mrmmmmrvmimir?,xv!w:VTmws, r 'fllBBSIffiipJ wiii't. kUWs WS 1. lSW ' JpjVWIjf B8r (!!. aHtv fcr.A '.i. LV ;st Bffhlj'Sl I Hi. S( l fMi .4U7!,.i . II mm $m m- m&Hl : I I 8 EVEX1X0 PUBLIC IPGKR PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER L7. 1922 LLOYD GEORGE NOT liiMini: iiilliiciRT Hiul'ipf llie slrildim riiiiti,uiienir,r Hr irn mil wily If tirnit ' urrn In tin Held of literature." Aim AMONG 6 GREATEST fliirnc' it I'inir II IllW I AM llltlllllfl UM lllli'ii in' " ',- " r il ii I I IJtitnln hut tlireiighiiiit the worm mini ne mtsuvis tiie qursiiun m who is nny ether KiipIIhIi-hiiciiIjIus iremi te ; Allbutl by s:i.vinc. "the IrndhiB nicill- VI .1X11111(11 IHMUH'Il PII.V? ihl "Aiiiniis Irnilliic tntcsiiieu he Is a 1 Hums hv himself. hl:ti nbove Lloyd lieerm or iinyhedy. Ill 'irc-tiBC mil : net tlimlnkli." t.enl HcnvcrbroeU he i IncllidcM bwiuse ln Is a mini of Ire , inrndeu. Individual force, nn ideiilist Arneld Bennett Fails te Include, "he has no "limit..-iih a "'"V I;1,!;;. nrtcr or as a jihIru of people and their Fermer Premier in !m",,iVM-" . , , , , ,u ..,, Themas Hardy, he staled, Is one cal limn in tlin whole world, u vrentlvc expert in various branch) of medicine, it (treat scholar and nn mlmtrnble and prolific, writer." L His List thecal UprrJ'si Vi'rntch. Cnrvight. t0!2 ttrnrliitnl from rntillc l.nleer Londen, Nev. J7. Arneld Itennett liaa -ln)"-tv the i arejitrst turn In llv Uulti'd Kingdom. His list fails te in clude Mr. I.lejd ticercn or any of the naval or military Ihm-oe credited willi ninnlnc tlie ar. Mr. I'eiinetf has hit ewji himiilards of siviitni'ss. He warns the imlilt.- Unit tt. 'loes net iiivesurlly ineludi' "poedneM.. ' With Ihls iiri'fnr,' Ins list of the greatest Unions l us t.dlews. llemsird Shim . It. G. Welts. Herbert II. Avien Ii Lord I'l'iivorbrei.k. Themas Hanly Sir fliffenl Allbini. "'f Mnrtnipl Sins i . M i. tVell In' Mil- ' r'H-M ('' ' r i nr.d ui'l rM':' i '! ' ci ' i Petate Salad with Egg Chop hard boiled cpg very fine before mixing with potatee.Tben peer ever the mayonnaise drejing which should be well reasoned with LEA&PERRIHS SAUCE THE OUKMNiU. WOBCCSTlfltMIRE m "'vm I IkiJ ilSiisIlipifipii '"n1.! lu vw wvi '!. v. ,l'ii ?F- llll III' ,.,. , .. . , . ' .'" .' .' " . ' I I TmrZiTi TiT3 H mi-vtv (RON RUST SOAP U MM i fE?5i 10c SOLD BY ALL DRUG 25c UKUttRI AOU U1I UUUUd OIUKEO TiiIk- Tilbfs ' mil m fit a' 3 DO YOU ENJOY YOUR WORK? Bell Telephone Operators arc happv. plcaani-, congenial veunc women. It" vu u anr te lc lc ceme one vt them, there in .in opportunity rmht new. (. emc anJ sec nie a' ln31 Arch Strcer, between fe.30 A. M. and 7 P. M. Miss Stevenson. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. tMynM 1510 CHESTNUT STREET Special Tomorrow y3 OFF! ENTIRE STOCK OF FUR TRIMMED SUITS One-Third Off Ticket Prices Ne Reservations Fermer Prices fif)50 te 149 Fer This Sale QM te QQS? Handsome models in Marleen, Panvelainc, Duvet de Lainc, Veldyne, Broadtail Cleth Furred in yjonkej. Fex, Wolf, Braver, Caracul, Etc. SPECIAL! SMARTEST SUIT & SEASON as pictured 49.50 '1 Jacqueltc of Astra khan cloth with plain or plaid skirt of Trelaine or Velour. A GROUP OF COATS Repriced at S8' & 88' Formerly 89M, 99.50 te 139.50 Luxurious cellars of beaver or squirrel or beautiful mUars and cuffs of wolf, fox or caracul. ' Youthful models in soft pile fabrics. Great Reduction I GROUP OF EVENING GOWNS Special at 8' Reduced from 59.50, 69.50, 79.50 Take: hum rcgula ' "new these charming gewna arc youthfully smart ami arc the one-of-a-kind models adapted from recent import. Their quality makes them crcv mere remarkable at the price. Stere Opens 9 A. M. Stere Closes 5:30 P. M. Eighty Years of Faithful Service Gimbel Brethers MARKET CHESTNUT n EIGHTH NINTH Philadelphia, Monday, Nev. 27, 1922 Greatest Sale of Mali Order Filled tt Sewing Machines Demestic and Other Established Makes Save 23 te 33 And Escape Somewhat Higher Prices That Will Come Next Spring Take advantage of these Savings while quantities last Gimbel Stores sell mere Sewing Machines than any ether ten stores in the United States co-operating directly with the makers of Demestic Sewing Machines the country's foremost I . . '. "',' ''. ' r . i"! ' ill .'' .. ' '' :i-'!--'-i ' . , "- ! .1 CHKjjBfBf $59 Electric Portable, $49 With Westinghouse Moter $10 Allowance for Old Machine quite clearly make. All geed makes are here some are fleer samples, but most of the ma chines are spotlessly new. RSI i $65 Singers $39 Founded in 1865 The Heuse that Heppe built Inaucu'iVvCii the Oie-l'me .system in 1881 C. J.Heppr cV Sen Central Ster I 117-11 10 ChrsMiut St. Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. PIANOLA-PIANO is "a revelation in its perfect tone photography," says Myra Hess Every lever of piano-music should knew pcr&enally the per fection of the DUO-ART. Its fidelity even surpasses the term "tone photography," since there is no reduction in sound-volume. Just us Paderewski, Gabrilewitsch, Buuci, 1 letrnann, Ganz, Grainger nnd all the great pianists play, se h every detail of touch and tone recorded by the DUO-ART Records and reproduced by the DUO-ART Pianola. Piane, without any manipulation whatever. rhe Aeolian Company permits the DUO-ART te be built in only six renowned pianos Steinway, Weber. Steck, Wheelock, Stroud and Aeo lian, all of which we sell. VI Come in and hear ART. the DUO- rrict$$$5up yflMlyjInaHtf Pimm tier '! tJhy fj 1L fjflfir V4 Heppe crnpLyi Service efler.s every possible buying advan advan lie efTcrcd by any oilier store diid, besl of all, you receive a gen uine Victor-Victrela, because wc sell only Victor-Victrelas. Our salesmen cannot urge you te take an inferior make. Hence te buy at Heppe's assures you of the maxi mum of satisfaction. $69 Domestics $55 $63 for $75 Demestic Electric Portable Sewing Machines With Westinghouse Meters We ewe it te the host of lifetime users of the Demestic te keep them up te date hence this present $10 Allowance for Your Old Machine, Regardless of Make or Condition, Toward Buying an Electric Portable no matter hew old it is or buy the $59 Willard Electric Portable at $49 Westinghouse meter same $ 1 0 old machine allowance. $55 White Cabinets, $32 I TT?! $55 Florence Re tary Cabinets, $32; This Sale Makes History We haven't seen such values. Cheese exactly what you need. in Cabintls ictrela Ne. IV, $29.50 ,th ll 10-Inch double face rererdi. ray enlu Sfle icrrUy Victrela Ne. SO, $54.50 With 0 tn.ln'.h double-fare record. ray only tt weefcfi Vietrmlm iV. S0tll9 With 110 worth of !erdf). et$ em i Consoles Victrela Ne. 210, $110 With . ( worth of record. Pay en! weekly Victrela Ne. 280, $210 With ?10 worth of record!. Pay only t!,09 utekly Victrelm Ne. 330, $39 Witb $10 worth of recerdf, ry nly H mtmUt i ... -k: m.,4,..?' ,1 1 1 1 Mill I I'll T iIMM BHkn'ft..rBH Pay 1 $ I t,,i - - - -- - .. j $75 Demestic Cabinets, $59 Weekly V $50 White Machines, $23 " ' I ' ' ' : , l! :" $42 Lesiings at $29 ii ifcfei.'f 4f' Alse en Sale at Big Reductions Slightly-Used Sewing Machines at $21 "Demestic," "Free," "Wheeler & Wilsen" and "Keystone." "v V.'.".':'IV.,.! ! ! 'il'I'.V.' ' !."'i": ' f 'P rr rL? i'i;l'''' O " : r- Ready Tuesday Morning Gimbela, Fourth fleer. $50 New Heme Machinei, $2? ak&rJ, lfc&VVf.a57A.j...klh....a V.1, ..-, ff Ii'.)-'.. aVW.. Alpert. Mt-'fil: iatHiri.iy.iAM j Wf.-f if i-L.: f.fs-.'.;,