s.$R ! M mm m mps?&7mw?m PSOTTOW f 4 .? Victer Whole Wheat Bread Fer the dyspeptic and the man or woman of sedentary habits. leaf In all our Stores "AfncJS Porcelain Electrio Lamp LAMPS ELIGHTFUL lamps, supremely appropriate ter gifts of unuaual charm and distinction, are new dis 'played in our galleries. Boudoir lamps, Hall lamps, massive antique Cathedral standards and lanterns, dainty wrought bronzes of the 17th and 18th Centuries, Chinese porcelains and many artistic modern productions will b found in this unusu ally complete collection, pricfd at surprisingly low figures or such artistic aWa . l . i mttit ana intrinsic wertn. Camus gelectett new will te reierved until required frieta Rang Frem $35 Upward The Rosenbach Galleries THIRTEEN TWENTY WALNUT STREET JVICHY KrftrilAIkaW Water UnuntOtd for HakteUt t I $ ItfiillLY natllag ' I j cNk beak aavar 9 ptjstassi "astAUa slsth I I- Tka Chef here has 263 5 separata and alUtiact ' Sattcaa, atonal H And ha it wita anewflh I la knew that the saves H far tka Geese It net al- n-KI it ways the sauce far tka B 'II I Caaderl iM LafeJLiiqlen t p.'F I, 16th an J Chaatnut -l f I I WMMn a week we will Vl f I move ever te Bread 3 S jSll V' "fes. A,, Operating SI I tlfi s SZ. L'Alalan Annex. jSt tMfKJg 04 lS04CheitnutSL ig S i) . m f ,bM1!ViWMbbbbb. LwHIB3bwBHb? CjIHhI sbbbbbbbbbbbi iH A ( I BBetmandlprf). 6.9 ;?; tfiiMrhiil Prim EZpl E&BBBBBBBBrBBBsUft J A Sj B'viliBBBBlBBBBBBBBBUa lt flWVHl tf H yriUBaB!BJBBaBaBaBBBBBMaiJ T .MBaWBBssWBBP'J,","BBBBl nitirlhaalnrai ' CM ft. TfjajHEsa nftuM W"M '.'WAV if &, OTnrye iJii I iinT oiLYtneniiinur T Mra. Hall's Brether, Off te Hunt, Links Himttlf With 'luthy- Hairtd Man SCHNEIDER ON TRIAL TODAY I7 a Sfaj(f rerrtiaanaViit New Brunswick, Dec. 5. Henry 8te ben, brother of Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall, left today for n hunting trip at Oreensbore. N. .C. Before his departure he expressed disgust at the manner In which the authorities hnd investigated the Hall-Mills murder, and said the in vrstignters appeared te be mere nnxleus te And a "goat" in the case than te get the real munlerer. The departure of Stevens for the Seuth and the trial today of Raymond Schneider, who discovered the bodies of the Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Klcaner Mills, revived interest in the case here. Mrs. Gibsen's "Buhy. Haired Man" "I certainly de net want the Inves tigation te be dropped. Naturally, I knew that I am under suspicion, and I suppose thnt I nra looked upon by Mmc an l"P DUBiiy-iHiimu ir- ferred te by Mrs. Gibsen. I want the Investigation te be pusneti te tne limit and the guilty parties brought te jus tice. But I don't believe the authori ties are very anxious te push the In vestigation. "It leeks te me as If they simply wanted n goat, and the first person who came along who looked as if he mignt be drawn Inte It wns the gent. They simply tried te bend their evidence te building up n ene against me. Ihey were net renlly looking for the facts iu the case.." ... . , . . Asked hew lie felt when lie heard that the Grand Jury hnd failed te re turn nn indictment, Stevens said : "Nnturnlly, we were very much pleased that the Grand Jury did net indict rav sister, Mrs. Hall. Net thnt we had the slightest apprehension in regard te her or myself. "But we were under n great strain, of course, because, the return of nn In dictment even though unjustified, would have rnrrled with It a most dis agreeable publicity and ether uupleas ant circumstances. Will Net Ge Abroad "However. I'm net nt all pleased that the case appears te have come te a standstill. I want te see the guilty nnrtieH lirnnfflit tn illstlce. I am leav ing today for a brief sheeting trip in Nertti Carolina, 'inis is nn annual ni- fair. I have been .making this trln with a number et menus ter me past twentv-five senrs. I will be away about two weeks and the authorities will hi aide te reach me at any time. "However, I have given up my plans for going abroad this year, and de net want te appear te en running awny irem the authorities. Since the case Is likely te be brought up again, I will remain lirrr. nn thnt thev ran reach me at au.v time. I will probably remain in New Yerk this winter, although my wife and I may tnke a brief run down te Seuth America in .Maren xer tee uraziuan epositien." Schneider is charged with perjury as a rcwlt of his accusation ngninst Clif Clif eord Hayes. After nsserting thnt he paw Hayes commit the murder, Schneider subsequently confessed there was no truth in this charge and no basis for it. As nn excuse for his strange action Schneider said he wns browbeaten and given the third tlegree by the detecthes in the case. SANTA TO GET MONEY MEANT FOR BOOTLEGGERS Magistrate's Appeal te Christmas Spirit Touches Prisoners WL. cli...,Mnu trttwi nnl nn mlmnnf tien from Magistrate I.lndell today made plelge signers et several "uruiiKH brought te tbe Germantewu police sta tion. , , twenty-five men have been brought te the station charged with drunkenness. This morning Magistrate I.lndell looked at the men rnngeii in irent 01 mm, anu asked one prisoner hew much he paid for a drink. "Fifty cents," replied the mnn. "Fifty rents," repented the magis trate. "Don't you think you could spend Heur meney te better advantage than that? "Its almost Christmas time," he said, "and think of the hnppiness you could bring te some little girl who has always wanted a dell, or the comfort j ou could give some ley who has no gloves te wear and whose bands are chapned and raw from the cold. "There are children starving and cold, who have no shoes te wear, and jet, with liquor at BO cents a drink, j en go out nnu get arunK. Setrral of the men's hands slipped Inte their pockets as they fingered the money they hnd left, and the clink of the coins sounded faintly like the tinkle of Christmas bells. The magistrate's appeal mnde a deep impression en them, for they signed tin pledge literally ns well ns figuratively, with the added memorandum that they would contribute te some of the Christ mas projects the magistrate had sug gested. THREE DIE IN CAMDEN FROM AUTO ACCIDENTS Weman and Man Hit by Speeding Cars Driver Pinned Under Wheel Three persons died today in Camden hespltnls from the effects of injuries sustained in automobile accidents yes terday. Valentine Kuhlcn, thirty-one years old, 0450 Glenmere avenue, Philadel phia, died this morning In the Homco Hemco Homce fnthlc Hospital from a broken back, le wiihj Injured yesterday when the machine he was driving collided with a motorbus, overturning and pinning him beneath the steering wheel. Ne arrests have been made, Camden detectives liming ascertained that the collision was due te reckless driving en the part of Kuhlen. Mrs. Bridget Anslcy, sixty years old, died in Cooper Hospital from Internal injuries. She was struck by nn autome. bile en White Herse Pike, near her home in Kirkwood, N. J., last night. The car did net step. The third victim was William No Ne vllle, forty-seven years old, of Somer Semer dale, N. J., who was bit by nn auto mobile en White Herse Pike yesterday. The driver of the machine was arrested and is under bail. Canal te la Clestd Until Dc. 13 The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, between St. Geerges and Back Creek, will be closed te navigation from neon tomorrow te December 1H. This was announced today by the United States Engineer's Office. A rVTfUS EXISTENCE , "Mr. Db hn been Utfyliwr th law sine 1804. but It deB'J item te t him ny where..' ,Jy B. Heuee whlmdcally com menu in "On Second Themrht1' that If "we liMit mvntmtn that nrnnueed tin h,ti ...nn. we'd dlicard It." Ik ad thla column dally In the Visue LSDdliM. "laaks It a Habit." BE MURDER OA v va ,v WrJ-, ,7? w tx -v " i1TTM5'W,l1, 7V') "Vhj v vtVu V EVENING PUBLIC i killed, a hum- miLAsr turn Ovan txpUtfatrln Plant at Yerk, Pa. . effc, Pa Dec. 8. (By A. P.) Levi Ream, seventy-two-years eld, of Spring Greve, was killed and eight ?ther men were Injured, two probably atalW, when a steam ilrylnr ereg. of the lerk Cerrugatlnf Oeayaari west Yerk, exploded today. ' " The explosion waa caused .by a de fective steara vnlve , Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET vnuinui ""' Tedl I wy EDtTATIOXAt. Bath Ben STRAYER'S 1 Cbeitnut SUtet Petitions Btieninterrti enter new; day ar nijafc B!S!lN'iS . hillad. dar night cUims. Phllii. Bunnell Collete. 1710 Market St Yepnr Men and Itere T HOME STUDY Ih Trr - day Tain of Law Tralnlnc la bail- nen, IU personal power ana social ndvantarei. are tha almpte az az planatlen far the atream of buoy men, bankers, labor leaden, clerke and etliera readlnv Law. Purket lertures ere used and upar time methods emplejed. Teaching la by the PROBLEM METHOD eiperlcncee, Incidents and raeee. Dearie of I.L. D. conferred. Htudents' presreai ahewn In the potltlena they held. Band for boeks: "Law Oulde" und "ETldenea," for whleh no clinrge la made. Write, Call or Phene law Stpartmiat La Salle Extension Unirertit . PhlUdilphla Oflea 1SS1 Wilnnt St. Telephone Spraea 1411 Open ETinlas WINTKB RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. W. 9. IssaBf ATLANTIC S5ITV JbVb , ue inu wutu rreni Aiwaye wiwu AMEUICAN PLAN Bet and Celd H lit Water Ilathi RATES STRAIGHT BY DAY Itunnlni Witrr. 13.00 per pcrenn Uitli, 16 00 und 17.00 pir jpenea Ocean Cornet Itoeu and Oath tue peraemi. 114.00 per day Phene Atlantic city 14U Orcheitra ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. DIvMilv an ka Ommmn Frent Tha American Plan Hetel par-eaeellenee of th Atlantic tTeaii. . Brick Gtrf en WALTER J. JIUZBY. betel property Owaer and Huqu RAJfMOREc1??0 Werida Greatest Hetel Success LAKBWOOP. N. J. LAuazL.rit.THi.rntra, in. N. J. ebeerrance of dletarv LAREWOOli lawt carefullr adhered te, FRANK BEIDBN. Oi waer. TOTJB8 sBI aV BsRas fAVr i 1AVv7 C7SSe MEDITERRANEAN The 1923 Grand Cruise De Luxe 14,000 milea by the specially chartered new White Star Liner "HOMERIC" the largest, most modem, and most re plete steamer ever chartered for a cruise. Sailing January 20 Returning March 28 A complete change; new countries; enchant ing scenery ; different people. Sixty-seven glorious days with a long stay in Egypt. Cruise Limited te 500 Guests. ' Full information and literature en request THOS. COOK & SON V PHILADELPHIA JV k 130'Sauth IBth St. Teleaheaa Sprues 8880 jT- gJ,1JBaafjaPBaBgfJaaaaBaBaaataBaBaBaSaBBSB " IbBBBBBBF V BBafafaTafaaaWaeBBSBeaBBBaBBSafaaafa inruriTTirrrTAArTWRTJ aasaasava - psm - ei lSbbhbhi ""fat ajvAasBt1' ftaaaeaaajMSBrH ' MaialLW (ajfaanfBUa ' '; I I, I a mrrm te , VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS as It te ta PUsm. Plsyara. IU- II ! pre Leu pradadat.PlMa, aMcOtftaac ESTEY COMPANY I 1yHaJ,.7ciiJtW 'asaaaeJ are Exqiibite Blankets , Comfert ,, Bed Spreads Finest quality Blankata and Comforts, imparting a delight ful sense of downy warmth. Smart crinkly Bed Spreads plain cream and in 'most at tractive contrasting , color combination, lending a .new distinction te any,. bedroom decoration. Yeu must have them. a T.asarioet Bea Spring,' BaUabl Hair Mattresses, Mahogany Bed- S"ttUh Dewa-FaraHar. tMM Md jjnn.ry Faraltar. Street Special 8 o'clock from the Reading Terminal every morning, the Wall Street Special pulls out lirect te down-town New Yerk without change of cars. An all-steel train, pulled by our newest type, powerful engine, with diner, Pullman and club car attached. Leaves en the hour arrives en the minute, this Wall Street Special bids fair te be our most popular two-hour train. The Philadelphia and Reading Railway Ce. FALL ANtt WINTER BESOBTB WEBR1SO. T14 ICsmUtMerli) Ce&cje aOMOA la tfce Mnk hlsnUadi en Dttudful Lake Jaduoe. Excellent dfinldaiwateri tlshtain.heU aoWceuna. ' HKYMeaai aaiiiimmiAeiHena tieWMa.w,H.T nwennmu.li 5&k MiAn. Vla. JUt AWINTfll HOTEL Da LUXE N.v.err.- aien. tkl. LONaasie MIAMI BACJiJl.At. FMMINGOfcs L'eaiPAS reaiMOtt atiew Hem W KHT PALM IIKAt'll. Flt. t.avv nflnev ' .eiewuvuM Write for llimkli-t. TVet I'lilin Mi-nrh. Fla. FOHT 8IYKRH. FLA. HftfJ RAVeJ Pelmrtarfir wkviiivjMl 4AlaUnnenjnn.lt l-hole Gelf. Flahlns. Bwlmmlna Pecl. Eranr noemwlth Bath. J. I NKLBON. Mar. BERMUDA Tha Ideal Wtnter R$erl PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA Dec. IS te Mar 1, Dlrrctlr en the Ifarber, AcceminwiatM 4M... Orlil Heom, TUid Bnllmnliig Teel. Oolf. Tennle, Yurhilnj. etc. Dlrittlea itl, A. TWOJJIOOEa 00. HeacheJ by uteemcre of fiirneu Bereada Line and Kernl Mall Steam Purket Ca. TOCB8 FALLtiVErtLINE fOBOfTOII Xtarneoe vtd Bnnint Cem vi ult.i. a. fZ w a . Wa Yerk, S:00 1. M. Dall-"ael Sttada neL S Lawn star 40 NJt HeudeaftMiaMa Waakdajreaatr. IMmeei Kmteimn Amfmukitee rueeteet Wen ai Pea. Weael OJIeaf ill &&&. III ( III JJi.Ti a -4t ." n" " tin iLiiiu r. MAt Tem , ' ,. ' Protect the tops of yew fumituris'.in home .and office witK beautiful pol ished plate' glass. Write or phone for representa tive te'call. , .f ratM jim . HIRES TURNER GLASS COMPANY 300) aaVWaJaat PHILAOKLPHIA Our Entire Stock et Spert & Tailored Suits at Reductions of ' 4 .''' 1 WmmmwSTSIVftF9K I ;", v'Jh VWBii,'Misf'i I JMtfVti i JSbsiVB M 'I -3t.-TTL fi fit- L. BkHaaSjlCMBM TfBaBBaaiiiaBajsiMiaaBaBjBj' nLsPaaffflKSKaBaaVL tlaaV; : Jt', afjBBaaSBBBBBBaafjBaBaBBBBBBBBBaBagBl . ." . ' . . "- . , .' . ., . ',' T i ' .ggig ' e ' sssssssst i' " i i - . tt v December Reduction Sale i Embracing Our Entire Stocks of l Dresses, Coats and Wraps at Reductions of 20 te 0 Afternoon and Evening Dresses Afternoon Dresses The individuality and distinctiveness that is a striking feature of "Sleeker" modes stands forth most prominently in this collection-of Fall and Winter fashions. And there is such a splendid diversity of models, colors and fabrics that satisfactory cheesing is net difficult. The valuea at these prices are uneualed. Jhey Were $49.50 te $145 $37M, $49-50 5950 te $95 Wc, ! . rlrLftMm ' w:m$&mDWUiii m?a ".X : . . if v DUmbnd ind platinum wriit watchci continue in pepulirity arid are greatly admired by.wem'en otgeod taste. Our itockeffcri an unuiu ally-large aiibftment, many of which; are moderately priced. ' : '," ' , -. . ' -AA'- '- X 'SBBBl''. t ' ''' . t jv &9W9L ' '" JaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMBak' ..'. X' " -V. u - BaBBBBBBBBBBBBallBflnBM.BBBaBBBBBBBBBBBi BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaH SlaHBeaKiBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBi C " HBk 'VllHHBBBaBBBHBBBBaBMBBaBBi'PVBV A'pleaslng design. The case! is-ei'pltl-. ' "' ' .lSflv .r"' num-and beautifully engraved the 'border , Rectangular wriit watch 61 platinum, ,28 set with ft rtlamenrfa aniT.8 .calibTre cut.iae- diamonds in border, beautifully decorated, tfe ' 44raWBfaWaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBKtJVBBWBBBTBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBi BBBB BLel BBD1 SBDBi BTaSF .vphir.es; dependable movement, ribbon wrist ( pendable movement ribbon wriit;band. MI, ''.Dand ,Ai.,fi,,.iii.M,,..i.,..(fi4i , . i - - j r. Te - BBBbmi j . ' ' . Ll- vOaraewcaUleg contains '. w ' jV .HTWaTH HgHlral VaBBBaSBBBBBBBBBai ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeaf aSaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH JJJj aA'iJJJB BBMHHBHHKKUHHRBBaBBSBl eaaBaaBBBBJjygjJjBJBBBBBaaaB . " SBBafei ' , ' Platinum wrlt,watch ef'juntfiuali design, ; ,An artistic wrist watch, of platinum, the. . l2JuSJiJSJ'Sfn L .border, tastefully set with' 28. diamonds and"-, cut "PPWres adds .much;-te. iW-attractive- v!' W.calibre, cut -sapphires: dependable move- '' nessj-.Tilgh-gradr nievementj ribbdn, wrist. nmeht5; ribbon wrlit band -.......$800 band ,.....'.......'., .,.... 8410. e. Jtainacc DIAMOND I ' ' ..... J.I. , ajaBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaiBBaaeaeMBeeae(aBeaeMeaaBBBBB " B el. aaaaJBaaw ' "'- .BBrBB' .Bk.fBB ' " e&BlBBBBaiaipBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW sb Bfa B r W 4tek Bt Bpeaa) B JSb m BaaaaaaW .eSBBT Mf A W M Jr MJyW bbbW Ibbbbb .BBBaar kmkkkkikWkVWmkkmr L Smart Street Dresses : On the Third Fleer Canten and satin-back crepes, Peiret twills, matelasse. and ether of the fabrics in a splendidly varied shewincr of models (or street and business offer a remarkable opportunity te select distinctive, stylish frocks at They Were $25.00 te $49.50, Reduced te $10.50 y $19M09 22-w $2750, Coats, Wraps and Capes Plain Tailored The most distinctive and unusual styles shown anywhere this season, in a splendid variety of handsome fabrics and in all colors. All silk lined and interlined. They were $5960 te $125 New $3950t $55 75:te $95 14 Spert Coats TheumreJlStem,reiaeedby pi.m .tetrimmed. s. j $18, $22.50 te $55 '1" t , J- T 1 WH..99-91 As Her Christmas 4 B M MHHmmms .'W.t S'.faTsBBBBBBBa; - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW-VMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT laerath'anUOOf phetegraphlc UlttairaUe-call'.ar write, fera-cefy eens. uiv ujnesznus street MERCHANTS-JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS a , '. Evening Gowns Every model, every color and every fabric for formal dress: dance frocks, dinner dresses or the most elaborate of evening gowns. Handsome creations from the fore most American designers, and a number .of original models from Paris, imported di rectly by us, and limited te one of a style. They are included at these reduced prices t They Were $39.50 te $195 $2950, $37M $54 te $125 , itylish t very Fur Trimmed The finest of fabrics, hand somely trimmed with fur cellars and cuffs, making most attractive ed ,lurJeui winter garments. Stecker modes in every detail of quality and workmanship. They were $85 te $225 New $49.50 f $65 $75 te $1495e WrJa... Ol a aLtfi, .1 Gift;t 5'X n Sweaters Our entire stock has 'been reduced; These valuea are typical: Were UM te $19M $1.95 te $9.75 fashionable wear. Thev low prices. 35 . ? KM GnBm HI Tbbbb3 ! mm pnrff I II ' i HI I I H 1 bbW I ' I Ban ' I SBI j I BBH 7 A 1a . . . H . m t ,"4 n 1 V. Ml 1W ,! III f a : . ' - Hi ' IlliiliIIIIBIBIIIIIMllilMilgj.t . vn Hi. S-Sfltv5- rm -wuiH uircei :i " ,f ji &W?r h .", J A 7? ffel$l iMd BBBBSlBBBBBBBBBBBmu''.' t; i t