Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 28, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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tft"r " WV;
-THE WEATMf li-'.---
" aenerally fair tonight and Written,
tfayi continued root (unlftht j slowly
rising Irmpetature Wednesday.
nrnriTwin iiai i i a I ai 4 i .-n
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VOL. IX. NO. 65
1 All Aia4aIIa IllBiaJ
r.Mr Ma" wul",re "
Roem as Other Witnesses
Are Heard
Wenian Makes Unexpected Ap
pearance at Courthouse te
Tell Her Story
Man Verifies Story of "Pig;
Weman" Concerning Scene
of Murders
Bi a Stiff Cerrrsixmdcitt
a.Klltc N. .!.. Nev. US. Mrs.
fhnefs SteAcriH Hall trlpil in vain to te
Sir (e force thp tirnm! Jury te hear
krrntery of Iwr notions Hip' iiIrIiI of
Urtltmher 14. v lien her hii-.hiin.l. the
IT' tl 1 ttl.1rtH Hull tltlll II
ifer. Kdwnrd Wheeler Hull, nml n relillmld It. Itanium, their pnerKeth
linfrr In hl'i rhelr. Mrx. Kleaner Ueln-''lie ehalrnian, for tctmrlns the women
hartlt .MIIIS "ere iinuu.-i. i ..i
I'Mlllps furin.
Mff. Ml"" s IB'O'rrii.
heliiR nl'ewril
Milt with ether wIlneHMw In the re- i
inJn mitkhlc the tSrnml Jury room in
MPffpre the tlrand Jurv remain-' tin-
MM, with the probabilities ugnm-i
brr ipnenrance.
Wilbur A. Melt, fippelnl deputy at-
i..nt ifencml ill ehnrce of III" nreen
tM eetirt IIOUM1 liere, lien worn hit hi- - , : ,
tOTW Tiianthv N. I'fellTer. of New Wl e-i. eemp.ed exrlm-lvel, of women.
Tmk trlwl te iiitrnet the nttentlen of '' ''"'l' M,J'ur '" ni, l,c" wr "
AM. leekman. feunly IWeeiiler. Jnmiiirv 111.
(''' " uj I Ah flie plans it :it pi-pient. the dele.
J?"U:. ,,..n ..in i. n.....i i.. bm.Ieii will iiiiiiiher MM) women, though
n.M pr ur,. iiiiii iii 111- tiiiv'..... "
en of the eoii.tnenwoi.t.-.N ,.M.- iitlPii.l i.f I ij iihmi wnnn-Hipiii.
ll "enie tltnp no that she would net I 'I he Itepuhlnan fit? emm ttee met
Mlfrlf he eeuld present it. Thus far Aesterdaj. Mrs. Harmen net is ,,..
nlthfrMrs. Hall nor Mr. Pfeiffer ha."1'". "'"I di-.de, ever en.- would wear
iwn able te see Mr. Mett
Appearanre UnexpcetPil
Mrs. llnll'.s attempt te fm her
nterr "l"n the Orniul Jury n the
nutlen of the lliill-Milln presentment
thun fur. . . , ., ,
Tbe murnini s seflen of the drand
Jury us replete with spiisnllone. prin
rlwl, among tlipin the iipiieuraiu-p of
Urn. Jnne (Sibson, the "pllC wemnu.
nd.i;iuiriW AlhuuRli. a m-w witnei-,
thew te.stimeny tippeared te eor eer
rcWate that of Mrs. tiibsen.
Mlnll. testifled wlille Mr.-. Hull w
nailing with what pnlipnee -he could
BBitrr in the anteroom.
Willow lla-s firlm l-ooh
t'pen Mrs IIhII's entrame. with Miss
Bnlhe IVters and Mr. I'feiffer. sl"
pasffd immediately under the iireb of
the Mairx leading te the .seeend tloer
md Inte the rotunda of the tirst Meer.
tine the witni'esPH were seated await await
iiiftlieir turn te be called. The parly
of llnee took seats dlreitly opposite
thfilnu- Irailini; into the Hrand .lnrj
mm with thehi biii-t.M'le tlie slairri.
Mis Peters' fare were a worried
leek; Mrs. Hall looked straiclit ahead
flifr, n uriin and us eelleeied as e'er.
Hrr (M'kIiissi'.s jjlcamed fiem bi'hiiid a
tbi'i iui.iuri.iui; veil, bordered with an
tiling of lieu bliii'l.. There wiim net
I hint of iin, lighter tone in her ens.
tump. .Miss Peters was in blai-k also,
ttllcieil with a white editing en her
hjt. ami without a ell.
Tht s,t inirt for a half hour,
rawly whispering te each ether. Then
Mw. Hull broke the tension b, sum'
hlkpi-red remaik, apparentU fn
tlO'lh, which hriiiis:).) Millies te the face.,
l hfr i iiiiipanleiix.
I'lnnllj a i iiiii l etlicer came from the
Jury renin and called in a luiid Milce,
"Mr. Jane lilli-nn,"
Mrc. iiiliMiu, the "pig wemnu.' the
0"l) e.r wlliiess te the minder, was
nowhere in sighi. She had I n waiting
i tin- Sheilff's ntli ivstali-s. She
CMlc slew 1 de a n flu- stllirrnsc, eielei
U Stale teuier. They till lied Inte
tlif rutuudii nt the rear of Mi. Hall
nd Iter part, and Mrs. Cihsen passed
ltlilti a few feel of Mrs. Hall. Neither
loeUil ut Hie ether.
Mrs. Ililisim, a leund-faci'd, luowii luewii
iklmiiil, w IieIcmiimi- looking woman, was
errnd in ,, well-cin black (re-s and
black tiiibuii. she was- in the Jut
WOW for a half hour.
Women A wild t.l.nui-,
On her leiinpear.inei- -.(n- passed i lee
e Mr. Hull iicniii. still ketpiiig her
'." nwrinl. As s, p,is..ci Mrs.
Hull sliiiiei'd swittl, ami it mciiiciI hi
tWIItlllirll :n lir bin-l.. I lieu leMilind
BIT fM'll. ei (;:ie Minmlll itrress III
A Ji-W llllllr .,.-
aiirrleil inn of the teim
J'1'11) lll in Ills etllce
niMt or laeiiierumla. As
"Hirer addresses ,ii.
. Mr. Itiikintin,, mi. I
r aijki'ij.
."Viiii curt ,,. .
a,f; lliekiiuin iu a icn
Mr. Iteekiinin
en one of bis
for some e
he p.issi d Mr,
si e ou new V"
iw . ini," sin!
decided tone.
a"i tmirled en.
,.? 't PfeifferV ears turned ml at the
'tiillT. und ,e s, ,ew ,iKi,i, emii
iK'li,iS ,, Mis. Hull. Mr. lb el,
f ii turned a f,. minin, imer. u u
neriiiK I(, tl ,. ,ls before ni.d ic
Altering irit (irtiml ,lur inem.
I ll AlbilllKll was c.llled. lie is
W" of Hi,. f,. i,,,,,,., t.lin n ,1,,,
"rand ,lur. wlie-e stories i,im. net al-
lenlliuifU en Mcr le. t'ulunin Thrre
8t0P at Merchant's HemeHis
Condition Unchanged
llriTniiu ..f . . i. . , ....
tln li . . " ' lr''" "'"PPC'I at
ll .Ii til II tuiiitii.iLi.i tV
Ll II 1 1 L i . I ""Mil, - ' '-
Abeil I I ,U,,V, , UmU! 'HM II'IUIMM
- : i 'i w in ii iut ....i.
. """i
i - -.- ''
ll,,,. , , " """ i'.e-s Hie i eni- r-iiniii. k!i,,il ,.ieniiilLil vmim in I III ll'lil"' K. i".. iiiiii nun in-
& p2v,&'Fft'tt S:;"l ,:;.;; ''
;"''"Hih' he.i.s me ...iib'ial.l silcii were nlm ij in In- iiiUi f' I "; 'i m"u" , .,,, j1, ,', hem I"' In the stall.,.,
sF,a Matwe'd;:;;::' hvntu, f :
. "in u.v niiii.ii ui. ..i .i . O....I.... ,.n ii s i eit ei
"Mi iv. .. " ,'","" uii'i ik ' in leiicli Willi his pmi-iii-. I
UBi'ln i. i u . . '"'' H tl",,,, I'-ninins i .... . ittMiKHim-iii
ffiilnhl J." I",'s,, Ho-eilKll ll" lll.NN''Vtn..AVV"KUlheu( TIIK 4l ' KK,M;"KIM1 Hilt MA I
Jgl wllheilt ilUiiimruu , is resting T1,,r,r,Jli",01(rnuVi" BneWry iSuliiier Crsu. l fnu!?.l in the IMP Wanted culunui. ui.
s'' Krrcs"liw ! chulw.f lult.-4v. I ysse M.-Adw.
j-nnme Bccend'CmM Mutter
U. 3. Examiner Refutes te Say
What His Inquiry Has Disclosed
Spiircll In belllff liimln lnil.iv I... .........
ii ..." ..:" ".."". "'.."- """-
mi inn wvn rptuilPIIIH or U'JUII no.
I "'" " '"i rrcticriep . .MCI Hire, pout peut
iimslcr of Hint IllllCe. who lIlMllltlVIIIPlI
lifter i-Hvlitg ii brief note te liiH wife.
' I l,tul.l I...... I !-. .
i . un.iii iii.-ivi nir nei inure, mm m
CXIimllllllB Hie llfl-OlllltS of tilt' missing
mini, iliiultNel te wiy today what the
icmiiIi r IiIh imrtliil rxuiniiiatluii hml
rnrmll Mi-Cliire. n of tlie iiet
iiiiiHtiT. mi ill Hun- his futlinr li:nl been
fH'prfMj-pil nml iiitneiim for t-enip time.
Mrflurp. It Is Miii, wtm net muI.
linl with the uiiy the biixliipxi of Un
'JieMtnttlep whs eeiiiliR-tpil. Hemip time
fiRfi he iIIsiiiInspiI tue PiiipleypH ulm Imil
hrpli pentipctPil uith the ()fli,.p m,,v
Jpiirs. McCliin. ,UH son tit the
Huhtii'iimim MpiIIciiI Cellrgc, tliltt citv.
Mrs. Harmen, Ignored by City
Committee, Is Arranging
Separate Parade
Members of the Uepiiblienn City
Committee mine in for a sespre "pun
iiIiir" lediiy at (he hands of Mrs.
in prrpiiratleiiN fur atleiiilaiiee nt tiev-
i.TMer-elei't I'inehet' IliailKlirill.
Mr-. lliiniiipii. who K iiIsk president
of the Itepiihllean WeiuenV flub of
reiiu.,lvanlii. will take a nwil ilele
Mil- Mild lle wiim rerlaill 1IHIII at leant
would want te pi, net only been imp of
llieir feelinc of admiration for Mr.
I'ini'hnl, but iiImi liceause they will want
In -.bow the world that I hey resent the
Mitleniiit of the iiiimi te i!nur litem
the snme kind of clothes, topped with
soft hats, in defereucc In Air. Pini-lmtV , ilrl Ing and was held In J H it M hail b'
(b-iilre for simplicit. and t tin 1 there IJicerder Slut klieuse nt a lie.iriug later
would he -lilt) marchers in the delegation. In the day.
Mrs. Harmen staed awn because she The collision piiupi1 a front ale en
was under Hie lempiessien llial Hie the litis te break and the car pitched
men were planning te discu-s only the forward at an angle of about thlif.v
details of their uniform. t degrees, threw In; men ami women pus.
Mrs. Hiirmeu wis she will ask Mrs. sengei's in a lieiip en top of the ilrher.
flaru II. Sli'fandless. assistant record- Miss Kelten, who wits most serious
ing secretary of the fit fetumiltee. injured, was one of these near the
nnd her own prixute secretary. Miss bottom. )M UMS trampled en.
Alice M. Mauieii. te assist her Iu or-' Seera women fainted after th ah
gani.in? the group of women who will,, h.-nl te be carried into the hank
go te (lie inaugural. building, which is en the corner of
n..l.. V.wW.1 fiii.T faimw I
.. i i. ..ii ... .n.i
Ml, linrnien was iisuru . iiu iiih
It liappen ou were net present ester
din when the men were making in
laiicpmenls for the inaiigiiril parade.'
The men in Hie Republican ( ity
feininittee," she replieirrf'hae a won
derful wav of sidetracking the weiueii.
Of i nurse' 1 would hme been there as
the ice chairman, hut for the fuel that
1 was led te believe the men were just
going te discuss the iiiidtleu of spats
and canes and the kind of hats the
were going te wear in iue parnne. nun
also whether the lellies would he
''TneH.e'r welds, cen though T am
the ice I'hairman of the Republican
..... III..., I llil mil feel nnv Kile-
ci.'ii uisesslty of attending a meeting
wheie men's wear was te he talked
about. I'f course it is plain new that
llie illil mere mini mm """ .
whiili is supposed te he tie peculiar
preiiiie of women, but the also went
ahead and arranged for u rcprescnta-
Hen of t i in Hip Itepubliean City
Committee at the inauuural of tuner-
.1 ...ll. .m.ii. iiuuitnu
...,. I ni ill . in W lese nun nil-
f Peniisvhanla cuitrihuted se
"I am pietl well iut out at this
sideliacklns and the men mil as well
iiiiderstaiid that Philadelphia women
interested In lb' Republican organi.a ergani.a organi.a
lien aie becoming 'inite angry.
Tli-.il of llclllg "Jelllcil"
Wln.li this stlbjeil tirst i .line Up '
i il,, Reiiblican fitv feininittee I i
' J e,i lie even, that the repre-1
r'ei.,1,,, ,f t .fit' Committee whs in'
' . . e .t I II, .It.. ..
litnll,.,! iiecnusee ii .-"m ... '
tin. ineuram
tlial tlie I IU i eiiniill ire
should pre I'll
for the 'I lialrman i
.Mm i he assi
taut leienlliig sr, jei.iry
n innresentath i'
of i lie women. I lie,
i . I te., tu Li oe niliel
liuil all 'would come out Mili-fiu'lnrl. . ,
llllt It et'llls tllinas noun nni- iii nu-,
Cll Committee never de come out, right I
ami the wi n hiiM- no iiiieiilien of i
being celli illllllll.' iellled. The fit
feliiinilie" " '" 1'"11'' " "" ,'K"t '"l
pas the epnies "f n ileb'gallnii of men I
inll appiiieiiil tin'.' inn' the women
le pav their own ppeiises. regtel
tills ii'liillile oil th' l'lirt "f the fit.'
t'etntaitl spei lull in mcw of the
splendid work of the weniiii. whose ,
i,ri..liii liitlinnce the men de net up.
pc.ir te ieallP ,
ll.iwe'ci, the women cm lake une,
of ilicui.eUcs .mil m' will liaie our own
ii legation." ,
Ship Captains Warned of Expected
Gales by Weather Bureau
Captains et nil outbound ships ic
leivcil neih p here led.n that a storm of
considerable Inlensii is moving north nerth
eiisleil und gal'" I"-" expected efl Ihe
laiillc Coast between ( npe Hntleias
and New "il- Sieini warnings have
nlreailv been pesied along Hie ieiim
l(l,, craft me hi rUV'l" ."" ,
The vveallieruian snvs lillle ellei'l et
the slenn will b" f"U in tills, city, u-ule
lieiu a slight ilmp In tempera ure
Celder weather if I I"'"''l f,,r ,,"',,ll
and tomeriow.
Demented Man Blews Off Hand and
Part of Head
Nev. '-'s, (iv A. P.)
d.vuaiilite close
lliili'lllll. I'll.,
fiVi'SSSTntf pb'"".
Four, Seriously Injured, Are in
Cooper Hospital Other
Victims Released
Merchantville Passengers Were
en Way te Werk Here When
Crash Occurred
A score of persons were injured In
n o,d'isien this morning between a Mer
rlinutilh bus leaded witli passengers
and ii mull tiuck at Third nml Market
streets, fntnilen.
These most seriously injured nnd
tukcii te Cooper Hospital were:
I'M tin Kelten, twetil' -two jenrs old,
Pensaukeii ; intcrnnl injurie-'.
Jehn Pettitt. seventeen, !!! North
Thlrt -third street, Camden; Ineera Ineera
tlens of arms nnd legs.
Anna Ostress, eighteen. 1804 Federal
street, CAindeti. sprained unkle.
Mrs. rartlui FulKa. thirty-flvp
I Impel iiveiuie, lereliant'ille, witter
ing from shock,
Mrs. Morgan Tutighlll. Merchant
llle. '
In nddllieii te these, about fifteen
pnseiiL'crs wen- brili ed and cut.' They
were carried into the Sccuril Tiust
Itnililini. mid treated by phsicians.
after which the were allowed te 'on 'en
liniie en their way.
The uioierhus was crowded with pas
senders from Merehautilbi en their
way te hiisiness in this city. Screams
of women passengers when the two
cars c.tme together attracted a large
crowd of pislestriniis en Market street
and many persons rushed forward te
help lift the injured from the wrecked
tin complaint of Themas Keeiigh,
diher of the mail liink. which was
coming south en Third strict, und. It is
said, had the right of un. Paul Zcllcr.
twent-eue .win's old, of .MelchauH illc.
arresled en a charge of n "kb-ss
I hird nml MnrMt streets, opposite lli
scene of tin
scene et tlie collision. j ne were ic
I li ihsii'ians.
tlf the Ihe persons ink 'ii te Cooper
llespilill. four were leleaseil later iu
the da. Miss relten's condition, hew
ever, is said te be serious and she
remained. She is suffering from In
ternal injuries and severe shock.
(v)an Taking Sick Brether te
pUal One of Victims
Three initomebilo mllNieiis e.'ciirreil
wlllllll II I'adills of Otic lllile III ' ''-t
Philailelphiti this morning helweeti !l :'JI
and 11:1." e'clmk.
Jehn Del'Apolle. (!ti."i Neiilf Sit
tliird street, was inking n siil. brother
te ii Histi la Iu a ttiMcali ilneu u
Slcnheii Sn.'iler. At
ill' -eighth i
street and Whith' ii'enui
the law cel-1
bled witll a t nig cir driven by
Rebert luis, ::i Seuth I'm.x -lir-t
street, Jehn 1 el'Apole n- hurled
agauisi the s,,l 1I,",1',"'1,'; 'V' ""
,liip inn be fr.ieiureil. I il Apelle wa-.
taken In the Mis'Miieiilia Hospital witll
his sick luelliiT. Sii'der and lais
later were held in S.'ilii) bail for a
further iietirini: Ii Magisiiaie Dugaii.
At tt:.'U o'clock n 1 1 ink drheii b
llntry Hrewn. SfJI North I'eiirib siiict,
laud an automobile ilihiu b Joel
rosier, i.n iicn s,n,i. . ,i-ni 01
SIMlelh s,eet and W Hand incline.
Hill r.' febe... 1IMI7 iKililelld street.
who was riding with Pesi-r. was cut
.!! itlf
""r."'.;.!-. : t,-,v. i
..i ...... .i i-'iiiiii,. '.-
iiaeriauu iii-ikiii si pu .iiihiii-iii-
urncn e, n iiiiaiu iiimi... y- .-
mm -ursi sirici. in iue ohm 'ik-'-i
nml llallliiieic aiciiin i lie cir v.m-
Fermer Police Chief Net te Blame,
Patrolman Testifies
James II. Robinson fnrmeih -nn'
Iniciident of poll'
lis l.ei'is siieet.
who wns tirrcstfii I'isi iiigin unci- ih
inolerclirs collided, .ls eMillcr.iled lieiu
libiiue ledav b.v a n idle pntre'iniiii.
Robinson's cir w i- sii-ucl; at lltead
llllil Muster street, bv .1 lil.ichlne diiveu
bv llermim Peiiit.ein I'.'lll Columbia
avenue. Herman i't inks, l'JIll foliini feliini
hi, i avenue, who wns riding with I'eiu
siein. told pelic" he was hml almiit
the bead, He nl'u-"l t" -" " a li1
pilnl ,,
Patrelnian Nng'e who aricsed Iciu
stein und Ihe punier polite i hief, It's
lilinl In feudal Sialimi Inilnv that
IViustelii liad ignend u ti.ilhc signal
and was ri'speiisihli' for the ciiish.
Magistrate fnw.iid illsi'luiiged Rehm,
son and IliU'd I'elnsteln SKI.
Emlle, Lambert. 6. Found Asleep, by
Travelers Aid Society Agent
I'mile Lamb' H. si' ."'ars old, helieved
(olive in Alph.i N J.. "ip"sile H.isieii
was leund asb.p m llie.nl S t Si .i -
tien bit" la-i umht h Miss Miir.v Sulll
Min. an iigcut "I th' liavileis Aid o e
cielv. , , ,
She wntclied l'1" 1"'.' for some lime
nml saw that n" "IU spoke le him. The
l,.,l snlil his f illier. .lesepb Llimbel I
lA" " ',"J
$ui& r
t.Z-l':' ? . :.(
W3IK '' ' '&'fim '' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLHL vlLV " ' ' 0 VLHS
bbV s BabbbV ' 'm&J $ SH
BBBwTiili 'f'" ' vi
nv 1BH ', . iflllMv-. 'IM' lHH
rv. ,JI. ' , . .. . .VH H1K'
feunless Ven lleltisteln, formerly Miss Ml bind Harrison, lea ing the
nflire of Malsrate Mlllwiigen at Ardmore today after being rrlea-sed en
her own recognizance. The count ess drove Inte Patrolman .lames Carthy
at .Mill frreh. Witnesses said the uccldcht was iiuaxoidahle
Blaze Sweeps Upper Stories of
Big Tenement Heuse en
Cermantewn Ave.
Pile laiuilies. wilb their twcnt i-hil - j
then, were made homeless Inst niaht '
when Ins. swept
' steties of a Imiise
tin eimli tlie upper
at II 10 (iirm.intewu
The Ii 1 1- stjirted iu Hie attic of n
huge frame siiuelurc built te nicoui niceui nicoui
medule si.ra families, nnd the reef
was ie-tie,M-i. All of tlie children, the
einiiesl seen nienlhs old. wer" tiiken
I out safel.
In tlie Imiise liveil Mr. nml Sirs.
Jeseph Schwartz, with three childtcti:
Mrs. rilalietli Ilnwcrs nnd four chil
dren. Mrs. Mury Med -. ami eight chil
dren, Andrew fiestjk and three chil
dren and Vcrebii; faster, with two chil
The families, are being cared for in '
the hollies of nelirhbei-s while the reef i.s
nenig icptaceil. I lie iue was ei iiuue-
M'rmiiieii origin.
Hese Cart Itaibs Inte far
Twe persons, pussi ngers in u Reute
N'e, '.' frelle car en i!ei maniewii np
nue. were injured when one of the hoi
i arts leaving the li'V b-n ked into tlie
Jehn Smith, of .". Verlll Reese
siieet. was ciil en tin- light hand, ami
lieelge M vels', H'L1:; RiissC. stteel, was
cut mi l he hands iind face by il.xiiig
class. The were taken te St. Luke's
llespltiil. but arc in t in a sri'lnus eon een eon
illllen. A half dein wiiii'ews of the
liellc car were slintteieil. The can
was that of I'nglne Ceinp,iny Ne. Til, at
I'll 'lien mid Hci'innuleuu axenuex.
Mrs, P. Simmons, of '!li! Xenh
l'ighlb strcci, wn bullied en the face
and hands when -lie aiiempieil te ns.
cue two lierses freiii a burning stable
iu tlie rear of her home nl I o'clock
ibis morning. The tl.iiue swept through
her lieiue ami a sin. ill waiehnrisc which
.he in cupied jninth
wali"ii b Herse Kiihiug
Awilkl'tll'il l lln I Ii king
f the
lieisis Ad's, Simmons iiimlii bi'r
lliiellgh sinnke IiIIim) li,illwas te
slnlile. hut was tie ilihen
l.'U k llV
the iuleiisi. hen I anil smoke. The hurst's
vveie bill lu'il te ili .Mill.
I'lielllt'll fought Ihe blne from the
front of the house ,iml a I the rem,
used as u butter .mil egg sientge heus..
The iliimiige is t'stini.i'ci'l at mere than
Mi-. Marina Xar.it, i. forty ears
old, a 'oeiiier at 717 Net lb Twent Twent
feilllh siriel, was awakened sherllv
after 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u' 1 1 1 ibis uieiuiug when suiek,i
Irmn a Iue which s,in,., n a ,,,i.
cali'ssen store hi low hllid her loom
She ran te the si I eel .Illil spliad th,.
Liiil'lermiiii lli-kie of Tiurk font-
iuiii.v Ne. I. of Twentv-ilisi sit ( nml
I n Iriin.li nt incline, was overt nine b
sliieke III lighting tile blae, but was
iliiickly revived.
Were Allriuliiig Party
Mr. anil Mis, Jeseph Minn, owners
of the sini e, who had I heir home in
the Heets nliew, weic aiieiuliiig a parlv
al Sevenlli a itl Morns slieels, anil
w lu-it the H'lui'iied tin' leinnl t(.
lieiue paill ilestievi'il
The tin- sprinil f I mil the
store te I lie ie.il- I p er
ilaiiiagetl eiilj bv smoke
Mis. arala was tin- .ml
the house when ihe blne
1 ftent of the
stories were
mid wnter.
"cciiuiint of
l'lte slaiting fiem a llghtctl cigarette
in the ( lilt 1 lloer bi'ilrenui of a hnlg.
ing house, owned bv Washington Jenes
ll Negie, 1110 Rilihbl'lilge sliiel, 'inM.,j
ilam.iges iiiuiiiliitiiig te SIOO
.os Alleles, .Nev. '-'.s Adtlheri
Hlllntt Iti'Mci, klieutl III motion pi,.,
lilies iis Llltelt I'evler, leimcil tM,
insliiiuu "i .viai'ie iiui e, actress, ami
Mrs, Nina I . I nlei in.ver, formerly )bc
wile of AMn I lltciin.vcf, Nevv Yerk
Iteiiicy, wcit) married here lust night.
fzMpn ' 9BBB 8BBBB
hrf ' -V-" --- mm -':;.'j'BwF'i
Fermer Miss Mildred Harrison's
Car Hit Bicycle Ridden
by Policeman
Tlie Countess
i;,L,,, i fill ,l,-,.,
Ven Hellihtein, of
up te the Atslmere
iier snappy $111,000
police stntien in
cabriolet today and stepped Inte the,
somber piiMMii'e of Magistrate Sllll- i
I wagon te answer for running down!
1 .tallies McCaithv, of Hie Lewer Merien j
'lelice, tit ,,Mei joiner pike and Mill I
Cieek read last night,
i Rui the I'eiitiie-s, attired in cloth
1 illg s severe lli.it most f (be lilies
linn at right aiigbs. did nel answer.
I She didn't have a chance. McCarthy
I Is still in . ;,u, Mawr Hospital .
and ilie Miuisiruie instritcii.l her te I
leliitn before hi u lleccinliei- 111. I
What is our lianieV" asked M112.
,N "" ' "": "s".".
when the ceiinlchs.
who was Alisv i reil I Ihim-Iw.h. tl...
daughter of Alfie.l f. Hanison, paint
iiianuf.icliiier, app.'.ired prempil at 10
e'clmk in the tun hem iiig loe'in.
"I am the feunless llolnsieln," sl0
re I w niieut rising.
1 Magistrate Slillwagen wanted te
nuke stv r ih.it n.'iiiie after the
iiiiiiitess hml proueiiiii-eil it.
"Hew de Villi sp,. nV" be asked. She
I misw I eleil-J.v, biting oft c.ich letter
and lining ii stntid an instant In fore
nl'ling tlie nevl.
(haiiffeiir Carries Her Caul
live will a license eai,
"It is In the possession ,,f
feui . ' se s.tld.
m.v chain -
A iieliceiiiiiii told the stun of the ac
citleni I'he big. long, sp,.Mh ,.,.,
J"'1' "i Hinliss at the wl I. 'vision
hiiM.ii somewhat ,v a slight fall f
i snow was drilling along toward Innne
at nveiit miles an hein. She binuped
'"lung ami s,,p,,, ,,,,,(, ,,,, in
fill -ll" and Ihe ca.llill'ein ii i,.rP(
II lii. Ill III ilgfllV III tile HKiilside, I'll
in 1 1 inn f.inliv ha, lu.eii ,l,ii,,. i,i
M v.
iii tin path of ihe big iii i."liine.
te Hospital
te.. i
I In
.ei .
lieerge R
Mucl.eeil. of
' s ll Illllllll
1 1.
ell I
ei'ilin I
'ill for help am
iiiiii niki'if-tti ihe
il'l ell thi'le in Ihi
Mitel- linking sin-,.
lelllllile si
ln'iii. m IMg
In. Mnel
If w
ieiiiimie.1 t ",,., fitt lit i-
' in
""I ill the learln?
tin- iieliiem.in was i in ah.un the
1. 1. . .1. . I i.iii i... i . i . ..
" " ' ie iii oef lele,
v i- lir-t s,ippes,.,, t Ii.-i t lb,. ,.
Iii iii li.nl been biekeu.
. a .
i . pt.i In Htiiiagln. f ,. r,ri.
V ;" l'"li". w.is n,,t iiicn, , w,,v;,
the , li.if.i'. lb- si,,,- tt. aieiiienl w ,s
11 ' mum Liable ai t hit r the pi,..
etiei hml ileiie all s nld nfi.r n
' "I I'-'I'I d. ll was thou but ,,..
isiiin ..iiiniiiK i. iM'ceniiier in
,i tui 'her Iii arm.'.
:..... s.,,1 ,. . ..
I he leuiiless was smart
1 diesseil te.
iiitilliuiiil mi '.., Mnrirrn reliimn nu
Curious Laundryman Injured
Bey Is Under Arrest
fiiiiesii brei'ghi liiiurv te Murk
l in i I.iiiiiiIiviiiiiii. .i'Jl'iI (iir.trd m,i
nm- nml Ireiibli le .Inseph Hiiuiiiieud,
lift, hi veins old. 1'itl.v.s n, stieet
in Illllllll Illllllll .
1 peieiissiim p.. .
sim el- selling oft'
ll iliilli I leek safe, s,
the I I'l'uli of Marl,
staiii'ii i" suiitci mil
il.Vli.llilitc blasts
i lie liisseil Inn, j
. I lie. The cap j
I Mill k W.s uiueli
mini. hi in pit hen n up n watch the '
, , .it , . '
liievvi'iks. iii'te was a crash.
i ihe West I'lilladclphla llomeo llemeo llomee
piiilui' llespiliil ii vv ii- aiiiieuiiceil Hun
(ire t is lining lib el and would be out
uii i hi- hnnds were biimlaged T!,,
,,n w II bine le inakc cplmiatiiiiis te
Mugi'duic Stevenson, ,
us i"Hi rieMitiiii.r. ev
wniil. i 11 Oii'l it en I'USD .13. Adv.
FuMlshsd Dally Kxrent Sunday. Pubnerlptlen Prlc 16 Tear by 1UU.
Copyright, 1823. by Publle ldtr Company.
Thieves in Taxi Beat Man, Steal
Meney and Watch, Threw
Him Out
Accused of Helping in Attack!
en Y. M. C. A. Resident -
After Party I
- j WIlkm'IIarrA, !a., Ner. 'JS. -Uiy A.
t Seven armed men held up Patrolman P.) Dr. t. K. (Jrler. a leading ph
fleergp I.ee, of the Peach and Media ' siclnn, wa.s held up and beaten uncoil
streets station, at fiftieth nnd llrewn , scions in a garHg by two musked high-
streets. enrl teiki. took his club, re re
veher mid bliiekjuek and escaped in a
Shortly nfler 1 o'clock I.ce. noticed
a man en the corner. As the policeman
was questioning Mm a motorcar hp hp
prenched and six men sprang out with
drnwn rexnhei-s.
The thugs, alt young, and roughly
dressed, formed n ring about the patrol
man nnd made him held up his hnnds
while the lirst man scirched him.
.i,ni.KZ'' ,H'!1 I:: J"?XJ
'. '- 'I " ' . 41 lll', I'ill ft.'l llj XIII
machine, earn ing his weapons. lie
liail tin Uinlic witll Jiitn.
Th ear sped out llrewn street and
l,ee ran te the stntien house te report
his less te l.ieiitenntil tiraliaui
Till CO
friends" Reb Riddel
I . , . . WHO en ''r-i iiieniii iiis-i ei ,-ir,'piiy a 111
ll.tniclninle iieiiuailitiiiiies.il.... uonen i.,...,....
riding limm
icab villi
esienlti In a tax-
Riddel, twenty. si
Centlnurtl mi I'ikp Mnrlern. Celiinin Seten '
POMERVILL".. IT. J , Xev 2S UVh tl f '.-ti!m:.i' "' M'-
Jnne Gibsen nnd Cliailes AlLmhu tin C-vnn" )ii,vcaltb f!:;T-r. ' i:.
jic'iciti"ent in the Hall-Mills muk1"i .'.y-'ciy. Th Gt?nn
Jv.iy is t?:pcctl te bfRin balleting: "--n indict in nt tli' afir moon.
Any pn'relmnu fount! Tntoxicnteit en d'tty mtPi I)" emhej 1
'.vill le immediately dismissed from the Jeic. This d-'i-len wur.
nr.iieniiced today hy the Clvfl Seivice Cnnaisis.r'i -
K C'.cdjian. Eleventh and Tnii mount nvtmi, nnd y. G.isti
ji.iii, 1015 Vine stieet, were "weitly limned 'i''- aftein-m when
gasehne exploded in the Ataiat Dye Ceiks, JU1 Vi'-c 5:if-t.
A. Knrhnjlan. 1015 Vine street, was buni'd 'lifh'ly.
VJW'IL ri.tB' Ir.ii:, si ad. S!7 10 v .. !,: ri:b -.
O.t- , f.5-4?, -slS 'JO, s -.-.. . J s Hun,:, M ) t! .id .in; I i-'J
Jj.. S t, ft.' Pvt t.lii JILi. Gj T l..t , i ,i.. . J . .ii ,
Ii ' i Un i, Tiu O.i-j-uly. Indibn l'-.uiii, ..! i.t. . izv ..ia.
Military Action Contemplated te Streng Ground Against New Or
Cet Reparations Payment ganizatien te Be Taken at
Frem Germany Coming Conferences
or ntrd fi r
Paris. Nm ". A plan ter tltiect
action b l'i nice as n solution of the
reparation iiuestien w.is submitted to te
duy te the full Cabinet, mteilng In the
i Klysee Public "ith I'n sldein Mtlln.ind
' presiding,
Tlie plan p-miile- let .eillie of the
state coal mine, and iiilleetien of the
epert taxes :u the Ruhr dlstiht, te
gelher witll nb.elute lontl'el et that
section of the Rliinel.ilid new ect upieil
b.v the Krench militiirv.
I Members of tl1 Calunet after the
nieellng refuseil i" Ii-' u-i tlie aciieii
taken, but It i gniei.lll biliev.tl the
plan wns iipire"tl ' itlumt opposition,
as it was drawn up ve.ienlin nt aineei
ing in which the toi.iiet uiililar aiul
tivll authorities p.nt t ip.tietl. Im hiding
l'li'shlent Mllleianl I'rnniei- Point are.
Marshal Peeh ami the M ni-tei. of l'i
iiauie. War and I . t t t . I Regions
M,II-siii1 l-'och ii i M.nnr lieiieial
limit, the F re n i h i .'I el si.tff. .m
inidei'sloed le have I. ml I'icsiiii Mil
lerainl nnd Premlei P'euie in jn
tiiib.v's nieellng that i plan for c -(nulling
the lilillturv ei n't nlen of lb.'
light bank of the Rhlm i .id leii pie
partil with the utiue.i i " mid thai
il eeiibl be escculcil will m twcinv -Itiur
lieills' notice.
M Tiranl, Ihe Pi-em Ii Hi. I
mlssietier for tbe Rliiiiel.'iii'l m
I Sillg 1 1 1 -l part ill 1111 neiessiiv
s.ihl that civil iitlmiuisti'ii en
ills. lS-
in lien
el tlie
en the
territniv ecciipipil bv Frnii-e
left hank of the Itliln uM 1
dlillel taken ever bj- tiuiipi'telii
' nuthelilics,
i Cm cl After .laiiu.ii I
' riii pregi-.ini would he in
mil litter .Imiuury Ll, n t
iievv has a m.'i .ilei iiiiii untu i ,
i I it -.Miilier ami ihe liisi pnviii'i
i lli.inv
I lit) of
i. new
1 the existill'; s, heme of reputation.
, I tiiillnurtl mi I'uee Mnrlern, ( uliiiiiii
New erh. Nev. 'Js, Tr. .nlent
llai'iling has granted a loiuiiiis.ieii a.
miiier m the military lutj-lllgi-m c .mi
slell uf th'' llflici'ls' ReHPive Cmp. te
lrvln S. Cobb, wilier ami autliei as
n icward ler Ins work iu tin World
War ll was nnueiiupcd .vesieiihn
im vel nt Ihki At rnviniiii.i.'
'His i'iik..I'IiU ciihllilliH e( the i:nihiL- ('llli
lie l.eilp r lli't seiii-i t: Ilia Pest liiirs-aliiH tu
b (euml Ii tttui Cura en p8u ;t;i Adi.
War Clouds in Europe
Despite Peace Meeting
Pence hnngs In tlie bnlnnce in
Europe, particularly in the llnl
kans nnd the Nrnr Kast.
Hrent Ilrltnln threatens te break
off diplematic: rplotiens with fJreece
if death sentences Imposed en for
mer (Jreek Cabinet officers hecnusi;
of the dehncle In Asia Miner hip
carried out.
France proposes te seize tlie
llultr district te get reparation
puwni'tit from fiermnny.
Soviet Utiisln nnd Turkey tue
working tegnther at the Lausanne
Venr Kast Peace Conference. Rus
sia has demanded a voice In nil
discussions, which the Allies nre
Inclined te refuse.
O. K. Grier Held Up in Garage
In Heart of Wllkea-Barre
wn.wnen lint night.
The held-Up eieurreil in the lie.'irt of
the 'lty. When accosted, Ur. drier
called for help and was btruck. Pedes
trians hurried te his aid. but were
fired en by his nssnilants, who leaped in
an automobile and escaped
Estimated Les. of $20,000 en Puse
Cloud's Farm
Vrt fliesler. Nm. '' -Jne, be
lleved b the owner te be tl'" work of
mi Inceiidiar. deseei a l.irpp new
sleck barn mi tli" farnt et Pise. Cloud,
i ear t'nleiiv llli- .luueliiin. llii- morning.
..l.l n..ll ..I 1 t C-l,klw,i. I
ijiii ,-"'
Uglily hogs, one lim-se, ji tn nli. two
cows, all the steml crops und fanning
Implements Were lest.
t.irT rurrrsiwndriit Ktrnlns I't.lille l.t-tUrr
( ei tribiir, !.. I'u l-uli, i ; iji r i ui,n'ij
Washingien. N,, "s. -The two
tenfereilecs of Tregi ( ..he., one le le
held here Trlil.n ami Satiirtl.n of tin-
week, nnd tl i her te be In Id m ft ve-
kind en Iitcciuber 11. will tike ,i
strong stand iignnisf the fetm.it en of a
third part Tl cenferei in-
ri.lll.v of uietnbi l-s of the Celiferetl. e for
Political Act. mi whith wns eig.innl
.it fhlcnge last -prmg .-iiiii which ui
inaile up et labor leader., radical farm
orgmilaiieii. and iiih lb-t tuiil liberal..
Within this organisatien the enlv
force whbh fnveis ,i third part is tin tin
fhlt'.ige biher gimip vvhuh c.ipiincil
the f ellllliltti of Tfilv-elglt eeuvell-
iiiiii .it f! I.ai.e n. I'.h'ii ami fun I the
T. inner. Laber Pn-tv liin tin. group
repie-eiils ,i small minei'tv. Lveu ib"
Minnesota an. I li.ikei.i nemheis of i In
feiiteieme ter Pelini.,1 Anion opp.is, epp.is,
l tlmd p.ntv. though SI p. lead w.i
elniid h ili. t ii a. a thiiil-p.iitv inn
tlid.iti in Minnesota ami iltl.eiigh the
Nen-partisan I e.igiii lias ,iin a third
p.iriv In North li.ikei.i .when n Id
imt tapliiie ihe Rcpntd'cmi ptiniin'.
Peliiv anil Tail lis In lie llisiiissiil
Iff tbe-e I vv ililerences te hn hell
I mi' and at "level, in. I, th, tirsi ,,
Washington will have te .In nli th
legtsl.iitve peliev ami l.nin. of tl
Prerri-.s.ves in the ptesim s,.ssen i
t ('llgte.. llllil the spe. l,ii s. ssien will Ii
I is e Ini will fellow it in xt .piiiig
'Ihe Cleveliiml i .nifi lent e will liaw i
i'e with nlnii. et the gieiin. or hi,,, te,
that is what it Is, in 1 '. !' I Tin Cli w -'atlil
i oiilereiii'e will seitl,. tl(. ,pi,s,n
"I the third pmtv lather than ih.
Washington ceiiterem t liefete vtlmh il
ees net preperh ninie. t th.. Cn
age ineeting last spun.. It was m,im
ml te fm in a third p.ntv. but te sup
putt i iinlitbitis in iitht't pailt. in cold
Ills' a. ihev sineii ter piegie..i pri,i.
'lilies'. Th,. poll, j. regarded u- ful v
illstiljcl b.v tln lesitlls of bs rh, ,ii
mid Iheie is no ilinilit thai it will he
. eiitiuiied for I '.'1.' I.
The sitting, st single fa-ler iu the
i enleli'l'i es will he the labor egainn
lielis, espeei.illi (he lallle.ul blelliel
I'oeils willi Wni'leii S. Stene of t'
I.t coilietive Tli'.'llli'i'i., n the oulsliiiul eulsliiiul
mg luuie, Laber N a long wav Ireiu
l Ing cenvimeil ihnl the lime is tlpe
for a labor pint In tins ceuiitiv, ft i
ihnl Is what a thini pattv weuhl tend
te bci'eine
Seme criticism is heaiil of Senater
Continue m rait NlnrtiaTc'eluran Hit
. t
Ex-Government Officials Sen
tenced by Court-Martial
for High Treason
England Withdraws Minister
Frem Athens, Due te
Military Degradation Imposed
en Fermer General and
'! litirtnterl Tr'ni
Tintleit, Nev. I's -The Hreek former
mniisleis ceudimued te death by tlie
mililm- court in Alliens have been
txeeiileil, . n,i an LxeliaBfe Telegraph
dispniib fr-in A'heus this afternoon.
'I he.v were leinleiiiiied for high treason
iu coiiiieciien willi Hi., (inik defeat by
the Tuil.s in Asm Miner
ll wits siiiii.i h, ethelal circles this
afternoon that the innueiliaie wlth
iliawnl of Hie P.ilti. Mini. ter at
Alliens will te.ult fiem tin- ex itieils.
The pri-f i ili-iit of sui-b aciieii liy ihe
Rrlli.h. it was suggisii'd. weuhl jirob jireb
n Id be Ihe break iu diplomatic rela
tion, with Serbia iu Mill", as a result of
the murder of the Sitbiau tn.ijestk-s by
Hurl in the im.mI the RrilNIi tior tier
eiiiiiient malic represt millions against
possible imposition of the ,mlh pen
tence. Londen ilisptitt-bes said the
Rriiish action lint I u generally re-
senietl In Athens and that the recent
full of t In- Zaimls minisit could lit
traciti uire, ti t (he Rriiish stnml. . ;
A iViituil NewH ti,atelt from Alliens
i entini .News illspaich from Athens
sii.vs ihnl the iiiiii't-miiriiHl which has
been hearing treason charges agulllnt
scvt'iiil former fahincl ministers, has
imposed Hie death sentence en jj, foil feil
uarls, M. Protep.ipadakis anil M. Stra Stra
Ires. former Premier; M. Thcotekls,
runner Minister of War: M. Raltiizxls,
who has held pet folios in several cabinets-,
ami Heneral I Iniljam-tl. who ,i
ceimiimiilril the Hi eel, forces iu the rt V
cent tli-bacle in Asia Miner. . "
The illsp.itcb adds that Henpral
Slratices und Admiral Heuda.s were b!H
tenccil te life imprlMiiiiiiPul,
Tine ranging from L'00,1101) te
1. IIIIII. HOI) iliai-IllluiN vveie Imposed en "
the prisoners. Iu mlditleu Heuerats
Slrnilges mul Iliid.iaueslJs mid Ad- ,,
tnlral Hetitl.is were .eiilciiceil te military .
The trial of several former (Ireek
Ministers mid mililm tlit.i Is who
were cli.irgeil Willi high treii.eii us Hie
lesiilt of the arm 's n.eiit defeat i).T
the 'lurks, began en November lit. The
court -marl ml' wa instituted 1 a tie
i u-i- of tlie Revoiutleiiat feininittee
after an Investigation b a special lom lem
mitiee of imiun'.v hml resiiiu'il in a
ii'peii charging tieii.eu.
Teriii'-r King fensiautliie was d
clared exempt from the ehmges en the
gieiiml that In- was net responsible for
anv aits that 1...I te the triumph of the
Tin ki-h Annie Il was decltled that
hi. Minlstcis must bear the full re re
speiisiblltt 'Ihe in en. ed im n wen- pel milted te
li-slit iu their own deli'ii.e.
thei)s, Nev ',v .Ml but two of the
form! r f iibiinl ellit els und in my ef-llei-ils
,c used et Ijlgli tre.i.en in con-
t lien with tin liicck ihli.-icle in Acl.l
Miner have In i ll seuleiii ed te death
l,v tin- iuilii.ir i dim t marC'il that
heard the i barge. .elilcn.e of life
nnpi iseiiin ut nud th gradation wa- im
posed upon Jiiili.il lieiiil.is and Gen
eral Slrnilges,
Officials In Charge of Murder Trial
Frown en Anether Dreyfus Cat
New Vnrb. Nev iltv . P.)
I'e i i. win anv i lluil te make another
I iii'vfii- us, .nil of tin i Im rue of
iniit h-i In niulit against Rebert Ru-cn-lilnili,
tei i,n r I niliil Stales Ann cap
lam I mi.-ii Siai.s Aiieiiiev llnvwnrd
h.i. leinnl nut lit pre.eciiiliin le Iw-e
it hi. a.isi nits s.im.eii Silig and
Abiahnm si ,i ImmIi el the same
tail h as tin- in ' a.. 'I
Re.cnbllllll h.i. I et n i ill. -ted en A '
charge of in mil i ing Maim' Alexander
P. finiikli ii en il iisknts of ftiiiin
l.iwi., Wii.lniigleli. II. toiler 'J.'. 1018.
Mr llnvwni'd .wiiiln-ti .ie.e. utiir. ll
was iimli i .1." d. at the iii.tulite of
tleiii v I ,i-n. i .i I 1 1 nigln-rl v , iis an
.iiisvwr te -1. in in, mi:, b.v t.ilain Jew-i-li
i i gituialieiis
"We ai,. bi.ih Irtish nml proud
"I ii ' siinl Mi .s-olenion leibiy "All
we ale i.'liieiii.il wltii new is the
ipo'slien el turi-ilic'ieii We arc nel
nm i i in 1 1 i' all villi tii- men Is of the
. i-. ,u I his en im it
May Be
Who Confessed
Tried Here
M H I Mill
I lllHil s.l
w i i-sncil In ie today br
( 'iniimissieiii i Mnule.v fee
Ihe ai n -I e Mis Sell.
Iii mill g v he i eiife -i il -ll
I 1 1, i-uiii d i i.niv te Mr-
llcirtl, or
keni a bix
Ames ('ha-
nulls n neiglilini
Mis Itnieril is in th" Reading .mil,
lnte .he in, nlc a . eiift s-ieu W'sterduT.
M , will In ai inigiietl Meiidav in Reini
ing Tie w'lriani was is-ucil here b
ill se Mi. Iti'lild will be tiled in tills
i II , M iliilli led
1 Alfred Lindsay, Who Swindled Nw
Yerk Society Women, Sentenced
Ni'vv uili. " v js (Hv ,. p.)
Mdeil T l.imlsa.v, S.jijIIi Nyack
liiekei "he pieiileil guilt last March
e -i hulling pi nml in nl -ei'letr women
of Niw Neil, ml of rf.'OO.OOU threuab
f,iki -link .elluig scbenich, today was
si'iiti'iici'd te Sinie'K prison ut liftrd
labor from live le ten jt-ure,