: : irx vmjma'wuLrriiK.nimji3tw tmtwwmwmwwmmmy' i&W v VnV- , m GU&y 4V EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1922 g& v',;, - cliw' ' '' n . ( Jrr K&: im m -ar -. , - . . . . -- - - i . -- -r- "W- ; M ik mux unnv h u'x nu ji j vri ivxhx um h - - VJ Jl J. V-X V- Jl . - JL. . AJ J. , a jC a i aS JL v. c - -l f, JL 4 A. M j K-f J JL JL V- x i - JL v. v- 'f ft ii OF HER OINE NAMED AFTER HER IN "ARIZONA" rww w:" itj'lfc W. Ci ft e tVeman PFhe Didn't Knezv What Fear IV as Puts True Story of JVest Inte Boek BROKE WHIP ON FACE OF STEER AND SIVORE Daughter of General Famous in Indian JVars Married Sen of Cattle King T YV0NPEI5, ma'am, :f you would be se kind as te let me sleep in your luirkhei, i for the .night?" It wii. unct in Arizona. The peaks that werv tuine,l with the vio let P'vi orange of ceuntle.-s ethor setting stirs teod (.'it in gauntness flirai'i.i the k. The man was gaunt, tee. a he ' en the j.-.th in fient hi the 1 iu-hen ''oer of t! c little lanch house. Th" v.-man he wa only -i sl.p of a girl looked back at him. Then her eye- wandered -lowly te his hand. There were two lingers missing. Through tv.e fading light of the ramie- du-k wa stealing. Th moun tains .-teod out in their tieim-iideus line'.iness. Fer all of the: -i -nee there mivht have been no town?, no citie.- in tht world. A- i: ',u, the ncaret neighbor was thirty-tive miles away. birdie Hoeker r:ucd her eyes flewly from the man's maimed ha'id ' te hi waitini; eyes. With him she traded a lenpr. even dance. ' Then -he answered: "Why, yes, of course, you may Btay. Come n,rht in new for sup per." The ether day last Saturday te be exact .Mrs. Ferrestine C. Hoeker sat in the livinjr room of the home of her cousin. Mr-. E. E. Meyer, in Chestnut Hill, and reached back threuch th. years for this lit tle piece of t:ue story. "The man," she continued, "was Thiee-Finpered Jack,' a notoriou netoriou noteriou bandit of the Wen. 1 knew it a een as I spied hi.- hand and I was all alone with my husband and the babies up at the bijr ranch house. But I let him stay. Why net? He was a very proper sort of cuet He helped set supper and then washed the di-he and insisted en ' poking aieund te put them in their proper placts. He slept m the Iunkheue tHat nijrht, a" he suit Rested, and the next mernim; when I came into the kitchen he had the bacon all cut, biscuit- in the even,' and his only apelutry wa- that he couldn't cook the eirjj- because he didn't knew hew I liked them." Three month- later, Mr. Ilookc Ileokc Iloekc added, her treat Ionian bandit was shot and killed in hi .pectacu!ar attempt te held up the Southern Pa cific. "Weren't you afraid te have te bave a man like that around?" wa the question that filkd in the pau-e following this rather amazinc dec laration. The -mart-loekmtr wen-.i'i "i tre blue poiiet twill die-- leai e 1 hii '-. reflectively. She -nfik he- head "De you knew," -he aid impul sively, "1 neer kne.v wliat fear was all threutrh the years until 1 c.ime back te civilization? I have yene out en all-night leund-ups with the cowboys I have ndden the un broken trails with only an old col ored soldier for my trunk-. I've broken a whip ever the fi.ee of a steer. 1 cried that time bevau'-e I was mad." A su;! beaut' ful pair e" brown eyes laughed at the memory. Known as Heroine in Play "Arizona" "Hut I wih neei atraid until I came back t the hcait of civilisa civilisa teon." It is a little bit diilicult te br-trin te identit Mr. l'erestine Heeher, no many aie I -r claims te faire. She i- perhap- be-t known a- tne young yirl of the We it whom Augu-Uis Theii'.i-, the pla. wright, adopted for 1 i- lurnme, Ilenua Canby, m 'n- pl.iv Arizona.' As such her tuuiie ha- at some time or ether sitippel nimbly et" the tongues of half the population of the United S'tati" Hut if Mi. Themas crammed two tense- heu'-s of ;:::::lElill!MW1l-- y I - It- ?g i:&BMBBttiL tmr- BvH em pi. &w x-Ksm .ikF- T k. VJBB " BBBBi I l fir;r - " w 9s5BF 'Hi "" I t ' 9Bx BBBBft 1 1 E l ' R ? j-iy 'c ' SliB 'v'" .'..rHK ir aK mm U F v . lB jH&CL. ffl II mm- ? ; - Jv JHBB.ifWwftts ,yyBBBBBJBBBfcf1flte,- .s3i iiMgii W. Ijft vT-. S li 1 !MWWa. ?1tTli H vl VRbr .Sb3II AJP It yia3J tPBiiBm t F LJm . ;-'bb& bWkMK ll " "-"" B HbW 3H 7dBBsyyflBteMBr kHHbm 8aHBni& ! A M vBBiiiBiiiBaiiiie niiiiiiiwk ...ViMi ii nil i wwtMiiiiapiiiiMBBBKwaaaw'aji inn3?'-KaaiiiMBaaai.' rs " - v- W (BBBBBBaSBaSB3N ,BBBBBBWB7BBHHiMrlBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBHitii 5 XX. " iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJlKCV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJfBBP aBBBWBBBBBBBmiMBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi.li fcL ', nL 'iiL Ji IBlBl'T "nii'ipl BBjl IV I 'W'M"f IIBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBJII'iTIi v;S XtlBBBElBPK BBBBBBlBBr,glfeB?iaSiaBJaLiyBLlLMIPJL.U W If .xjlBB9BBBBBHHBK'!' BBBBBBf'iriPgTRKBWJlIBBBKitK J ivBBBBflBBSBffif 'BBBfVBBvBwgfttmSffvtfHBIsllBBwlliltVTi s 1 1'i'e "Henita jslRw JiPkBIm fifn 'nMiifrnnlBBMBM l-lilFmMl5HBmi 1 ' gaSSs -g liPirj i WKaHSi Themas' -f , , , JBH ' WKHfUr -jM 'll Pi llllmiffi i3 'LlS!SlBfflBB5ltwiSHl!F r wlKwffiBsS'w sB Ma m mm , III 'MMIlfc I In liiiHiiiiii " rr 11 .a;..u B.3J KsBSBlBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfiJbU' IF," vhvSp-vi-y'!' ''.e. :X ;):v;mSC Ml af i?J SieM i'f--';5y,?ir v K(1BBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBKa9BnBBBBBBBBBBVfi y.-f'AA''ty.5??r'?;F'1'Vf- SeiSmam S ; il i HBBMBBflBBBMB9BHI ' tMMmWMB m r RBBBBBK9BlSiMif istmMMMimmmmM ' ., I MSSilH5BfSBSIimJBaBBBBBBBMBBBBBaMS8!BBHBBrL -fF'jeSre ' . . nHBf'BBHBBHBBHmmF ;, . - wf j i . & -amsmmsk uMKmwamaKmm:':''Mmf'i&' "&;." &4&$s$&. . :si?cssfie ? tf5RFS. MhMSliSBBBllBBfiSKIA- ' . asasP4JfirO?jJg p . . V??? i , vfwi&- .S f i jnflft 4. -i- sir;. sbw mmiM -r.SJ-5iT.'jCi"y"-v'V.'; r-i. il.- r - - i-i.m"i - - -- t - . .- . '.,;S.S 1'-w:-;;...? '. , .''A'TT'.i'WleMfi'in... ' "iM'n-imim t-. i .-SHISSIHKMk.. mf I .S, . ynjwwSSKBBSW 1 tA Vl'W) -4 JIrs- I'errcstinc C. Hoeker at the home of her cousin in Chestnut Hill iMWmWE- nS&3tBk.aSRKJ&.I - . 5KiaHrii iftww'S'iSiHi z- - MsmsmssMmSKaMBm w .MP;;lrfcaRlBBBBf fBBBjBKSr;C.Uii.? Mt. HPIPWHb s' " t jt'f TiMbb1bbW h 1 5KBife. ' 7y I . JUL'. JbWSSiBi 1 " f Cs 4. -'.'' ' i " - . ?"iV ' j -Ui-S'J'ZS f r'SSSBBHBBBBBBRr5tlw' - . ..MiiHMmiilBBBlM i NSS 8W?i iS? ' A Mene en theNeada ranch where Mrs. Hoeker SW '""fefe CBBwirSiaBBWHK K iT'' j I'wiIp mid Hinli.. iiikI l.er bttl.. bl..tli.'1'l I ,,. I.," ..linn tli.it i. pip.i. . .!? I'k m 1 TMs'im.Vh.'r'nt1 't'l.V'plnVa- I'.IiV'lier linlV " I i 'n '-'''t'l''lall- I iis., t , i 3&. .tMJTOi8KyMBBBlBBr i'i-, sSSbv, mmf """" te i.xi uii.i-r hiift.ii. p. I..-. tii ti. .in iih .in- i.n.bp,,,,,;. . zmM&JWsSmwMJKSKMK I - "jKfe-V fSK nu-lit -in.l- et 'I. .i- lii.l..,l without. I-. -.'.li.-r. Mi.-lin.-l I'ii.j.iii W . ""FvH i " Ail; f&Ki v. S MJMlttiiW' lh.ir M,.Mihii.B i.ih..1 wif ami miiu''. - mil. s Hn.,1.1, I . OQ I 'Hffll5l5E?9 .wr SSiffli '"'," "' vW- tli..iijsli. iim.I new iil.le 'I twit ih th.. tun.. , p. r- 1 ySmBKKK SSSwg-?' .ja.7"iiV iyWii-iriHatM 1 v... ,,1. .... ......i...,. k,,,. M1,11ir.nv from t him t., i i. miii.nt mum, n ,,, l iTi. ?. .WLka,SaAai!ffi?t9' BBBBBBBBBBBBV. a . - 7 '..ri." .,! jas.v5.' rrAi i..r 'ftmm mx,-mKimmL. vjxrk(Av- -hihi I Iiin 11 in in' 1.. ..11 ...I 1... ;'V:r ;iV-TiAW BBVHKVBVBVBVBVBVk1 "" ' ".., ..ii.Ni.inM.il. tl,..i si 1,-1 WSMfwiPS V BBBWM ,',- ; ''' 'I- J-' . JPSINSRW rernnt bTsbTbTbI1! mar.es her i.-in!l,-l lierrnTi..-: ... .'" '"'' "'", ,"""" '"".'" iWY4&5&irj&iiiWn ......... '... B1BBBBB&... "- - "li.-ll tin- mi - I.-im H.v liiV?KWV-?rW iniuiugr.i m BBBBBBK'V ' I .,11 UMloeli.-n tn.il-. i,ii.-li.n-,- .1 fxifcWWt C -f-W&t'lSSSsi nf BBBH'V 1. . .1... -1.1,. ..f 11 .1..K-I...III..I ..",.r ffMWtkimmMm . bbbB' l.. 11... .iiimi.i ... l.iui. .,.,.1 n.i - "'iW' WITO Mrs- BYBYBTBYBWi '.',; - ' -"" f-'""" '" " ' ,;i t-t,; 'r -nl $Wm$M$m l,oekcr IK I'll'MftWEiaiMiBBlBIBi simple walls, nn.l he wre Oentrnl M mm A. Mlle, Cenernl Crrtnlr .... -1. ether nelnblrs. It nng from ,, . tlmt Mr. Themas walled for hS Z bound train after vinttlng Fert Gfi i and the Hoeker raneh for dntu fn- ! piny. qT w The cabin had ethr claim te !, n well. Te It also came caltltrnt. from ether Stuten, rnneher cowbej nml many who later were InvelreJ't! i-nttle riiHtlinjf hold-iipe. iun deed, was the center of the necend prt of Hlrdle 1'oeper'n life, mitchlu In thrills thext yt-nrn of the nrnt prt As young Hoeker win official catti liiHppctur nt Wiltcex nn.l the front wen of the bunUHlew weh tlin efflee, Mm Hoeker iiHHintfd in all hin effielnl witli and mibml the experience nml werkln knevirdgp thnt a little Inter eneew! aged the United States Oevernment le' dub her tin its only efflclnl woman Ctt. tic Inspector. ,. Arizona the Inst great stand of tl bud nntn of the Wext 1 It was Klsnlflcnnt te sit In the qtikt and "effete" civilization of CliMtnnt Hill mid listen te Mrs. Hoeker's lm. predien of him. "The knickers of the girls of tefa wouldn't go fur with him," the n. marked. "One thing that the stippeirflj wild man of the West required nf fci. women was thnt they be womanly. I Intvp yet te ride n herce nitride. I ni( nil ever the ilnlns of the West but I inde side-saddle, ami I never vis thrown! I didn't wenr knickers, jtirt 1 aklrt. "I never heard a cowboy swear til. til one day I get mad nt a steer ul mere myself. It was one time wifn we were from five in the morning until eleven at night trying te round up a htti nf i-nttle. 1 wns concentrating my it. tent Ien 1111 one particular steer. H( seemed te knew what I was trying te de. He'd wink his eve at tne ami M.i , his tuil and then shy off sidcwlse. It made me no innil I broke the handle el tnv whip siiihiiing him ever the htt Then I cited through sheer vexation "Mr. Hoeker sold. 'Crrin .', ' 1...1.. . v " , iiviii. 1 "I answered. 'Well, maybe swurf.. will.' "And it did. I assembled all the Wis words I had ever heard or lmnslnul ..j I de you knew that steer respected Be and mine like n lamb or nlmnni l.v. a lamb. After that I said te the bon. .I.. ... 1 1 .. . .. 1 in, iuiuuu. uun, you can t uanaie em iimess jeu swear. "That llinlit I hail til rlrle h.nl, 1. 1 llir- ranch for heln. It wns a H.rV 1 eiildn t see my horse's enrs and with, out knowing it I lest the trail. But lli.v netiv Would have nm.p nf m l.ji J rectiicss. 11,. fought my rein until U .nil- . uinui.-Hiiiii 1 wns net reIbi tln right way. That was when I alew liiinipeil Inte the bnrndoer and reallied tliat. lifl.tii'L'. In. Ii.'hI iirnnviif ,r, .-?.: 1 henw." "" c """" The music which "Benlta" made out tfiesi. wild Westrrn mni. . . .1 ---- inicn tUBl iieii.Ii the pattern of her rugged lilt like a fine geld thread. Time mid t lm ac.-iln with a loving fondness in hr eIm- sln referred te It. f..e it... .!., j... ., . ....... .....,,.-,, juiriiu-iiiij- nevenn and dern woman, smiled. Then lit Mini, jiKM.ii ; nome day I'm going te cct a horse and a gun and I'm gelii I ll!li.k I1 Since she left the West she has de extensive social service work. As m ' retary-mnmiger of the humane secIHj 11 i..ra iijgcica in a suen space Ot UOM ISenitu ( ,it. by a iiuuli, tins 111 c uiipiit i-en the real (llama aieund hi hi heieine itaughte- of cutT's al.ne-t tame with the life diiinia Benita. Thing-, began calmly eneugn for her, it is true. She starti-d by being born in 1'nil.idelphia. Hut event began te happen ery sheitl,. At the age of one yeai, as the , laugh ter of a famem father, Krigadmr CiCtienil t'. I., t'oepei, .-he was le.ua ing te walk in the tender caie of an old colored soldier at Feit Sill, In dian Territory. At six she was play ing with Indian children. At seven-, books. '1 he nineli era.- of t'u- Unt'.l Statis Aim., Aim., Merve the hai-K of -.he Indian b. -l'"n. I tern the broken wit.dew- of a !jg cabin whei walls -we 1 .1:1. r. with nc'-ii ' he 'va h. d .t .1 '. The yeai tut f panned b. fore and came afu ru 1 1 h w touches of a '.uldi'inpei .:' lif !ar stranger than tic ion. "Hirdic Cooper nf the T -.th" 1 un cd t! son () a cattle king. A 1'- -w;V, -he Mule t' e rariire- with t-. r ,-v-l'-y- and "a- a paitrer wt 1 h'-r liushaii'i ir. ' . rnanaeini" ' f 'h.-n 111 teen lanche.- and loe.O.Ji. Lead f cattb. .She hoi. is the ditinctin of having been the only erlicia! cattle inljeiter tin. L'nite-1 States has eer known. Thus her steiy gees with its en'lles thrill-. It eenis alme-t imit,ible that with hrr tv .1 c'lildun, new grown up ill' I maiTlid, aid rit-elf the granuiiietlK" of a little be 01 ten, .Mrs. Hoeker final!, should dei ide te write the fulln?s- of her life into 1 - .i.l.n , . ... 1- i". -ll" h...l ' i. I 1 lier- " I .! 1 1 (tl M'r,e e t f 1 oefs. She 1 .ir.e i, W.i-hingten. Experts Seme Day te Hide Leiifj Trail Ayain she ie I 1 M'.l -Mill 1. I.- , . lui). -.i. . ,i 11. 2 room m , . ' I in .".in!; te p-t 1 -' .1 ". 'I I .11 -iiu te !'! .i tl ... 1., 1 I- .- hard te 1. , ,. -I,, r Mr lb. it., r'j uirs 11- II r.' 1 1 , y ,, t,r 'I '11I1 ..I "IIeiiIiii He k r n! tl... .- 1 , i Iteiiitit ran. li I'" it erg. . A 1 . 1 .nii-l.i',1 1 .- .- i'.-i ir..iuu. ! 1 . ii. un- t. lii " 1 - ,. ! .I -..it . 1 , '.. 1 m 111 tier 1- -h. iwll nt. I I.is 01 mmh m 1 .. 11 ..ml , m-h , . . unmiinlii. 1 , 1 ! Ii. r fnth. r' I ..f .Mere "I'.' Iln'l ll it til. met n .. - .. lent. Ii a ni 11 ii-nt en the nlieii pliilns, iier Sin. Antonie, Texas, for install. .-, tl.it in ...;:. Clark, tin Neire Mildler wlie tju.-hi her te walk, it-d her nvvn ,,1,. I . r luetlier's lite vvll'll lll.'V v.'li' .neli., mi. I ,it l,e luerev I M 'r men. Ilfte.'ll .1 "Tin. lentil. ,,. ,, -, i ll..l.l,ll" )l I .-. I 1. 11 -- ll . 1 l.ren "l . 1 11 1 M Tiiilii 1 - I ,, ei'e I'lnrlt looked iiit .iif. uillv for tu, ( i(l On- piiilli-tlliir I it-lil lutein wliite eav llllMliell wen- I. ll,. (liirce of m And that is the "H.,mf." of "'""r- "'" "' "''"' ''" '"a"' Tem mm uiui is lilt nelllt.i el 1 ..,,., rln, ,, ... .,,.,.,.. tu, ,.t tccn she wus no longer playing with today a prominent woman nmelist. nightfall 'uum m f.tther dKeevred ih them because her father was in tlie ' A beautiful woman still, v.itii the ' " I1. w "'"" "l"' "".r w'' Milnnblf thick of lighting theM-ied men in the undei .standing one gets f.e.n luing nTliem. nn'lief of i,'" Til'Mnih"'! lust great t'liiracluiai-luia Apuchc in open spaces dwilling ir. Iier biewn -inml lie- iinp.-fMnn. of u muni t. nee iitlirnnk. It wns ill thnt 1'nmniiK nvn. Shi. lives. Imii-mer. In r nn lit'l" '.""""f wi 1 will lillxe te w .-... -- - - .-- - , i" .. ...i.., ..,,,, ....... ..!.... , e.... Bipuign where Majer General , spaces no longer. The cycle of life ,. Veu life feed en this vreu nd ether BUnch yeunjf men hs brought her ba,ck. te houses built I wagon. Ii,.,.. ...f MV. .. .!.. . ber anrf Inli.m.nl. !.. . ee.ei.u . ...,.er uien iiriini i.nin, ni Jr ' "- i .- -r-""-"' "'"Muauiuur eivmiueu, leaving UU yeui wile nil,) liirdie nnd ber little liletli.'l' iti'l - -tt in tie uire of I'ni.tte Cl.'il.. This mother et the plain- put her litib eiie te led under lmfi.iln inli-. The nu'lit .ind- et 'l..i- howled without. Veir Men thing -. em. .1 Mil'., and miii; v itluu, 11,1 .eili...h went te sleep. I'.irdu w.i -ix. tlinllgll. un, I new utile '.I liuill.ell eailv. 'I'll.- -ll" did wli.'ti -lie .r hfr nietli.-r -tn- -ni.Ulenly from her warm little ImmIj Then -he -11 w Iiit craw litis nere-s il.e rutin, trains te shield all her el.ll- in 111 etn-e vith her two am.-. In i. feiid -he liuud tin- mother calling in l.'infied lierrn'iie ; "Clr.rti, ('kirk, are we in danger wltii them'-" "Net i.s lens 11- I'm ilive. Mis. Coepu-," e'.me li.ti k tlie dnrl-ni-'v.i. Then lire eiitei.-d the -eldier's . ... ..I'll I . I I Ml 1 1 tn till 1 ii iii 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 m 11111 in i 111 .1... ,.,.r ,l ,,,,. , 1,111,1 of "'.... uhen Jl WHS n-,,,eh , , ... ' - 1 I- te (;et a. in , it w.i- ,- The' lift, en white cM.iliwnen. drunk "" " "i .""'r' ' '!', ',"," ' new-,,, ,l,etr ,.,.-. .filiei, .emnia, r. ..' ,,', 'J 'J'' ' ' "t ' wen- III ill.: siege te 111"- tent. , 1 , . ... -',,.,i tli n. v... The ..ill Texas plains ..,,...,, shnipy ! ,', .'.Vte he ' l.elu in " nWr u, wi Ii 11 1 lipid exchange of -h-.ts. 1 m , ,. (,1(, ell(,r ,,,,. A, m,,ti,..r bull, t, pnssi.l lhre.ii.-h ll.e teji of the , , x , r ial.li oil weie In the I. 1 t. -t. tie N.grn -.Idler wen. thmigli. .. ,, ,,,. ,,is jierferm in. ", we wu, II- w.i- i.ihtr. An lieur Liter he Hint ,.,,,. , Uls(. f,. wear." Mis. Cooper weie tlllg I he diiuiken 1 ,, a i,,,,- ,,s ,,f (.,,.,,, j.,,,. -eldieis v 1th fcU lopes. in , nnill lei able III1XI1 tv . n.,e 11 in The weie -..il te the Kedeial t1 ' .in of tlds hupp) little luilit.uv prison ill ilie ineriiiii.' ntt.'i in) fathiy's fu. , i 1.. n the latin r wu- l..-i 1. 1 renin.,' .Mi. Hoeker said. I1' ' I'lied of time 011 iln- d -.-it It I saw lienice Clark tlie inst timejw,, nn.-ar) te ent the thienis , f I wns in California If,. ,H out there "'-, - t moisten the I J,s el ll.e inn. ill the Soldiers' Heme in Saw tell. It j I.WI una Tlmiir 1II..11 fill itlut n linn 1 ueilt in l-.r. lit,,, t .l,.V...l ..II ll... inul I ' ."" ' "I- ClllltL-l'll (euld cut nnd put Hie,,, m ,H dear II ' V.'m'i.m. .i!i in.i 1 n i MIL. I titl. I I, I . . ti nc fill V I (IT " in- I ' . IU"M. I IVII1 14 I 111 I L 1 l 1 1 I ," " I,., , . 1 1.1,,.. i. I I , t . i it i ... t , i , , , "'i uii'i imii in hi n i i ' i- Mrs. I...I Ii...m. but tlmt I wanted te Ji.i) , , , MOW, ' f(1, , , ...I1-.-..I, luhute le I. liuiig one. ( ,. . ,, ....., .,. .,..., .,..,. "I tan un him new walking dnwti i -I , u.,s t-eut Link te I'liiLidelpiilu te lie I he read with his loses, his toothless edu. u., ,im Hpent several lenm in Si mouth grinning nnd his white hair .b ili - Ai-ndeniy In I'li.-sinut Hill. Ii grilled under tils Mmbby old hat. was 1 1 , t long after hhe letuiucl te the .Mrs. Hoeker did net sppnk for a ,-t that she met jeung Iloekei. moment. When slin loekid buck again w li..- father wan ihn great rattle king her eyes were shining nnd wet. of Arlnna, and was nianled te Ii lm. "I'apii was in rrininiiind of the cam- I' was an jeung .Ml-. Heeper m pnlgii wnge, aruiiiiil Fert iSranf." 1V" Mint liispl.iiileu was fuiui-lied Pm Mr- Hoeker nl. m iiiliilseeiitly, "Fer ,ikii,i Theina-' "Itenlta." one eai- nml m long mouths It was waged. That was when I wa,s seven teen, .Mether and I Ihcd tlueiiKli the thick of It x were tlie only women there and "we spent' a"ioed bit et out tima paaklag through, tht windewt ii. t Ir K M. I, V I ' I, ll . I. ..,. I Ki, i,ni S-lle ,i. .III In l In I . .ill 1 .lid .Mil' t .1 I me .1 . I In- me M It. ni, ,' ' ii.ii lliiH I .:. 1, I'll. II, , ii Hi I el lll.ll g... d Knew her and l.,li. ni an. in. i .in, i ,,i. , u ..I,-. - tretu thlrht. (leneral Coop, i Ml"n gul in nei, Wa. n. VUlv it shin I'd the last drop of wm, r I " umii wnh in, e mi tin- n.nge -,, i ,, ,, anion- w i, i. in, d and . i -l v,, l," .i',e inn. in a irue -. i,-,. tie v el I "I i in. ml w n .hi lii ll I did the .she attended tn e,..0 involving 10" ml. ii' . '.i ii d t i ,t I til- I'llildi en I1..L..I,.. . i... ,l,.- .,f fMl. Il-.t Spi-ni",. mi. ii in tlie light. old) eight eemplnintx were filinl. tb' wa- aleit. and in.n tn mi:, a elhee .i,.s I,..;.,.. ,,,n, ,.,..,! in the OBC liieniil.iin I.iiii would jie ii- i In ! with. un ,...m.. .. i ..nl.iat itJ I , . .. v".i , t lillilllll tieliu. She bus nbie Mure- H.'l I Ll. Illl "t when Ol Willi till' Mi-. faithful I 'llOpi I '.s Jl i.'-i, In i l.il.i I. -, lUaiwrieht Cheae Heroine After First Meeting The ether day In Nw Yerk, din cumins hit aelaetlML el jeung lln. "anion in t'elil el mi ...j..i,s wool, .Mlping , ,. ,iu. piemtiientlv Inthe pellticH of I.e A' ...i...lH." ' M.Derandllnally the HherilT. Tl... Heet,, r iniuli w.is the n. tlmt I Although bhe has written ninny W iMikumniiil Mint Mi. 'II in- .Ii , ,r stories, it was eulv ill ll-t that j In- .ln "An i" ..iii Canl.v. Inel.ed buck aeress the vUtll of theyelin Mi. inn. her in ihe pin. w s t,. and deeided te write the Hter) of W' Uiuii .n'tiin'K,i i,i ii. un limber .-in I) life into novels. Seme of tneM .iiiimlt laiher-iu-hi i t feneMine. h. !, virllten are "The bong, V I uiiiliid.. el the lm.- "inn te the,Tiall." "Siar," the story of l eiiaiii.hr wire mi mlh ll.,.)l.. i s own m.iiulif pony, "Prince .Inn." bu'iteei'Sp,!?,. SeimVlnai! '"". """" r"-,ivM r..ati5 Many iSetablc .(,ncsls .idmlts that the enrn as Henita of J (It Little llunyalew , JVenirrn legend still live deeply " Th,- little he"M .., n,.i heii, M,. .' would net trade these ear'j 'II as and Mi- 11 ,,!, ,1, wa- ,. all tlie geld in the world," i bf'Ki Miinlt liiini'iiiew I,. ,.i,i. i. ,i mliiK un of ihim. "I learned tni i..lf. ,. I In il,.. ., i.... i '... , ". '"''. .. .. . . '''" "" )"""l.,iil lliere l'h i.tihr.bin trai a ana" ...., ...... ,,, ,,,,; ix-hiiiiiiiiK iuii ill irnr iniAru uvuii ,...,.. i i - ........ ... .w...n.. .- . Mr. Hoeker and a cow puncher te put lWhMttW ne.d wc Z "w". Z. V J ff-1 3 " tUera .m r w. II the nu-hl I i,,, i r. It v. ii, ,.. lm,,, tiuM, ,,r , , ht. ii in. In.' Su . i i It ,1 - it u.iti ,1 --), i n u i . , " 1 1 1 .ii '.'ii un nu --..i ii hein-es in i,,. i,,nh """" "I ll li, Inn- ll.jr bill. hoi,-,. Imueui', was iliffi-reai. 'I'liue w..-ttei- i- , iimliig fiiiin it, Thai will ilium- " ll""" i" i ' ii mill. III.- Will I lull hi Voting W.illlllll plmeil. Hew We ll-t.i. hi i- tot In, Hi- ' Ceiiiimiinl viih Mils ,im,,i " 1 1 ii n ilii eihi ! ,1m. Mi ll,, I , lined I I' nl In HoelO'l eulv "WCI. I i 1 hue te plm, h( ewiie.i nji, aim i tiial niiuie mv m vtfA