IWTOTvW 'ii.AiV.. WTiTwrrrji"' wmt iWfmmm ." '(, r, ',: Tfrtsr JBBefHf '. W 'J-.' rfiii jYj. m. , w t y ..i wtiSsr U INVASION M EVENING PTJBLlC kEDGERPHIl!&DELPHIA .MONDAY, ' NOVEMBER 27, 1922 mm$m ...into of Mer Rouge, La., Fear Retaliation for ' Informing FEDERAL AGENTS ARE BUSY ,. itmicr. La Nev. 27. An np Jf ?( """?"'" " ' I'ntkei- nna tffi.1 .i.illmiltt-x for tiretrct en i.n n"f n lliiPiiti'iilMC liivnMen iv im K, 1 '" K" i'f ,,,.P ""," ??" "f KR e te Hip .HsjiMH-nruticr of ve j,rr. ini1 ri-perliM inurtln- of two rill 1 " enl nlnwl In n Mtnlrmeiit s mini K. nmiinlll-e of Jlrr Fteilgp rr-lilMift. b,p,p Ul of ..iMMlire ..i.;rnllvM ,,k Tlii-v iiive bi-fti there openly JSrtmrel l!n iiImi ieii.lu.tH nn Invrrtl- '"en"' vilnc-x wlm lelil Hie I'Vilernl ,,,V . whs ferceil te tuny wsiti'r fur ,l,e hmiili'il nieli. who I- i-ppevliil te lmp L'cn m'utiiI of tlirin with their inn". Iff urn tnlii'" fro". In "mite ntiil Ih Mn- hiiili'ti for Mife krpplmt. Fcilcrnl wrntlw nre i-emltietlns nn invcMi invcMi iitien of Hi" Hilimpllll. hee.illse of the fcfliff thill meiiihel-M of the hoeiloil mob came fiem nrre-M the ArKim-iin line, iilth Irmler.s front even mere distant ijMf i It i Known nl-n the Keilernl iiRent hnrp wliflt they hr-llf.V N positive In formation Hint the N'llli'Ji of tin two inMnR i11''" !l,p l",'h'n '" '"'"' ',1, fniirrlie. llPflf ,,h KIiIkp. The lieilley ir Mleiril te have been illeppeil Inte tlie InKi; b'jiniil l" te ItiiBe iron The" fliilenienl of the cllly.rin ile flnns that the nrtli-le In 'it We-liinstnn ncwiper relntive te eonilitieii!i in leui-innii is triip ns fur ns Morpheiiip Parish l com erncil. Tim itnlcmi'iit "We ie net Knew ronililiens nil ever the Stnte. but u. as elti.ens of Mer Itmige. Knew (but enr pnrMi. Alore Alere f,niie p:iri.-h. Ih being ileminnteil b.v the"illMb'e ellllii'e. "Seenil of eil'' rltl.ellM bine been tliir.itelieil. The Wifely of II1I one lnl tircii tbrelitennl if Ibex i'i-n veire critlewn of the Kbin for kldnnpiiiK live nf our eill.eni. bunliiiu anil wliippinv tmi of them mnl nn I'in- ff with two ether?, whom w-e bellevij new te have bri-n fmillj iniinleri'il. "Tlie ailiiiinl'-lralii' inaehinery of the local tieernini'iit is broken down tliiil il Is virtually Inipeiiibb' eitlier te Iliiliet or eiliivlet nii'liibers of tliu Klan for their violations of tlie law. "i'lir weeKs .Mer K..'ise mum been piriineil. rith's .ilitl revolver lit btind, fur tlie Ihri'silt'iii'il tn nsieii of our vil lagr iiv the Kliui furi't'x. Teleplienes have been eilt mid we fiuireil invaien. We appealed for preti'i'tliiii. appealeil le the Htntp and te tlie I'Vilernl Gov ernment. Thin In hi in. KPiise u relief Hen nn Ooveriter Parker, from whom we fxpeet and believe we will cet aid und protection. " New Ylllk. NOV. U7. Willi .Inem.. fccullnr te one wheie face U mucked mid IiIm Identity hidden under the rleak of mien.Miiity, the Ku Klnx Klnn I.- prepncini; le liiniiili u meitihemhlp drive in this elty b.v inemis of wldeli it hnpe.s te i-eiivert the metropolis Itile tlie In vixlble Knipiie's itrrntrst stroiheld. stroiiKbebl, Within ten ilu.vi (lie leadecs nf the drive, tlie few wlnifp nniiien may lie mentioned I. lit vvluife whereabeut, v'vhlie here iniiNt be kept secret, will have con ferred with eiieh ether and local Klnns inen nnil the'i'iitnpniRii will be en. De xplte the .Majer, the polite mnl mere 'iibuliintlnl ojipesitlon from press mid pulpit, the Klnn boldly declines Mm de termination yet te ride In heeded tri umph thieiiKh MiinliiiltiinV Htreets, I' IM te' arrive, mid clothed with authority 1e net tlie campaign under way at once, will be. Majer K. I). Hmitb. of Iluffnle, Klii Klcngle of the State of Xw Yerk, and the Itev, Dr. Wamurl H. Campbell. Klekard and lecturer. Miiwii. Knlffhl Templnr. Hhrlner mnl formerly pnstur of the First llitptict (Munch of Tyler, Tcxiih. Tim Itev. Dr. Oscar lluywoed, national lecturer for the Klnn and ifeneinl pviiimelli't of Cal vary Haptist Cliurcli, who Iiiih been here flnee lout Menilny, will co-eperato with Majer Sinlib mid Dr. Campbell In the Kieat drive, which is scheduled te begin net Inter than next week. 4te? rt Lfwit Dnc Recerd! Onlv en Columbia Paul BiHichti. Dine Reeerdi Only An .Columbia Just say Blue-jay te your druggist The simplest way te end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch steps the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in a colerlcs.4 clear liquid (one drop docs it!) and in thin plasters. The action is the same. Pain Steps Instantly They all knesw the value of Resinol Thi toething healing ointment U ler th ute of every member el the lamil beetuie th Mine prepertie that make it te eflactiv (of kin trouble,, make it ideal ler Special Terms TUESDAY Senera Phonographs Sold en Widener's Easy Terms Tlir Sonern I'liiinunmiili la urll It no iv ii e nil lever of gentl iiunle. II nIiiiiiIn nl'llle Inilil.v hi Tlie IIIrIi rt ('In TnlkliiK .Miiehliip In Hie Wnrlil, I'rlrm nre low no nny of Hip nlher well-known niifkrn, n well iik innn.v of the linnkriiiit Klni'kN lieliic nlTereil Inilil.v. New until en Wlilener'. Knii.v Tcrnii. vilileli nm lie Hie tircliiie mi rimy Hint nn Inienvrnlenie , tiinrn Hie pleitMirp of nvvnliiB Hie lies!. Delivery Guaranteed for Thanksgiving Senera i mm $ Down A limited number of beaiitlful Balance ninlieKimy cabinet l,hnnei;r:ipli,, Knsy H Inelies lilgb. Une tone. Terms Regular Price $125 Special at WuieTi&r$ 1109 Chestnut St. Open Monday & Tuesday Evenings 19 S. 52nd St. Open Evenings Burnt Cult Scratchea Wound Seret Ceilt Felent Pimples ' At all drufgM: Cold-ierae Chfinf Stinga Pitta ('ill Till Cnmieii mil mill Slnll Tecluy VM.Iener,i, 1100 Clievtnut Street, IMilliulrliiliin Without any ribllRatlen en my" part, K'Miil me full In In In foiiiutien rcKUidliiK your ipuclal Senera offer, Name Addiese I.. I.. Wldener'j Pricey Alvvnv Lewest Widener'a lerma Aiwa vi Easiest Every Bookseller in Philadelphia Has It The Blue Boek of Secial Usage Three Large Printings Within 30 Days Manners Are Telltales of Men kes, and Women, Toe As our manners arc polite or vulgar, se wc arc cither admitted or denied ad mil lance as an equal te the society of well-bred people. The essence of Reed manners is a con sideration for the feelings and rights of ethers. If parents could teach that kind of manners te their children they wouldn't need te worry se much about teaching them morals. ETIQUETTE In Society, In Business, In Politics, and At Heme, which is aptly termed "The Blue Boek of Secial Usage," was written by Kmily Pest author of "Purple and Kine Linen," "The Title Market," and ether successful novels. v t ; N tflrr CraU'in Portrait e; liniim Muntiiumrr'i I'lagn. EMILY POST (Mrs. Price Peit) This Splendid Volume Is Unique in Many Ways "It is the most complete book en social usage that ever grew between two covers. It is net a cyclopedia, however. It doesn't give lists of don'ts and pages of hews. It is a readable, interesting book en a subject which becomes dull and 'precious' only when it is disas sociated from life." Chicuye Sunday Tribune It Is a Real Contribution "Fer the very reason that it gives facts and views te the great 'common herd,' unlike former tones of etiquette which hae revolved tee near-exclusively about customs of ether lands or forbid ding social circles, without the ken of tlie average man or woman. . . The book is invaluable te the average thinking man or woman who wishes te live to day's life in as polished and near-con-; ontienal a manner as possible." Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohie. "Just What te DO, SA Y and WEAR by One of New Yerk's Prominent Society Women" Philadelphia ;niiiir TTHK New Yerk Tribune declares that "net since Mrs. Sherwood sponsored her book en etiquette some fifty years age has any one se obviously well equipped appeared as authority en the subject" This new b,oek differs entirely from the many books of etiquette new before the public. It does net emphasize or accentuate the trivialities! of polite conduct. Yet there is seemingly insignificant but really important knowledge, from the se lection of a visiting card te the mystery of eating corn en the cob, that is fully revealed. Matters of clothes for men and women are treated with the same ful ness of information and accuracy of taste as are questions of the furnishing of their houses and the training of their minds te social intercourse. In a word, there is no exaggeration of miner details at the expense of the mere important spirit of personal conduct and attitude of mind. ' SHOULD BE IN EVERY LIBRARY "This volume ought te be a compulsory addition te the libraries of the so ciety folk in every city in the world. I could even wish that the study of this volume might be added te the curriculum of every school, college, and university in the United States." Sun, Pittsburgh, Pa. INFORMATION ON THOUSANDS OF SUBJECTS SUCH AS: Hew atrangere acquire community. aecial atanding in a When introduction are net neceaaary. Hew a yeunf Rrl i pretented te aeciety. Eni-agementa Wedding gifta BrideRroe and brideimaida Wedding clethet. Letter of introduction and recommendation. Country house hospitality Week-enda. What te wear in a restaurant. Luncheons, afternoon teas, dinner partiea. Etiquette of the club, at the bridge table, and en the Gelf Links. Hew te inrite a girl te supper. Etiquette of the ballroom Hew te ask for a dance. Deportment at the opera and theatre. Reproduction of correct forms for invitations. Phrases that are never uttered in best aeciety, The Wording of a letter of thanks Writing paper Hew te address eminent personages. Hew te begin and end a letter. Christenings. Funerals, In fact, there is no neceaaary detail of eti quette that ia net clearly explained in brilliant literary style in this distinguished new volume. ETIQUETTE In Society, In Business, In Politics, and At Heme By Emily Pest (Mrs. Price Pest) OneJargc volume; indexed; cloth bindinsr. geld stamping, fiM pajres ; Mi. full-pape photographic reproduc tions showing in detail table settings for all occasions; weddings; home in teriors and decorations. Cleth $4.00; Postpaid $4.18 Special Christmas Gift Presentation Edition Bound in Full Flexible Leather, Geld-edged Paper, in Handsome Bex. $7.50; Postpaid, $7.68. If your Bookseller ia out of Meck of Mm. Pettf "Etiquette," deti't take a iitbstitute, but order direct en thin coupon. FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY .TM-aee Penrlli Ae., w Yiirk I pnrlesi. 4 IS. for whlrh plfRr iemi m. Kmlly Pest's "Ktlqur-tle." me FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, 354.360 Fourth Avenue, New Yerk j Nnrnf AildrrM .,,.......,,, citr ( Mitt ;.; Malii .vniir rmlttdnfi $7 8 If yen wish lh Special ChrlMmns Gift Presentation Kitlilnn. 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