Ud HARPER & BROTHERS SUGGEST THESE TITLES THE DUST FLOWER By Basil King "Rejected in love, a wcnlthy young mnn undertakes a desperate experiment in mnritnl relations. Frem this is developed one of the most cJiiiinp: and intwente stories of tlie sensen. The subject is mastcrfuUy handled." Columbus Dispatch. $2.00 t HER UNWELCOME HUSBAND By W. L. Geerge Tilled with rare knowledge of feminine psychology'Wash psychelogy'Wash psycholegy'Wash inKton 77tr. "A faseinatinj? tale, sardonic in humor, intensely human." rnllndelphintrcerc. "Perhaps- the best characterization of the modern woman." St. Leuis Glebe-Democrat. J2 00 THE VEHEMENT FLAME By Margaret Deland A brilliant and Bcerlntinff novel of love. . . . "The peeple live. The spriniM thnt animate them are net explained psvcholecic. ally, but revealed emotionally. We feel them." St Paul Daily News. $2.00 FLOWING GOLD By Rex Beach "Out of the torrid, dust-swept stretches of Texas Rex Beach hn evolved Flowing Geld, a romance of the oil fields. Brimful of action, of novelty of scene, and peopled with characters that live " Philadelphia Public Ledger. t 82.00 THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH By Gilbert K. Chesterton Crime may be crime, and the criminal apprehended, but "the man who knew tee much" did net wreak blind justice. The best detective stories ever written. $2.00 THE KAISER'S MEMOIRS "Will be read with abseibcd interest all ever the world, even te its remotest corners, commented upon lavishly, used as fuel for het controversy lasting far into the years that fellow." T. R. Ybarra $3.50 THE MIND IN THE MAKING By James Harvey Robinson 11. (. Wells said after reading this book that he had "the sense of having crossed a ridge and come into a new land of understand ing." . . . Read "The Mind in the Making" and control your intellectual forces, withn&Qwer of understanding. $2.50 ' FROM SEVFN TO SEVENTY By Edward Simmons "Cousin Walde" Emersen, Paul Verlaine, Hawthorne, Thoreau, Charles Summer. Jehn Rrewn. Whistler, Resa Henheur, Abbett Thayer, Zern and a host of ethers are seen in this delightful book in the company of a great American artist. $4.00 NIGHTS AND DAYS ON THE GYPSY TRAIL . By Irving Brown Net since'Geerge Berrow wrote Remany 11 tic has there been such a colorful and romantic account of life among European gypsies from the Pyrenees te Cadiz. "The glamour and romance of gypsy life, reproduced eloquently. A brilliant and effervescing mixture." New Yerk Herald. $3.00 TALFS OF LONELY TRALS By Zane Grey "Here is the unlimited outdoors, with its never-ending beauties of fi' Id and mountain and stream, brought forward in lyric prose. These true adventures deserve a high place in the literature of the West." Philadelphia Public Ledger. $3.00 HARPER & (EST. 1817) Beasts, Men and Gods By FERDINAND OSSENDOWSKI Have you read this amazing book? De net miss it! Send it te some man or woman for Christmas, as something at once unique and distinguished. At all bookstores. $J.00, postage extra. E. P. DUTTON & CO., 681 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK jlll- -manari- If you liked "The Bat" and "The Cat and the Canary" you should read THE HOUSE OF DELUSION By Rupert Sargent Helland The leading mystery story of the year Price i,i QE0RGE W. JACOBS & COMPANY, Publishers "The Old Tiger's" self -revelation l.T HIS ARTICLKS AND Sl'KICCIll'S COLLKCTKD IN France Facing Germany By GEORGES MlQlllil he re-nl 1,u Diiiiru niie interested itt his visit te famous siieeeluw mi Alsace-Lerraine Morocco I'tMCc with Ger- maiij The licrnc Confercnet 'I he Xulicrn AlTair, iiinl the lnipris lnipris eimiciit of llan.si show hew he nietihlcil the spirit of ! ranee before the war as his .speeches en the ar I'rem iVharlerei te the Marne Hie War in the Trviu-lu-h Thu War of liinluraiice-A ijtt te the lrcuchcs tlnillvtl lihtiiiK France iliiniiK the v,ar. I he book reaches an eloquent climax in liis famous Venluii cecli, t .mush VaRteMSZ- Published by E.P. DUTTON ft CO. BROTHERS NEW YORK 1 LARGE EDITIONS have been neccttary te supply the demand for James Branch Cabell's JURGEN which has been acclaimed by critics as ena of the greatest books of this generation. Ith edition Reaity Oct. 3flth Mh " te preaj Oct. 30th flth Nev. 6tli 7tl Nev. lOtli Sth Nev. 17th All Boek$tore$, $2.50 Rebert M. McBride & Ce., Publishers, N. Y. J At all booksellers Philadelphia CLEMENCEAU America. NEW BOOKS KjjMLsfatTHaW. m' ';' ' 'yA. WyV v ' lBSBBBBBsV LT-..' yU ', 'V, t ,' ;;V l? ,A ,-' i ,' "" -''" fy J HlaflV ''' ' ," 'J BBBsflMasaasfeL. y . 'S .JOHN T. FAHIS Who lias extended Ids observations Inte tlie Knsteni States THE BALKANS The Remance, the Tragedies and the Political Importance of the Cockpit of Europe In tlie Middle Age, lliretu'h the Or.ttitl Meimniue nml tip te Napeleon's era wlint Is new llclultim used te be the cockpit of Kui'dpc, but tlie nineteenth century replaced It with thn llnlkan Slates. There Iihm been for Renerntlens dynamlte In this congeries of rival small nationalities and diere races. Their geographic position has iimde them eeveted, mere or lr., by Austria, Italy nnd Itiissla, for tliey have a vast strategic inipeitiinee and lilei-e an economic Importance finite beyond their nIzp as the patewny te the Orient. Con trol of the Itiilkiins was one factor of the Uerlln-te-l'iigdnd Hallway which represented a war-incltlng Germanic nmbitien. Then, tee, the ISiilkun states het -blooded and het -bended and tlielr (-nntnnt broils liiine into tin1 con llict tlielr various big protectors te whom they lint allieil tliem-elves. Yet the history and the a-plratietis of this section are vry ill known te American. Ilefere tliev bceann lirt lirt psiBe war Morics in tlie MiiHieii'i,ii anil ether drives tliey were little mere than names. With Mich a hplendid book available as "The llnlkan IVnln mila" (Ilnneiirt, Urace & (Je.), there can be no lunger I'Vtte ler Ignorance cltber of the past of the Mulkans, which explains much of their recent ru-nt. or of thelr Present, as still a matter of world politics. I-Yi'ilin."iinl .Sdievill. irofes'er of modern history at the I'niverslty of f'hlcage and author of the excellent "l'ellthal History of Mod ern Europe." has perl'ei med a ilenlniljle tack exceeilingly well in this compact and i endnote history which ditisses tht; Italkiin peninsula and its numerous ract.il and nationalistic mutations fiem the earliest ilas te the present day. He discusses amply enough the Mon golian and ether invasions from the Kant mid the place of the lialkans in history under the llutmiiis and the lijvnatlues and Turks, their .struggles te threw off the Otteman rule, their Influencing by th Hnpsburgs and the Itomtinens, ami ether matters, espe cially the Key natiiie of their geo graphical placement and their pnlitii.il and economic importance preieeding therefrem. The story is full of romance. la addition theie is a full considera tion of the roots of the World War as planted deep in the Haitians and a tier- uitlve of the part they plmed both iii'ieer the war and in the pence, it !. pemtul out that the lt.ilkau peninsula, ii. elud ing (iiceee, Seibia, llulgaii.i, Monti' Menti' Monti' negre and Uiimaiila. together with ethnic relations iuijeiniug, had n de terniining liiduence in the explosion that led te the war of the nations just ended. The honk shows that tlie Halkans furnished the stage setting for the World War and that it may he tlie stage for ether world wars if its press ing problems drift toward chaos. Dr. Schevill describes Ivldly in it. 4 most in tense form the iuteiactinu of na tionalism, the rhalrv rmepenn Towers for control and the cenllict be tween I'aiepfiiii and Asiatic civili.a tiens, which have sanguinary llalkan bar ii terieel th" iiin.iK His book is the tlrst in any language te cover the hi'.tery ei this ceniused and im portant iait of the world from the migrateiy period te the present time Ills book Is cemprchen .he and written according te the modern school of his tory, with emphatis net mi battles and dales, but en the underlying psjchidugy n nd philosophy, pelitnai and economic. There a te llftvcii inap.i which illuuiiiiate thu text. RACKHAM'S PICTURES FOR HAWTHORNE'S GREAT BOOK Of nil the men who liuw illustratctl IIiiwtheriie'H "A Wi'inler llmiK" iiiinu I him iliiini it mure suiiathetically than i Arthur ItiicMiiim In the edition nf the I famous classic ,iist Hililsicil fur the holiday kciimiii h (leure .11, Dm an I t'eiiiitiliy. The eluine euli nins n.cn- ty-ffiiir ilcttircs, tificeu of which arc l ii'iiroiltictleiw in full mler nf Mr. Unek- htnn'8 pahitiiiRs, and the nihcrs are clrilwiliKs for the must part in .sketchy line lifter the manner nf the Jiipiiiie.M, The full eelnr lllustiatlnns vary in merit, but us a wlmlu the, are sntNfy. inc. In the first place, it must he said i thnt they illustrate. Mr. Itiicliliiim I'liilently read the hook hclerc he Iickiiii tii tn.ik.t nd inre fur It. Ill the seenm! liliiee tlie iilc mi's nre works of a most tlellcnte hind uf art. Thcv 'lie tirinleil inn .lit iriniti en cnleiideied IMIHT llllil lUlftci ')" blnnU leiiuw in tins proper jihieea in thu Miluine, lull the smooth Mil face of the paper Is net wholly responsible for the Hinin.lli'iesff of the texture. They leek iis If hey had been painted tin ivory. This ipialliy is pniticiiiurly n ticcable In the lllustilitleiis for the story of I'anilni.i, in which he has used nude len mid KhN flm eiiiiiin n the It Clves ,e the Mtln of witliiy texturoef life Itself. Of mursc, Mr. KacMiain bus Riven the ulrls the round sleiulerncsH of early euli uml te his bes the name hlenilefni'ss, with the muscular develop ment lin iiKltiU HP the uniuilness of Iiii1iIhimI, for he Is an artist who knows lita'traili'- " there me am .mmiiiu' pen pie who have net et lead thu tnarvel i.iislv sl.iir'ul letelllni; of he classic mvtiis h llawthnriie. their parents cti'ultl net il hetter than te Kd this eilltlen et it f1" their Chri&tinas hteck- lug. Beverldge te Write en Lincoln runner Senater Albert J. Heveriilgn, whose "Life "f l',hn Mnihall" has taken Us pliii'P as one of the classics of American liingiaphy, has bcuun a com panion work en Abraham Lincoln. "I hope " lie ms, "te be able te continue the 'constitutional interpretation of America, eaiii It about the life of Abraham Lincoln, as I ilhl the liibt part of the coimtltutlenul luterprctatlea of America about the life of Jehn Mar OF A VARIED APPEAL A BOOK OF WONDERS Ossendewaki's Tale of His Wan derings in Mongolia Suggests Marce Pole's Adventures Alexin Trlena, the here of W. .T. Leckc'd latest novel, wrete ft book of adventures In llussln during the Helshevlk revolution biiBcd en the notes of one of Its victims. "JleiiBtfl, Men ami GeiIh" (K. P. Datten & Ce.) is tlie actual Htery of the adventures of Ferdinand Ossendewnkl, a I'elish man of science, while escaping from the Helshevlk! who wanted te kill him. Mr. Osxcndewaki held an Important sclentillc position in Hutsia and the revolution found hltu in Krasneyarsk in Western Siberia. When he learned that the Uelahevlkl were after him he lied south into the forest nnd lived nlnne for months until he encountered ether men in his own plight. He then tried te leach India by way of Mon golia and Tibet, but was turned back at the Tibetan border liy a lerce ei brigands who would permit no strangers te enter the count rv. lie had te re ll life his steps nnd go eastward Inte Manehiirhi. lie Iltiallv reached a Mil Mil leon en the Trans-Siberian Hiiilread and reuched Peking. Frem there he came te the Vnlted States and was In Washington nt the limn of the Peace t eufcience. lie planned writing a doek aiieut the Hern ami fauna et the nine known regions that ht hud traversed, but an UL'(Utiintituce. te whom he told his plan, incieefitally revealing Heme of the terrible experiences he had un dergone, told him that no one would buy his scientific book, but thnt if he would write the story of his adventures he would produce temcthliig that was worth while. OsM-iiilewskl acted en this advice and this book is the result. It Is a late of the Incredible. It does net seem possible that men could bunt down ether men as if they were wild ani mals as lb,. Itelshelki hunted down the refiicccs' HeeliiL' from their tvrnnnv. And It docs net seem pesrdblc either Hint such curious beliefs ami customs could exist as he found among the native with whom he came la contact. If It described the life of tlie tenth century it would net be mere foreign te what we are accustomed te en this side of the ocean. Ne mere extraordinary record of human experience has been published for tweni.f -live years or mere. It Is extraordinary for the simple and modest wav in which the story is told as well as for the iharacler of the story Itself. If the hunt of the HuKhevlkl for vie 'inis wen- emittcil it is such a bonk as Mti "co Pole wrote about his journey overland te China. YANKEE TRAVELOGUE Dr. Faris Writes Observant Boek in "Seeing the Eastern States" There is no better way of learning the i faction en a traeler In n strange clinic than by the te-be-cxpfctcd book that fellows the trip. 1'ach traveler has something different te interest him. Seme travelets might be said te have the geographical complex. Such is Dr. Jehn T. Paris, who, te his intensely interesting "travelogues," lifti added "Seeing the Kastera States" (J. P.. MppiiKett Company). Scenery nnd the physical aspects of u country, coupled with a lecalling of the lnsiuv legends that are attached, intert Dr. Finis mere than these who people the terri tory. Dr. Paris has a happy faculty of interweaving these things scenery and legends' se Interestingly that the lack of the human note is net appaient. Along the rugged Maine coast nnd then through the State in a canoe. Inte Vermont and a sauntering through New Hampshire Jthesp are merely a part of the trip en which Dr. Faris takes his leaders. Ilosten is pictured in a manner that gives a delightful mental picture of that interest in-; town te these who have 'cen It. .ew lerK illy. the mammoth, is usiied. Itip nn Winkle's CatskilN nn net neglected nor are the Adiiendac ks nor New Jersey. It Is an exhaustive hut net an ex hausting journey that is taken. Pie wntetl fiem covering the same ground In actuality, the next best thing would be a merris chair trip with "Seeing the Pastern States" as u companion. Who Is Hugh Loftlne. The man who unite "Tlie Story of, Pr. Dellttle," and whose name Imme diately became linked with I.ewN Car Car eoll us a children's humorist of true! I genius, Is a unlet, nature-loving l'ng-I i 1UliiM.ni utm innlfe.. lib. bernf 111 Ibis ' country. He dcetci his time te wilt- , 1 1,,,. and te ilrnulni:. huvine illustrated' - :" - . . . . ' . . . . . both of his books w it li quaint sKetdies that children love. His second book, "The Voyages of Dr. I"elittle," has just been published by Stokes. , NEW BOOKS General !K)Oltr.i:. l.Tie.se.Vs Vn THE, TEACH-i:it-MUTIIi:it ll i:il.i l.ynch. jsew leik. Mdiinllliin f umiiiiny. A sinslbln I"" I. for ubllnv mothers In I trnlnliis- their clilllri'ii ' I'OI.l rif'K. Ilv i'r mis I"llni. New Yerk, i i:. I. Duttnn . I'" , , A. An nilrflii.il tni silRntlnn Inte the esntlal flen.ents unci the liilivient Oefects et all font s nf Binprnnen'. i 1 1 j i'AVI! MV W1T1UN ITS. By W J rii'lillnir. Slw lerlt. IZ. r. Dutten JU I".. A Muay tit th iiulconcleiM In Indlvlrtu3 nrul hew i can ennlrnl this ether IJe of ear imturcs. CJHAN'ITi: ANI AIAWASTKR T'.y TUymend Ibbt'ii. Ni'W VerK .Miim-IiiIMuii Coir Pepmib of x.irl'il cerf, tnntnly In cadpncwl ainl ilijnifl fet t i. iiuludlnir eevfral cxcK- ll'llt HufllUH. Nl.NT. HDt.l'.s HP neil' lly llnval i or Milium. nv liiiu. naa, OL'rien-f T . SellH ,, A famous nri critic nililrfNum a llitlf m.imml le inilims who lee the uaine trre. sKeila of tie Ir si en a. ' Tin: Pisiu'rrbiv ei- ymciixiA. n Jjiiips i' MifiroKer Aw Yerk: M millnn c'eniciiiv. Tim iinitV"!'"!' of lilslerv nnd pebtl wb'te e nt Waslilnut n nml .Teffcrtien hiiH writ ln,i u f'UII Wf '"' nf the tad Dcimlii, ' trimi llllil lla ene-iini- , tiiiiiMrni' in. i ir Klnli An uilinliiiblu line of historical i ' i-frcli. i , m-vnini nv Tim mwri'ii. n tv, Miiii'iuis. New Yerk" lioubleday, rur.-, Tb- .iiiiher nf "The old Seak" ha cel . lerte.l a number nf bis brerrt blu of bunier I tnm-tliir In n runl'lil.. f uine It Includft ' IiIm tiMnliTiilii'ii. "I he .sindd.st Man." 1'itAf rif i. tvi.ks ev 'i in: cari: of fllll.Hlir.V. Ilv Mnry Uayle. .sw , Yeik i:. r nutiim .v fe. i A r ulstei el mute liu told hre In lmvl ntiBiuiirf no f'1" ' e"'e' "'"ii te itnen ;-' '- 'Zr "''j. 0l .vPVJ'T V-rki lv 1i.r Deublislai J-UKO i in. Whnt iPlterH te wrlti for evtry purpoie, eclnl nml ImxIni'Hs rentulns alto th t , nuelte nf correnpenaence i a i.iru I'.vvi n.r.n ify "a child of th, imimllnf. .New erk: Deuuleday, rat. INxtiilMllv utl nnali nla uf the adolescent! mlii'l THU Hi't.Y LAND AND k VniA. llj- rrnnK ii r.itieiit r. ew urk: Deubledaj 1'.IK.' Ii i' , A iieteil ti nel'T ainl writer en ferrUti lmiils Iiiim iri.itiil a er readiblu Imhi). cm ilntn.lii lli.it lll ulu Iw of lnteri''t te ixililmtnl n'iiilt,' It Is Jirufuieiy utii liuwUeuicly lllustr.iteil Fiction TO TRM. YOl' Till: 'IIU'Tlt. Ry Irfenarl MurrUk Ne or'" K. P. Dutten d A in w eliimn nf nhert utertea by en et thn must Kijulur wrlti'm of th day, CHl'lti'll h.Tlti:r.r Iy Jeim Cnchran I'tilliuMtilil.i WwtttnlnitiT Pr'aa. Slurl. h of Miri.nn MII.ibe llfn, afl M Vim .I'lH.'i mil lninict wills umleratiinillii.' uf tin' Aim'rU.iii tiMiiin'tameiit uml of liuiu.in IllltlllO Tin: ltuiUN ii' nn: uvh. one. iw c 1'. K.UIHU. Nuw Yerk; lUrceun. Ilracn & t'e. A novel of Swlat Ufa that hM baan eallail Pstty.'fWltMl Mla,,,r' ..Wi (ftSHik O. K. fllKSTEKTON Whoe detective talen nre fuller of satire than of nistcry SKILLFUL SATIRE Chesterton's "Th Man Who Knew Toe Much" Aimed at the Foibles of the British Gilbert K. Chesterton is tee much of a satirist te write a story merely for the snke of tlie story. Consequently his deticthe stories will ncer rival these of Pee or Dele or the ether masters of the art of unruwllng mys teries for the delectation of the idle ami the weary, lie has te make them n comment en life lather than a mere entertainment. In "The Man who Knew Toe Much" (Harper & Itroth Itreth ers). he has assembled u gump of tales about the activities of Heme Fisher, his amateur detective who inner brings n man te puiushmiut. Usher is as distinguished in his way as is Sher lock Helmes in his way. Possibly the secret of Mr. Chestertet.V theory in creating Heme Fisher is best disclosed in th tale he calls "The Timpte of Silence." This tells hew Fisher when i "" man was induced te stand for Parliament. He entered the race in geed taith only t discover that he was te lie isd te split the opposition vote against the candidate whose election the political peweis clcired te insure. This candidate wn-. a bacUmnilnr and a geneiall.v disreputable chancier, but the !u' eminent had need of him. Fisher, who was elected after all be cause of the skill of his own campaign, refused te take his "eat out of disgust willi the devious and illshenivt wave of politics. He knew ten much, but he did net knew hew te light the whole Hrltish political sstcin. If one reads the book as saliie. one will find it en teitalning. Theie is bound in the snnie volume a long sheit story, "The Trees of Pride," which is a sort of allegory about the pestilential character of pride Itself. It deals with the mysterious disappearance of a haughty country squire who persists in pteserving some peacock trees en his land In spite of the belief of the ceuntiy side, supported by the resident physician, that they breed disease. Incidentally it is a preachment against snp"istitien. NEW-BOOKS -OLD. - I will obtain for you ny book. In or out of print, en any subject you may deilie. Rare Beeks HENRY T. HARPER 35 Seuth 18th St. tecmt 7738 Phils. I BOOK EXCHANGE ( ISS1"11"1"1"1 BoeKAvi:r.ic postal mbkakv Wll.1. supply all books of recent pub lication, tlctlen and noii-!l"tlen, "In do de nianil." en a rental basis. ROOKA Vni:K POSTAL I.I1IUAKV, 160 ISroad ISread w.iy. N. Y. Mty, Uoem fi. i iii'iiiiiiiiiiiinnnin"iniiiiii Beeks Wanted Out or rittM' lKHiK.i rcRNisnEn. CntnleKiits 1-sui'il. i:. , Iloblnseo, 410 HImt St.. Trey, New Yerk. HAVE YOU READ . SIMON CALLED PETER By Rebert Keable Auther of "The Mether of All Living," etc. IT IS probably (he most widely talked of novel published during 1922. $2 (poslage extra) all bookstore$ E. P. Dutten & Ce., 681 5th Ave., N. Y. Webster's Nevel Jeseph Greer and his Daughter An achievement, a real triumph. -New Yerk Tithes Bebbs.Mcrriii Publisherti Why Net BOOKS? Heeka run lx tlie jelllrjt companions of i in1 hoi ii.iy .-'iiseii, a in i it? r t-crma- ' iipnt pi urn m t'n llbr.ir t.il li or book sIihII Is ii f. i tut ii'iiiiiiiler et itia thnuilitftiliii". et th put. l'reni our Iuike I't.'cL iimv be ae'ecteil etaelUliij te suit ccr) ngc nnd tuMt. Fiction Juvenile Boeki General Beeks . New and Standard Religious Beeks i Bibles and Testaments Greeting Cards and Felders Calendars and Novelties THE BAPTIST BOOKSHOP 1701-1703 Chestnut Strett (,SntHJ jtetr taJki tlivaler) Announcing the publication of a new, low-priced SIR JAMES BARRIE In the new popular edition of the Barrie plays, the six single plays listed below are published in beards at $1.00 each and in leather at $1.75, while the two volumes of shorter plays are available in beards at $1.25 each and in leather at $2.00. The eight volumes in leather, attractively boxed, $14.50. Grew Yeung Again With Barrie! De you knew what the policeman gave Cinderella instead of an engagement ring? Why, when her husband laughed, did Maggie Shand knew that he was saved? What is the "twelve-pound leek"? Read the Barrie plays and you will learn these secrets, and many ethers. Above all, you will learn the secret of perpetual youth. It is Barrie's secret Barrie who refuses te see life through the sober spectacles of the workaday world. Reading him is like going en some fabulous and delightful adventure: old barriers of age and habit fall away, and in a flash one touch of whimsey makes the whole world kin. Who that has known Peter Pan is net the younger and mere daring for hat experience! Hew many a budding cynic has been saved by the Admirable Crichton, that paragon among butlers ! Grew young again with Barrie. In his plays you will find him at his joyous best. It is only in recent years that he has consented te their publication but with what added descriptions, what Barnesque asides! The Barrie plays can be obtained at any bookstore or direct from the publishers. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK cff Interlaken Library MAKE it a point te examine the bindinr, en each book you purchase. In a few yenrs from new, the aprearance of your library at a whole will depend upon the wearing qualities of the bindings you select today. Apropos of this, since the following editions of note are bound in INIHRLAKLN, you can purchase any one of them with perfect assurance that their bindings will wear satisfactorily. THREE SIOUX SCOUTS by Elmer R. Greger Rral Indian lifeen the ntem plaint fcefert the white man came. Stirring enceunteri among Sioux. Cheeiine?.Kleua and Crew D. APPLHTON & COMPANY NLW YORK ENGLAND'S PROGRESS by B. W. Arneld, Jr. Invaluable te students of modem history, for the volume henins with eighteenth century England and end. with the resulti of the late v.t RICHARD G. BADC1ER COMPANY DOS TON WHISPERING SAGE by H. S. 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