Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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r 1-rJFM
Strawbridae & Clothier Ready for the
Novelty Blouses
in Time for Gifts
An Imposing company of
exclusive JHeuseaan especial
Holiday group with greater
beauty and charm, and with
mere novelty because they are
meant for gifts.
Printed velvets, printed
creee de chine, printed satin,
geme In Paisley prints, many
richly brocaded, exclusive
novelty materials combined
with plain materialspic
turesque, colorful, artistic;
geme that a Bakst might have
conceived, ethers that might
have been snatched from' an
exquisite drapery by Jeseph
As gifts tra, lat What
happiness Christmas morning I
Prices $7.50 te $22.60.
BtrawbrMge 4t Clothier
Second Fleer, Centra
Silk Underwear
a Luxurious Gift
A gift that brings a radi
ant smile te the face of the
fair recipient is Silk Under
wear. Piles and piles of
Levely Undergarments have
arrived just for holiday selec
tion. This year shades of
blue, orchid and honeydew are
as much in favor as delicate
flesh pink and white.
NIGHT GOWNS, of crepe
de chine or radium silk, are
lavishly trimmed or hem
stitched in the tailored effect
many women prefer $3.95 te
of crepe dc chine or radium,
lace-trimmed or tailored
(1.95 te $7.50.
BODICES, of washable
satin in flesh, pink or white,
tailored or lace-trimmed
?1.00 and $1.25.
BtrawbrldRn & Clothfer
ThliU fleer, Weat
Cabinets of Fine
Stationery, $1.25
Ask for "Hamilton Lawn."
Geed-looking Cubinets are at
tractively filled with 72 sheets
of Linen-finish Writing Paper,
24 each in white, blue and
pink, and 72 Envelopes te
match. A lovely gift at $1.25.
Cabinets of Homestead
weave Stationery, 24 sheets
of Letter Paper nnd 48 Corre
spondence! Cards and 48 En
velopes, in white or tints $1.
no Gift Stationery,
Crane's. Hurd's, White and
Wyckoff's and ether well
known makes, in gift boxes
Gte te $15.00.
Fountain Pen3 for men,
women and children. All are
guaranteed, $1.25 te $16.00.
etB of Fountain Pen and
Pencils $8.50 te $12.00.
t?rshar') Pencils 50c te
?I.W. Htrawbrlclge A Cluthlr
AUle 10, C'mtre
Circlet Brassieres
thJ0rJntimilt0 Klft8 J ct,
jney have i beceme such favor
ites as gifts that
Mias Hecter
Zii !i!e em(! Ln8titutc, will
"e in the Corset Stere, to-mer-"w.andalltheweektoteUof
& tnBt they meld the figure
above- the waistline wlththe
least adjustment. Medels for
every weman-Sl.OO te $5.00,
Pa&etl J,1? tfft bxc8. '
iiJhe 9nt Junier Is just
&d.eni,yeui!lf gir,fl ke
IV&Z Bllk' 8,sca 30 te 86
SftpJV d8,nty h0,,y
Greatest, Happiest Christmas Ever
Sleep Better en a
Geed Mattress
Which our Beds and Bed
dinar Stere can supply at a
moderate price. Fer example:
Snow-white, roll edge felt
Mattresses, made by Stearns
& Fester, in their sun-lighted
factory. Fine cotton felt
covered with heavy art tick
Ins;, in two parts, for full-size
beds, '$21.(30; twin-bed size
"Popular" Mattresses, made
especially for this Stere by
Stearns A Fester. Filled with
geed, clean cotton stock and
made with roll edge. Full
sise, in one or two parts
116.00; twin-bed size $13.60.
Hear 2U, Eait
Every Man Can
Use a Knitted Vest
And use it te geed advan
tafle most of the winter, tee.
Wern just as an ordinary vest
is worn, 'beneath the coat, it
offers a decided protection
from cold.
Vests made in America
$5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $12.00 and
Vests from Scotland $10
and $12.00.
Eait Stere, Elfbth Street
A Boek Telling
Hew te Make
Nevel Ribbon
Gifts. 25c
Hundreds of dainty and prac
tical gifts mode of rlTAen are
suKfested In this Instructive
Boek, Illustrated in colors 25c.
The Ribbons may be obtained
here, from our lovely collection
of Ribbons of all kinds, In
various widths and colors.
AJile 11, Market Street
The Tey Stere is the
Children's Own Land
of Happiness
r.A) rf Uirtity ace rsWS
IIL shsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbI
MfflrlUwRfBtr Vjg WPWWM8'"SsSSstfSSSSSSsHPyl TrCEl JlnAJwJj Sfrh JJi
But children are generous and want te share Christmas joys with grown-ups, se you'll find
mothers and fathers and aunts and uncles, and especially doting grandparents, enjoying the Tey
Stere as much as the boys and girls. Most of them, of course, have brought the Little Felk with
them, for this is the Easy-to-Get-te Tey Stere, just a short flight down from the Main Fleer, and it
is a pleasant task te bring the children here te talk te Santa Claus and te see the wonderful new
Toys, Games and Dells that bring joy te every youngster.
Such Toys as make eyes dance, and you can euess what little lips whisper in Santa Claus' ear if
you watch closely. New is the time te see the Tey Stere at its best. Bring the children, te-morrow.
Life-like Dells, with voice, undressed, $4.50 and $6.00
Dressed Life-like Dells that say "Mama" new $6.75,
$7.50. $8.00 and $10.00
Tey Tea Sets, of decorated china cups, saucers, plates,
teapot, sugar bowl and cream pitcher $1.85
Children's Desks, golden-oak finish, at a saving of one
third. Only forty of them at $9.50 each
Dells' White Enameled High Chairs with tray 75c
100 Prancing Hebby Horses, hair-covered, can be pulled
or used as rocking horses $8.25
Ceaster Wagons, disk wheels with rubber tires. Wonder
ful value at $9.75
White Enamel Dell Coaches, Blech make 100 of them
away under price $6.95
500 Mechanical Train Sets, complete with brake and
track. We suggest that you get your Set early, $1.50
rfr StrnvrlirMci' & rintlilrr Iliiemrnt, W.-it
Bath Rebe Blanket
With Girdle, $6.50
""""Just n little cutting nnd
sewing is required te trans
form this geed-looking Blanket
into i cesy Bath Kebe, n most
desirable Christmas gift. A
girdle te match comes with
each Bath Rebe Blunket. Beth
for $0.50.
$1.00 A YARD
A soft, warm material in the
most pleasing designs and col
orings for bath robes; 30
inches wide $1.00 a yard.
Alsle 5, I'llbert Strict
The Gift Quality in
Fine Linens Is
Expressed in
Humidor is as significant
of quality in Linens, as is
Sterling of silver or Oriental
of pearls.
Humidor Deuble Damask,
71 inches wide, spucinl at
$3.50 n yard; the 22-inch
Napkins, special at $9.00 a
dozen. Beautiful patterns for
selection. AtnU n. ontre
Yeu Can Easily
Own a Radie Set
Our Deferred Payment
Plan makes it possible for
everyone te install a Radie in
the home for Christmas, and
pay for it gradually, if dc:
Come in te-morrow te see
and hear the various Sets in
operation here. A salesman
will gladly explain about the
Radie, and also about the De
ferred Payment Plan, if you
Wish Third Tlrwr. Muitet Str t
Cheese the Gift Ceat
In the Sale of Furs
Hundreds of women will have finer Pur Coats for Christ
mas because it this under-) ice Sale. Fur Coats under pi Ice at
the peak of the season is just one mere way of proving our sin
cerity in value giving. And these Coats are all of our regular high
standard of quality.
Forty-inch Fine Sealine Coats, $9230
Made en easy lines, with the new crush cellar. (Seahne is
Australian ceney.)
Fine Fur Coats of Various Kinds, $135M0
Muskrat Coats from 30 inches te 40 inches long; chin cellar
or shawl cellar. American Opossum Coats, in the 40-inch length,
with reverse border. Black Russian Peny Coats, with large cellar
and cuffs of genuine skunk. Sealine Coats (Australian ceney)
with shawl cellar and deep cuffs of fine Australian opossum.
Sports Coats of leopard cat with cellar and cuffs of nutria.
Natural Muskrat and Nearseal Coats, $185.00
Nearseal Coats (French ceney) with cellar; and cuffs of gray
squirrel, beaver or skunk. Natural Muskrat Coats with cellar of
raccoon, nutria or muskrat.
Coats of Four Different Furs, $235.00
Persian lamb with cellar and cuffs of nenulne skunk. Hudsen
Seal (dved muskrat) in the 40-inch length, with self cellar and
cuffs. Nearseal Coats (French ceney) with handsome cellar of
Siberian Bqulrrel or skunk. Russian Peny Coats in rich brown
tones with large cellar of the finest beaver.
Four Different Kinds of Fur Coats, $295.00
Leng Hudsen Seal Coats (dyed muskrat) with real skunk
cellar and cuffs. Dark Muskrat Coats with beaver cellar. Hnnd Hnnd Hnnd
some Raccoon Coats with reverse border. Persian Lamb Coats
with deep shawl cellar some with cellar of skunk.
Caracul Kid and Hudsen Seal Coats, $345.00
Black Caracul Kid Coats with deep cellar and cuffs of genuine
skunk. Hudsen Seal Coats (dyed muskrat) in several different
models, with cellar of Siberian squirrel or skunk.
Black Muskrat and Hudsen Seal Coats, $395 J)0
Black Muskrat Coats with attractive crush cellar of the fur.
Elegant Hudsen Seal Coats (dyed muskrat), plain or richly trim
med with contrasting fur.
Sealskin, Mink and Persian Lamb Coats, $135j00
Genuine Sealskin Coats with cellar and cuffs of skunk. Beau
tifully marked Japanese Mink Coats. Persian Lamb Coats with
cellar and cuffs of dark mink. second pioer, nibcrt street
Useful Gifts That
Please the Household
There is no task in selecting useful gifts from this Stere, for
everything here has been first carefully selected for you by our own
buyers. Nete these examples of useful and decorative things from
the Upholstery Stere:
Red Cedar Chests
Special at $18.75 and $22.75
Twe convenient sizes, soundly constructed of richly grained
and polished red Mountain Cedar. Fer storing clothing, furs,
etc., free from dust and moths $18.75 and $22.75. Others up
te $47.50.
Library Clevers and
Scarf 8 $2.50 te $5.00
Fibre silk tapestry and vcleur Cevers, distinctive nnd beauti
ful in design and coloring, in sizes for the library tqb, 'phene
stand, music cabinet, etc. A wide choice at $2.50, $3.50 nnd $5.00,
with ethers ranging up te $15.00.
Couch Cevers
$2.50, $4.50 te $7.50
Attractively patterned, well-made Couch Cevers that may be
effectively used en the day bed, couch or window sent. Te be
had in tapestrv, striped, verdure, foliage and conventional pat
terns, with 1,000 te select from nt $2.50, $4.50, $5.00 nnd $7.50.
Others up te $18.00.
Cretonnes for the
Heme Decorator
Te the some one in your family, in every family, who enjoys
making things with the needle, this Cretonne collection would
afford unlimited pleasure.
Yards upon yards of beautiful, warmly colored Cretonnes
in chintz effects, foliage and vordure patterns, pin stripes, wide
floral stripes, conventional designs in short, every sort one could
hope for.
Specially desirable for making curtains, covers, cushions, fancy
work of various sorts, spreads, etc, Braid and edging te match,
and linings obtainable, tee.
Cretonnes in 80- and 36-inch widths at 25c te $3.00 a yard,
with specially arranged tables featuring five popular price-groups
26c, 85c, 60c, 60e and 65c a yard.
mnbrldi Clothier Third Fleer, rcw
Gifts for Everybody
In the Boek Stere
Illustrated Beeks for the kiddic3, thrillers for big brother,
rare editions for that discriminating book lever, mottoes and cards
for passing friends, books en household science for the young
matron, scientific works en health, among the many attractions.
Leng Counters of Novelties Religious Beeks of All Kinds
Thirteen Tables of Fiction Standard Sets in Great Variety
A Table of Little Gift Beeks Wonderful Beeks for Children
Many Beeks at special prices, and many lovely gift volumes
that will furnish fine thoughts for years.
Fine Collection of The Mosher Beeks
We wish te call your attention particularly te our excellent
collection of Mosher Beeks, in leather and half-leather, which
includes many rare volumes in fact, there is only one or two of
any volume.
F-- StrtwbrMf t ft Clethltr Second Meer, Filbert Street, We it
Women's Ingrain Silk
Stockings, Special, $1.85
Three thousand six hundred pairs of these tine Stockings a
special purchase just in time for Santa Claus' pack. Full-fashioned,
ingrain Silk Stockings with mercerized lisle tops and soles.
Black, Cordovan, African brown, tan and dark gray. Sizes 83
te 10.
3- Stourbridge Clothier Aljle 3, Market Street
One-Third Saving en
Our Entire Reserve Stock of
Men's Wickham Suits
$22, $29.50, $32.50
Here, new, is the chance for men te become well acquainted
with the matchless merits of Wickham Clothing at a greater-than-usual
profit te themselves!
It is almost unprecedented, this presentation of our exclusive
Wickham Clothing at such drastic price reductions at almost the
beginning of the season.
The Suits are superbly tailored, of fine nil-wool fabrics
(worsteds, cassimeres, silk mixtures), in a wide and pleasing
choice of patterns and shades. The prices $22.00, $20.50 and
$32.50 are one-third below regular, surely a remarkable oppor
tunity for saving!
Wickham Overcoats, New
$28.50, $36.50, $44, $58
Smnrt, new double-breasted Ulsters nnd I'Nterettes of plaid
back and ether excellent wool fabrics.
These nt $58.00 arc of Scotch "Crombie" coatings, especially
imported from Scotland for these Overcoats.
xht" Straw-bridge & UelUfr--Secend 1'loer, Eat
Men's Knitted Neckties
Average Half Price 55c
When we went te this manufacturer we found him with many
small lets of Neckties which remained from various large ship
ments he had made. We wanted te clear his shelves of all this
extra stock, be we made him a price nnd took his entire remaining
output 3600 fine Knitted Feur-in-IInnds.
The variety is almost unbelievable, patterns nnd color combi
nations of every description, for men of every taste.
S- Strawbrldge A Clothier Al.li 1, Market Street
Men's Suits Tailored
te Measure Special
$47.50 $50.00 $55.00
About 50 men can choeso material for a new made-te-measure-Suit
About 100 men can select from imported and American fabrics
the one thev like best for n made-te-order Suit $55.00, The
woolens in this group are available in n variety of brown, tan,
blue nnd gray stripes or checks. While several hundred can be
accommodated from the wonderful winter-weight blue serge col
lection at $50 and $55. ,-. Ktranbrldge t, Clotliler-Sectmj fleer, Ka.t
The New Barbara Lee
Dresses Have Arrived
Just in four models with all the charm
and distinction that attach te the latest
fashions, and with an indescribable air of
exclusiveness that belong distinctively te
Barbara Lee Dresses.
Thjs is "Caprice" this lovely filmy
model sketchel at the left; a caprice is
responsible for the witching sleeves and the
fanciful irregularity of the skirt, and another
caprice, mere lovely still, evolved the flower flewer flower
ernnmonted girdle. In black, gray and
"Verlaine" is an Evening Gewn of chiffon
velvet, in black and seal brown, with a
shimmering silver cloth under bodice.
"Reseile" is of Canten crepe gleaming
with embroidery; peintel panels and long
tight cull's give the Barbara Lee touch of
"MaHee" is a sntin Canten model draped
en apron line? entirely new. In navy blue,
black and brown, the Jenny neck and whim
sical sleeves embroidered in bright colors.
Fine Twill Dresses, Special at $20.00
Straight-line effect, with the wide sleeves, the new necklines,
smart leather belts, flat braid trimming smart as can be, every
one of them. In navy bue anl black.
Excellent Assortment of Dresses, $25.00
Canten crepe, chinchilla crepe, broche crepc and fine wool
twill. Surplice, bleuse and straight-line effects, embroidered or
braided. Ulack, brown and navy blue.
ihr-- Struwbr Agt A CleUiIer Secd Her, Mnrtet Street
700 Axminster Rugs, in 15
Sizes, at Savings of One-third
One of America's largest manufacturers supplied us with these
wonderfully nttrmtivf Rugs. We ebta.ntd them te mII at fame
of one-third bn.ui.. they have some small imperfections in wene
or matching. TN -i wiling new Kugs will profit well by coming
for these while the quantity is still large:
Smnll-si7e Axmin.trr Ruir,
27x51 inches $1.25; SOxG'i
inches .s-5.75; 3fix72 inches,
$0.75; .l.ii.sti (j feet $15.00.
Heavy Axminster Hall Run-
neus ami Kuirs. 4.0x9 feet
Kugs, G.9fl $1 '."", S2t.7n
Hugs, 7.0x10.0 i el -$21.75
Rugs, 9x'.) .s-25.75, $'1 1 75
Rugs, Dxin.O fn-t $.75
Rugs, S.'txlO.O t',.L.t $ '''..75
Rugs, !12 I'ett - S v7"
Rugs, 0x15 fee-t $52.75
Hugs, 11.3x12 $."5.75, $52.
$12.75; H 9.1 Of. feet $13.75;
J.exii: Xeet $10.73.
Extra-Heavy Axminster Rugs
She 9x12 feet, $31.50
Only :s rugs in tl. s mm, in attractive allover design.
. - mbrldtra & l.i. U. r -l'Kmr i, rilbert Strut
Give Bedfurnishings
Pmak.il nrtkles that -iv. s0 fin0 they are numbin I among
the nie.st acceptable of gin. Just visualize the joyous effect uf
one of the.se mi seme wi-nun hose home is her first theught:
Fine While Marseilles lied Spreads
Satin-tinish White Mars.il'e-i Hid Spreads, 80x90 inches, $5.00
each. With out lerncr ami Miillned edges, $Sx9S inches" $8 50
Bed Sets, eenr-ting of Spread, .nOS inches, and Threw te 'match'
$12.50 a bet. '
Hemstitched Pillow Cases, $2.00 a Pair
Boxed in pairs, Hcntitclud Pillow Cases of fine muslin -15x
US' j inches, $2.00 a pair. 1'n.e lace-trimnied, 45x80 inches, $3.50 a
Fine White Weel Blankets, $17.50 a Pair
White Weel Blankets with dainty border colorings, finished
with cicnin color satin binding; 72x84 inches, $17.50 a pair.
Seft, Cezu, Warm Quilts at $17.50
Down-filled Quilts with attractive flowered ratine coverings
solid color satme, border, $17.50. Woel-fillod Quilts with fancy
stitched silk covering in rose or Cepenhagen blue, also $17.50.
-.8lrwtrMge A Clutliler-Al.lu la. rtiurt ri'trwt
Blue Bird Hand
Made Blouses
Hand-made and Blue Bird
quality that's n combination
that places these Blouses
right in the front ranks of the
gift elect. Add te that French
veik of crepe Georgette fine
ness, dainty hand-run tucks,
stitching and drawnwerk and
embroidery clone by hand, with
hnnd-made laces ns the finnl
touch of elegance certainly
these Blouses have all the
gift qualities. Prices $5.00,
$0.75, $7.50 and $8.50.
Second finer, (Vntr"
Weel Sweaters and
Jersey Sports Coats
Special at 6.00
If she has u penchant for
Sweaters, add one of these te
her collection.
Weel Sweaters in two dif
ferent fancy weaves, both
convertible-cellar models, and
an excellent weight te wear
under the coat, if desired.
Jersey Sports Coats, made in
the style sketched. All special
at $6.00. Strnwt.rl.Jgp ft. Clothier
AMe 0, Mjrl.it Htrret
Daniel Green Felt
Comfy Slippers
Are real Christmas Slip
pers. And the Shee Stere is
the best place in Philadelphia
in which te select them. "Felt
Cemfys" are slipper comfort
and luxury, of all-wool felt,
with soft padded innersoles
and ooze leather outer soles.
We suggest you make your
selection early.
Women's Comfy Slippers
$1.50 te $2.75.
.Misses' and Children's
Cemfys $1.50 and $2.50.
Men's and Beys' $2.00 te
$2.50. Strnnlirldgi. ft Clutlilfr
i:iSUUi and Filbert rJtreeti
Evening Wraps
Werthy of the
Formal Season
Just Starting
The Jewels of the grand tier
are no mere imposing than
the Evening Wraps en masse
at nny meter entrance.
ously tinted velvets, shimmer
ing metal cloths and brocades,
i'ur-cellared and cuffed nnd
banded luxurious affairs that
send through a brilliant
evening of fashions its most
inspiring note.
These are the kind we are
showing new in anticipation
of a delightful opera season
$150.00 te $.325.00, ethera
lc" claborate but exquisitely
graceful and rich-hued, $00.00
te $133.' in. Chiefly single
excluthe model.
Mrahriilh.,n ('lelMi-r-.
V- eij.1 PI Kr, Cvntiu
1 1
Waltham Watches
Fer Men, .$25.00
We secured thirty-five of
these fine Colonial Waltham
Watches at a nncu concession,
nnd se pnss the Raving uleng
te you. Watches in geld-filled
cases, silver din), Ifi-jewel
movement at clese te half
price $25.00.
Htrawbrldgn CletJiUr
AUle U, .Murk it H'.tcct