WW' iipi fW. w BP I1 if- 1 HI "ftf sac !:' Si. wmm imW UNE MM FOR BROADST. TUBE ' Mayer Asks P. R. T. te Submit Operation Bids as Soen j " as Possible MONEY READY FOR WORK High Points in Mayer's Bread St. Tube Plan A tube with four trucks from LciiRiie Isliiml te Olney nentic. Itlds te be ndxertUed within three months and work te be Murteil with in ninety tlujc. Approximately $'J'J,000.000 Is. new available for biiiblini: of tlic line. Estimates of entire f"--t ct ut $78,000,000. Tbemu I". Mltten. presiilcnt of P. II. T iked for t'niis upon which company will accept leiM Bids arc te be nsUetl en construct inn of the Uretul btreet tuibw.iy. and work Will be Murted within ninety ilnj. if plans f-et forth by Majer Moere, in a proposal te Tbemim I. Mitten, tircsl dent of the IV R. T . t-bull mntcrliilie. The Majer i plan tnelinb- four tracks te extend from l.ciuiic Ittluinl . te Oluey avenue, ceiwitutlntf. as t he Majer mi--, "the backbone of tb, , city's trsinsit - -letii." The Mner peiiiteil out in a letter te Mr. Mitten jeMenlaj that .?-'. 000,0 in ulreudj available for th" work, and asked upon what terms the transit com- ' pany weul 1 .h'i epl a leaM! for th" oper eper oper utieu of llie line. I Ueeeut itlin.ite by Pireeler Twin- I In? placed the cot of buildiuj; tin tube from City Hall te Olney aeinie at $30,400,000. The Majer told Mr. Mil ten he favored the construction (if the line te l.e-iKue Island, and It is esti mated this would add .'f-'s.OUO,000 te the cost. Did. Within Three Menth? The Majer's letter te Mr. Mitten fellow s ; "The I'rankferd elevated railway having been completed and set. in mo tion, the Admini-tratien desire" te pro ceed at once te the construction "f t.ie Bre'id street subwaj line, as bsil:j tlvely autherised, from League Uland te Olney avenue, and is prepared te r ceive proposals with respect te the oper ation thereof. A start was made upon this subway prejei t during " previous Admif'-tratien. and about ?:.r.(O.Oiiij was pellt upon It when the war inter rupted the citv s aetntties. While it Is improbable the entire project (all be completed before the end of my Admin istration, the work will be started and pressed te tile Utmost. "The Director of fity Transit advises me that the plan for a lar?e section of this stibwuv are in such -Jiape that bids can be advertised for within tli-ec months fiem this date and that eufii cient funds te build and operate a sec tion of the subway are new awillable. City in Position te Art "It is m.. judgment thai this Bread trect subway project is se different from that of the I'rankferd elevated that negotiations preliminary te com mencement of construction need ne: take Tery much time. The city is in posi tion te go forward with the work, whether the r'nd be leased or whether it be operated as a separate municipal enterprise. "L'nllke the Prank ford ervated, the Bread street Mibwav ul eceiinv the niain axis of the city and is. therefore, free from the handicap which would attach in segregated lines municipally operated. In ether words, it will ! the bni kbene of the transit sjstem Which the people have imtheri.ed e be constructed ter their relief aud con cen veuieiue. Without it many of the e -called cress. town or bus lines would net produce the results c.pei ted of them. "L'nder these ciri umstanri's, and placing tins value upon the proposed aubwuy line, but Iipchue of the -eai-Ing popular prefeience for a unified ty stein, I would be glad te ba.e tnuu JOI1, whee eenipati lien occupies, the entire transit tield in Philadelphia, a Mutemejit et the terms upon which jour company would be willing in lease un! operate the Kreud -'reel subway. Such ether liins new atitherued by taw aj may be regarded bj jmi as ufcessarj tnay be treated m a separate proposal." KngineerN Consult Lngineers of the Transit Department have been m ceiiMiltatpin iih the P. II. T. engineers 'f'tl' emllig the s,,h way plans some time and the idea is te begin work sjtauli'iiwusl. at sev eral points, that is te . uild in section-! and thus c.'iM' tiiin It has been 'aid that the traction company would el te n,is, the Bread Hrect subway ey terms similar te these relathe te the Frankford elevated a sliding m.iK of leiurns en tin uhhi. reent bv the ntv beyinuing with 1 per cent the nr-t j ear of operation and finally reucHng i maximum of ," per cent in the nf'h jear and thereafter. ' City elTn lals. hevsever, feel that the' municipality is entitled te a better proposal and the tlat rate of per Cent from tin nijtset bus been sugguitinl An ordinance pieiding for the con damnation of a 'uaugular phi at Bread street iind Die avenue for use as repair sIkm and sterige j ird for the IJread stnet subw.ix equipmeni hie been drafted b the Majer and etit te Council for adoption. That ordi nance gae rise te report- that the city Intended be'nailinj th' line it Krie avenue, but the Me"i set these I rumors at rist est"rd.n (v saving he fnvend the construct. mi if the read as b'gis!.itiej i ente'iiplii'i d fr0ni OInej aMe.'H te League Island. MAY CALL CONVICTS IN TRIAL OF LAWYER Prosecution Seeks Their Testimony Against Alleged "Fence" i Thieve-, new serving prison ttrnis.i nillj be called - witne..e .ig.un-t I ' Austin Wolfe, a lawjer and former owner of a pawnshop at Scventi, nth , and Lembard streets, new en trial be fore Judge stern en charges of re ceiving stolen goods. The trial was begun velerday. Wolfe's pawnshop is alleged rm have been a "fence" for thieves where thev could lllSpe e e sluleti goods, a, t S alleged Wolfe had adopted a deubb fl.VStrin of l)ekkeeping, goods known hi have been stolen being entered in "HO set of books in such a way as te conceal their Ideiitii., from the police. THANKSGIVING FOR 62 Children of Wharten Open-Air Scheel Enjoy Holiday Feast 8Ix(y-twn puiiils of the open-air class of the Wharten Public Scheel, Third anl Lembard streets, had a Thanksgiving dinner In ihelr classroom t noeu today. The room was deco- ftted. The (utRtK Included a number of nub- ,Hroeol officials und women lntfrte ena eeilif nmur ie enni lue tun .TOMTOAftn-t f v rn :?r.T" J..'- "' ' 'e"s.W f . SLOGANS FOR CORNELL BATTLE STIR PENN CO-EDS liMRSs b'bb'bb'bb'bb'bb'bb'bb'bb'b'bI Ms 111 im,.LJ Bl'tssss ete" bbbbbbbbb'b'bb'bb'bb 'bbbbbbbbbbb'bb'bb'bI sbbbbbbbbw?4 ...,.- ..i.-aij. BaViBBBH bsibbbbb?. bbbbbbbbbH' BBBBBBBBBBVr' -s.- - -' .sHpiijM$ M'HKS'BBBBBB1 v bbbbbbbbbbVf BBBSBBSSBBBl BBawETfcKSkSi" -bbSbbbbbbbbbV'?' ,'"-5iS?? BPPJPJBMBjpMBMpyiH ,--T x-.4&'v--lkiSaMBBBWBBWBBl "?, A. ,',T,7"J IPiSfSVfc SjvS i ' -Y? r SillWaBlitBBBBHP''' ' ,!'" I ltf!'llWlait.i?$i..-. " - . .. vt ' . i. "W . s-suKKaaaaaBa . " ' 1 t'. of P. clrls bellee in sIriis such as these en the campus In front of College. Hall, announcing students rally te enthuse fur football battle with Cernell. In inset are shown battle slogan en dormitory windows with the familiar old "Heck 'Km, Seiii 'Km," call le I'cnn's erldlren warriors U. OF P. STUDENTS U I nUL dlU HALL I i Cheer Football Team as Leaves for Shere te Cet Ready for Cernell It EDITORS ARE "SUSPENDED" The biggest football rallj ever staged I at I'niversity of Pennsylvania was , held in the big pt:ul at 1 o'clock this afternoon te 'jive the team a eiid-elT v. lien it departed for Absecon for a bri f i rest Iw'tere the Thanksgiving game with j Cernell. The students assembled in , big i iiil.i I a d Ud in tne I "nivpr-ltv I,in i ' marched te tin training house te meet the pl.ijers and escort them te the West Philadelphia station. The bead heer leader, Clark, was in charge of the demonstration, assisted bv the members of the senior and jutjir societies as marshals. t'ampus artists, timing self. expres sion, have di orated the walls, win win ue'.s and sidewalUs of the I'liUer-i'v .dormitories with lejenHs ursing in no 'Utiertain terms the teMball team te "Heat Cernell." "Pfann Kawneli" is only eiiti of an lntinite list of variations el the same theme. Students have been working ever time for the last wctk devising ullit t- NP i eninve legends, and their efforts ha i been eminently Ntieees.tul. I The sopbemorc vigilance committee, together with the rallj ceuimlttee. toured the lampus last night with a brush and a large pail of whitewash. This morning when students started for classes they found every available space en the campus appropriately painted ami pl.uardul. I'enti Juniors are Irving te appear nonchalant this week. They are study , ing the an et carrjlng a cane. Most of them stride almig Woodland aeti'ie swniifing thi .r new canes m the best Pall Mall manner, totally oblivious that theie are ethers en the i-amp. besjdes thetllselve-. 'Phi le.-s elite earrv them as though thev weie ge'f clubs or umbrellas. The .lunier- will he the enter of .utr.u Hen for I lie e if ire weel,. 'I hev will i,iiiip a special stand at Franklin Field for the Cernell g.nni ami Fndav night tlnn will t,igi one et the biggest s,,eial events nf the ve.ir tin .lunier prom These who survived I Junier week bist ve,(r deilare that .lun .lun eor i ockeibeuks will be worn Hat next week. Incitement reigueil en the cammi. when it w.i.s learueil the maun." m. m. beard of die i'cniis.v Ivatejn bail be. n Mispendeil until .liiuuarv 1 by an eru'i- if tile f.e llltv enilllllli e ou tieu-llthbtl .! iivifi.'-, 'I'll.- i urrent isMic of i1!.' paper appeared with the unices et the iditer-iii-clilef. the managing eflitnr. and the new- editor mls.sing from the editor al page for the tir-r tnne jn, tli" ip'r vv.i-, founded in !.". Tin- ilrit'c lotion canu as n -'lit tin- pro'ei.giil runtinu.iiiie m ..flj.-,. f ihe le-vvs editor. .Iecpli U. Bjrues. of Philadelphia, after lie had je!i ie- i 'arcd 'In lisible bec-iusn of sc!iul,.in. lltill'Ultll -. The beiifil believed he Weijld be ublu te remove I lie cnndiriens in a -hert time. Acerding ie Dr. Arthur V. (Joedspeed, n was the efcci.il iJuu of the beard of editors te Mispvnrj lura until his 'ondltien had been removed When David F facers, the editor-in-chief, was snninieiied te appear be fore the Faetjl' I'n.-nmittee, ,e sur prised them bv eflenn? no elaborate alibi. Til" I'.ieultv I 'enimitter; itnmediatelv voted i" si.,P.-d thr managing beard until t'ie tirt of 'he r.ir Thi- merel; means a iiri'ii en m niime enh The men will lie 1 1;.. u ei te enrrv en their fdit-eruil work as usual. CLAIMS AUT0J5PEED TRIP 5an Franciscan Arrives Here In 13 Days Frem Coast, He Says A record nutnnvibiip run of nineteen dnvs from Sun Franeiscn tu Atlnn'ic I'ltv Is elaiuierl bv Tl eodere Ade'hert, twenty-nine ars old. f Sati Fran- eij.ce, who passed through PlilladelnhlB in In- nir t'd.i". en p'Ute te Flerida. delhnrdi made the ivin, lie .,ili, te visit a limtlier in Atlantic Citv. whom In had nnt p"n for ten ve.irs Je mv he vv.l.s but three ,aVb III cress, ng t,, greit Ameriiiiii 'Us' if and that le di i net encounter anv ether person during that time ill- en empaui"n en ihe trip vvii- ins deg TAMAQUA WINS LAND SUIT . PettsNllle, P.I.. .Nev, L's, 'rHiiiii'pia rtoreilgii ,vi-tcrd:iv wen i Ien.', legal Pa I in ceuit for the aiiiiexii'ien of 7,"0 acres of rich coal lands m JS-h'i Iklll Township te that town, part of the area te be u-ed as a public park i The Philadelphia and Heading Ceal and Iren Cemp.iuj, owners of most of the annexed irart, fought the annexa tion in court en account of the in creased taxes it will have te pay in the town, as cemparcii wnn the township. DIVORCES GRANTED E"Kerics wre fmnici te'tny by Court .; ; te LdUT4 Aarmu from In M Airnnn Marl K l.evnk (ruin Andfrt t, nn-W. net il Pfnsiei-k frni Merrln ri'iiM''k. Iiertlllt rJUIKHII from .turn-, ) June, ii .tentile mrei'iitiiiie (mai Llmrr Sir-" utiln. I.M1I.HI A H'lleii from I'rdnk M Ulllfii liin V llu-k from I'linu nij w Buck, fnieili M 'ii" (nan ii-"i w W Miv,r )ll(in M K' 111, from William J lOnuly ,Kin A I' irKer frum Mticleinn il Parker llcln Woe'ls. t miner, (rem rrmikliii U Weiiiln. . ., Hy court Ne, i. Ku!ll Ma from Ailelnh Mun. Kranclf X. .Tjrry rem Klhr B. Terry, Hrh K. HotreB from MerrU Heffrna. XatUt Sroeka ttvm William U, Boek EVENING PUBLIC L3BDGER-PHILABBLl,HIAt TUESDAY Tails I StvS kV " lW':BslaBKMIIIIIIIIaHPIBVftlllB ! s. ft ' . NOAH'S ARK SAILING GAYLY FOR PORT JN CHA RJTY HA RROR Tey Galore. Made by City's 1'nferttmatcs, Arc living Sold by Emergency Aid te Nonh was net there, but ull his atii- ' mals were when the Ark's gangplank was thrown out as tin Ark opened officially for business at 10 o'clock this morning. Friends and members of the Ktner gencv Aid ut whose headquarters, -L'l Seuth 1'lghteetiUi street, "Noun's Ark Shep" is moend. wtre en hand bright and early, The shop is a clearing house for the -ale of all kinds of tejs and ii-''fill articles made by patients f htspitals and institutions in the iiiv. Lecal arlisi-- and members of their own home also have contributed. The animals, band-painted and war ranted te bring joy te any little boy or girl who wakes up and tinds one en ti.ii Christina) tree, arc a feature of the "Ark " In se. no cases they leek dolefully at each ether but de net ob ject te having mere than two of one FIGHT SHIP BILL'S DIRECT-AID FUND rs..e Tll U.ne Di-ftvicirsn ' Democrat Tells Meuse Prevision Is Designed te Conceal Cost of Subsidy I .. ,, ....... ,Tnlnl i DEFENSE BY KIRKPATRICK ; ! T. .t ie.' irvi Prrj Waslilngten. Nev. -" Opponents of ihe adiiilliistralien shipping bill, which i- n-ivitig a tinal vole in tl." Heuse, com ri'd their 1 1 1 -1 ettaik tedn en 'In pp M-ion renting a merchant marine fund for pivment of dm-ci gov gev crnmeiit aid te Americnn shipevvneis. lie) resenfllive Il.ivis. Ti'llin s. e, 'l piniecratic nieiiilier of tl M reliant Marine t'enimit , efiind an niintiu- llient te eliminate the entile -n 'tien, nil the Heuse immediately plunged Inte debate wltll various speakers limited te live minutes ( .icli. The seitmn win li Mr. I'avi- sought te s'n'ie out pliivides ter creation et the Hint bj the liansfer te it el 1" t, r cent el I'liste'tis, (limes, lenii i i 1 1 -- cellrcliil pv lb. Heveninient .inl iliipallieh nial.lli.' li f i J i ' - in He h gb I retn- Ir h.ivis ceniendfil tlinl if a sub s. v i- te be paid it -heuld be tnet . 'i'iU.iIIj bv appinprliitien mi that tic i. iihv vien'd knew i'Vi"ih hew mui ' the iiiv v.i- lesllllg. " Ibis pieis. n .a ullage." Iii ilec'areil. "aid l mfried t. mislead the publii as te ihe cir of a subsid IJepublican meter- of the cemml'te" whicsh framed the bill defeml'd ' i i i'id prevision. Heprr.sentative Kirk pitri'l. Pennsylvania, arguing i' wi the II" st I -t 1 seill.ltl in the III It- lit r Mrs. Hall Ignored at Murder Probe Ceullnuril (rem IMite One rendy found their v.iy te the pjnl,' He win calleii te corroborate, tij i,j fnr m in could. Mrs. Gibsen - t..si . men- he bus satii repeattd Mat i;, tu. 'hi "f th" murder file saw a ' wen ,n n griij" standing with i 'hu-hv liHired man" in back of an .i'io:nebib; i.irked near the Philllpi far"-. L.itir, ii-i'irdir.g te Ml. 'lbnii'- "rv, she .aw alie same "woman in gray" sfnyling weeping ever he hedliH of a man and a woman. ih.ni2U told the jiirnrs 'lit he is a im,i v Hi m of Seinerville bh, th,-,i at midiiii'i' en September 1 I ' m,is re turiuiig from Mnnville llr -,,i he drove nvir Fastnn avenue i I pa-seil Lie It is., lane, S buii'lreil ynnlK bvend c r hine. 1 e -aid he saw a car nitrknl Hi tin l.irkliess j,! the sole el llie read. Tlie i ir, Hie v llliess lest il, , v,( se,JUlt t rewd Gathers (lulrKlv , The rumor that Mrs 1 inll vmuld app"ar before the lirmd .lutv p,rsnn- M .. I U. -. . I I . . ' . .ill v leicneu feiii'Tvii'i siterijy In lore pt o'clock. Weid uiis ihat Vbc bad been driven with Mi-. P..tcr-t m lnr li'Hige limousine. Peter 'J uujiilt.v , the fniiulv chauffeur, at the wheel, te I'.e itid Uroek. Tl is i-, u.idvvjv belueen h Hrunswuk aid t-nniei ville, and i-i the railroad af '"ti whleli Mr Pfedfer uses en b s trips from New ierk. Since the murder Mr- Hall ha? gene out inn lime. ,mi i r intreeuent an but little, .in J pearunce.-t m her lia.eusinn always have neeti tne signal ter nn h curies)ti and enmment. Sr.. ',t,ped et of ba -k deer at her W,, M- morning t ns u, avoid the nni-htiM,, Ii was Ul le e lock when the iimou - iimeu - sine, a small ..i.e which eveiv one in the ceminunitv ki..ws, drove rapidly un In the curb iriulue the lourtbeiiM', A .. small ctevd gii'lnrei) ipncklj in Mrs. Hall wa recesm.ed The rectors widow stepped from the niachliii! ami with Mr. Pfeiffer en out) side of her and Miss Pctern en the ether, walked rapidly Inte the court house. one ioek a nest in tne re tunas, ei w Ai'ur. i Help Producers kind, for instance, en hand. What is a calico spotted bull, mere or less, be tween friends? is their attitude. The "gangplank" or, if jeu will be banal, the entrance te the Ark, which is te be a permanent affair. Is guarded bv two band-painted life-size soldiers who dare jeu te keep out. The shop is under the direction of the volunteer committee composed of Miss Jtebecca Thomsen. Miss Susan H. Stewart. Miss Margaret Berwlnd and Mrs. Jehn 11 Masen, Jr. The Adviser. Com mittee is composed of Mrs. Nerman MacLeed and Mrs. Fdvvard Browning. The following hospitals and Institu tions centributed: Pennsylvania llos lles li'al. Presbjterian Hospital, I'ni versity Hospital, the Old Men's Heme, Visiting Nurse Society and Eastern Penitentiary, All the money cleared will be turned ever le the producers. the tir.st fleer, with etlier witnesses suiiimeii"il te appear today. Mr- Hall had nothing te sav le the hi w -paper men i utigregnted outside the i oiiritieiisp, vvniting for news fiem (lie deliber.itiiiu. Mis- Peters, in her usual lele of spokcsweiuan ler her friend, -.aid brietlv that Mrs. Hall was there te demand that her story be heard. Choir Mugcr TcstiHc. ' " ""M witness caneu vva- i reu ... , ,1V1S nM0 pf , ,.,,. detectives win. ha- been iiitivc ill the case from the lie ginning. He tc-tilicd ut some bngth. After lie left the courtroom the l,re ceiimr called Mi-s Hessic .lamiseii e of the choir of the Chuii'h of Si. .lehn the l'vnn.elist. She was net long in tin urtroeu.. Und was followed b n,,, I 111--, brother-in-law et Mrs. Mills. He was in tbi room half mi hour. At Ht:-4." o'clock Mr. Ki-ekmaii left ihe (ir.ind .lurj room te go upstairs ler a paper. lie passed within a few f. ei ,.f Mr. PfeinVr. but paid no at tention te him or te Mrs. Hal'. In a few minutes Mr. l'eekuinn returned and pa-sod the Hall party again. This i ime he gave an impulsive quick side glain e in the direction of Mr. Pfeiffer. but as befen . did net indicate bv ln epre- -sieii tiiat h e much as knew the New nrk .iMorne.v. A. II I'iinneii was the leiirili "t in", lb lives near Mis. Hall. I u r -ing lie night of tin minder hi- deg bnrk'd and he wint dewnstair- te e' what was the Clllfe of the i onillielioti. He went out ami met William Phillips, night wiiii'hmau at the nearliv New 1-r-ev Stale ( 'o'lege for W nnen. Ilenneti was called te corroborate tbc ic-rinenv of Pliilllp.- that in bad seen Mis Hull enter In-r home, unaccoui unacceui I . lined, ai about 'J o'clock According e Mr-. Hall's, own stateiucni she bad lien out and bad tetuiiwd with Willie" Sievpti-, her brethrr ."aw Mrs. Hall Out Alene IJenneit enieiid the mv .becnuse he -aid te have scen Ph" ip- en dutV ne.irbj, and tuestienei dim about the ause of the tleg's barking. Phillips 'old him. n is s..,id. that Mrs. if,,!) jj.,,1 jijsi pa.suj. going iiiiu hi r beuse alone. When Heniieti left the i.irHiid Jury room In walk'd our le where Mrs. Hall Sat ,t".d -hook hands with her til i.eighherl" fashion, whispering some, thing that was inaudible te tlio-e nearbv. Mr- Hall unswern! "Oh, 'hat s all right loud neugb te heard. j Then einne tin fifth witness of the I morning. IV ink Ptisier, of Hound' l"ioek. He t -titled thin he had driven I evir I'asten avenue the night of the I minder nnd had -ion some N'grees J m I the read in an automobile. This was I a dlrfai.ee freni the -ceiie of the niuv- i jMMWBrSS-if'.. , ,' 'SnX ,.J II . .. I... 1 ...I.I 1 .. leperter en the , told the Grand Newarif l.vrning New,, tebl the Oratid Jurv what had h.ippened ut the public inter, imv Mi Hall granted u gieup of newspupt r men, lepiesentlng n'l the iMicrn of tin i'ast. lie told circura- stnntlnllv what tool; place at the inter- view, and was (jut siienetl by the grand jurors in wl ieh l Mr. Hall leiail about the telephone call believed ie have summoned te his death. 'I ells of "Public Interview" Zimnier aid Mrs. Hall iiatl described he- nitieus en the evening of the mur d'r. -living -ht had been plajnig wltll ler little niece en the perch; that the tiicphene hell bad rung and her hus band bad iitiswerid ; thai be hud gene out; that she had retired at H o'clock, but leuld net sleep because of uneasi ness ever lps failure le return, and later had gene in search of him with her 'Willie." 'Ihe (iiaud Jurer asked Klmim-r w la" In r Mr. Hall bad m,.eh of listen ing in ever the telephone extension while her husband wa talking. He testified that this ipicstleu had been asked her and that she had denied it. Albaush, whose- testimony was a miner sensation, was then called. He told h's story nulekly and wus followed ! bv Mr-. !ibui, the "pig woman." u t-. s- he mi n , """".l""' V,: "v ."T?' ' "J e"flLJ,ct' ?,' ". ihhVit iPr,P; hurch ul M. Mark, ul W, 1 1 r,tv' l,"K- l,bt "lKhl. '"'''P"''' nnd will f,h,l,ni" "" daii'iMry I the pastorate of ' "" ' "lirr." s' , '")'1." '"' "'Vungi'ii-.i tin x,,,f tr M nu i1 f . ., ill., i'iiiiiiii .New Brunswick, N, J. which Ihe Rev. I M ward Wheeler Hull viis nnsuir. .Mr. I'etllt, a lerni'Ti resilient nt c'ii nu l-eslileiit nt I illiltlen, . . .1., Visited .ni . . .i . . . .... - Jlriiiiswii'k two aciI(s nun APARTJIIWTfl TO NI'IT KVKBV Pt'UHB ni4 meal aiaru PAnii irjiniil irtMV I1A lOUnQ QUlckiy by ceniultlna lb Apartment oejuwn oe paa 34.dv. ...- -.en.. u.i.s "feu ,,,,,, ,, it;- ,ji; iii Trade., Melioel. He was u mem mem teld recnitlv. hpr , I'hemas R. Pulton ldgr, Ne. Ktisen" Ziruraer. n lenerter en the Ue. 1" and A. M. Interment will h TWp .' " AY; TO REMAIN SAME Beard of Education Today Will Call for Levy at 9y2 Mills for 1923 NEW BUILDINGS ASSURED The school tnx for 10"3 will be fixed today at nine and n half mills en the dollar, the same rate h the taxpayer were charged for the current yeur. The rate will be made at a special meeting of the Heard of Education this afternoon when the recommendations of the Finance Committee will be re ceived. This rate will allow, according te William Dick, secretary of the beard, the erection of new schools se that the l."i.0lXt, 000 building program advocated by Superintendent llroenie ran be com pleted by IftlKI. A comprehensive build ing program has already been planned bj the Property Committee of the beard. The total budget of the hehoel sys tem callH for ?"i'J.71.0.r)34.re. Of this .-'0,"'0S..")34.ri."' must be raised by taxa tion. The financiers of the beard cut l mate that $1,100,0011 will come in from miscellaneous receipts, such as the pay ment of back taxes, and that the re mainder will corns from the State ap propriation toward the payment of teachers' salaries under the Finegati talary ichediile. Salary List Larcest Hem The total salary roll aud the rou reu rou tributien te the Slate retirement fund is estimated ut ."vIeOM'.'J.". The leans en which sinking fund and in terest charges mut be paid call for .L',0lt7.-l!H.lI). which will be met by a levy of six and thirteen-sixteenth mills. The remaining expenses of the beard, such as repair of buildings, administra tion salaries, supplies, operations of the school plant, rents, scholarship and ether incidentals must be in a lax rah of net less than two and one-half mill- nor mere than three mills Thesis expenses of the beard, wine '"' include nu appropriation of S.'ti'.'.' for puri'linse of land und erccilen I new buildings without the issuance " of "f a lean and the paj incut of a deficit en this jear's account of ?7i.000 and pay ment of interest charges for temporary I leans of S75,eni), anient te Si;.H,'. I I'.M.tlS. This amount i" te be raised by a tax lew of two and eleven sixteenths of a mill., which bring the total millage te nine and one-half mills, or one ene nuartcr of a mill below the actual amount which the State school mile would allow the beaid te levy. Dlssten Site for Tacony Th" Tacm distrut will have a new -thoel building in another year if the proffer of a large plot of ground is accepted bv the Beard of Kdueatien. Jacob S. listen, president of the Tacenv Trust Company, has written a 'letter te William Dick, secretary of the beard, in which be expresses Ills desire ie donate the necessary land. The let ter, dated November iM, reads: Referring te the location of l lie new school for Tacony, I find there is available a pi of ground bounded In Klieir. Cottage nnd tiillespie streets, INI feet wide bv JiT!' feci, mere or les. deep, which I will In glad te donate te the Peind of l'dil l'dil catien, either personally or in ion ien ion jui.ciieti with the ether lieir.s of the estate of Mary Uissten. provided ibis will insure a .satisfactory school building for Tacony within the next two veal's. This piece of ground is well lo cated, of high elevation, and I under stand from the Tacony Vat hers' As sociation sjitisfacterj for the purpose This offer is le remain open for a tetni of siMj diivs from dale, and I sincere! v hope it will help lelicM' the overtaxed schooling facilities at tin pros, ut time existing in Tacenj. Mr. l'ick replied in part : I urn sni it will be dulj appre ciate d. and iiinlly sun thai the linns upon which it is offered will be cnurelj acceptable te the beard. A iiim school for Taoen.v is imjuded in t In building program. The matter will be presented le Ihe in aid leilnv. Theie are at pic-mii 1 b-s pupils accommodated in tin- two buildings of the Di-sten Scheel. Leng id'ore and Uitmau streets, of whom ."Jl tie " put lime. If the Mtc suggest, d bv Mr Uissten is iicn pitil it is. ljkch thai plans for the euctum of a tow Tacenv school will take precedence ewi I Ini.e ter ether schools involving th" nctpiisiiieii by condemnation of build ing site- Deaths of a Day CHARLES B. FITHIAN I'.i.-ijl services ti i- (ha i bs R. the C.iIeImubIi en Cemnnn.v. I'nhi in, president et Self. Lubricating Cat be! whI be held tomorrow nftrnoen ut ids hop,, 'hm .North rack nvrnin. Mr. Pi'l in dii 1 Saturday after being e-r-utel ei a few days previously, Kin tlliv (,-irs old and had been iu ill heal'li fir the last three curs. Mr 1'itliian is eurvivrd by his wife nml m'e children. He was bem in l'l ii "' I'lii-i and for pevcr.il years l.in -I ' e illicit eleelrleitv in tl,.. lit,.!.. ."." '. IC'V '. ...... ... ,,iu 1IIII4I- 1 man' in Norttivveod '.euieterv Rebert P. Morten l.'eb'i' P. Morten, of Robet t P .Mor .Mer .Mor eon iV en, undei'takei's, died jt-iiei-dav of pin 'in enin at his home, at "Ul Seuth ' S..m. Uj stn-rt. Mr. Morten, who was our vears old. was born In tlir. old ileii 1'i.wnrl; district of Smith Pbihi i.i He was one of the eldest llll'et i' rs in the city, having started 111 1 -lilt in ISti!) at ill! Seuth Iirniid si l eel Tl II. iii d He leaves three sous. Ruben 1' I .-iinl 1 1 cerse It. Morten, and ;ht.-r, Mrs. J. W. Ilalne-, Bishop James M. Theburn Mtudiille, Pa., Nev. .S. (Uv . P.i -IP h"i James M. Theburn, of the Met'edist episcepal Church, died at h's lieiiv lieic today after a lingering ill-in--- lb Imp Theburn was born at Si Clairsv ile, tj,, March 7, lS'Itl, and vva edii"itrt in the public schools nnd Al 'et'hei v College. In 165!i. two jems after Ins graduation from the latter in btiti.tinu, he went te India us a mis mis sleiuirv. where he reiiuiiiied until 1!H), when he returned. He was statienitl suciessivt-ly at Njnei Tal, Piiiiri, Mnr-i bad, I.uoknew and Calcutta, und served as missionary bishop of India and Mill avsni from l'VS until his retirement and return te the United States. He was the author of a number of books, nil of a religious character. rii'.jw . . I l N M lleMTlv, .V. J . N'1.. I'll, III'.".' I'l.Ul'V I' , llUklmlHl Of llrilfHtlllH 1 .IIIX I'lllur,! ktrilteil, H'ei1n-i.IS. '! I' ,M . I"li rmiilnii. i, s llrwiil i' I'tivrrl. .S. J. In ,.rm i.i 1 1 ,,., I. ,1,-11 . . .'iii.'ii'i. I I ii-i'ti-j A, tils li.iterLir, i , '.",,. . ':.- st .wJM.lV.U MI'I.V. I.H Bei"i, n K.MI.Il.sii.N Jr mm nf Wlllluni i-, iiiul ill. i.i M l.ini-rhun, iibc'I li jfiirs. .itiuc-e or in- r"'Ki:illi.,y.r-fiuwniy. en w. :n. .imiuqivr (nc IrHand). wile, or jena r. .iny. uuu ,., i Uuc lute "ei e; of f'7er''l fi2. reelilenee, Sel N. a ai. funeral will be lven from SCHOOL-TAX RATE NOVEMBER ? 28; - 19221 Ki 'V' ' ' 'S Banker Dead Here CHARLES .10EL FISK Fermer head of ltartry Fish and .; Sent, New Yerk, and tliree times Mayer of Plalnfleld, N. tL, who succumbed te heart attach In his held here. CHARLES JOEL fFsK, BANKER, DIES HERE Fermer Head of New Yerk Firm and Three Times Plalnfleld Mayer Charles Joel FM. retired New Yerk banker, died yesterday al the Bellevitf- Stratford Hetel from u heart attack. Mr. Flsk's home was It.' Plalnllehl, te this city IN. J., and he had come 'te consult n specialist. j Until recently Mr. Fisk was treas urer of the New Yerk banking firm of Harvey Fik & Sen, but retired bceni'se of III health. He had been three tlmctt Majer of Plnitifield and was it coun cilman for six jearti. lie was n member of the Union T.enaue. Plaintield Country Club. Plain- field Hiding and Prlvlng Club. Watch- Imati Hunt Club, Ceuntrv Club of l.ak.- 'weed and a number of New Yerk clubs. 1 1 1 was president et .viiiiiicnncrg iies- , pltnl fyr five His wife. j ear". two sons. c. buries nnd ItiM-tnv 1l'. neil two ibiitghtei'K. Mr.s. Lewis' V.. Waring and Mrs. lleberl .lohiisen. and tluee brothers nnd three sisters survive. THIRD PARTY STATEMENT DENIED BY LA FOLLETTE Says Conversation Attributed te Mini by Hunt Incorrect Washington, Nev. " Senater I.a I'ollette, of Wisconsin, last night denied a report fiem Phoenix-. Ariz., that he had told (ioverner-olei-t Hunt, of Arizona, a th" 1 parlv would be welcomed by the I people Senater I.a l'ellette's sug2(S. I tien was said te have been made in a I iong-di-tiince telephone lotivei-sation j with (iovciner-clrci Hunt en tb sub I iici of the Progressive conference te be i held In Washington December 1 and '. j "I made no referent e ten third party i in m.v conversation with (Joverne'r Hunt, tan! Senater I.a lolleitp. "On the contrary. I was particular te em pbasixe the fact that the conference i calicti solely te consider a program of progressive legislation, both Stain ami national. I stated that, both Democratic nnd Republican tioverners. Senators land Representatives were invited te the i cenft-ience." '....,.... rs-sH 31 Hew's Your Gelf Game ? We have just opened an exclusive shipment of English Woolen Gelf Stockings that should put "pep" in even a mediocre golfer. They are certainly wonder ful golf hteckinRs strent; and lirm in te.ture, with l lint rugged British "fed" and appearance that is se typical of English made hosiery. The colorings nnd patterns "breathe the bpirit et the links," some have ull - n,er patterns and designs, ethers with only fancy tops. Priced Sli.OO, $6.30, $8.00 nnd 10.00. JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Chestnut Si. .'lore r.lnycd Thanlwelu'") liuj i w Construction Superintendent Nine je.irh' experience buper intcndiiiK construction of buildiiiKH el' cery kind. Three j ears U. S. Army; Cuptain KnKineers. Age 3". Wanta position with cenl racl or or builder. IIex H 224, Ledger OfQce or phone Ambler 439-J. a I ! l(i All' t Ht mil ' HIS'BRIDEOFADAY' TO CLAIM TFERNAN Wat Legally Entitled te Wed Professer, Her Mether Says MARRIED WHILE EXCITED Hancll, Itt Nev. US. Mrs. Charles H. Muwn, mother of Mrs. Blanche Hawn-nash-Brlmmer, back here teduy from Mitrslialllevvn, lu.. where they spent yesterday Investigating tue mar ital stutus of Mrs. Brimmer, an nounced thai her daughter legal y was entitled te wed Prof. Jehn I. llcruun In their Crown Point, lud., ceremony Inst Saturday. . . ,, , ., It Is "Mrs. Blanche Tlcrnun" dell nltely, said .Mrs. Ilawn, und Prof, Tlernan and .Mrs. Augusta Tlcrniiu must kettle their legal stutua In In diana. , ... "Mv daughter never Intended le marry Tiermin when she went te Chi cago last Thursday night," the mother said. "Tiermin wired her te come te Chicago that day. and she went. 1 hey hHtl expected le be mnrrled ut Christ mas time, but Tlernan, I believe, get excited nnd the hasty marriage ut Crown Telnt was the result. "Mv daughter never ban been a very calm thinker, acting frequently en the Impulse, and this, together with Tier nan's Insistence, no doubt easily wen her ever. She is I "Nl"-' ''i'1 "''& wrong. Odd Plaques ' Of Chinese Carvings of jade, rock crystal, chal cedony, carnelian, ame thyst, amber, agate, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, black onyx or aqua marine as a colorful culmination te a dainty costume. Sauteir of black silk cord. J. E.GALDWELL & Ce. CHESTNUT STREET BELOW BROAD "2553 .mgjj,i.w!UUMHUiJu Distinction 1 llinn ar dlslmcUenJ errd In one a clothe. Htid it Is te the scrupulen mmnteimnce el the brt qudllty standards that our evaty thought und rnetgy la dedicated. .Vtie I or. Sdire 7.5 Vast iUli St ssc Sim- Moter The car of the Authorized Dealers Kirkpitrick & Hejrtcr Wcttmerctind 16H Marktit St. 3322 N, united service moon Agcr. Jehn M9 Carpenter Bt. A440 If-feaLi Arcidi Moter Ever Ready Garaie Rey Schaiffer 4920 North Bread Bt. Bred & Beulevunl Cynnyd What de yeui' savings r J eairn for veu WKwamsimamai .--' Gpia . Surelii: Moeo.ooo West End Trust Company RROAD'OTREET-AT SOUTH PENN SQUARE ttm only local v!fn nf Ti.. the court records In Marsnalttewn niS cleared her divorce record, which M Tlernan seems te worry about." iier, uauguter s mum object new I. te prove te the world that she U iki legal wife of Prof. Tlernan, Mrs. Ifeft said. " The daughter plans (e spend sevenl dayti at the home of her first husband Floyd ntthh, In Mnwtailltewi. fc parents live there, and her fbur.ytiV. old son, Kenneth, la with them. Keulh Bend, Intl., Ner. 2S.m t l'.)-Wlth the threads of the demeift affairs of Prof, and Mrs. Jehn P Tlernan becoming mere tangled hi ninny new developments since the bm of the Tlernan-Peulln paternity can the next move of the principals toward n restoration of harmony In the heusi. held was lielng .watched with intend today. ' Despite Ihe fact that Prof. Tlernsa announced Inst night that the recehcll. latlen with his first wife was mevln along Hiitlsfacterlly, a dispatch from Miirsbiilltewn, la., nueted Mrs.Blanclw Brlmmer-Tlerniin. the professor's "bride of u day," ns seylng that shi was the latter's wife and was eeln te live with him. She said she ex! pectcd Tlernan te arrive at the low city Wednesday. This Tlernun de. nles. Whether the professor will carrv out his announced intention ut dlsinissltit tlic divorce petition ugalnst the firit Mrs. Tlernan und have the appeal of the paternity case ngnlnst Harry Peu lln dismissed, or whether he will takt action te have his murriugn te th second Mrs. Tlernan pronounced legs! tire steps that remain te be determine! by future developments. Fellow Husband In Death Manilla, N. !.. Nev. 28. Within a few hours after her husband, Cbarlti Murphy, was burled Mrs. Miirphj tlied in iter neme nere iuinuiiy. K he lnj long been au invulld. ' " umniiif i of value te br censid- Rebert Stewart ire J MEN'S TAILORS 1501 Walnut St. r " ' ip,1 i'hi'Wf hvi nrT . Face at the Window "Hcrc comes a geed-looking car. I wish 1 had mine. This is a great day. Is it a visitor? Ne, by Jove, itV my Moen and I only ordered it yesterday." Prices: K. O. B. Factery: $1195, $1695, $1785, 52185 MACKIN MOTORS, INC. J. Jey Vnedi-rBrKt', I'ren 8&S N. Bread f.t hone Peplr 15 ninplny Hoenn Open KvnnlnK Cars ten proven units Moter Sale Ce. Kin Bread St. 4031 I meter 3iii 0 Chettsut St. A. Morriien T & Mirer hltidelphla Krnlntnn Ac W. P . PBBBBBBBBBBH m tsv ifliiiiiiiiT at7b rr.' a i I?.-.. i V ... ETS -.'.t U;jn ..St n.'tl'"!. sZfd A:i'jm&Lt