I OT f1 KSWKmWJWfiriW, cr'm) r Ml W.-T irAt - . ""il". i il MEXICO MOB WwrrFWZ Wat! - .j r l' iaa"aiiiiiiiiiHiMfW'-wnwerrBHaTiiBPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 'i 4 nfWJT'ycJt'ikJjW'Zfriri'T iimLriLl ' &wy fli t win ft '-"' ' " titttemfc. ffiffiffy? II" IBWSJ! FBIDAT.? V'DlXaiBBR ' ' v ''--' "" - wp 1; : r , iv Fer r ii i Saturday Star Open IA.M.M It 30 P. M;' ,. . me., i." . . i mJkhmmTit Afl 1 mermln Munlelptl Sdlng 1 Mtt by Fu.ll & ude of Bullet. $L. .. .TTTecu AM RLES UN ruwfc" w. " d. jlMoeteM rre . . 'farire City, Dec. l.-FeIl P iJS ?. . badly battered muntclpa EuZ, today white the city counted cinnlim of n pltcnw dbkw finS P0M nnd a tneb which at 5i .r.irm the building last E The .loath lint an n result of the VtBI ..u.Hi.mi nnrlv tnnnv. fleMIni steed ni '' ,-' ' ffiuTelfhteen nwens nrc known te SfhS Srieir injured and thirty. dlihtly hurt. " wee thought JTa closet check might reveal further jBftt of e.elcse seriously in- ,r demonstration before the 2J.n nf Alonse Romere, president IStte City Council, clnMiieu wun !Lntl police, who fired several N SSndg fight Injured persons were H S!!?';-i th Romere home for treat- I p' " - 'nt- .... lli n wIM . ttnent, "found lt mnln phun befere Si municipal building a shambles of fmktn las. t mncrs ana siene-cyi '22. of the anger of the mob which ffE.. . the nelice rifles had taken B "'"" - " ' -J?Elati time S,r yeun men " women te SJSL?ine28, JCem te Gimbeli new ample opportunity te demonstrate ability and "abil lty means permanence of position. 7 Eighty Years of Faithful Service Gimbel Brethers ' MARKET CHESTNUT " EIGHTH NINTH X.I. .All IBVir w' ,, Xue ireuuie which lasted for mere rt.n six hour, stnrtctl when a crowd 5M te the City Hall te pretest SjMt the Aldermen who are held re re 2enible for conditions leading te the SSer famine. The demonstration was SS'ars i Val iwerai nunarea pku ia.u If Cwntewn streets before proceeding te tit hall te eice weir uaTerc kdu . l- Ia iiUv vnttArnm.nf These pretcstanU were re-enforcwlBlen the route and when the Municipal jr.ftji H .. Aitt.l 41ia fpnn'fl nnm fillmK nun n-m-i;. " .w.. ..H red mere tlinn 2000 persons. Meb Hurls Stones Telling Invectives against thc Alder- .1.. M1.h niii'it ntiitilinula In irn words bv hurllnc stones nnd ether mis diet. Vlien one Ifnder stiggpsted that the hall be entered, the demonstrators made a concerted rush forward. The police guards met their advnricc by Iring tlielr rifles ever thc head of thc erewd which, however, did net check flta course. When It became apparent that the mob would enter the building .f -It it. . .W.A ii. IhIAam nli Arl aetpilU me liemr, ire inner uimi'ii their rifles point blank .Hid tired with deadly effect. Ktnffpprcil liv the ImllftR till! ilmen- straters retired, rnrring with them their (li'ml nnd injured. Rut in half nil hour they returned aurl LAinnl rtf lltrttt ntimhet iSiAtitr(na jiu eviLitii it im'ii iiiuiui.i 1'ivunniaj Window, entered the hall and began te set fire te llH contents. Valuable decumenta, home 01 union uatcu dbck i ami j ntititpt14. H ern fnatin1 (mIa tKak Itreeta nnd the city records were given te me wnu. Ilv thin tlme the Federal troena hnil rrlveii, hut the intruders were net ejected before the building hed been fired in luuin nlmes mm the furniture wrecked. A line of heye, which thtj flpii .lennrtmnnt unu iiIiIa m tipltif tnln I pmy, ueypne me water tiuertagc, was auccessful in holding back the crowds Outside. Corden of Soldiers K.rnrnl finnrnitlp ntternnta tk mh. -rlnue the demonstration were made In me succeeding neurs, mil wncn tne deraenstnints returneil te the attack they found a rurdun of neveral hundred soldiers about the building and con tented themselves with jeering and looting efTu'lnln in general, including some of the members of the Federal Government. Thun baffled in their nttemptn te re Miter the hall several small groups of dtliens ma-ched through the Mreets committing miner depredations They called en ail the newspaper offices anil hooted ,iinl jilleil before the residences of the city eIKcialN. The Chamber of DeputleH adjourned woee h reeeiveu news et tne na.n gulnary encounter in thc main plnrn and a heavy guard was thrown around ine emiunig. jiie residences of nil ildermen were uIhe under the protec tion of Federal troops throughout the list. It was said today that the city elec tion. schecMed for next Sunday, would Be postponed in view of last nlght'H , occurrence, and the MiggcHtien was ' .' . ra8ny nunrters that the Fed- Mralniitratlen temporarily. BANDITS BURN AND ROB Twe Cauflht After Posteffica Theft at Brewnfleld, Tex. Fert Werth, Tex., Dec. 1. (lly A. J..7T. rV svtln "re te the business p5!' hv'llH robbed the posteffice JLL. 0,n,ieI,l. Terry County, of eur SS!5?' h,lvei. nml m,""Ih Tlmnkbglving Sere'tmluv g ,0 ,nform"tlen received aKih fir( h,,rcn(1 tlus bandits imaffl I ldr W i,,t0 ,he Postoffice. UctkLw'T c",'lrner nnd then fled In.pi , a,yvmMl te fight the flames. and earn Jr;0 ou;,,,v,1 the bandits "bu captured two of them Much of the money WUH recovered; " M K" el Which the Je.,.0.,"e0n;? "J11" recPnt,-v 1" ffl I been i' "- ',iN.,ril,t of he town " iese,rvT. 2? '?','' "'-. KILLED PLAYING 'WILDWEST' Accidental Sheeting Cause. Death Cen, BVl C0rn,n' N- Y- of Ai.stfn. ! p" ' "' ,ul'l,0 '"'"wn, mhtiL ,n , rT!u;r hifh he wger. ' t ri,ii ::u,:,I nmI, Pll tt 'EbsS1? $iAti. ",e bey'H w "hi , ;',;;r" ,'dnn and then ! IiKiiies i ,I,H. I'ellce. After Klsi of rt'TI"c,,,d bv C ,e, et reledG"",eriiller'' 1'- "b"rt ppeTaudameRICA Sema, 'fa.' """"" Vina D.y A'c. 1. (Dy A. 1.) - AH l. - . saffcft.itjwa?1 i.:. fii.un nnt mmi ...:.r.! . -"" ,tei ast ei li i, ., ,':',",,, w"cn he ludeeta n. fi!"1" "Pen rcce vin. t. Mflressed them n Vi r . n. H'te and lv Day. uu 0n tU topic of Thanks- WJ&!" T l'rt et veni. v,.-i """" een en, fiVer l'f. aFenPleh7C,00""t h" !! one of the ...i"!I.Wne l?ch Prajer IWeWKbSCVffl.' Sale of the Luxurious Sorts of Women's Coats and W rapS Priced $97.50 e $lil5 Tomorrow at $68 W yfap? Jf lhe ,efte,t of ett beliviat "belivla de luxel" , Wraps of Redier'a own wonderful mate- laaeei French as Paris herself I Wraps of black silk velour du nerd- the French velour du nerd. And still ethers of English raye fabric fur soft and warm as fur. Gorgeous Fur Trimming! Gelden beaver. Blue-gray squirrel. Black fox. Black wolf. Taupe wolf. And Twe Thousand Wonderfully Smart New Fur-Trimmed Coats at $25, $39, $48 and $59 Mostly beliviss. Mostly dressy models very dressy models. v OiaMa, Saleaa of Otmi, Tllrt tan. Phttadtlphia, Friday, DitmW 1, It 22 The store of a million gifts is big and con venient and' comfortable comfortable te your purse, tee. - Fer Saturday Santa Claus b Delivering "Ne End" of Dell Dishes- from Glmbela or quaint Japanese figures. Tea sets for two at 65e and $1.25. Larger sets at $2 and $8.60. Soup sets at $3. "Can't find such pretty ones any where else," says the Jelly Geed Fairy. Dainty Imported china with rose gar lands or geld border 500 Baby Dells, $1.95 in knit cap, Jacket, "panties" and shoes. Pretty hair and sleeping eyes. Special. -OlmMi, a tb Wsrta, rrartk law. V Particularly Choice Grouping of Forty-Four Wemerrs $200 Fur Coats at $150 Fine French seal (dyed ceney) coats full 40 inches long, with huge long rolling ehawl-cellars and big fluffy cuffs of natural skunk. Belted style. Richly silk-lined. Children's Fur Sets Cute, Smart, and "Special" Taupe ceney matched sets at $3.95. Beaver-dyed Ceney sets at $6.95. White Thibet sets at $5.95. Natural nutria sets at $12.95. ' Natural Patagonia fox sets at $25. These matched sets come in ages 2 te 14 years. Otmsela, Fur Baleni, third fleer. 9 300 Girls' $19.75 te $35 Dresses at $12.75 "Originals" and "Fews-ef-a-Klnd" Frem a high-class maker who makes only girls' fine dresses. Mostly velveteens with silk or wool crepes or epenge. Most beautifully hand embroidered. Each one mere lovely than the ether! Sizes, 8 te 16 years. -01mb!i, 'ws of Btms, JWrt fleer. Impressively Large and Complete Stocks of the Most Desirable Styles in Men's and Yeung Men's &0tittp Praitb and Kuppenheimer Suits. Overcoats and Great Coats $35 $40 $45 te $85 Crembies beat overceatings made in England ; Worumbe beat overceating made in Amerirnr flHnwn in ai-r mnrlla in Overcoats; finest of making and trimming; special at $65. Kuppenheimer "Klavicle" and "Klavicle, Jr.," and Society Brand "Knight" are wonderfully popular overcoat models with well-dressed men and young men $33 te $65. t- $45 LpT SSaBKsasV TOxysgMBsf rfk'Jsm i&fs3H pi KJJt' vi Ml HdyS I'T'SBh Ifiatii T ivFl rijju- l Ud Londen-Made Overcoats And Up te $85 Just received a belated shipment of these Great Coats. Gimbel Special djC" Suits and Overcoats ip&Zi And Up te $45 Twe-Trousers Suits Extra Treusera at $5.50 additional. $23.50 Special 600 Ulsters and Plaid-backs $50 Town Ulsters at $25 Olmbeli , Soeead fleer, Ninth Streot. Hemstitched Irish Linen Handterchief s The Kind te Give a Man 25c, 50c and 75c Each With a woven border added, 55c and $1 each.' With a colored woven border added lavender, blue or tan 55c each. Chriitma8 Boxed? Yes, Indeed! Olmbeli, Handkerchief Btert, ririt fleer. Tomorrow Women's $3.50 te $5 Stockings at $1.95 Because one of America's really great makers a maker with plants en both sides of the Atlantic had tee big a stock en hand. Thread Silk. Glore Silk. English Weel. American Weel. Silk and Weel. And surely all colors! Olmbelt, rint fleer. Octagonal Vanity Bexes at $1.95 i I Umbrellas Thinking of Gifts ijK Gifts for girl or woman, of shiny black patent leatherette with a neat little flap that snaps shut. Brass studs add te its at tractive appearance. There is a little change purse inside; neatly ar ranged brass fittings and a lid mirror. Otmetla, Tint fleer. iVffllfpr mfssurf flfa mnn.lnve Avrprif hf ttiA Avtr anall Tine U...M.J .! ..-.1... . m gifts. Loek! ' ,W,H "iB u,ue OI urnDr0Iia &E QC for splendid Silk Umbrellas regular I d1 OE for union taffeta Umbrellas with silk 0.D $6.60 te $10 values. Men's and Wern- fel.OOcase. Men's and Women's Ged I time ens- I te buy large numbers for giving. d0 for union taffeta Umbrellas with silk case. V Men's and Women's. -eimbu. pint fleer. 3-lb. Candy Combination, $1 art P Mb" As'ert0ad,HV,rJrt.r.a31 w.ffi Pfafn wd' vanilla : A.!5; . "? a Hard an A l lied Olei. cdUg, the three peundB for SI at fl0elbI"l.M! Chocolate Cerdlal tteflH, different frem'the usual cherrl.s; OJmbeli, Cheitnut Streot Annti tad flaewty Stere. t. Men's $7 and $8 Velour Hats at $4.95 Jfl Art in th Gilt Clan let Mtn ,i?;?rfct Bhads 'or thU winter and a ine. dally low price at 14.0s. ,pe StlB Hats In black; Seft Han In n shades and shapi each e S7 at JS2.QJ Otatelj. Tint fleer," Ninth Streot Gloves That Please the Particular Man Men's Fleece - lined Gray Suede Gloves at $1.50. Men's Lamb's wool Lined Aute Gauntlets, very special at $5.50. Mighty acceptable if he drives his own car! Weel Gloves for the "outdoor man," at 83c te $2.50. Grays and heathers. Olmbeli. Flrit fleer. A4 Seldom Such Pretty Colonial Pumps We".n sW at $4.65 We're sharing the maker's concessions a tribute te Gimbel shoe-leadership I Plenty of Patent Celt and Dull Calf New Cuban heels. New three-pointed tongues often made "two-tone" with Alse 1080 Pairs Smart Tan Calf Walking and Brogue Oxfords Regularly $7 a pair $3.50 Olmbeli, Second fleer, r Men's "Superspun" $10 Silk Shirts at $5.95 for gifts! Best silk put into men's shirts. Up-te-date styles. SUBWAY STORE Men's Silk Handkerchiefs MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES !!Zf3Cv Fine smr'lxl iS31b uBsaif $5.95 instead of $10, because of a bit of oppor tune buying. Beys' Overcoats (g? 9f Pt1 evercats belt all Fer Beys of 3 te 12 $7.50, $9.85, $12.50, $15 Fer Beys of 12 te 18 $15, $20, $25 Crompton water-proofed corduroy Norfolk Suits for boys of 7 te 18, at $6.95. With extra pair of trousers, at $8.95. Olmbeli. Tint fleer, Ninth Streot I Olmbeli, Third fleer. SUBWAY STORE 75c te $1.50 Values, 38c In a larcra varietv of fine silk, nlain whltn with colored borders, also some solid colors and all white. Women's Fancy Handkerchiefs 50c a Bex of Three In all-white lawn, colored embroidered corners, ethers in solid colors, packed 3 in a fancy box, for 50c, Men's Initial Handkerchiefs 75c a Bex of Six White hemstitched handkerchiefs, full size with white or colored initials. Six in a fancy box at 75c. Women's Handkerchiefs 12y2c, 15c and 18c . Made of fine lawn with neat embroidered cor ners, in a large variety of nrettv nattern. Otrebeb, lukwir Stere. A Special Let of Net Bertha Cellars at $1 Values $U0 and $145 Very ' IQri fff i IrPjTn e3l TfeJl b iir smart this -season. About 20 styles te cheese from, all lace-trimmed; many widths. Anether atvle beside the one pictured is a square front and back canel effect. Any at $1. Werth $1.60 and $1.96. -Oiabeb, war Stere. Men s and Women's fci a Umbrellas at $lvO Very Glfty ter Christmas Of closely woven taffeta (cotton), tape edge and silk case. Various handles in newest effects. $U5. $4 Umbrellas at $2.95 Union Taffeta (cotton). A fine selection of smart handles. Children's Umbrellas ' $1 W? nd girl needs an umbrella. Why net n gift! Made of cotton material with tape edge; in-iM, .,g ur biik cera xernanaia in girls' and I creek or opera handles for boys. $1. iff l?2,Stt el Savr' tk AK Specially Plated Flatware J0.40 d.:j Wm. RncAra. tnnt mmnU. i hj , n rri,.u ' ' "" unce, dex nne xer Set COnn(l.tl fit fl Wnlvaa a .1. b i.u teaspoons, 1 sugar shell and 1 butter knife, $8.45. 85c Geld-FiUed Pencils Were $1. Engine turned pattern. $10 I n d e s tructible Pearl Bead Necklaces guaranteed net te peel; graduated 24-in. SO.95 jength, at L --Qlreb.lt, Bubw.y Stere. Sl-Pc. Dinner Sets $ft QS Aciual One of the daintiest and most charming. open-siecK pat terns pictured attractive ban. ket of flowers and colored line along cage and en nan- dies. Sneclal nt -OtabeU, Maw? lUre. $8.05. A Women's Matinee Bags Special at SI. 65 lrbway ru',t,. - ...-- ,..,. store ChriFtmilS SUirCrpStl'nna in Inatlin rrnnAs Ieathensfi1"015 baR3 f bl"Ck P"tent Ie'alhtrctte ani1 bltic " 1 brown cobra-grain Women's Hand Bags at SZ.95 x ah ., wc5c " . Made W" .rJ 'F ' ' i,tn ..' ,'K Traveling Bags, $5.95 i Brief Cases, $3.95 mil.-. ! colors and shapes Appre printe ir Christ. Specially priced. rieties el r7',r 18-inch size; I hegany. line crnwie f nther and 1( ather Imud; black and ma- frli'''''")'-! l iira.rssM ft Ci U i Sizes MM. j and ' 1 x 1 C ; 'print; jck: well e(J and come in Ijlack and cerdman. Olmbeli, Bubway Store. ICATHtN PUU 3TBAP4 BACK iTV l 3ibew LEATHER tOUNTtRPOCKtt Several Thousand Pairs of Men's Sturdy Werk eHUES te en Bargains at pftJ This let of atrenc. Viafi. n-i. i Endlcett Jehnsen-a nam. A- " :r;2"BLr.0..m!?.?, l!y leiiiiaiHia foetwrar. .. u, Muauiy in ceuntirs ter hnrJSPjy Uh P,CtUre tnes 1M nre built for hard and rough usage and the price hardly covers the cost of the expert workmanship. Tomorrow at $2.20. All sizes-especially large sizes. OtmbeU, Subvsj Btore. --J PV 'Wiw. , svrj-ve"' rua vamfj 3 v JJ "jf 'i -,,11 I JPr5 SsBa iO - fct x ' jm y " t - ., -I soup LUTHW SOIU I ItRNCUS in --- . X m i7.ir avi liiR 7A 11 tir '.1 . ass '' f V?tJ t,f J jf-r & i t- -.tuJlH.'v i'i I - ' 1 I " - I . .77