tr .1. ,.! J"- "W ps 1922 7m3 '-' even fSf GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE JVVwicy JFymc Speaks of the Opening Performance of the Metropolitan Opera at the Academy She Tells of Other Events of Importance Today TJDAY It certainly one of the busl rt Willi ,l' epeninj? night of Hie merit I'1" At-mliMiiy, ii wi'ilillim mid len ntiil a iliini'e. Hint m iiiltu a L of ilelnR", Isn't lit rp,(. niicru. f minsp, will be n Mllliint eiriiMliiti. mill every enn who u liukv I'lmusli t" be keiiir will turn out III Ma or her lM. Ainen? Hi.. Imv Imv VeIiIits "re Mr- Ali'tuntler mi Iti'iiw wlner. Mr-. Aliwninler llrintnii (Vte, Mr Hebert t mini Ins Miiiit"nnii'r,v. Mr. Tlienms MeKeiin. Mr. Clement H. SXlil. Mr. iintt Mm. Orew W. flilldi Drexel. Mr. Charlton Yiinmll ml ninny ither. Afterwnnl there will bp n meeting ft tin' Uprni Supper Dunee in tin fejer of Hie Armlcmy, whieh nNe rr,mikps In Iip vpry c.'iy nnd for wliieli n prcnt inmiy parties lmvc bppn ar- tntip'di Misi Knnipps AVIste;- will entertain for Iter cousin. I.ce Tunis, Dr. nnil jli, .1em'i'i I'rii'p TihiN' (Ipbnlnntp (imiKlitpr. iiinl Mr. nnd Mm. Welnter Kin" AVf tlirrlll will u'lve u pnrty for tiimtlipr di'bitlnntp, Helen Allen. Ah i,e WcilinilN are in innurnltift, Jleleii'ji iwitlier, Mr. Alfred Ucglnaltl Allen, will net iii clwperen. .Miiiiv of the delis will co evpr te tlip llelli'viie lifter the opera le the iinre which Mr. mid Mrs 1'feilerlek Kiilck will rIvp te liitrmluee their I'niiRliter. Mnrv, while etliets will nr rhe nt the ilnilee after liltfliillin: n til n -tier or n tlieiitre rn I v. Sir. Frederick SInrrN will u'lve n ilinner for III debii t.uitc dmislil". CllnbPtli. Sir. nnd Mr. X.'illinniel Knewies will entertain for Nimcy K'lewhw. nnether bud. Sir. mid Mrs. Xerinim !rcy will Rive n timid e ;iit "f iihmit twenty gucsta fur their ihniRliter. Xnriiui. (illieis wlm will enteriiMii lire .Airs T'lillln l'eliee. hoe Sliest nf honor nill he l.lenner Koeiis, mid SINs' Marlen Doiieiihuc. who will hnxe u ainmjr of Nl;.il len Ruest- for Letltii, Lniiilieth. Sir. nnd Mis. Hurry nl- riitiiie will uNe give a "iiuill dinner for tlirlr iliniRhlcr, Dorethy. mllintn seem m be a crent ninny IweddliiRs this week, net the lenst 1 )iiteri"-liii.' et which will he that of Ml-t Kim Kniisht mid Kdwaril t'ns- upl. which HiKes place leda . The j retnu te uttind the wedding will be Miss lU'cliliiiR will he a Miiu'l one mid the Harriet Simmons, of New Yerk, and rrrrmeiiv will be peifermed nt llielMli.. llsther Hammend, of Sarilu Uai- y.e .. Miss KnMit's toether. Aim. I lir.nlfeicl KiiiRht. who lives at IJ'JOS liittiulieiiM1 street. it li the excep tion of Sliss Mary Knight, who will jet ns tiiiild of honor for her sister, und Alfieil SniKeiint, w!ie will be best man, lline will be no iittemhints. The ic,ieii for this is. I iiinlerstiind, almiit two weeks npi Sir. ('issanl was MnMenlv in dei ed te Washington en Witless and mi he ami his linneee de rided net te wait until Liter but te net inmried at once, which, of course, would net U'he lunch time te prepare fur .111 el.iheiate weildiug. I hear thut thet expect te lie ill SV:isiliiRten nLeiit a i'iir, w licit thev hope te re turn te Philadelphia. They uiu iopu iepu lir and wi 1 lie much missed during their rbM'iire fiem the city. Till he Hi: debutante who will liuihe her Sliiiin I hum, the diiiighter of Sir. inn! Mis. IMwanls S. Diinii, of Chest nut II 11. Sirs. Dunn was SINs Star writ Shippeii. ii ibiughter of the late r. IMwiiiii Shippep. and Katherinc U a mc(e nf Sirs. I'k dei id; I'ncknrd. wlm was .Miss Katherine S'limien, nnd of III" late Slis. Ceeige Willing, who vas Miss Anna Shippeii. .She is most attradhc. Slie has light hair nnd blue ". nnd ehuiiuing manners. About tuent delmtiintes will reeeive tiinl the ladies wlm will preside at the table will he Shs. l'ackaid. Sirs. I'd .Mr II. Ilutler. Slis. IMwui.l S. W. .iiiimii. Slis. M.Miry X. Paul, Mrs. Hi me l'erd and Slis. .Merris Peret. T AST nielli tlioie uiis nn Intorf-tins LJilinn- nt tin- Ci-riimntdun (Yickrt 1 lull civfii I'v Mis. Mi. ni.v i:. jnil Mr. nnil Mi-i. .Innu fnrliit )iU " Klinlii-ili r.iiicnii'it Hne,. Mrs. Until' ilnii'.'liicr iiml Min. l'i'iiice:i'tN Kmniil.ui!:liiir. Mt. I'miriiiist, Mrs. I.'nl .mil i:il':ilitih u'ei'ivcil tlif kucsis In tin li.illroein. Illi lictli. wlm Inw !!-,rlit In own linlr hi i in-", Inriueil il'i'tl in "r el winii. i:ici mn ... ..... I I I III Hill 111 llil' , With ii ti.Mii ..I..II.. .,,,,1 .. !.i. i,',, , "'. ,,";'" ","'""' imiH-is llll II eMi'lldi Iii. inw ii i.i en nil i ir I I'iini'l-i I M'li'. IIi'i- (In-1 nl-i- Iiml ii lifipiiltir iiiimi iii'i'lj mn uns uiiliiiin Mr l.r, I'.IMs lilllliNeiiii' In ii sew II of 1 1 -in in' ciiiiii' iiitnii' plum ex- ii pi fur innit iliapiiiL'., ulm K a m-iiiliiiitn of Mis JlWIll s. j W.M l"' .llllltlt (I','H, "li'i'iiilh iieMic ii-s. :uii new has niii" I'liI'l'iM wlnrli. I lirlicxi., si,,, niivil liT-ilf. Tin. D.ivIm-s livi. in Wri'ii- Klll. Alllllll'l. Ml IIUMlllli.l'. si. 1.I1.1 "I" iluit el ilium fop nni- iimiilim. ,.f l"'ts. ' I TT IS Iiml (.neii'.'lf te lune jnur Iii A 'lax inn I i..ili.i off. but in In. 1. I , ' ' ' ini Mini- liiithdiix, ten, sii'ins a ileiilili' 1 ,lnP'1,'' . . , , ' Is tlie i'.'im- with I liiinr Mm , 1 tie Miim,'i.- ilmuliti.r of Mr. ami Mis. "'ilium Met-;, ,., of ("In. stunt Hill.' lie-e I, nili ti I'ttiilni w Ii.iIim. Mini for It -ii is i:ihinr wi . i.ii'iliniti'il nlieiit ' V-e l"ls .1.11 ami u .1 mIii ' t t:il.i for ! "l"i..M I,,, ,1,1s. ,t new it is "laklm." "'I'll II l IlL'i.Mlli ... 'iiitl tin. 11 r lill.l i Ij'li 111 bi'il with n hiuli ti'liipi'liltlllc Ml "wt liiitliila p.irtir.s mi' out of the Pl'Mlen, .!. ' 'l'" 'lint slie will Hum Termer ami JIM luw Iht paru nfirr nil. 11s I hear it iMieiiis me enh niistinnlim it. XANt'V wyxxi:. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr .mil Mis .Iniin T Lewis, ,lr, or liioe m.u,,,, unit, have muni In Watluiis 1 .Monday, li.-nmtn 1 II, fn m lllaik Mitin 1'ulrnt leather Hull' Iriitber Tuu ruiilw CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut ini!intn , o'clock, In honor of their golden wedding. Mrs. Jeseph U. Meruit, Jr., will nt nt leini n inntren of honor nt the wed ii.'.f. of, her ulster. Mitts Hlcimer I'eule IMy s, daughter of Sirs, (.'hiirle-H Olhbent IUvIm of t-hcftnut Mill, mid Mr. Ohurle ,.,' "'erin. .Jr., ,en of Mr. und Mrs. i inrles It. Itel.erK of FiiiNhlmr. I,. 1.. who will h man led en Kauirduv, De cember 9, In the Church of Hi. Mnriln in he Heidi. The two iimldH of honor Will llA Ml.u tlltth llr.l. .... pf the brlilcRroem, nnd MIpm Caro lyn It. Davis, a slBter of the bride. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn White tJcitry, of Chestnut Mill, will entcrtnln fit th Opera Supper Dance this evening nfter trio opening porfernmnco of the Met Met Met ropelltnn Opera Company at the Ainil Ainil emy of Music. Mrs. Alexander Ulddle nnd Mr. J. Quitman LeeII and MIhi Dorethy Mam Mam llten M.ixiill, of Ilalllmerc. Md will nijNlst Mr. and Mrs. J. Wllmer Hlddle, of lilndcrten Heuko, Chentnut 11,11, In receiving at ihu dance which they will Kle at the Itltz-Carlten tomorrow eve nltiK, In honor of Mrs, Middle's thrce ilaURhtcrB. Mlhii Kllzubeth Oorden, Miss Anna Huntley Ciurden and Miss Vlrir nni S. florden, and Mr, Middle's daughter, Mhs Mairlct Ulddle Miss Mary del-'. Geary, debutniite daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn White deary, of Chestnut Mill, will bn the guest of liener at a dinner which Mr. nnd Mis. Henry K. Michel), of 391.1 Chestnut street, will glve en Tuesday evening, Jnnuaty L', befere the d.inen which Mr. nnd Mis. Hllsha l,ee, of 1709 Locum street, will give at the Mellovui-HtiatfeMl In lioner of their ilebutHiite daughter, Miss Dorethy is Lee. Mr. nnd Mr. J. tterlram I.lpplncett. of 171 J Sprme stieel. will entertain a f.'imllv party In their box ut the epeiu this evening. Mr. mill Mm t;ii rlnf MiitfuflflMi nf Jte etneilt. wl.l entcrliiln nl luncheon en aununy. December 17, In lioner et Miss ''"?",, xv- MiAlichnel. ilaugnler of '.Mi i i0 ieH, aniagoe' ' Charles li. Berwln wll take place in Janu.iry. Mrs llradferd Knight cntertnlned In formally at her home, 'J20S HIUenheue stieet. last (enlnc In lioner of her ,1!';,u,'lt.''' 'i,. l.''llhnr",'? r. Mls. Catharine H. Knight. wlice marrlage te Mr. 1'Mward C Cas- said will taUQ place today. Among the guests from out of town who will "Jm, ,i,aiir. Miss Ceerglna I. Yeatman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pope Yeatman, of Chestnut Hill, who will entertain In her parents' box at the opening perform ance of the Metropolitan Opera Com pany at the Academy of Music this eve ning, will have as her guests Mr. and Mi". Mantle Fielding und Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Currlc. Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Chclmeley-Jenes, of 100 KiiHt Seventeenth street. Newiffi Yerk, are receiving congratulations en J,5 the birth of a son, Illclurd O. Chelmeley-1 fij .tones, en Sunday last. Mrs. Chelmeley- Si Jenes was Miss Rim Hturgls. (laughter . et Mrs. Rebert Hturgls, of the L.abur-.f nums, ii(.etc, mm .cw ietk. A imirriaire of Interest In this city which will take place In New Yerk te- K dav will be that of Miss Sarah Kllza- Si both Larkln, dnughtpr of Mr. and Mrs, Adilati Meffmnti Parkin, of New Yerk. and Mr. Alfred Palmer Leenlng, also J'j of New Yerk. The ceremony will take place at the Church of the Resurrec- t'.eu. and will be followed by a recep- it lien nt the ncme et me miues purenis, 01 Kast Sixty-second street. Mr. Loen Leen lng Is a brother of Mr. Rudelph R. l.oen l.een Ing. who married Miss Gcrtrude Ullbcrt, Ot tills CUV. !( Miss .Inrgaret McAdoo. debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Adoo, cf Kin Haw n, Fert Washington, will lie the guest of honor at n theatre party which Mr. and Mrs. Geerge M. Allen, of the Powelton Apartments, will glve en Wednesday evening, De cember 13. Mr. nnd Mm. GeerRn It. McXcely, of Huvorferil, Iiive lsuel Invitations for n, il.iiice en Thursday. Jimuiirv 4, nt tin-I'.llz-Ciirlten, In honor of their ten, Mr. Ueorije II. MuXeely, Jr. irermanteivn Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel M. U.ites. of Oalt ' ntnl Scheel Housu lane, have gene-. en a trip te Herinudn. fi Mrs. c, t. Walten, of Queen lane, S will entertain nt u luncheon nnd lirldRe imnorrew ntternoen In henr.r of Mrs Hey I'. Lewis, of I'lttsbuiBh, who In , Germantown nei Kueat ler .sfverui wcuks. Tliose who took ji.irt in "Ills LeRaey," ffl 1 1 n tliri-i-ai't comedy, which was piesci 'ion l-'rldav nnd .Saturday cvenltiKs at ,l tnri'i-art ceiiifuy, wiiuii iik im;!viin:ii :i n l.'rl,!.,.. ,,11.1 S.itllr.I-iV Pienlnirii lit till! 61 ijiTiimntewti y. m. U. a. umiitenuin 1... Hi.. I...mi-iii. nf Ttiiklnpua liniinn lit iiiTtiiantewn Y. M. CJ. A. auditorium the V. V i'. A., were Mli-s Kllz.tbcth r.iiUer. Mlys Kleuner Alcorn, Mr. Hoheit Whin', .Mr. William Kreef 11. Miss Mnrle Klvihflls. Mr U'nl Ui', Miss Mae Xlce and Mr. Menree Henry. West Philadelphia Mrs William (. Chambi-rs. HI Seutli rerty-elnhth t-treet, nnneiinuctj the cn Liiitfinunt of hrr slstif, Miss Huth V. Ciiiienter. te Mr. Kiank I Wlshnrt, mil of Mr. and Mis K Wlslmrt. of Chli'iiRii. Xe date has been net for the weddlnil Mr nnil Mn. Alltllunv Wlltprcr. of ' ft. 't'll.' Laidiwoed avinuc. nre rccclvInK ?) intuitu atteus mi tne blrtn or ti mui, v Antheny WuteiiT, Jr. en Xreinber l'. Mr. and Mr-.. Alfred Delmont. of Wwmewoed, will k!e 11 theatre pnrty. followed by supper at the Uellcvue- .stmt foul, lomeiiow, In honor of MlssiJJj Xafille l'atten. w he . w 111 be the B.ucst I H Mr. and Mis Mi'i'iindless Turner. fimerh of West I'hlladelplilu, new el f .' l?)!: Ui,.. ,ee".. h'",!,.,".l.,, Ve.TA ' lllljf III III", v.... .. t ...- hx..-. ... j p... .mi "i iiinlhi.r. Mrs .Tin ksnn. ' I of l''ei tuth and Wulnut streets. Mr. nnil Mih Turner titieuued tne Army Xny ti.ime. North Philadelphia Mr and Mrs. Henry It Allebach, of 1i".s Xilth Ninth Htteet. nnnounee the iiit.iKL'iiii'iit of their daughter, Mis' Kiln I Mlldi'-il Allebach, te Mr. Waltel llw ut lllif-well. Mia Hems Oerstley nnd Miss Mar Kaiet (lei "thy, of i'IiIiiike, 1 ('tinned 110111 it M'ven months' trip abie.ul and Buckles with artistic settings of velvet, lace or ribbon Give the finishing Hinartness te your costume Buckles, $3.50 te $55 a pair Slippers, $11.50 TO BE INTRODUCED TOMGHT i -: ' -"' :-'""" SKr' tKWMiSQIB 1 , MISS MARY FALCK Daughter of Mr. mid Mr. Frederick McQ. Fulek, of ChcHtnut Hill, who will make her debut ut a dance which her parents will give at the Bcllevue-Strutferd thin evening ftre vistlng Mr. and Mrs Merris F. ...ingteid, of the Mutcl Lerraine. M.h. chnrlcH M.rsch. of New Yerk the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. M.ix N Aaren, of iy.')7 North street. Seuth Philadelphia Mrs. Jeseph A. Ralnvllle, of 2114 Seutli liruad street, will entertain the members of her card club at a luncheon and bridge party this afternoon. The guests will Include Mrs. It. Haztctt. Mrs. Themas H. Wade, Mrs. lleorge Noen, Mis. Jeseph Hulpln, Mrs. J. Schick, Mrs. j). puffy. Mrs. Geerge Hregley. Mrs. Geerge Haney, Mrs. j. Sclull, Mrs. G. Kefferls and Mrs. Cath arine Roberts. &K&WAW. W Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 B i tii The threo handkerchiefs at the left nic pure linen with pretty de signs embroidered in the corners in ninny different effects. They are 3ec each, 3 for $1.00. The handkerchief with the little fifrure embroidered en it is a charming French conception in white linen with a wide colored border, S2.75 each. A white handkerchief with a filet effect in one corner is sketched below the holly leaf. 75c. Belew it are two colored hand ktrchiefs. The topmost has ap plique work as well as embroidery, 7."c. The lower ene has a particu larly attractive design, S1.23. The lowest handkerchief en the left has a wide border of Dutchess luce, $3.75. Ay mz?- ?j J-! ,-. n ffl s I. handkerchief at & : jr s ,' J 1 llllL'll Ut I .It Cill'll. v?r s , s 1 Next te it is $1.50. ..... yv 1 1 m H"X iiHSllii Miss Catharine Knight Weds Mr. Cassard Today A Wedding of much Interest took place at neon today when Miss Cath arine lli.iilfnrd Knight, daughter of Mrs. Rr.idleul Knight, of 'Jl'uii Kitten- house st t, became the btlde of Mr. Kdwiiril Cooper Caard, seu of Mr. mid Mis, Hmv I.lpplncett Cassard, of l.eukatar I'arm, I'h-stnut Mill. The ceremenv was performed at the home of thu brlil' 's mother te the presence of thu famllliM of the bride and bride groom and a few intimate frli nils. The Rev Jehn ielilh.ild McCallum. pastor of the West Walnut Stuct Picsbvlerlan Church, TMrt.wiln'h und Walnut streets, elUU.ited. The brlde who was Established 1837 -H- The Handkerchief Has Been the Christmas Gift At the right are two white handkerchiefs attractively em broidered. 25c earh. The third handkerchief at the right is white linen embroidered, 30c. A colored linen handkerchief has a black cat embroidered en it. There are various designs and colorings, $1.25. 13elew the right hand bit of holly is a box of 6 white linen handker chiefs, all initialed and embroid ered, S2.75. Underneath it is a box of 6 mere with initials and lines of cording. S2.75. The handkerchief sketched be side the little Christmas tree h one of our most attractive embroid ered ones. $7.75 each. Others with Appcnzell ombreickry and speking up te $18.50. Ilelew nt the extreme lfft is a box of prettily embroidered handker chiefs in various designs. $2.50 for a box of 6. Fer the man there are some very lovely handkerchief" ns well. The the left with the plain block H is of a handkerchief for him of white linen with coaling. A colored handkerchief for men come ni.t. It Is attractively de- HlR-ned nnd ran be hud In various colerliiKs, si. At). The central one Is white llnen with colored roll, il hem mid color about the Initial, ; en. Heslde It l another for men with color and curdlni; n.1 well, SI.JII. Thn intn's handkerchiefs with thu M Is of poed white linen luitt g un unually lni'i. nale nt AOe, I'er her there cenie.s n box of n white linen handkerchiefs with, a cut out letter, which Is unusually well liked At tin extreme rlifht below. tl.AO tach, H.30 for a box of (J. O". riven In marriage by her uncle, Mr. O, liee Knight, were a gown of white nalln, draped with old family duchess point lace, fastened at ene Hide with n cluster of orange blossoms, nnd with it long court train extending5 from the shoulders of the point lace, tier veil of tulle was surmounted by a cap effect of the lace and ornuge blossoms. Hhe carried a shower bouquet of llllen or the valley, itnldenlns und elchlds. MIsh Mnry Tavler Knight, n sister of the bride, wiih the nmld of honor nnd only uttenunnt. i'Rack Mcdonald A wedding of Interest will talte place nt 4 o'clock this afternoon nt Ynrdley. when Miss Margaret .McDonald, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fiederick Me' Donald, will becenin the bride of Mr. Philip ftlunrd Peace, son of thu lata Mr. Philip P. Peace, of this city. The bride, who will be given In marrlage by her father, will he attended by Miss Charlette Peace, a sister of the bride groom, tut maid of lioner. Miss Kath arine Peace, of this city, and Miss Mc Donald, sister of the bride, will act aa bridesmaids. Mr. IMward Cele man Pence, brother of thu bridegroom, will be best man. On their return from n wedding trip Mr. end Mrs. Pcuce will live in this city. Delaware County Mrs. Kleaner Plahted Abbett, of Rose Valley, is entertaining Mrs, Nathaniel Ohls, of New Ywk, for whom she gave nn Informal dinner party n few evenings , age. Mr. nnd Mrs. Andtcw Knslwlck, of Wulllngferd, will glvi a house pnrty ever 'llidtiksgivlng, when their guests will luclmln Mr, and Jim Themas Hast wick, of New Yeik, and Mr. and Mrs. inemaa K.istwick, Jr. ACADEMY OF MUSIC METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY, N. Y. tonight OPENING NIGHT MEFISTOFELE MMES' ALDA, ri.l.ini, nuwjini, jnm. irksitiK All, BADA. COND. MR. MORANZONI. TickiU Academy k Heppe'3, 1119 Cheatnut University Glee & Orchestra Concert 250 U of P. Stuilenti Academy el Music. Wed . Nev. 2 1:15 F. M. Ticki-ta (lnclurflnK dance), 52.50. Upper talrenlea (Or te SI p0 Arailemv and Heppe't. DUMONT'S "in & ap.hi-i:m.., rh.-, EMMETT WELCH Minifardi Satlr THE OTD HOMESTEAD Academj Sentu Acid. A HepN, HID Cheat. PHILADELPHIA I SAT.,t r,wB, ORCHESTRA Jiffl'-,,, jnS C, Mh . Wall lit. .Mit. Today asmO KeeP Smiling With lllllir I.AIIH BESM0HD MAE DESMOND and PLAYERS In lv(u .. Cumberland M-Mitlv nt s in Mat. Tiic . Tlnir".. Rat. THE EXCITERS I 5 ii i 3 Always Supreme .! 'AM S1-SV.I " & 4V geed quality white Si M 91 (L j GARRICKEATiN?eCl Matlncpx TlinnkeRluiiR ami HniiiMny FADDFCT EVtNINOS AT IllO " ThankmlTlnir St. Chirlm SUUngfctm Preenti Itli tt.Sur Kul;l Cefti) Hit N. Y, Cit InUet J?rif.Ti itji"" KHaar RRnAn1'"111"1 S:20- Mats. DnVHI'wM Thunk.Klvlnir Ic Bat. HENRY MILLER RUTH CHATTERTON IN UCNItV IIATAIM.C'S nilEAT PLAT "LA TENDRESSE" Tn.Niu:itNiaai COM MONDAY SEATS THURSDAV BRAHAfr LINCOLN I i"l WITH FRANK WcQLYNN 1 I k EITH'S THEATRE THANKSOIVINO WEEK JUBILEE ELSIE JAMS In an Entirely New Prerrim JOE LAURIE, Jr. Richard W, Keene & Speer Beralce Hampton & Blaise "The Weak Spot" Rl Btlrrftilnrlfnr teatitr. nnf 3 Bhewi Thsnksirlvlni Day, 1 :30, 4'30, & 8 P.M. BURTON HOLMES Fridav ATi iawme hearn-s satdly UNFAMILIAR JAPAN 75c $1 $1.50, at Heppe's 50c at Doer -Subscribe Nete mUTMMWC I Iwith jack DONAHUE" lOfflGINAI GlOXf THfATRF NV TAW BOMWIT TELLERS CD. Ohe Specialkj Shep tfOngindfenA CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Wednesday Important REDUCTIONS End-of-the-Menth Clearance of Women's Apparel WOMEN'S FUR-TRIMMED COATS AND CAPES Featuring the Finest Fabrics and Choicest Furs 88.00 Formerly 125.00 te 175.00 STOATS and Capes of marvella, marceva, duvetyn, Mandalay Belivia and gerena, with trimmings of uquirrel, beaver, fox, wolf and caracul: in the season's smartest silhouettes and trimmings. Sizes 34 te 46. Third Fleer WOMEN'S GOWNS Fer Daytime, Dinner and Evening 58.00 Formerly up te 175,00 TEADED and Sequined Evening Gowns, Dinner - Dresses of laces, crepe silk, and Daytime Dresses of crepe satin, Peiret twill, crepe Romaine, Reshanara and Canten crepe. Many one-of-a-kind models included. Street and evening shades. Second Fleer WOMEN'S TWO & THREE PIECE SUITS-FUR TRIM'D 78.00 Formerly up te 165.00 rpROTTI?L'R, Tnilleur and Costume Suits in two and three piece interpretations are developed of Scotch mixtures, caracul cloth, veldyn and mailren, and all are smartly trimmed with fine furs. Second Fleer HANDSOME Hudsen Seal Coats S peltries. Cellar and cuffs or skunk. 40 inch. Regularly XS0 00 Hudsen Seal Coats Deeply furred pelts. Skunk cellar and cuffs. 4j inch model, Regularly 395.00 CaraCUl Coats -Black, brown or beige 3 95 .00 caracul trimmed with contrasting fur. 49-inch. Regularly W5.0Q Hudsen Seal Ceals Medel coats with contrasting cellar and cuffs. 47 inch. Regularly .',05.00 Hud.ten Seal is Dyed Mtukrat Sl,Uvi,oefcVltLl DAiLV MATS., 8:19 tvr.s AT H STEPPIN' AROUND mh JAMES C. MORTON A BtWMtidiiui Musical Revue t Ce. of 60 and Surrounding Bill of Star Entertainers AND EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION LOU HOLTZ Late Feature of Geerge White Bcandtla LYRIC 3 MATS. THIS WEEK EVES. AT 8tlS Pep. Mt. Tomer. "A 8.V. ." BLOSSOM WKTfJCM, ' TfMB I WITH OtiOlNAi YIAK8I.N1T I N.V CAST im?,m .-jJLc.mpBftiiijfnni SCORE CHUFERT'H Own UlUBJli STORY SCHUBERT'S OWN ROMANCE . . .. MaU. Thursday afM SHUBERT (Thank!itlvln) & " batur'v Carle Carlten'i Muiical Cemtdf Triumph rJBBJA .('TaXvTiflHiJHl MM'WJinra f,WA.'J-lWTIkl- ZVn N Y Calni Original Caat ADELPHI LAST Bven:?es Holiday Mat. Thurs. Final Mat. Sat. JUSTHA VIVIAN MARTIN l.)K (IVF.KMAN NEXT WEEK SEATS THURSDAV GRACE GEORGE "TO LOVE" Bv PAUL OERALDY With NORMN TREVOR te the Red Cress- FUR COATS e l c t e d 275.00 of squirrel v 295.00 395.00 Fur Depart tin nt Fifth Fleer niir JUfecllen nf BUnl.y CeniMUT ef Sftsau NINETEENTH A MARKET 11 A, M. te 11 P. H. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE RODOLPH VALENTINO 'THE YOUNG ftAJAH WITH WANDA HAWLEY ADDED National Male Quartette MIMV-NAVY FOOTBALL CAME STANTOW ieru and MAitKrr 11 .10 1 an a ;)ii r. .10. 7 .10. 9:80 SECOND WCKK-Wlt.MAM rOX NERO The Colossus of Spectacles iNtiEri.vrrn engagement BEGINNING MONDAY NEXT 1 i in wm ii Hi PAVIE$ IN nitST I'llEHKNTATION WHEN cosmepomtx. riiEvnes PAIIXMOI NT IMI'TL'llt: Tilt, Miisr si:x i tiiv.ii. hit vn vekk HAh nn eitiii.n in iti:c i;.r VEAns ALDINE 19lh AND CHESTNUT PRICE 500 11 TO 11 METIIO 1'RI:SENTS VIOLA DANA $S BABY IT THE tUVIN S. COEB'S GREATEST ST0ET OT n nt.Allx 1.1 HWfl Action BULL MONTANA "gif OPEN 0:43 A. it. TO 11:10 P. M. 'TSROAD & CHESTVtrT BEBE DANIELS and COHRAD NAGEL IN NEW PAUAMOL'NT I'lCTUllB SINGED WINGS TENRHYN STANIAWS' PRODnCTtOW PALACE l.'ill A. MAUKKT 111 A. M. 10 11:18 P.M. Pnrauieiiut Picture noeth Tarlilncten Btery "CLARENCE" VALLACEREID AGNES AYRES and MAY MeAVOT VICTORIA 'iTH&MAIlKirr !' A JI TO 11:15 P.M., VM. FARNUM WVttvlw .AT BOTH THESE THEATRES ARCADIA ELAFNF 18TII i. CHESTNUT IjJUlll JLj HAMMERSTEIN IN FIRST PRESENTATION capitol TINnPR "III & MARKET WIILIJIV ANDATTHQ .. ARCADIA OATH GLOBE JUNIPEB AND MARKET 11 TO 11 Tremendous Holiday Bill Quality and Quantity Vaudeville dROADWAY BROAD AND hNVDEJl ID u ju, i; in, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" BETTY COMPSOS nnil BERT LYTELI. ALLEGHENY IRA.SitrORD it ALLEGHENY 2 15. 7 & 9 Sean1" "UNDER TWO FLAGS" IN CONJUKCTIO: WITH VAUDEVILLE CROSS KEYS JTOSWi SHEFTEL REVIEW 0PTJ Holiday Mntinee Thanksj(ivinK Day REGULAR MAT SAT LAST 7 TIMES 1M NEXT WEEK SLATS NOW SELL1NO ?m LORD IN EUGENE 0 NT.ILL 3 MASTERPIECE "Anft CHRISTiE" WITH ORIG VI NTV,' YOTIK CAST ME'KOPULMA yE ..HAL WEEK SAN CARLO OPERA COMPANY lUMilll -1 P't' -T irlitmU Kllnedi. . . i V n I I I ii Wdl L iIOCOM'A '. I'. M " w ni.n Hurra. iii ' M AVAILERIA nnd PAC'LIM'U I i.- i i ir M.ii mi jiurrn, i I ill' M in i i Inn rrimte. ir- I . Ii'CIA I i Kllnuia, i n t I. I OHINORIN, KlUlu, .11.-1 ! v III II i Hut. ' i BUTTR1TY M K i in Ilnrra. i -" 'I II THOVATORE "ill i ' I- in itiJi, llnir. ' .1.1 V i it !'.. . . .) ;- 60e s t. v , in . II ... i. lllM, BROAD K POPLAR hTRri'.TS Villi ADCLPIIIA PREMIER Monday Eve., Dec. 4, 8:15 ELMER CLIFTON'a THE ROMANTIC TOUY nr AvrniOA'i nemrw pays or what.ine THE MODERN CLUB Presents TII. RICIi-KINDLbH-HAMMANN TDin tmmmw i. , r MARION KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN m&m mm lr B fil If U?MD I mu I S! H j Wed. Merniai, NaT. 29, 11 a'CU ;,'j wwiwwwwwwwiwwmiiiiiwsiiiwiiiimum'umn iiiiwmwwwwwwmwiw niici.Aiu.iun sauiKUUM t ' "