cS7W " . ki tfAWMaJ bL t&f i,' &-- J : x EVENING :EtIIOr;LEDGBBPHMEKHIA: , TlteSDAY. N0VE1 ." NOVEMBER . 2$, 1922 v :&,.)' v (-tw- rjij ?i iRealXMASGiftf asm. erMOTHER GAS RANGE il PATKNTtTl Abtelnlily tht only one 0 ilt kind en tht Market "TIME PAYMENTS IF DESIRED' Tht Ckaafcara Flrelen Gai Ratfc ceeki your meal wuia rating er away, without dtagtr of DBrmai, wi no ua f rmJ Off. Saves 70 of Your Gat Bill Cem la fata diftrtat ii;lu PHILA. FURNACE & SUPPLY CO. 260 SO. 18TH St., PHILA. Data jti f nHHflTi aT !. rllii.Lul... a)..i aa. aa i(r tlfiriVHIfri jii rnvnwB aprnct 3773 '277$ ttatatl .m. u : - mini Spatial S Pliceunt en Furchatai befnr Due. imM- J afffH BBBaVSMhaBaHatt '" D r" -aLViaBBniV kvaaaaBBaaaaaBBBavia ""daT 'LBBBBEaWl 'sCL KBBBBBBBBBaB ' ?rm aBBBBaBaBaBBV9fl hMMMMMwMUMf M .y BvaBaaaliBaBPaMaBBr - &41 hBbVbbmmmhbbb uj 1 1 - A demonstration will con vince you and solve your Christmas problem. 1 J. F. Buchanan & Ce. 1715 Chestnut St. $345.00 DI'.MiOS'AUI.K p rites and ' ilrprmlnbllitji have nu'ciis btrit thi: krynntc of our irclling pnUrfl. This ttbnvr plrlurrd ring mnkra an Ultal Vhrlatmaa gilt. It h en nlUplnlinum hniul-rnnfcil mniintittn with our Inrtin diamond and Iwrntfffunv .imnllnr ours. Other rlnti in old and platinum, $50.00 and Up Kennedy & Bre. Illumnnil Mrrrhnnl A Jiurtrrn 102 S. 13th St. 1878 J MEW-l 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1922 : F. I Liberal Oppose Policeman la Robbed Third Party Plan I in Morning Held-Up ('nllnufd from I'iuf f)nr I.n Fellrlln fur culling Hiic week's eon- ferenre In Washington en Ills ntvn me. nun nnn net uniting for fiction by flu. I ntillnard from t'ner Onr pur.s 0I1I, of 17-.S West lliltititigde.i iMreet, held liltn up. bent liim lulu tin cnliseInlMips, lnlc his wntch mill SIT inn) threw I in nut of I lie mil nl Tweii- ?6-' iA'ii-W." ri ,. ,: .,,f,,. . .. ,1, ... " , ini'i iiirviv iiiiii "in 111 1 iii run ill l ((enr-irmi! en I'elitl-itl Art Ien. whewj I li -nKHi Mi i mi.l ftliluc iivimiiiiv mi-iiinprn up invlleil te niipt. Hut ll,,. Kiilili'l rlin ncil Sillulii. front n trip jm-llvp weikn'-v in tln IiihI niiiiiuilKM iilll'',' ''"' V''.''1, ",'. ,""1 ,",," Knl"' "I""0 I ... in t I,,,., il liiiulnlinil In m.iIimiii hi t I . 1 BBBBaflHHHHHBBBBBBBlBBB MmtmM- . :'':lW'Pik BNt-- I 111 TO '-' '$$mmtmm$Sk K:.:" 1U ..HHbV Supplee Plum Pudding Ice Cream is the pepu ar, appro priate Thanksgiving Dessert. A delightful blending of the choicest nuts, raisins and currants with rich GOLD MEDAL CREAM. A wholesome, convenient, econom ical and delightful dessert of sterling quality and abso lute, purity. At All Supplee Dealers c SUPPLEE ICE CREAM ' notice the rtavar q One of the SUPPLEE-WIL1S-J0NES Products ) SUPPLEE ICE CREAM li A. II r iaji',","M"'VHnnifw flimilnfWHIHIIIIIMWIIIIIWIIIIlllllllWIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllilllllOIIIHIIII nmnnrnmnmnni 1. 1. 1.. ...., i i , . . . iiiiiip nun nnfii'iicii in renew ii c 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 ..,;., '"''reM'" "' ''niirn ultli Hern., of IiIh elil frii'Mils. lit lit hellctlcH nil, ' wiMit iliiwtilnuii with kpitii eIIiith le l''reiprlrl( t', op, si'ci'piiii v of iIicm" imrly. wIhtp ln ini't (Iip tlii-pp mmi. Cniifrrrni'c f.ir J'elKlinl Anion'. Ik iiii.'"'' 1'ft- " inlilnlKlit with llx-lii. Tln-.v ilerstoeil te he ri-lth'iil of tin- i-lri'iim- w"''"' H I" lIN'Vfiith nnil .MnrKi.t. htiuiPi'M tiinliT which the Wellington i "Irc-lM nml there hlrcil u "iiiKlillnnvk" confcreiicc wiim culled, lint .Mr. Ilinxe. tiil'"l. iiilhntiKh sccrctiiry, took little pnrt in '''he .voting mnn told (lie pelirn tlmt the cninpiiiBii. IiIh .timtner hehoel tit wllhenl wnilillnr one of the thne drew Nlintuekel keeping him lny while Ihei" "" iiei".eil ll iignliist his side mid wrk of elecMiig the camlldiilcM iiiilerel"r'l'''','l "", t" P'H "P lil" ImmN. At by the (infnTiirp wiis going en. tlie wnm; In.-I.int u seietid "truck lilni Hull '.,..fe.w. m...i. .. .. .1. i eu'r ,'"' I""'"' w'"l' whllt he liellevev OiU ( eiifereiN-c Mcmlirn Itnlled wns ,, mml-Mnned l.lntkl.i.l;. He ic iiiieiiH'r iniMi.iKc wns nreluilily IiiihIp mem hereil no men. in. 1 11 h. t-firn lt...l coiicIeiisiiikis 111 the Wenum' llemci piithic 1 1 e.-pl till . te which he hud lieen tiiketi liy n putrelmiin who found hlin In the hlie.pt. ey nemiter i.n Kelleitc in net nukim ii .inn uini wiiiii wns culled here wiisl it nippnng ei tin. conference en pnliticnl nrtlen mid mil. n.s It wns geiierntli " ,.-.e. ....., -, KHiiieriiig et rregi'CMs ch. , . , Only inemhers of the lenferemc were, rlilcm Missed Ki .Mere Invited which wns (he rensen whv the Ulddel'.s wntcli wns worth Slid Tie nanuM nf I'regresives like Semilei' hnd Seil mere which the thieves mN&pil liern i iiiul Semiter lehnsiui were net , l)ecinie he Imd tnken the precijitlun tu "V.Vi " l '" ''etllerei's. I liliie 11 III Ills Miec. i no lesuit or Hie omilen of I hell' A I II HI II IU'iWiIc lleleelive U'na np. iijiijich wii, ti, cull iiticntieii te the reeled eurly this morning in n Mnrket divisions thill e.l,t iiiiiijii. tM. I'm- I Meet re.stUUI Hill, chnrged Willi hiivilig grOhMV). iiiPinhers of the Semite nneii ' lehhed Wllllinn Sledue. of Itielimmul. The only Phono graph Stere in Philadelphia whera you can cempars and select ena of the A lead (nf makes " from $25 te $1000 Very Liberal Terms Call In mnj hit fhm Largest astort astert ment of record in Philadelphia. A$h for Our Club Plan GOODMAN'S 327 Cirard Ave. I'hnn Krn. fl9: Open Every Evening m 110TOB MP L'er.VSCBIA rj EU1BON v: SONORA I liL'iie . " r"tt"U,ri' l" "" llepiilillcinilVii.. who lics iit II,.. Ccn trill V. t !a. ....... am Iirly te prevent the forming of iinyC. A. W"-"" effective hlec iimeng the Ii-egrcNives in She is Miip IJnniett. thirtv-threi. ' 1 O 1 O 1 tengreMs. yeiirH old. of Twelfth Mreet iieMr'liprkH. ' f NnHriSlI Nalfa ',' . Mr. I..i Fellelle is Hie MrengeM ' Wth her. the deteethes nrresled f UUCWCII UCUV ' , llicter llllli llg the I'legievslves. Inning LeilKc White, twenty. live jenrs old, I --fc-A... ........ ...a (ALfUING MAUHINtS V2 Price All Makes i.p.1 Medrln . COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St. ene'igli followers in the Lewer IIeiim.1"' I'Idge iivcnne n.-ti r Twenty-seventh hi mini me imiiinee of power mid h:n- "r,,'i. '." wi" ll'-iijmiilti lerie i lug four or live pretu sme follew-cis ,,'s" elmrged with the rebbcrj. IVrre In I he Seiiiite. The' culling of iheiw"s iini-ti-d nl Miic (inrneti's home. WiiHliiiigiim conference In .Mr l,n l-e. According te iMectlvcs lieiighi.s mi, letlll per Iillj. ilivtcjid of Ihleii-h the S ""'- !" "le the llfie-l-. Sledge committee of imlitieiil iicll.m" Ii.i I P"rl lelpllteil in II parly III the North i.-iiiii ."ui'i'i imiiim- niei eiierwnt'l leek u tuxi ride with the ihrec. An An ether weiiiiin, miii te be one of the mriht notorious crlmlniils in the conn cenn tr,, wis hImi In tin; party. Sin; has net been nrresled. In II lonely Hi reel, Sledge told the police. Ills companions heat, and robbed III tf I of lii.s overcoat, nil epense gidd watch niiii chain ami S J r, In cash, lie mid he was then ihrewn from the ear. He found his WII te the center of the eitv mid reported the rebberv at Cltv Hull ' ' ! Cupe nnil I)engl.-iss saj Jlr., liarnetl I'llllM'U It In be regarded as "I.n Cel lettc h umfercfiee." with ihc renult . that he is put forward as the leader of the riegi'ecsiw; inuvemeiil in Con gress, I There Is n COed deal nf jenletiH.v ' among the prlnui donnas ()f liberalism In the Suialc The ln-i thing which Scnnler Iterali. Senater .lolim-en mni perhaps mim- nl hers' wish te acknowl edge isthe lenilefKhip of Mr. I.a Kel-t lettc. That miicli has been made clear1 by Mr. I .-i I'lillcite' ending tin; Wash-' illgleli iiillfeicnce ill the WII lie did. m , .. , ilurlng Her iiireer as a dctcctivci Changes in Music Conservatory ght mimy famous creeks mid cmicd I'arjs. Ne. Iis-ti A. I'.l -'for hiTM-lf the rcpiiliilien of laltig one' Frnncis Cisndesus lia reslgneil fi i of the best woman detective. In tit ' tlie dirieiership of the American Cen- ''lt.. Slie was empe,ed at wiri'iii:- , serviiter of Music at rentiiliichle.ni, times in dcpartineni stoics and b pil- i ,IU lii.nene. a eompescr. luis been , vu,e uciecme agencies nppeiutiil le succeed him. I'aul Vidnl mi- also icMgniil from the censennti t a& J m i Pii i ll If. His iilnci- will be taken In Aiuli'e lilech. She and the ether icrcmiiut. wen. icld ill Stlll liail each for a further .Magistrate hcnrillg lleM Tliesilnv I ewnrd in Central Station MAY BxLL0T ON HALT. MILLS JXDTCTMEKT TODAY SCMEHVILT.E. J.. Nev. 3R With the Ub.!-u u ,.i M' . -7 me Gihreu an 5 Charles Alhunhp. the C ir.::ii'j'..'A-3!th Ji'iTsTH i . pisri tment in the Hall-Mills mimUi mysle: y. Tht Ginn I Jury is expected te begin balloting :i iiuUciir.eutb this nftrnnen. WILL DISMISS ANY POLICEMAN DRUNK ON DUTY Any patrolman found TntexiTiw.! rn duty r.lter IVrembei 1 will be immediately dismissed 1'iera 'lie rej'pe. Thi; -lici--ien was anneu-.iced tedr.y by the Civil S-ivifi CeiiunM :i'i-, TWO MEN BADLY BURNED IN .GASOLINE EXPLOSION 71 Ciedjinn. Eiever.'h and Taiiineunt avnu-.. rmd T.I. Ganti-ii.i-.i, U)'."j Vine- sticft. were sevtidv bimiM thi- aftfnmn whcii f.is li-.u. expluv'.d in ih- Araia Dye Te:J;-. T-jT" VIii- s'jW.:, A li hnjia:-. 1050 Vine stun, was burned Mi'IkI.:. LATEST RACING RESULTS DOWIE Hia. IMrai:, SfiCan. SiT 10. fj, vc. , rilhli .-ty GihlKtt $22, !;ia 0'J, -ocend; J.. B.ai.t. SIO. 'l.id. T.i; 1.21 5-0. J i : S-(t, Et.iv Hfiilm. Pnil G.--' T. . , Tit. n.. . u Jh: M.n 1. LL ' -i . H.ili. Tc.iu Cfts-'.ev. Iu.hiin I't.u .. BIcusl -iUj ;au. PAINTING THK H. & 0. STATION with Wilsen's paints and painting thai trill ntavil the irsi af limr was in keeping with the policy of conservation se neces sary te efficient railroad operation. IOOOP 11 $s Painters since WOl 2039 Arch Street frrnrcK 8s;t.hs;m rack ihmmi Jaaift S. Wilioe & Seb. lac Countess Freed France Proposes in Aute Mishap Seizure of Ruhr Ciintinufd fro-ii I'iicp one diiy. I'ulleil down light our licr Was a i iicU siiaw hut. the iliiieiiiiitt. -loping t .1 ill vercil Willi ciepe. A black crepe band was twisted areiinl Ihc crown liciieuth the li.il was an e- tlllerilllliil sight ill tllcse ias of eell- ceiiled cars The niiiiilcsV ems wire lllllipletel epnscd. Ilruhed I in k from the temples ,is Itighll as an Imllan's le, l , . I hair, lii,ei in mi. , n wtr n- te su. j PI"-! U tullllv s('eee. j.1,,,1 ;,t ,. I bllch. Her I. lee is I. nihil inul - III:, 1 1 .11,, ! delicatil ciiiei! for that a guess, r woiile baiil Knew whether te s,(j hi,. Muni or the -Mini s,e of feri.' Her ie.ii mis a plain spris af). ,r of camel's hair iih be.tvi r r .ni.ii- ll'iil biitieici liglitl ai'eiiml ih,. i v, almost hiding a hl.icl, iniirtler hem nth f 1... . r , i . . , , . ,. "in in me s,, ,.,. Mini, mini st;u, h,.,! i mine new is ready "le go ,i .ilmi. eis wnii s,,(,.r,.j nufClJlmc IiiiI'm" llillllg oil the tlieel.v lh.lt if she ever nun niiggesi.., a nieii . .irciici . Il.ii- cMieeis le .-it nuilil,,,. f ,. . sl.' lllllst. as (lie .'leK'l ss.,,,, is sii . lul lieriii'inv hiiril iii ih,. I.'ni,, i.,,. Cenllnurd from I'uci- One lead 'in Mispensieii. would lie due m the miil- dle of .iiinu.iry. iieriiuiii's f.iiime te meet this pilMiielit would. In tl pii j u of the French, -niteiiiiiticill gie them I lie right te a. i Premier '.uiieare's ,u, m ,j, nppeiil le I he mitle'i lasl Siimhi le submerge Plill fee'lui's iii ".liiml lllliell" ill Mljipert of tie lieverillll, III, new is seen. This drastic program e hciiem nm . iirull hinges upon the eiiieiiine of 1 1 l'.russels cenferclice, lull then, is ..p 'i ilmilii that this meeting would n-ich a atisl'iictery iliclsieu en tie ri puriiiieiis ipicslieli or that It will cM'ti lie held. tlmt tin- Flench think it -Ms,, te j te- pare mn f,,P ,,, iv .-tit n.ilii which .- 'iv llniiK is reii.i.n.ibU icit.iiii ei litlllg ll ilt 111 f I . ,. ll Rallying Cry of the "Drys" hij U'auiir It. Wheeler, vhirf xpekrtiriiari for the "Dry" of Kir I'nilcd Slates a scathing denunciation et "Wet" propaganda rcalli) the rallying cry of the "Urys." Ex-Secretary Lansing Excoriates Ex-Kainer the most important pub lic utterance of the former Seeretaru of State since the publication of his book linn-lighting the Kx-Knher'a prevarications, paying tri bute te President Wilsen. Vatican's World Policy the Papr.l Policy, the "He- mnn Question," and ether I atican Acts explained in a brilliant article lm the ft'.v- ecutire hind of the Sntienal Catholic II el fare Council. Mere than a dozen ether articles of exceptional Interest le Ihe man or woman who neeks te be ucll informed t whole mngr.ziiic crowded with infern 'ttieniii Current History Magazine etihluhtJ b Tie SewYe.h Times Ce. y i ir mi ll etrs Stands 'J'c and u f ttu i-- in Ii.t ii.I ti litis Heard Wedding King llehlW il (1s jiisi ellnliL'h ,.f (i ' -trnight lil.irl. sl.in te s, ih;, m, J1 ."V"'1 ' I'lii.d oil citlici s,,, el III Mild Unit miglii he liniiid iiinnnig ,eun 'the trousers leg ,,i a ,-ess tiiiiferm. I hen n tin. u gen. tuns displa of s, n,,,r .llllvles chid III he,li ll, lies,., Uth ,,. leniely til puiweiK sn-ipes, n,., , shoes ,.re wliite s, s ,,l,,irs, ,, h.illjl of hlucl. III. il, li, I I heir iciiti r. I The Countess' i.,iiiil nnger was h.irc. but ii circlet ..f di.imi mis aderueil the little linger of In ! ..-Ill I,, ill, I. J!,.. Mew lllis d,l.llllg 'll.lllieild of see ' Kar.ils in ea , , , 1, f.i-.-.ii.n, , tK. little group gathered i.n tin i lug. I The Countess w,, n.iiricil te Cniint Mill llellisteln in pill". Me wns w.ili i, 1 hllew 11 III tills cits 1 lore the w.-ii j nilled him b, j; ln i,,,,, 1 1 , .irnn of hi n, Hue Iniiil. In 1 ! I M . li mi. Uillnl in i, 1 bai Ic iii Kiiinuniii, i JT0LBERT AGAIN NOMINATED1 'Senater Dial Will Oppose Man Named by President Second Time i Washington. Nm . : l'r. si,eni j Maiding scot te Senate igu-i sestel- iila.s. tlie luiiiiiiiiili f ,l..s, ,', W. Tel- ,ell. te be luileil Si. His M. i ii.il ler .ihc Western IMsdlcl of Sei,,l, i iieliu.i, user Ihc pielest of Seiiuler li.il lieu the rrcsulcnt tirsi humiliated Mr. Tnlbert last spring Se-i. t.u Hial irelelcil. clinrglllg I he no, .line h,,, 1 1 ii n hing large Minis ,,f u,.,ues for jdi.speiising I'.'denil ii:triina-.i in eiiih Ciiinllim. He ilinrgt'd Mi Telliert I'll 1 "il csers nppeililmeiit. niebidiiig postmasters te the Federal i-cn i. e ami IcMichsl a lieus.s triliiitc. I Senater Hi.il succeeded in Imlilin. up ithe appointment ill Ihe Juillcjan t'eiu- uiillce until the icccss. Dr. Norwood III in Londen Londen, !. -". I be Kcs. l W, N'nrwiMii Te pie. p.iMer of the City JIM st , 11 1 1 1 11 Ll I- spot. This . sp,.,. it'n all sintcil in appm . elltl ilispirnl leperls of esel,,is '- 1 11 see i ting, giseii mil 'te Freiiih licwsp.ipel Cemplel utinl of I'renell sector of ill'- l.liiiii'lanil s ii hi em eiupli.h tie' mill li -desired epiilsnui el lieriiinii of lb mis. iikiii of whom, the I 'rem h le i'si. aie I'riissiuu mis , nine into the region with the niieiiiiiui of sin ngtheiiiiig resist, in, ,. i,, th. .illi.-l 'f. iiiai.,n. I'reinier Coin, .ire s..s M in, ui. Sil Mige l.aggi. Call, in member , f ihi llepii rat nnis l 'ommissieii, sestenhis . ( i. ' W.ls i.ile l I,, I fiant. j 'I, ,, j j. I" siipplelllenl 111, outline. 1 ..lnc i i reads, hn.l given I'l-ninei- .Miissenni ,i- l..ll-itlllli el Ihe I'll tli'l in I .-i. I,,. wind lie; nihiis I'm , ,. in , nv ,. ,.,. , is sjnii. H1 , ,, iitiniic m.il.n j n i ,. , ., e I P the Villi-, mini ceil el in-i-li paialnMis i, s . P. R. R. FLIER DERAILED Passengers Shaken and Conductor 1 Hurt in Indiana Crash Indianapolis. ,n 'js p,,.., ;, r en I'einiss ls.uii.i Hani Ne !',n. ., ,", n 'is the "tllll'." Wer Verels shliueli up mi ill niiii lm ssiis slmhtls mi, in,' ss In ll the i iigim .nullum i .1,1. In . ,,,' ihe tiaiu h ft the mil- in ar I iiinle rl.iiid. 1)1.1 . I.s niglit. ii nliiig l, hi, i, i. ci is I'll ,il ethces of 1 1,1 in el In le Tin- wri-.lt was caiis.d. ..I'Mals said, sslleli tlie i less of the lln-r !,u,i le I, ciisc ii sh.ss -iiess ll sign.il m I tin.- te li'dlice the spenl of llie train, ssh.ili ss.'is ,i be siili'l l .li'kcil sshile a lu-eKeii Hill wns lieiug meiideil fiiiile-i dessil ll 'inc. The i ngiue, lw-i mini ci .leli.- inel two p.llllger li. II lies left Ihe rails when tlie engine hit the ms it. h JUDGE ROSE ELEVATED Washington. Nm "J Jehn C liese. I'cder.il iil.lriit Judge, el Itiiliiiaei. was neiuiiiiitci' M'sienlas lis I'lesident miTlMBmnliTTiiTnTTITHHiTniTTTMiiTr HHgBJBgBBBBBJBBgiJMg I 1. 1.. I . mil. ill vili.i aiv..!.... I i U,,H HMIUIUllt'l Mll'll! II l lli'H i'( '.'hi','.; lie -i , i""V ,,"' ' ""'1'"1-' '" I'" ' """'I Sum- .ImLe ler I .' es Yeklnl 'k'S l"A,,t: "" ''""I' ,'i,'", ' ' H'" ;iv H II waL u!,"r"rr,i-,MlS,,ul,,b. "f .West Irpi.lu. .Mill hind. .i. a "' wus eperuU''1 u for VlrKliiln, North Carolina and Seutli out- lypcndivitts 8unday Carolina. - ,,rrn ! 'it iv Frtt.u Jfrem tlje Daps of atliiff ?aiiuj il)al. COMES tin's MurcU but Ur.u'elul lantern of Tuder ilcsiL'n. Espci-nllv ilcsiyneil tu u'ive te Hall or Perch that teui'li of dibtinotien that sense el tlci'erativc fitness that iliMirvuulies :i truly .iiiistu' lienu-. Finished in Milt liiurit liras for indoor ic ruyueil black iron for out of doers. I,, iiiililiiniliiig I fil in pie ! Iliililli Heiiiiirr ii i . iiuiiili'ii priced lit limit ( iillinu LIGHTING FIXTURES GIDOLE-GAUMER CO. 384b-Sk Lancahtcr Ave. Phene liAKiitK 07ti0 l.iKr Ne IU Liir In hubwity BssOpcn Sdturdsy Tilt 4 I'. Mbbbbb l I il b s '. J I Wxwim