f ?$ffl ,tva .- -Ml evenIng vvBiic ledgerphikadedphia: Monday, December a; 1022 ! A HOf Ifthe KenstnSter. Sheps UPTOWN FOR PENNSYLVANIA WHERE PRJES DOWN fuglilatien Needed te Ade- I . ... p. I aula I nirl i? ' m :njr e rjp 'tf ragrrm prnTt fg M" ll ll '.' - " ""? "? .? J SsMOSTIN VALUE. VARJET Iquateiy cmerw -. -. I . M u..CIa . BCtOre veverriwi-&iw'- MILF'ORD CONFERENCE ENDS s f MmM "Jtafert, P.. Dw. 4. - A fompie fempie ,,nBlve schedule of new legislation V vktch he believes is necessary te pro pre r mete adequate and proper enforcement 4 tt labor laws new en the statute books , -M prejrntcd te Governer-elect Pin Pin rbet's Laber Conference by Clifferd B. Cennellcy, hend of the Fennnyl i Wnla Department of Laber and In- 1 "it Is unlikely Mr. .Pinchot will make m statement as te his renctiens te ' the various pileses 01 mc uiui n i fercement policy, but the effort of the ? dlicusslens upon hi mind will be r. I footed In the budget which lm will ' present te the' forthcoming ntwien of tlieV-eglslH'1"'- Seme of the Things Needed Undoubtedly CommlsMeiicr Connel Cennel Uv'h napcr was one " the mom im im ierttnt discussed by the conference, and lis explanation of the work being done In Pennsylvania by the Laber Depart ment en hearty coinmcndutlen from ,bToC0mpre"c that werU and raise the Mindard of administering the labor Imm Mr. Cennellcy bellci first of ull hat the net creating the Department if Laber and ull subsequent acts en erganlMtlen should be redrafted. lie advocates the creation of n new bureau in the department devoted en tirely te the problems which nnse in the administration ami enforcement of the woman's law and the Child Laber Law. The Child Laber Act of tli, he believes, should be nmended le set forth definitely the enforcement authority of the department. He Is of the opinion divided responsibility without ilellnite prevision for enforcement is the greateH hindrance in enforcing the Child l.uber There arc about 1-5 labor laws en the Pennsylvania books which directly or Indirectly affect the Department of Laber and Industry. Thesis laws. Mr. Omnelley believes, tdieuld be cmlilicil and mtny of them rewritten te conform te the requirements of modern industry. Mr. Cbnnellev sas the chief require mnit of bl.i departiuent Is nddilieii.'il revenue and, therefore, lie recommends additional appropriations and n sybtcm of licensure which would increase, the levenues. There U need, lie says, for leflslatlen Dowsing ull Matinnary engineers, motion picture operators and eiler operators. Mr. Connelley urged In his paper increased appropriations se th.it men of high caliber might be emplejed and that there might be n general increase in salaries. He -nid there, wen need of additional building te house the safety sppiiance of the department, of which 30e have been npprnved, and that n ifcelflc appropriation for n museum of fafelj should be made. Value of Iteronttrmtien Werk A great deal of time was given by the (enfereiiee te discussion of the work of reconstruction carried en by MirleuS State departments of labor. Colonel Lewis Bryi nt. Laber Commissioner of New .Tersey. took a lending put in dls (using this siibieet mid told of phe nomenal work done In New .lerscv in nldlng Injured workers. A series of plietngrnplis prcM'iiti'd by lilni ji.itil clu. qnent tribute te the mnncN of medi'iu surgery nnd the enlightened uppro'ii uppre'ii uppro'ii tlen of the wilue of State aid te men Injured in indiiMrj. Colonel Nrjnnt'ii dlscu'ien and the photographs pre sented by him clearly demonstrated that men who jears age would be considered totally dlsahlrd and unlit for any Mud of senlce have been literally plijhically reconstructed and placed upon it self uMalnlng li.is.ii. Last night there was diligent dicu dicu ien. Miss Mnr.v Lud.ime. fermeily nisnnger of the c1i:iiitnu iIUImuii of the Prilled States Kuipinjimut St-nii'i-in New Yerk, tiresenteil a p.iper en standards for n Slate eiuple.Miieut i-crv-iee. Miss Mary Van Kleeck, formerly director of the AVemnn's Itutenii in the Federal Depnttment of Laber, disvuhed periodic statlMics of employment. Mr. Lee Wellmen discussed the labor hfu tlsties new being uillerlrd In cneli of the ai ions States, and Mr. Tied 51. "IlceN. (hairnmn of the Vinenln n luMriul roiiiiiiiMeii, dlscuTij tlie wims of organization of departments i labor in dlffuent Statis. iliep pnrliclpaling in the discus-ion included Colonel Lewis Hnant. Laber eminlssianer of New .lerse, nnd A. L. it CommlsHieiier of Laber of Iowa, "nil Uebert Wolf, an euglneei with lde exprriciKe in labor prnblvm of "iniifHetiirin esinhlihhmeuts. 5Ir. iinchet will leine here tnmonew mom '"5 for Philadelphia. JEWELS TO BE SHOWN Exhibited at Bazaar for Benefit of ...... u wiiuik.ii insmuie alllnliln ...1 ..1.1- . .. . ,,"" Ullll ilervt'.u.,,1'lye ,, hi' wnduited in tin; Veilcviie-Stratfnrd Hetel en w j. y, and Thursday. i the Oinnd .Mogu of India. i,.-... and I r,e'rmp"t, me,,,t,Hl w111' enieuilds in We world, mounted with neark ,,,! ! &n!rfi! " 'lrv-fmr i-nint pea.- aris and New Yerk. 'I'hev will im 'hewn under police prele, Ien. THREE OFFICIALS ARRESTED Connecticut Men Accuaed of Break- Ing Game Lawa MinsftflVhi"rt0M'1f'e,,-. Uec. -I.-A town w fefbh;uHr,nMj"c;iIlnr "M,1,n" i"s",-," ... . '.,fl "'Bhwny Deimrtnient inleTi r',,,Hit """" l,y ,!,,,,,,ty " ' " "me laws L'hn vi.datlng the Stain ll'lJ'"''" nn inspector of the nd II I VI ' t.,K? w,m f Unitferd. rrc"ted ,"cal tttv 'rp GOVERNOR IN $100,000 SUIT teneai-aru. A.,.. --rii-i nIKt uamagea Frem. Mlafillllnnl c .i... rr -"SKMIVO ,.11 i"nI' M," "ec. 4. Lee 51 Kus, neVX'n'n? M''"l. and li BlrkhMrf SfrB,,wrl ,M,SH I'mncw C. ...... u wnuik.li IMSIUUIC sliinhle ml objects will be hluiight i ?..n'8t ?f.tlln "uildlng I'litid of the rcn institute, n f the . tremi., 7Zl . r ,,,pe wiiuctien under rWUhr 2ni,,."'rr,n0'' urlvcc) here last kjhmuer ltGLs.li hJ. ..1...., it... itiii rs -" ' i "" A in the "rush" district. Only the distance or time prevented them from taking advantage of these facts. But with the new "L" operating smoothly g.they can new reach this money-saving section in 1 0 minutes from downtown. And these Kensington merchants invite you te a trip en the new "L," te m visit this wonderful section at their expense see the coupon at the bottom of this page. Kensington merchants are new abundantly prepared for Christmas with a wealth of wonderful new merchandise at prices that will The Leading Department Stere Uptown &unkeim&tZ FRONT AND SUSQUEHANNA AVE, Canten Crepe Dresses Exceptionally Heavy Popular side pleated panel?, front and back. Neck, sleeves and bottom of pan els trimmed with embroid ery. Narrow sash softens m the waistline. A mighty Navy, Brown and Black. Regularly nSi aJHni French Ceney Fur w sleeve and bottom of coat of reversed skins, giving m llMllM M. P. FOX 1412-14 GERMAtfTOWN AVI. 2826-28 FRANKFORD AM: KB UKlbtJ 0'l;i One Bleck ( SPECIALISTS III $6.00 Boyi'AH-Weol Chinchilla Pole Coats, Sizes .'! te 8 $6.00 Beys' All-Weel Suits of Serge, Jersey Cleth or Tweed Beys' Twe-Pants Suits, Over coats and Mackinaws $10.50 Beys' Overcoats and Two Twe rants Suits All-wool tMceds, cnslimrres mill pen ul .tripes. Hand-Tailored Beys' Suits and Overcoats in All-Weel Plaid Backs. All the newest shades and models. Sues up t IS years. 8.7S te iiCTsra S. E. Cor. Frent and Dauphin Su. . Git Off at Dana. St. mammmmmOp lvty EMfe flA'Jta..- v..:-v-'-ir. t..rV" . v, m Quality 18 .75 pretty dress. In All sizes te 50. 2u. Coats 10 inches lenfr and cut full. Has deep band en n very beautiful effect. Satin lined throughout. All sizes for misses and women. A luxurious Xmas gift at an econemicul price. Repriced from $12.50. Open Friday nnd Saturday Evenings fcf An crct ) t id u a I raluc in a la rye roomy Buffet. (10 i nehc . ie I d v, made of American, walnut with boxed' i n m ahegan drawer.?; ,1 large drawers and 2 cup cup beardtt. Repriced specially from ft7o.ne te '45. Kitxt of Semcmrt St. "I." Station BOYS' CLOTHING 3 .95 5.95 ?75 12.50 Stmthn avi Shrewd known thalthe quality, variety and lower, savirtcrs immeasiiraKlv erpater and servfr.p and r.nnrre.QV frhar are friendlv fliwwwft,! McCURDY WwmmwMmxwx'Wxxw Gifts for Men A Geed, 8erlcabtfi UMBRELLA at $1.69 te $7.50 each flef Hn Sen it TRAVELING BAG Our Prices $2.95 te $18.50 A Set nt HANDKERCHIEFS 121.C te SOc A rlr of WARS! WOOLEN GLOVES at 69c te $1.98 pr. llfnllllflll SILK SHIRTS at $5.00 and $6.50 KNITTED TIES OF SILK at 50c te $2.00 I'lunrifl NIGHT SHIRTS at $1.00 te $1.75 A fJned-l.niiMnc BATH ROUE $5.00 te $10.00 ii .'.Wi'fl'tUl'VSviVvSiSifiiSW .... LUll'lT "' T 1 " ', r,w I ! IMSIZ I3'i(.f 'J, Aid Wi'K si HON 'tvjMfMmW DAtl'IIIN MHMnuMnj s I'tr-'jpBMtfiS'fJ '3hrm uu i,''m MrM.wx&u.iiiLxtji' .-.'ii n u - Tl L .. 'II . t -. i - t '"tii t LaE HlH.'.ar' r The Jacquettc i hteadily paininR in faer. Chic and stun ninrr and cost? but 1" 1 ! . I ri.l . M I '.W ''Wf 15 '4 m .Ti5. Astraphan in g:ay, iema, tiiacK. Lambcttc Caracul Cleth in black. Hats of Astrakhan If nu desire, mentrt will be enl tin wiur inspvetien. :'liunt Ciilumbin OfiTO or ril" us. Comparison ui liroie that we sell lie low downtown hlmp-. Open Me le;, Friday, Satunhi I I w 'ii in fi 'i ' 1 ' ,",'jM W ."arV Evening " id "All thai the name implici" 2540-42 Kensington Ave. Dm of the OUiist I'slniltflicil .S'hijm (11 Keninluu SUITS DRESSES COATS I'tMiilinnc npp.nrl of eNcltiHlve design In MiipilsliiR im'iertniciit, at pi Icen that icptcHcnt u nub. btautlal Miivinu. Our Httiiatleu. rcmevcil riein exorbitant icntata, meanajiyii'cater .viluea for you. t ii tvexnitarj shoppers wise people from every section progressive shops of value found in expensively maintained downtown stores with sweep the tide of Christmas shoppers in a BROS. FRONT and YORK S STREETS Gifts for Women Hand-Maria PHILIPPINE GOWNS at $1.98 te $4.50 Dainty PHILIPPINE CHEMISES at $1.98 te $3.98 si 'oft LuHlreim SILK NIGHT GOWNS at $3.50 te $5.50 1 A I'lnf Mlk ENVELOPE CHEMISE at $1.98 le $4.98 '5 ' J :: a V underfill 'Hrrtleii of WRITING PAPER at 29c la $4.00 box Gnrri-f.vnklnjt MANICURE SET at $1.00 te $9.00 RRL'SH AND COMB SETS at $4.75 te $15.00 f:rr Meninn Mnnl Anplhrr IMIr of GLOVES Our Price $1.69 te $3.50 ts ti ! 'i'.l!i',l'!l.'.-l'!', -.-a STOP ...,. . :vl. h STREET H. ' " .75 iIumc . 1' A NEW LIGHT ON PRICES! or keiiii hrm... "iiy IIiiInIi. Com Cem I'l'ld ultli . I'lilhr (i I n m liiulrs. " LiKht $11.50 I LiRht $10.50 TIie'm am M'l' 'IAh I'UU'l s "nil CAimm li, iliiplivatvil We u'fiii i' a full line of Xti.-x T 1' 1. 'ntr uutiltH, kiddi limpi 'I iliii UiinpH niul eilv r Ifctrir 1 iipplliiui.'i'K l.rl 111. Ill mil .Mir Imimif for niin. Mlrlus iix urll 111 UkIiIIiik. INDEPENDENT Gai & Electric Fixture Ce. 2227-29 N. Frent St. Get Off at Dauphin St.-Station aa . 3 I -M 1 ; V ' ! V 1 I I ' I ' s 1 1 i . yf WaK?.iit j, i IfiW'. -tW!BjESj '",',lS afcw i0 '' si v . i b T Kensington are richly JOHN D. ENRIGHT Wants te Shew Yeu a Choice Assort ment of Pleasing CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY "Wm're Crank en Quality" JOHN D. ENRIGHT 3020 KENSINGTON AVE. Any Article Rmtrud YOUR OPPORTUNITY If Tfiti wnnt tn luir ii'gn llrirt from thf fnrt'irv, n'i ni i i-ein fe llifi fur. nr in urt fui'lnrj itIi'. Veii iminut jt furle'j ir.-iM In ri'iifl tnr pay. in. Iilsh tuiM in a ri'HI! (Ilcttlit. V.'iltem. Arr.-..it?r, VeWeti nrt Brun.It. EztrieMintrr ttunlity and Deiens. In any iz. j Hifrjrcst Bargain in Tenn f Special! E.traerdinar.v! Finrjt qfalttv 912 icmlf lvti $21.50 (0 $30 Axminstrr Kug.i, SOC.00 8.-1x10.6 up 530.00 A.xminstcr -51Q.50 Rubs, 7.6x9... up AMnintcr Rues, SO.60 27xi up Gicimtic Sale of Finest Seamless Wiltens 9x15 $97.50 9x12 $70.00, $57.50 & $53.50 8.3x10.6 $67.50, $55 & $49.50 6x9 , $43.50 7.6x9 $40.00 THrmNners arsertmfvx aix ari: PEsrrcT oeodr Tin. CarrftJ. 03c, J1.85. II 60 up rr 2"l. Kiixs. Bitinrrn, Carp.ta b th 'tnJ Zi't a' nil 39 Inch.i I4 ii cranes tari U Jipr nrt vSrl-ni n.r anil Qrl.ini nhev. Camhtl. N Tak Reuln 3 or A te Cimbrn St.. rnnafcrd "t" te Sinr.traat Bt. Rta., an1 'klk en tcuir- rait te Jaanar Ki, and S .guarr. nnrin Tn lAtierv. 4vav ,n. JO M. Op.n j . P. K. Ma-I J Irary. J Ktn. wert rn until 10 flat, and nthrr tti Mntil Q OrCcr I'llltd Tree Au'e DelWary, ti.V.'S- J. ROVINS FURRIER Remadrlliig and Repairing 2221 N. FRONT ST. Get off at YORK ST., walls eutli Toys and Games "Everything en Whtelt for Children" Twe mi.ip' l tMm h fi t (hi- la .'m Tin Mi r In UjuiI j'IiIIii II 1U ', Oil in vlililll Hull I en In V, J'i t i S.'ll IKI Ailtllimlill) . . 7 Ml I i (1 Oil l ll l Ipi iiii .(.I All ti) .J7'.il l.i..ll'ill 'iv, me im In i U' Itin'l i III i t Hi ii i is " ! r m i;l tt In in J.'jn c I I 1.1. r(H K ( . :.l I I'I IBS ri:i i i. i nis. wriK ACll M 11 hi: liKi -Ml M t.r reMi'i.i.Ti: .t.,ui HOFFMAN CYCLE CO. $010 XENIIMOTON ATX. fPrUni m4i vp. a areasaca OarBlU tlil dak. 1SmitefemK frh fflWl atJRC S fmi Ll Vav V VMvriiSy ..Yinwaarw; n ifSHwKnBar HMPa & u b?wb i .mxBtmmm ill and suburb of Philadelphia have always stocked with merchandise that matches the and sincere hevend mighty wave up the BERG Cor. Frent it OVERCOATS B it. Mr. Berg's Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase Men's Overcoats In browns and Rray. M . - 15 Jlclteil styles. $ '.Veil worth 520 L erKN jie.x., rm. I BERBER'S FURNPRECO. "THE HOUSE OF DEPENDABLE FURNITURE'' 2313 Kensington Ave. 2765 Kensington Ave. Specials This Week a jEl5!aP8L m. waWOaBfl fAT ftp- - fffri'Vjrir7 This $:00 LivtnR-Roem Outfit Cemnlete. including a three piece Veleuv or Tapestry Living-Roem Suite with Spring Bdck. Spnr.? Seats and Spring Loerc Cushions. $QC QA 42-iuch Mshefiany Oblong or Oval Libra y Tabic vaJ5FU A 2x1 White Enamel Bed $1 775 All Sirra, CempLt. Wilh Smmi: jnd M.itlict, a Special $225 4-Piece dJftO ' Walnut Bedroom Suit P70roe With Extra Large Drcaier, Chifforebe, with Spacieua Clethe Closet, Geed Size Vanity Dretaer BERGER'S FURNITURE m&(Jm;A 'Mt & BUY DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY j rur Virginia 1-Cw f I rnlil (1ri,innlimrvl'fJ "JLJ ' wool In aaaurliii f. I roler fianiilnr hi nil liC l" llmllirr nnil liriwaj yJS Oxfenl M..el lur S.C''yJ Hpurl Suestpr bm H. Sample Upen Rtqutit WM. H. LEES' SONS 2426 N. Hancock St. Ktnalni-tjn 07M THIS COUPON if presented at the time of pur chase or merchandise amounting te $1 or mere entitles you te a CAR TICKET FREE . .aK-jirt tka.atana prices astonishingly r.omnarisen with shoes "L" te Kensington. BROS. Dauphin Sta. Largest Variety Lewest Prices in Town $27.50 Men's Overcoat All wool heavy plaid buck coating". Retted Radians in rfti a wpj the newcr.t shades. P X f O $35 Men's Overcoats Raglans, L intern, conservative med el. The popular all-oel plaid hack coat, warm rf n A " and KenRiblc tPnt, 3 $45 Swagger Overcoats Warm Ceals made in Raglans and Uletern, in light nnd dnik plaid back material-. Aqq TCf nt?n trimmed.. 4)mI4l7 f Special Sale Beys' Clethes $8.50 Beys' Suits llcn Msu'kinire nid OM-reeaLs. $4.95 $12 Beys' Twe-Pants Suits Heavy blanket piaid .MncMnans, also Overcoats. $7.95 $15 Beys' Twe-Pants Suits Mackinaws, Overcfu'N, all wool, all si.:c. $9.95 si. i:nMx. CO. II tSXZ & 2765 Keniingten Ave. .? J Your Carfare I FREE j Yeu can reach these Ken J singlen Sheps from any J section of the city for ; ONE FARK. In order te . introduce the people of Philadelphia te the ex J ceptienal values in Ken ' Hineten these shenn mnkc "BARCALO I t the special offer shown ( t J J in the coupon below. A tm . IWMT s?. f: &Vtimk.,i 'nJ(MKF iM M ,'aatM .lt'i Wiiat j MMaaaaai TwmTwmmmmm aMi "- j Kl iJ' 4 hi