K 9m 2K K ! M mvfi :w?ffl83t ;w 1W: W r w w mmf,fm&m' Vy, (.1 J-Viti-U-U PUBLIC LEDttEK JMlLAiJELiJMiA. Alw-UA1'. SOVEMBEK 2, J.U-- 0 ; Mere Open l)y at 9 A. M. Ctei. 8.30 T. M.: All These Goods en Sale Tomorrow :MAI!j OB TIIONK enDI'.flil l'IM.KH IIKM,, VAkNtlT 6300 KI'YSTONK, MAIN 4101 $1.65 Sheets, $1.19 ntaichtd sheet Iiir; free from dress in Wltti center e'imfilse Six JieT ScftitiltM also 72x90. S0c Pillow Cases, ea., 29c nemnants of bleached and un bleacrcd iheetlnir. Msa 4Bx3C. 75c Beliter Cases, ea., S9c of medium welRht bleached sheet int. Bl 72. tit Brelhtra First Fleer, Xerth gt) a-wM d! Women's $1 &) fiAA 1.50 Gloves) vtft Vf.!r!,'Vwr,1t 1ml J0" clmtiield mieda In wlilia mid colors. U nrnthfrw First Fleer. Seuth 4& e Corsets j$2&$3 V. N. and nenre belt In pink ceutll and broche for medium and tout (Inures. Bites SO te 36. Lit Brethers SECOND FLOOll !$2Hto$4Weol Goods, 1'M Null mid finite coat ings, English coatings, bu sleet wcave coating, mixed yarn suitings, hemespuns and ethers. Alt colors. Ne mnil or phene orders; nene te dealers. G4 inches wide. First Fleer, Seuth MaflOrdtfiPmri BATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Pheat Orders FIIM Market I ONE YELLOW TKAUUXU STAMP WITU BigMh EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert 8eventh 3 Answer The Red Cress Rell Call m0A$itfi00lft0ltm,weMl ii-r Give h Dellar and enroll in thej Service of suffering Humanity! hitm Santa! Midgets! Toys! Jelly old Santa is en his deer-step hore te shake hunds Then hurry ever te the every boy and girl. Midjret Circus Sl Mniski, the female midget contortionist Musical Det Bab, the smallest clown in the world Mike and Ike, the tiny twins and n whole Punch and Judy show with fifteen little en tertainers. A Booklet FREE te Every Child! A thousand and ene toys, tee, in ever an acre of space and they all cost less here. mi mother fourth floeh mf0airmfvtiAii0mi0mjA , EndofMenth Values That Worthily Clese Our Anniversary Sale! bW1 THE BEST BARGAINS OF THE ENTIRE MQNTrtl EVERYTHING FOR THANKSGIVING AND .IMPORTANT SAVINGS ON THE CHOICEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS! i$m01ttn&ilmm'ii1$ Men's $28 Big, Warm Overcoats .50 Si fMJmSk oil ft, II 11 I ! r m II 11 II UL Tomorrow All Weel Plaid Backs Bulky Ulsters and Ulsterettes -belted or only half belted with smart raglan or kimono sleeves. Many all-wool overceatings in rich winter tones with plaid backs that harmonize or contrast hand- i semclyl J Alse conservative overcoats in oxford gray with velvet .'cellars equally well tailored. Every size in every group. iii i mi urn ii mi in in ii ii i mm ai ii ii i n ii i.n rt y 10 20 All-Weel Suits, $12.50 Smart models exclusively for young men. Cassimercs, cheviets and tweeds in new brown and prrav herringbones, stripes, plaids, mixtures. 11 II WMIf 1 ! i II MM III l.W . 1 ... m H i l Beys' Warm Sturdy Overcoats Manv medels a'' c'nrs dcnendabln tnileri"ir. $12.50 All-Weel Fabrics $7.89 gray mix- Brown and tart" Sizes S te IS uears. $15 Rich Chinchillas $g.75 Convertible cellars. Sixes 'J te S Beys' Extra-Knicker Suits I i Smart euthful Ner- folks. $11.50 All-Weel' Fabrics Best for long service. Sixes 6 te 17 $g.89 $y $11.50 Streng Corduroy Brown and gray mix tures. Sizes 7 te 17 Second Fleer, 7th St. nil '" m jR $4 Silk I Petticoats $2-98 rintht i u a 1 1 1 y nussillnc In hniait utr.ilKht linn unci ltniim.eil motif N villi pin iciiclIiiK mill small ilalul uillles. riiniiKciilile c rfcets. sixon'e Fuecu: All m ?2Waistst $1.49 Pretty il I in -Itlcs In many xtyleii, I) u t leneil In front or In hack anil iiiiuiitly tailored e r trimined. Tricelette Overbleusei, $2 N' n v y a n d hlnelv. t r I in- inctl -ullh frlnKc.Si:C0Nl) FI.OOU f$225Curtains,pr.,1.49 XettltiRham with .icallened edgc and filet pattern 1 ice. wWfffH Girls' $12 te $18 $nm w Coats T Velour, veldyne j a n a poieione j with fur or cloth cellars; at tractive sports and dressy models. All colors. Sizes 7 te 14. $15 te $20 Dresses," $8.95 Of high-grade all-wool crepes, can ton crepes and velvets. Straight line and blouse effects with contrast ing hand embroidery, novelty cellar nnil cuffs. All colors. Samples. Sizes 8 te 14. Second l'loei 35c te $1.50 Curtain Strips, each, 15c te 69c 10 A. M. Sale Lace and M'rlm rumjded. $1 te $3 Upholsteries, each, 49c te $1.49 Odd poi Here", couch reicru, scurlV ; also dinncry icmnant". $1.50 Luncheon Sets, 98c IS pleivi lunehcen mid " piccu Ii. ulr fnct lulu nP n.mlfclu In t 11 Mt nrntlirrN TII1UI FLOOK $6 Boudoir Lamps Complete $3.98 Heautlful pellriy a&A In nil i.elniii. Parchment HhadiH te match the Mife. haiulsemcly decorated. Snlt- rible for lieilrnqmn or llxlnpr rneniH. Ill llrnlliTi Tlllltl) Kl.t)OK $4.50 Comforts, $3.49 Winter MflRlit: nilhelliiu torr terr ed: hltr ciitten tilling, H' roll Htltcheil. Slrn 72x80. $13.50 BlankeU, pr., $9.98 AINwoel Bleck pMlds In pink, blur, tan, gray and rl-and-hlacK. Abe whlte wool and cotton mix tun' with blue or old rein lirirdrr. md plain Ntei'l ray with pinU 01 hlue imrrteiN Size 72x80. $4.50 Bed Spreads, $2.85 Whlte. neat Mainlines pattirn-t, hemmwl : xWn gri!)0, I.lt llreilirrii Flifct Floei. North 59c New Precess Flop; Coverings, Sq.yd.,39c Twe jardi wide, iloed patterns. Full jelly. SEAMLESS RUGS $30.50 Velvet Rugs, 9x12 ft., S2." $42.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 11.3x12 feet $29.98 S3D.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, U.:ixl2 feet $26.98 $37.50 Velvet feet S29.98 RugH, 8.3x10.6 III ItrDlliiTH rOl'UTH FLOOll Women's $7 ) MM Weel Sweaters) " Butten coat or tuxedo models in fine worsted with pockets and belts. Oosirable colors. I.lt lireilirm HlireNO FI.OOK 2&C w ilMi w f i $3 Corduroy Robes $.98 G r a c e f u 1, long model w i t h l'er hian cellar. In ic ic tery, 'epenhagen and p a n s y. Ne mnil or p hone orders. I.ll llrcithrri M 1.0ml Fleer $1.50 Night Gowns, 85c Secr.il ely at ti.iciHi ft.Nle In lliii llnK' rlc i leth, wild l,u i h and nihienhlei v Iiiht. tien Envelope Chemise 'J Values, $1.39" iJ,50 Values, $1.69 N linviiiilC with i hinlt up or htr.ip .hoiilder, otieci. ir nun i i,th 1 n i , rmbreidi'ry, . .tilliitiu nnil llti V tii lllllli. $1.50 Night Gowns, 85c Kxeellfiil qn.iiiiv fluimelette In Ntrlped rftrdH Unlet trimmed. I.lt llr.illirr. SIX'ONU ri.UOU W 'H h . i I u III .1, I I' l 'I This $350 Dining $ Roem Suite i 198 .50 Ten Pieeei (iO a n d fi6 inch buffet with or with with e u t mirror, china closet, enclosed sorv serv i n g cabinet, oblong or round exten sion table five side chairs and ene arm chair covered in genuine leather. American Walnut or Mahogany in Queen Anne 0jn $375 Dining Roem Suite, $247.50 n...i..i tp... t Snitnei( Italian Period Ten pieces 72-inch buffet, cabinet china cleset, enclosed serving tabl,VobleM MUniien i table-flve slde chairs and ene arm chair MlaMMHi "with tapestry covered seats. Women's $2.25 & $3 Silk Stockings, $1.59 Full faMilened tluead slllc with iiciuare hlKh fcptieil Pelntcx heels; black, whlie and colon. Misses' and Children's $1.25 and $1.50 Ac hi own, blue, Silk Stechings Itlbheil ulUv. l'lacl, pink. Hiul.en jiUis, Women's $1 and $1.76 Vests and Pants, .., 48c Hlgli Kradr, rVireit Mills Bunplni part wool and line cotton. bsUT OT Children's $1.35 SuiU, 79c Waist and Inf. 1,'eavy neecn lined? cotton ribbed: Ferent Mills. Ne MaU r Phene Oritt FilUi 0n Uniifwitr. 1 lit Brethers- First Fleer. Hetithj . r YELLOW TRADING ST5MPS sPf?EE t0000et 0cmiWmj$M I Te Every Purchaser of One Dellar's Werth or Mere ; O Y 1 sT fsal em T f .prips rans. I ."." & I .sn . W- -WW.. WW. WW.. Geed in any Yellow Trading .Stamp Boek, - no matter hew ' imany ether Lxtra Dtamps you already have. All Goods Purchased Tomorrow Will Fie Charged en , December Hill, Payable in January, 1923 sBspagsSfcfwti S1iUvVWwWw3 Hat.i Trimmed Free of Charge $2 -f$ $5 te $8.500.95 1 Mesh Bags) " Surpltn ptnek fiem Whlllnc .t Dulls iiiosnir.eil innUcis of hlKhett rpi.illty n,eih liaKK. Won Wen Won clerCtil ilieln- of hlsm and htl(.M. $27.50 Rectangular WrisT Watches, $19.65 Sapphire Jewel Crown i:tr.i hc.ny U-I.ir.tt whlte keM casen ; fiii(5t lu-Jewel I.utrr nio' nie' mtnts: ultra-cmart thape j hcaii tiftil dial ami numerals). Cuar autcrd for ene cnr. I.lt llriithcm Flrpt Fleer. Seuth $1.50te$4Silks,yd.98c Remnants. Ne mull or phene oi ei dcr lllTcil. Plain and fjm y ii,ic', All eolei.". I I II . .... .1 .. HfaMteMII $3 SperU Satin, $1.69 l.iiftreus i-.itln riul.sh. SipellH Cll Cll er. 40-ltirh, I.lt IJrelliern First Fleer Seuth 3 te H Hats Unt rimmed and d M AA VWMX r w Ready te Wear 9:30 A. M. Sale .9 tlJ t gfi Of I.mji and paeii 'rhct In 1 irse. mrdlimi and MiiaM t.h.ip .1 plain or nhlir(.d. Alse battel's plusli with In aver facMiiKH, band ami bow trim mine. Muck and porno 1 oler. 30 FurTrimmed Coats $ Belivia, velour and mannish mixtures with big pockets, lux urious fur cellars and silk linings. Fashionable shades. euiwi in-(iw ti i i m if si 11 11 11 $16.50 Spert Coats, $12.75 Swagger mannish models, nicely lined. $20 Winter Coats, $15 .Spert- i outings and velour many fur triuuncil, AH unart -hadei and the ma jority lnrd throughout. . $45 Fur-Cellared Coats, $29.75 Of belivia cord and hurdine, In Htraight linu or blouse models, silk lined, and en riched with opossum or caracul cellars. Beautiful $50 Coats, $35 Dressy Style, Allraeliicly Braided High-grade belivia in richest colors, with loe'o sleeve, wilk linings and handsome large fur cellars. li riiHiwMiwti l.it-M l M N !) Women's $40 Suits, $25 Stunning models in tricetine and duvet de laiiu'. Lined with ptatt de cygne and topped with caracul cellar. .....,....,..,.,.. .... n . Fine $40 Coats, $25 licavercttc or black npensum eellar Iiulivia, fcuedinc, .Scotch mixtures and heal plush. All colors; sill; lining.". 4mwI-llw-1M i iw II I .1111 II lll I'll Stunning $40 Frecks, $25 Of Point twill, silk clvet, matelasc, winten crepe. Stuiight, plaited and panel effects. Jcnturing all the very newest lolerings and trimmings. j.. i.i- ..tll. II 'I II III ...II .. 1.... II M .1 ll .tA $15 Cleth Dresses, $10 Jersey, peirct twill, satin-faced ennten and tweed.,. In smart straight-line and sports nndeU. $20 Pretty Frecks, $15 Vehct, Peiict twill, canton cvepu and satin-faced cat ten, manv fctvles attractively trimmed. I.lt nrethT.Si:rijNl FLOOK I.lt llniHierh Fir t Fleer. Xerth j Men's$1.65te$3.50 Brushed Weel Scarfs !f ific A well-known maker's entire stock of . slight imperfections. Best quality pure) wool in camt'1'a-hair color, bufl". tan, bcapr and sinait two-tone striped effects, also oxford and brown mixture". All ha heauly fringed ends. Tlic ery .slight imperfections will in no way harm the wear. $4 te $7 Silk Reefer Scarfs, $2.29 A very special purchase from a hiyh-firnile maker some arc si in lit nceends. Genuine erganziue silk in accoidieu weave---two-tone coleis, black-and-white striped efl'ccts. novelty coleied stripe designs and .laciiuuid, an witn uenici," and hand-tied silk lunge. Beys' 85c to$le"Blmiss749c I' me percale and madras in neat uileied stripe effects, also plain white, khaki and lilue cham bray. Neckband style.-, or with att.uhtd cellars. All with soft culls. Seme slight irn-gulars. Ne mail or phone orders filled. i:F lift Men's $2 and $2.50 "Superior" 1 Union Suits i "Hits nnu eniiK aii'l iikiii. sciunil-i, W and sray; bes-t oettou jarna In i h-ay weisht. Ilinkeu slze tance i lare sizes. Ne mall or phene orileis u 198 I.lt Itrellivrs FIHST llnuli TTII hi' 50c te 75c Fiber Half Hese, 29c f m Lustrous, lilnr plaited i .r en lisle. Se.unle.ss; n f deulilu heel? and tees. Black and colei". S ' Whllr . IM. I if1 i$2 Kitchen Sets, 1.25 i i 49c $150 French t00 7c j S8.50 Cehage Sets,s5.95 1 5eji1 fiinAC I mwmm i' '""'', '",ri'iri "l- r-". with! JCdl wdUCS 1 W I ..( linn Serwi-a for ". J I V '4 '1.A Stunulnsr it -Inch models m leui; nidi-, panel effects. .1 ll mnmm . $500 Hudsen Seal Coats, $350 H a n d some l.'-Inch ntylps with natural skunk. . .1 ..M.I..W.I $225 Northern Seal Coats, $149.75 Full 45 -inch natural skunk or (Itch cellais and cuffs. i. .... 50c Goblets, Fruit Salad Glasses and OCci Sherbets, each . . . . ) wJ j ' ! Kl ii, 1 k " f I' c I II llrnllirrs 1 ill i r $1'25 Writing Paper, 71c ( l.'m n fin. h -I l'K,'et'. . ( koIU keIU ciIkh nrils ami 4s .iiselepu Ml Hrnllirr J'lr-i Fleer Verth yuw I UIIKA0 r.t.Iii ' i I.,.,, -- Aw in II 11 I f I'M-- IP- ami I'' n i i 1 ( i 1 ( r $1.25 and $1.50 Wash Boilers . . . Sllc'i' lntnapHl pli i ""50c Ceal Heds, 29c Hli itinl I - 75c Fleer Polish Mop, 49c I.el C 1 ll.lll'l'i l.il MriilluT. ' iir F'eni M .-. .,.. 1 lels ri te .usuce (Iv1 Creepers & Rompers "" &wjm fX n t rl . .J s.v fk.' " iK-v-i lit I. 1 Sale rharmlnu i i cloth fllHl lop hi le, m i Jackets 1 I.lt 1ir..t ! r- ai i i i 59. rje Women's High & Lew Shoes Actual S3 te SS fireups. $1.95 1 All Hi.es ate here and there is wonderful choos chees ing and taxings in ever, size. Oxford" tan calf, brown kid, blad: calf, black kid and patent colt. Welted seles: Cuban and Tomorrow walkmir hoe's. Alse sample? sizes 1 and I1., I! width inl. 1'iimii" rich Mack satin, black kid and patent mlt. Anstecrats of dress "lip "lip pers. ILind-tuined soles. Uaby Leuis and box luel". HiLrh Silees patent colt, blink calf, n.ac'; l.iJ, tan calf. Alte smart combi nation" with kid and suede tops. Lace and button style-;, l'ull Leuis heels. All size-. Men's $8 and $9 Shoes and Oxfords, $4.85 Genuine tan Ru-si.i ialf. black calf and blaik kid. Kubber heels. lciv see. Misses' and Children's $3 te $3.50 Shoes, $2.29 Nut brown leather in Incu "tIc?. Perforated vamps and tip. Sizes 8'j te 2 Women's $6 te $8 Smart Russia Calf Oxfords, $3.95 Rlaek and tan. Straight r.nd wing tips, plain and perforated lamps. Cuban and walking heel". f. .. .. .. ..... . .. .. .. Yeunrj Women's $5 and $6 Footwear, $3.95 fcliue-) and oferds in annus leathers, nUe smart strap pump". Sizes 2lj te 7 in let. lh llrnilirr, -ll-st Fleer, .Vel th T ! 1 "r i 80c Imported Filled Candies, Pound, 59C 3 i2 Damask! $ Table Setsl .98 I. a pi 1 1 nt.-r aid i I u ill K I t r 7 . ' .', - Bi 7.---J ih '.. ID' I rap 35c te 50c White I Goods, Yard K w i H,l I S ' " Il V . I pi in. ti is I Ii llruihrri. "w 18c Hcid ii'd " fit 's I ill i i $1.75 Cleths, $1.29 llrnistitvliid imd ScrMepcd ti os ' pr 1 me ilan ai', in i i.i l f 1 1" '1 ll 1 illi't $1.25 Damask, yard. 79c ? i i ki nil r i ' ' i 1 i ral ,l I stripe ff . il, w lf l.lt llrnllit-rs I 1 i r er'h .11 nnilhem b'ecead Fleer $1.50 Leather) QQc Vanity BagsfO Heal leather xanity bags; fpveinl new shapes ; nicely lined ; purse and mirrer: wanted colors. IJt Ilrether First Fleer, 8th St, Men's $2.50 te ) $4 Felt Hats J Wanted tlen and colors. All geed fur felU 1 SMbtBaugloiSd-efoivth S S2l S1 . , ,.,. ..... . ... a. ,m .... . . ... ... . . . .. . " 7" ' f r ........ ..- Sheet-Metal Bexes, 22c x Hate Trimmed Frrc of Chargr H'enien's and Misses Wear j 1 $ Zi ...! $7 4Dfh .( P.rrhnK.J l,n. th, Cn. ..i.nl ? I S2 Rruhnr4 Wnel 1 Arte S13 t'nnti. ; Ml 1 I 'yu ",,u - BtA Jiiit Ptrchattd from the Geitrnmrnt 1 i .it in i "i ill .1 p in f. I rlniv Hill hed hM in 1 nl biKi I ilnU liewn llai il ldl iimeriil i iljipf. -' T'.Nl- ."'I1! anil ii' -iT'jxJl h. 1 (I fi t window I v out let -uiihIew lofrluci.ttet" 111 K i a se i ni h ' ' i "i.iKe icn ;it ii'lt s, (i Cotten Shirts, 88c 1' illation O I1 Uhiiki Timi peiKvts Feed Bags, 9c White lanvas, relnfeic il bottom with led ri.ruil. let tle l!e- inn Tt l i.e Waterproof Three-Piece Suits, $1.88 Fii ie i 1 iuiiei ' lii ii 'I pante vi ih blh jutmn r ninl I ai $1.50 Army and Navy Pajama Suits, 88c en (UK flannel Four-Buckle Arctics, $2.88 Ti anspei t Departuimt iirelles, He-s blnnket Hind, doule rtln- reeil sole I $125 Seal Coats, $95 SU i I iiilliir anil i lllfs- Women's 50c Stockings, 29c imulssa, mi rcerUed i black and cor cer cor dewin MI'l nmj. Infants' 25c stockings, 10c White ilMxil i-otleu. Mill lum Sports Hats .... J VO .launtv ion i -i 1 111 IW II. I'OlliM I L'l.l Men's $4 te $6 Shoes, $1.95 fiiinmetnl. tan i . ' i , 1 siiis In let Women's $4 te $6 $1 Pumps and Oxfords . 1 Fateiit colt unil kul i ei i ii Misses' and Children's $2 te $3 Shoes, $1 ii'MPmetal h'lzes fi te . "' "Hull or riitinx Ordrr- I'lllfd en Sulnvey Kentwi'iir $1.75 Sheets, $1.19 W llsll II "US1I , l i!ei Pil'ew Cases, caih 2"ic bfic Helster Casi, ."i.'ic t Ml nret.pl st Fleer and Subway VUlt Oar BMtstrsntBMt t KT.rlblc al Iwett I'rlcri S.t.dIIi tleer el Our New iH&'ilaVvilh nn.l Murh.t HI. $3 Crib Blankets, $1.98 Weel till sb sllli hlnilliiK ?.' '0 I Tots' $1.50 Dresses, 77c JliiKliam.i nnd chambras ret, ; $4 te $6 Corsets, $2 and $3 I' " and lb HKO Hell Kici n i) ui. Men's $1.50 Underwear, 79c I llaiidem inUed I 29c Cretenim, 19c .lu-im-iii aiirncine patterns. sin.'.n ( mil. iie S..' Ml ( e ll "I.1 ' "!U I lru-li I mils !' " s al liri .., s . si', llri'-ii , ":.Mi Sll .'hi lrec, '" i" Mn I ir li lin-i i si.'. Ml A Mi "iill .. ;.' Ml "nils, l.'i. 7 .Ml "Ulrl.. si I1K, ii..0 I vtru-cli' "Uirl, S. "rrRf w.i i"i bai ils 30 i i i "i l c" prun. i ' a It. tmiiii aid h. k d M li'Ut Women's 65c Vests, 39c w llti('I t Icli in K long Mpi fi P cel ir (ird Ml i sir- Children's $1.35 Sleepers, 79c W 1. I )Z Children's $1 Gauntlets, 69c a"' i f i i li il l'r jw n i,i i ai d t l U Men's and Women's $0.98 $4 Umbrellas i L I'uvi" dcd taffi la . Roud-leoK nu hnrdlrs Infants' $2 & $3 Coats, $1.39 10 A. M. Silln On or two of a It'nd lenir or ilieit eeriltini'-, bedfiird cord or c.ishmn ifs up te i Tots' 25c te $2 Garments, 10c te 79c 1 ii etics rempers, ircepcrs bes ! ! i Heuse Dresses 98 li, i.l H' 1 li .- II 41 25c te $2 Undermuslins, 9c te 95c R If WIS lift! r r I I' d I i ion i r . I i ' r 'inpli i 90c Extra-Size Bleemers, 59c -ulped naiiiudctu jfn. i fpTtiB n mTiTi'JtSimmmm S-J H wPrrii'aBil II M II H rt Men's $15 te $18 Suits and Overcoats, $9.98 i hiMets a i 1 i iHr.imereH. Beys' $8.50 Reefers, $3.98 1 i) pi te i . - inlH, chlnelilUaH, rhev. ieij and tab in'ies lt ie " yeura. Bevs' 75c Blouses. 43c -.. . ." - . -. . . ----- , w -w - HiuiH, wn(ifrinuim (inu Mill Kemi, strtjicu prcnle tSlwn H te 1C. Nl "'"" lnuMiiiit imui nr iiiuuu uiuciP. :MT IIBOTHKRH- ; h a v r vi'r'5' ianS - IV pf -1 - 7Jr fcrtT- iiHi'-rNH'ti wnf'TW"' - .- - r. vrr-arTrTTT- i, jt. .-. 'i itr f C- i - -v .., ."a. . j2i,fti&& U'.l-l UUP'Il.I.'H l - I ." 1 i ..tv.i iWCJJ wv. j-r :v' Tciwr .' HMHMM Ali . XV .... - -