Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 04, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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m i
Must Women De All the Adapting
f That Is Dene for the Sake of Marriage ?
IWfOUD comes from England that
i " vrnmen nrn hnrltilliHne from tnili'h
'tt their InHpticmlcia'p ntnl lire tryliu; te
ndnpt themselves te
iiieiTh Idenh in or
der te get thorn
.elves husbiuids!
Kvery one knows
nil nhetit thoce H w
fill MntUtl thnt
tlirre tire n million
" Mti pe r II u e u i"
women in .-.nitlntnl,
hpciiiw tin- iclnml
I m "iniill that It
cannot -import it
I wernicr twmt men reiiny m
te bet ,.
Tlin nvnr.itrn tiiithlnMnc twin WOUln
respond widlly nml nutematicnlly te
any intention of this sort, ami ue un-
lnent etiiteii it ii 1 1 ceiunuiiiiiiii i"""
ii.. if i... ..(...,.,.,. I .. .'..twIiliT iietlllilly
denirnbV itlr.M ln knew, he probably
would litiii that they did net measure
down te the Mnnriiirilt he was dencriD
Inc! Words Miimd well, but facts nre
7X) KNOW n bachelor who lmi nil
VV the tradition- of rhlvnlry and old
time narrinv (ir.'side life, and will an
Please Tell Me
What te De
fitters te CvntMa'a column mMt M
written nn en side of the flrrfmvt
and mint be slantd with tht wrU'TA
name nml cnMrtM. The nam tctll ?'
he nubU'htd It the writer dote net vrt
it. f'nluird IfHc" and Icttrrs tcri'n
en both atiif- e lh eeeer will no M
en.MMrrd. Writers icne '
answers that can . 1? etven In IM
column tell) plf(ir took Intro,, ae per
ianal letters nre onto written when dWe
luted ncieiearv.
L 1,'h f n winuM h"H Plenty of fellows,
lue net a Imii en weiimn .,,',,,, lri 1)Ut
Ak Her, It'a the Only Way
Iver Cynthia 1 nm a boy nineteen
anti would like vetir udvlec In ft certain
matter I will mute . ...
There Is a certain elrl t knew with
whom I nm In love, hut this yeunu Kin
I never weni uui
iiotiulntlen. nml "' ""',' '""l . ,lul:,""1 """'" " " "n- wltl' this girl, hut only knew nor te
t he iVi 11,1k f "''n ,,!ls ,!,',,,f'.' hut she ha- no np- e,,cn, , j, ,,, , Rtt this yeutiK
l II e 11 ,i II II ll n (i I , , i i .),, I . l.ttered iriil ,,. .. .., ...in. ... I nm nd-nlil te
v. H.ll t.J, 11)111 11 , l ., " ...- .-- ea, v J JAK lll tl.u . ,,,. ."-- ".
it 1.
IwTm S filllimtt, kiltie mil
immf'i,9 - ,........ ., fiiarmi t ietianti nv ht ntK ner, rer h no s always ii';?.1"" ul
U ,?SSaiEl.V K0 ,0 ""I ,,re.V,,,"'r!'ljiiiil -h u- i lirefereuee for him. In het dates. ANXIOUh.
' Ea. u"'nr ,0 'nr" their living. '" "'' '' n,; l ..'". "Hut are imi net The only way te nnd out is te ask her.
-; This wholesale cmltcrntien that c ,11: "' ' ,, ,,f !r In lAimnM Yeu must overcome your bhne ana
lrn forever liave-i a ill-linifnrlleViii . ' Ut l,,,,nl T'1 ' ,- .C . , ' i?., t.i nti.l ,,0,:t ,m-" W of l,?tc8 Bay
dumber of sir's in thelittf.: ,,, e- TXuM- of m en A"! "W"y "et n,I,ke ene w,,h n,eV
Veuntry. nnd. of oeure. the ...n.puli. m , ,'10"1,, ,!,V , V ,' '"L ' "1" ' J.. ,, . A , , "
"for the few 1'xUiIm.f mnles i)m r ti. ''" '., '"."""". f" V".1.:.. ... i. In Asks Twe Questions
uiw.w iifif if t nt; nor i u rr mm m "
f? '-s IJmYtl I
Mm MtjKK
iwv V x J iBu ""'
" K y V - A
ere 3 a Girl Who Is Really Anxious
te Start Earnest Thinking in Her Set
If She Gees at This With Enough Perspective te Keep Frent
Getting Toe Solemn and bomber sne wu
De Something Werth While
'liHrs and elder mhii and mere rich and
PTucisneiitns of each family) i Urrn.
American jtlrN tin- apt te leek with
amazement and eme scorn at the liircn
N fleiks of Knulivli Kirls wlie dn imtliliiK
In the world but stay at home ami at
. terid Kardcn parties or teas, nnd trj te
;lnnRp tliennelvr.s nttractii te the few
Seme ether Cirl. wlm merely i" pirn-aiu i;ear lymina
I . ,,.ii.i.1,. reek, in iret-. inn jiim " .. if '
fiTtnlt me te say
your letter amused tn"
r te", ii it- -ins. ......... .,.....! i rry much. Te my mind you arc either
Hut nnerMiiitic we aw nun "iie-Mn- yeuna kM. trvlfiK te hae .-emn tun.
te some men fri -tnN tin1 vrapiioeK'' m or yell nrc ln ft ,,ri.tly ,,,J0r rlasa. Lis-
the eiim; prima .letiiia . ,miu "" ten "Sparrow," I want te ask tv ceupu"
iireudlv he turned tin- pac. nnd cy et fiitestlens: Is the pltl nice jeu are
:.,..i.... t i,ni,u ,.., .., honest v n.iiiinc with new? is sue tee kuiu ei u
lijible men. beeau they are se ties- ' ,,',,, t, V, .IK- Vis te let thee P'rl you would urlnK te fee your mother,
ftmrat v in .1.....1 nf n I,m-1,..,.,1 n dc.icllted he p I ' .l. ';.'' ','.... , te u-nlk un the ulnln with, te be your
3flrl8 can nffer.1 te be independent, cm" "p KII0V '!'' ' "?' nml 'Wi aml 1beV,e 5" U'C m0UlCr
liiplnitr iw. iv.,..,,,, ,,.,u i,,, ,,.,' his friend: , .of your children. I.s she?
socially the Western ones, because we , Mw, that men de net '0w. drls: N -Sparrow" the kind of a
?ZC ?r..,n?iny mP" ,-",!Vr "s "' '"' knew what thev de want. man you would want te give UP your
time that they are just around our, h"'; ," "' ...,;., ,i,nt Sf n,e Knsllsh-1 home for. te live with, te work for and
feet, se te speak! 1 .',"',, .,, . ,. ..dit.tln- themselves te be his p.il. te feel that eit can ah-
! ' I women who aie . vu fin- t 11 m n se uu-ly depend en blin, nnd that lie is
. TP SITU have been the conditions In men- iiartew;. r td-nl-. nml U '-,. 'I' Veur protector and the father of your
1 ...i...,u your rre
Ennlan.l for yp.ir. hew mueh nni-t ."" -v. """""T.. '"I' .. '.' " , 1. cn.i.. reiij. . .
i4 . , . .... 1 ' 11 1 1 ear. reuiiv un- .eon- ,..,- e Kin can ne iieceni, no uu "
tlie.v be nceeiitiiatetl slnne the war hi-i '.'... ,, , -or. .,, me, l'reli.tblv. nVj It. Hint lets nnv man make love
taken off mil'inns of the eun:r men. .. "',' ifl ,(, H,(, tlltll, .,,, they would te her: and worst et all helps blm alena
.the bleed ei the nation? ' ..... 1..... jt jM 0nlv cameii- If he i.s kind of slew. .AKA.
.) And se. we are told, the Innumerable J',, L'n,e e meii think thev want1 '-' " hope your letter will make
?mated females ,,. trimminu Mm ;n.N ; ',;,, ( l,hT mi i.muer them?- I ?.rrow..th8nteJc3 tllc aBrC W'th
l their independents and inrsaklnB I "s l" u : sparrow step ami tninu.
Wrltet te "C. W."
Dear t'ynlhla A few words of ml-
' world. All te pleac men. and be what Uhy d-ui t the
-they think men want them te be. P'.eue us.
One of these printed silk tenrfs'ln bright colors ami odd design would
make n splendid gift for thnt plrl who likes these smart little nccoRferles
which lift her iippcarnnoe out of the cimmenplnce Inte the Interesting
nml chic She can wear it nreund her neck as n finish for her dark
dress, under her fur cent ns n protection from the dust -carry InR fur or
twisted cleverly nbeut 11 felt hat of the distinctly sports vnrlety
By Ralph Walde Trine
Auther of "In Tune With the Inanlte.'
Russian Lines
their enreers, and the work of which' x -.-. wr, 0men just as muc.
Jthey were se proud in unrnmes. and fV . .... ,... . ...
sitrylnu te fit themselves into the old ' f n need 1 1,. 11. hn e
,i narrow sphere once ca'lcd woman s sole , un ; nil 11; 1 i"''- " ";"','- -,. 1 0P n,.Ver" killed any one. se here nees
' " ' 1 for Jlr C V., who seems le enjoy
I kneekinc "lsiircKer.
I He claims tnet wlien a renew ihkc
I a girl ent for an evenlnB of pleasure he
"he-ild !" rewarded with (lit lc;"t I a
1,if Well. Tirethcr Iveiy, or other ether
wise "1' W " allow me te explain: If
1 ou had a sister who l;lscd every Tem.
' hick nnd Harry I kuesh yru would feci
' von ire'id ;e call her your .Ister, also
1 te ell everybody what a wonderful sis
ter ou haw. wouldn't you?
Yeu really think that a peren who
thinks the same us you Is what Mr.
Wi-l-ter ei'ti'..lers bread-minded. Well,
ilen't veu Knew when a ner.sen becmnej
tee bread-t'-lnded he actually makes
' Iniself r.,inew-mliided? Nev. II veu
wtie ceIiik v It 1 .1 plrl wheni j oil
'neught tl.e world of you wouldn't mind
her kls"liiK and slulni? In dark places
with any one w!vi linppens ti- take hei
nut. would e.i Mr H.-ead-nilmk-d .'
Veu knew deep down In your b"ait If
-.ou married a e tl who had been 11
sepul.ir frllew" w-!;n any rue '1ie had
he prkc of 11 movie ou weuhl never
tiuct her. Fellows like you, who are
, lceu'.ic for a tee )ier 1 Mil letum and
ibecnnli;e ever nickel you :ind, shiaild
leek before ou leap, and leek hard.
1'. A. T.
That Royal SlWdlc Ground
A knewledee of the spiritual real!-
t!es of life prohibits asceticism, ropie-
."tien, the same as it prohibits licence
I and perverted uc. Te err en one vide
:i just ns contrary te tbe ideal life as
''te err en the ether. All thlnps are for
,a purpose, all should he it -oil and en en
lieyel : but all Mieuld be rlchtly used,
t thnt they may be fully enjoyed.
$ Jt Is the threefold life and develop develep
vTQnt thnt ii wanted physical, men
$tal, spiritual. This sives the rounded
life, nnd he or she who fails in any one
'comes short of the perfect whole. The
pbvsicul has Its uses jut the snme, nnd
'Is just as important aw the ether-.
i -The preat secret of the hi;hly sue
tccssful life is, however, te itifusi! the
.mental nnd the phj-ical with the -pints',
ual; in ether word-, te spiritual'.?"'
11, and se raise all te the highest pos pes
''ibtlities nnd powers.
It is the all-around, fully developed
that we want net the ethereal, pale
f Weeded mmi and woman, but the man
! and woman of tlesh and bleed for action
I and sen-ice here and new the man and
J woman strong nnd powerful, with nil
I the faculties and functions fully un
1 folded and used, nil in a royal and
V, bounding condition, but all riehtly -11b--
The man and the wemnn of this kind.
with the imperial hand of ninti'ry upon
5,all standing, moving thus like .1 king.
4li.V like 11 very god -ueh is the man
hand such is the woman of power. Such
Is the ideal life: anything else is one
aided, nnd falls short of it.
CepirlaM, .'.'?. Iw I'ullte l.'ditr Cemrnni,
'; Adventures With a Purse
.T"0 YOl" reme-nl.er when jeu were
JLf little and looked forward with in
terest te tin" adM'iit of Suiifi 'lau
fhat Fome one u.-iinllv gave jeu n big
expensive pie-ent that jeu liked, but
, was se wonderful as te he awe
inspiring? And when no one ns look leek
: Ing jeu would put the big pre., ni ii-ide
ttnil set out 'lie .e " r lilee'.-V AP
jeuug-ters like 'bins tl.e nm pln
with and net lime te e... rt niutie'i
j-rn-er and, bt'ides, they like a arief. .
'There is a shop tu town se'.linir 11 tm
',beX, each he. having ten different tej-.
.There's a little tin -e!illir nnd 11 eeupi..
i unitiml-. iiiThiip.ii w leu lieu-i
;!!i, all kind" of thine- ilmt te the
kmnll per'-eiis will be n- a thing r
? bounty and a joy forever. The loc
.i're priced from SI te H'
, .When the illildreii eeine home frn'ii
'lchnel tlif.v don't alv.iu- want te rn 1
upstairs te get cleaned no. and it will
? tlev 11 tot r.f ii"i'iiineiit If ou nerihn-e
"i one' of the miner -t.ind- and tewe
Kraeks a wise mother I l.'n.u be'
tThe stand holds a geed!: sitpph "t
jabperhetlt paper towels, which wlen
Atispd nre crumpled and dropped into the 1
flre or n basket. Tlcre is tic c;rell"nr
7-inirrer with the s'a'id. before willed t'e
Alialr can be smoothed. A erv lien.
iyihins for veur own ue in id" k,:i''ier.
tl te glance into the mirror when the In li
Sring and jeu daie te e tn t'-e derr.
''A supnlv of tow eN nml tb" 'I'ind cm
1 be had fei ?. 1
Ter name of hnn mlilrs Wemin' V;f
Kdller. or nlinnp Walnut ""en ur luln Hill
I pMwren the lieurs nf 0 unci A.
rfffrl '' QM'Pnk
' - ft SSaM
at IS1
l MtBuxSl Mtf
The Reckless Age
AHp ;eifrr i a npnilcd memerr
of the tieuwicr iff '" thinks men
trcre irfc for her annircmcnt. She
ciwnpci hrrxctf tn Charley, 'Htic
without lerlnp him, nml when hecausc
of ha- flirtation irith Masen Lone,
tcrltrr, Charley Incaks the engage
incut. Mine fura her attentions te
heng. Here the uncriiccted happens,
for she finds herself actually ; lore
a-It h Mawn Leng, hut she has hardly
had time te realise this when she
discovers that he has Ircn paying her
attention merely because he is ukIiiii
her for copy In a novel he is writing
en the. ja:s age. Iter pride is leveled
te the ground, and she plunges into a
series of social aflnlrs te try te for
pet. Just at this time Charley
Tytic'i fMijfljcmrii te Mnecl Lot Let
llns it an no tin red, and te Mine it Is
the last straie.
ttr Ml' ST lnugh. I i""1 be Kny T
J- mut never let any one suspect the
truth. " That was Aline-" slogan, nnd lit
Can Yeu Tell?
Ily R. J. ami A. U ttedmer
Why the Mercury In a Thermometer
Risen Whcji Heated
The elder scientists considered heat
te be 11 tlitld which passed out of sub
stance.1: when thev became tee full of
it. Thev thought this superfluous fluid
entered the mercury ln the thermometer,
cattstng it te swell out nnd rise. The
only scientists who had n different be
lief nbeut heat up te the nineteenth
century were Lord llncen, who said heat
was motion, nnd l.n l'rnce, who ex
plained heat in the same way a hun
dred years Inter, fest scientists, hew-
ever, still considered heat n fluid which
they called caloric until Count Itunuerd
proved thnt heat could be produced by
tubbing two nictals together nnu de
veloping It through friction. He suc
ceeded in cnuslnj; water te bell by
rubblnx the metals together under
witter. Shortly ufler this Davy tried
the same experiment with pieces of ice
in 11 vacuum nnd developed sufficient
heat te melt the Ice completely.
These experiments proved thnt heat
is motion a vibration of the small par
ticles of bodies cnu'cd by their effort
or tendency te sepaiate from encli
IT'8 tee bad thnt we ere m nuM
condemn the whole en account ei a
part that Is unworthy.
It's also tee bad that, In se many
cases, there lms te be that large minor miner
, Ity of "Imperfects" for us te Judge by.
'' There Is that, of course.
In nil this talk about the younger
set, who get se mueh mere notoriety
than they either want or deserve, there
Is a geed. deal of truth.
tint in nffi.t this, comes a letter from
a lrl who wants te start deeper think
ing among her t-et, or rather among
, girls of any set of her own age, for
! she makes no distinctions.
"Everywhere I go, In the course of
1 convocation," she writes, "I hear tfte
, remark that the younger 8rnt'en!
I ...1....1-l !,.. .,Kla. nrn IntflllV llCVOlll
of mental 'nHplratleti. nnd that In this
great city It would be difficult te find
... !.. jA.nn lulm trmilil Hncriiice
imuv iiiiiu u uwii i"v - -
their tileasures te the serious pursuit et
niRiier nieuis. 11 imum -"z,
outlay of time, effort or ncceseary
'. -. i. rnuncer feneratien
myself, and I nm .determined te test
the trutbtuiness et tins "' ;-
uiciiiieill. 1 iiuv 111 ""V"V- ,.', in
vltatlen te the earnest -minded girls in
organltatlen, only a young woman as
hostess who will, 'endeavor teJ
the evening profitable and agreeable and
i.. in 3inf th Hlipniirmi and dis
cussien and outline the program for
New surely this shows that there are
some thinkers among the younger act.
te h. hr.nl for thin veltnc hostess
te get her twenty glrla,. but I doubt It.
Perhaps In her own set she. weiildn t
be able te find them, but she Is wise In
" ' "---1.1 . .- .11. lifa. fnr ahn
will aurely be able te gather up some weil -balanced scheme of studying anj
tlena and turn them Inte fanaties
Ne, there must be something llglnVl
te keep the balance even, Just as in ll
the tragic nieys 01 eunKespenre, and ;
every ene else, if you notice the con- '
structlen, there is comedy relief JUlt
when you need It most.
THI8 doesn't necessarily mean tbat
some hilarity or n Jazs soleetlen by
the phonograph must be stuck in dur
ing the evening. ....
It means tbat the hostess guide mnt
be careful net te get tee dreadfully,
deeply, exclusively serious.
Bhe mustn't revel In studious gloom 1
she must remember, that there nre ether
things In the world ns Important, u
earnest, as necessary and as fine as the
things she Is working ever, nnd that
If she takes them tee seriously Bhe'U
leek ridiculous.
Let her take them sincerely, yes, but
net solemnly or with somber dignity.
Extremes are always bad. If this
girl can rcany erm udeuc n sensible.
i. ....!... i,nf r.iiinueii ner iiicevcr.v
, ' r t -.... .-nniiy tbniiplit t ether. When jeu put a pan of wnter
of what Masen I.egr.n leallj thought Jlrp . 1
of her. she toeit part 111 u- "" pn-ics through the saucepan into the
any walk of life, te meet at my nenw
ence a month, te form the mtcleus of
a movement te cultivate it hnewJ'ld.p"!
the high, the real, the true jnnj"."
phases of thought pouring Inte the world
at the present time.
nrip nmneses te hnve twenty girls.
O who nre absolutely fnrn" th0U",iVt
ful. Intelligent nnd aspiring, ?
at her home ence 0 month for the sole
purpose of pursuing higher thoughts and
CUThcr0 will be no formality, shede shede
elnres, no costs, no dues, no elucers or
earnest, thoughtful girls somewhere In
the neignoernoou.
THERE Is just one llttle word of
warning that I'd like te put In.
while heartily indorsing her plan and
wishing her all success.
It Is almost as bad te be tee serious
and tee earnest ns It Is te be tee light.
just as a' certain amount of common
nn nnd Intellltencn will never hurt
nnybedy's geed time or charm, se does
an equal amount 01 ligntness ncip ever;
one's thinking and studying.
The pursuit of high ideals la pretty
risky business ; undertaken by one who
has vision enough te keep her feet en
the fleer and her mind anchored te her
body, it is fairly safe. But n group
of girls who announce thai they arc
going in for serious thinking and uplift
are apt te carry tne tning tee rar, lese
their sense of perspective and try te
live en the airy clouds en which they
have parked their Ideals.
This can't be done.
It will get en their nerves nnd eme-
tMnlrlnff ever thlnfS worth while, will..
out getting hysterical, she will be doing
a big thing.
If she, a member of this yeunjir
teneratien which Is supposed te be se
very light, can prove that ske and thet
whom idie Interests In her plan nre sin
cere and earnest, she will have the ad
miration nnd respect of her own set in
well ns the elders who are se quick te
Ry Hareld Donaldsen Elcrlein
Xma &ifttf ant) Carte
Ct Invalid a Cnanca
os s. tent STREET
Her Opinion of Seme Writers
I".ir i'nln.i I ha., neer written
te "ou iK'tete becaii"" 1 iilw.T.it found
the tu'oin.atien I wanted lv leadlnif the
aiHIce jeu gave te ethers, but the etlie.
day I read HehemeV ami "MecklnH
Klid'i" lettfrs. .mil theiiKht 1 would
IIU,' te w-ilte .mil t.di them Juft what
tb'nk about them
T i.s N te "MecUing nird ' I wan.
te , i.ci'i bow jeu get that w-.v, when
i i s.i." .1 ; rl Is devn t even theugli
ii. ilew a f. I'ew te lsls h'T ' V ,:u
d d ".Marge" lee bv net letllng fertews
Kl's her? Of ceursL', there is much In
a Kiss from jour aweitbeart. but wmtt
no you get irem Hissing every 'I em
Iici huh uarry;
respect and d
a" all b"r Ui-'i s
clal whirl ne she never had before. Her
ebjept was te give herself no time te
think, but day by day distaste for the
lip. she was leading became greater,
nnd. because ;-he persi-ted In it rest
lesslj. she ncquircd a hard veneer
through which it was iinpe-sible for
nnv ene te reach the real Aline.
During this time Julian Warwick
linked her te niitrir him.
It was a cbarn-t crude- proposal, nnd
luimieneil one night when a ma-ijtier.tdc
bull w.i- al its height.
Aline had gene as a Spanish diincei.
., .. - ., n kinrtet nnd the Mil 111
ner .-ei.iiu,- ".- - .- - .....
skirt reached ju-t te her kne;-. Het
film legs were clad in scarlet sill: stocking-
and she were black slippers vilh
1.1-1, red heels studded with rlllne-tenei.
water nml causes the particles nf water'
te try te get nwny from each ether.
They nre still held together by the
evcr-pre-ent power of attraction nnd
the atternatc strugulil between these
forces causes them te vibrate te nnd I
fro. tins produces the bout we feci
when we come into contact with it.
In the ense of the thermometer the
waves of bent affect the particles of
mercury through the glass tube. T!io,e
nre svi in motion, causing the mercury
lwpf J; f
Modern Upholstered Furniture
There has probably been n greater
icrcur.v i j iii-i-i: ei. i'i"""v . ... ,i
Tht ' development In Hie purely ineclmii lcnl
er t hoi side of the upholstery trade late y than
te mveII in the tube nnd tKe,
,.nnt,., .l.n lliixillnnD tl.n I.I..I.
i.""i ii- ..M.i.iwnn nn- nii.-ii, -r trie ) ni.iu .'i " ',-- .- -.- .i"-, n
mercury ri's and tiie greater tin- heat at any tune .since t lie invention ei
the greater the vlhrntletin. I spring". This is largely due te the em-
plevmcnt of down ns. a hlliiiB mate-
Tomorrow iir Miat tsc Arc Our1 rial
.... . .... ..en nr innn. extreme soil-
ncss (unld net be obtained with plain
(her her black hair wn ilrap-d a lace
iiinntillii. ami Mi"1 larricu a ..... ,
heavllv spangled. ,
She" bad never looked s,. levelj nnd
she mill never - ,r" .',. ,"; , i 7e ll c V.JUnr et Weman' raae:
tbe edge of her fan she lined: ''''" f)..:,r jindain I have u pair of new
rrv Yeu only lese Veu. I "ii y witn everj ie.ui ' - sbees. un, near innciam. wlien l wallt
nr ...r n-ie .inn ruilv ..m. unlllr. i-lM- ,n.,i. -" ,- '. I -' ..e, ...-. . .- ..-..w ..-,. ,.-.
The Weman's Exchange
Squeaky Shoes
Where .ne the air- . . k ..v I ,. , .- inim nrcseut, but It was ikt , m,eii as pe.-si
who are of the lilchct caliber nid veti.. ,.i, ,',. tu. declred. and even lliuugli theni
.l.nl , l.luutnn- ii l..l.n. ... f. ui.fm ... I . . .. .. ll. 1I1....I 1..:
...."., ... ,., ...t. ...-..-.. .. " ........ ... , ,101111111' UiSllIMM !...... ., I
i ill. ii. ih' ik.i'.i v.n
mir tlnger. l uen t imew m a..
Pethap.1 thev are rleeent te .veu hecau?e
jeu feel around with th -m only I
'.. i 'i i would find girls who wouie
'i a low jeu te l:bs tlu-m, and pcrhnp.
' v would refeim ou, se tlmt the nest
t i ie you write jeu weu'd net think
tb- way you de nb 'it t' .. k ris who
r fuse te l:i-n tellew '
' iv for Hohf i . V'Hf.11 'In' wi
le KOIle OUt Wit'l (ellewil llllll 111
ldrs-d tliftn when you knew them en'.v
le minutes, and yet they claim tln-j-lie
j-eu Whv shouldn't tiny.' 'In.
f. Hews spend money en jeu, and In
'i turn ou l.isi them; should they net
vint te tal-e 'ou out .m'.iln Mid awaln'.'
Vi der. t 1 ' tv what .veu me lalklm,'
nb.it win u u av ihr.t nil Kirls new
wi-e i" ''..'.,,.,. I... .1 1
-lie deflll te v i IsllKel .luiiiin me; un. '
-lie iieiieii , i,y m
n- '" " Take theie new
ei tile ene if. , , i, ..,,.. i store where you
. . ... r. . . iiv it k.ii niiri iiiiiiii- nv: . in i . .. - ..
.1111 IH,I"t' I'" '-"II ' -,
i.u-fnrps. heiuusc the softest matertiiisi
then known H-paratcd jnd beci i me n n
iiunfei table unless cenfinid by tufting.
This is why se much deep-tufted up
holstered furniture was used in the lat
ter part of the nineteenth century.
When the i:.iplili nnd Colonial wing
nnd cushion chairs came Inte favor,
about twenty years age upholsterers
beKiin te experiment, and as a result
he rivwu cushion as an iidjunet te up
bolstered chairs and sofas was made a
1'0!'Knconr,.f'?ll.l,eC,.,pI.llcntlen of down
, shoes brick te the ,mheMcring depends upon the type et
leuubt them and ask' .7...... . be unholstered. bill we find
I ,il.- I. ..- ....... ..Hill " '- - . I
because I mill wear
i 'lease ! !! me what I cm U'e te tnake
i,i:.va J.
"Aline." he said hearsily jeu
drive in., in.nl. 1 " go en with tld
, uv lenirev. I want ou. nnd you knew
'." ;' .. child. Veu can t tn
..j ar. "'it 't i c 1 time. !' ', . in-., this -ilwnvs nnd evi ll
i.turti de and sbeu d Mvlsh .a few I s en plajliiK ' . im-e f. - ne I'll nvil.e
en the fellow l am net one or tin in.t though .veu den I erne f, me. I ''
,nk li'-l . 1 -.i I de let si . p Werth your while it ou II iniiuj
.lu-t iieteie un se, . " '""'. " i.-r... te have ihem t'.xed. They will de this i ' '" . nn.iani sbnpes hnve been only
,ied her ill, I-. the '"n:'Tv.iter ' free f,f chait'c for no she. . apposed ''!'"" "",, and It is even possible
the way his Imu-er- cie-;'d abm her, ,.. , u .,,, ,,, . Mlgli 1 nlti toil, ami i ., .,,' hel.
dim arm -he Knew sue mm . " can no le inem tint win mnue tiiem n i"i"- :;-. , , . i IIin,iP
,. wlii 'I'm or meke M scene, and de- ptie. In addition te u mill tile. u a stering. frame- thai have n ii l "' " ' 1P
U ii, - b'.t she might a- will have the; smalt mill brush for your linger nalbi.!f,ir thai part cu'ar stjle of treatment.
'. ' ",K.l. cc it 1 for all. sla; al- Thern is a kind that cornea sp. dally f.rlt must be borne In mind, however,
lung ever em e nn'i l "i , vmm.Vt ,, lf you EC nm, ,,, " '" , u of llny 1vpe of cushion,
lowed lum te have his vvaj. um ,mr() wlh fe,iI( ;im) W(t(jr Jeu,1( t i im ' ))y (1p ,plg,u of ,hft
t the dim scented room he faced her. ,,,, u.v m ,K. beautifully clean. " :, h', 'i,i,. ; nfa frtuu the fleer.
. ...ii,.., -rni ei
white lipped, and
. .. . T .. . I ,.t Uh. T hh
no auf.' . .en. ,vi-? .. n-ie.. . l.n, (1
b. t ten te ' that any one of all the, .'..,., u fiu, drawled insolently,
f. ii"i tli la'.- m.i out will net pre- llinnl-. m . t,,11mii but
,. .. mar- .t- t. v m. I will sHcts .u'"i aid ml.' the li"ini . .IUIIkii. i"
i , s ritiin i' n d I nm su'v that mere j I'm nm ililnking of mnrrj um nn.v "in.
,, ib.. rad. ' of 'i s i-duinti will iiKne , Yeu'ie uuite rigid, ' den t care nn
u.Mi n. of i !.,.. I den t tneiin m , . i ,,, i out ove me eiinei
ns nu.it,' 'hat sparrow or .vjecutnu v
i.ir.i" -iil nrrei. witb me. but then 0U
ind fumy ethers were thetjeU
Ml never love any em' as niiicn "
!.... i jiiirs.tll. Ill (1 AIMtl ...
Things You'll Leve te Make
mm 4 ;h--''- h' ' , v B H
'H tiit-V - S it1 h
'mti r. ILW-i ;,v V . 8 ii
iW llfe vynp .'III
S A Handy torn'-pendenco Ca'e
Fer n few nnstv lines n luindy cor cer cor
'Src'speildence ca-e I- very cmv ii.cut.
nnd will, iheiefore, make an nppi-e-Sflatrd
t'lirb-'mas gift. Yeu m" mar
JellO yourself. Cut tee puces of lienv
fcardhenril the f-luil"' f 'h" front of the
'&W0 hIievmi. Have the dll.l'llslelis et t'l"
Mm . . .. Illlh. ll, ll.l.lll lllllll I 111, II Hill
I.t'. T?. ....i........ ..ii-il P. ill lln. liiiTiril.
i.KT .rif.nr.ri.aiiit.il.. ... v ....... - -
v.r, w--r--. . ... i i.i. .in. .. .. ...in
U. AMllhtly, tlii'll 'ever iii.-iu "lui -"". cupaliK' il snmiiiu',' u win in
Ci-liy'KcralrOnne or lUUIUIUiu icuiuei-. u no (;llt lireutni n ceiiiiT ei ii
Kincri strip of nenvy iiiusuu me leusui meui. nut u can in- sn
3T the back of the beard. Cever and I enough that a regular iIcmk
Jlhen uce It with some e( the same ma- .sort could he applied.
WM . . 1 .. il... 1... ..1. ...I.... I -
tunc tne nirui i i'' i'
The long sveitc vevei f'-".k that
file -ii pepull'l' 'hi -e.i-OIl fellow
nn liitere-tnu -I'l.euiti" v hi'!) In-
i lU'les a I'.'lai tl.irins ui about
the tin "at and id'.-i- v i'1. ll fur
vvlii. Ii trim- I1..' hi-' the dn -s
.'li Exquisite Ltunpsiuule
Site'- jii-t uiukiii" it. 1 ii la- reached
i he point in h"r ''atefii! work where
-lie i- nil leadv f..r the iI.-Ikii, The ,
-lllllll' i- "He of the lail.er tl.it, round
i in - tl at hi e'i t" it ri'iidi ig '.imp.
nnd, when the li.'l.t i- net mi, it l.n-
I e . ele.' .it" k il . i ' ll. wl.il'll
fun iii.igi'ailly into semftbiiig ni'iim
and glowing v .t , .. u ,m eer .
II e button "' - . " i- '. eltir te
'earn of t'..- i"wl etf.'ci In t I lure
htaii.u, bow ii is i.re lticeil. Luause
it w bat. I 'e liliev.. tli.T i 'sch c. tularin.
plan' iiuiteriiil- " i IiiM-ei le.li. lin-ee i
ill nnd var'ii-'i can le l'"iie.l .'ii.i
l.n; -e v 'i v .: 1-1 ki. .'. ! ' i -
'.rui. Tl e f"iiii'i' .- I' ' l.i.nl, .hi.
tin. i covered with the bin i ' 1 1 -i
i 'nth. ft i rv aid, il i- 1 i' . I i
both sides with l.li-i'i'd oil, wi n a is
i.lewed ten da- te dr.. tiier . tghly
Next i eiiiei the coat ui white daiaur
varnl-h. nil of which mi alter- i,,,. up
piaialice of the eruinnl ete e.eclet.h
tli.lt it s . i te have bun tiip.ii into
tome fall' like s'lbMa "f tl.e n..
Ii. re et pan limcMi, nm uarir.. r an;
with mere of u gli-t'tt.
Win ii ih.s ha- hi eii dun f,e -uade
i- li'itdj Ii 1 'Is '.' -l- I. Tin e-ie jeu
have hein leiiiiau ulieul i- keiui; te
be painted m that it shad" f
nniwr ,
de :!
1.1V !,'
I'd p."
slle'V ll
f-llliW- Witt, knse
'.i i . v nniirf c'ate their klriit-
1 in us in t . i' iij Tbeiiiv What de you i
! men ii a kiu tl iuka a tellew i.i a small!
timer if
nit de jeu mean:
tiling en-
He brought
Learning About Today
le Hi' I i 'nr al lremrin'f Prier-
I -ear M idam I de i"t h'' whe'heri
or no' 'uv (pn 'Uen .nine eitlini your
JniIi.P Hen. but I bop. ; ou v. ill favor
me wuh a reply. I
f'.m jeu tell me a cnur' of readliu? i
that would broaden and be Inferinallve i
ou la-esent-ilay affairs" Alse, what
doc an "academic" course at college :
linpi. " t feci mere or I. .s igner.int I
we. ii in cr mvcis ilieil with hettir cdll
i al. 1 per en".
VVI'.lt cullld I llO tO HOl gettine; se
I cixilv. eciii.d i von ever the most ens-
! ual ilung-', II nuts me at a givit ills-
iidvnnt.iit'i with mere Mli'-cetitrullcd i
p. eple I am verj- lurveus, bip feel i
ei silly iiftetwnrd I am te m hoel '
I cirl . iih'er. Ii.vvlm; besn maiii.,1 past i
i .,... a ;eais. Ai'AliKMli'lAN.
man' ' h. i i.s no better war le l.eee In-
I'oi'ierrovv "Cfirtaln Trimmings'
,- . I.i if 1'
i. .ii i.i! l.'.i.iil e i.iterl tbe would Yeu ' tne I" unite It
a-.!, a P lam ,t lie win marry n kiii ne tlrely.
'IK.'M out 1'- i iroeii lime. i r.uew ine ,,...
1 elil for jeuiu-rit VV licr ' '"..... .iJ I ilh.
,. n'l stnfl w'l.ll "il el.t Hie v ....-
ill 111 for. pond tuner ,IMM wbut I n.v. ''".'. .,.. . ,, Vi., V ii rr,., ,..,.,.".. .i, I
. vt? -V1'.!1 ;."';;.". , ",,.., ".r .i '..,:;;; x.-dx"i,w.,
tint b" love- ni'i. i " . .... - . nbn 1 ..p In teilcli Willi fome p-i Ieilcvl
Hike me ns a innlUT of 11 1,lj' "J " M,at dials with cm rent tepi, s. Yeu
i... . .ynt no; fne ii enml. . Ill ll ivlll'l. ...e. - ' UH no." . ..- ........-
I itiiiiii he Is a centleman inselem e . . i mended te jeu at any m WMiiatnl Then
f.- V. L-lrfle win .v.- r": ! a llii-li he hud leached out and , ,,. IllllBanM i.re full of pr. - m-daj
r hy-w ' i" 'V ' ;-, ' .unci:n n"mU B"p : :!r.,,!dVy,.:v;.a:l;,ui:.,'Vi;!;:'v:,u
;..,,n,l,.nhS"..1Wn,l " nitty : ; '"'U t Id 'a" no." l.v ''- llul .. J .'.!"
ii.. i:,in leiisen i ou sneu d ' .. ... . i. .1.... ... , n mull i . i'""r ' ." " ."; ""- - "
'.?;;;:i?reS,: s,-sr-ai.
Willi ou uen .nn -eiiv .e.i " ,.!..i i, ..,.,1 eirnv
cneli ah vnn te it. ... "l neM'l' lieon'e .. ..".
tllfht Im., "
If b. c.r.
'P' et ler ' '
t1 .. V
A i -- ' '
n i i 1 1 .-.
I b. pari
, ilia ' 'Utr
ti i' (' lit In i
i tin ' de net Kiv
of the day, they de itlve jeu tin.- iplilt
of the present, wlul.i ibey un . ut r
tnnilw, you.
An aeadeinlc course m college is the
It lAuliides voeailenal
. .... ,... ........ .... ..r."'rf . . . ..!.! Irt (,ll(, C1I Tl. i . mill. enliru.. 1. Iirl IlinOllIf'u HI tell ll nil.
.' ri preh em ae iiissihk wuen sun,...,. ,m,n ought t" ee iiuki . "" , ." .""..-. ...... . ," ",", "',
. -..a ,,,r mid ever iiKaln thnt kiss- ,"' '"'"..i. .. - as literature, tnathema les, physleii m,,
u net p-i.pef unless oiignceil te he "'.,, H nu'ittried liiiprecatien hj! Hung
"" ' - . -. ! Kr;;; r-W.'ft'H
,- feed iettir. ' K..w Koe. ' Hiick','"' "',..,, -i. ikint'. Slie co" 'I hardly
,!,: puncples and jeu'll be a line; I"-, vve ';;i1h' " ,,. .faillmi
' an V... , .. i... l.n. I -ilu-nvH censiuercii
I ll ill i n "" ..- --- -.
till l(rl it Dreir
liisturj, wlille
Tiv te think less .about j-mirsrlf nml
net imalj.i) yourself mueh You'll
tlnd Ki'ttlnir interested In preseiu-daj
things a jeu warn te de will In 1 jeu
and iiiiike jeu f.el mere at tnsu with
Heme Baking
Ask for luscious raisin pic
fresh and juicy at your
grocer's or a neighborhood
bate shop. Just telephone
for one te try.
Once taste it and you'll
agree that there's no longer
any need te bake at home.
Serve tonight for dinner.
Let your men folks decide.
Made with delicious
" m
KtaftiF' jipM "111"-1
., ... ...... .. ..,.,,' Hut it vvasl iieeple And, iiltheui.li It may seu
ZV nmm tnat'rt. M.ftcnl. I silly te ,e, .., .-gj, ij-lb-d ld yeur ,re Today?
Jft 'that Miffenii'.' Iindn't she n righ' te '"' ' J
U-veiK'-'i. . , , ,.,..,,C .,.,,1
i li i' niruu' ei iicrsuw'""- ;,
light luuuh. she turned uvvay nnd let
iu mi. alone, but for dayn iifterward :
he real woman in Aline vvns ashanud
tlmt .Pi-edeanlhatc.lthemenii.lv of
it. liltbeilgl, she did net COtlbcleuslj
admit it. '
ToniniTew A Cloud oil the Iliii'len.
Why Marry?
Seme piepl" marry for n i '""
Othern leek fur an e:cuse. Hut It mi
if ...! (Ill HV lllllllll-
Use. i wiih " - " .-.
must sntlifj vim
te satistv yeur-i'lf with a liumninu.
. .. .. i i .. ..i .. IlllirL ntilill I iiiiiirrit ii - ,
Wmn a MHer caiiB am is ,r, v .,,.,,,,... ..,.., , WU never Im time
i i i''"ii.iii -'! :" I . .! I
i f'in pah-it
. iff. iinlnv '
m.IIew tu .t M-ft. ilw.r.rn.ij;. color, the oern, the fiilU r, whether a imui or
r ntMltU.U rciin.
- f ...I . . I.. I . . ll bill I.,t ll
bv nun ene et per mini .ii" ''','" .7''' ...''.'..".: u..ili. ihiwn.
of um uen- he ur.M!;.JM!r "" L'i ., ".'" r ' '!,1 , e men -
aKe ll se.-ii, .-i I'm .em.. ".T i-nv.Jii, iruii-ii u-uuuy niiiiij ,-w ...-- ---
CIIII settle up. ...
.nn. mellow ,. ."..nan. il.euhl uae te gree ;. ind (j(.Uing mauled is lilte putting re.in
,. iH'i,,;.. -heuld net a. ltd; !. nun '" ' ulu, 'i . oil one's Cue; the elder li fc'et- tlw
si en eas'ly '!' "' "r unl" ,hH ,l0Hl hs ,,ll" " mere teuiptatleii lliere is tn it.
Ikii of any ':.lrt ,,, ru nppbes when the deer Yet an old bachelor g'g
I , . epBiied by madaine hmseif After an te wedlock when lie iliscevcrs tlint Hviub
if each piece of beunl. (Hue the end
4 a niece of one-half Inch e'u.-tli: te
middle of Hie irnui mm puck imikcs
ICU heard. niCO me lil-iee ei enen
With the same inuicriain us me
IW IM CHteivfce nnu vutua
afaaMw. FLORA.
m&z .
'a.j. ..esjzi .itLb:.-fit. . . .. ii . . i itt.t
I Nl-1',!, llll.lli!:('K
Abvnys fn litul t "'' .lu'i of Iir t,,
lien, a me.k'l for i.t , r i'ii'i.rr.ir.n. thij
ni iii..iiicIi e; t iu t.eUuij , inim v.
uniuiet'lniuibly rer.ult In "in i;nic ,jj ,.
r.mei un l"' l-urt "I Cam UTInis J-'elluw
IhU ansriiellc character In thw All-SUr Comic
.Rtfi1,?".."! &?., Rl2ft -W,UQ M,'
'! . mw.w ww.
rxdiange of creetines, betii enter what
la the lereptinn loom for the time be.
Imr whatuvur else It may be called at
niliir times, nnd tbe visitor does net
i.it down until the betters aMis her te
de ie, and hcutr. heraelf. Jt la very
bad form for a caller te take a scat
while the hostess In standing-, a U
vUlter Uluatrated it doing.
without it wife does net. nfter nil, pre
vent old age and bnldneiw, .
Marriage does net, necenaarlly, tie
j.nt down Juki because it Ilea jeu up.
Yet. sooner or later, it Is pretty euro
te rope medt of us Iu.
CetyrlBhtf tf, th Mlle ,19,-9
f & &mmiJr W
Makes geed TEA a certainty
Tetley's Green
Label India Ceylon
Tea gives you a fra
grant, refreshing cup
of full-bodied tea
that will delight you.
Try it.
Sices te 56
Special at
Odds and Ends
Values Up te .00
835 Chestnut St.
Prlee Always, Moderate.
When you buy codfish from
your grocer ask for Beards
ley's iSW-WCedfiih-ana
Ittkir th red band tn tit
Ails your grocer for the free
recipe book "The Daily
Queitien". It gives recipes for
14 delightful ways of preparing;
Shriddtd Codfish for breilcfist,
luncheon or dinner.
J. TV. Btcirdtlcr'n Sens, Nemrk, New Jensr
O.Sheppacd &Sens
A Real Christmas Shep!
Where a choice assortment of merchandise and
pleasant snooping conditions make selecting
Christmas Remembrances -wholly delightful.
Christmassy Novelties
Beth beautiful and useful. A fresh unim
paired stock new is the time te buy.
Ribbon and flower trimmed exceptionally
pretty. Fer the clever workwoman there are
untrimmed models suitable for varied styles of
Holiday Linens and Laces
A uniaue stock. We call special attention te
our Italian Linens 7-piece sets of scarf and six
oblong doilies ; 13-piece sets of scarf and twelve
French Lace Table and Bureau Scarfs and
Chair Backs. Beautiful Lace Pillev? Cases
100$ Chestnut Street
During the month of December is
the time te start as a Bell Tel
ephone Operator. "While ether
young wewen are taking up temp
erary "jobs" which means a "lay
off" after the holidays, you can
secure a position vhich vail be
permanent. Ne better work in the
city. It's clean, pleasant, con
genial and there are Recreation
quarters and Cafeterias. The
earlier you come the better be
cause after December 16th we ex
pect te take en very few oegin eegin
ners. no experience necessary.
A3k any telephone operator what
she thinks of her position.
Then come and see me. Miss
StevenBen, 1631 Arch St.. 8:30
A. M. te 7 P. M.
ur-v'mvrrtui " . ji t.-j. . i - i ai-. -iii'.r'
!,..r.tj cre ', s ' k. f T i t'-.'-. -..
.. t.ithtfyi.b.ftftuj .j)tJilrXfZr 5.-'t