tfT FROM FRANCE ,. i $.,.., Madal Part of Loet Taken &?"" . ... ., .. B.- IKcm-a AeartmenT or mr. dm- i.r,w r .- Kf ntv. Rehabilitation wermr , fOTHER THEFTS REPORTED rwn?nltlen of lur J. EnS 'er" mi u,nc e. hr th Jeb; Moter. E it, nniirtiii'iie of rr. Herman !L ,!. -'010 rhmtmit street, hit- pwii it i,t,ii,li!v tHKi't-..... 1trii 1V n.i. ' Sink of rrnnn- while Jlw. Ilirw was Kb Hint country lth n iMwitlnn relit meTiiPri mm . ScMi" nlw Riven Mr.-, fllrney were Th? tli'cf jiiltit fiituit fltmnsli n ,r wln.'ew nftrr Hr. ami mm. turner lid cime i ii ill""'"'" " ".nil Mr. Hi'imnii lllrw-r. Jr.. ' Mmrnril I" l'10 ''I"""11'"' " ,"1P JTbcr wnn nl work iiml frlfflitetie.l 1:1m 5r Sewml iirtl.lex pm-knl for 9 e left M.ln.1. Tlt-llilrf Miird bv ,P "",ew through wllcb , b hid RnlniMt entrance. L ThfW Is in clement of m.vsterv In rnbberv of the cxliibllnlimcnt of. the f tekcr f'iiv 1)n. Company. 121 JffSh Vlfth Mreet. fiem which dress .$$ I valued at mere than I000 were 'te!'" "V "lslU,,n nlnriia n II,,. i. A inr" '''";""",,:: "- . ., pttlllK Ii n'K"i ',""'- umi of miifti'-lnii wlllnn the place, Illl' K'MIH' n'TP Miuril neereieii lilliwir in Jem 1ip" I"-' " " .I.n i( lllllfll SVeiier 1,-llev,. . '. nmc nun wlie W '.T.ui:et....iil nn Hntlll'iluv lilcht. iw. f..r mi'iciiiit nml ether wearing ': ..! inliieil nl "i'l0 was Hte'en from 'tTherne of MnrrU Hank. :M3 Wm tnn fired. I Here were no ruin ie jhew hew the thief Rained entrnnce te at DOII.'n Alibi Urged for Scion of Iryn Mawr Family Cenvlettd In Held'up , Attorneys for Walter K. Mellen, member of a wealthy Hryn Mnwr. fam ily, convicted In NorrlslewnOnst week of sheeting and robbing n Plillmlel pbla taxleab driver, today filed petition for n new titul. A hearing en the petition will be held next week en a dale te be an nounced Inter. The petition Ii based upon the find ing of new evidence corroborating that gien by Mellen'n mother and winter at the tint trial te the effect thai he waH nttemling a tlmi In this city en the nlglil of the robbery. 'JIimmIeiv (.line lleini. one of lili iiiiin-e', told I lie (eiirt. Tile new witness-, hi wild, nle .lelin I'.. ... Mlinu- .....I l,l. II i ...... ..f ... . V .3.111... ...... .IIUIIIM3 l.tlltll. Ill ynncwoed. NOISE MAKER IN JAIL Camdtn Man Dliturbid Church Service at National Park TheniHK Spencer, of Cnmden. wan ((iiiiiiltied te the i'diihIj .in II nl Wood Weod Woed Iiima thi'i metnltig when he wns tumble te pay a fine of $--.-. Imposed by Mn.ter Allen, of National 1'nrk, for nitikluB noise In fient of the Nntlemil' Park Methodist Kpisrepnl Chureh timl night. Mpeneei-'ft rompanlen, Harry Klynn. of Camden, who was reloaded upon pay ment of bis tine, but will he rearrested bceauKp a quart of whisky and n ptelen automobile tire were found In tbelr ear, the police eny. The tire hed been taken from one of the automobiles pnrked In front of the chureh. The men were nnvsted by Mayer Allen. BONDS FOR TWO NEEDED Friends of Youth Held In Aute Mia- hap In Anether Accident Klvc friends of Ilnrrr Iteimli,.,,. .. I Willow Oreve youth. Mnrted fur ,. Inutnn in an nittomebilc. ihelr intention being te raixe ?5(M) hail for veum aa..Kiak .. iviAi lli'linuun, iiviii ii. .'laKimiaii' 111 In 111 MINItTIR HIAD8 JURY Twelve women ere en the Deluware County Grand Jury, which win sworn in today. The Me v. t.'lmrlus IJder. rep. ter of Chrlut , Protestant Kplnuipat Chureh. Uldley Park, la the foreman. It being the flrxt time that a mtnlater ban been chosen for tliii position In that county, f0hmrSWfflbi ntrnt rleJ4riijt is.-.. r. i f "wnwnmn,i rUJVhnarMluir, ma nnnsi'. v.'i ,i lef furred entrance te the home "" "'" "' -'",B"f imams, .f'M K Iein. 1224 North nf p.r ? ,,.u:,'ri"B en an ' bat ?'Vh or,et. d.iilna absence of the u,.v,,inr??' -. ; sa?i:-, -v-r' c!:u :'r-n $. ..jWra ,ea nag vi'i"'" " " iiiiil in iireil erninn 1'iiiinlm?. nf , .. msiurui'u. i rote, l.nter Snecbt wns lielil ! ..-.nn jbnil by the .same inaglstrnle in nwr.lll ..... . uiR,iin,. Mi' i'J nie ciime iiiasisirn e in i WOMAN DEPUTY AT WOODBURY I lllc ,.. nf cnnnliVa InlnrSw. - ... .. ..i II II, jlT". rlli wrnit.. m iiuimwir.i. vu Chester-Upland Bridge Opened ixirim uren hri((KP. l;i Ut:uun ... ,.1-n hi till. IIHM'II I 111! I1M 11 f jt'flfll V ravin , " ... . ilicriff of Hemester t mint. She In iln frst wmiia ml "finer te lie ap pointed in Sim'h Jerey nivl nss'lined duty nt "tire In carina tur women Jurers in the ruini nl We'idlmry. Reported Missing County, which connects Chester and i I'plnnd. van opened te tralhY today. The biitlje N a reticiete Miiictiir'c. . erected nt ii reht of S",.00ll. Ladies! Fer the right trimmings for a man's Christmas tree drop in at the corner of Chestnut and Juniper. A splendid variety of the; things men want, in quality that guarantees lasting sat-j isfactien. Besides, everything's ex-, changeable after Xmas if net just right. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper " Clnrlei Mi ('anil, fifteen jeais old, ' J'jllti riissjcnld stieel, four feet s j i, Inchc-tall. 10H peuiuN. fair complex- ' Ien. Iiiiil hnir. blue eje. ; ', Wllllsni llnplilns. thirteen years old. J.J57 Xertli I'luv-i islitb 'trret. live feel ' . fall, ninetj-iixe puuuus. orewn ejes. isbii"' imi''. ' I"rilli!( Vletlo'Ie. seventeen ears old, , Vlffl Hitt-nlieii c street, five feet, sii finches tall. 1IIU piiimls. olive templet- ' lull. n.iri tin ii- ii mi ejru. Rrnl.iiiiln Iiihln. nine enis old. 1l".C Vnl'H, Kltl! slieel. I'll Ml- flM't lull. 5 tjjlitt-tiie neiinds. Ililit hair. i tiii. iii:ht sEt.i.nii neii' N"C McCain rfcemlv Imil t!k Hli It". Prank I'. 1'arkln. anil the reault ii in lniiictlns nrtlcln ntieut th bn i Mlltr mnuiiii leul.i nf ccry clans n'ul tjt' Ii It Bmmr: In tlntp Ihit It In (he lllble? 1M! II .iri.'Ni. if an..,- ,it, it .n iii muiTi iei chn-.n-tTljIlc teliimn by this imallat lutH-ur r-aularly In the Ktksimj .iinKD ii h nuu. av. 'J-ntue I.Kinr.s, 'jSSSb Anything in commercial art.!- Celer designs. ijk- szei PLATINUM AND DIAMOND ribbon vaxtches Fer viemen newest models Platinum or Geld pocket and wrist watches for men Clesinq hour !.30 until Christmas jf retouching photographs, , pen ana inx sketches. Our art 'department will serve you. The Cheteut Areet JfteiwiNO Cab Kntrmice en 1 1th St. jJHVA H nuurii iHIf . J tW. W slirLWW Abss 1DM6 0WRS nrldl Oeuquatt, Cut I Flewtri, Frn and I PUntt (or church or I home. 52 S-"' r-lnr1 At. "mi ivirnrrt Are. m FLORIST III S. a.lllh fit 1.18 S. it t. DTtEKA FINE STATIONERS Imported Boxed Stationery bcnulirul tinted papers f'ni Si te $10 1121 CHESTNUT ST. i IL ill WIHl vnmtmtarmmm mm f, mp- 'p'--jr SyggSiHtaHK OrKNH DAILY AT 8 A. M -r MINKS 0 I'. M.grggstg! gJsSgargSgy- 2V. THE Christmat Shopping Season Is On and All These Intent Upen Securing the Prettiest Possible Gifts for the Meney Are Making This Their Shopping Headquarters. ifaiierfertrw BATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE FhentOrfttiFmaS Market Elihlh ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh D A tvk Jflfnw JufKMfSV IrWwW Robes and Kimonos Warm and "comfy" te slip into and en ideal giftt $7 Beacon Blanket 1 $A (4 ft Robes tJO Attractive floral designs in light and dark colors, The col cel lar, cuffs and pockets arc bound with satin ribbon. Silk cord at waist. Alse pretty tailored mod els, braid trimmed en cellars and cuffs. $6 Crepe Kimonos & X $9 QO Breakfast Coats.... 0've Bex loom and Zana-Ana crepe in winsome styles trimmed with hand embroidery, cording, ribbons and tassels. Pink, tesc, Copenhagen and Alice blue, orchid, peach and wisterip- llretlierk SECOND KLOOHis . Women's Umbrellas of Pure Colored Silk Special $7.98 A most acceptable Chiistmas gift .suggestion untbiellas of pure col ored silk. Blue, Green, Purple and Red With attractive fancy handler, tips and ends te match. Ouaiantced fa.- color and waterproof. Iln.tlirrs-K1KST KLOl U, SUI Til ' Sheets & Pillow Cases at Very Special Prices Streng, durable-long-wearing kinds at particu larly low price ! $1.85 Seamless Sheets, $1.29 Of medium weight bleached sheeting. 81x90 inches. hfTO ' A ViCfc.Jwi . ...A .J 75c Bolster Cases, 59c Medium weight, bleach ed muslin. .Size 42.v7:i. 29c Muslin and Nainsoek, yard, 19c finisher), shnni' qualities that will make dainty underwear. 40c Pillow Cases, each, 25c j Of Sumsen bleached mus "' Jin. 4x36 inch. Anether Practical Suggestion! $2.50 Fancy Pillow Cases, pair $1.98 Of Fruit-of-the-Leem Muslin with beautiful embroidered designs; i some nemsutcneu and .tfi inches U'lrlP hlpnptied . initinleil rJr.ve1 standard make. 4ex3G inch. '" BreUifru KIRST Fr.OOR. NOttTfl Size $275.00 Engagement Rings irwiy or both occHen. TSLfL'"". Jf" f""f mm "mmtni Ctt$ ,rnl run MitcheU's t-stnbliahed 1878 lTSraT' Your Search for a GOOD Overcoat IV ill End Here. I If you have been looking for an overcoat te meet your exact requirements, and have net found it, vc urge upon you the wisdom of inspecting our large assortment of well-tailored garments. f On the Second Fleer is our new Overcoat Salesroom, which is stocked with the choicest coats that can be produced. 3 Here you will undoubtedly find the over coat for which you have' been looking. The models arc se varied and the assort ment of materials se extensive that prac tically every style idea of merit is em braced. Priced KiO te $95 JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1420 Chestnut Street $1 te $3 Brassieres & Bandeaux, 50c te $1.50 "De Beieisc," "Neatferm," "Leading" and "Popular" iAH Stntlflni'fl llicrh mmtifir mnbn. 'that assure satisfaction. Heek front or back. Made of fancy cloth, stripe, plain and brocaded washable satin and Jireche. Seme have he.e supporters. Sires 34 te 48. $3 Corsets, $1.50 Lit Brethers' Special and CB a la Spirite. $4 te $6 P. N. Corsets. $2 & 3 Pink broche. $6 te $10 Corsets. S3 te 5 Renge Belt; sizes 21 te 36. Brellifr--SliCONl) FLOOrt This $37.50 Davenport Table $a m m , v .a&5ag. ififlnrr f. 24 A Beautiful Heme Gift! Mahogany. Old Italian period; beautiful base with heavy ends; 60-inch top. " Brelliem FC'l HTU FLOOR $4.50 $7.50 Thermax Electric Teaster Made by Landers, Frary & Clark! Dependably wired ; Ii e a v i 1 y n i u k e I plated. Japanned base, fitted with cord and socket. Ml !lretlier -IIIIIIO FJ.OOn . In Subway Stere 5 Gas Mask ($0. 65 Raincoats I & Heavy rubber-lined, guarnnlei'd waterproof; cut raglan style with belt. All sizes. Extra Sizes in English Fine Royal Wilten Rugs Imneited umJci suvintrs close U e distinctively at hi ' 1 1 ," ii., .'ijiagBh nil mvr.t nnces that achieved a third. Patteins and colors beautiful. $15U Vals 11.3x12 ft. $115 $190 Values. 11.3x12 $119-50 feet. $190 Values, 11.3x15 $142'50 $150 Vals.,$11C 9x15 feet ; ll Values, $89.50 $i 9x12 feet . . $235 Values. 11.3x15 $170.50 feet... $179 Values, ll.3x $1CQ.50 I 3.6 feet i0y $135 Vals.,$11C 9x12 feet.. AAJ $115 Values. 9x10.6 $g7.50 feet .... $159 Values. I l-3x $177.50 I 3.6 feet ' lfl $97.50 Values, 6.9x9 $77.50 fest J " $85 Vals.,$eQ.50 6.9x9 feet inlaid Linoleum, 2 yds. wide $1.75 Values, Remnant Lengths, I 7QC 99c ftquarv ijuvd $1.95 Values, Remnant Lengths. aquarc yard Please bring sires if possible. Ne mail or phone oiders filled. Mrnllirri.- K IT.'I II Fl.nnn Fer Gift Giving! .85 Satin Bed Sets )$7.45 ft $7 $10S$12 Values I f A well-known manufacturer's surplus stock. Splendid quality with satin finish; heavy, raised Marseilles patterns, svith cut corners and scal loped edge. Size 80x00 inches. Bolster threw te match. Each .set boxed for gifts. 1A. ' .j?..Ji,V X scalloped edges. 80x90 inches. $4.50 Bed Spreads, $3.49 1" ine white crochet in a choice selec tion of Mar seilles pat terns. Cut-out corners and $10 Lambswoel Blankets, pair, $7.98 Heavy wool soft finish extremely warm a .slieht cotton mi.vturi. Wliitn -itl, nlnl- wi.. borders nlse block plaids in pink, blue,' tan and gray. Silk mohair binding size 72x80 inehrs. $10 Lambswoel Comforts, $6.98 Covered with Amei ican sateen of excellent quality, in pictty figured effects (both sides alike). Plain borders and scroll stitched. 72x80 inches. All colors. Lit nrethrii- FIR.ST TLOOn. NORTH Appropriate gifts for the tee, and lowest priced here. motorist practical, Aute Robes, $6.29 te $35 Silk plush and nil-wool. Ktra laice. (fik ffl'S!TW'rwW'pv wil pf Combination Boyce ..i Mote-Mcter & RnHiaf '.::-. P Cap, $2.45 Mirror Litcs, $1.85 ,,fH ' " f- '' 'uirrer mid I'.irlt i i; i k :..s Hei r-"eid ,ji- Sedan Ash Rrceiu-r UHc te $1.49 SKID CHAINS .M7.I sriyji., s- 10 1"'' 3""' KS.tll Combination Light & Parking Light, SI.98 M.1 ill kl Windshield Cleaner s 1.98 te Sfi.98 Air Gauges, 80c Step Plates, 6!)c te SI. 79 I'yre Fter ivxtingulshers $,).;,3 Wind Reflectors, pair. $9.98 Ml llretlirm Windshield .Mirrors 9Sc te SI.98 Mirror. SI.98 and $2.29 Sedan Vasts, $1,69 and i.M.98 Monogram Caps. $6 Mote-Metcrx S2.S0 te $e ute I locks, S-1.98 te S8.I9 ."'i.' i Ki.iH'i: The Christmas Gift a Bev Will Prise! $40 Remington Bicycles, $26-98 Strongly constructed throughout; equipped with coaster brake, mud guards, rabbet pedals, snrinc extension bai and guaranteed non-skid $2.50 Winslow Bali-Bearing Reller Skates Mu.vs 41 7Q w A v saddle tires. yi"i iniiimijl s I 75s jf7 ' 7 I . TvWSSTv V V' S-ir' Self-centnined beai lliiilhers s llls i'M Kl DOIJ. In Subway Stere l'.S.ArmyWoeI$Q.38 Overcoats ti Smart Style Shown Olive drab, made fiem stritil.v all wool materials. Medium, sliei't and long lengths, All sizes. Ne mail n- phone orders filled. iiff1' tte" 1 Precisely Correct TUXEDO COAT & TROUSERS Our Super-Value Price 38 Seft, black unfinished herring hone weave. Silk lined and silk faced coat; wide band of satin down side of trousers. Others at $43 and $48 Every single one is priced en our Super-Value Policy PERRY'S Ne matter whether it's a pair of worsted trousers at $5.25 or a luxuri ous Crombie Montagnac Overcoat, (the finest in the whole world), every single garment in this great store is priced en a Super-Value basis. Super-Value means fine, finer and finest qualities only at a definite, con crete saving of $5 te $12 and mere en every individual Suit and Overcoat. And a proportionate saving en any ether article of clothing that you buy in this big progressive store. Loek Everywhere and Compare Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men Week Fi fl lz rrrqiMt 1 , , 910 rhnctmit 1 Te enlarge our furniture cli- Antnln n r-.. A -1 1 etrCet be held all this week at our easily reached store, 910 Chest nut Street. Come inhere you will find seven complete lines te select from. Yeu may want a plain table for the office boy; or a convenient double -duty desk for typists; or a magnificent cre ation for the president's office. They are all here. Come and see them and the chairs that go with them. Open 9 A. M. te 5 P. M. Call at your convenience! Library Bureau M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager 910 Chestnut Street Phenes: Main 7394 and Walnut 3394 .. , f lava emr s- - r 4y i6itiSk ft.