mi ' j.fEn""T .' ..si iiKf'fsnws!;'ww U"m wmm it i ' iPi' :!' ii ):" IA. w Til )LVl'NVBi L J5 v'$tf;' UJ J- . J .ii rf: j .. ' t , . fc-ki S f W l, Tt V "&? ictf&fc KSBW( , Mt f'r-f i T i;2 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIliADELPHIA. UfONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1922 Crtgn playa M tnd 5:15 WANAMAKER'S WANAMAfcER'S WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Mostly Cleudy Stere Opens at 0 I Stere Closes at 5:30 Chimfi " - - Debutantes Are Bowing and the Happy Season Is Here When Pretty Clethes Mean Se Much IPfB i Theu, Who Pesest te Be a Judge of Celers Being Blind! Theu, who seest se much of wrong around thee, whose tongue waggeth all day long and everywhere, condemning ethers who have a right as perfect as thine own te conduct their own business as seemeth best,' be gently advised te take a rest and step within thine own doers, and, without chatter, set worthy examples as patterns for thy neighbors, that there llty be peace in the little town of thine own mind for it least a little while. Hark thee te thine own icebound conscience! "There is no geed that is net born of geed." Frem the Mulberry Tree te the Christmas Tree is the route of ninny u (mining length of silk. The loveliest silks in ycatB are fast being cut into dress lengths, unci put into holiday boxes. And the women who will get them v.ill like' them all the bet ter because they ennie from the great Christmas Silk Stere at Wannmaker's (First Fleer) Leng White Kid Gloves Start Their Secial Season made, Signed Snemicr '27, 192 J. Qfamfe w Geed News About Seme Beautiful $150 Women's Coats A fine new let has just ar rived and there are a number of women eager te hear this word. They are coats of deep pile belivla with a sheen resembling silk. The huge cellar and cuffs re of such fashionable furs as Muck fox. dyed squirrel or beaver, depending upon the color of the coat, which may be black, navy, taupe or brown. The sleeves are Raglan style, giving a large armhelc and there is a narrow Strap belt. Added te the warmth of the coating is an interlining and a crepe de chine lining. rirt Fleer) Here Are Women's Coats of Sturdy Furs for the Next Big Game with the opening of opera. This Is one of the things we must go te France for, because no ether country yet makes evening gloves of a fineness and perfection te suit the dainty wemun. Here is' a complete and satisfying assortment, including net only the usual French kid evening gloves, but also the exquisite Reynicr, the most luxurious kid glove and here exclusively. White French kid inousquetaire gloves in 12-button length, $5.50 and $6.50; 16-button length, 7; 20-button length, $8 te $13.50; 24 button length, $15 a pair. White and pearl French suede mousquetaire gloves, in 16-button length, $8; 20-button lrngth, $11.30 a pair. (Main Fleer) The kind of coats which are al lays wanted by women who meter r spend much time in the open sir of the country, and at the same time ere neither heavy nor clumsy, 10 that they can be worn, tee, en the city streets. Raccoon coats vary in length from 30 te 44 inches and prices run from $265 te $400. All arc of the straight loose cut. always of geed silvery color, and often with the skins worked te form borders. Other hardy fur coats arc of natural muskral, at $125; nutria, at $5125 te $500; American opos sum, at $150; Australian opossum coats, $450. (Second Fleer) All Colored Beaded Tunics, $20 te $95 Specially priced, for they are the most beautiful of their kind in chiffon velvet, net, chiffon, georgette and metal cloth. Every one is new this season nd therefore in the latest fash ion for evening gowns. There are ulse all the most desirable colors, gray, bronze, blue, jade, fuchsia, apricot, red, coral, mauve, lilac and se en. (Mala Fleer) Overbleuses of Paisley Printed Silk seem just the right sort te bright en up dark tailored suits. With the coat unfastened they leek like a gay waistcoat; and with the coat off they arc smart nnd pretty enough te appear at luncheon and matinee. New models in cellared jacket styles with short sleeves, $15. Others in slip-ever and collarless styles, with long sleeves, $5.85; with short or three-quarter sleeves, $12.75 and $13.50. Heavier and richer silks, of course, in the three better models. (Third Fleer) Women's Fine Black Patent Leather Tongue Slippers A tiny feet is net se important te any woman as it once was; tQt no normal woman ebiecta te laving her feet appear as small nd dainty as is compatible with amfert. Ne slipper achieves the result la naturnllv nnA annnfnnnnliilv t is, without intention or ef ef ert as a certain fine black nat- Mather tongue slipper with a small strap buttoned across the base of the tongue. The rounded tee, shortened vamp, moderate size and becom ing shape of the tongue, graceful arch and high Spanish heel, all tend te a diminutive effect, with no actual lessening of size. This finely made and hand-turned slip per is priced $16 a pair. A somewhat similar style, with larger tongue and no strap, $14. Thanksgiving Means New Clethes for the Schoolgirl FIRST of all, she will need a smart coat for the foot ball game, metering or perhaps just te wear ever her picltiest frock te the matinee. She may have a geed-looking warm belivia ceut with squirrel cellar, satin lined and also intci lined, in cither" of two style., for $45 each. In brown, reindeer or Sor rento blue, sizes 8 te 14 years. But most of nil, she wants a brand-new dress for the Thanksgiving dance. White Georgette, chilfen, crc)u de chine and Canten crepe, all are prime favorites thi Win ter nnd theie are some charming dresses in these .silks. On the ether hand, there are lovely colored tnffetas the quaintest nnd most de lightful Pompadour silks gorgeous velvets and colored chiffons. Nearly all have a touch of silver in flowers, libben or lace. Tn 6 te 17 years, P28 te $78. (Second I'lner) 100 of the Finest Evening Gowns Drep in Price New $100 te $150 (Pint Fleer) That means a substantial sivinc en every gown. They are among the most beau tiful things of the season metal cloths, metal laces, and glace crepes in exquisite colorings. Silver shot with mamc is one of the prettiest color schemes; (First Fleer) silver with a grayiMi orchid is an other; silver and cornflower blue, geld and cerise, and geld and ivory are ethers. Every gown is unique, and full of grace. Women planning for the social affairs of the season will surely want te sec the colledion. "Isn't One Phonograph as Geed as Anether?" PERTAINLY net! There are inferior phonographs, just as there are inferior musical instruments of ether kinds. And all the advertising in the world won't make such inferior instru ments as geed as better ones. But there are four superb makes of phonographs, en any one of which you can t go wrong The Victreta The Cheney The Brunswick The Senera pHOOSE which of-these four you will, you can have the - assurance that you possess a perfect instrument. The Wanamaker Music Salens is one of the very few places possibly the only one in the city where you may listen te one after the ether of these famous phonographs and make a side-by-side comparison. Ne trying te remem ber from place te place, no going back and forth. Just sit comfortably still and enjoy one after the ether, and make up your mind which you wish. These four and no ethers are here because careful examination has convinced us they are the best, the most certain te give you lasting pleasure and satisfac tion. Each has its own merits. Come in and let us tell you nat they are why, and just hew they differ. Victrelas in every form, from a little table-top size at $25 te a fine period console at $850. , Cheneys in fleer and console models, $100 te $1275. Brunswlcks in every siie and variety. $63 te 1473. jSoneras in equal diversity, $50 te $630. i - . au hi M than m terms convenient te ine p urcasscr. ' .,--,-, (INNI VtMV) , American Lady and Madame Lyra Corsets at Half Medels which we s-hall net re order in these two excellent do mestic corsets, because ether models of the same make are sufficiently similar. Coutil, broche and brocade, some with elastic tops. Topless nnd low-top models are included, and some negligee girdle. New $1 te $:i the majority about half price. Alse u few "stylish stout" cor sets at .$3.50, that were almost three times as much. (Third fleer) CANDLES, burning brightly, are alment as important as the turkey en the Thanksgiving table. Prices are He te 20c each, and the variety ts immense in the Lamp Stere. (Fourth Fleer) Favorite Fleer Lamps Kleer IiiIiIre lamps with flutrd ."ImikI. nrelp. Unified In prprn or mnheRiiny color, utiil itirineunr(l by tins r,lrl Iteninn liimji'i, the ttcttml modern fire, trio light hiiriRltiR below. 1'rlcc, S3: 50. Shuili'n, ?l te MS. (I'uurtli fleer) This Is the Time te Buy Her a Watch That in, if it is te be n Christ mas gift and you want te have it engraved. The assortment of women's wrist watches is at its host new. In fact it is hard te see hew it could be better. All nrc geed' reliable American watcher with the names of well-known Amer ican makers te guarantee them. In plnllntim rnsre, erl wllli illu illu inemlii, S'il.'i In K5IO. Ill 14-lit. keIiI ni,f, MS tn ?I3. In Relil-ltllrd rnftr, SIS te S3.. (Muln fleer) Beautiful Geld-Encrusted Crystal, $7.50 a Piece New shipment bringing a wealth of rich pieces In a new decoration. Finest quality glass with a one and a half inch deep encrusted coin-geld border. There arc checse and cracker dishes, deep fruit bowls, footed fruit competes, orange bowls, 10 inch fruit and salad bowls, footed flower vnsed and ether pieces all made specially for Wanamaker'a. Unusual value at $7."0 each, and particularly appropriate as gifts. (fourth Fleer) These Are the Days When the Roominess of the Tey Stere Begins te Count At ether times one may notice with pleasure the wide aisles, the general roominess and fresh-air atmosphere of the Tey Stere, but from new en, one realizes the real value of them hew greatly they add te the ease and comfort of shoppers and the safety of small but active young sightseers! As for the toys the quality and variety are unexcelled. Men have gene te far lands te gather the funniest, the most instructive, the most interesting toys of the age that chil dren may have the merriest, happiest Christmas, ever. (Wcwnlli Fleer) Nearly Every Man Yeu Meet Knows in His Heart That a Geed Suit Pays It leeks like a suit from the start smart, dignified and up with the season in style. And every man who knows geed clothing knows that in the length and breadth of the land there are none better Jhan Wanamaker suits. There's a leek of difference about them, a tailored-in distinction that ether clothes lack. But the big advantage is in the service they stay geed as long as the cloth holds together. With it all, they are net high priced. There's Wonderful Cheesing at $40 some even lower $30 and $35, while the highest priced of all arc only $55. (Third fleer) 2000 All-Weel Blankets Finest Loomed in America Unsurpassed at $8.50 ' te $40 a Pair The pick and choice of the best blanket mills in the country. White blankets, with colored borders plaid blanket?, blankets in various plain colors Net a thread of cotton, warp or weft, in any one. Standard in size, in weight, in everything that means quality in a blanket. Prices are the lowest bona fide figures quotable for such qualities. If you want part-cotton blankets, they are here and they nrc the bc-t of their kind, but they never get mixed up with the all-wool one?. 2000 of these latter are here new .and hundreds mere coming in all the time and going out as rapidly. (SIMIi deer) Geed Blue Serge at $2 a Yard Seft finish, line twill, all wool, and one of the best dark blues here. A paiticulnrly geed choice for dresses. Full 34 inches wide, which make it the mere exceptional for the yard. (firm Meer) Lounging Gowns for Men Take Many Ferms and Fabrics (In the Londen Shep) Out-of-the-erdinaiy - Gifts Frem Antiques A LITTLE old copper luster cider jug, $.15. An old painted-top mirror, $10 up. A hand-woven wool coverlet or "Germantown spread," with the date interwoven, $30. A piece of old Pennsylvania pottery, such as a brew n jug for flower, or an old "Mipware" plate, i'l up. A gayly hand-painted tin tray for sandwiches, $3 up. An old brass candlestnnd with snuffers, j8 up. A bit of quaint French peas ant pottery inkwell, font, bat ter jug, creamer, flower holder nnd se en $1.73 up. An old New England hooked tug, from ?lt) up. One of the u-eful brass warm ing pnni of ether days, $20. Old pictuies from a print at $5 te a fine antique oil paintins at $300. A bit of soft color for the mantel shelf in the .-hape of an early Pennsylvania glass bottle, from $.1.50 up. An antique filet or old hand woven linen siarf, and many ether such inteje.sting -mail objects, beside-, delightful piece. of out-of-the-ordinary old furni ture. (I'irtli I'lner I All are imported, selected from the best that could b found the whole world ever and men show a liking for them plainly enough. There nrc wool gowns in soft, attractive solid colors with the roll cellars and turn-back cuffs in a contrasting color and gayly colored braid running along the edges. Others are even plainer but equally beautiful. Priced $25 te $85. Silk gowns start with almost somber affairs and grew te be as gay and colorful as a rose festival. Priced $20 and $40. Terry cloth, loe, the imported kind, is well liked by men and some unusually geed gowns are priced $16.50 te $30. (The (.nllrr)) There Are Lets of Geed -Leeking Hats, but Net Anether Lincoln-Bennett Hardly a man can tell h. but (here's a leek of diflereure about the hat from Londen that can't help but be "felt." Exery ether man .sees it tee. Perhaps it's Ihe a the brim is rolled and curved, perhaps the rippling fullness of the crown, per haps it's the different "tones" soft grays, and brown-, and tana. But nn matter what it is, there's a smartness that wins men's ejcii and the new Lincoln-Bennett her hae the marks of Piccadilly every hrre. Priced $8.50. I Muln Heur) Cordovan Oxfords Always Will Be Right for Men te Wear Men's New Pigskin Luggage at New Lew Prices Every new -tjle finds expression in curdeMin and the tough service-ablenes- and 'UT-polished appear ance keep it popular. Seme of the newest oerdotan oxford- are made in the last that is somewhere between the English and the brogue with a little of th earmarks of each. Full and comfortable, marked I with fine saw -teeth edging and tiny perforations just en the tip. Priced $10. I Muln fleer) Lu-ii when the cost was at its hichu-t, men paid it gladly in order te get a leather traveling bag that , would outwear any ether. J New a new shipment has come at materially lower prices. Fer example, geed big roomy Oxford i i. Main Fleer) bags, splendidly maue with heavy leather linings, an new from $27.50 for one of IS inches up te $00 for n 28-inch kit bag as large as a young trunk. Like many ether geed t lungs in the Luggage Stere, siuh pigskin bacrs are only at Wana.naker'. Men's Tape Handkerchiefs Are Always Geed Gifts The are all Trench, which means ' priced $2.23. $2-50 nnd $2.75 each. that the are of a finer tpialitj I 'Hhers Iibvc hand-rolled hems which linen and beautifully made. arc a wee bit daintier, at $3 aid Seme with hemstitched hems arc ' $3.."l) each. (Muin Meer) Cozy Coats and Hats for Wee Children Ever s.e ninny children will be going te see Grandmother en Thanksgiving Day and ever se many Mothers will want precisely these pretty little coats and caps for them te wear. Made of chinchilla cloth, broad cloth, vcleur, belivia nnd various soft coatings, they are in the de lightfulest of soft Winter colors, and frequently trimmed with fur. Sizes arc two te six years. Prices run front $9 for a chin chilla coat-and-cap bet te $05 for m French set' of-brown vcleur( (Tftlrd Fleer) -. v New the Kitchen Steps Ferth Inte Full Importance What steaming:, savory things are going- te be prepared this week. What a Thanksgiving hustle and bustle in kitchen and pantry! Cakes te be baked, turkeys te be stalled, pumpkin pies and mince pies, cookies and era nberry jellies te be prepared. Self-Basting Turkey Roasters Are a Great Help Oval-shaped roasters aire scientifically built te retain all the juices and flavor of the bird. Eight-pound size in blue enamel, $2.50; in white enamel, $;!.2."; in aluminum, $5, Sixteen-pound size in blue enamel, .S3; in aluminum, Sti. Carving Sets of stainless steel, consist of a knife, fork nnd steel with white ivoreid handles, $0.23. With staK handles, silver mounted, $10. Other curving sets, $,'i.7.r te $17.50. Poultry or game shears, $2. Kitchen Aids Stainless steel grapefruit knives with curved double edged blades, TiOe. Individual fruit Knives of stainless steel, with white ivoreid handles, 65c. Bread stick pans of iron, $1.35; of aluminum, $2.40. Cranberry jelly moulds, round, (luted and in fancy shapes, 20c te $1.25. Set of u dozen individual moulds, 60c. ' lvrex pie plates in nickel holders, $2.75 te $3.75; with aluminum pans, $2.50. Nut sets, u cracker and six picks, 35c. Nut bowls, with picks und crackers, $3 te $6. (Fourth Fleer) ff 74 1 i i x 31 i . fi&l V-ij -Vfl.-J ,&& - . ?t f,v,V. ,