iHsra irMtAPPLET m Tp Freight Ratw Beneficial te Nearby Orewr - , of Fruit fc $Ltel Deleft te Evtrtne PmbUe JMsn Ktore. N. J., Dec .Ji-Beew-In r It WPlM ' tne .wlui" """."IT B!meVe for thi regaJnln A mar that were taken awaV from them . wars age by the better graded Sfjre nttrfrtlreyiy packed fruit from Etfc Coast States. . UPS Vffi" fruH. and with th. STripWly extending their trade by SUi of their sterage fncll tie-, Im 23 packing and the undeniably bet- 'oflrewer say that most people buy ffl ft their color, rather than by '2Sr flavor, but the public la gradu- At becem ng caucarea te me iiici umi IP DV""l ". .liar.,-...-,. rt hn tnata 'Utren the wnie variety of apples grown ?..n tnrnlltieil. " Tbe Western apples have always had tuhlfh color which makes them be Stac'lre en fruit -rands, but Jersey mvtrs have aw ''i-iieu a 101 in re- weals te the eye as well as te the aJ? ' ... kjt Mlinlaf nf fflA .Tltpaav frttt bss been held ever In the cold unfa plants and will be exhibited at S inaual meeting of the New Jersey Mite Horticultural Society at Atlantic CRt this week. Charles Repp, a former resident of the lUn for growers any fruit that they tntchfc want In mlilhlf '( Ii-m1 turni snow, mp nas one ex tne oiliest apple storage, plants new in the East, Jersey growers thla fall hare. 420 pica stored were. Many and Jersey gw carloads of aps of these applet waste or sold would ha anna tn fa ! MiMiak a pay transportation costs at harvest Una ihtn he markllfa Af aha ivnintaa aiaaa glutted with apples. After-Dinner Tricks 1 FK5.1 PI08 N 535 Ne. 83a SwaUewln a Knife A table knife is taken between the mouth. The performer apparently slips tne anue into ws meutn and awai hands horlaentally and is raised te the Ifa Inte Iowa It. Al the knlfa Ilea tinnri ihm tihU alia hands are placed upon it aa shown in ngure x, xne tips or tne nngers are together, completely hiding the knife. The knife is raised from the table once or twice, being replaced each time. Finally, aa the hands are raised from the table edge they drop the knife into the lap (Figure 2). The bands de net hesitate, but are raised te the mouth aa though actually holding the knife (Figure 1). The head ia tilted back, and the handa pretend te let the knife slide down into the mouth. It the movements are quick and sure, this trick will panaa nulla a ulirnn m... aternatien anions the onlookers. C09UTVM. 11 f, ty PubUe tttgr Cemaasw B Red ChWCLOCKfl I fetid Malt say M 0MW 'fehwfas yew K$mv4 H VnHi chHttmms M B Xmea Cattiegt jnete JN04V MM CleriM Matt k Seat B tmMlm 4 Diamond Jfiretaafs fjl Fried Chicken Ltvtrs JF3i well iLEAftPDlltiSl SAUCE Oettklhv YOU can count en the , Cenklln'e distinct anpe anpe rieritiea te give you or your friends wonderfully iatiav factory writing aervlce. Many beautiful models, particularly appropriate for gifts. VEO & 'fete llTIKEIISfc4 U pailft!i5l; mHMk PHUAOQeHIA c s ervice Service can mean a let. But in few instances is it carried te greater heights of expression than in Atlantic Service. Tcday the industry of large communi ties virtually "moves en gasoline"; and in this City it moves principally en Atlantic Gasoline, provided through Atlantic Service. Atlantic Service is mere than a frill, mere than a convenience, mere than a utility. It is a vital factor in the business and industrial routine of this City. Upen Atlantic Service rests the responsibility for keeping in motion vast fleets of cars and trucks engaged in the, distribution of commodities of every description. Atlantic Service is charged with re sponsibility te you, the individual. Ceal reaches your cellar; feed and previsions reach your grocer; newspapers reach your newsdealer; express, mail and de partment store parcels reach your deer principally because Atlantic Service has provided the motive power, for most of the vehicles which haul these things. Atlantic, Service is preferred by truck fleet ewnets because it is dependable. There. is no mere completely equipped, thoroughly organized and competently manned service of its kind anywhere in the land! Atlantic Service is always ready and never far away. Every day of the year and every hour of the day Atlantic Ser vice can be relied upon te deliver gasoline or oil in any quantity anywhere in the City or its environs. ATL ANTI C GASOLINE .smatttsm imtssemsssmsm&mscmsssmsaa. - - - .. -, aaVl rLaSslaaPEafca-Saai HJilWKM E&lStS3UlfBQmr9cWiME!3SSS9lMStBbmVW aaaW-M-M tf7Taa. aaaaaaal -VPi;Jajk;i(i--g IB BtilaaaH LL.R ffsHMk IfflC' I a. 1 fc-Mlacffi".Vi 3 SaaasV HI I aBSlff etfJJaii7ir iwjMMj HI BmIHU' ' jran1 tmM UWMal n'SJSScisZi. -- SOaisHKjWIiHlgsC n mjjjjm mWSUiKK9Br , efV''Sa'aaaaaaaaaaaaaH .' aslv2fHaBTaaaaaaaaaaaB .avaaaaa at) Bfi aaaaaaaaaf Bl .iV Qa " ECONOMY BASEMENT STORE OPENS AT t A. M. CLOSES AT S P.M. SA VINGS! The Frankfort Ln takes you right te our Economy Basement, where you'll save largely en anything you need! S MONDAY, DERKMHER 4. IMt t T NELLENBURGN Holiday Shoppers' Lunch Vuia 25c .H.l.tlnw m nnlnil with taffttlfta. ham, egf or tongue, roll and butter, and coltee, tea, cocek or milk, Ice cream or pastry. Girls' $10 te $12.50 Fur- Trimmed Coats, $7.50 Wonderful dose-out let from a maker famous for smart styles una superior qwuuy majority at just aoeut maieing cost. Veleura. sext cheviets, Herringbones and fancy coatings in sports and dressy styles. Seme feature pretty roll cellars of self ma terial; all lined throughout 7 te 14 years. $5.00 te $6.50 Dresses ft 0 ) ft nffrFj g aSV I9L . M 9t ft aar""T ml2wv B f I 1 1 jtw l"AJiJ mm H ' U I Tn ' i h Serge, wool crepe and velve ii. embroidered in various attractive ominer Ptr Pan rellarn: nlantart op m ered skirts. Seme smart two-niece frocks $3.95 & also included. Sizes, 7 te 14. $1.95 $3.50 Rain Capes. , Most popular of all apparel gifts! Absolutely waterproef: cut full; all with heeds. Prettily boxed. Sizes 7 te 14. lars also in rose, green and tan. $1.50 and $2.00 Middies Sires, 6 te 16. 5NELLENBUR1jS Economy Basement . rSl aali WWW $1.00 These Undernuultn Specials suggest many pretty, useful and very acceptable holiday gifts that cost surprisingly little Envelope Chemises 8ZM 79c In soft, line batiste, trimmed attractively with lace and embroidery. One shown. undergarments. Special at QQs Envelope chemises and night gowns of OtC lingerie cloth, lace and embroidery-trimmed. Full cut: one shown. Silk Envelope Chemises (J- no In fine Crepe de Chine; dainty pastel tPl.tO shades; lace and ribbon trimmings. Extra-Size Chemises &-i no Pull cut and nicely made; in fine batiste, P X tO effectively trimmed wlyi lace and embroidery. Knitted Skirts QKn te 0 1 BTA Llerhfc and dnrV V,aAm.. Oefl. aft I .111 I contrasting borders. Flannelette Skirts. (q Blue or pink stripes; deep ruffles. 0C 4ST 1 I aaasK ' SfK I v9n-l .3v ill JJBssi O Petticoats are bound te be the most welcome of gifts and at these lowered prices are doubly attractive $4 Silk Petticoats $2.95 Silk jersey, mcssaline nnd combinations of silk jersey and mcssaline in a fine assortment of wanted shades. $5.00 Silk Jersey 9 QK Pantalettes &O.VO Maa-.p UImmI- Vivnum and niir.A rlnilftlff AdTjry uinvgvi iiiwnu " - ,--.. almmflf nf?n fiilt.nnf nnrl WpII tnndn. $3.00 English Sateen 01 AQ PnnfnlpftAH PX.t7 Finest quality; plain or striped; soft and very lustrous. Black, navy, brown and green; double elastic cutis. $4.00 Extra-Size Pantalettes High-grade English sateen; plain or striped; black, navy and brown; cut very full and well fitted. SheHenbUrgS Economy Basement $1.95 'wilWT1 17 PiPl.lllllMUflJ bNELLENBURflS Economy Basement Men's $21.75 te $25.75 m r en New Winter Suits Many with extra trousers te double their geed service Wonderful assortment of geed-looking new styles; every wanted color and smart mixture. Tailored the Snellenburg way quality top-notch 1 Big Price-Cuts en Trousers! Men's and Yeung Men's $4.50 fcO A fT Trousers... v-S.U Men's and Yeung Men's $6.00 dQ IK "47tf aTttaf Trousers. MCI FC E" lemy Basement Men's Bath Robes Special at $2.95 Yeu can just put them down as gifts any man's going te like immensely and pocket the third saving their price brings you. Fine assortment of colors and natterns: cord at neck and girdle te match. VAni fXJfMnf fLv 4 Men's Shirts, (1 IA Special at... "Harmony" percale in neat striped effects; excel lent color assortment ; neck bands and soft cuffs. 69c $2.00 Knitted Neckwear Pure silk; plain colors and dropped stitch here or there, cleverly mended. Men's $1.50 te $3.00 Mufflers. Fleecy brushed wool; slightly imperfect. 95c MuSrerd:Si,k 59c, 89c $1.35 Pleasing mixed effects; slightly imperfect. b.NELLENBURGS Economy Basement Here's where parents KNOW prices arc lowest and qualities best en boys' clothing. Beys' $6.75 AH-Weel Blue Serge Suits, $4.95 Oliver Twist and Balkan models trimmed with jvli'te, black or geld braid. Pants are fully lined. Sizes 3 te 10 years. . S6.75 $8.i)." Twe. Pants fljfi QK Suits. . . . 307tJ ; imrtldlv ni.iile nulls of mlxH I'lirvletn with fulMlncil Unleker pants, Sizes " te 17 years. Overcents..0'tJ Thov Imtten te th nccli. Ii.im' l'Plls nil iiieuml mill Plnlil lln Idkh. HIieh 'J1. 3 te 10 years. S 13.50 Two Twe Pants DQ QK Suits... WivO Mixed cheviets nnd tweed" In llsht or dark shades. Mohair lined coats and full lined kntclwr pant Bliea 7 te H vara. Snel $8.95 Mackinaw; All-wool blanket Meth --JukI tlie kind boys llke best for sifts! Kx. tra iroecl quality; 7 te It years. Corsets and bandeaux at savings or a mira te hair: $3 Corsets, $1.79 New shipment of excellent medium and girdle-top models in plain ceutil or fancy materials. $4 Worsted Tuxedo Sweaters, $1.95 First en manu a gift listnewhere te be found in this ex cellent grade for anything like se little In scarlet with black, black with bars of white, solid navy and solid black. Wonderfully warm and pretty! iNELLENBURGS .Economy Basement Save en Embroidered Weel Flannels the pretty kinds always se very popular among the "baby gifts." am CV Y001 flannels, with scalloped or hemstitched edges. Pretty patterns. -?!.. rwnneis, Yard $1.50 Flannels, Yard 95c $1.25 69c Bath Rebing, Yard.... Fer bath robes and sacques. 49c 29c Demet Flannel. Yard 3G inches wide. White. br.EuLP.'BVRS Economy Basement 20c $3 Corsets, $1.59 Fancy materials ; all sizes. $4 Corsets, 1.95 Medium-bust mod med eln ; heavy ceutil ; all new. $1.50 Satin Bandeaux. . . Dainty and practical helidav cifts SneTlenBUrgS Economy Basement ;89c Candy! t Literally TONS of delicious kinds for Christmas and all the best everyday kinds, vuu, in, lun iun.ua net te oe cquaicu elsewhere: Fancy Chocolates or Chocolates and Bonbons, lb S Pounds, 69c; 3 Pounds, $1.10; 5 Pounds, $U9 Hard and Filled Candies. 2flc lb. Tin 3-Pound Jars, $U9 39c Special 3 fial 5-lb. Family Bexes ) r aar Distinct Assortments TWm( Well Werth $1.50 UV 5 lbs. Old-fashioned mixtures, including chocolates, gums, creams and ether fancy specialties. 5 lbs Old-fashioned hard candy mixtures. 5 lbs. Old-fashioned asserted gum drops. $11.95 coats... DOyO Brown clilnehllln , ronertlble cellar"; belt all around; plnld llnlngx. Slrcb 2H te 10 years. 95c $1.39 Knickers vMUd cheviets ; slsea vte IT years. 53 Eoenomy Basement Other 5-lb. Special Family Packages at $1.29. $1.69, $2.19 and $2.69 Peppermint Candy Canes, 5c te 25c Pure Sugar Clear Toys, 25c lb. New nnd fnncy shapes; certified colors. Specials for Sunday Schools, Ledges and Institutions That Distribute Holiday Candy 30-lb. Pails "Jelly Geed" Mixtures, $6.95 Consisting of asserted chocolates, bonbons, gum drops, neuirats, cocoanut squares, cocoa nut rolled dates, geld and silver foil wrapped pieces and fancy specialties. 30-lb. Pails "Yuletide" Chocolates, $6.45 An assortment of fruit cream and fancy mixed chocolates. 30-lb.Pails "Xmas Cheer" Bonbons,(6.45 30-lb. Pails "1921" Hard Candy Mixtures, $5.85 Consisting of fancy shaped crystalited cream bonbons, jelly gums, nougats and fancy specialties. 6s) half-pound helMay bxfa FREE each pail. 5NELLENBURQ5 cwi Dcnendtihli A nrtW A.tiM ..j i..a kinds of inexpenaii e furniture will always be v... tcrjf uiucn leieer-pricca here! $18 Pure Felt Rell Edge Mattresses $9.95 Exactly se in the let one-piece style shown xjillih u n n lets coverer' with exenl lent tickings in nattprns w hich have been discon tinued. Built in layers; very comfortable. PiNacsa5c5w. $30 Combination ChifJTorebes at $19.75 $12.00 Telephone Stand, $6.95 an in! es 'p Made of sturdy eaK. v it uun aiuu it a ll'l. wardrobe with Kanncnt Hide Is .1 lint Ikiv i !.., n Irawers and a disk com- mriment. Uilt,'ht. (ii nehes ; width 40 im-hee $18.00 Library Rocker, $9.95 f einpl.te with rlmlr. er line construction, mahogany llnlwh $6.00 Hair Dresser Chair, $2.75 Mixed Duck Feather Pillows, $1.09 l i ( ' 1 IBSI 1 If" iS ill Overaturferl. l n jprlnp Bent; high, com cem com rerlahl buck. ceered In brown Kconemy leather. am kWI m Mahogany Smoking Stands, $1.95 Glass anh re ceiver and top fitted w 1 t h brass nttings. msm $10.00 Iverv Weed Crib. $5.98 $16.00 Drep-Side Couch Beds, $9.75 iSV caaafteta with p a ffrfrM ' "7 fin Heavy nruar pets; deceiated imiieU; com cem pletn with all-sttul Hani tnry sprlnn. $16 Colonial Metal Bed. $9.95 .t-tMh atratfht ac'.U. vy U rati u4 V.r "Vftt y!,?. ' 'C-At i. Miar y i j'y . . . . W11CT1 aiiZ 1