel, for the first tim la m
iue years, last mgnt stepped rsnlrlaln,Vv
i!.e,ti ,?. w,u cenvsrted Inte E$4
etlce building. " ,f J
reiitter are Presidents I.lnani. n!S."
:..i...i ii.::z:r." -.-.-., -jim-i
wmtwnu, MjJTeit, xail
n...M r nj . .. v-
11Pi HW Willi VII.
VaIam rm w .
X .i
,A '
anaswaw aaa'i
,ti'.'. "-i-v-mMii, .;-. , i it ii iTii TsfaMi
l,mJhJl. . . f filtif Ja&&
"W.V i