y h wwvia '"'AAvyj'- FtiTitv r' w BMS feTw v" TSIflW BWOR,5WItP'.,'jnSEi "V rwiF'-? SgW V f "fl T1 :,-w , -. m EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1922 iSf, ,' XU it- ' K Philadelphia Is New Center of Girls' Field Heckey : Game Making Rapid Stridesl Ms WrWKTKSflHIS rWRW'Ji W ft-:x?w4wSW;fl.M ty. li M ts& 13 t i. VI -X m m. WE-MAN SLINKS BA CK WAFTER WA TCHING GIRLS, IN HOCKEY Smash en the Nese or Kneecap Just One of These Little C'Thiiigs That Are Liable te Occur Any Moment, $ but These Courageous Lassies Seldom Leave Game j lly SIONKY McUNN PKM.OW'S. we might jiM : well admit It for gameim.. light-te-dic-blttcr-eml courage. Ilie girl are our iniieriers. Tim t admission, unite an ndnilsvimi fur a ho.icrseii In make, I ec.-islnmd In a most enjoyable nftor nfter nftor Beon spent at tlic l'ln'ndelphia Cricket Club, Si. Martiii". where ue watched two Uflil hotkey iitiitiliis between athletic young women. In tlic course of the gridiron campaign we nv many brave and hardy young ini'ii struggle fur supremacy, 'rime after I Inn 'tin' referee's whitle blew while n chap v.'lie liail teeeived n kick en QMK .STOMA McUNN !mt we'ild i the ii.it li of did de was stand dirc'li with a whaik licit i-im-il the cars of sihm f$ & 4 Miss Win l"h te-ar j tell from the force nf the blew the pain tendered her left liinli useless I'm. bopping along en one leg, she followed that hall down Ihe lleld. her hotte-brulsing i-ln-i k et the sjiheie haling -tinted it toward the opponent'-- goal, anil a score later rcsiiltrd from her courage. 50 ' t'SSl' inn Ihr cnntrit, tn drtrrminrd Ihe playm In firl tlml point, mi iirrsnit en Ihr firlil pniil Ihr eliqlitrit nitration In Ifitt W'inihiili, Shr plnnril Ihr Inilf llirniiflli inul in Ihr rj-i ilrnirnt nf Ihr imiir lemnt nil nlmul I In iiijurul .'lire. i ( shr knniei that Ihr Ivill hit In i Imlnu. tic i, iris i'oen-i oeu I'iieh-I'tmh O'VUVAi siiN hi dial mateh and the two p.uin'-- that prei-eiled it get limtit from hall m- -ink that mn-t haw- hint. I5in net a wlilmp.-r! .Miss Helen Fr-rsii-eii. who plnjed with tin- All-l'l ikidelpliiaus aK.-nnt New Yerk, and Tvhe Is t-aieil the hest goal keeper in tlil sn-tieM. poeh-poohed the Idea that field lini ker teitiirid leurag"- en the part of a girl. "We get .-eun- slight knocks." sin- adinitliil. (line in :t while the hall s;iils thieiigh the air and loosens tome teeth m --Mia-liis ,-i tu.se. lint we enter into the spirit of the (tame te si-i h an rient that we seMntn lealie we are hurt." 15es, Ket tint, and get It tight ! A teeth Knocked 'it or a pem- Inokin Inekin 1111(1 these uiiU make light of it. The wear shin gimrds and It is well tlu de, for it is n,. i alone the hall that hits Vm : often in the mi-ups the sue!, dtrikes -Inns instead of the spheinhl at which it is aimed. This is quite pn pn lntentieti.il. v-u kii". ler the girls phi the game cleanly and accept the umpires' pi unities ultlmm pretest. At times, when that hall was scouting along die turf and -i girl could nut utep it with her siii-K, she p'anted her feet in front .if It, Mrs. Krumhhaar. tin? presidcui et the rich! Iliekiy ,m i.ilien, v:is asked whether tliis did net Jiurt, siii'i- the pl.iM-rs weir thin, intn.is 4m for tin- most pan. "lliii-, It docs hurt " was the I.l f' signitii'ant letiinntit. That m- alK The Ufchineiid goal-Keeper M.ie gutinls that tt-acliid te her waist. We vendered v.ln- until n igoren attink w.ts i-iade upon the Virginia goal Then the nijsteij wus ,?I..m- for this htave hissie steed direelly in the path of that h.ill. no mutter hew hard it might him- heep hit, ;uiil stepud it with her heilj . (.Ilice die lio-teti ge.il-kci per, Miss Whittetnere. sat en the p.irf te prevent a speeilnii; hall from going into the net. She were Milii guards that resemhlcd ilmse of a hasehall (at'her, hut she a.umed a ereiiching attitude that, when the lull hounded, endangered l:ir lace mere than In r shins. OCC Sli M.I.V. u Inn Ihr fiirU nrt inulr,- thi hull, a mmhir '1ml Ihr ir.iult (tn hnrrfiir n linn from tin tjutl huh). (Inrr i hnnl pel.r ahet thr sphrir thimuih Ihr nir ami nnlij Ihr " i- ilmlriin' nl u liplimninl iiiits awl her from Hitting it mi t'cc kci. The Girls Can Sprint. Toe AND speed: I'ellews, seer.ll of these girl- Wnu'il hair put ,;s m ihe tiuc.i tiuc.i herse class, mit enlv in sprinting down the In Id m i nr-nlt nf :i long ilrne. hut in ugi'lty, le'. One cunning little hnh-head, lh.en-l.iured I'.e-icui player. Miss Slrehelch, was f,ill of ginger and had lets ff nlulity wnli it. She i-euld weave her way in and out of iui-tiis with a daring and dcwrrie-ss that rivaled that of linjrge SuHn-in when he gets nunj for ,i hreken-tield run en the football turf. , The lirst match c.i tin- dm wa.- In twei a the i:tr.ier.i- and an all-school tnm of l'hi'aih-lphi.i. and one of the star p'.u.inrs was M.ss J.atna Waine, thirteen .icars e'd. who s,...ninl te have nil tin- power and ability possessed by etne nf the ehh-r girls-. Anether spirited field hecke.iite js Miss Ann Town Tewn pnd, who is mted the best all-around athletes- among Philadelphia vi-hnel-KtrK Sin- piais. vlih eccptleual sKlll, baseball, u-icl.ei, h.iUi'thall. letini- In fuel, urtiialli all he-ii..iti games. Otln-r (.iii.-iki'i- ("it i- gitU who haic p. rf-cr.-aed si-iisaiinnull.i in the field heekej tllmiiiatteu unite hes are the Mi-s(s Sue liendman, I'lnmn Neri-l-. Virginia Carpenter ami Hetty Cndbiirj ju-t te meiitlnn scleral who weie praised b.i the gallery at St. Martins lesferday One. Ml.s (ierlrude e,nn. vhn pla.icd with AH-rhil.idelphia agnln-t Chicago, hi.irs out our opening declaration ion ping tin- gameness ,,f the girls. Shi- took many humps en her ile-e, but refused te ipiil the game, c0 .ji. wears a guard eactlv sltnllnr te the guards 1 1 1 s t used l pretei t tin- nose and tiinudi of a grliliren warrior. m IV lS mtrr into thr ijninr. ten. flnri ,i si;;li,iq iurr nni uhiitlii,'! it (ihiinj in cr ttn I mil nl e Hnitnn in, I. Slir Impul from thr iiifunul trilh in ti'i hmi'l tilt mini hieh cinl that Imll hit tf i-ifJi n nmm I. Unllr, il mull m rr stiiwj.' Hut n thr lull dveppfil In tin, tin I .,.. fc Unpi"'l thr siirl: nith leth hninJi nr,l mete the iphru- in nly tun il d tin appaiii lit' i;nal. There Is I'Janty of Action w, rllKN r tin nt ciiied te an liulid'eient spmts writer tha- we p.niii.ccl in wltuiss ,, I'p. d cclic v mall h he titllHt have been watil.ng h.w meile- of n game The mini who would all liehl lieikti b- gills sew Minibl be utunllaiil. te sa the least. ',os. we have it en our sisters m strength anil peid. hut don't ever s;n- thnr ,. vln . Jilli-s them lii wind and in-art enduratice. Seme of these girls wire en tin- run virtually inch minute nf the tblrti-liv ristittitlng a hull'; they panted se herd that in. ceuhl hear them en the sidelines. !ut ipillV Net the gnis I'hlliideiphin is die American home of liehl hecjjiy, t is an Kn'glish fame. Whii h brings out another fcatuie. Ylriiiali) nil of the many teams m this mm turn ure lem-ln-d by Kngllch sirN and thej de net u-iehe n pennv for their labor. They leach the game because tln-i lee it Imagine anv men trnveling aciess die sea te proineli.- a spett ividietit draining the aulti of Philadelphia's richest bank. , It is In order that tin AII-Ainer-c an team niav be selected te plav in Europe that die diminution matches nre being pla.ied at St. M.itllns. I'.osien, Chicago, New "eik, Uk'hnieiul ami I'hiladelphlu entered eam. And wlule Held heikej is nu Unglish game, e opine (hut tin- uthleile inung women ,,( the U. S. A. will come helm, happy. ' t.S' no turn our inii-pntr i.i Mutiny ihn pin r le mil ultriii'nn In Ihr dinn(M nl lnnhnj, Inr it m nut ilmuji rnui fur ijiiU irhn nir veil ninilnil niul in tiuint phinnal inmlitiuii. II' e iliil ilriirr. heu rvrr. In innviiirr mir mmriilutr fiumh thut Ihnj mint nut fu'iiA e hate n cinmr en ruin aye nnil ilrtn initial inn. That "DIMtY .MiAI.I'.l'H. an in-llw tn it in Kimpii-t Chili rillniis, luatsis upon Jj tlie ivhnlc world knowing dint tin- football season did u,a ,.,M TliuniJ.n TliuniJ.n TliuniJ.n afteinoen when a ntiuibei- nf traditional games were pla.iul (if far "re-iie'e .' . Xliiuvrillin ' I" line,., unit mem,. , iiin.s, ' A A L ... Iltll.. .,,,,1 I c , ftllfrldlreil wiin the l,alii.ietle-(ieetgelnn t ms m Washington this afternoon. fc., Te the wrilers who are arranghig and rearranging the gridiron eleieps-l Wi Minklnr, they call il In tin clTett te tell dm l. u. I'. which in the host of M JU- bwiheu, tiii- i.atineite-iicergetnwn game ineausn sjigiu delnv. The jBaiteniunu lest one game (please don't sheet if we mention that die si-ere was 14-1S, W. and !. haiing a try -I'm- point mtiiglni. lint Dr. .Jeck Sutherland had a powerful miuuil of nibbles at I.afajelle ami a ih-elsie result one imy T another in the kiiiiip wlili (lemgeieiMi would compel some mere irurrannlii" j nFHILE en the ranking iiiljcct, K vA i ;' ,ww. Jitintka en Thurtduy routed B'wS-il httl. team undrfriLtrit. ! n0ni vjM((iacVf icere. Nein$ia had played ait i ill : rt-. nl j tv. m!ma: SCRIMMAGE the slim writhed in npp.iieiit nftnny en tin unf ami a team physician or trainer rushed te liH id" Willi tin' first -aid satchel anil the water bottle. Yesterday n pri'lt Southern miss, bv iianii' Wimbish. who Jluyed with the Ulrhmenil eleicii against Chicago, --iilTeii'il n blew en th" knce-iap (hat would h.iM' - ti t one man tif knew te tin hospital. Did -he drop te the ground'.' I lil they go te her assistance? Net h a jiiKfit' ' III fie'd hoekey, J Oil knew, they U'-O a deuced hard lealher hall and a stick dial drives it with hnHrt i ke speed Miss Wimbish was In the n nlt of n seriuimnge i that the proper weid. gins w lien an opponent loe; n health and ipilte inns, ninr swing mid that hind hall lint iuie.x 'In' tiehl like a 1 5a he Until liner The 'I'g.t.ri ptli'ri' tiijslil have -lile'-iepped II. 15iit net he plnilng ihe game. What .-he that missile, and It slunk her knee tutors many ynids nwaj the Hard Knocks me sniernd; "low ; ii.i a. t.en te ir." Me Lafaycltc-Georpetewn (utile i I I-. . . leuiu eei iicieiies nrevienslV HIJIi;fll en that bump handed Selie Dame hu ihifh. A'elre Dame, vn le Ihr a it with thr Armu hrinn hrr PITTSBURGH BOXER TO INVADE PILE Vic Breg, 140-Peunder, Planning te Visit Here for Competition Is HE IS A YOUNGSTER OF 19 j lly LOUIS II. .I.UTH TJAKUY KIX'K. sieris ediim- of a 1 ritlsbiirGh 'paper, advises that another scrapper from the Smoky City, j is thinking seriously about invading , j I'liiladeltihia. Writes Mr. Keik: 1'tiahh' le rl-e in his chosen prefessin jn I'iitsbutgh. Vic I5rng s about te step out and seek new Holds of endeavor, j llreg hns been dabbing in the ring . gatne for about Ihree years, huf he. has had comparatively few bouts. Vic ! lis enlv nineteen jeat-s of age, although i lie leeks- elder, both in appeaiami' and' In I lie way be handles himself In the rini!. j Inside the ropes l'reg has the cool i , pnlc of a veteran nf many buttle., but, j iis a matter of fact, he hasn't appeared ,111 mm i' than u 'de.eu matches, piefes- lenall.i . while his snuatci.r engagement1. I wen- limited te about the same number i Of -(.His. j However, 1',-ng ,n been a latliifttl ' wmki-r unci lie lias gained lets of e- perieiin' by sparring with a number of, star liners without suffering anv pai-i tlciilar iiicoiivi-nieuce. lie has :in jdea that h mid mingle with the real J laenrj -grtteis nnd get by. ' T.reg weighs HO jieunds new and is1 live fiet -even and one-half inches in height. He has shown some plea-lng stuff in tlie few times he ha- beti'd. and ' I'ltt'hiirgh experts believe be will make I geed If glien a chance te light often enough te make it worth his while. Vie has been ileliberallng between getiig te Cincinnati under the manage- , i incut of I'.iddv P.lsbep and bending i i.aM, wi.eie iinjiiecii who s lutlt-wa.i goe.l as a ligliter etui earn his .nit !' .ort of fan. ... the I'nst. and mil he pulling s-a! es for either Phillj or t'incy wlllnii tin- iii-t two welts. LOUISVILLE INVADED BY ' MINOR LEAGUE MOGULSJOHNNY BEKMAN s STAR Melting of Southern Association Te- day Is First en List i ;y WIMJAM S. 1).I,I,S Leuisiille. Ii.i.. He. ". I.euisi.llc A Tl.ASTIC CITY is nil embused ted. i.i was iiiiihi ign of the lia- A eu-r the Collies ami it leeks ns if mom!. The ndian-e guard of miner I the famous (,etham aggregation of cape league baseball chu fs is hi-'-e for the nlnici-s ban- found a permanent resi- opening et a wool, m peiimum ami e ...., .1 i. , I.. inti'ii.. . Iti.l.. ...!..,.. .. .IT """.'in., i" .,....tii'- iii.ii' ii.iuii'. ..eel' furnish an ahuu.lan f fuel for thej hot-sieie league. The meeting of die Southern As.q. j elation club owners tm ai wa. t e lirst mi the Ii.i. The existing waiver price will likelj be one of die important i siib.ie.ts lioel.eel for ils,.ssi,)u ;,t t. ! meeting. 1 lie tuajeritj of the miners :ne .aid in favnf an iiieretisi. m the present ligure nf SllH). .Inlni l. Mur till, nf Memphis, is pi-cuie-nt nf the .is.oeiatien. Tin- annua! meeting of the. American Association is mi the Imnli tm- Mou Meu lin 1 Re-i'li'i-tien i Themas j Ilickcy as president is nnti. ipated PAL MORAN TO BOX AT NEW CHESTNUT ARENA New Orleans Lightweight Will Meet Ilnlmnn. Harry Kid Farmer Next Week (Te K.xplain Rules 1't.l Mman. tti-lightwe.gii, fr.emX.m . '''"' Sei-iind Rrgim. m Armeiy will , , , ,, , ' 1 hu 1 row ibil this .itiernemi at the tin- Orb. ins, lib., gaie Lebby Rnneti a'nu.il mtcipretntlen basketball game, tough t-is-le Thaiisgliing lai. ha. h"hl under the aiispbe. nf the l'hlla- bfpti i-iciii-il in- William Ib-ltt le b.w (.,.('1!,.1,i'1. l'l'tiiit IJe.trd of Apprund at the neu C'ti.ttiui Sttect Aiena m-t W'ediicsd.n night Mer.in u ill junr off with Ilanv K.d rainier, of I'tevi- neine, it. 1. it mil he an eight round Kl-te. .loe I lls.li and I'ebl-i 1.. i en., a spur- ""is i, ..tie- 1 1 . .....i.eie .. win liuijl. Ull !,, .!,,. ll., .1 :.(!....l In the ether bems llinky kniiffinnn ii ..... vi .11 I fir it nh.iiiK tli.ti 1,1 ,t..... Vs.-..,...-.,, '.. , ".'""..',... """'',,' ft;; ii ' 1. nV.::.,.;:;.! rV;' - '""' I l.e-wls, p e-nient. hopes 1 ipart some "',", ',"." J """ ,',url "' " ' r,,,- p.ene actcd inr net rv ! kneiile.l.-e 0f , he game te tlio-e present. ! 1" "'' '"Inck. president of .!,,. dub. CARDS AFTER JOE BOLEY iManufulun-iV Games I ' ,'1"''1 " '" ll1'', V""''.'"'"- ''ik of ,.'1411111.11 iiuii-s nanus ti,p ,.,, country clubs in th.. I'lilln- Offer 515 000 -nri Piw Piiv,irf . ' '"' ''I ''"dolphin Miinufacturers' dc-lphla dlstrlrf. There will he t10sV ener ,s,5.Q00 and Five Players for, L,;im , ,,,,. t(tnijsht .,. Ven.,,, ll(l, niViam , t1(, tnredng i fan,, f ,,f. Orioles' Shortstop '-'- -t Cnluiiihi.i iiu-n-ie, the tirsi , bmi", 1 .stcm installed at 1. 11 l,n te put M. l-eius, lie 12-Th,, m I ..in-! tlM-" .t11 '"da .trials haic ever competed , ead, department en 11 slricl.lv hu-iucss Vile -ml. l.-.w ,.ir.-i-id S-J.-i.illi' a d five' ""."'" '"'J'1 . !','' 'h"""" ,w',i 'Tnl1'"!!?' , l.mr. hu- .!...- I'.elei. shnrst,i , f ih. li.iltii.ieri- Iiitorn.itien.il League lub. i Ja, I; lliiun, i e.inager of the Oi .ides. I Ha. ii.fn.iii i ecus,. nl te the ileal for' 1 the ptcsent, -s u-,, learned tedaj , ! The plains iiffcri-d in tin- ileal hnu-i j net In -ii i.nii.il, but if was dcclar.-d lihcv iirte- valued nt .?"i(MK each, nitil;. (lag a i. t:-l of .-.,-,(1,000 nffered for tlm s)hi 'tst.ll The Cn-ilii.als are seeking a sheirt- s ip ii s j. , ,.P1 .Inlni I .-1 . 1 1 1 . mho wns (te iipic .ti.ted by illness last sia.nn. Heets and Saddle New Oilcans The Slnni-buri I Inn ii i ap for all am"-, at six furlongs js th,. fi afire at JeiTeisen Park tndav. Mar. mi Mm should be highly i-iiiisnnred fur tin pur e. although cntrymg Ien weight elll- tin. liehl Horses which seem best nre Fiist' Nut. Knlth i.'iic- Vetinie. punta (ierda, Contour, , in ' luitiic.i.n-Si'etid- I'.-oiler. i raj en, Colonel Tin . 't . I,',,1" or. I bird Sway, I'ltulice, Witme- i-nv ;- v.. nl. l-'eiirth Marvin Mni. .Iiinn-s I'.i O'Hurn, I'ifty ntiy. Piflli- liiecu ield, i:imer K.. tielden Pless, Sixlli TravcHtj , Cariiavren. Tem McTjg. I K'Tf. 1 Ti.iluana: Tir-t tare - JimK i..,. ' U'gbt Angle. S ml Choir Master, A' Peller. Ollie Woecl Thlid- I'tio I'tie I'tio weitli, Ceik. Jerry. IVnirtii - lkev T . Colonel Mntl, ant'eii Hall, SimIi . inieiiei .linn. '"''O .1111, ,HI. . ei-iuak, Wndnn, MlMeislinrg. Seventh --Itiirkhern II, Pmiolier, Lela. Havana: Pirst i.'ice -Jesephine K., Who Can Tell, Lleuicnniil iilintn J. Munay, Se.-mid lietiwithim, Urnsh Urnsh Urnsh woed. Margaret Ware, Third - C(,w, Lul Meme. Mud Nell. I'miidi- I u t ,,,, II. liraiiun, .'0I0110I Murphy, rifin -Parele, American Li-gmti, si,,,, (!(j( Sixth Article X, Tim I'iiate. Wake lit Id forty bremi mares n-nm the I'mieh stiilile 01 .x. ix. .uc miiiier nae airned in New Yerk. The.i nic te u -u D... 1 -. 'ei.... it lu ,1... 1. c'-niet'i in. 1,,- iiu- iiire-.i (mj. 1 sigiimeni of ihoieiiyhbi-i-il males iU.ri brought le this ultimo and will he 1 eagertv piirciuiT'i uy un-i-iiers in Ainer lea. Several of tin' males aie hi Alain, tenon, a family highly pri?ed in L'ng. 1'iiid, Tin family Is bust known bj The Tctiack, A. I. Klrby, nt New Orleims, hnM turnpil down nil offer for Ihe nin. ,he holds en StKYfJt Corcoran. He imku ,.,3.eniua' m DAD USE W , JlMWV ,-1 HEARD YOU RArziN ' 5ALLV WeuT HOCKEY YOU'ME ffOT TllE WieevtMDEA AftM iT -KJ. ffJLUf? "' I IF S AHVTHMG- L(E SVllWMYt EARCAT SPORT, M' 'DDM Ycx; n i ...... i i "im" " i Veu Ge euTtierae witm a WKWiestiCK awd mm AR0UW5 TOKiwG-TMG TiLCTiLt Youfi-TewffUE HAiVff-S i.T AiiTiyfiijfl.4iriTAiVK ffOCS FLAT SfiMPRriT' MTS"Yeu ew Yours. "Sump of lwTeLLlecA;e Aiwrturi) rATS"Yeu owieuii. oumcer iwieLLitfeiwe iwurwiy LCtfS PEEL LIKfc v-'OLn MOLASSES (?iM?ii NEW SHORE FIVE HALTS SKEETERS i Ailnntir Pitu Cnni-ec Dnrielua mla,1X,C utV OCOres UCCISIVG Win en Celts' First Appear ance, 35-22 ilen.v for the winter. .,., , , .. . , n ll"-v ,"i,,'" ,1"'"" ir,t "Pl'earam'e in th.' seashore cage In -I eieiiing .mil de- lighted an immense crowd of basketball i eiitlliisiasis when they Inwereil tin- inl- i or- of Camden. .",.1 in The si iers new lead tin- 1'etti r for first idin-e by a ...mil eig itei-n i.e. mis The winners nimpletelv eutclnss-di the c opponents ami almost doubled! tlii-ui 111 Held goal.-., .lehniii I,echinaii w.is the biiglit pnrtieul.ir star with 11 half dozen baskets or as many as, the entire opposing outfit. Camden -Imt te the front at the start aft r I lave Kerr tuadi a liehl and foul toss, but the Celts mice in the lend LggS PEEL LIKfc v-'OLn MOLASSES s t"55lL' ? &j ,,- ..en- neier leally prrssed. The field goals went te I'.eckuinn. li; llarty, 1 ; 1 .'..rS nunu'T-w;igi;rKhii.iiFigures en Best Year in Club's iie.'iii did net seern while In the game; and IJe Stock' was blanked by Sat liitsketliall 1 Illicit! The teams that will play are St. ' .lese pii ntnl l.-uiple mill players, .. niches ami rel.-i' . in 1 .1 - n 111 iitii- nil 1 j 1 - in n-i 1 onto the tn'iv rules uolerc the season j opens In a f.w days. All phijers and thesii' int tcsti-d In baski th.ill tne in .... t llleli. , , V' ',' V U'"!"B ,1,"I,"i'' ,""! n"'1 "ffl ' I'lU Is Will tithnt 1 till ill l. 1 1 l lniuL'n i ' " n " u"i' 1 titt nt - ht i;i'nvi hall in L'en.-r.il. Anv .iiii-.liens en Ihe ,"- - tnu.-,, ,,,, d pun ;. .""". ' '' ' '.'"', .'""f ' "'""-' l",: """I en aceiiiii nl 1 lianksgii nig. The siiieibile calls fnr Xatlnnal Metal lids' i" in " t Moskewiii! llcibneh ami Stee 1 -1 1 eldle te mingle with Pas- hnll. (inltlul. krc I illick. The I, ill. I.. Iers have about decided .that it is nu.. ie stn tigtli'-ii and many new nntieis have been -iifiutl, Ciilnlil.il h,is sij.mM Si llWItrU, of the Splias, vl.ile Wilbur ha speared "LI." Peii i 'I. St, ii ii-en. Sam .Moerehea Hi.uiii'il Mr,., I ..ml "Miliil." liniikiu KcjNt.uie 'I. If phene has secured Kddie fialljghii The gin '...igiie will also have a gam.- tin. in i, ng. 'Ihe representatives of Stnl Il"i. lie will oppose die H'.'ek. weed giil. in the ..polling game, wlili-n sturts nt 7 .ill) P M. Scraps About Scrappers "rSinir en e rftuni rnaKli tm Nnm ('urn allfl Kiel .is til pme.eetK nu 'in iv -. , , - mu ii.-iHii in tb iirien- Inst time u champion has cier detnoii-nfi.-re.iinn .V rjiini limit Htniti'd his shots in tills uiaiinei. i-"i')ii hi. Urnw. Jen llnrrelt -'. .1 . .rh n.f t li'ii ll a"-., i e nlnti in l. ' i I ' N-U .-ii T. i m I '.'jtitiM i n fi em Orntitwr.nc ..ml itnlmi triiiiiltnr iiiiriev (IT.VIl nl Ilin .i n irlu. suive lliirri'll i i nitil rhnlleiMi'S I" nu nils nf the iiuiii-vn t,ii.-rH i.i.v.11 'sum iiheut B set-te is t w c- iiih.ii. nm paitini Jjiuna buecieum in PittlllK 119 bill' llrl'ii Trrnnlnr, t f e;p,tnil flvwrlKl.f. u ,,i I'mW. Ip, 1 n npn fur IkeiIh ""h u t'1"'- V.nru Muriv Kani met Kl'l Melf llrrnn llnniirr inel.iit fnr n flflfn- 1 reur.'l li'in v U) j, .., ,t iinen- In l.eisllli I ;.i , iieniiin 1 f..,, .ii,v Littleton Ht Niw , Orlmtis l" -i. lr is , Jcilinnv li.irr, .f 1 ev, t.iinl. will inf"l mill "V. ,i tl. nvll.iri wfltrrivelKlit. .it , UaicniiuM. 1h De finber t." I 111I1I7 Ui- Minn. I'tits),ur.'h fenlliei nelulit , Jib'i I'.i' - i' ' j . uts In IMillHih-liihla. li m rriiirn".i ,M11 , ,,,. i.U'iiit u w-ffl.. II"! un n'li inn 11 L-.,,n n mi ft I.X-nny llea -it .HlU Tlttrtnlh L'flllUry '-'lull IJO- 111 W1 ' ' , Ine IlreiMl. i 1. .... t.n. .vhn ill. ihu .', Iic.lll In. Ill .... u . . 1 . Iiniiin. L.e.i w .,0 ,. tititilnr iMrrnrinr lUll. I I. , eru i.irn tin inft HU 11 1... 1 Ud l.'IM... I .. . ..... -I... I ...... . Mi. Ifv linllHulcr .. jni inw-sen. Ilriiwn 1. isid.- u nn'ui nii,hi n.iren'a 'l'-H "" " " 1 ' rr 1 ill 1 e.v . iniiiii , hinl'liii Vnr!m.i nl "Jie-niinl. llie 'inuth '-lull ill'-d III M 1,-jkr'n iluriiltnl hem fium fe-Jrcnnaii ' " icc ''mU" '"" 'n,,"'" iieciimeiilu. Ills Itnme iiiiti In tli M.utli of LAST W'KI'.K Or'TIIK SHASIIV . S.-i.tl.tiul. Jlmlile ii-iii drufled him frmu II. n The lurluln will neon 1.. r,.. ... V 'Mtlmduln Wicndi-rcru la Hci)tlnO. Ht llm (oei tall llut Vliarn ir2 1 n. i,.,r. '. f '"" " " Bud Tayler Stena Frlrfl. Santrv inil of iPHt w-nun. Jle nlniwl III" luki Kuina lull li'li. nISi?l TIhi ?e,iL ".n"" 'I"' Tf.rri.Hsfa'ifias'Wi3 yMter&K&rK'&sstt mmSSm ai.'Wf.&'t': """."V.nUn.J b,l Mjr.i hi. I..m. ...yhMe,.. fgS!& DOES SOME BROADCASTING DENTED AWD -? A RCS-lAO. HCil-r Aii iil vw t nwv Hi FORffeT rt (ati" . AHEA.P-OWC0LLI5I0M it 9 "TlVfE IT FttOM I StRLS HOCKEY little TwKTeA ', mm i KBtu - ,i Basketball Statistics i:asti:un i,i:.afi w. I. I'.C (.ini.ln . s .sua J'lilln Ircmnn ., T g ,77s ,ltl OitJ I'nutf.s'li. I i) .HID Itmullriff. W I,. I'.i I II III I .i ii ,a:n i 7 .anc) STCHKNT VirrCltANrt- AS.SOCI.ITIOV AV. I,. I' c w . v T, " nl- . a 0 1 nei.t ). Tt) i c( Itiice . . S 1 Cii.l I' . I- . e g .nun i . .'. i: i;.j l , i.iiu iiuiilis. n a .mi 1.AM- NIDHT'S ItCSI'lIS y '...''rn l.-imuc Mliuiiic Cli ,i;,- Cum I'l'n gg. N.utli riill.'nlelnliln I'liuuli l.niMe-1'i .1 I'liilntinti, 17, Sviinlli siiust .Miiiui'llst ll.iis. 1 .01:11. g.l ! Nertliwe-t (liuii-h I.cisue rn it Uulth. ' LO I'lillclile. g.-V. I r'iiili 111I11 It.iltieiiil l.-cmii- Au-lilnr nt jii-i.-iiic-i. ,ti. rrfKifn1.1T j'.iuie. a.-. I'm mis' liulkt i.i-.iKU- II-imuikiiI 21. Lasli-s M. lleieliin ,IL', Jlilisv 14. .s.i.,th I'liiliiiUli-hlu lie. rcu. L'S: Ht Jam. h. Is, M, .Ititiui, Itnspric. .113. ll'--it Trlinule, 10 : J' i. an r.l-urle .Umnu". 17. l aillill.in. get. I-. II, A: Jt., J7, Cithisliul, .'!.., Aeniln.iH ;u ,st. SlIlK as llelrn, 111 AfPill.Inn, g.1 M. 1'Htiick, 10 iiiiinlelt .Iuiii..i". g;i, I'inii A. A , 17. Tii-i'nuiKii an. st j-'riniciH, it-. I.tVSIOIt. gS; NielllDlnun I'le.s. gll. UrciMncl, llctr. , 13, All-Mtin. 17. UWj-SV . Wff&f'J ' . , , J0X1'i,,""s siA.Mi:s , Tjiiicastcr avenue clan. i't&!..'l.::;!n,''ill: ' nn a l...r,l ,w , mrihroek. .',,V:l",lli.J.,.!l,,ili.ii.,1T1? Vlrtir'?im''...!L ''':iI'Wi '. '" pniwr. seemed e Lave iVtllni'Vii'M T-i,if.1.,';ls;v!"!!1"!' ??":?: " ..11J .Mn.lls.in i t LU LU GOLF CLUB Short HlSierv Annual Meet-. ing Next Menth HAS BIG 2 LAN 1 romped iiuny with tin odd by the cckir einiirinn nm .i,"""K,'r """-'" of six pins, thanks te GENE SARAZEN S BIG ACT """ reuiarkably consistent bowling bv I eiery momh(.i-ef the team. ,,,. ,,.... v... w'-'H' Satlerthwaite's vevamp.-tl I y 1MH .MrMltLUK Mlltillfaclureis' "Yellows" l.em ., 11... T ' J. I TKMI'I.i: cer.vntY CI.lTl - here is thoreuchli- nwake 10 the e is thoroughly awake te the Iiessib it k of l,c.- !.,i 1 le ..: . . . . - ' ". uii-,1 11 tm' 1 nnil ,iSfr'iiit planning for the biggesi season of its I brief career nevt .ear u'"'i 1""mln11 meeliiig of this popular golf club is slate, for n,.t nnmth. and I nOlltlll I11.1111.1. tliA.-n n , .. I I..I..I ........ e . . I !' 'I'"-" "'il' HU' IIIJSV 111 IIL ' ,.i..i f... ...,!.. 1 '.. .... . '"" . ".lining glowing lopeiis '''-. iliite lliz izinwi! IT 1. inn. Is 'lit.' r?.:.!. t'-":y. i.en "'. 11111 lifts grown umn less ti,nn a iiitmireii nietiil)c-rs j,. jears :eg , nn, ii smalt niue-iieic oetiise te a tiii'inhei -ship of Hit) and one of die stai ughtccii. hole leurses in Philadelphia. There is new also it modern locker boils.! anil the clubhouse has pleat v nf impro-.eini nt. The club has been lined out of debt ami placed In a sound finan cial condition. This Is figured ns an incentive te oilier clubs bete and an nh Jicl of admiration for golfers gi-iieiali-. ' Suraen s I-Yee lessen . lieiie Suraen, Ailieiicnn P ! . ami '-.., rhl s" champion open golfer, has beu euguged bj a Sen Vmk mu.. paper te gin- a free golf lessen ai mi. f the public courses mer there nu lie- cemlic r id, S.-iiti.en is nii'v making .i hitrrlnj trip from Miami, I'la., whue he has been getting in simp,, after hu operation for appendicitis fur his Iran--continental tour with .luck llulcltisnu. The champien's' hsseu will In- com plete in every ilelail nnd will lie the N pet j ei known. I il I 11 r - 11 ' vl (III V ' '" I f" H -il I I'lje Lilgli 'li pi. ,(-mrj0 ( larl gees ie Highland Club in the I'lttslnirgli ilistrjet us .arii7eii s successor there liet season. Chiil.e nsid te be at the l'ngliieiis' Club, ai Idislyu, A. 1,, until he loleenteil at , Ii 1 nt t nuileit (W. Vti.i Club. Clubs ill seinci of the big clllis are lie-v seel.ing Miril.en s services, mil the chllllllilnii M ,coideil. '"iiuiini 11 is "",lJJJ- 'Ilin tern liilli'.t 1 lull hri" I nld .1 rmi 1 leitinmni'.nt 'sl.'..li , 1 lit' li lis wci. . I "T.-'l" .telinfiiii. 1. tin mho cut In l'i in -i f.. n' lien h Ir. ;S lur 11 77 II. '.jh tin' urnkcj up tn 11 Uree mii.I uilei iui lii-lil I'ln- Mrillri, In in"" In. In? urin unr.-.l Hi n 1 I V 0 ,ll III" llln Dull III It feilirseililc in.itc li, 'Hi.' uiiinnif lstll II. li. I'.ili.i!iiii) nr,. I- II. 'IllOlllSHII. hlill II llll'll u.-el ejf uliMi in we fui ti.f U.li.) imirt'i KiniinM rn-iiili, urn, nm.le a round of 71 I ,,n.r ll.e .J. ulliein fill".. lleH tll .Vie I Ih Ten,. . lln.) thin H" w. ncellhirf In tin liiv.ti t 'nil 111". Ill I01111.. eit llll- (1UI. III lt. ..!.... 1.. 1. ,.. ...I. ,n- .in.i... ,s ,. I,.t..r i. " I'l " " '" " ' ''. i"!. "s ' 1 1.1 11 1 ,1,1 ivllanii li-d tin- .ni.ituiii neli 11 cm.s hi-eiH of 7(1 A ml s. win nf CI n.is b.-st ,.. . ,... ...... I '" '"" ' " Bethlehem boccer riayer Ule3 tici iiciiciii vjuuwui ritivci u ca I vrOt ASPRAIMEO AWKLV OlCE PLAYlU'E OLD CfccekBD CLUB?AME llE UADMVtaueefiAP MYKWUCKLES KkineKnD Mv SMiwS i..,ift tlrtMVc -rri , i syMi-Tv I ll'P WUV' VKUIMi III.L. kUUIXCJ wis" ME IP Vrttl k"Ti T AV TUA.T- TfeAM AWD ETECrO HAVE A TAWY Yeufee TDwiwc- iv en ' the vvgefiic. vm listm- tukts alCJ f)7 JlUUV tAfiATMCEl rOUTWHULLTfiLL !il'Viiuht, !'.'.'. by 1'iiblte .uiit C'eiii"iV Germantown Pin Tepplers Take Four Out of Six Frem Lancas ter Avenue Clan MARION WHITES BRACE The Oierbroek Gulf Club was bumped again in this week's series of ilitcrclub league mutches, the Uerman tnwn Ci-Mct Club rpeiit!nc the stunt of the Maiiufacliirers' Club last week and taking four mil of slv Irmu th" I i 'hau.pie.,si,ip r,,,- u,n nrst l.nif of the season climbed ten dais but hiiIwh dm eiims rocelei- fr.,,, ,lt Ininaxing slump will find 11 new king rmiini'il 011 1 leeemln-r LJ1 when the 1 inidul .section of the season ends. I The Oeriiuiutewn "Blues." the penv team of the Miiiihcini Clnl, .n,i, l,n,.i-I lifter (linpp'yig the first game and took 1 tbn net two from the Ou-rbroek "Whites" by comfort, hie mnrgiiiH. I-rank Hnim-nr start ed for his side with, two totals of out the -'0(i murk. 1 Ihe tiorninnlewn "Whites" were off 1 te a (lying s-uirt ami though thn did drop the second game when Andersen. I Peters and lieli all hit en high at once. I , werp right there In the thlnl enim. mut S1" dtr.y pace tltei in nisi wool. ".yuuV " l"r'""V "VVn,,r,,f": "'' ireunceii ijnrl ' I rout s "'.. :..'.""" .'iiiin.iiin iiiree riuiT v.' iii.iiim . ....' At. This was the big upset of the night. The Motion "Whites." footballs of the sensim se however far along with the Ciibm League, reformed mnsr I llllilflllt' leliil filelinvml llii. ...1.1 t-A... ,1... ""'. ............ in- ..nu it, iiu nil' I t.. ... . t .. ., ..1....... ,. in-. .. .,1 II i li ' e, s limes. -'swiiii'V ' j I hemas cmitrihutcil Ill's in (It,, third game, initie Al .Mil artcr, Ihe cetisei- I'litieiis skipper, came through with UOll. I lie scores of tbls u cell s wielders : cii:nMNTnii-s m iit-.imneK- ., , "iii.t-i-s- -wiiiti:s" Vnlen tits tin tin Wrla'u . ITU t.vi 1TI M'l) n'li! fi lift Iti.-l Hluliler 1.-.0 is" I,-, S.-iii.r:.- I US 170 III" V.'i.lieiit I'll I'll ' i". I' Il'll'iir 1,'eg "'S! -JO I .Meicie , 0S IC'I 1,"i llii-:tel! , 1 l'i i:.S lilg IlliMli- . ic)7 i.-, i;. Telnls 7: S.U s:-.e. TeI.tN s"l,-, iin TtiT (iiiitii ivu ".- evi;.tiii(fii-,K wiirrcs' (itti:i:s.s I s, p-irim It'". '.'fni '7s n'1(rscii Ms jiii', i-,'i l.'jri.. l'i !. ".ei IVt.iis.. l l'i :n"i v:u Minn .. I"? 17ft IT- f.. I.I -.'..-, a t; M I' -in 177 177 1SS I.in.l... J77 i,i in-. I I'urv'me -"I HI I'i'i lle-ll . t'ni ru 'ij Tf.mls '.i;il sil ii-t Totals S,iii ins ig" , .MA.Vfl-'M'Tfltlllls- Mi:itin- ytu.i.iui . m k,iiiv . s-.iit"-rii vim "l'i '.j li iiiiv. 17,- nen i7 . r-ir-, II. l'i". I'.s l.'i 'I. nut 1 :s l'u.-. it ''lli-ir l.'lct II.I Ml .'llui-llil r IS-, l-,s ,i.. ,l-'...-i. I'll lss j ij uiiv,,,,. . ni7 i-.j, 'dr. -.'.vi nr.- fit 17s 'i.iwii, , ii;; :n.-. , ,;f r t-iii s7u ii.u 1 lulu i.' no tn ;ttlH s.vi iij mJ mphs. ......,:s . MHISIiiS. WIMTIIs- t'ri,, I.",.) i;.7 171 Hi line '.u I .r I'll llll . Il.ielirin I'. Hi. If I .VI Hi" I'.I llellej . . n ai : .. i.'i i.-.ti i i.'i i i.i il. inlll III-- llll KiS licit in'.i;'.r !".' 171 gg" .tfljr, !"' i.M J!;'! . ... "-1 Ti.t.cis. S02 ;ii'. '.'. 1 Tet.itj. sr,n 701 ,ss-, ''Xl$:ti':uWyVt 7" 1st I..", in- n- it; , V,i. iiV'-'ii 17' 'u i.i ViX'r,,- JiJ 11-: '- i Yu ,..' e',,7 MJ 7 A..VH.. V" ; ?" I - ; - - illl Tejljill, i-."j Su.'i S.I 'JuJ.il?. 7.MI ;mi i,m ' I'.WVI) rifllJ).. fMnV I, HI. 1 I s, I, I.l'i III 111 t . .. '..', '.'- I' nrscti Mil) .,.l IT11 (ii'liiilila 1 .1 11 I.'..". Itl't IS.". Hu-.. ' niesnn usm tr.." g.'l IVisli'ih '"iii'l III ll.'l 11.1 llili'iiini . - l-.iit.i.i 1 .'li 1 ", 1 11 7 '"' H'l III 11:1 H'l III! l,' l-'i 1 ST i:,s Hi? n i.ti Sin 771 IHin T.jlnia. s: S'J 7T1 CHAMPIONS SIKI CAUSE M. Diagne Stands by Charges of Discrimination by Federation Pails. Die. ''. M. Diagii,.. Senegal- Aiilm'i. l.ieiiili.ie nl il... 1 ! 1 . ise II,.,.,,,!,", ,,,.,l" .),.,. i '"miller III ,, 'V' n" ''LV.f 'l''"'ll"millg the cimse ,"' I'tliliiig Sikl, says in an 'iiiienmu . Y ' .U(e tlllil lie Will Mum) In- , ..h.-s lie III. 1. 1.- III llll. ( llllllllllf I 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti 11 1 j 1 11 ngaiiist tip. li-hi,.,. the be .lip' fedeialleil. el 1 h lie acids dim utiles- Ihe fi ileum,,,, gliei siisfm.(,i In will , , llte iillit nit thn i'i, ,1.. ,1 , . 1 , , " null Hie peti orgaiil.alieu has tm uK,t , ,),,. n s.3 SP A fl 0VERBR00K CLUB BUMPED AGAIN Hew Dees It Cemcll-Penn Games Meran at Center IF. Virginia Recerd COllNHIiL Mrel started te reuie down te this city for the annual football gam,. with IViims.ilviiiiia in I.SU.'t. Over the ntrrtrli of n ucnorallen there lu-ver wns n break or even n bend, m te spraki in the athletic rein I Ions of lite 1 1 insllttitieiis. Nlin'teeit-righleeti wnw the only year that did net produce n Rame, but tin . feed was Mtivii. The rentest wan fcliediilrd. but the athletic policies" pursued I diirintf the waf by rdttcatinniil Institutions did net Include overnight trlpn. Petinsjlvanln and Cernell nre real friendly enemies. They are reiiientpt) with pperlsmniishlp and Reed-will, links upon which the Mrain of keen cetnp tltlen has no effect ether thttn le prevent them from j.etlnjc rttbty. Fer years, .Cernell caine down le Franklin 1'lpld for tin iinniinl bi-nlinf, Twcnly-twe of (he twenly-nlne games played liave resulted In lied and llluc triumphs, hut the Ithacans never nhewed n tendency te "duck." Tt In net ethical for a college te drop an opponent after n herieis of defeatn, but even in the years of llll.'l, 1014 and 1015. iviilcli crowned Cernell wlt'i trlumphti. the Ithacan.s wete just as anxious (e stay en Peiiiis.ilvania'a Male, a.s I In Quakers worn te keep them there. The Thanksgiving Day gnmrs are renowned throughout the country for die fightlm; spirit which they develop, yet the contests tire clean and leljj of J "dirty' football. Penalties are few except for technical breaches. l The battle this year was grim and exhausting. The linemen chnrsed hard and the tackling was deadly. The tec-klei- used every bit of muscular might nt his command In hltf drive. Yet ffiere were no penalties for personal fouls such as clipping from the rear, unnecessary roughness or holding. y The illegal handling of n Pcnn punt by I'ess Miller was 'the only infraction ,jr of the rules abide frept charging before th ball was passed. And I'ess' piny j was by no means personal. TIIK Penii-Cernell games produce hard football, dominated by fight and guided by fair piny and sportsmanship. j Centre Anchors "Ili.W.l.li: MORAS Is anchored te The S'alit li'enal League umpire and tutor the Praying Colonels for a halt This announcement puis at rest dm rumors Ihat Meran would leiim linn illlc te succeed Sen Scott at Alabama and also that the 111 biter would retirt from football altogether. In the Htiininer of 11)21 Mnran intimated while he was here for duties at IJrend and Huntington utieets that hu Mould like te withdraw from lenehinu. He explained thnt the biwcbnll and football seasons overlapped In the early fall and the situation was net at nil convenient. At that time there was a report in circulation thai Heb McMillan would be efteretl the liVJU coaching position at Centre, nnd Meran wild he wan sup. porting his star for the job. Hut Charlie was back with the Colonels thi season, and will ln for five seasons te come. Meran is no stronger nt Centre than Aloire Stagg is nl Chicago. Thry are erecting a bladiiiin in Danville and it will be 'mimed after the football coach. CKSTUK u III mil. permit Meran te get a nay, and new if he must cheese between hasehall and football he probably will lake the college spoil. The Case of Weil Virginia r COSSlIU'.IUSli teams for championship honors in football Ihis. srnwiu de net overlook West Virginia. The Mountaineers are certainly entitled te thought along lhe.se lines. West Virginia litis net lest a game, but itni tied by Washington Un,i f.et, one of the Ktreugest of Southern teams. The contest ended in a 12-11! dcndlecj;. Ten games were played by Tubby Spear.s' gridiron students mid there w.H net a setup among them. Such powerful elevens ns Pittsburgh. Washington nnd Jeffersen, Virginia, llulgers and Indiana were met nnd conquered. The outstanding win of the jenr nns the one scored against the Pauthrrf, n-fl. The victory ever W. and J., 1-1-0, also shows the strength of the Meun. tainrers. Only two teams'; Pittsburgh and W. nnd li.. 'were nble te cress Spears' geal-line. West Virginia was fortunate '- l"'1,lts WP,- " "Kril,,st ll,c Mennn". lll,p - Points, were rolled up. This speaks well for the Spears attack. AT I).M'.M0l"ni and West Virginia, Spears lias turned out geed teaiiLs. and he deserves le be rated among Ihe best tutors in the country. I CLAIM STATE TITLE Norristown, Coatesville and Danville High Elevens After Honors I-..- nr-nnnn nr nil i rri nC nttvUnU UT DILL UUA lly PAVIi PICKI Sen that the feet. bait season is n thing of the pnst, at least for another tenr.n,..NI,Pmelrnkli,M,veh nwn.i , the popular indoor sport of claim ing championships are in order. Fer the scholastic title of the State. three teams have already put in their' kiini. These urn dm Norristew n High. . j ..i. ....Ill 1 II1. ,. ...1 II., ....til tt i v2,,T 'nben s obi nl bv e 1, earn plaifd bj em I tenni. ler (he title ill Tsi'W Jersey enlv one (till has been heard. This comes ....i.,. ueiire.il ( eatesville High inplured Ien eon . H"'.'Uve gnmes. i.ring.ng Us season m n I cles,, en 'Ihauksgiiing D.i) with a mm- I !,"; W'-yy ,,"","liil" ,111' " iiw.ntii'ii id lit nu li ! ii rr t ii i ila li.ik.hii t , tt ri ini'' kiMtn ", I'lieh"1" ' -'iir-i'M in i HREE GRID TEAMS !..., , II.., .,..,, lllirl. U,.l,r..sl ..1.1,1. went through the seasu.i un.lefonie.l. but I untry races , whim he part.cipalri! was hob. ,e , Thursday b, I! ft ,,; hin' d,m'"rne! ,''.,,,. , , ... .en Oi'iober S. was his Initinl run. It is hard te cheese between the three Tll ,,,, , . . . , elevens of the Keistmie Slate. Nnrrls- ....J1' , ' '',fl " ,"s ' j1ls,,".('' town High rnjejed mie of its most s,.. , ''"t "ll"1 " "' ! from the tape In eessful seasons, niei.-n straight games. f",K;;d "l11''"1 ,0 victory. In his sue ....... ......... ..a .,...1 ..i..u. ... e-.ci ....: eceililit two races (in bmk receini ..il e.lliii'A.U .nil. , ii.ii,: in ..in i.'.wi a ' .. r ,. , v ,- i,."0v,",,' n"w rw,'il nn established by I Ills rfcerd of ( ench l.niiii.iuiiel kCex. I tenni Is net confined le thn 111-J-' sen. In tbn Mm-1.11rut1.1-. 1..1......1 ..,. I ""' '', "'- '" '?- .vrn'--. n"' "'" , contest has been dropped 111 two sea- .ens. and litis in the middle of 11)21 10 tie 1 e leiiiiaiii iiisii ci'ien, no lompei awar fiem 11 clrii.. line Although Danville High is die last and he JnilV nlAiX mentioned it ciinnet he yanked in this race this year which he expects te win. '""'"v- 1"i'. "lev"," ,n wr J,l,n,,'d ,,M,,f l'"J".tt ,n"- v'"'y ci,p ,,n,i hniin ?,."n'"'-, i-J"1"!"2 ",ll!;'.",", ("''",r """' fre1" He,hesler, N. V. He lllnil lnta r imr hundred and tifleen points were 11 nunin ler himself en the cinder mtli registered te their opponent's twelve Their record during die sennni just 1 le-ed is s.-veti straight wins, all wllh J oetupnrnliie ease, 'J.MI points being scored, while its goal hue nns net crossed. emiuniuKi ii s.ii iir 1110 ii'ars.wiineui 11 point being scored igninst It. one comes across the fact that ('.!) tilassbem High. IVslii llrHiVve peinis have been s,..,l hi .he age,-,.-1 Franklin and Mnish, U.S l Vilvt v 1. 1 gallon its agaitPl tnelie f.,r ihe alien dentewn Military liisil tut ' ,, ,,1 Wil tf.'ims. Sixi.-en gnincH haie been wen , mingten ., nj f Me J . , ,t . , . 1 1. -1 , 1 re... . . . 1 .1... t .. . . COME HAVE DINNER AT MEENEHAN'S CAFE SUNDAY'S SPECIALS i.eusir.it nivM.it . ni,;,n lliilf llrellisl lilislrr Hfillc-d ( l.nn I ll.'l iif Sele Tiirtiirn Si.iiib ll.irlii'i-iifil (I.1 nil rk nisii i'i.nt:it , I'jm iiiini Siiili; lei inuirr Slrliur llr.UN Iri-nili Irn-i I'eiti,,,, 1 ""fliis I.MII i-i.vriiR SilMI MriitsJ C i-lrry iiini.i t rii 111 i.irinic ii.im'i imi.nl I'eln 1 11 till. '".. n.MKiix nu ia u KiMnmm t 11:11 uvhtan ...i.oe M Oar Irt KM,, P,1 . ftf. Bd,,i., C.Q,, gtttrit 0m Strike Yeu? By THE OBSERVER Charlie Mnran Centre College for the nel live ciir. football coach has signed a contract te j decade. enough te register a field-goal. Onlv nnd one game deadlocked in seienteeu I contests, I Danville has played teams from tewiii of much larger population and has de- i cislvcly beaten siieli teams as Shamnkiii, j Sunbiiry, llcrwick, Milten and Uioeitut- burg. Among the eutstniiding siiiva of the eleven are Mciisch. fullback, brnlher nf ' the (iiiarterback of the (iettysburg I eleven; Stiller and Hestclly, hulfbacka; iStrnub. guard, and (Ireen, end, i The team is coached by I'dwnrd F. i "Judy" I Price, former Lehigh foot ball and basketball luminary, who sinte he leek fiver the reins of Danville squad hns recoiled offers from some of tht , best colleges in the Kust. I The team is net such a heavy eni I either. The line averages from end te 1 end. 170 pounds, while the backs aver age Hi:: pounds, making the gratia average of the team 100 2-11 pounds. Danville is net such a large town, high school is net mere than -00 stu dents, se that the record innde by 1U eleien is even mere remarkable. ,..,"'".,"" '""V " "."" '.? "" I. i I HU h tiu Ul 1 1 If j!IHl -1111 ftt llUIUOIir cluuupienship race en Thanksgiviiig Dav. has quitr n iiiihi'M .record for a seionleen-jear-eld scbe i lmr 'M ., ,.i.i...i c.s ... ..u .i in- n, ic jiiicisiieii in si in mi i ui- i re" each time. The first record in fall le die beard was the iniie nm at the Yule scholastic November !. On die folleul.H Seuurdav in the f.lit.M,. v,.,m,1Ui!h in ffl, LrJ!,VrI.U,i8lmi?Lem: 'J ''' 5SI.I he wen ,7- mil., run "in four itiinulcs and Ihlrl v-eight soceiuIr. Then came his liciory'en Thiirsdnv in which long before he cnnie le Mercersburs. The Wennmih .Military Academv lia the uiiifue. record f lieing tho'enl school i l(. iiciniiy r Philadelphia that Weill Ihwuiglj ih,. fiit, H1.WmiM ..... . -vi ' 62D & WALNUT STS. .i:miav.s si'i;uai, . . .r,e 0 nBi 1.!frrJ".ld,r ''' 'rb mu or Sele 'liirnirn Niiurn r,Uec. -,i . 0.MIll.llV STI1,K l'l,TTKIt fl.in I0-ii. .lrlnlu sp-ali tilth . . rrsli lm.1.,,,. " Mirrlnl Hale-)! I'nlnii) l.iniii llrnni ! IIII'MIV I'l.AI I Kit 11.AII llulf llriillH Hierliia liUkrn tnflle lrji.il S.....UI 11.. ...... .- I a ... -:," . "miuri iirrrii 1 rn Iilrtlnii. )lr ,.1,1111,. Iltis.l.in llr,-..lM( 1 !' v, 1 j1fi&ft&' Afej