"wteWv zm S$E?lsSS ,, 4I f sy i,V kts-wsr 5v& TfIE WEATHiR ' V ,VV . i. . ftn &,', r-L tb yf ' Nl&tif M 1 ( -'Wli' sitH HlljtHtH' warmer' tnnlthtV Thursday mnntiy rlendy nml Ml-lilly warmer moderate west te south winds. TtiMl'KKArilKK AT K.. II HOIK 9T IV- b' '"-' - -. 1. T 'i r . fVB ,. -""fr- "-., . - ffieeaer , - - l i-j W l.rt, 4 -- - ) --'-'----'' - tl .H . -, r-,s i ini.in -m , i Tarirnrrir istftLV 1A "-' 1 LL1 LL J aWl L - LI - I I :h l.t. i;w mr-nii Mti mi iH j r I ' W --fe Ti VV li VOL. IX. NO. 66 WEN IS HELD : WITHKNOBLAUCHI0: FACE GRAND JURORS $50,000 Bail Asked of Brokers Accused of $800,000 Swindle GOT U. S. TREASURY NOTES, BUT LACKED CASH TO PAY Witnesses Say Bank Balances of Brokers Was Far Belew Checks issued .TrwiPi I'., lterden ntnl Iti'k A. Knnbliitii'li win- Ih'M In S."ft.(l!ll bail eerli in tin1 (Jriiml .Itiry today lv Man Hralc fiiwnnl, at a fnrllier ln'ming at Tenlrnl Millien. TIipj wi-ri' ln'ld en cliarRPJ lrmij;lit ' liy Ken ii. Tnylrr & Ce.. Nw Yerk ' li'rnker. fie'ii whom llmv lieuglil .fl.'O.- , ikiii nrlli of fulled States Trciisiir.v I lertllienleM, iim-iii'dlir' te tlic tr.itltneiiy, miii tried te liny S!l."0.(i00 mere. Tlie rlieek tli".v fine for S 10.000 n iiiiiriied n wertlili'."1'. Manipulation Charged William A. l!rny. representiiiK th" i'U ViK- lianliinu lirm. dfi'larrd tlir riii!iiili'lilil:i liaiild'i's had "rnhbrd jvti-r t" liny I'aiil." and had purelined tin' rwliticiites in order that they i-eiild deposit tlieni te liorrew npaln-t (hem. mill nsi the money te settle some of ll'cir in-ire prel-iiip oldWatletis. Mr. (,'r.i iliM'lai'ed that he niillil prove this iliiirue when the time rami1. Mr. Itfiiy appeared as private pro--(Jiiler nl the hearini;, which beeame a ii'.iw of HtlltNtles offered by a Mieres--inii of bunker witnees. ' llerilen rnnie In miiippIIy dressed anil well ifrneini'd ; his former partner, who' I..I-. been walling in (Vntrnl Station for 'In- fart Iter hearinu' In default of S.MI i linn hail, which lterden was able in , fimiMi, was in a sadly hedracKleii rinte. Ills hair was rumpled ami se , ire his trousers The partners unified meetiiiK each ether's ev Kiieblniicli withdrew as fur ns possible from the U-lnllj of the man with hum lie used te be associated but his ittnraej, Henry .1. Seett, pulled him nek. The technical testimony began imine- inlely. Kdward .1. Itiiffy. of Kcau. iijler iV Ce., said hi.s 'Inn hail done islness with Jlerdeti .V: Uneblifiicli m.c February of till- ear. and that '.c lirm had started dcnllnj; In trea lii te SaOO.000 at n time, until tlm st puiThnse of ?4."(l.OO0. Often Talil by C'lierli In re-petisp te Mr. fJr.iy'N itieslens witness e.ilnjncil that hertofere i'j Imil beiiKht the certillcate.- ami nlen & Knob illicit had sent ever i hick in payment. On the oecn-len meager cupboard and small quantities i ' the S I.-.0 OHO piirelm-e. the witne-s e foe,j for j,uncrv mouths en the dn ' H, he laid called up and talked lej.i,,, ti,m gives thanks for blessing:' 'iniliaiirii, oskiej linn ee nriiiiiKe i" . iKe the payment m .ew eri. ine 'iiipfs said lie wns told that he could t arrnnse te de this immediately, but .it he was buying for the l'ennsvlva i Cenipauy, and In' future would ar '"'e te make eii'ni.its in New Verls. The witnes( said thnt the purchase il been made and the certificates de sited with the Imm'teI Reserve Rank i New Yerk en the strength of the "in,vlvnnlii Company's reputation. " witness Pfii'l "n "in""'"""'" M'i te order !?"."( ),000 mnre in the me eertilleates for delivery the fol ding Monday. Mr. Soett n-ked the witness If the inpnnv which made the purchase had en paid previously, nml he replied in anrmntive. In response te ether ic-dlnns the witness said that nctual liniPUIICI II. Ulll.-I livrrv hnd net been made, and that company's less hnd been "nominal. ''Iinrles Read, nn"ther empleye of the ne New' Yerk hiiukim; beuse, testified hed called Mr. Rerden nbnut the imnctlen, and the lntter hnd said iiiciinu, nun ine inner nun pi i i knew nithlt.g concerning It; that did net handle that end of the game. i"l hnd asked his partner te give up" nir dealings In treasury certificates. Tell of Check Deal lidward F. Sinnett. messenger for ''"ne. Tnyler & Ce., testified 'h came this citv Tuesday te bring the !."0.0OO worth of f tilted States Trens- n y rertlficntes. "I was Informed Mr. Knoblauch would '' wal'lng with n eertlfiisl cheek," he alii, "I went te his office but he wns '"t. Then I went te the Pennsylvania "ffipany, and could net locate him l're, se I deposited the certificates i'tli Rluren & Ce., clients of ours." ( S. Newhall, vice president of the ''nnsylviitiln (.'empnny, wns called and eenli-d that his concern had autherlned ll'irilen & Knoblauch te inireliiise Sl."i(l.. MiMl worth of U. S. Treasury certificates f. litem, lie nuileii that the I'ennsyi- an!e Cemnimv did receive the S4.r0. worth of bends February 20 frm le Federal Reserve Rank of New Yerk, 1 eelluteral for n lean made, te Ror Rer 'ii (c Knoblauch. He Mild the bends . 'if deposited In the riillndelphln Nn "ami Rank nt tlm request of Rerden ' Knoblauch. Mr. Oray naked Mr. Xewhnll hew "eh money Rerden & Knoblauch hnd " tlm Pennsylvania Company Novem. 1 -u at the opening of business. "Kx "l.v ?l,S2.-0," Vald tlw bnnker. fentliwed en Taie Ht, Column Thn-e OEMOCRATS KEEP UP SENATE FILIBUSTER Underwood Takes Lead In Fight te Bleck Antl-Lynchlng BUI Washington, Nev. 20. (Ry A. P.) Ueinecrnts htarted the uceeud dav of "'elr filibuster against tlm Republl Republl Republl ""'"ponsered Ilyir iintl-lynehlng hill ""lav liMiiedlntely upon the convening ' .!ln Hm.te. Ike flrt move wub n demand for a '"Oram mil by Sennter Underwood, " Uemncrutie lender, as Mien ns the 'iiaplaln concluded his prayer. The ''h'ull finished. Hcnnter Underwoe I JViIf". " ,,,etlu" t0 n'lieuin until i,Sic""i'ur .f.',lr'i,'. Keptiblicnn whip, i ni,"S...,,, ,ulnt tleclnred the feiii- if '""'""''i'. waged yebterdny was .; '. '."" precedent Mice the "force i illiielcV"S ,,,'bl,u,,l ,0 1,'i,th '" ,Me i'nry '?i?!?K,v, '0 -K,l7 pn- tiling im.,ST.v frimn yea wunt dvr 'nit under Hlt-utlana en pan S2.A3v, . i -. flitter lhe Act of Little Miss Charity One or the many children who appeared at the Scheel of Practlrc today with baskets nf ThunUsslvlns provender for the peer E i i Bountiful Thanksgiving Dinner, Raet. mi,l ll .t C.-l uaane mUv; wK i aviiuui of Practice ALSO RAISE COAL FUND ' Happiness was- piled hidi nlatferm of the auditorium en of the the 'blrteenth and .SprltiR f.nrden streets. this morning, as mere than 1000 ehlN dirn brought conlributlens for .i TinnUKlvJiiB dinner for peer fiimlllef The happiness wns In the form of feed, and for many homes it meant n table leaded with Beedles Instrnd of a uesinWetl. ihu eiii'iiren came te school carry ing baskets, bags, cans of vegetables, fruits, meats and ether edibles for Thanksgiving dinner. As they arrived at school they placed the gilts en the platform In the assem bly room, and there the gifts remained for the morning gathering, a great heap of geed cheer and happiness. In addition te the feedstuffs there were cash contributions amounting te s?t!i.'. which will be used te buy coal 'or needy families Immediately nfter Thanksgiving. According te .Miss Mary l-i. Pwler. care bus been taken te see that these who receive the children's bounty nrc worthy of the gifts. I lie donations embriictd the entire ,. . t, ... , .. ,, , '"nl dimes tnai appear en a iimtiKs M'K "" "" "' evcepuen el tlir Hey, ter which ciiicken was substituted in most eases, nltlieugh many of the bn-kcts contained roasts of beef. Immediately lifter the assembly ex ercises, which were arranged stiitnbti , ,. ,.. .. ..!. . i.. .t ' J1,1n1 h,r , JV V' "Ji? . ! gymnnsium by willing helpers of tl school. Here were I ."it I baskets alrendj tagged, and for many hours Miss Dwler nnd her nsslstnnts worked te fill each basket nnd make an cqultublc distri bution of the presents. It has been n j early custom te have children who attend the Scheel of Practice, provide the gifts, and eaily In the year they begin te save their cents nnd nlcke's thnt the collection for coal may reach 11 substantial figure. A bread smile was en Miss Dwier's nice ns she steed In the center of the healed goodies and hnked out en the faces of her children, who were greupul row nfter row 'n front of her. Miss Dwier said but little. It wns the. children's party and they wanted te sing their songs for the benefit of the guests who crowded the gallerie-i. Se in simple words she thanked them ... ..rcn ns fC(ei,..('Inn, .Mmirr .., ; AVV'-V'' CHILDREN GIV FOOD TO THE POOR in behalf of the unnamed families wh, .. , , . ... - nnnnn --x. - nrtr,M cnJey "" beu,,,y mm0LD GUARD OFFERS 50-50 The Scheel of Practice was net the only one Hint mnde collections fop the morrow. In many of the elementary schools throughout the city similar gifts were brought, ultliettgh probably net te the extent as nt the Scheel of Practice, Many of the high schools nisi had their gift beurers, and each school either chose families in the neighborhood who needed ussistnnce or else sent their gifts te some hospital. PEGGY MARSH LIVES APART FROM HUSBAND SIX MONTHS Dancer 8tayi Away Frem "Buiter" Johnaen for Development! IxiiuIeii, Nev. Ul. PcRKv Marsh, whose love muddles' are fumillar te two centlnentH, admitted yesterday that she had effected Mx months' separation from i 1....I. ...,! 'fTliihf.,i,'f 1..1. ....... her husband, "Master .lohn-en. nephew of former Mayer Tutu Jehnsen, of Cleveland, The reason for the separation, she bald, was te "see hetv thiiif-s develop." The dancer was linked If she lontein lentein plated n divorce action at the expira tion of the six mouths, She paused for it second, then said hesiiutlnuly : "Well, jes, perhaps, That is, if he is net koeiI." tii-ewim: enthiiHinstlc, she milled ; "UellevH me, I loved him, and we had a wonderful lime teKellier, hut " MIsh Marsh said her husband was leniiiernmciital nml hl.'.'hlv Ntriini." She uiid her troubles hud hi'KUii seen nfter the mjsterieus tveumliiu; of her husband in a hunt Ine iccideut at the ledge of .lad; Clifferd in the Adlren-dnck.s, ih. t..,,.. ...... ,L. .. A ftr,.h"a ' IhA' 'wi'. IN PITCHED BAHLE i Twe Hundred Invade Towns Along Smackover Creek, La., After Parade FIGHT TAKES PLACE FROM BEHIND ROCKS AND TREES! Repert Says Nene Are Dead. Tarring of Man Started Fight llj Attsarlnlnl 'its? Menree, li.. Ne-. 'JO. A number of men were wounded ami several are reported djlng following a tattle be tween masked men am! oil Held worker"' i near Smackeer. Ark., according le a telephone niessnge from Kldnr.uK Itefere leaving for the n"ue of th" battle Willi ii i.ism" of d'pulie. Sheriff Md Harper, of (VmiiIcii. micI all .win were cut in i!i- iJinackexer region and he as ib"iil ineiirnt" inf'iriimtiiiii n. le the llllleliM" of cesnal'les in the Ml- Cilgelnelil i'lwcn tlie 'JHI1 I je-l ",i. ilillils" ami lii'Iil we,"l. "i n:id gam'ilers. "I uiidpr-taml the irvad-'r-. who vl- itcd towns- ."long SimicKe'Ti- free!; iifler parading in Hie town ef Sieai hover l- iilghl. were memliers 'f tlw Kit Kluv , KIiiii." said tlie Sh-rlff. "The. wei- .ill least heeded and were hitej"ebcs. I neir purpose. I :im unre. was net i te precipitate buttle, out te clean Up the oil Held region. "The battle, In lealltj, occurred n! what I- known a- I'.iliiceiiln. nml after fliey paraded in Smncl;ever. they -tart-el te several oil Held villages' In tlie I'atagenln region and were met with alined resistance. "That part of (lie oil fields Is n wood weed ed country, and tlie battle was fought from behind tree ami rocks mid theie are perhaps many dead, but all re- ports received by me are that no one "Twis' reaching 1:1 Derade", a.u.. Prem the Jex.is Nnnckever l' reek ri gien, said there were no fatalities among the "vlgllants," tmt n number of the oil field men were wounded. They reported the battle was precipitated ' by the tarring and feathering of a man, ! Atlanta. Nev. 20. Dr. II. W. Kvans, of D'lllns, Tex., was elerted Im perial wizard of tlie Ku Klux Klitn yeslerdav by the Imperial konvekntlon meeting In anuuiil session here, te suc ceed Colonel William .1, Simmons, founder of the present Khin organl erganl zntlnn. The new efKee of emperor wns created for Colonel Simmons, te which he was elected for life. FJ. Y, Clarke, who has served nn imperial wizard pre tern, since Cobe Simmons lin been lll, was named us imperinl giant. WaiJilnrtnn. Nev. 20. President Harding will net Issue n prnctnmotlen ordering the Ku Klux Klnn te disband, nn urged by Senater Pnvld I. Walsh, of Massachusetts, In a letter te Attorney fJenernl Dougherty. It was announced yesterday nt the White Heuse. In dismissing the sur-M-stlen ns Im practicable, the White Heuse spokes- ' man Indicated tlie President hnd no In tention of becoming Involved in the controversy ever the Klnn. The Presi dent was represented ns regarding the Klnn situation ax n local ijnestlen, which in Te wnv affects the Federal Government at the present time. F'er that reason Hie President was said te believe u proclamation would be out of place. It also wns emphnsicd that Mr. Harding docs net slime the belief that a presidential proclamation is n cure ill. If the President were te grant nil the wpiesis made of him for proclama tions, it wns said lie would issue fi00 where he new issues one. . New Yerk, Nev. 20. Tlie Heard of Aldermen esterdny adopted a resolu tion uppre!ug the st'ind taken by Mnyer Hylan in ordering Police Cem- , mlsslener Kt. right te drive the Ku Klux Khin from the cltv. i The resolution drrcrihed the Klnn ns "a menuce which has scourged the Seuth and West of this country, hn ' nt last reached the city of New Yerk and Is endeavoring te work havoc and I disaster in our mid.'.." Scranton. Pa.. Nev. 20. (Ry A. P.i I- N. W. Theinnn, aged forty-two. of , PitUbuiuli, wna arreted here jester day en NUKpieieu. It i nlle-jcil he lias been representing himself n.s an ergnnier of Hie Ku Kins Klnn and collecting Initiation fees from prespeethe members. I lie police sa he was unable te produce credentials show ing authority te net for the Klnn, HOODED KU KLUX WITH OIL ins OLIVE BRANCH TO PINCHOT Puts Out I'celi'rs of IFillinyiiH'ss te Hurl; Part of I'orentcr' Legislative Plans if Given Speakership tjift'ei-d Piuihet. flotenter-cleci, who is f-ettiiiK plent of advice every hum en the Cabinet and SpeuUership ques tions, but who is pieservins a poker face and ehc. will seen be faced lij ii lift v. 11 fit- haimeiiy preposition fi-eu, the Iti'liulilii mi lri:aiilr.iitien lenlei who nrc In ..IIIIIII Ol 1IIC 1111111" i mil- lilittee. This iiinpo-llieii. il was tedaj, v. liiti Mi. Pinchot !; made clear leilat, v.hilt Ml- rincuei is in i ne ciij. it-Ill 'in. tbnt il hi Muiini7iitii.ii i crs shall ulnae the Speaker and the (inventor shall have Ids w"j with re spect te Ins etistrilctiti leuislntieu. especialit lli"1 iclatiui; te Hie icer Kiininatliiu of the Stale (letcriimcnt. ()riaui'iitieii leaders say that litis i a llfty-liftj plan. It is lihelj thai the liovern'er-eleel mat net tietv it m iteiirreuslt. He may feel, it was said, that nn l'lau uhich would put the Speaker's chair In the mntml of these who opposed him in the primaries, would be te hnlld eter the Heuse te the old Orninl-'Mllim. Coiiliel of II." Speuker is iiiip'irtnnl because he names the committees which lllllticuce I lit I course iiud iharacter of lcislntien, Hiipifiil for llnrineiiy tlrgiiiiUatieii leader. piefiss t lij hopeful and cteu ceuliileiil Hun Hit .u v (ioverner will nm Inlciferc with their PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1922 HOLIDAY TO BE FAIR Weatherman Forecasts Rising Tem perature Tonight and Tomorrow Thanksgiving weather will be gen cially' fair, itecnrdhiii te today's fore cast of the Went her llincaii. ltin in icmiierMtuie tonight and to te morrow in most of t tit tcglen ea.-t of the Mlslisiipil nl-e I pi"di'led. Mm It co!il"i' .iatlicr H i "purled, tb' jiiiienii wild, in the North w l. will! ill the 1'ppiV Misis-ippi Vnlle), I'pper Lakes lligien Miid In tli- Seiiiliei th wcaiher Is bt'ieniiiig witrmer. Writes Mayer Moere for Addi tienal Details en Olney Street Proposal MAY BE NEW CONFERENCES Spp'Mir information nlxntt the dr'e of opening null Hi- !itmreiti ,ite .-evl of the tiioe'cd Rreail (ic"t tiltv n was rcipicMid of Mejer Mi tednv h" Theniiis n. Vil-c:i. pi 't'dei i of i! P. II. T. Tli" i:.'iid Iran ,i Cicupauv ! m".. iP"i:ili is ll ii . '.ill'! I't .nl.i'ii.l lc-Mlte-I tied lie- .Miner cs!.id .Mi. M!j. ;'li wbnl it. -n s Hie p. . T. .x.ii"i.' i.mki Hie eu-iatifiii ! '' . Cie-d lii el .'ili.M., wbieli t'lie : I'til i i:i'i:, is 'ilnii'ii'ij ,e c hi ftr'ici. In be r-nlj. Mi', Milieu mi-H I lie (plPsliet' el' etliliiiv!.' of till' !l"ijei't"il Mibwa iem mid refi rred te coufe" ceufe" cuei's IctWfiii Ti msit Dlree.fir Twln iiig nml Krlph T. Seiner. Mr. MittenV asslstanl. TlmN P. 15. T. head's letter t.i tlie. Majer fellows; "I am in receipt of join Ictier il.itcd' November U7. ie ,ncilii.' a eid fieni (his pempain .eM-rinu the opeialieii of a clly-l.tiilt siibwnj n Rumd siicei from Olnej "im-iiii-. te l.ciirue Uhmd "Te pirmit of p. K. T. making in-li a proposal, it is u s.sity ib-n we be! iiiferimil ! Hie appiiximate d.ilu ttptni I wliichc Hiis -uliway will be opened for service. ANe the alneuut of imeslmeii! upon wliiili P. R. T. will be expected' te liny ami wlnther this includes full eiiilnmcut ns en the FrnnVefil ,. "In this connection 1 desire te say thnt follewin:; the agreement for co ce co epertion iindertiiken bj jeu. Mr. Weg leln nml myself at the Frankford "I." opening, liireeiir Twining and my as sistant, Mr. Senter. lime given mueh colisiderntieil te the changes necessary t.e bfie mnde in the se-called Tnyler plan, of which the Rread street subway is a principal pari. "These gentlemen, representing city and company, are. I believe, ubetit te recommend n le the manner in wliich the coustriiclieu of the Rread street 'ilbwny should he uiul'M'tilkeii with sug gestion as le better location of trans- I ci" stations ami hew the Krenil street subway can be utilized te benefit tin -. ., business dfstrlcl hi connect Ien with the use of the Delaware River bridge AUTO CRASHES AGAINST PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE 2 Persona Hurt, Window Smashed, When Car Swerves te Sidewalk ! Twe persons were Injured at noun today when they drove their automobile through tlie plnte class window of the eiiicc of nr. Alva !v imiu, -lit West t Iiinmeuil street. The machine was gntng east en Dla-i mend street nnd the driver swerved the enr te one sine te nvetii liming another automobile. He lest control And the car ran ever the i urb and miinted tlie steps of the Tedd office. The iloep of the office nnd a lar;:'1 nlale-glass window were demolished. The car was wrecked. LINEMANHURT AT MEDIA Pele en Which He Was Stringing Wires Snaps at Base Cliarles Shane, of .Media, nu clci triclau. w'fih iujuicil tills morning when u telegraph pole en which he was fringing new wires snapped nt the base, throwing him te the ground. He was taken te the .Media Hospi tal. He is siificiiug from cuts and biulses and Intel mil injuries, ARREST DE VALERA's" AIDE . Alderman Burphy Taken FlnJ Munitions in Count's Heuse Dublin, Nev. 2. iRy A. I'.i- ,, dennnn Chnrles Rurphy, one of Kam..', de Vulera's chief supporters here, w. arrested tednj . National troops raided the reshleie of Count Plunkett nml reported tl. sel.uie nf a iimntity of explosive-, ;iii' military equipment. I Ian te eri.aui.'e the Heuse. In ,, of i nurse, JllilKili!' by the Ferester's n.is perferiuaiiccs, thev may be die ler another Jelt such us they received when Mr. Pinchot declined te indorse W. Ilutrt liiil.cr for Slut)' ciinlriiii. 'Ill c llled oil Ills Itieii U e s, i i , (icuer.il .shcr Miner. .Mr. l-iiu-luM '- decision tit thai lime foiled tl Iine-i, lieltteen the fliellds of Pinchot uiul tin ' I'-nd.-. of the old Oli'lllii'lillen. T l.lller wen. ns the Pinchot bniiiueis hud been tee busy te bother ubmu State i emiiiiltecliicn ttliile thej Wen weihiiij,' for the defeat of .V'tterin t lieinnil Alter. Ill Hie cac of Hie memliers of th, Heuse, hnwetcr, the situation miiv i. dilVcieut. cteu llieiii.li im tii.;it.( ,,, sttiilKhl I'lnche! ciiiidid.itcs for tb,. , islntiire was in Hie He'd nt the pn marics. due tciiseii is ib,. lioteriier's power of cie i. in 1 another the power of patrentuje. The (ioterner maj iiltimutily decide te h.u!i ii candidate of his iini, f(ll, Spcal.er and in Hint eictit, if u, , li.iuiurleii refuses te K,i iileiin, tb,,,,, will he n Icitlle rut ill fiem the st.m of Hi.- Ii ui-sl.it ivi session lieu month. Tie' Kepulilieiin caucus of ineiuberH of Hie Heuse en the eve of the opening of He I'.u' I ueinl srn.blj would lie nu I ii.illniii-il mi I'niie l MITTEN A K MORE SUBWAY PLAN DATA JAMES COUZENS, i DETROIT'S MAYOR, . PIED SENATOR Associate of Ferd, Who Fought Newberry, Appointed by Governer Groesbeck LONG PROMINENT IN CIVIC AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Will Take Oath of Office as Soen ns Private Affairs Are Arranged 1 . ' 'lsec ttlrrl l'i Lansing, Mlih., Nev. 20. tunics Cell.i'lis. of llclrell W'ns aepfilnteil by (!oeruer l!rei"sii r; iis I uitcil Slale-. Majer tedaj A lev .1 Senater trein Me liivnii te hll tin 'Itif'Xpll'fll term f iuiiner S'nmter Tnnnaii II Newltrrrj wl.e uvig.ieii tu'en'lj, Mujer ("eiii.e'is, vim . e jr mill ii j. In pelilic. i..si ..ci cpii lb" nppei'i i.n'Ml. the iloverner iiiunuuced. 1 iic 110 iiicaiioe e, ii, si in t i tit it has I at i'c I'ilv. I'l M.e daug'i'' "II," t'fllll ,1 1 II fe-U.'ll" 1 'I te Mr. I 'hi yyu II. !i Ibli in. 1, In New iH 'I he i' ne'iiUe i" in ,c' Vfiri,' hi Ti :ri!;s.i ,n : f h ,- u ji, ,v ". a co ! 'ii ludi'iii, ijfifi nor a iim.i.n- "I 'ii.ii ,r. 'ie l.iis ili, en iniieti-w id" pieinini'ii e threimli his iiini.clp.-il mil- Wllj M'Ml.ire III Delp'il7'iiuld ta'.e his seal in i,e S'Miuli' as -een as his nfi" ilr- could be ni ranged Ainu urn "lr.i'til of ;lir apieinliitciit t fellow id ii week's surviy n." the mere Itliiiu hall n I uiiilred cnmliihiti's, ".Mr. I'oe.cn- beieiues Se, .iler wllli net a single suing attached." the (!ov (!ev ' eriinr ..alii, "lie inudi' no premlsi-,; I exiu leu none. "Mr. Ceuens will !,nve my earinst pe-i pi-ration and support In whatever lie undertakes at Washington for the best Interests of i,U ('otnmenwcullh. If at any time he should nskanj adic adic er ,'ssitjtue It will be gheti freely ami gl.tdly. He is at llbertj te lake or refuse it." James Ceuxetis was born in Chat- linm. lint., Airsiist 20. 1.s7!(. nnd was i eilucatcd in the public schoeN of thai city, lie came te Detroit when lie was seventeen jenrs old nnd obtained a ! sit Ien witli the Michigan Central Rail- I way. where he remained seven jcurs. resigning at the cud of that tiaie le ' accept a responsible position with a ' coal company. When Henry Ferd niranled hl nu- : totnehile company. Mr. Couzens was . ca'led upon te take the position of .w- relitry. It was imrl of his duties te i solicit stork subscriptions and it was . there that he received his first real In- j i sight into ine problems et unuiicc, in ' ,1... "..ll ..(" tllfl'! ll... I.'...l M.. III.' Ul ,.l ,. -.... ,,,.' ft I'ltl .,fti,l. , -rill puny pnhl u n per cent litvtilemi. few months later Mr. Ferd and Mr. Ceu'.etis beugls up all the --lock in the Feld femnany. They wer1 short of cnsli, but thev weie miikiirg a temitntieli for themselves. Mr. Ceti7.eiis addressed a meeting of bank directors, telling them ul en! what the Fe-d Moter fempilllv hoped te de. lie wanted ."slOO.OOO. and they gave It te him, en his note as security. When the Ferd Moter Company de cided te market its own curs, instead of eniplejing agents, Mr. fiiuzens, who hail been promoted te the position .of general sales malinger, with an tin niNil salary of ."?ir.0.tMM. talked It hut with Wl'llam ('. Imraut. new vice pres- j ident of the (leneral Meters Company. I "It can't he done," s'lid Durant, "Why can't it V" asked Mr. ('nizeus. "Reeniise jeu can't get a man te work for ten as hard as he will weik i for himself. He'll make mere money i working for himself." "Then we'll pay him mere titan lie maid possible earn If he were working for himself," said Mr. Couzens. And that w'i tlie plan that was Inaugurated in UK).", with the bonus system te kepji nil the sales niaua'.'cis hustling eter.t minute. One of Mr, Cenen's business business aplietlstns was. "The best ,vuj te ri-ieh a man is through his income." He demons ruled his faith in It In the summer of 1H14 when the Ferd Moter ' I'enipany raised the wages of its woik weik men te "ji.ri a day. An Incieiise of ." ,i 'JO per cent in tell wage scale had been rnnteiil'ilnteil in the pieiedlug fall. ' mi about that time th" I. W W. be- tiintlreeil en I'iiec l. ( iihiinn Tbrii" BULLET GOES THROUGH PATROLMAN'S HAT Miles Near Death When Aute dlt Opens Fire en Him Ban Patrolman Miles, of the Twentj ud street ami Huntim; Park aveiiue ititiei , nnrrewlj mi-snl death at "J:.",'! ..'ile-I lids iiinrniii,;, when n billet nred b Lie ei' iv'n bnnil't suspis r :,,', tluuU'.'li hi lial .i ml linbeililcii 's If In II I'l il"! Willi. The shentim: lined at Twentj. iMtith and t'.itiilirin streets after .Milis il.'iei'li'd n stuiill iiutoniebile prececdin; slowly cist en Cambrlii stiect. Hi. nisplcimis aiuiisrin tln oilier w.il',,.,, tettai'ii tin enr as it t.itiptd iifar Hi Hi ,reccry s(en of llermaii Kiniise. Mil's saw one of the occupants at out nu I pint ceil ti'tt.ird i lie store. .s Miles ndwiiu'cd tlie strauiter wlireloe ,im1 drew n let elter. Then he, rn i toward Hie iiulnii oldie, which had step-ni-il a shnu distance ntnj . Tie" iii'inliiii 'i lir.'d Itthv !u t0 ,,( . t the sen,., nine lie till a bullet je i ite.ii.li In li ' lb foil he le.ulii.i the iinniiiii t hid u'lpiii ahe.id alei t.is seen ins. MR. WANAMAKER IMPROVES Physicians Repert Merchant Passed' a Very Geed Night The i .minion i l .lehii Wauamnker, ulie is siiifeiiun irem n s,.fi n. fl,j .,t ln iltj home ut -ii'-'.'! Walnut sn-cit. was repM-teil as nbeiii lue ,nnli n ,, plitsicliins it Si dill o'clock this metninv:. At Ids home the nttemliin,' phjsli inns .uiieiimiil : "Mr. Wuiiiiiuiil.fr is in nbnut tb,. sinre condition, lie passed n veij j-im uiiiht " , ' llllei , chllllge ffir Hie worse tic., i in icd In tlie merchant's condition, jir. W V: t.'nicksiill said, only one luilletlu' n d.ij would be issued, ninl Hint at !l n'cleili .it uiulit. VVIi e 'I fl n, Y u ' 'i! nf Uritlnt, vf wnm.M.1 -,i,i,: i I'ulillsheil I'Hlly Ilxrcpi flunrlny 1'epjtIkM. WJ'J, Ceal Peddlers Gouging ' Peer at $28-a-Ten Price Certain Retailers Gel Fuel for $12.50 at Mines. Sell It for $20 te Bucket Venders, Who Mulct Public Further te Fill Empty Sins i Ry (.J.'OIM.I-: I 'I .itlllll'ili ill- s,.;ilM1 "llllWv Hill ltnpieeiiieiit. iiltheiigli il In iis-erled that a tei'inal siipplj for ill's sciimiii of the jf.'ir m leming into il ity. 'I li.s. hew eve. does net iiii'.isiirnM.v i '.i ' i" "he .Unatien. - s,ft,,,,,n- ,,ml "Uir u" '' ",",!- lp.lt d :iim".- iMiifnllells e.'i.lllge bel'i.e ine aiivfiit el i en! 1 ftilil weather. A imn.ial siipplj of co!. I I- In: a ilme in the I in liet when il i cijiisii.crcil that beiisehfiM bins weic e::',iauste I meuilti In previous cars a miiieritj' of cel lars weie tilled 111 the late spring "!" earlj siiiuiner. These forehanded in dividuals are tednj in as preiarieus a position f,,r wain it' xml as the Im Im pievhleul ami ciiri'les. iilwaj- are A nev im:is.. of tin- dtuaiitiu uliidi sjleiil.! leiiiiiinud tlie elteillieii f til" Stale I'iicI Ailmiuis'r itm , or v. ' , e 1 in porn ' mil l-i re, a "d" Ii v. a " il J ' r'l.ij . ilrali'l-. ;.(t''.i;; Ill-It Pi c ' ' i 'til ..:! I. i in'" i 'i it i . 'ii ie lit i im ! ',. " Im a a il.ur !: I sinii". c. I'U i n VU a Inn Im ii'iia Hi" curs. Mint oiallen e icliali'c ami i II eilicipi . i lien,.! i, r-.il. uughli ( "l i.iger. .in A aw- fe . I the! il . 'l'i, I bei .lll.-e "I -1 '.'i nil! ,s sold le pcililh'i" 'the I'e tail ii III' I lc' rent I f Hi, Tl i. thru' ii a tee, M -. ruga. II'. Ill f.'i '!" s fur as b a k"t of peum's. pul the " ,'i the' t le de ii- in th" poorer high lis iweiilj -live in nvenige ttei'.'hl of iillllnetc rj pe.ir "'S of nl about an- Ptiilailelp .in re.il dealers net in this 'i,j -iiu'lietilig process I LAST-MINUTE NEWS LATEST RACING RESULTS BOWIE Fn st King Charming, $10.00. S5.30, $4.30, wen; Sunday Be.st. $.&). 53.30. second; Qunnel, S6.50. thiitl. Time, 1.14. Hnry Dattner, Metal. MajevKy. Pettifogger. Tiie Gaff. Crugic. Bosn Yetn, WoedTTower, Refeimer nnd West Pittbten ran. CITIZENS ASK COUNCIL FOR TWO NEW GOLF COURSES A letter-signed by twenty ptemineut citizens requesting Council te ptevide two additional golf courses, one in Seuth Philadelphia and tht ether it Taceuy, will be presented at Coun cil's mctting this afternoon. Upen' uelialf of Ine young men and .-omen of the city, many of them empleyes of the signers, Coun cil lb requested te maTie the r.tce&bary appropriations at euce, se the courses may be opened next TTay. "WOMAN IN GRAY" Indictment Will Come, Jurer Says, When Male Companion Is Definitely Known NO JUSTICE. MILLS SAYS .S l' I' -i llrti ') A'tcniNi; J'lilj, , Jutijr Niw llriiuswlck. X. .1.. Xnv. -'..-The .s. ne-- t Ceitnit Hull-Mills tiriiii' 'lllj '-H"t pesltitelt the Idellt'.tj n' Hie ' t Jinan in Knit." It is rcadj te 1 luilici ln-r I '..il until it i an preve'l.e. J nnd I. d.'i'bt the idcntltj of her mule I'eui'ijini 'ii "ii tl"" iiiitht the Hev IM- wnrd W 'n Hull ami Mrs. Uenunr Mills wne iiiiirdered. it will make te move. Tills i .ci tl e nuih mtt of ii member of Hie lii'.iinl .liirt . Aivurdiiis in iliiii iurer, the i'ii-i' luis new result i .tsflt ctii :i -pihi im Hie man ii the "weiii.iu in iriaj" "li the unrl.t ,,f Sepieiulii.,. I . .Mr lane (Illisim , sterj s believed. Hill the "id woman" c.innut tniitiel identity t'u man she ;iw with tin "woman in ant " When that nlcuti- lit lull Is linii'h imide imlii ttiients wil .nllew. The lir.ind .I trt veiei'i ll in I uvrit in - r I'lilirt iiii'in . it : di i lund tnil.ij, I'lcliii-j till' WOluutl til the i .is,, ttelllll jjet oil si.it free if tllfl .ilelie, the jut" iilse I" mi! anxious i i i epi'i'licnd her nuih I'lnpanlen. i,.. i .lames Mus,,i,, . sslstuni te siii.in. Ib'piitt Atterm .Melt, i-l it) Xett llltl"ttik tel.-lt pc I'l.tec te enrrt en I In f.'lse, Mr. Mutt, it is 'iiiili-i's'eiiil. will inn--'ill with Alteniet ii. in ral McCian in Tretiien en Meml..t H Is lelleted In will new drop tun ei i e case. Xe .lustici . s.its Mills "s.lj s .l.'llles Mills, is, I. ii . i Imir singer, i iiiiiii will be tiniill.t n uiilerei's, regnrdles liiiman justice. He "The conscience "...ml t the uuir "ill b III Illllli- 'I'll Upen He ' I lie i elll'sc i s i in ledaj : "! ihu"!' ,hi. Wen llulll'ie lll'lt-ilcl Will i spensible ler Hiis . vet iitnmi tnuible then, n.niheimh Jli-tjie I'M- net been dmie ' "The rial story will i ..m. eik some 'l.ij. I lilillk It's pi-iiit letien In hate Hie whole (hiii. 'I n tn down in stub a twij. I thiiuj.i.i tin .teild Set seitiewhen but uffei iditeli Week- thev are Just back wlieic ill. t si.n-t,.,!." .Mills ueildcd te u passin- neighbor. whose ctprcssten intimated' "Well. what de you think of if;" "It's all bound te ceiiie ci seu,,. day." Mills ii-Jded, "and when it doe. 1 stippcse the whole affair will lute been torgetten." Ne comment wns fnr.lieenilng from the home of Mis. France Stevens Hall, I'eiilliiiiril uu I'uceTil"., Cilienn v,7'r WHi III." i banUiiBi Int.- tuil. in. dm' ii it ,i bf f uer.e ,ii ir.llllieriv "lllir. ,IJs ,1 ., nt .Uw.m ncclf". K.Uiiiur br.inn - lid. IDENTITY IS KNOWN Huli-rrlptlim Prlee te Year by Mall, by Public ledger Cempnm. NOV .Md'XIN are l!i" suffeicrs betn liiiniieiallj and in 1 1t"! 1- Inabilitj te supply their regular cii'lemer.s with even a week -te -wee', supplj Tills stateinenv 1 'iicetuing the situ- atlen is given by fine who is net identi- li"d with the cenl trade, but who Inn in estimated the ion I peddling business 'dlh 1 vii w of obtaining le,.'nl pretec- i"li for I lie I our. "Ri'lnil ilenli t's who nie selling Ibis 'eiil dircctiy limn f n- car te the wagons Mid li-'lckr of peddurs tell 'em mat they nay Rl'.'.eO a ten te independent op".' . ter nt Hi mine-. t "Te Hiis ilic.x tiiitst add S2.."() for frelgiit te Philadelphia, making a total of SI." a tfiti in the jard. "Thrs is sold for $-( a ten te the peddlers without anj aildltlenal cost or trouble te the dealers, giving them a net prelll of S." a Inn, "Tlielr e" rit-c U that il Would In- foolish 10 go 10 the 1 ist 11 ill trouble of Uille.ldlll'.' t'lf celli I'Ullllll" i' ' "lsll'CI !rin .':. a tun l,e selli 1 111 r. Ij llu H I'll Ol ' t iiau'i." In a n iiiiiii ! i. l! s ., i-. a nil, , and tru' IIIK Ol" 'ii ii i I" ii in till i i il i ran Jim! .l... "dire fro,,' il-hin 'I'ml inj ir- il: .1 l.xchtiiigi ffi'plpiu ,- im llrle nf Wn!i"-d" ul las t ii" inl- !ng in,' thai "ri "tain ei ethers w until I ir signaled lolls n tiiib- -." were riving or les tliati '' In pound of li their r.lstell. ,.-. uler-" and "lllisrrupll -hurt wi'iglu i'e-i! a ten. Sajs Weight Is Watilwil Till." secret 111. V of the ectanj. ll, iiuestienlii": inj sniteuntit -it tli" snme time deehind that Philiidelnhiii I'e'ii Kxeluiuge members bandied Ml pit nt of the if tail coal trade of Philadelphia and kept a sworn weighuiuster of Hnir Continued en PiiBr l. riiliinin Twi CORNELL WARRIORS Football Squad Appears in Fine !"Condition After Leng Train Trip DOBIE NOT TOO OPTIMISTIC ARRIVE FR GAME Cernell's iinben en football miiehine, which peiin hepe.s te billable tomorrow for the lii-st time in two jc.u. nt tli" annual ThanksSivlnK 0:iv :inie m Franklin Field, arrived ai li :UJ nt tin i'laukliti F.eld. arrited at ! .'-' i.'c'm this mernliig at the Uemllng Tirmina! riicre were tliirtj -eight platers In 'lie si,iI(1,, under Cbter Ce.teh Cilbueiir Ibdiie, win. fiirmerlv ceacliei! Auiinpells and is a i. inner I'nivcrsl v of W;i",. iiigteu siur The members .. the siiund nppenreil te be in th- pink of condition. Their coach, however. H"fi."."d m be umiulv eptimlstii . in sp,te of their ",in ,,f hard-weii viitere. The nhijir- nml . i.,ichi s i.-une m two sleeping cms ttbn , pulled out of IHuieu. V. V.. nt I -t i.. ..'. le.'l; .-i"t iil-ili . Tin plajers l.e.ifiled ine . i-.ir'v. h.'Wet.i nil. bj Ce.ich Held's nrd.is were ,n tin 'ii berths l.t 10 o'clei k. The plnj-is icpertnl tint the M . dents nt Cernell had aiven iln-e, u r"n--mg seiul-eft, siiiikcibincitig te the st.. tie ii liiiiiii.li a stunt s'eriii Tie im ii i-ptessi-d .-eiitldi'iiif. in tin ir nhllltt t.. ttlll the fame tiiiuiillew, ill. hi". " e. their plating s.aseii. ns it is et Pi un's, but tteiilil m-t de nut brnggiug "Wait ul! iiitu.'imit ," thev nil su! Irani Arrivis ((ulrtlj 'I he ii.itn nine in ipiii-il.t. tin, i ii i , t i mere than an hour nnd u half lui alii: the long Jeiirncj. Ne ileleiMthui w.is tin:, te meet then lluif u de, n big llll.ellsMtes ti el. ll'i-m t,, liteelt 1I,. Farms, vvhete tlie Armv made its hr.nl .il,iltes belere I lie -.aiac nf List Snl unliij . Tile pln.tci-s nnd i mil hes spent With time iii tlie Terminal, a ih-t Imd net I'leakfasti'd. They Inn led unit long enough l licet their Immi lugg.igi , then elili'iiil tlie vvn'lic' aiiintnubilis ami ttiii whirled te the hoi"' In liter- brook fel bleukfllst. Cem h Ibible Mini that iittei bienkfiist thev tvniild u etm te Franklin Field just te leek it ,,tei lli'snid he doubted whether tint t.eiild put oil their pliljlllg togs, but jf thev did. the.t prebublj would run tliieugli a little light signal piactn;c, e said he might net work them at all today, but give 'hem u complete rest as the best preparation for the game tomei row, Uebie rniiiphiinrd of tlie wem her which Ithaca has In en having Intel). "We have nml no mitdoer pnicici for a V eel,." In s;id. ".p'Hinni!" that It had besun te snow Wist Mend.iv an , Iuii.IiiikU tii I'licr ntirrn. I'ulmnn rivr h PRICE TWO CENTS! HOLDS U 1 V IN OIL AT MOSUL miict dc uccnen m lilUOl UL IILLULU;k k,ij ni.j.in.MM Dmi.jmmi aa..ik veiic uuiinica rvnuis iiuyv-i. Respect America in Near East LAUSANNE CONFERENCE AFFECTED BY EXECUTIONS Greek Prince May Yet Military Court in Athens Face rt'i ' Meififit lr r" l.au.iiillie. Nev. I'll. The position of i he Fulled States in regard te the Near Kasiern oil question wiis made id enr te the Associated Press tednv lty Kiclmrd Washburn Child. Amb.-fiider te Itnly end ihlef Ainerle'in -sjiekcs'iian here. He evpl.iinel Hint At 1-1 ii Is simply I ebhng te the view (,, .i.. mtist hnri" 'iiinl riglils wiin tin. ethei powers ti pnitielpatf. In the oil uf'velupmeiit, re ,!i rides if -. I'.-thei 'be ,," lie'ii nre tr n-f.'iieii I'm,., miiml.iti tinltnric"' ttA If luted 'I'm l-i-li lerrlinu or .bethel" ''".'.. -" i un.ie," m.'ii iil.'i t iirel. I :." I'nlleil S.iilcs. in n In-r wnrih-. iii"isis t.t t jif.'Kl,ni; et b.ibiul.-irie. lllPIU.ii III" t ,1. I i II til i.f tli I.IIUsll'IIIC iiiei-'tii" or nut ether i nnferen(a, "iii.il nei inipiiir the rights mri-it.-in new have .. ii uy nnpiiii.. If Tllll.e) is Mice. stul j 1,,,,. ,-bilni ". owner. hip e tliat purt of Mcmln. iiiti.in ceiitnlning the Mesul oil liefih. Atiierlcu will insist if I : tr'ninl mtilti- ai ns her inniiilntiiry control ever Hie. Mesul ilistrbt Alulinssnder Child had a long eon een ference tednv witli smet Pnslui. head el the Turkish delegation, enncerning America s imerests in Turkey. Ismet. Pledged lurkisb pretectlun te Fniteit Mates editeatifimil institutions In hi feuiiirj. Aiivlriis About (ireeh IVinre I'riemis- ber.. of Prince Andrew e '" ee, tietluT of former King Cen- stanttne, today voiced nnlety as te his late m view of the revolutionary gev- " eriimeiit s exectiiien f the sjx 'former cabinet etiicinls mid army etiicers ve lerdnj . Prince Andrew" was arrested recently, en the Island of Corfu, where he hnd tiil-en refuge, r.ml was removed i( Athens for trial charged with disobev disebev ing the orders et the general staff while at the head et u division in Asia Miner 'Hiring the conflict with the Turks. Andrew is interned ,,t Athens Mi ner heavy Kiinril. anil l m.t ...-.,.. .- lowed te receive feed sent hv his Euro pean friends because of the Kumiicien thai he might in this manner reeeiva. -crci niessiiges. ?iys& Prince Clirii-tepher. hiislmnd cf tilt "rmcr Mrs. Williiiin H. Li-wln, was given a week in which te return te - ' (.recce ami settle his pers-etiiil nfrnfr''' He had planned (n land at Corfu en the return trip te visit Prince Andrew. hill- abandoned nd-j intention neeiue of his fear that the revolutionary com mittee mlghi have changed its dcehde in the meantime nnd arrest him. Cause of KvTiitleiis Americans arriving nrn i-eeenth-frem (ireeeu explain the trial and exe cution of Hie former ('evernment len.'Ts as partly due te the determina tion of the ("reek masses, as voiced by he revolution irv cicnmlttee. te " tb'.. respensihl'ity for (Jreeee's troubles en . the men higher up, whether ministers or army officers. Virtually every !e?ntlen In Athens., it is Mini, urged the rev.i.ltitieuury com mittee te try the prisoners 'before His erdinnrj evurts nml net by court tial. pointing out thnt extreme mens ures were certain te alienate, foreign "jmpatliy witli (Jreeee in lier present mlsfertiintc. ' Friends of the revolutletiarv com cem mittee repeatedly sent ngentu- te tlm American Legation in nu endeavor te ' ".nitiil the American etliclnl and popular .'pillion. Counter. Itcvelt Ituinnrs Meanwhile adliereats of former Pre.' mler Veulzeles n tlie iirui.v nre said in have started a conspiracy te organize a evolution In favor of a repub'l.-, nml .simultaneous!) friends e. Hie arrested ilnisters attempted te sen- arlillerv nnd ether arms for th,. purpose of Iniimhing ii coiinter-revidu'leu. , Until tlie... movements failed, but thV American observers v.dce ih' opinion 'hat King (ienrge sits neil . tee seiin-e. I. .... l.t. l. . , . . . i. 'e nis iiirmic, its ,i ri. ,ei e in li ( i reece, thej ny. is nltta.vs a p .. ibi.it v. .stirred Over Ke litlues I he I.itiisisiine C en 1 1 ii e. set'sitH'.-. i"lll hilp'ielliiu: gieatlj excited n if the feniK r i" an) i "dlticnl or ecu; ' New hi ie Ml Flir.'pe, l.t tliWs of the eM-i'Ui i '.iei k iiiinisters In Ailn iiciw. I he infer- "hi l nm gem rallj c.is various deb gutiens. oeiu ever tin I.-Pnmiei Win, e .md M. Cneln Cneln miines, the Ureek I'e'.egntis , the Ninr Fast eniiferciice Imlii attended tln meeting of the i 'iitrcm-c sub-f nnimis. imtlniii.1 in I'.iki. M (iilmiin Tlirr WARSHIP SCRAPPING HALTED BY BRITAIN Will Wait Until Other Nations Hava Destroyed Quetas Londen. Nev. " ill.t A. P. I . litent llritiuu will sirup ru mere war shtjis. ut.ibr the Washingy u dlsurni)!-in-ut treat) , until the i, r nations h.ite t.iketi iii'tlen nm! sciA ipei tlicir lunta. iiiielilli'g te a stati lent inad-i 111 Hie ll'ill".' of Ci mmeiis tedllj by Kvns Monsell, limimial .i-cretar'y te Hie Admirnlij Asked who h.n intllleil tl,e irent;-', Celllll'lllidei Mellsi'll replieil : "The Tieaij of Washington Iiiih been rutHiid li'. the riiitcil Stall's, .lapan nml this i iiuutiy, but net vet li) France Ol I till). 3 "Fight Itrilish inpilul ships ren diieil useless for war puiposes already' hr,e Is ru Mild te ami reunite I hy nh1 i- breaking linns for biealiliig up. Si: mere have been leudeieil iucipablp "iif war lisk icrvlce ami two nunc wljl have been siiiiilal) dealt with by the i lid of next iimllth. , "Se far as is known the Fullril States mid .1 ii di 1 1 have net illspes-ed Of'. ships, , ecc pt pesslhl.v oliselcte Vesttls " that luive liecu illspeM-d of In erdiutr is iii-se." HO VOT WM Jllllf TIIKKIi wei it Ih in iulvertli.f.1 In ibi n.llllU LI'lUIIIIIH IWlJ i . t v j4 i ri y r I I. i' N V. !'" K- i '&? .- WfVU '," ."- 5 - ) t K fll ,' -( .,, ..! W; m ;,'..-,