Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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    . ' Wwysj
AT". T5 j V rjvVS J' -J f.MX S - t I ,"' Vj VT "ljtTMW .! A .! I'.rl-.j' .1 lt AW T" I 71 --
f.JWl HMSJiBW Vi. l.ta l1WTi.T'1 JTerWXBVS
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Strategy of a High Order Is Premised in Today's Gridiron Battle en Franklin Fieli
t j
aw )
Illinois Grid Tuter and Wizard Psychologist Probably
Will See Results of Rival Coaches' Strategy
at Highest Peak
BOB ZUPPKE, who teaches mind-ever-matter foetbull at Illinois, enme
here for the avowed purpose of watching the sciiKen's climax of the sys
tems of two of the country's foremost conches Jehn W. llcismnn and Gilbert
Doble. Nig Derry rates u big gridiron match ns S71,1. per cent tight nnd VIYi
per cent football. Zuppke probably would tell us that CO per cent Is pay
cholegy, 37 per cent fight and li.'A per cent football.
However you may apportion the several elements that make up n battle
between the goal resta, that l-'Vj ikt rent which has been called football Is
r w $ " -. , v v
SIONEY McLINN um, ln hn ,, the jm"., tutor's ideas.
Oil Debie's ulmest cruel effertH te make these Ithaca lads believe that
they arc net one atom better than the First Street Grammar Scheel team Is
the mind-ever-matter syxteni that will play an Important part In that battle.
Cruel? Perhaps se, te a euns man who Is prepared te give his all for his
alma ranter. A Cernell man tells this one te illustrate Debie's methods.
One of the greatest kickers the game hut seen stepped en Franklin Field
te de some practice punting. It was the afternoon previous te the big
Thanksgiving Day engagement. The lad was sending lengthy spirals ever
the chalk lines for CO yards and mere. It was evident that he was pretty
well pleased with himself. Hut along comes the coach and lets loose u verbal
punch somewhat as fellows (we de net quote him precisely, of course) :
"De you call that kicking, ou Jelly-limbed clephnntV If you think these
hert, high punts will help win the game tomorrow jeu are hilly under your
headgear. This is a short field, remember. That may make you think you
are doing something with jour feet. 1 shudder when I think what is going
te happen te this team if we bae te depend ou u child like jeu te de your
booting for us."
HOW that Cernell tutor fiars overconfidence' ITc actually spends
half hi) time trying te think up new methods by ichiah he ean
prevent Raw, Hansen and ether top-flight players from developing
what in geed, common English is calUd the "sicelled head." And that
is a pretty fair system, tee.
Cernell Is Becoming a "Football College"
CORNELL men tire strong for Debic. At the annual prc-gamc rally Tues
day evening, held at the Cernell Club in Locust street, Heward Frlt7,
whose brilliant plajing was chiefly responsible for a victory ever l'enn in
1013, told the Philadelphia alumni pre-ent some facts about their football
coach. He said that though "Cernell had been a crew and track college, it
was rapidly becoming u football college as well." And when Fritz asked
three long yells for Doble the diners just about lifted the reef from that house.
There is no question ubeut it, Cernell teams prier te Debie's arrival
there were psychologically unfitted for the annual battle with Pennsylvania.
They were went te regard It as 11 jinx that was keeping big, powerful men
who had walked ever all previous opposition from winning the Thanksgiving
Day traditional game. Debie, who would net listen te the jinx stuff, diag
nosed the situation about as fellows, "Overconfidence and superstition."
The overconfidence was net se easy te cure. Fer It was brought about,
according te the coach, by the fact that hie and fundamentally able gridiron
athletes came te Philadelphia unprepared for a hard light. Late classes, plui
snow and zero weather, made real practice for the l'enn game practically
Impossible. Debie set about te remedy that by using searchlights se that a
dally drill might be held outdoors after dark. Hut, by nature a pessimist,
he did what was of far greater importance in his mind he began te tear away
every shred of misplaced self-esteem that showed Itself in an Ithaca player.
He did It with language that hurt, but he knew that was the only way.
The superstition or jinx was eliminated with the overconfidence. Dobte
says that in the old da.vs chaps who knew they had the strength and the
heart came te Franklin Field believing that they would win easily. They
did net appreciate the fact that becausu of conditions entirely beyond their
control the late classes and wintry weather they were net prepared for
actual combat, physically or mentally, Then when these famous "Rig Hed"
elevens lest they blamed It On that jinx.
Therefore we announce te Mr. Zuppke and ether gridiron greats who come
here today te study the s) stems of the coaches that the p-j etiological punch
Gilbert Debie has put into the Ithaca team will net be se apparent ns will be
their forward passes, line bucks and end itiiis. 15ut It will be a mighty
factor ln the result.
JJOWHERil in a college will you find a finer spirit than exists
" among these Cernell men graduates as trcll as undrrgiads. ll'ij,
a crabbed old miser iceuld have experienced n thrill had he been in
the Cernell Club te hear that "Cernell, I yell, yell, yell!" from the
threats of these enthusiastie grads, and their sane and hearty pir
game sentiment, voiced by Frits: "H'c may net tcin, but by the jA
of tear xec arc going te be proud of our team and our coach."
Mere en Try -
1RO.M the Rev. Charles 0. Wright
r t
that try-for-pelnt rule. Mr. Wright,
Association of the Fnlverslty of Pennsylvania, tnjs he has watched foetbull
for thirty years and for many of them officiated nt high school games, unci
he states, "We are all cenWnced that It Is net a fair way te decide a gnmc;
victory should net hang by such an achievement. ' He continue-!, by uuy of
suggestion :
"Jn soccer and hockey it Is net uttieient merely te cress the goal line
with ball or puck. The actual goals theniselve.-i become useful. I suggest
that ln football, first, a tern hdeun made between the goal pests ( uprights 1
count seven points and no try for goal b necessary; second, if a touchdown
is made en cither side of the goal pests sK points be awuitlc., und tin- try
for beeuth point be made from scrimmage as new. Or.
"A touchdown inude between the ueal pests, either directly through ihein
or by run of scrimmage that enables the man te bring the hull up te a point
between the pests, te count sl points, with priilge of try for another point
us new; while n touchdown made outside goal pests, un where en either side,
count six points without try for goal In this way the premium is placed en
11 play that can decisively prove one team's real superiority in actual foot feot foet
luill scrimmage."
Mr, Wright add that if hi suggestion were adopted the ball could net
be brought In from the sidelines en un out-of-bounds within the ue-jurd line.
There is feed for thought in this admittedly r-idical suggestion. A grid grid
ireu general would have added mental piehlems te solve nheu he get I1I1
attack inside the scoring 7ene, for lit addition te calling ter plays thai would
advatice the ball, it would he neccs-uiy for him te try te get a totnhdeuii
between the uprights. We can hear the uiuchc-j shout "Ne!'' te Mr.
Wright's preposition. It would mcuu that the defence would mass te prevent
a score between the pests, which would be the natural objective. Then, u
team that wus willing te lobe that citia point or gamble en getting it by one
play ns new might Mnnd a better chance te get uway with a touchdown en
cither side of the pests.
BE THAT as it may, trr nic glad te bring Mr. Wright's suggestion
te the attention of the h'ulcs Committee and I), O. '. And tee
thank him for his support of our campaign against that foolish try-for-point
rule by advocating methods that have merit and are irell
worth consideration,
About Sportsmen One Meets
AT TIIK geed-fellowship dinner engineered by Hebby Gunnlss nnd Muggsy
Tayler, with Kddle Coeke ns the guest of honor, F. Otte Knuhe was u
leading spirit. The former Phil player was loudly cheered when his name
waa mentioned. And It developed that he Is n free agent at the present
mwnent, though Dill Klllefer wants Otte te assist in th field direction of
"the Cubs' play.
T SEVM8 strange that big-kague teams seeking a manager should
overlook the snappy, scrappy, brainy Knabe, Perhaps ite may have
reason te say mere about this later en.
Tunney Knecki Out Welnert
Kaw Yerk. Nev. 30 Oane Tunnev. for-
Br Anrarlvun light h'uvytit-iiiht chjiuiplen,
M1 ou
out cnn- wvinart. vx n";i
1 th fourth round of it trtit-diilcil
iuui iir. 'rn nrmir
St m
- Vl" . .T 7 :." -- m -' -
its, wnua in saw jrir
UrtlgntU IM.
mighty important. Tlic general who has a
regiment of bearcats that would rather tight
than eat Is plain out-ef-lurl. If he runs shy en
ummunltien. 80 it is with the football team that
may have the proper allotment of tight, psy
chology and muscle, but lacks the essential am
munition in pla.vs that score points.
Undoubtedly Zuppke will see the 12'fc per
cent that represents the strategy of the two
coaches their systems, if you please at the
peak of development en Franklin Field this
afternoon. And no doubt, te the man whose
mind is working en football problems from
January 1 te December 31 of each year that's
Zuppke the annual Penn-Cernell fight will be
Interesting chiefly because of the smart, wide
open methods employed by the two elevens. But
the. most consequential thing in that battle no
limn .illl Biiiuhv tlin liin If la ltit.tt llnfflftill
for - Point Rule
cenien un Interesting letter regjidin:;
general secretury of the f'hrltiun
Flelaher Seccerltes In New Yerk
New Yerli, Sev, .10.- New Yerk seeci-r
O.u'j will aee'i te avcng-i Iti ret ant 6-i de-
by Dm KMnlitr
dalphli. In an oxnlbltlen mi
ii an oxhlbttlen malcli irt'.New Yerk
Yarn elven, of 1'lilla
Oval. Plity-fifth atreat am
nity-nrm aireei nu
iver nvenuflr. in
lint lem. tiu unurnoen.
nunl with ttie Flalahera.
return tncava -
1 "' "
Captures Four Bleck Out of Six
Frem Hagenlacher at -Hudsen
Kx-Billiard Champien of the World
Yesterday I put the finishing touch '
te my match with Hrlk Hagenlacher, .
chtunplen of Germany, and wen the '
match U14.t te ICSi". I
As I said in my article yesterdnv, '
Hagenlacher did net admit defeat be
cause he was trailing me. Them isn't
nn ounce of quit in his body, and he
proved that particularly yesterday
In the fifth Inning he made a run
of 141!. It was net merely the run
that Impressed everyone who saw the
match, but the manner in which Hagen
lacher mnde his points. All but nine
teen were mnde en the short rail,
which is n testimonial te his mmrnlficcnt
It gave him n big lead in thnt fee fee
tien of the match, nnd warned tne th.it
I would have te keep en edge If I ex
pected te assure my victory. I mauaeed
te make a fair sized run of ll'J,
backed by two ethers of seventy-two
ami seventy-three, which brought me
tilt within sixty-live points of llagcu
lacher. I had te make an extraordinary num
ber of masse shots en that run. and
the muse is always difficult and re
iiiiircs perfect nerve control. Had
Willie Heppe been forced te make many
masses in the recent championship I
tournament he would net have wen, for
his nerves were in bad shape. But it
was Willie's ability te play the rail
that enabled him te regain the laurels
that 1 hed taken from him the year
Let me say here, nnd net nt nil In n
a boastful vein, that I fully expect te
win back that championship when I play
Mr. Heppe again. I respect this
prowess, and state, without reservation,
that he is one f the greatest cham
pions that ever wielded a cue, but I am
in the best of condition new us I think
my match with Hagenlacher has
In the evening I made my high run
of the three-dny match, 10$, and, ns
en Tuesday uisbt I set it record for
Philmlelnhlii of nn SO nvernge, I think
I may say without boasting that I am
iu form :igalu.
Centl te Be Feared
Next Tueday, December "!. n match
will be Mused at the Hudsen Recreation
Deem between young Centi. the cham
pion of France, and the veteran F.dou F.deu
ard Hercmniis, champion of Belgium
There is an intense rivalry between
them nnd. at they will play for 7." per
cent of a SI tWO purse, some very keen
billiards will be shown.
The winner of that match will piny
me Je decide who will meet Willie
Heppe for the championship of the
Centi. who is only nineteen, is just
helf Herenmns' age, but he has shown
extreme bril'innec of play. Centi de
feated me once in Chicago, and Hore Here
mans did it ln New Yerk, but I have
j returned the compliment, se I leek en
the coming match with the winner con
fidently, but with high repect for the
ability of eich man.
Heremnns is king of the masse shot
ard holds the world's record run of
". but Centl has shown In several
m: tches with the Belgian tint he is net
awed by the veteran's ability.
The scores of je-terday's match be
tween Hagenlacher and myself were;
T II 13 0 142 1
BJ 118 45
Schfr 3 0 19 B4 0 0 J12
Itan!rxher ArBB. 3-1'
73 7: 33i
hth run.
1-- . . ,......
.scnrr .ve as a-u. nn run. us.
.chffer 0 ft 0 ins I 3 9 Bt 3 0 89 3s
Haceniachtr- 2 0 1S3 1 7 9 1 0 2 10 0
Schaf-f-r Averse. 31 1 3 hlch run. mi
Hatc-nlacher AeraB 2j 10-11. high mil
f-chd-ffr Averagg. 48 7-1 2.
Hagentaefcer Averai. S2 fl-23.
high run.
htgh run.
Oppose Nativity In First Game
of Season
Merry Luff's original East Phillies
uill plaj their hrst game of the sea
son with the Nativity teiun at the hit
ler's hall. Belgrade und Madisen streets,
en Suturday night
The i:est Phils will have their
strongest line-up mi the fleer, which
includes Freeman and liailey, ferwai
Luff, center, and Bill Blui-k
and Van Osteti. guai-'N.
Manager Luff still Iris a few open
dates in December for the best semi-i-re
home ten ins in or out of i
Address M. .1. Luff, '-".'till Frnnkferd
avenue, or phone Lembard L'Vjs our
ing thu dnj and Kensington ,'iii'ii'. ,it
Scraps About Scrappers
Hi Arrna. PnllaiMpblir's bgv
club, .nd wn -if th- I- -it in ai a v. I
w DrenuJ urtli ullv ifiduy. Zr.v ri t .. ir
t !!' u ra ty httl' ln'u t'1 ril w ut th,
Vttmbaum pluiil wrei'j I.eun Ila i;. ut, 1
Ln- nt Juri.lnr wl'i iirunietb n.u'.rm ihr
urn-j ' unto, Ul t l-llly Mi.i)ti anil
Ui:Mi l!u.
lleliliv lliinniiii, eui1uibw
'imi l-uut i.i"-l " M-lry Hii
lUuslnr. v 'l ' ' luilhl-' tj ii -.
clirci 'Ai"'k H" I J tal.liik' tnu
an atimK "f l"-l
in In 111-,
' .1 -hiinv
f n out
fj'e i from
Vlnrfnt 1P. th M1' niaulfr lias I rtu
mat-neil te inwt I'm llra'i'-y -n i,n etlit etlit
reuivi t-eut l AtUnt ' '- I -mlii .
I.OBCZ Will tier III W lern II- lattr
part of lecinbr.
111)17 Ivlw h tn Ira rlu win, Jes
Tll'llu f'T two uei-K l-vl , lui Edlnl
in weight and In lh futur-, n) box is r
12.-Kun-Ir Hely u ai.x uus te liuek
with Jack I'erry,
Al Jannrtft will maU nl tnw n match-maKi-r
of Th Arna lainiact-r Pa., te.
t.ltfht. wli-n l. ".-III " -i i-rlr- of nn
bouts then-. Tlie v-ln'l up will be r.ny
St-iv K. ) Leenard. ihr tieui.
Kdiils rmpy vs. Nuguut Jehntnn. Jatk
Darrv v Ueorre Hun-.el Iln-b Until vs.
Illllv WbIiz and Jlmmi Him n. ftrp
Nlfhie J-tnnMtl jlann te held weakly
beuta ut tlm Laticast-'r atenu,
!e raltrraen. A U V llvtitnrla-ht ehm ehm
rlen. wrliei id .Mfit uU fr.-n Lima. (.,
that li wilt ei ImcI In I'hlladnlphU In
about ihree Ij-ks, I'attorsen hint tiefd
Ie Jihnen. Larl I'uri'nr. .larkle Mecre.
I'rtsten llrewn and Yeung- I'apke.
r Wallace et hlmaslf Inte ihip by
rainliiit at Temmy Leuenran'a yni-
lie la te wen Jm.li Kdivurila
rtrn-t t
at Hiranten today
Gaeria .f,(,,rf J", weltarwetirht. 'a
tiartj hi fh liid-lnhlii after Hn"earln In
virnl serai n Sny Yerk. (a ateppail
Kid Happy In hutcr rrtfntly.
ni TUriirj. Ivon-iialen l-intani. Iia
iriuiniil t'exii-j undir tlie llrcten of Harry
l.i-urv. The, red hi ad liua int ilm l..n.li....
"'l,"T.? Wj-'fi1 ttK!.'!:l...p,lJ".,,,I'hll..'
!".---t,,vl.T';' :.'.. 'i'v'-;v' ..-y' '"."'
lil.uw ..' W!gl ' eimiiy i.iary
'Tlernev challtwej ansbedv nt 111 peiin-lj.
,1UES6 FnMeaAt Touch
ws. BCa --
rssmssSs s Jif C1Z?V " f m W wsm -.tfatttiav SjUvlaliCVH wMmMM
fjTj.-' " '" . ' "mMp i ' Ip 'mTTTmsmt lEaS ''sVM HrSnSBL''
I'll HJhe a ler v Be thankful
Collingswood Five Is Leading
League Without Suffering
rellln-Tswnn.l a
!Iel Nam- t
Jiunltn 1
Wj-einln Hisl Jicn 0
5IT yewv wiryrr 1 t-bb "s
i Mr ii xrs wz m u vb
k r.c.
11 1.000
1 .r-ne
t .r-ne
j .000
Few basketball leagues in this locality
beast of a greater array of "future
greats" than the Camden County
League, which plays the preliminary
games te the Eastern League contests
iu Camden.
Sam I.cnnet and .Tee Hyde, who
played with Camden three jenrs nge,
are members of the (irenter Colllngs Celllngs Colllngs
weod team, which is leading the league
undefeated. Holle I.engstreet, former
Northeast High star who played witli
many of the best tennis iu lMiilndel
phia, is jumping center. "Hughie"
Lennex, who subbed for Camden last
season, and Charley Verdeur, one of
Camden High's brightest cage stars,
complete the Collingswood regular line
up. "Mush" Higgins. who was signed
bj Ce.itcsvillc last week, also was a
liicnilier of the Collingswood team at
that time.
Hareld Costelle, who played several
games with Camden last year before
lie went te the New Kngland League,
is a member of the Hely Name team.
which is bringing n fust bunch of
jeungsters Inte the limelight. Muguirc,
r.nn-ie. O'Neil nnd Slmuahan have
n,nav n favorable Impression with the
1 big league fans In tlie two games
nlnved te dnte. nnd which have re-
I . ..!....! I.. n llf.i C-fn- liri-ntr
cu '.' ,'.'",'' ""'i. ."' ,'if..i v-
lei i.ngei aim .nt uiivjrs, vnu
nlned with .llnimv Coffey's old St. Cel
umba tenm, are tenmetl up with the
.I'limitii flub, whieli also beasts et
Frank Ilamhleten and .lim Deeley, who
plujed with Iaies and Lngle en the
Lust Lnd team whlih met virtually
I ail the beht teams in Phlladelphlu lust
i season, lteger Brown, who was picked
jus the best center man in the Atlan
tic Division League last season by Hey
Steele, Camden's leader, is nt the tap
off position for .luniiitn. The latter Is
it ie with Hely Neme for second place
'in the league, standing with one win
und one lese ln two starts,
i Wilbur Mutzer, picked as the beet
guard iu the County League last bcb bcb
'sen, nnd who is being given the "once
'ever" by Manager Bill Kennedy, in
.the stnr of the Wjeming Bed Men,
: which has been defeated in both starts.
I However, Manager Winstnnley does
net propose te stay in the cellnr, ns he
has signed IMdh' Allen and Uussell
.letter te bolster Up the weak spots. In
i . . - l.. u- i .
' addition he lias slgnen neerge vv ensier.
i We-tinent's l.ink.v ''enter, which will
enable him te shut l.arl Wainwright up
te forward. This i-ombiiintieii will make
Xhem all step livel from new en.
Wjeming will meet Hel Name in
the prclimliinn te the Cnmden-Phlla-di-lphm
satn" titiilvht. and the Indians
nre ceulideiit of tiiruing in their lirst
t t-intiifill
The league season has been divided
into halves, with each elub plajing the
ether twice in each half.
Collingswood, with its. crack line-up,
appeals te be the faverit" for the first
half Hag, but the ether clubs are net
idinlttlng iin Mipeileritv en the purl of
the Miburhan live, however.
The sc liednle for the balance of the
season fellows :
NfiM-rnb-i nn- Wvcitnlm: vk. Hely Nam.
lietvmlfr 'j ' olnnieiwm -1 va. Juanlta.
I eml-r 1.1 '1 i'ulllri(ivel V i. Wy Wy
enMi )liy Van"- vs. Juinitii.
ll,ttlIlUr -J J-Jijr ..uinv ,- w vuiiitu.-
WCnwiiml"ir '' Juatiltu s. Vyemlng.
January 1 Juanlla vc CI OililnRwoe4l
Hely Nam-D va Wtviullir.
fiErONI) HAt.V
January 10 Wjetnlnu v. O, Celllnss-
January 17-Hely Nam vi
January 'Jl Iluly Nalu v
U. Celllntf
n.v.n..iirv 7-v'enilnif va. Hely Nam.
I'ebruury H 0. Colllni:aeo-1 vi. Juan-
Vebrunry "1 (i Oilinoed va, Wyom-Ina-
Itely'Nania 'a Juanlta.
IVt.ru.iry ii Hely Nmne v. Q, Celllnfi-
Hl?nrch "Juanlta vs. Wemlnt.
Marrh U Juanlt.t va (.1, (.'olllnc(weo4;
Hely Natne va. Wyvmlnt',
Yeu Aute Knew
Tha reKut-ir chanarins of tlrei will add ma.
rlally te muxlinum tntlrnir
If they ate
r.nt l.-ut utll craaatd ailta
tiecome nrakenrd. dun le haat.
A f.lpplnc fun Ix-lt la or of tha coin cein coin
nientat lauaea of overlica'.lnif,
It la. much.
rnaier te rrmeva anarU uluaa
when the i-yllndi-ra in wii, u tin mtal,
whan het,
eii-unja and binds tlie thrtida.
Tlr I net IwVe as lenn nn r.-ira driven
firtern mtlca un hour lliali uik.ii tara tfritcn
at thirty nillei un hour.
When th Inlet
net no at tightly,
and overflow,
valve or float valva dot!
tha carhuramr will flood
OOP tfatCtwMii
Fert whca I
Ncvcne- "wi'
Meet the Wolf Tonight at Chest
nut Street Arena
Tonight's boxing program arranged
at the new Chestnut Street Arena by
Willus Hrltt is the only evening holi
day punching program arranged in
Philadelphia. Arrangements have been
made by Manager Britt te handle a
capacity crowd.
A heavyweight match between Ser
geant Rny Smith, of Camden, N. J.,
and Wolf Carsen, the Oklahoma giant,
will be the feature number. Smith
is in perfect shape and he is confi
dent thnt be will knock out the new
comer from the West.
In the scml-finnl Kddle Dcmpsey, of
Seuthwnrk, is scheduled te take en
Willie Curry, also a Seuth Philudel
phlnn. Thu preliminaries will be: Billy
Unas, of 'trays Ferry, vs. Billy (inn
non, of Seuthwnrk ; Jimmy Tierney,
of Grays Ferry, vs. 'Al Gorden, of
Setithwark, and Johnny Clark, of
Seuthwnrk, vs. Temmy Qulnn, of
Harmony Five, of Seuth Philadel
phia, Enters Basketball Field
A new cage team will enter the city's
independent ranks under the manage
ment of Jee Lembard!, nnd will be
known ns the Harmony Five. They
will represent the fnmnua Harmony
Club, of Seuth Philadelphia.
The players who have been signed
include the best in the game nnd were
former members of Pest Ne. 20, of the
American Legien. They include Lew
Hartzell and .Tnmisen, forwards; Ted
Hugg, nt center, Broeki and Necltra,
at guard.
Harmony will make Its debut to
morrow night against Cathedral at Ma
chinists' Temple, Thirtecnthfand Spring
Gerdeii. Games in or out of town arc
seugut by Manager Lembard!. He can
1)0 reached nt 1713 Seuth Eleventh
street or phone Oregon O.'l.'14-W.
Lansdowne Player Will Lead 1923
Swarthmore Eleven
Swartlimere, Pa., Nev. (. At a
meeting of the football letter men,
Leenard Wilcox, n Lnusdevvne boy,
was elected te captain the Garnet grid
men next year. Wilcox will be a senior.
He has tilled u right tiif-klc berth en
Ceaeh Mercer's aggregation with dis
tinction during the last three seasons.
The new" captain will have eight
letter men about which te build his
machine. Light ethers are te be grad
uated this year, the backlicld suffering
especially ln the less of the giant As
plundh, for three years the stellar
plajer en the Little Quaker wpiud ;
Schneider, the quarterback, nnd Thoeu Theeu
en. a fleet halfback.
Ned Wili-ex. u brother of the cap-tnili-elect,
will be back te till his po
sition nt half, uleng with Kunpp, an
other veteran.
Beets and Saddle
The i.lianiiMCIviru; liauuitap nus a
larye uinl vvell-buluneeil Held at Hewie,
whiih mm hi. the cleuinc tluy of the
nitHtini; KeckmitiMer is ceui-eiled three
peumli I.tieky Heur UeL-kiiiiusii-r
recent rare hlieuhl put him iu lirxt
lab f-ouilltleii fur tuiliij-'M effort. He
uiipeiir.- te have mere htuuiinu thuu
I.uekj lluiir.
Ilei-es vvlileh seem best nre: l-'lrnt
ruee --Little Hepe, Three riilire, tlelU
Mount. Heeeinl Gauily, .Slinij, Kt
tahe. Thlnl-(!cneral Thnleher. Viil,
Keri-ht Lere, reurth On Wateji, Pair
I'haiiteiu. Oentilit.v. 1'lftll -Iteekuiiii-uter.
l.uel.j Heur, Captain Aleeek,
Sixth Sutitr, Fuiinln Ileun, l'lueky.
Seventh - lteui'ti, Jehn Merrill, Mouu Meuu
luln H'i-e l.
New Orleans npeim lt winter nicet
InB today ut .leffcren I'urk with the
Thunk'-Kiviutr lluudieap aa the feature.
Iler-cs which H'l'in bebt are:
FlrM race Marvin May, Elmer K.,
Lord Allen. Heeend Sunny Urn-row,
(iurht of Hener, (Jelden I'rest. Thinl
May Itelnrt, I'nnteelie, (Irass Tree.
JViurth - I'lierrv Tree, Oniiilc Senjf,
rvewpie ii'Mni, 1 11 III l,eul A., I'l
tatlnn, Whalebone. Sixth Hegnl
,fxli;e, I'uiil Mieeti, Meivhant,
II.iv.uih, en Its npeninc iIrv today,
efferh a imrwe f.t !?-ft00 in the Tliuuks-
eivint; Hauilleap. ( remwell uarrieM top
weight, llersex whieli (.rem bent nrp;
I'iri-t rnee Noen (jllde, Held field.
IIrviiiiii r.leetrle. Seeend Miiuibe
.lunile, Applv .lack II, Sun Turret.
Third - (,urf,,"fv, ItiiN. I-'I -.
Fourth Dr. Hleknian. Lit lie Ulnrk
Sheep, FineHhtle. Fifth Cromwell,
Teney Henti, Sea Prinee. Sixth Hurry
M. SIcveiiH, Uuke Ituft, Dulryinnn,
Lafayette Leses Soccer Star
Ktuten, I'a,, Nev. 110. Tin Ifayetli- Cel.
leu v irnlty ai-rcf-r tf.iiii wna lvm a rovare
-ei'i..' wtirn It u n t Kne.vti ih.it riiiilfv
ll-j.xkirl. the ti-run Imlfb.iiU. would be uul
for th reuiijlnder nf thn hpineri btcuap of
a pialned llaanmnt In hU left IfK. Liifn.
etle plays th llnlveralty of nnaylva.nlit
ttaturdav Tl. Penn Htala Ixiaiue mattli nt
1-ranklm Field.
I 4t
"CvT iuuiuii An AlsWHM
vnnnnT - w..
Copyright, lit, by ttutlte Ltdmr Company
U. S. Open Ceif Champien Plans
Entry in British Event Can't
See "Conflict"
NKATtLY ns often us llegctl moon
shine llkker is ninde u new nnglc
te the piny of the next open golf cham
pionship ire these United States crops
Tills time It Is intermingled with the
desire of the pros te play the event
here next year in June which, right
new. leeks like a conflict with the
month of the Uritlsh open piny abroad.
The vigorous part of the proposed
rniiillet ! that, if there is a conflict,
Genu Sniazcn. American open cham
P en, states that he will likely default
lils title in this lnr.d te compete ln the
event abroad. Sarazen asserted tedav
that he was going nbreutl next year te
"try for the British title uuti make
n geed showing." He .doesn't think
lie will rhjinga his plans, stating that
he has fully recovered from his recent
operation for appendicitis nnd thnt he
splnylng just ns well ns ever."
J heugh Walter Hugcn, llritHi
champien: i Jim llnrr.es, tied nt second,
und Jeck Hutchisen, fourth and former
champion, all American citizens, hnve
net jet made comment en plans nbread
JieAt season, America ought te have a
line chance nbread with Snrazen nlse
among tlie United States prospects
there next season.
The American champion makes his
proposal te go abroad even though
cognizant of the recommendation of the
American P. ;. A. that our national
open be played in June. Sarazen is
anxious te play i the PVOIlt brn(l
next season, even if it does cost hira
his American title, which is n highly
complicated tstnte of nffnlrs.
Made Great Showing
Hariizeii made a splendid showing in
tlie lulled States during the season
new defunct. His first start In tne
season te come is premised for Call Call
ferniu In January.
Out of twelve tournaments last win
ter in the Seuth, Sarazen finished s,e s,e
eud at Shreveport te Diegel. Ilt Mobile
te fyril Ulker, nt Deland te Hngcn,
and at Ashevllle te Tem Kerrigan
Sarazen was the winner of the open
at New Orleans, where In: trimmed
Dlegel, who linlshcd second.
1 he chuinplen'K grand triumphs nfter
tint were it.' the national , epe,, nd the
I'lofeHsIennl (Selfers A-Mirtntlmi flnul.
He nl-e trimmed Wuller Hngen In nn
extended match for the "world's title "
It Is uncertain just what eff,.,-t Sura
jen s diclslen te compete ahr.nd will
huve en the U. S. O. A. event.
Jehn Hirrrll, QuaKer nidit pre m leunl
benmcri te iwlii uuul preiVlnei -,, V,i
nne .h-,i fxvrx who leek te r.,rr, I Yr. .
in- nt epr-n tltlr t-fiii .lrr.. ..."
n.nnrr-up nl llwi feliunhla inrlj , .,.'?
Mount Helly Shet Wins Turkey and
Trophy at Maple Greve
The Quaker City Cut! C,,, M. ,
'turkej sheet" ,er its Maple (Sreve
trap- .vcteiday afleinoeii, wlii,-, ,ir.w
a In rife guUierlng of local ami siihtir mil
Itirget shots. M. S. Haines, of M emit
llell.v champion of New Jers.-v "",',
two of the hlllf-deien pi-1.es off.'-i,.,! I,,,
the t.liiakerH. J
I lames enlf hmke fur n sce, ,, f)S
wllh a handicap of two iu ihul seere'
nod iliem were no less than seven hhoet.'
ers who ...tide UN., total sce.e hnt
as I he prizes went awarded en the re-
tii- xjeiviii lur tin lies tllllt is. the
li,i.t lulu M.ifi f....... .1. . ... . . "
i .ii '" lM" ',,''' of the
sheet. Ilalues captured n tnrtnu V. I
his dinner today. He e wen the
silver trophy giu-n te the shooter mi k.
.'ifj'"...:: T...!1! "" "! of the
...,.,,..., r. ... Miuies, Ijiillies scored
u total of tvveniyseven breaks te win.
8phas and St, Peter's. Meet
In Big
Independent Clash
The most
et important Imbkctbnll Bnme
wrnin iu IhlH city tonight" U
en I lie pre
he lilavetl iM'twecii Ihn Seuth l'hll,l..l
en III
llelirews iiml Hi. IVh.e'u .,1 u. ...
, 1 l,..- , - ri'V
r-liri'l Hill D Viler nir-iiii.
the SpluiH ami the
ufliT rpwiige. ChlcKlr, IWu, , f I !
mer pliiyer for thn .Sphun In with i.
1'eter'H ami will idiij-nanlnst hl for."
mer mates for tlm rHt lime h, ill
career. " ""'
St. I'eler k hfil. one of (he he- elulm
11 the in.lepemlent ranK uml lower "l
I be . co low of Cutlie.lrnl Uht FrWag e
CalhMlral'H own lloer. They are Jfter
the cliamplendilp of the city I
h I
-alar "S '
Hew Dees It
'i ;
Offer ter Refnmelt
BUlUn "Bex Score"
A Fighting Family
' '
unnm lyim nun ratucu win v"'" 1""F mere, ler yOUnf EfliU K
J Remmel. Hie Yankees- Tigers end! White Bex are bidding for the Baltr A
mere boy and ethers maj be. in the running. , .- , . u i
There Is net a magnate in either league that would net like te hare Remaut v
ob his payroll, but also there is net a club in the American circuit that rnTS '
aim. any mere man our own aiuigucs.
Eddie wen twenty-seven games last season nnd his victories were reseen'
elble for the A's deserting the cellar. After many Iran years Mack's inrfu
crop of pitchers has produced one real hurler.'" He belongs te Philadelphia
McOraw bad Remmel and spurned
in 1010 and held en te Hubbell, Winters
and snared him at tne end or the season. ,-:,
Remmel has a knuckle ball that is the most deceptive in baseball, t Jkr
only feels the batter, but Gy Perkins
unua ii aimcuit ia cage iub anucaic uuu in um Dig nun. i ,
Mack announced some tlme ego that he wits through selllnr hla 'j.''i
and any pitcher who can win twenty -
certainly belongs in tee class et tne
THE A's will be improved next season. Harry RlcemJa, will be at
third and Jimmy Dykes will probably be shifted 'te seeend. The
tihfeld also will show belter. If Remmel is sold the less te the pitch-
lng staff will net be ceraterbalanced by the Improvements in the ether
Petersm'a "Bex
pHARLEY PETERSON, the trick-shot
new stunt. Jt wetna de wen ler
it. Like all of Charley's stuff, his
as theerv.
Pete has devised a "box score" for billiard' matches which shows -tit .'
number of strokes and the nature thereof. It is a complete record of tha''
tniitmntviatnt- 4
The figures form a stroke analysis
i1.&M In Anll f1?AM.ltu MMlfa(lAM -A11,1fl
tlUlK til UCIUII. AVIUM- Ol-""V- -.U.U .... .v. ywr. .,u .IIUIIW W -fBCaOSSfk i
forehand and ether strokes te match Pete's "box score." -"7V
Willie Ilenne was suffering from a stiff muscle In his shoulder and IS i
avoided a masm and relied en the draw te regain his title. This is clearly eete
out in the statistics. The champion made almvat a hundred mere lew-ikets '
than nnv nfher tilnver and he WOB next te the leWSIt in masses. ' fJ"
The present title-holder completed
the field. Willie executed Ave four-cushion strei.es ana one nve-cuinlen. Rs
was the only player te make a elx-cushlerf shot.
Mere than 12,000 strokes were registered during the tournament, the dtW'
proving the most popular, having totaled close te tttOO. 'c
a a . , . ' ' ' tr
TIU. SCOre wnicn i-ecenen aiauiajxa ww m wvutpnrminm iet ins ' '?
entire tournament. This coupled with the same method applied "!,'r
. ... . . n-ft. nul.n. n. ,! ll itt.l MAAntn, MA. MM-la in n..tl.'. -1
10 inaiUUUai nwaia mamca- aa ra
Fightlag a Family Affair Among the Beleifs
FGIITINC1 !s a family affair among the Beleffs; that is, boxing is. Fightlag
Is reserved for the opposition furnished from outside the household. ' '
Yeu knew the RclefTs. Uave is tne ene in tne nmciign. at present. Wn
the Seuth Philadelphia High Scheel baseball nnd football player who wen t-t
Philadelphia amateur lightweight boxing championship. He appears in Nsft
Yerk tonight In the Intercity tourney. '
Marty, the eldest of five Rattling BcleffH, was the first te drive oppeilrlea
te the canvas. He wen the bantam title in 10t0. Marty Is new twenty-two, vi
Then enmc Manny short for Emanuel lightweight chnmplbn. in 1018, who,
cast his first vete this month. Manny was in n hurry the night be wen bh
crown. He had te get back te his ncwupnpcr stand for first-edition sales, it
he knocked out his opponent in two rounds. . . . ' ... ..!
Miinnv plnved football nt Southern and was a star fiuibnck en the 10h
eleven which finished well up In the Interschelnstlc League standing. He wu;
president of his class in his junior and senior years, honors seldom cenfcrrrid
upon the same student. .... , ,. Ul . ., ti.
Dave hns followed in Mnnny s footsteps nnd has gene him one better ft
sport- llesides winning the lightweight title nnd playing football, Dave U
n baseball plaver. He was shortstop en the Red and Black nine last spring (l
Dave Is sixteen and by the time he steps out te .amateur- boxing another
brother will step in. William, nge twelve, is admitted te be the best boxer ii,
U, And when William is through there will be still another te, fellow. !&
nltheitgh n wee slinver of eeven years, can swing n boxing fciove better this
Mickey McOuire (hitnclf). . -i
PVB sons nnd all athletesl Southern is well suppUed new with ,
Beleffs and will be for a few years te come.
... i. ..ii -i..i. . awt-an-elcht-tn-yaar-etd
at huvlns li-lls
Aa OITUHI. "" ,-"-
triei, .
Mnrahall Club, a aUtan-a1hteen-yaar-eia
aec4r "l"v-n. , wlihta le ach.dii . S-tnM
wlih t-utnH havlm? a-reunfH for "uVi.
Humlay clatea A, Ftrehla. 8553 Jorth Mar
almll Ktr.'it.
Trlniiale ReaervM. a fourtaan-aUtean-year-eld
anarcBntlnn hna rtMaa open for tafma of
IMS nse wllllnar te exUinnse datea. William
Kunla. t3:i .'aaiyunW nvnu.
. . ... a ...- ---aa-a wVtmA
..T ft. "lKfra, ".SP.V.'S'Afl. and T-.U.r
...'".-?.. nl. ,,,;V.V .ml waa turnl back by 1
Iha i'vansci II. W Je 0. It waa tha
twelfth win fur V.vanipel.
Annu A. A., a nw team en the fleer itilt
rauaen haa acure-l a , numb-r of atari .and
la raadv tu atajie battlea v.-ltll tha btat In
iha rllr. 11. 1. lMvnpert. i i
Woed.toclc street, or rlione ureaen eiqu j
betwean 0 ar.rt 1 5'-
Nhrrweed Junier maAa It flva atratfht
vletSfPi !.n they lfUl 5i7aiil.?J
Klnaacasltia, i te 13. Khavell and UmheJU
itnin-d for the wlnnera.
The Ilrlnware I'ndrrn rilera. a, slstaan-.lghtern-;ar-Uld
travel n .?' " ., tT-ii
like te book aamei with laatna of thla ag
having halla nnd efferlna e-penaea. W. Hay Hay
iiieihI JlcVaush. -11 Walnut atreet.
I-edce e. 18, of the Camden Malcha
Muvla h.i uraanlied a b.akKlbaU team, la
ww l-jektiia s"meatliher at home, cr away
ahd would Ilka e b?r f'Pme'rer Mai cha-
ilunvn S(irnrity. A U. Maliuned, 010 l'rl
tr-et, Caindi-n, N, J.
The '. C. IliinfeeU. a alxteen-navcntaen-ii-ai.ell
ti.ivillnK leam. Oealres te h"e
iama with team" of Ihf aame eliisa. Val-t..-r
K. Dinner. 12.7. An h blrmt.
Twrntlrlli Miird A. V, liua u t.nn nn lha
fleer nnd vvuulil line te '" i
IMfrn.eli;lii-n-ar.eld teaina at
away. V llvnti, S31 North Twelfll
The hlii't Timtr A. '. would 1 1 K
fleer nnd would like te bunk gam-' wltn
ttli at reel.
Ilka te he,iU
Klinua wltli aiteen-eii.niei.-ii-vr,-uin iraii
Living home floeri nnd offering aulteblj
fiiarinil- Samuel llutewaky, SIS Ncuth
Twii" biit-ketball plajrera, fnrwarda or
auardn lli tu Jein anv feurteen-ntteen.
j-areid Ki.rntl"n Itulpli Adullzsl. ITU
beith rtlxla-ntli "tl" ,
Wtern Atlilellr tub, u tlfteen-ieventeen--r-eM
ti-am hiiuUI UUe tu i-rli'Jiili guinea
with trama of thlN hke having halla and
effirlng r-u8niible cunranttca. lJUla 11 11
tew'tr, I'i't hprme atrn-t
The Ills llrellirr lluakelbHll Club haa been
d-laed In atartlliij of Its m-iimn due te thn
many ixlt-nxlur-H. n intra nnd HltrrHtlniia
being ma. In it- ita building nnd tl.n nddltlnn
uf u 1,1-autlful iihw bwlniinlng imel, which
haa Jut Iwvn iiinl. Tnme will he ipn
tiam lepreai-iilhig 111' lllg llrulhcr Cub,
running from T.'i imiiiiila uinvurd te 1.10
ihhiihIi Mnmiu-r li.ii-U-ll.ull tmim. lllg
lirellii r 'Itib, '-'.I Smilh Van Tell Klr'et,
T. lint ti, Kearrvri, 11 klxt-Mi-iiHVi-nt(n.
M.ir-'il'l trii'elliig llv la ujieii in m-et ;ii
taami iilftiriPK fair guarantioe, A. Tedlaa.
f.'T Hi eon all let.
lierli- A. '.. a fn'irte-n-iiliitK-n-year-eld
traveling 'inlnlet, with two vleteriea In the
tiume liumler nf Marti, la nnxiuua te hear
the Law
Thii label meant what it smyt
950 12,0 8
MarshaU E,
flvffft et InieUVaajaaaa
'FumUhint, 724 Chtttnut ltrt
Strike Yeu?
N ' Vi
him. Me turned htm ever in r.lsJ'
and Jenes. Mack realised his wevtfcv
as .well. Even the star Mack mukaut
seven games with a seventh-place ela?'
luminaries. . . t
-'- ..r
. Af,
. -.-!
j i
Score" Complete
nrtlst of the billiard table, htVg- :1
promoters et Dig tournaments te Imk
new -idea is sound in practice as waO'
similar te that used in tennis, but' J
ItfltfA (n ftltlf1ir tllA -l,t-ntlAB, nl V 1.1 ?i
mere cuihlen shots than the rest efVI
, .. .- '
- unw .w iwuj aw Hvuuiijrp
1 U:i v
from qulntata et tha arnne caliber. B
Tha Juy All-Htara. a ftrit-claaa tranttaf
team, want a te hear from flrat-clati BOM
Kama erffrlna raaaonable guarantee, Al;
Hperllnir. SJ31 Beum rrent atreat.
d-u-nrtmt ball thla acaaen. It woeli
tn li-ar from flrt-clnaa trami ha Vina
nnd nrffrlr.H rruaonable iruarant-ca, A,
Skrnbnnil(. (1ST Kaat Menuatcry avani
t..v lulr.ni-li a iViina, tTi-tvhnaaiiiBih Afttt '.
lua,miiiUB(i vt 'iwitv iiwavvi -'Haiti va-aw 7 . 1
Wilsen A. C. a feurteen-alntatn-ynMll'
trnw-Mnir team. would Ilka te arrange final
. wl.li .asm. of the .urn age,
Jei-pn nun.
'6 Merrlu atr-et
fllMrd A. A. daalrta aamaa with mil
having a raaerve team and hall, alie 081
suaranteei Kranu neiiiy, iu vveit
t-l. ni. nhnn. Markat ?ai9.
Ovetga W. Nmlth d.reatad tha Thirl CM:.
tln.11 Church team In a cleialv fought aaM
en the lattar'a Heoe tha ether aveBhiff V
tha urern "t 17 te IS. s"
Clarlten llluejaeketa and Fert WaiatttflM
will (iiRage In 0 big Turkey Day fam M
Keit Waahlngten. Pa., en Thuraday roeftlaf-;
The Climax A. A. would Ilka ta Ml
gamea with flrat-elaaa taatn having hall
end offering reaien.bla suaranteei, CIllMI
A. ,. Bit Arch atreet Tr
Treep 03 All-Ntura defeated Troop U
a football aklrmt
h vaiterdar aftarnee
Hunting rara.
jtacn waa me liar 0
a ..-- .. . j -J
Tha Veat PhlladelDhla lIMarta. a twali
Mgrli, a twahy
Irea gamei vttk
avlng hall. al
naun, M.7ftenk
rouriaan-yrar-eiii leani. ueairea
teania of the aumu aan havlr
pallrg expenses. Karl llebtnaun
t'racn Mrai 1
The We-tern lleld flub kent Hi wlaaJM
pii stir si. 1 1
i-treak Intact by defeating
m Jamu ia
l-ft ,n- r.in- evening ey a
Thla Hatunluy Weitcrn will
tl-te.14 aea-a.
Play SlmMS
The Weal Phlllie Mub opened In bukat-
hall ar-aann '11 hi' Haht nintiu-r ilia alhae
evening, defvutlng thu Men In- Club, Qamft,
are iieaire-i wun 1-.. u. tt H., rreic-iW,
Nkntewii lleacrvaa or any fives uf thla dm
Fir or out or ine city, uein .viarruj.
llltivr t-irvt-1. or (itieue uregen 1170
The Mre'ewn ttevrra would like ti aK
range ciima with anv flfie-n-iivmtajg-M.tr-e'd
tu tiiiit having I nine Ihmra Wtllir
Thlc. 4:il T North .Seventeenth atreet. ,
ljndt-nwelil A. ('., uf Ambler, unuH MM
t rr-vngr gam"N wun j.in 10 n ixnua
teutna fei Nuturday, N'uvciuber .'.V nlthtr.it
linllld or aar it 1.. nnann, una liead:
avenu", Ambler, I'a. I'henn AniUcr III
iiMiiii-n n tinii 7 1. m.
The lllatne ('anununit Center, a ilitMV
elthlueii-yHi- old loam, deairta gtmei wm
Kama htvliiit lu-.la f ml nfriirini; ri-aaeniw
Kuurapliua. Inaderu I'muk, IU0H Nena
Mrtleweid etieet ,
The Prime or I'rnee lla)a' (lull, a a-ti'iiii-elgliteiMi
sur-(ild flve. would llkl W
Injuk KumcH nt home nr nwaj ullh taaai
uf that (lu.a. lk-niaul KJi-leilitull, :.It04"'
The l.ncii-t A. A., with 11 rrierd of Ifclr
tten Kinni-a wen nut of fuurlrui Urli. if
up-u ilati'a fur nml-clux- tlwa rltnar it
I:. mi- ur nwiiy. UcurKu O'llrii-n. I'J.'U BoiU BeiU BoiU
Telfth Htrmt. , . J
The Mierldan II. .1 r.irteeti-illas-
yeir-elil trave ng lit a. would line ia near
from teaina 'jf thla caliber nlteri
!r7i'-t rKr5,
alils auuranteaj. I). I'llKen,
ulreat, -f
Flail ywwwr. n.-
glvea preaial ettealKil
Smith & Bre.
- -
afaUl i
t.A t'
' Jt j r
. vt .