m? 7 m mi m Ik B1 I i hiU - KC. L. ii m i'i ,rf IH.I; M II KB' 3 , pi W;j ' "" BVfeNtNO PUBUC LBD0BH PHTTj ADKIiTOI A ,- TUESDAY; XOVRMBESS, W& ' I ' T . ' J K&tf AlVt a Tl il :.. D: S i ml luiiuvviiiy i lauua have been taken in ex change for our Matchless Cunningham Grands, Up rights, Players and Repro ducing Pianos, and arc new en sale with many ethers. Payments Will Be Accepted te Suit the Purchaser UPRIGHTS S27e Herace fiters & Ce., ?OC $300 Weaver Piane. & (t.ben.O 95 $350 Recent Phne, ? Of? tMuhesran) lJv HKreftJaXKl Brest aKSwvfr' aaVtsEsir ft&3s!t' r"i S350 Leenard ts i nanpsian ) StOOSeho StOOSehe macUcr Piaiie Ce., sign 9-125 Uardman. Peck & ('e.,$17e iik ."-- Alt (Mahogany ! "sfeOl'hicK- cring- & 190 Sens, $ Lit Srvr (Mahecany) ""$460 Mathu shek Piane IlUr fw tWVvF (Mahceanyl IB $500 Lester Piane, $ 1 IUr -.- KMaheganj 225 BbwSSlR?! S525 Kreegcr Piane. $OOC (.Ik- f uuu (Mahegan ) $550 Blasius & Sens, SOOC 1.0-; MUV (Mahogany) $575 Ivers & Pend,$OylA Ll.lV Nn fMahcgain ) KRJa $575 Baldwin Piane, $9CA XMahegati ) Ued 88-Nete Player-Pianos $S00 Hazleton Piane, $ I IU Ne i (Mahogany) '285 S800 Story & Clark, $ I Ike fi (Mahogany) 5300 $800 Lester Piane, $OOC Ik S, OktO Mahogany) mm $900 Hardman, Peck & Ce., $ ( MajieiMn; ) 340 $900 Henrv P. Miller, SOyjC I I!.- ,fn JTJF i(Mahegan) CALL GRANT KLAN ACT NO PRECEDENT RADIUM CUT $50,000 . . knnn .! New comes the season for Oram Coits Only $70,000, Due te!... . ,, , . Pitchblende Discovery MUioer Sports" aild tllC man iivcr. Nev. -s(By a. v.) i deprived or outdoor fun had Itndluin ban dropped $50,000 gmta DCjji plan f Or a COliplc of e.,Sn; a7 u. 7T7e dZ. hours a week of scientifically oarueilio tireprrile iu Paradox Vel- I arranged C.XCrCISC te KCCp K. K. K. Official Refers te In-',,,, i wwtrrn Ment rows Comity, i him fit. vestigatien Held Last Year PLACARD PARKER'S HOUSE Colerado, throwing i!.0 men nit of wnrk. it was iiiiiieiinrpii today. ' Dlfouer.v f stff di'peslta of pllcli- ' Mi'tidi' In the llelRlaii Coiire b mid , le In' rcspendl'le fnr (lie (Icitcii.vc In prier C riidltitn, vbuMi is Mild te cll for ,70,000 n enim im. Let lib send our booklet. COLLINS INSTITUTE OV PHYSICAL CULTURF. 219-W North Breed Struct Get Your Hene Wlredlr Xmif ' INCLUDING FIXTURES NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL AFTER ' THE NEW YEAH Thin Wm Ght i Yea Vp C 15 MONTHS TO PAY Whalen-Cresby TOS' 140 N. 11th ST. ffN ETfc IM tnM.. aflngjff iWlJW -iimr- MJV Office and inkSuCTwScsj Jf ev Xmatf Wateraun't Fountain Pena Unti J89rfH' i I C' .1 isetitfd f'Oi Mlanla. tin.. Sv. L'S. Prcddciit Grunt s notion in urderlng the Ku Kl tv Klnii of IJccoiK'-triieiiou ihiy te dj.-haiiil doc.-, net effrr a preiTdrtit for friiinliir :i.ien, in ili- Tc- of I red .SiiM'SO. "'Illrf of ii'.'ill uiiiler Coletirl Willi. mi .1. Mmmmi.s uup'rial w Irani of tin- pi-.'-i-ui Klim preauiratten. In -i -t.ti'jnrii nor.' htl lilcht oef iTniinj tin. iuuk by Sfiiater Walsh, of l.i-aoh'i-.ett, te bnns a butt f u pro'' pre'' pro'' ei.iii'iii hy I'pMdi'iit ltarduiK oalliu. ealliu. oalliu. upen tln pre.-i'iit lii Klur K'.an te dis hand. Mr. S-n!i:i' t-iid: "nater Wil !i t.- npparently iifkins tuut Ibe ICIae !'" dubandrd t-Mcl. en lirarta. r mi-n-v I am i'ii pr-'pafd at prrsrnt te rjil.e .up di".iilr.l f.iti"tuf"n i" rrsanl e In. rrqni'.t. ' be said. ' hut 1 would !ifc, " n-for bini te 'b" oensrotMonal n.Mii;atiiti of tin' Klnii lasi jiar. in w) 'i w.ia p'Mivl thai tl'i'n if no .in.'1 '.: bfi'N'ii tlir Ku Mux Klau wti h;i diilsiiidid hy enh'r et Pr',.--iiji-i i irnnt nnd t'jr Kluu nJi '' i.' hci.is , l itid 'Li'lff prrriil 0"lnJltlelt. . Pi ft .pii ,i-iiii'- ai'Ui'H ter that r.i' en ,;.. . ii,, t niTu irr.vd"ni f"r Mnnlur ut i i"ii l"'l:i- I r ,siii:i. Mjied tbat b'- did net. I.n bubu tb lmj'rnel Kleavi-'a- f i, n ,-f tin, KI.mi, u In leIl li'li. v '.I tnkr iitHci.il it t i,-.- if '-uj' -r '-i' b s rrqiir: t. U.itun Feu;r. li . N". ,JS.'P. A P '- I'Iji' 1 " ' upifd lv t"' T'l'-r 1 ' 'i M. PirU'-r a plarardd dU'll'J ' m?lll MI'll !H''I" ! :i "f '- ',r.i. itieii ' rrcineny of ibr P.ateii H.nsrt K'l Kl'a Ulan 'hrd-ih'd ter I'l' ink-sivm; uisht. t!e' rrner P.irtT i ,'imiN in tbe Klan. I '! ' -' :n'i' trw'K tin tpiiitrr .'i. ; ik. , .i h - ,i be i-l.n-1 i! ' ,'1 i'f i 1 In trn i 1 -. m flu ij..iMiiiit titri'i i'f 1','lli'n lie 5' 'UTi' pe."t''il UOUecn r-MflllU': p. .in t.ei;f Kl.m Ne. y, InvtMbl I'll in ! ih.i Kn'shifc of tin' K'i K'iin Klii'i. 'in.'!!"', tml'li'' iiat'ir,i,.iiiiii,vi tf .'ae'ii ' 't" ri).inK:-n ins msl"'. s '" ,, .... .'i ii (iri'-inull Spntij r":i'I. - t' jl'l 'fli ill? l'iMi I l'n.ki i -n.n will In- preinlnl in I In .,.,,i,, ,. ,.,1. 'I'.,,,!!-,,, .. !l tt l,i .rl ! 1 ij e: pi'ti ft p'r 'i". i lter arr r ' ii'jp.-ik !" t. i.in'i' lirferr ..", ' il. . t a"."i.i congi'Mien et r i'lrj. New or. N.n. :. By A. P ' ; If ..- "nmi!ii"l I.t-i nisbf tbiil tlm ' n,b.r. t ill- t'al'ary Baptist t. hnr'-ti ' I ! !i" ii u l.i'.'titii WnliiCMjiiy, t , ii.i'l: '!' pr"l'.ibly i'l ai't en thn I rfii . t ..f 1 1 , iiynr. t!.'' I'- Dr. J'.hn P.eji'h m - .-i i;.:it lr lla-wi.. ) !. repi'id ft in tin peMtin'j ii j"ii'ril Minseli'l "' tlie rlmr'"') l'r. H.n v."l .:jij 'je vnulij net jf. nn j tl i t ! "Mi.s. lr II .... jrne':t)riiJ tb Klan's .Ve ' '-r( i I'luhr-shtp earapali'i eutd .n for' . r-l (if -pitfl Mnyir Hlan'b rr- I rn v jrt ins t bar "br ".uvjld net lej. I irair it 'I 'ir l';in tr.-i'jrcr 'aid b euld se, u' i- liil.iu'. etll.-i' aad till him1 iu' r ni.it tlr l!an i: , and vbat it1 ta h f .- I I'm t-etitiid p'jhri- bnadqu.irterj ber I 'ii". and tbr Majer ejii l..r;ife i u j!1' I'm" bn in., se d'N"' ' b" i iSterc Opens 9 A. M. Closes 5:30 P. M. Daily nirenrrtis. iv m;-ihh am .vxkukn in Of TlltJ JIllilllST VUAli IVTIill J' OK MOUU 1HA.X 'M'E. rr-ii:'i:s years fs Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Chiffen Silk Hosiery, 1.95 Value 2Jfe Taken from regular block, and reduced. All perfect and wonder ful at this low price. 06 gun metal, bronze and blnck. Last-Minule Thanksgiving Preparations Dresses-teats -Wraps Dresses Extraordinary Reductions 29.00 29-SQ 35.00 49.50 Ul, te 175.00 Fermer Prices 39.50 te 225.00 Evening Gowns 29M te 89-50 Values 19.50 te f.rQM liU'ects of striking beauty in silver and metal cloth, metal brocade, vel rt and tatl'eta. High and Mibducd color:'. Street Dresses 2950 Values le 19 M Of l'eirct. Canten and satin-back crepe, velvet tailored, draped and unibreidcrcd effects.. 00 Fur-Trimmed Coats 7. Positive Values te 110.00 - (..eats of ormandale, fabhena and panvelaine. An array of unusual styles the creations of master designers. Trimming of beaver, squirrel, caracul, wolf and mole. Lined with Canten crepe and warmly interlined. ;H c Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes the Larger Weman j&vflfci. for Cfjri&mag . &trttenen An unubuully line ausertment pf papers and correspondence rurda in fancy boxes. If fcU-tienci-y is te be nionefrrantmcd or initialed erdrrs ulieuld be placed promptly. Xeatljtr (oefj6 Before inakinu a Eelectieti in lratlicr goods leek ever our Miggobttens. Heskins quulily leiither goods a standard for loeal buyers for ever 80 ycara. M'ct'r Mitchell Calendars, tin rxtUuaii'e lleskhm production, 'nh'. each. 904-906 Chestnut Street Radjantfjjp HEATERS All Aluminum 1 While They With Handle Lett! mm? Mi.l:l:IH:-Jli Ifimimj asm THIS WEEK- $12.50 $18.00 Regnlax Price $55.00 Ifielnfllnt Solid Tep m Caa.iMM $97.00 Guaranty ALL WHITE OR GRAY ENAMEL GAS RANGES Including Solid Tmp $67'50 GasSteam or Het Water Radiators fla .nfl Ceil Wtr ntrt letaUl for AU Qu Kitchn Wm. Akers, Jr., Ce. 10th & Filbert Sts. Jh r Utltrrta Paymtmf -- Open Saturdays til 0 I. M.- t: Il.iSri-stimn. .Vltl., "e -J? l"e'.r ' b e.r- Ird 1'iedcd inurr? lisli'd , 'ret: a'' j"' jebilf :a front of a be'i" ' it" ei" 'I Yy a ruijplr, be, for tl,r i-t ; .-ir laic lir'n li in toRciber j j an an ' ' "ITi.e four rre tnembf-s b' Ki K. v lll.i'i. tii'-v vHid, ii'' p' i".f jji u ri tiii.-plj rh-'ia'-d 'h' ' t If. T.ic i-i n-r'''l Sat'irda !ii:bt. I'll tt'r '".''" v i-rr m irrnil .- indaj fb' br.'l'',' .., j.,ii''i' bae disajip'-an-J. DIES OF POISON AT MEAL WITH MYTHICAL GUEST PeriUnd. Ore , Man Said Wife Would Jem Him a Hetel I . llrrs. N... . 'B. . I' . u,a v '.ij restored at u betri ji'i.. , '" jy i V 1' Bevti', if iVrfViud T'ri .and be vas lvlicvr.1 te b V I. nn1 IJes. or V'adai' Bi?e. .! II. .' Uri . dud ':' piien ,i!'ir .niri- 1 iii-h in bis room. Infermatics , ' ".i I'lirtland was th'i' the ilcid in.'in 'i-' .iir, oil .iii'l t.ELwrn'd. !' r : t-r-d " I I'-"p ..nl wjr. I' r- 'iiid, 'Jrr " II" via uuaoeorn. ; ii and told tbc rlcrk Mre lVv- ,,d he alenr; Iatrr vitb tln h'i:.'ji;i . l.fur after be erJ'-r.d 1 :i h-u .- t0 b" hUSJPr.'l ejt f" in;, "I !'. "C I lia" b''rn P"1S03'-'1 ' Hi' wd in -i b"-' t tin la "D'' i.tfn. . j, p(j .-,tl v i fullRil Merl j' - "s .' i.d tbri '.; , '.n i " t 'r " 'p..'i'i. j.,. laat iVf i' '.' e tbar t hi" nviu r" .. , i I- ri tjir bed' ' i i Wv UUV Il m. jW ZW I WAV "I $923 Scho mackei AiiRclus, S I.IUf r (MaheKanj) 360 Miniature Parler Grands, Ranging in Price from $425.00 lrpwards ALL MAKES OF TALKING MACHINES AT (illEATLV ItBDUCKI) PRICES IT PAYS TO THINK: VtANO C5e. tlTH AND CHESTNUT ersM ivdiinm i21 H WfJ rmmmmmi SCRANTONMArjDIES HERE blrictcn With h'cdrt Attack While in Hetel Roem r, .'-.j W n"-aii fenj mn'1 years. "rii"' n hriti' ti inansrir of tu' I i ''.I'.i l'r"i.'rii.'. t:rra of lirrbain Pun-' A. le, l.'J.'i Chfj'uui sT" f ' 1 'i in Ii "in ii.-fjrr d'-riifO U"-'. Ui;l.t , ' P..-'!. ! S'ratferd Mr P.. v .i i t.i i hi' . n v trrda ' t' i - i'n i. i t tin r- 1 tlir. l.r i Hi i M.-r m';, Al'in Hunter, .Ir . , ' ,( 11" ( ! I'.P'I'tl t li'll'b"f i'f ljr tl-l i."p nvi b.id folio te Iiih iner.i te .i.fpari' te se l.i tlif tneHtri' v-wu tljp" I- I'.i", in- i!!i nni r''uni te .i"in ' i ., - ,i M l,i ii ni ii I i- i-"i,n, T i I .' , il . . h '). IHTi.-S I I- r 1 I.' . "ii- " In . ,1' -.'fu 1', Carrr M, i lie ii. ij-p plnii'ian was Mirrimeri'd, but VI: S--.il'- " iKl n t b- rcrcl u:.d und :n a ffv nunntps ACCUSED IN SCRANT0N 3 Philadelphid Vemcn Charged With Theft of Fur Coats 1 Thre attrafth.'ly carbed I'hila.lcl 'ph. j Menicii, It.ie .MeiJinlrj, Marj Kiri-tner and Nan iMiardite, went en ! trial in S'T. nit in tnilav, rlmr-ed with tin. nii'ft nl' far i'":its from Julius 1 J..'-f tdi-. 'i t'lrrn-r tb re 1 In- ili'fi'lidiinrs-. ii i, 'l.'iimcil. urn' ' n'li in Srriinteii, May II, wljen tin I iln'tt iM'eurrcd. Thi-v wiri- arrestpd in I I'liiltidelpliin. Jo'pbe u.'is petitiMi in i In , idetitilio.'itteti of the tbrir ueuinii , Tlie priiM'O'itiiin dnirrjih it bim unetber , Nrariten ferri. r vim will tenfv tbe mini' wrniif'ii Incd te Me.il mate from bun $4000 In Lingerie Stelen I A thlt'f eiiti'reil lAitnft IlretlivrV Uncorle hlien. !H5 Seuth Klshth utrne. early today, bfloetod i-oine cbelre plceea of foeda and ettcsped. Tbt tteltn art!- 'iM are vaiuM ai aaeai eqq ,y C 2 Price $12ft fiM are tuiw at eat 94000 0J Qeerf Letus, en et tbi proprltteri TEN reasons why you should buy a Columbia COLUMBIA CABINETS Stram.line Cabinet Harmonizes delightfully with rear horn fumuhmci All rsniiae. are bcaa tllul and canly kept cleia. 2 Automatic Recerd Ejector Eliminates the search (or the dtsirH ftcerd. Aa ieal putt ler your cbeic tlccueni. Ajtesuucally clea, ibun biere use. Teae Control Le.Tct Loud or sclt cjnr is you cJioet op rates en iaac ptinctplc as pip-erjn (.ealrsl. JOne-hard Tep Easy te fine and lower withect dtner of itz4i i.r brtakatt. COLUMBIA TONE 5 .Unieral Reprodeear wnitb jtve nstursl aeeuracy if tee. ritcame it 11 constructed ta reproduce tv prcp.r balance between overtones a.id lr.dirr.eaiil tecei. -Strais'nt Ten Arm 'rich allows the sound wis le de eisp fully tad nsturally unimpsdert tf joints and redactions irem the tire they are picked off the record till ihry creerft thicujU tb tone aula. 7- Tone Amplifiar hich nuures free and r.arural ampllfl- atiea. Site, and design arc the result cl 10 years' constant experimentation. COLUMBIA MOTOR S Diaplay Moter Brake (te step record) eptrttM la ths factor net en tern.Ubl. Nelsalcss (tars. Guaranteed. Easy te oil or dean. 9 t'ate of Hnndline Needles Thrte cufj fer different types. U'l fsedies dropped into special rtecptacle. Kxtra ceavemenca of neadle insertion. 10NenSat Automatic Step It steps the meter, without human all, when ihe record has ftalabtd playing. a Columbia and have a REAL Thanksa ivmq THE folks are all going te be there with you. There's going te be a big, fat turkey and all ther fixings and pumpkin pie geed stories, lsughter, fun and geed cheer at table and then what? Wouldn't it be joyous if you could all troop into the front room, some one roll up the rug, some ether one start the Columbia and then have a resl old-time dance and frolic? Sound geed? Yeu bet I And you needn't postpone the happy time of owning a Columbia Grafonela another day. Ge te the nearest Columbia Dealer te-day. See the handsome stream-line Columbia models he lias en display. Let the Columbia man explain the ten individual and superior points of merit that make the Columbia the most satisfactory phonograph that money can buy. Then make inquiries about prices. Yeu will be astonished that this instrument, with mere improvements than any ether worth-while phonograph, can be bought for se littleand, tee, the Columbia man will likely tell you of a Community Club pur chase plan, by which you can get the instrument of your choice at once and pay for it en "a mutually satisfactory arrangement" Don't wait! Don't say "no"! Ge and sec! We knew you'll love your Columbia, COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONU CO., New Yerk I As Leng as Life Lasts you will need money. While your earning capacity is at ittf best, form the habit of xavingu portion of your earnings each week. Start a Savings Account today, with us small ji balance as $5.00 and when the time comes you will be prepared. Interest allowed with vltcckiny privileges Total Resources Over 72,000,000 IteKEAiEsmrE ThiE Insur4nce flKusr Company of Philadelphia 523 Chestnut Street 45 SBrad Strwt AfcrtJf flemhJtftndaneaHaB Ltnealn BufMbu Oldest Tftk Insurance CetnpcmtjtHtkcVRyrki PnMpMsLi iiliiil IlK'BH Mu til "I'll I; :.;MJcaIJ.': Ill f We have turned en the heat! The heat has been turned en in every YELLOWCAB. Thus, in addition le courtesy, safety, cleanliness and the Lewest Rates in Philadelphia, you can enjoy the comfort of a WARM cab. Why Shiver? Hail a Yellow en the Street- Or Call Yellow Cab Poplar 8600 DAY OR NIGHT m V X. m 3sk2 TJrU- I Ml. M.N I anvng mjcIi lameu-i " Ftrncli rbr-imtc:. and ineuntns ; Lelru, Carlin, Saitnirt, Themiic and Vc La Fessr, st.ind thr- ligurr of Jr. in Urnn Ricrnrr, wlier two great nuM.crpiccr-5., tin Uurcau du Rei and cemmedr, lir.ir th stamp of uniivalcd Rrniu'.. Although tlir Luiiiinedc took eai te de sign and ie.it nierr than 1,000,000 funi.-. te complete, the bupreinc i rratien of tin linger was !ii Hutr.tu du Rei, c.ccutril lur LeiiiN XV nftn right yc.ir.s el labor. In ii Imr-i ,Mml a pciirctien ul ;r if .nni sininrtiv; ihi; inaiqurt;ic ' p.iuiMif nd its inagnificrni ineuntitigs chased with reclining: liuifs, fdiage, Lintel wreathe and frwags displ.iv the rare kill of theii engi natm. Ai Ricscnci piecd, lurtiituic can combine the lutreus bcauiv uf prerieu-, penis, tin' :h thmii r.idencc of music and the icriou icrieu icriou piiipete et uiilitj. And aliant elfcring'. tlireugh thru ii'linrnu'iu and dcliuiry of line, splendidly fflert llie irltals uf tins siiprr itaftsrnan. buiti's and odd pieee- ieuiny the inlluerii.Cs of manv periods and in.istcis, in addition te a gmniiiis sheuinj. ,,f tapeitu'es, tu;s and mtimII articles, w ill muic than delight we nn i'ir ncraMen of your next hit' te V ahant's. I he prices are surprisingly med i rate. ii!i 1822 CHESTNUT STREET Sef-SSGN.Gfiarlcs St. Baltimore. WSZSK I UKM I'UKIw OK OKA i IONM "1'ii'iHKt ."jY'wcu ttrdUd Valiant Prlcca re Moiltrale" :M.mWiMiw, -.-'- .A ftl ISibl