Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 27, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    'j'ljt.vt '-'' "1.if'' SJ.JVh ' , v' ? A'
TCVin.tr. S I V WTrtl V.TTi3WircWlBWR
mmw v i'ww
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(H.'fi :?
1 &8-TS .
aw-j r
us -
tf! '
.Week-End Visitors Left $500,
it 000, Says Chamber of
Cemmerce Official
Philnilrliihln's vpgI-eih1 visitor, here
ir the Ariny-N'avy pimr, petit In th.'l
fffgregnta sninrtlitlis tnnre t him half n '
million dollars', acenrilintr, te mi estt-'
mate made teiiny hy . 11. I isner. see see
retdrv of the CVnivrntleii and Impesi
tien Bureau of the Chamber of Coin- i
This Is. of ceumc. n nnn'li lower r-
tlmtite than i Iio million te a million ami
t half which enthtislftvtff rreknncil up
iSefere the Kami' n the probable i'x-i
txnditure of the vlsitlnc football fans.
Jfr. Fisher's ostlnute. heitever is a
Conservative- one, he ndmitteil
It I !mieMb!e te de mere tlri'i 'ip 'ip
preximate the nnvunt epetnli'il In 'hi'
mere than SO.OflO. visitors ami I'hi'a
Mpuhns, here for the contest. Mr.
Fisher made Ids cMinmte after cettins
In teui'h with a number of persons who
rere in n position te knew onie of the
approximate items entering into the ,
irnnd total.
Tlei'eipts from railroad and Pnllmtn ,
far eeme te S'nnrui Ir ssns eti
mated Mr. FNb.ep iisuml that 1."hm"
persons stsivrs-l ever in 1 'if ad"lpnt i
Fer the tun nisht whir'' tbes ntei
gel in rhiliidelphia hotels tliev vn'iM'
have spent a hour Si.VtrtOO. Te this
fldd .7l.i100 for dinners nil enterum-
ment exrhivre of tiT-nt-.-.-. i..u nte n '
Pattirrlnv nisht. Anether STO.rtOO au
be eharcel oetisert atp'rls t the e-t
of their ether meals while in the fit .
FleMfr Sales Negligible
The Mlte' did net bu n l'tar.v
flower as ar previous Arm-Niivv
games areerdintf te the flerit . The
Item'f fetter bill probably rame te
nbeut .?e0M0. The "i wer phv all
afternoon About l.Vl't"! persons went
te FranUm F-.eld bv tai. with tot-J
receipts I'sttnviti'd a nbeu St00,. Te
thl- add .'."'tOit (or earfiif' pan! th"
transit rempnnv and liVOOO -ji.vn f r
randv and eda Then titer" wni
?2"i,000 expended en 'he-itre- and an
other ?.n,l',n"lt) whieh went in'e pm
Chaser made in 'he tnrc-.
Mr. Fishet pointed our th? thee
estimates de net Ml.c int " r"ii.-idera-tlen
.if all the eia ni"tie- pent in
hundred's of lioitheld where i-U""
fcere for the same v en ;uets.
Mereh.tn' evpr"sei their sanf-ir.
tien with the ameiin' of inenev br-'iul't
te the ntv b th" K.ime. It )- i
finnneinl. ar well ! 1 seeml and ppor' pper'
1ns iieee4s, mil ni'l'f one w.int te M'e
the ner pune p'.aved lie.-"
Hepe te Get 1023 Game
T'nne-.itv of renn-ylvama effii'i.ils
tre (vnmlent that the same will I"
plaved li're azn.n in 112T!
Ernest B. t'eren-. PennV jtraduate
manacer of nthleiie. wan eptlmitle
ver propeet, for gettlns the season's
bigge-t football ehhtk asaln nest year.
"The outlook i very eneeiirnslng."
hf said. "The lender of both teams
were creatlv pleased with their visit.
Thej were kind enough te ay that ar
rangements wen- perfp' t.
"They said it w.is bke coming home
Je play the game etiee mere in Phlla
leltihla Tradition links Franklin
Field with m.in of the greatest Army
camrs of the na-t. T llliileltihiM
Despltnmv especially pleased lietli the
players and the rooters from the rival
Various of the leid.-rs- of both armv
and navy athletics told Geerge F.
Ingram. .issi.(,lnt gene-al passenger
agent of the Kcid'ng It.iilwav. tfia'
thev were delighted with their welcome
ami the arrangement made for their
comiert. and weuiii e at they could
te bring the game hir iigain next tear.
Upset Aute te Save Deg
Ilather than strike a stray deg thac
wandered m front of his automobile,
Saiiiue' Caps; una. twenty -five years old.
10l Vine street, Camden, Inst night
swerved hu car e iid lenly that r
Upset. The accident wa near h's
home. Capnnna's arm w.is iniu-ed and
his brother, who wan with him, suf
fered a fractured leg Ilet'i nieu tver.
treated at th" C one- I ,-,.(, iral Thi;
ear wa wrecke.i Th in; c'ipcd.
Presbyterian Meeting Agrees
That Proposal Is a Hu
manitarian Move
The mete te have the city pre. ub
auitable shelter for traffic patrolmen at
street cremgi wus indorsed tudav bv
the Prebt terian mini-ter at their reg
ular weekly me. 'ling.
A ieolutien n.kitig.I ir-ctnr of Pub
lic Safety CrtfKeit te erict the shel
ters for "our hrnthe-s, the pe'leemiii."
waa p.i'sed ,( the met-ting after cu.
idenil le discussion.
It was s.t,-ued Mint the plan would br
eensldireil next week nt :i nnlnii meet meet
leg of iil Pieicstniit ehuri lie
Pile mete te lint e tl. -I elters erecfeu
was adt united by thi K dim, Pi 111.10
The ICet I )r. Zed Hitel Cepp. for
mer chaplain 01 (lie Fast pcniten
tiarv, intri'duieil 1I1. resolution Ht the
minister-.' meting, .jynig that lurecfer
Certely.in w.inied 11 ,.pres.ieu et pub
He sciitinient en ihe miittei'.
Dr. Wiirii'ii .1 .lehuxui. of St .lehn"
Fresbytcriaii Cliur' h, lieven, prope.ed
. ,.11 no- ii'Miiiieii ne lam aiii
tl.C lllllOU I tB. ; I, ih,,n..(
Cirteil net Ien would be hotter
A 1 opt el the reelitirn tvlll hi- en
te tiie Mayer ,111, 1 10 Iinieter Certel.
'Vauclain Sends Proposal for Open
ing Spring Garden St. te River
A tUty-yeiir.eld set of plan for the aft,,,, iu,rt illness. He was sixty
Polling of Spring Garden street from ( three tears old.
Sixth street le the Dc'nwaie IMier - -
were received today by Mayer Moe,, . Mrs. E. A. Bonniwell
who rcieiitiy signed an erdliiHiii 1 , i-t1..i,,i1 p,.,,i .it 1 1
K.7" XlmU"n "' ,,",", r'y I "" "v-W r'i.'arTc' t" ''her
mr Uia I purpose hnmr. .'llll Sl.rnee slre.,t ;t, .... :
Nnmtlpl .11 tine nln. ores ilenr of t ,u
Baldwin Locomotive Works, sept the
blueprints te the Mayer.
"Tills wns approved by Councils Sep.
timber 2. 1872,'' he wrote. "It was
talked about for a year but net hint;
Wis done for fifty yir "
The Mayer mi itl there will be no
tfelsy in opening Spring Garden street,
although mere ceuiuiliiianlc legislation
U neevssary. The opening Is required,
JM Mayer explained, te connect the
HrHt wjrh the'eztcRflen of Delaware
O ..-t --' - .pi fHlSrspjIWHrJ
i e u .. ..-niM. vjl. mLmzvi7rrmLjmamm
I ;;--.... A .lMiitiii -.--.-'"liHksh' I Hij4Iui, i -"sMiHilM
in.ne nrTnrmwrn" HK'"hSk jRJl nnnTTin nrnrnuiun
! i m nr v b mm n nr.YY
I ' I . iiwwis ! ,
f-ireir.cn Overcome While Help-
ing te Save Four Horses Frem
Combination Garage
Seven automobiles were Hrstre-er it
C oVle.-l, t! ' morning in a fire wh. 'i
left In rul'ts ;) remblnatien st.tb1- an
p.ari'gc. ewne.l In- Albeit riard m
't-s.ibi.'keti avenue and Pei.en -tr'.-.
Manayunk. '
Four her.-e.s and one noteri'tr 'ee
recned from the bl izmg mie-fen
building hv tireniep. leeinnn ''hirle
M.lftle, of '." 1'IWM'II str..-t His
overcome b smoke, but r'iv'd
I he ii-e was c!sr"e e-ed bv Iiariv
rnrry. who
summoned Knsine i etn-
p.iny N
I uiek tjlnrl,- smoke treni
hav and oil poured fr-uu
The les wa estimate,
V coil barge of 'h,,
i i ,-,' (empitn menreil off ! tM
1st, in, op; n He fntr.berlaiid treet.
caught fire nt i'i h'i lock this morning
a ! was destroyed. The tip het
M'aanketiburg was called out with the
tire companies of indus.tr.il pl.mt st.i
t.eind en the island.
The barce had been en tire about a
week age and had been towed te the
i- ind It his a half ni:"; it ,e-il.
The cause i f the fre Is nndc'cnnlncd.
At the tir't telephone call nt 0
o'clock the firehe-t wnt te the island,
hut was unable te 1, cite the burning
l--.i"e. Returning, the beat receive I
another call, t tn its second trip up the
ruer the barge was lecitnl. Tlin tire-
men pcerH were c,.'inneii te .ing
the pier.
. .
r i r r
UeCltllS Ot ft UCllJ
Censul General" at Yokohama Sue
i cumbs After Leng Illness
Tokie. n- -: l P -
(ieerge H Set In., r. . I -..ii'il l,enfral
of t'le I'mteil ,s.t,i, nt ,.k,. ma. died
here tin- nr ruing.
lie suffered i s'lglit attack of ;ipe.
pli'T.v during the ti-it of ihc l'nnc.' of
Wales te Viki-auma. 1'iring 'he icpr.
meny imident te the unMiling if a
memorial .lt.h Mr. Scidmet. finite,!
and wa earned away. Since tUn li .
' health ha hei n precari'iH
Censul (jener.il Scldmere was horn
at Imhiinue. In., in l.i4 II.- u'imI
the eetisii'iir service in 1Ti'i a a . Wk
in the I.lverioel consulate u,. i , I
1 meiiv s i
Fir Fast.
usiil.-ir pe.st n est'
lif 'l,'
Clarence L. Goldenberg
1 limnee L. (teldfjiberg ' ) c
c.fv Uecurder and former Pr-
of the Plen. d'ed sudqeii't. nreb.i't of
a heart disorder, at !i.i:i, Als-r.
Saturday afternoon.
He was trnteling with I'r C rWend.i
We.nberg. In phj.i .111 111 ,-rifi
Seniers, preidi'tit of the Atlantic (',, ,u.
tv Trust fjimpant ..n .1 lr
ieldenberg'- de.ith caiue in .1 .aiile
i gram from Mr s,emer
I Dr. Henry R. Penneek
1 Dr. Henry H penneek. of Wiltnlng Wiltnlng
ten. and a gr.id,iare ,.f the Hatineinann
Medical College. ,',.-d .n 'he 1,0-pital of
that li.sMftjfl' 11 S.itirdai nft-ra she-t
illness. Dr P.nne'k wa a.si -ated
wi'h the Wilni iigten H'uneeiHii,c Me,
pitnl. lie lent.? j widow and tfe chil
dren. Dr. James C. Harmen
.I.njf - Carl Harnn n. itentt-
e.ght years old. M ('',n n k.
at the home of his wife's paretiis
and Mn, Hugh Abirnitln. .n iri.'f
r ,nd, Ilrrn Mawr, tstenlay He had
been married 11 little eter ,1 tear In
Harmen and hi wife came .,n fr,,m
McCermicIt a few d.it nye I,, spmid
tin- Thanksgitlt.g helidat D.ath un
caused by b'oed iM.tseni'ig He w.n 1
gr.'ldllS'" Ot the .le'f.e-.un M.! , 111 Cel
bge and the Wessiird Celli .-s.,,it li
C.inililiii II" .ertisl ,-r.efis w" tun
.eflereti H iipit.il rnnlii il unit
Mrs. Sallle A. Ktrby
Mrs Gallic A. Kirhy, iiieti.ir '' Dr.
lllwoed li. Kirhr, wnle't knttn Phila
delphia physniin and former chief snr
ge'jii at St. M.irj s Hesp1t.1l ,,ei Sat
uiii.'iv night inn, 1 piie'iiiieii 1 .1 1 ' e
short illness. Denih mcurrel nt the
home of her son. IJicj -.mcc strcil,
where she had lived, for ih.iiiv tears
She was eighty .tliim- te.ifs ehl
William C. McCay
ill. a m Chnrles MeCnv, f im -i pe.
lice lieutenant, ili.il late I'ndat night
nt le linliw, ''ills Ciwt It'iMi.liIti Ltf. ..
' . - -, ., ,,-
ness of two years.
Jeseph Cbadwlck
Meiila. Nev. 27 -Jeseph f'hadtvick.
eventy -eight years old. died Ht his
home en Frent street yesterday. Mr.
Chadwick until Inst March was owner
and editor of the Delaware Ceuntv
Itecerd, which he published since 1878.
He leaves a wife and two fens.
hmni tha very Mnen you w.m 1. .aZVZ:
Usiw ua4r iBlttMUsu bw. j,-ii.
8 -sw' r s
it r.V.iler epcralnr. stlirJrt" hrr
pit when (lames lirehe outrun Hie
root of the Maniifactiirers.' Hub.
I he t.jrger plioterapli shows the
iltilt rnef aftir the llrnnen had put
out the ldae
. .
VAII I WIIMT PflAI CAPTC'""' of ,',', r",!,l Jury Investigation of i
WILL MUNI UUAL rAUIb ,i,P Hall-Mills murder, it was learned I
Prof. Wlllits and Miss Anne Bczan Bczan
sen Named en U. S. Commission
The f.irt-tinditig st.iff of the Itu'c!
("t''" foil t'unvn ssten, announced n
W shingfen list night, include-! three
women, one ,,f t,rm a Pliil.ide'iibi "'
Heading the st.itf is Prel. je-eph II
iiltis, of th. Wharten Scheel of
FiMiin, c
M'- M I, Mhetuiiic!', nf Wnhing Wnhing
ten, will ehta n nr-t-hand inf.ir:ii.'i'ien
en living co'i.l;tien. She wil1 be
n.stei b Mi.ss Florence Valentine.
al?e of Washington.
Miss Anne He7.inen, of the indus
trial re.s.'ai-ih depaitment of the I nt-
esjty of Pcntisl.ini.t. will .T.-lst
Prof. WilHti.
Ihi. id I.. Wing, of Washington, w i'i
hMin t'i t,r,"l,i','."U ce.-t ! ce.nl .i.ul
v I be ,s.s,tnl lit la in., i.. I'.l.i.-k and
H ptetts be study of cngit."cring
!.!' t will be under I'.imniis.i.iiicis
Ibetell ,,d s.nnth. a.fhi'iigb .Ii.lm IIin.
ll.immen '. " h.itrmitti of she comiui-sien
v i ! gltf p.'rsin.il attention t t In -I
I. ise of the iniestigntien.
( Play Will Preeecie Affair by Court
. ' Empleyes at Mercantile Hall
A ia .ml dune will b gitcn .it
Mir.-am " li.il'. Ilread sitid Mntcr
..tret. I-,., cten.ng for the lietielit
the I'll '.' 11'
dueteij In t!,e
I '..iirt
. 1 und. .i ' hunt t. , en
worker of ihc Muni' ip.i
1 '""I
1 "J"1"
IilU' II I
I'll.' I'i-MIL- of th- Thlid
n.ick w i i .. yr ,1 n 'I by tin
mm I'I iter . il" le id licin
bt All .M.,rgii.i M. Kciriie
an I '
I'rink K W W irbiirtim. titl.r. r.i
f'l" ''li?! "!' Idle 'he Mie l.r'liltll.
Sdieen. I'.e li nn
Lnndiegan . .lese '
r. Vincei t K"
V 'i"nan it lln rr
si.ige i in i", r (,
iil.t in tilt' I bit
. ii-r. .Mtici
I'iIImii, Fvnnk
(,11'iel't C
Mr Ii.lleii v
n- Mets a'.
T'ie ercni-tri
he 1 ..tidiictci In P.i ii Ilnrrigau
Prominent Educators te Ad
dress Sessions at Cheltenham
Abington Conference
PuHic -he,jl teachers; of C'u '
'1 i.d Abing'en ceiitrnrd toil"
Ahuigten Ilish Scheel for the t.-
-len of th" t.'heltenha-i- V
Teieher' lnt''ute. St's.ie' -tin,..;
until Wednesday niglr
Threo hundred teachers' -
1 'he
' t-e-
,igt "i
e 1 h s
tr-eni'ng and tins nfttrnoeti t
tin. serl's of in'tructive !.,
dtsctiKjens will fellow 'I ,
It s'itute is distinct from t
I r" of
n and
h'irb.m 1
annual I
l-gisla- I
' 'unty atTfiirs, 11s under i'
' eti townships of the fir"'
s Cell
,' . ' ttirir own insMitutcs.
Prier te the ltcginniiii: ' e formal
I regiiim. grnui; ineetih!.-- t ,i,.c i
fir.ed phasis of enui.iti,. 1' .ei tveie
1 ',1 this morning.
Prominent dlicntrns ir, 1 n,' ,nii
"i the Last have been eig,i.'.. by I'.dwiu
I. in.- .ind O. V. A'l-.-riM' .iipenti-
tenrlelit 111 flllirge ( ll.t -I lliteret
iiii.eng suburban sib",; iir,,i,s, hew-iii-
1 t entered II th- 1 '. ! r. s te lie
ti.ade toii'ierrow iil:l,t ht Dr Theina L.
r'.iiegan. Stale Sui rtpt, ndi 1 t of lhib
In Instruction.
Jspi'iiker ei.g.ig. 1 , "iineh the
iiiicli'-rs" en m.iMirs if 1 in rent eduia
tcniil important 1 in, 'ml,. H. M,
Wentzel, leetiuer en Huni'tne Kdti
iiitiun," of Pitt, burgh Will Grant
Chambers, d'.in of !, Summer Session
and IMucatiOii.l K,ensi,ui of peim
ttliniilii State ( ,, 'egr , p M. llnrbeld.
of Franklin and .Mnr-tuill Celbge; Miss
Margaret T. Migu'i,. principal of Me
Call Scheel. Plidfidi-'phie : Farl Parnes.
Helen M. Jeliiisnii, supervisor eiv
schools. I'altiiiieri . Seima Kenold.
Devotional M.rt,'et at the thrre-day
fe.slun will In in charge of ihree sub
urban ministers - the llevs j, II.
ISlrd. of Ablngten; Geerge S. Yeung
,iiid Jehn l Groteii, of Jeiikfntewn.
Students of the schools in the two
townships -nuaihi-ring iinirly ."000, ob
tain a week s rete from sitiidli's he.
rnue of the rendmi of the instituti'.
They are gif.ti three day liefOllse of
Institute and the regular ThnnUKiving
holiday sea'en starts en Thursday. The
nehoelB will icnpen December L
d iuwie in te nun tvunue cgiunint
MS Sl.--4lv,
As Important as "Pig Weman,"
Who Said She Saw Hall-
Mills Murder
Jseuienille. N. ,?., Nev. 27. Twe
m'-ster witneres are being recned
i( 'Wilbur A. Mett. Itepntv Attnr'iev
!t;etieMl. for prr.et.tafien nt the verv
today when the giand jurors reaem
Who tlieve witnesses jire is Mr
Mem j. most carefully ciianled secre
It is net known wljettier they are men
or women; or what line their tcsil-
nient will fellow Put the prosecution
i sin. the are only les Imperlaiit than
tr, .ttir.e lllK.m ,1,A '',1 ,..i.i.ns '
who i-. the one e.tewitnes.s of the crime.
Tl'c lirand .tury sessions. Interrupted
bv adjournment Wednesday, were re
sumed at 10 o'clock this morning. Dur
ing the interval members of the Grand
.'iirt. en Mr .Mett'. instruction, ti--i'-d
the si-rne of the murder and fatni'-
iariie.1 tiienisehen with the Phillip
farm and its surroundings. n n te he... ....., , ,, , ., ,
aliie t. iimiertnnd Jirs. (iiien s te
til.ieii'. mete easily,
Te Itescnw Mrs. liiltsen
Mts. Iiibsep will be i-e.erted, it s
belieted. fur the vert end if the ("irnnd
.lur.t inve-tigatien The inqulrt should
be mer by TucmIv and the indli tments.
If the tirand .Inn decides te teturn
any. ready by Wednesday It is cer
tain that even if the tirand .lury's de
liberations are t.et concluded, there will
be mi session Thanksgiving. Swift ar-
ies(s and nn early trial are premt: ed If
true blll.i are leutul
If the tirand .lurv tails
le indict
Met will
.iiiv one it is likely that Mr
drop out of the case, but the local
Prosecutor va.v 'hey will keep en and
i at last expect te lie alile te liring
some one in trim, no tnniter want tiic
outcome of the picsetit iniiuirj.
The first wittifss today wns Mrs.
Anna K Pilermnti. a leusin of Mrs.
Frain i Steten Hall, widow of the
.! ,,lnpn ..i e ,. l . 1 llfil'tiM, .. 1-1.1,1 , e
,",,..,, ',.., ,,..,.. ...,. .',',,. hi. .'.-,.. -
,i rr iii ukable iei mhlain e te her iuiiin
nid u'liui her nppi .inline it wa tl.euglit
for a moment that Mr' Hull had been
j called te tesufy. What im Mr.
' I'm, rinau's testimony took could net
l, Ic'irned. She i the w.fe of William
P. mi 11. ih.iiiman of the lird of
tru-te., of the Church ' St. .lehn
I" llilllKi'llst.
I Vesr 111.111 Is ()iii7Pil
I It.ilnh liers'lne, a ve..frt mini in the
n 1 it r", ter's d urch. wa the nett wit
1 . and wn.s en the stand nearly nn
'mi. The tistrwuan earlier in the
intesiigntien stated that en the night
f tin. murder he drete Mls Catherine
itasfiiW, n lnetrber et the choir, home In
t.s car! but denied that he went near
'he Phillips farm, where Dr Hall and
Mrs Mii; u,,.,. uin. tew devs
.,'ir li. iiuteii ebile burneil '
Mr. ileiirt McCabe wu called next.
l. I the wife of the lirldgetender Who
ieris te hate h.'iiid shots the night
of the nuiiders.
The ien-til witness w.i Louise CJeist.
,i iiiiild 111 the Hull hoiischelil. It wus
mderstoed th.it he was ouestiened
"ii'crnltig ri pints of quarrels between
lr and Mrs Hall. She was In the
no ...en, lifty-titc mii,...cs.
Several Wills Probated
The following will, were probated be
fore the Hegister of Wills teda- : Henry
C Dnrfer. Lester, Pa.. 21.007: Jo Je
seph Drake, Watnleri, N. y., X4STM) ;
Jehn Klmmels 17 1.1 North Twentt
slxth street. ..-..rHl Mary Malley, A't"l
North Thirteenth .treet, Sfi.'tCM), n.
vi'iitert if personal estate w,i filed for
Sallle i: Alb n. 5'.M.7tl.
j,,fri. r 1. iii.
1 II". N n'fertl rt.. ini
-tt m,.'"i ,,,'.1 iirrrrern t ,
l.t'ii- if Mi.'-,ti -li.! I.urllew st, in!'
rVrfi lleter ,",d7 I.ntnb.ird t
!.:- II t,r ."ij'i Kturr t.. ami
M , r . f It 11 J,J7 K'l'rr t.t ,
I in s I i.'ii'i i.'i't v Kin, t , unit Je-,
, ne A .-Ml 11 l.'ltl N IDlh St.
Wr ,iih J Ilriintnn .'.SI.' N t.Mh t . anil 1
Am T V.irniil
.r Ht,
Nl t. 1 Unzi- Liil.1 f'u,
I f'.iki li -.01 .-1 Pt'llS
t'irl t I' l"ti t, L.-J't N
-t jiiJ Klhr
Mrhtll t
e. J e L'h tiv 1 T in h
i'Mn it
Wil mm .1 I'u, I '.S3j s- t,,, Bl , an,i ,
I" K Hm It r.'t, Itirlimunil l
VI' 'tri Ilrel ',1 s ;;;,! hl hnfl JMIth V
s s ',.'7 N .-M t
Iri.i v fs .Mil i'nih t . n'l
t:iu,ih'tii M MI. 'he. VI 11 Wharten it.
Krn , .sttsetii" Jr ,'1'iJli KuUnm rt.. nt
M' 11.. 1' .tut :S3 .s iv, 11 t.
Krtsi lia.tiuek 2"1d Sptlta 1 . airt
Jl-i 'In i: MrlJutieujh. Mil K Wfiimere-
HI,' I l I
Unrr; I Webb i'011 Snnretn st , nnd Annj ,
,M I'ruli"- L'tln Sprues nt 1
I'mllii .1 It' ills- 7mi liaijphln n .
.1 It- ills- 710 Paijphlii M . una urii- I
1 IlHlieral.y SHI K rhelieti ave
IMvtartl Ktfi I7lt N flmiis st , nd Marv ae , , unri frbtela lnsltid tr f.rs,e. fi.,i
M Mi fiewtt :i7Vt N l.'.th t ii,)hs .' T M., Bt her late rrnltl.net, SU'U
lairurf f 1 HllKhan. ,'I4.'8 S Chmjivlrk st, .,, r liitnriuent prltist', North iv,i,,r
Hn.l Irf", V rmpH Kill H. lth t u, , ,-.n,trj Kilnil 11. By c.ll TiU'J'Iny
WlllUm Y lienhui. illn ll.,,le. r., an'l ir 7 i. i
Idn A Wlitsiib.rn .'10 r. Untiirle Ht. Kit I.i: --N'nv -n, ,n'-'-. I.U.t-I.W M
Heniiini II .s IihiiIm, htr 171 (irihediix st ,m ut rhurlcs F Klllc. Itelitiitp,, i, j
n,1 I-lira A l ir. Mnniu.i. r .1. .
Iini.e-t j jii.it ,ii:,i a 10 jp'1 NatlKrln. 1
Si-limlni 1..1 i:, c,irnntl si
Hern' 11, " Hi let 11. Hrntul J'j . and MrM
Trni Hrinel Pa
U"iiei A IV.rnemunn, 4711 SKnsem st , n,
tP-ni 'tt l". Pf.ff 'Jll Keiminsien '
ThemaM I' 1 OBn JIO". P Frailer st.. an'l
l'.llabth 'I Dttstiey fll'l S Peril t.
Jt.rrt' II Cullinafnril, Auduhnn. N. J., and
Annie V. Mrrirtllt .'.S3.I WHkefleW t.
Usrrt A riX'in VM llarlham Terrsr..
lirnnmitnwn and l.lllUn Vmiry. "'i- U
1 011111 1 t
Alfred V iJ"ls ll.Pimrjie, nnd Knlhrlne n,
diet land 112.1 f-prure nt
lUiph Chrlslnnlirr jjia tv. 1'iiinbi'rlatid st
-nd Mr Kiat 'J'.T. N Martini- t.
linn J-.'ftru.n ,',nir tt'.nu st , unit It.iflieul
lletacun ,',li41 Win. t
(IrerBs I), Cehlrntz. 71fi2 Trnny St.. and
Cainllln T Krlrloien. 7111 Tacony t.
iin vnu want a jenv
Dl.ntv nf fh.rn dvrttMd tn
ina wimtv
Wet4 columns today en etc
Routes 73 and 15, Dropped at
Opening of Frankford "L,"
te Be Operated Again
Citizen) of llildesburn today vert
(trentcd their requests for restoration
of street car teriee which was nbnn nbnn
dencd upon the opening of the Frank
ford derated line, November 5:
A remmlttee of ItrMeshtirjt citizens
was informed nt n renference with
representatives of the 1 It. T. that
Heiitei 7.T and 15 would be pltred bnrk
en their former schedules, as thr rcl
dentu of th community had askH in
their complaint.
The restoration of the service is te
berome rffcetlve ne.xt Monday.
With the start of the Frankford ele.
.atetl. Reute Ifi, known ns the Olrnrd
,nvenuP'Bridesbur(t line, was tcrmlnntH
at Alleslienv. Fernmrlv It t.n.1 rn
I from dlrarcj avenue and Sixty-third
i street le the Frankford Arhenal."
I At the same time Haute Ne. 7.1. a
one-man ear, which nlise had run te the
Frankford Arsenal, was terminated at
KMimnnd street and Allegheny avenue.
Meth of the routes will be restored te
their former schedule.
At n conference lest week pretcMr.
were made njrniust these chnnse. as
well as .'igainrt chances made in Hetile
". i .se a
the latter route
V " X- ...i . .
Ne action was taken us te
Members of the Uridetburc turn
mittee expressed themselves tmhn us
highly gratiticd t the decision of the
P. H. T. in acceding te the reipiests
of the committee In two of the three
"The restoration of these two lines te
their former schedule will give ade
quate service te Uridesburg," said one
member of the committee. "We feel
thet w-e have bCcn victorious in our
fight for better sen ice."
On the nriileshurg committee were
Jeseph V.. Mnir, Kavid Little. William
Hejduek, lieerge ( appler. IVrrv lilt
tier, Charles IIlngtan, pestma'ier, and
Themas 1. (torden.
Discouraged, Could Net Bear te
Have Helpmeet Support Him
.Tehn .lerback. eighty-two years,
killed himself te relieve his wife of the
' burden of working te support him
.lived nt l'Jflrt North Kiting treet.
After two years of hoping that he
would seen regain his health and be
able ,e provide for his helpmate , her
.ileriinins yenrs rne ugcM, ninn warn?
discouraged ypMcrdej and adopted what
he thought te lie tne ne.t nest course,
Slipping quietly into his room, he fired
two pistol shots into his body and died
'almost ins iintly.
' The wife. Mrs. Mary .lerbaek. sixty.
two yeirs old. altneugli net well her
self, iia werl.cd lis n scrubwoman every
day since her huhatgl became III two
tciir age. She earns ?12 a week.
With the few dellnrs she hud been
nhle te save Mr. .lerback bought a
suit of new clothes for her husband
a Sturdily. When she presented It te him
Ills eyes tilled.
"I can't s and it much longer,"
he told a neighbor. "It used te be that
I could buy clothes for her and provide
for her reasonably well and I Jrtveil te
de it. Yeu can't understand hew it
feefs te have te sit nt home and see
your wife working herself te dca.b te
support you."
Fourfold Increase in Enrollment
Stirs Pride of Staff
Wet Philadelphia High Scheel for
'iirl- lends etery e her high school in
the 1 py in record enrollment .'or a pe.
nod ,nutiing the last t, 11 year'.
In, re.ise in students in,-i 1111: has
hern fourfold, whereas atcrngi' enroll
ment in ether city high schools bus been
thn efeld.
Tin se figures became public nt the
tentn anniversary celebration a the
Wcsi Phil.idelplil.i school this morning.
A e. eml morning of tenth nnniversniy
festititv will be held tomorrow. The
j '' '"ins were iiddieed by Parke
Slim' . principal. ,
' r,,ir enrollment 111 September. 101-',
when the school was npnird, wns; KIT,
In ipiember. 102-. the number of s u-
delil- wi.s li'-'TS. II toil! fold incrnise.
he sfud. adding:
In If'l- the number et teachers In
the .il,, el was thirty-two. In PVJ'J we
hate PJ7."
Pupils and past presidents of senior
lela is tool; part 111 the exeri ses.
Family Sends Carfare te Stranded
"Tourists'' Frem Flerida
llritmend Menieklin. eighteen ye.ir
.old. and Carl Steiuinler. ntnetceii, Het It
'of Str.icuie, arc en their way home
'en .lii sent by Steinmler's family.
1 Detictlve Owens picked up the heys
! ns t. (grants Saturday uiehi, wh- '
1 fenn I them sleeping in Proud Strct
, Station They said they had arrived
idril, hungry and cold after a Ien;
' triid'.'i from Flerida.
- -1
1,1111,1 til 111 .itlen, tour jr.irs' n-iIm eirr-l-iirf,
tl.re m nmke prrin ineiit leiiiin-.
tlen ulih griming ercunlt itlmi tthlrli will
rtiTiirtl hrnmlrnlnc mit in lil iiiitenll'il
1 unillt. If liraln. .ilillltv ntnl InlllntUe
urr uiMTfi lulftl thla should innke 11 inn-
tut IU nrnCit .hi ilbftfirlltlnil.
M II IMS. i.Fnr.iit IIHK
sAl.rsi.Apv" frmn 10 A M tu ." P. ,M
1" .',.7 l.nl.'er Off In
'FTi-y.rr.VANl!II wali:
!AI.I..MI..V from in A. M lj .', I' M
I' VJS .,rjicer "lljie .
tlhNTIjFFHUNJtJ'i,!L f'fj'
l A li.HT eftlces lietk pure eltv J.in.
ni 'tg 50. UIN..JJ ".'Jr "HU- Murliel
1 llltlhTY, Vnv '.'t la.'.'. lilViKlli: W
i, ,, ., 1 ., i.vtli., ChrUlv due lttlllsl llrl
ifiiM,ln Insllftl te funrnl prM,-r Wn.
nt-pilit ''lit li Iniil hi - I M t th. rt
d"i 1 ( VT II Weaver, ''la N. 5 III rl III.
t'lii'iii nrltati. ...,.
nilAfKHN Nev. Sfl, IPS" Mt.su HAP.
rt 1 1 ; r n huai.'wbn inn'TBi .rrticH ,
thr I'rr.bvtrrlati Ifein. ftth st nnd lrr-n.
w" at , Tunisia, Id A. t Interment In-
''''"aVeiI.w OiwNii. - IP"-'. HKNRV H,
huhband ul Annl R- .Ueer.. of K.-Je N
Oral at nelatltet and frlnd Invlird t.,
irir,.n nn Wilnendnr. In.llii A M . nt ihe
Oln.r II Pair Hldu . l"i."l niealnut at. In
lerinent prltnte
IIINKI.i: At Imr nia.ln.w'a
U,,lur..,d MlIvITO. PA . tin NlU
.'.'7 tic:
I..UMA . wld'ev nr A u 11. iuniti ji, 11
llel.itlvrs nn.' ftlnida Intlted tn artlia 011
Widnradny. a I'. M.. at the Oliver II llnlr
Hldu . lH'Jit rimatnul at. Interinrtit Mlitif.
....r, ..,-.-....-- -,.--..- ,.,,;- ,: ;-
llrtesna, O.e KI.LA., RHODES, widow
. il .. BlaBlllia . IIabu'a. fal&a...a
IIUNti,-W?'niv. 1 n nuv, -.-e, hi r
arIM BlAacla.ii',fSV-fr) Tu.adai, J:S(
I'. I
Portrait of Fermer Mayer te le
Hun In Moere'a Roem ;..
A portrait, of Jehn. Weaver,, -who
was Mayer of Philadelphia, from 10(J8
te 1007. is te be hung in tha Majer's
reception room, City IlaJl, 'as soeu, as
It Is approved hy the firt jury.
Council two months age appropriated
S1000 for the portrait. Mr.wcavr
selected Klchard h Partington as the
The matter was left until thla late
day u n result of the feud that de
veloped In 1003 between Mr. Weaver,
then Mayer, and the organization.
Recently. Rebert Grlcr, a Reader of
the Eighteenth Werd, who was were
tary te Mayer Weaver, persuaded
Council te make amends for the in
tentional -"oversight."
Leader Warns Presbyterian
Ministers of Way te Avoid
A choir leader warned the Presby
terian ministers at their regular weekly
meeting here tedav te keep their wives
out of the church choirs in order te
avoid trouble, te make their sermenn
L,niiAi. anil tlin innsie.ll nart of tin
devotion lunger! and te get rid of the
... ..-ll.,! "niMulnnl nnn-li" n-lin. he
,si.-t llllt'l IUUPIVUI rt...k ...., u
Mild. ere. ruiniiig church music.
The speaker. C. Hareld Lowden,
choir leader of the Linden Baptist
Church of Camden, suld:
"Don't let your musical department
be veur war department. Consult and
confer with the choir leader, but de net
interfere. Sometimes you arc afraid
te cut your scrm.ms and give mere
time te muMe. but often a twenty
minute sermon would be better than a
fifty-livc-minute sermon."
"Yes. and lets of times we would
have better music If there were fewer
silectienf." offered a minister from the
back of the room.
Mr. I.etvden alie scored paid choir
"Se often j en pay for voices ant1
net for hearts." he said. "They are
paid te ring and yet they de net knew
for what they nre Hinging. T prefei
chorus music te quartet music."
"Should minister' wives be mem
bers of th" choir." be was asked
Ministers' W'lvcH should StaV Ollt.
he said decidedly. "I peter encourage I Kntiancc was gained' by a rear win
It. I knew of un instance where the , dew.
i- .. .. .V. .. If.. !.. 1. U.,I.. '
I'lll r.lll' ' ei i l'niii'i r it. iii no- no.
caused n let of trouble. It is the bet-
ter part of wisdom te let well enough
'alone." sold Mr. Lowden amid the
j 1,UiH!'7 iX'mffi e.nert, who
mlk about thi .inn ihnt Mini of tnui
are acttinlly uiining clrtirch music." he
' eeneltideil. "V member of the bear
tetfl me that li" thought it would he :i
geed idea te put all the musical cvpcrls
en a ferrv beat, take them out in I lie
middle nt the nter and drown ihein.
111 should use common sene In the 1
..!-....'.. -I' .1 I. - I " 1... . .1 I
Mr! Lowden. who ii a eon,pecr of
niuic, s-ang two iiuefs, olio et li s own
coini"sitien. with his brother. 1 linnui
Charles T. Oil. professor nt the
Southwestern University. Texas, ad
dressed the Pnptlt ministers' confer cenfer
etiee in the First Hapttst Church en the
"Training of Yeung Men for the .Min
istry." Mr. Oil said the supply of ministers
was becoming rapidly lessened und that
new clergymen were fewer than lu the
"The fault lies in our training of
ihe future minister." said Mr. Oil.
The actual work should be In ought
closer te the young man during his
educational period nnd a greater rain
...Dies, and desire for the work should
1 1 instilled in his hinrt."
Judge Gorden Start6 New Duties
.ludRc .Inmeti tiny Gorden, Jr.. who
was appointed last week by Geteinm
Sproul, began his judicial duties'' thi
morning by hearing nitss-ellanrmis, argu-
meals in Common Pleas c nut Ne. 2
He cat with President Judge nnrrntt
..ml .ludce Itcnn. of Lelii'-di C011111 v.
The motion list was unusually long.
Court Ne. " today grniitul a divorce
te isauer inii'Kit.v iniiu ,una 1,.
The Pearl
The Pearl Necklace
J. E. Caldwell & Ce.
Park Farm Plum Pudding 40c, 70c, $1.20
Park Farm Mince Meat Jan . . . $1.75 and $3.28
Sweet Bnar Mince Meat Jar.. .$1.40 and $2.60
Park Farm Fruit Cake . ... ,80c lb., S lb.. $3.75
New Smyrna Pulled Fig., Bexes $3 00
Fancy A..erted NuU . . 50c lb., 5 lb.. $2.25
New Paper Shell Almend.. . . ,42c lb., 5 lb.. $2
Direct Shipment
Malaga Table Raisins
18th & Chestnut Sts.
12th ft Market St..
5600 GermaaUw. Ave. ZV.Vt
jaCiH at miriiRi ni a
Art.-n.ru- u i Sw"w.!.P!PlMWe
---V. f . raMV:CIiMtMra. 1 Jfc:
One Victim Knocked Uncon
scious With Pistol After
Fighting Three
Four men were held up in various
wctleaa of the city thla morning. They
are in hospitals after being beaten and
robbed. Ne arrtstswcre matfe
Three men who used a motorcycle
(topped their mschlne beside Themas
Leenard, 0237 Walnut ttreet shortly
after 4 o'clock, at Third and Wharten
streets. They asked te be directed te
Mount Rlnal Hospital. When Leenard
turned te point the way, one of the men
struck him with a blackjack.
Although stunned by the blew. Leon Leen
ard quickly recovered and carried the
fight te the strangers.
IJe felled one of the men with a -left
te the jaw, and was giving a stiff battle
te the two ether men until one of them
struck him en the head with the butt
and of a revolver.
The man with the pistol had pre
pared te use it during the scufflle. but.
fearing te nretise attention, abandoned
the idea. Leenard fell te the sidewalk,
and the two men searched Ills pockets
and took SS2 iu cash and a stickpin.
During the right their motorcycle was
chugging at the curb. They nicked up
the fallen comrade and put hlra in the
car. The ether two then jumped in and
sped away.
Leenard was picked up by Geerge
Kircber. 1511 North Ninth street, and
sent te Mount Klnai Hospital. Near
the scene of the attack the police found
a new brown hat with the price mark
still en the inside band. It is believed
the hat belonged te enft of the bandits.
Twe men carrying packages ap
proached Peter Kelly, 1623 Race street,
at Fifteenth nnd Vine streets early this
morning and asked te be directed e
the Pennsylvania Railroad station.
Kelly proceeded te show them the
way. when they attacked him. Th
bundles, it is believed, contained sand
bags. When Kelly fell te the sidewalk
one of the men held his hands ever
the victim's mouth while the ether
took .'J5 from his pockets. They ad
ministered a final kick te Kellv and
left him en the sidewalk. lie wen
taken te Hahnemann Hospital.
Three men entered the apartment of
Miss II. F. Seal, .".'JS West Chi Hen
nventie, into last night miring her nh
' nn, nml -tdlr, inunlrr rnlllKil nt Sunn
I rem the condition of the room nnd
the methods used by the robber, it Is
believed he knew just where the jewels
were hidden.
Removes Her te Safety, Turns In
Alarm While Maid Is Helpless
Oak Lane residents told tedny of the
courage of oleven-yenr-eKi i.erettn
- ? : .""n:nU
0 1 sis er. .lean, nnn men summon
iremen te a Cue in the O'Prien home nt
ihi.10 North Twelfth street, yesterday
morning. I
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. O'llrlen. parents j
of I.eretta. were at church, having left !
the children In the care of u maid. The
maid sniclled smoke coming from the
basement nnd tried te call a fire com
pany by telephone, but the telephone
wires were biirnni llireugh anil no con- ,
licet Inn was possible. I
Hearing the maid screaming hysteri
cal! v I.eretta rushed dewpstaiis, discov
ered the house was 011 lire nnd then re
turned te the second iloer. where the
b.iby lay in a cradle. Lnretta wrapped
1 lie eiiiiu m a iiiaiihet ami carried her te
the home of a neighbor.
.-sue net ran 10 11 nre nilirm ue.x. 1
read the Instructions for sending in an
alarm nnd. although barely tall enough,
smashed the glass and pulled the lever.
Slie deemed her duties still unfilled
j until her parent.; were notified of lliet
fire, and se she sent a mebsenger te tell
I Grid Player Fractured Ankle
1 , , . , . , , ,
.."""" "'?""" "' ''"unu .-sprintr.
N. .L, eighteen, year-old Iladden
Heights High Scheel football plaxer,
who was carried from the field las. Fri.
day durinx n game with Colllngaweod
' High Scheel, reeel-ed a fractured nnkle. I
it was icarneu lenny wnen an X-ruv
' picture wns made.
Bell Telephone.-
Spruce 84-40
Gtn. 7000
Lusueus, juicy, thin akin
Special Weeden Bexes,
5y2 lbs., each. $4.00
W?-.b.WB '.'
. ... 70c
Wl I
,':' -: : , . v
' F '
' J
Just right!
Just the thing for emer.
gencies. And just as geed
for regular every-day
meals. Always appetiz
ing, always wholesome,
always convenient,
always economical.
Prepared in the Heing
spotless, kitchens, after
the recipe of a fameuj
Italian chef.
Rtady cooked, ready teunt
Tried te Sell Stelen Automeblli
An automobile containing a Philnd?!.
leua uniii.iu r mil. ts lecevereu 111 Sa,
Inngft, wcs. of Lancaster, Pa., tetttn
day. and William 15. Oleeii, of n,
Cumberland, arrested. Ul..cn Is s.ii', (l
have ndniltted taking tile niarhiiie at thi
Philadelphia fend fnir Saturdar, j((
stepped nt a g.imge le huve It repaired
end trlnl te sell it for SlUtl. taking ti
en account nnd the ri'.t when je ee'ull
produce a bill of sule.
"The Tie of a
It's net what you
pau that counts
it's what you get for
what you pay.
Invest in Berkley
$3.00 $3.59
1424-1426 Chestnut Street
1 If iw
m-&& ml
1 ik . m 1
1! Pw Ml
1 M'tfMWi mk. Aft Wil
mA m j&jm
t OW1B1I ;WHB'I.W''r1 H ''.I Iff, ' 'U fl H
! mf ! rrXdMb. 'I IU 1 1 WW
; m 'MHaHBiiii! i mr
f a&ff!llS&k
'j IP
u, r
vj I
IW 7.1.
-'-.. Xi,
-iWE, ,