Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 27, 1922, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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On the First Fleer
Men's Furnishing?
Urn's $U Tfu-HuSllk Shirte, $6.20; white,
"lavender, blue, tan and green. Each shirt
bears the genulneTriHu label. All per
fect and clean. Only a limited quantity.
Sizes 14 te 17.
Men's English Broadcloth
Shirts at $3.19
Plnin white and elf ,atin stripe genuine
Kngllah broadcloth. ' All perfect, clean,
tipwn'iercharfdf8c. Sites . 14 te 17.
Men's $.0b BlMfWst, Robes, $3.39.
Me"'" fW3lif Jackets, $4.65.
Men's $1.50 Flannel Pajamas, $1.29; warm
fleecy outing flannel garments, finished
- with silk frog fasteners.
Men's 92 Outing flannel Night Shirts, $1.49;
'roeinv garments of high-grade outing
flannel, with military cellars, surplice neck
and cellars attached. Sixes 15 te 20.
Men's $1.50 Brushed Weel Mufflers, 89c; suit
able for all occasions. In buff, brown, gray
and heather mixtures.
Men's 65c Silk Neckwear, 39c; a wide variety
cf new-designs. Slip-easy hands. '
Men's 50c Shield and Band Tecks, 25c; made
of short ends of better grade silks.
Men's 35c Handkerchiefs, Ipc, 3 for 50c; in
fiim white cambric, corded, 1,4-lnch hems.
Men's 85c Lisle Suspenders, 59c; "Pioneer
make." Boxed ' for Christmas giving.
Wide, and narrow clastic.
Men's $1.2.7 Silk Suspenders, 85c; of fine silk
clastic. In Christmas boxes.
Men's $1.25 Belt and Garter Combination Sets,
Men's 85c. Belts. 59c; fine black cowhide belts,
with nickf.1 silver buckle. Packed in indi
vidual boxes.
Men's 25c Pad Garters, in Christmas boxes,
Men's 25c Arm Bands, in Christmas boxes,
Beys' Furnisldngs
Des' $1.00 Harmony Percale Blouses, 67c; of
genuine 80x80 percale, in a wide varictv of
geed-looking fast-color stripes. Attached
cellars and soft cuffs. Sizes 7 te 16 years.
Bes' $1.50 Shirts, 95c; of geed grade corded
madras; also Harmony percale, in collar cellar
attached and neckband styles, with soft
turnback cuffs'. Sizes 12',, te 14.
Ite.vs' $1.15 Nighties and One-Piece Pajamas,
89c; of heavy-weight outing flannel,
famous "Ivvanta" make. Pretty pink and
blue Ftripcs en white grounds. Sizes 2 te
10 years.
Women's Hosiery
Women's 75c Clocked Spert Hese, Pair. 50c;
brown, blue and green heather mixtures
with silk clocks in contrasting colors.
Women's $1.50 Ribbed Sports
Hese, Jair $1.00
Creail ribbed. Merine sports hose, in light
and dark henthcr mixtures; silk clocked
in two-tone colors. ...
Women'. 12.73b Silk, and Woof Clocked Hese,
Pair, $l.-39; silk and wool heather mixtures
in HgKt'"an!aark- color rftK silk embroid
ered' decks. ' The' run" of f the rmill.
Women's $1.00 and $1.25 Stockings. Pair, 39c;
full-faahieped Jlsle and mercerized stock
ings. ."Regular and outslzes' -broken lines.
, Women's Silk Stockings, 65c
Pure-thread silk of heavy qualitv. Black
..only. Irrcfcularff ;of- a pntentcd fash
' iqned stocking which sell in firsts at
S1.C0 pair.
Women's $2.06 Silk Stocking, Pnlr, 95c; full
fashioned pure thread silk, with lisle garter
tops. .Black, cordovan, Russian calf and
ether wanted colors, flight irregulars.
' v Children's Hosiery
Hejs' 39c (q sOc Stockings. Pair, 25c; hcavv
w fight Mark ribbed Cotten stockings the
kind (hat stand hard wear. Sizes 7 te 10.
Beys' $1.00 Weel Gelf Hese. Pair. 50c; pure
wool golf hose, in plain and heather colors,
ith fancy turn-ever tops.
Women's Underwear
Women's S1.00 and $1.25 Sinythfield Under
wear, 50c; medium-weight combed cotton
ribbed vests and pants.
Women's .S1.00 and $1.25 Florinc
Vests and Bleemers, 59c
l'inest combed yarn cotton bloomers and
vests, with built-up shoulders or bodice
jtyle, with silk ribbon shoulder strops.
Pink and white.
Women's 81.50 te 82.25 Union Suits. 89c;
Smythfir-ld medium-weight white cotton
union suits. High neck, long sleeves,
ankle length.
Women's $2.00 te $2.50 Union
Suits at $1.19
Mi'ihum. weight, wool-tint silk-stripe union
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves and low neck
lcecles. Ankle and knee length.
M omens 81.00 and $1.25 Union Suits, 65c;
finest ribbed lisle union suits low neck,
sleeveless, tight and loose fitting at knee.
I.lie run of the mill.
Women's $2.25 Gleve Silk Vests
at $1.45
Pure silk of heavy quality. Hand tops, with
'if)l)eii shoulder strap.
Children's Underwear
Children's $1.00 Sleeping
Garments at 69c
I lie Ideal natural may, soft knit, sleeping
K.irim'iuB. witn feet and drop seats.
iiiKlrcn 81.25 te 81.75 Underwear. 50c;
tine ribbed Merine and silketinc Merine
'csis and pants. .Sizes 12, 1-1 and Hi.
Children's $2.00 Merine Waist
, Union Suits at 95c
White Merine, part wool, combination
waist union suits. Sizes 2 te 12 years.
"i-i-uiins or niiMHi ivnrl make.
os $1,511 vni0 Stii,Ht 95c; silver gray,
fleecy ribbed union huits. Sizes 4 te 10.
,. Gloves
"omen's Washable Chamois Suede Gloves
c; values up te SI. "5. A broken a.s.-eit.
inent uf 2'flasp, strnp-wiist and long
leimths, Very uminiml values.
"omen's 30c Waslialik' ('linmiiK-l.il Gloves,
'; 2clasp htyle, gray with t-clr" or black
Cm H'OHlci-Cll ImcLcj
, .. ..v, t
5t30 P. M.
On the First Fleer
. Women's 91.00 Washable
Twintex Gloves at 45c
1-clasp style gloves with embroidered
backs. Pique sewn. In white, brown,
tan and gray. Size ncale broken In spmte
Women's Glace and Capeskin
Gloves, 75c
In this let arc 2-clasp imported glace .and
1 -clasp capeskin. Broken assortment of
sJ7cs and colors.
Women's $2.75 Imported Strap Wrist GIetcs.
J2.50; well made gloves of imported
trench glace. An exceptional opportunity
te select for Christmas gifts. Full pique
sewn. Tan, brown, beaver, white self,
white with black, black self and black with
Men's Grip Palm Driving Gloves
at $1.50
l-clasp style gloves, with warm fleeced
linings. In black.
Beys' and Girls' 91.00 Warmly Lined Mittens,
89c; a style gldve the kiddles like. Has
one clasp, and fur at top. Tan and brown.
Women's Hand Bags
Women's Hand Bags, 89c te
Broken lets of leather, fabric and some
beaded bags.
Genuine Pigskin Brief Cases,- $3.65; walrus
grahr, leather fare flap, three-quarter straps
around case, bag handles and extension
spring locks. Adjustable tj three positions.
Extra Deep Genuine Cowhide
Suit Cases, $7.95
Cowhide -straps all around cowhide cor
ners; two side catches and center lock.
24 and 26 inch sizes.
Men's and Women's Umbrellas, each $2.78;
made of sturdy tape-edge union taffeta
(a silk-and-cotton 'fabric), ever S-rib
naracren frames all fast black and iibso iibse
lutely showerpreof.
Women's handles of full length bukc
lite. with bakelite rings and leather loop
handles. Men's baddies are the popular
Prince of Wales and opera style All have
silk cases te match.
Toilet Articles
25c te $7 Imitation Ivery Toilet Articles, 10c
te 82.50; odds and ends in mirrors, brushes,
puff boxes, hair receivers, manicure pieces,
combs and a few manicuring sets. White,
blue. pink. Slight seconds.
Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal. 85c.
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, 32c.
50c Size Danderine, 39c.
Patent Medicines
Herlick's Malted Milk, $2.72. Tanlac, 68c.
Hype Ced, C9c. Plute Water, 31c.
35c te 75c Lining Remnants. Yard, 19c; plain
and figured linings of all descriptions in
all geed lengths. .
1000 Imported Sewing Bexes
for Children at 10c Each
Each box is fitted with little sewing acces
sories for the kiddies.
1500 Metal Bag Frames, Kach, 10c; odds and
ends. Several geed looking styles.
Christmas Wreaths
1000 $1.00 Red Frieze Decorated
Christmas Wreaths, 59c Each
Many attractive kinds for holiday decora
tive purposes.
Silver-Plated Dutch Silver Candlesticks, Pair,
$3.95; 12 inches high. Fancy octagon
shape. Quaint Dutch designs.
Quadruple Silver Plated Fruit Bowls. Each,
$3.95; extra large size. Bright finish.
Bungalow Clocks, 58c; miniature cuckoo
clocks, with carved cases. Have acorn
weight, with brass winding chain.
$10 Sterling Silver Spert Wrist Watch, $6.15;
15-jewel guaranteed movement, fitted in
Sterling silver case. Leather strnD. lumi
nous dial and hands. Ideal for golfing and
all outdoor sports.
$1.50 Solid Geld Tie Clasps, each, 95c; many
beautiful engine-turned designs.
Women's $18.25 Geld-Filled Wrist Watches
$13.45; 15-icwel Ncsce movement, fitted in
20-ycnr geld-filled case. Ribbon band.
Novelty Jewelry
75c Headed Bags, 39c; drawstring styles in
attractive colors.
$.!)5 French Indestructible Pearl Bead Neck
laces, $2.45; "0 inches long. Beautiful
opalescent coloring. White geld pierced
safety clasp.
Men's $3.50 Waldemar Vest Chains. $1.29;
gcld-filled, plain and fancy link effects.
Spring ring and swivel.
Special Comhiiiatlenn
. II. II 1 ..L. l.'!ll...l !.... ..
I I. ii, iinrii nun riiii-ii wiuan i,irii- i
dies (in tin). f
1 Lb. Hand-Dipped Chocolates. i"
1 Lb. Mint Puffs (in tin). '
1 Lb. Chocolate Straws (in tin). )
i mi. rcnnui uriiue.
l.. T.h. Wilbur's Milk Chncnlnle
2500 Half-Pound Cakes Wilbur's 40c Heney
Dew Milk Chocolate, each, 19c,
$1.00 Wilbur Buds, 69c.
Artist's & Drawing Materials
$2.19 Artist Smocks, all sires, $1.98.
11c Oil, Water and Tempera Celers, 11c.
35c Zinc and Chemnitz Whites, , Lb.. 29c.
$3.89 Drawing Sets, nnc divider, $3.19.
$4.89 Drawing Sets, two. divider, $1.19.
$6.89 Drawing Ses, three dividers, $6.49.
Laces & Metaline Cleth
18c Real Filet Plcet, yd., lie.
$1.75 Metaline Cleth, 90c; 36-inch. Tvvo-teno
and geld, silver, steel and old geld effect.
75c Baby Flouncing, Yard, 85c; 27-inch, dnlnty
Swiss for infants' nnd kiddles' dresses. .
Georgette Crepes & Veilings
$2.50 Paisley Georgette Crepe, jard, $1.79; in
light and dark colorings.
50e. anil 75c Veilings, yard, 35c; black and
combination coleis. Mehca and chenille
Veil Lengths, Each, 18c; black nnd colors.
Tomorrow Opportunity Day
7725 splendid, big organization has been right up en its tees- te make this last
Opportunity Day Before Thanksgiving and Christmas the Greatest in Our History.
Prices have been extraordinary low during out Anniversary
Event But they will be STILL LOWER for this Recerd-Break-
ing Opportunity Sale!
Wonderful st
stocks of the finest
dise for home and personal use
tomorrow at aoseiuteiy amazing
On the First Fleer
Women's Neckwear.
$3.00 Imported Weel Scarf a, $1.75; a splendid
assortment of imported wool scarfs in all
wanted colors. Levely as gifts.
75c Venice Lace Neckwear, 38c; beautiful
Venice lace tuxedo cellars'and sets in cream
or white. Anether gift suggestion..
75c and $1.00 Lace Bertha Cellars, 50c; net
and lace "Bertha" cellars in cream or white.
Very becoming and stylish.
Wemen'a $6.00 and $7.00 Pumps and Oxfords,
$3.40; several styles of women's strap
pumps and oxfords. Many pretty patterns
in all leathers, including black satin. Sizes
mostly in narrow' widths.
Wemen'a $6.00 Patent Colonials, $4.95; all
patent colt Colonials with welted soles and
rubber military heels. All sizes.
Beys' Tan Scheel Shoes, with welted soles.
Medium and bread tee lasts.
$4.00 Shoes, sizes 10 te' 13',i, $3.15.
$5.00 Shoes, sizes 1 te Gl-i, $3.65.
Children's and Misses' Tan Scheel Shoes, with
welted soles. Bread tee lasts. Blucher
styles. Well-made, geed-wearing shoes.
$3.50 Sheea, sizes 8',i te 11, at $2.75.
$4.00 Shoes, sizes U'i te 2, $3.25.
Lamb's Weel Sales. Best quality extra thick
wool with, patented sewing edge.
40c Infants' and Children's Sizes, at 29r.
B0c Wemen'a and Misses' Sizes, at39c.
60c Mcn'a Sizes at 49c.
Shoe Finding Counter.
Men's $2.50 Heuse Slippers. $1.85; brown kid
Remee heuse slippers en bread comfortable
lasts. All sizes.
$2.00 Men's Felt. Slippers. $1.45; oxford N and
felt Everett cut house slippers, with padded
soles. All sizes.
Women's $1.25 Felt Moccasins. 89c; several
colors in women's warm felt ribbon trimmed
mecassins, with large pem pens.
90c Mether Geese Nursery Rhymes, Complete,
65c; Red. Cleth Edition. Profusely illus
trated with black and colored pictures;
bound in. cloth, stamped in geld and black
ink, and with colored picture en cover.
Size 7MM4 320 pages.
25c Bex Gift Stationery, 3 Bexes for 50c;
white, blue or pink. Mail and phene orders
While Goods
2000 Yards 39c Embroidered
Det Swiss, 22c Yard
SO inches wide. Excellent quality for
waists, drcssc., draperies, etc., in the
wanted small dot. Full pieces. Ne
mill ends. Seme have slight imperfec
tions. $3.00 Japanese Nainsoek. $1.98 Piece; soft
texture, rich silk finish. 80 inches wide.
10 yards in the piece.
Remnants of 25c te 45c White
Goods at 18c Yard
!7 te ii inches wide. Fancy lawns, mer
cerized batistes, pajama cloths, lingerie
cloths, longcleths, nainsoeks, fancy
voiles, percales, dotted Swisses, nurses'
suitings, lingerie crepes, linen finish suit
ings, madras, oxford suitings, poplins,
etc. 1- te 0-yard length. All perfect
goods. Ne mail or 'phone orders.
Hosiery and Underwear
Men's 25c Socks, 6 Pairs for 90c
Fine gauge combed Cotten Socks, with dou
ble soles and extra spliced heels and
tees. Black. Sizes 9'i te 11" ....
Men's 50 te 65c Socks, 29c Pair: full-fashioned
Lisle Socks. Black.
Men's Novelty Silk Socks, 45c pair, irregu
lars of $1.00 and $1.25 grade: pure thread
silk in various plain colors with silk clocks
in contrasting colors.
Men's $1.25 English Weel Clocked Socks, 85c
Pair; imported English ribbed, pure wool
socks. Brown, blue and green heather mix
tures, with Silk Embroidered Clocks in con
tinuing colors.
Men's $1.50 Underwear, 89c; lamhsdewn fleece
back Shirts and Drawers in all sizes and
natural wool heavy weight Shirts and
Drnweis in broken sizes.
Men's $3.50 Merine Union Suits SI .79; Nat
tiral Gray Merine, part wool and cotton
Union Suits.
Men's $5.50 In $7.50 Union Suits $3.39; high
est grade Worsted Union Suits, made from
tinct Natuial Gray wool. A slight mix
ture of cotton prevents shrinkage. Sam
ples: s-izc 10 only.
On the Second Fleer
Women's Ceals
Women's $15 Sports Coats, $9.75
Herringbone coating in tan and grey.
Smuit belted model, with raglan sleeves
Women's $25 Smart Coats. $18; wool velour
in bloused nnd belted effects. Have Krim
mcr cloth ccillars nnd cuffs. All lined
throughout. Nnvy, sorrente. reindeer and
Women's 825 te S35 Dressy Coats, 813.75;
Belivia, chomeistyiie and wool velour in n
Miriety of styles and colors. Mnstlv all
fur trimmed.
Women's $40 Stunning- Coats
at $29.75
Chameistyue in navy, black and sorrente.
Handsomely trimmed with deep shawl
cellar and cuffs of caracul. Belted cf
ffcts. All fully lined.
Women's Fabric Fur Cleth Coats Half Price
at $19.75 te $67.30; popular short length
and Halkan styles in astrakhan, caracul
and plush. Original price ticket en even
garment. Women's Suits at Half Price
Women's $25.00 te $200.00 Fur
Trimmed Suits at $12.50 te $100
Original tickets will remain en every suit.
Make your choice, then deduct one-half
from $25 te $200, original selling prices.
Beautiful three-piece costume and two-piece
models developed of Duvet de Laine
Marlene, chameistyne and combinations
et inatelasse and vcldyne, handsomely
trimmed with beaver, mole, squirrel,
caracul, monkey, fox, wolf and bcavcrctte
and most dependable merchan
and for Giftsawait you here
savings :
On the Second'Fleor
Women's Dresses
Women's $10.00 Cleth
Dresses at $4.25,
Becoming coat, draped and panel models of
."erge, attractively trimmed with em
broideries, ornaments and ribbons.
Women's $19.75 Cleth Dresses, ,$10.50;
Peirct twill in popular straightline, basque
and draped effects. Effectively embroid
ered and braid trimmed.
Women's $29.75 Cleth
Dresses at $15.75
Excellent quality twill in smart panel
basque and straight-line models, stun
ningly trimmed with braid, facings of
contrasting colors, cording, and fnncy
Women's Skirts
Women's $8.75 Sports Skirts, $5.50; chic box
plaited models with brown en top and tan
btriped showing underneath plaits. Ideal
for wear with sweater or sports coat.
Women's $5 Sports Skirts, $2.95; large broken
plaids in tan and brown, navy and tan and
navy, tan and red. Bex plaited models.
Overbleuses and Blouses
$2.00 and $3.00 Tricelette
Overbleuses at $1.00
Plain, drop stitch and novelty weave trico trice
lette, with V-neck or Peter Pan cellars,
pockets and sashes. Bisque, navy,
black, white and henna.
$2.95 Cotten Blouses, $1.65; voile, dimity and
madras blouses, trimmed with tucks, lace
embroidery, frills and vestccs. Tailored
models, tee.
Natural Muskrat Coats, $95.00
Stunning 40-inch model, with crushed col cel
lar and silk lining.
Bay Seal Coats, $67.50; popular 40-in. length,
with shawl collers and silk lining.
Cheker Scarfs, $6.75; natural squirrel, kit fox
and two-skin opossum and stone marten.
Fex Scarfs, $10; brown, black and blue shades.
Fashionable Stout Apparel
$30 Coats for Larger Women, $18.75; vclera
and men's coatings in navy, black, brown
and mixed effects. Fully lined and inter
lined. With self or fur cellars. Sizes
42' i te 58' i.
$25 Silk Dresses for Larger Women. $16.75:
fine quality crepe de chine and jncquard
crepe. Several charming styles.
Misses' Suits at Half 'Price
Misses' $25.00 te $150.00
Handsome Fur-Trimmed Suits
at $12.50 te $75.00
Original ticket will remain en every suit.
Make your selection, then deduct one
half from ($23 te $150) original selling
Duvt de Laine, chameistyne, marline, wool
velour nnd combinations of matelasse
and vcldyne in stunning two- and three
piece models, luxuriously trimmed with
equirrel, fox, wolf, beaver, caracul and
Misses' Apparel
Misses' $15.00 Coats, $9.75
Sports and pole coats of double-faced coat
ings and herringbones. Smartlv belted
and rocketed. SJ7cs 14. 16 and 18 vears.
Misses' $2ej00 Coats, $18.00
Popular straight line or bloused effects of
wool velour, with Krimmer cellar and
cuffs. Siyes 1 1. 10 nnd 18 vears.
Misses' $25 te $35 Coats, $13.75
Very becoming models of wool velour,
beJivm and chameistyne. Mostly fur
trimmed. Sizes 14. 16 and 18 years.
Misses $39.75 Coats. $20.50: handsome stvles
in chanveistyne, Ormandule and Normandy
leth, with caracul or fur cellars and cuffs
Sizes 14, 16 and IS years. -fc ,
Misses' $29.75 te $135 Fur Cleth
Jacquettes at $14.88 te $G7.50
Cheese your garment, then deduct half
from ($29.75 te $1:15.00) original selling
price tag attached.
Striking Halkan and .lacquettc effects of
astrakhan, Ineadtnil cloth and caracul.
Snannv mode's, henif with lur cellars.
Misses' $10.00 Dresses. $1.25
Wen and I-rench serge., in a charming
ariety of styles and trimming.'. Sizes
14. J 6 and IS vears.
Misses' $19.75 Dresses, $10.50
Beautiful straight line or basque model, of
Peirct twill. Attractively trimmed. Sue-i
U. lii and 18 years.
Mi...-,' $29.75 Dresses $15.75; Peirct twill in
ti. season's me.-t approved style .-ide
panel, plaiting!-, draped effect-. ' Newest
1 1 'mining.-:. Sizes 11, 16 and IS year-.
Misses' $5.00 Skirts, $3.85
Plain and novelty worsted, inside nnd box bex
nlaited styles.
Girl' and Juniors' Apparel
Juniors' & Girls' $12.50 te $15.00
Winter Coats at $7.85
l i-hienable models of tweeds, tine velour?,
heny warm coatings and novelty fab-in-,
with fur or self trimmings.' Sizes
( te Hi.
(Jirls' $1.00 and $5.00 Raincapes
at $1.49
Broken lets. Incomplete size lange of G
te 12 years.
Juniors' $10 te $12.50 Dresses
at $5.50
Beautiful styles in wool crepe and olet.
ecu very attractively trimmed. Sires
1J. 14 and li! year.
(Jirls $7,511 Dresses, $; wool crepe and Fieneh
eige ill dimming models smartly trimmed
with embroidery and sash. Sixes 6 te 1 1
On the Second Fleer
Children's Hals
Children's $1.00 Pole Hat, 69c; Churchill
Pole in several shades. All have ear tabs.
Children's $2.00 and $3.00 Velvet Hats, $1.45;
nebby styles. Black, brown and blue.
Beys' $1.00 Yale Caps, 63c; geed warm,
woolen caps te pull ever the cars.
Women's Underwear and Aprons
$1.79 Gowns and Knvclepe Chemise, 90c; fine
lingerie cloth, lace and embroidery trim
med. Alse Windser crepe gowns in this let.
$2 Nightgowns, $1.09; fine lingerie cloth in
neat models; daintily trimmed.
98c Satin Camisoles. 79e; Several attractive
medelslace and Georgette trimmed.
$2.00 Bungalow Aprons, 95c; ramie linen in
several colors, attractively trimmed with
Blankets, Vests, Kimonos, Etc.
Women's 75c Blanket Cleth Vests, 45c; light
and dark patterns.
Women's $1.75 Plain Crepe Kimonos, $1.29;
finished wKh bauds of satin.
Women's $5 te $10 Bath Robes, $3.75; of plain
eiderdown, slightly soiled; finished with
cord or ribbon.
$3.00 and $3.50 Corsets, $1.19: pink ceutil and
htechc in girdle top or medium bust model;
long and short hip lengths.
$5.50 te $6.50 Girdle Tep Corsets, $2.59; pink
satin and silk brechc. La Bonite make.
Lightly boned.
50c Bust Centiners, 29c; white muslin lace in
back and hook in front, t
65c Bandeaux, 29c; all-ever lace. Heek in
back. Size 82 te 40.
Women's Petticoats
$3.95 Silk Petticoats. $2.65; all jersey, with
plaited flounces, trimmed with contrasting
colors and ribbon. Pretty shades.
89c Figured Taffetine Petticoats, 59c; with
neat flounces.
Infants' and Children's Wear
Infants' $6.50 and $8.95 Leng White Coats,
$3.95; of cashmere and crepella and beauti
fully hand embroidered. Samples and
slightly soiled.
Babies' $3.95 te $6.50 Short White Ceat.
$1.95 te $3.95; a number of lovely styles
in cashmere nnd chinchilla coats that 'are
slightly soiled. Sizes 1 and 2 vears.
Infants' $1.25 and $1.50 Silk and Weel Shirts,
79c; both iinglc and double breasted styles
for infants up te 2 years.
Ferris 79c Sanitary Napkins, 39c; packed one
dozen te r box. Very handy accessories.
Infantt,' $1.25 Leng Slips, 79c; Bishop or yoke
styles of soft nainsoek, daintily trimmed.
Women's Sweaters
Women's $7.50 te $15 Sweaters, $3.95; odd
let of 150, including pure silk, fiber silk,
brushed wool and pure alpaca. Smart
slip-en and tuxedo model?. Ne mail or
phene orders filled.
Women's and Misses' $3.00 te $10.00 Scarfs,
$1.00; about 100 of these pretty fiber silk
and brushed wool scarfs. Geed colors.
i4r Needlework
Hand Knit Sweaters. $1 te $3; small Jet of
hand-knit- and crocheted sweaters. Seme
t are slightly soiled. '
Stamped Tea Towels, each, 14c; variety of
new designs.
Knitting Yarns, Ball, 12c; an odd let, includ
ing Shetland flVs, Gormnntewn wool, etc.
Variety of colors. Ne mail or phone orders.
Wire Frames for Night Light Dells. $1.95;
electrically equipped. Heads crowned with
real hair. '
$3.00 Satin Charmeuse. Yard, $1.59; 40 inches
wide. Kxcellent heavy quality. All silk;
finely woven. Navy blue and black only.
$3.00 Black Crepe Taffeta, $1.98; 40 indies
wide. All-silk heavy quality. Geed black
for drc-sies or linings.
$4.00 Canten Crepe. S2.69; 40 inches wide.
Geed heavy quality, all silk. Cemes in
black, nay, brown and ether geed colors.
Linen and Towels
$2.50 Tabic Damask. Yard, $1.38; heaw un
bleached and all pure Irish linen "satin
'l""1"5- Ptty pnttcrns. 70 inches wide.
$b..i0 Table Cleths, each, $3.19; snewv bleach,
pure Irish linen, sntin damask pattern
cloths. 2x2 yards.
$5.50 Napkins. Dez.. $3.00; heavy, all linen
Irish satin damask napkins. Attractive
floral patterns. Size 18x18 inches.
75c Hemstitched Towels. Each, 45c: hem
stitched bleached all-linen huckaback
towels with stripe dama.-k borders, sizes
18x35 inches.
SI Turkish Bath TeweN. Kach, 60c: woven
from heavy two-ply Terry yarnsthick
and spongy. Colored borders. Large size.
79c Table Damask. Yard, tie: snewv -bleach,
heavy quality mercerized table damask in
n at patterns. Wide- width.
:i."ir Crash Toweling. ,Yard. 22c: bleached,
lrav., union linen Barnsley weave crash
ab-.irbi-nt and Untie..-. Neat red borders.
? Luncheon Cleths.. Kach, M.9..: hern
'itched, bleached fine pure ln'en damask
1 :-i hcen i leth-, lovely uruilar pattern-.
M:- ."1.")J inches.
3000 Pieces .i0e Fancj Linens, each. 19c; htm-
t ti-hcii and scalloped edge scarfs, squares
and round centers, with embroidered eon-
ter- hi white and coleicd effect-. Scarfs
;'!, 1") and 51 inches long.
$1.89 Seamless Sheets. Kach,
SKJI0 i dies. Bleached.
$1.35; si;:e
15c and ."illc Pillow Cases, Kach 35c: si,;t.?
12."d nnd l5xei.
45c Bleached Sheeting, Yard, 33e; .j inches
wide. Splendid quality.
42c Pillow Tubing, Yard. 33c; 42 inches wide.
90c I'nblenchcd Sheeting. Yard. 75c: 90 inches
wide. Itra heay grade.
75c Weel Flannel, Yard. 65c; cream color wool
26c Outing Flannel. Yard. 19c; 'M inches wide.
Pink and Mu. striped outing flannel.
26c Shaker I lanuel. Wd, 18c; 30 inches wide.
On the Third Fleer
Men's and Yeunq Men's
Winter Clothing
Men's and Yeung Men's $30 and
$35 Fancy Suits at $23.00
Men's and Yeung Men's $30.00
Winter Overcoats at $23.00
Men's and Yeung Men's S8.50 Fancy Trousers,
pair, $4.23.
On the Third Fleer
Beys' Clothing
Beys' $8.25 te $13.50 Winter
Overcoats at $5.00
All-wool fancy overceatings. Button-te
neck model. Sizes 2'i, 3 and 4 years only.
Ne mall or phene orders.
Bejs' $14.75 Winter Overcoats, $9.45; extra
geed fancy overcentlngs. Sizes 11 te 18
years. ., ,
Bevs' $13.50 Winter Overcoats. $7.9..; all-wool
blue chinchilla, lined with all-wool red flan
nel. Button-te-neck style, with belt all
b round and muff pocket?. Sizes .i te i.
Beys' $14.75 Twe-Pants Suits, $8.9.,; nil
wool fancy cheviets, tweeds and home heme
snuns in a big assortment of patterns.
NorielK coats nncu iu ''"'" '"
pairs of full lined knickers. Sizes 7 tp
18 years.
Beys' $5.50 Kuhber Bain Coats. $3.90:
geed, heavy weight black rubber. S
izes A
te 18 years. . m,
Bevs $2.50 te $3.25 Flannel Blouses. $1.2.i;
Only about 75 in the let. Sizes 7 te 16.
Beys' $2 Knickers, S1.35; corduroy, in sizes 7
te 18 years.
Men's and Beys' Hats and Caps
Men's and Bey,' $1.00 and $1.25 Caps, 69e;
with or without car tab..
Men's $2.50 Seft Hats, $1.65; odd let3 take
from regular stock; in geed .hades.
Men's $2.50 and $3.00 Cleth Hats, $1.50; geed
looking cloth hats in several pattern?.
Sporting Goods
$40.00 Century Bicrtes, $27.50; complete rntn
coaster brake, mud guard.-', roller chain,
rubber grip, rubber pedals and tdand.
$18.00 Pea Jackets. $8.75: regulation t". S.
Navy pea jackets of JI0-ez. melten cloth,
government made and inspected. Four
pockets nnd large cellar.
$1.50 Army Penches, 89c; geed and service
able for messengers, boy scouts, drivers,
chauffeurs and out-deer workers.
$3.00 Khaki Shirts. $3.15; U. S. Army officers'
khaki shirts of extra heavy flannel. Strong
ly sewn seams and reinforced elbows.
Beys' $3.00 Pull-Over Sweaters, $1.75; geed
heavy ribbed school sweater;, in the popu
lar pull-ever style, with shawl cellars.
Men's $5.00 Sweaters $2.50; clearance, of
small lets of high-grade sweaters made in
V-neck, button front btj.li or with cellars.
Seme Shaker Knits in the let.
Aute Tires and Accessories
$4.50 Spot Lights, $3; silver finished parabolic
reflector, concealed switch, adjustable te all
angles, armeured cable.
$3.50 Windshield Visors, $2.10; no glare, green
under color, light and rattlcproef and ad
justable. $12.50 Girard Fabric Tires, $8.25; size 30x3 ',i,
non-skid, fully guaranteed.
Radie Supplies
$2.00 Keystone Lightning Arresters. $1.05.
$2.50 Socestats, $1.65; single unit socket and
rheostat for tabic or panel mounting.
75c Cerwin Ktched Dials, 50c; for Ii-10 in.
shaft, u'j in. ever all.
On the Fourth Fleer
$3.00 Character Baby Dells SI. S3; with short
bobbed wig.
$2.00 Bisque Head Jointed Dells $1.25: with
long curl.'.
$2.00 Dell Aluminum Cooking Set. $1.15.
Children's 75c Sad Irons, with removable
handle, 39c.
$1.50 Hewling Allcvs ier Children. 93c.
$1.00 Opera Glass, 59c: geed size for the chil
dren. $1.00 Artificial Christmas Trees. 59c: geed
size for table.
5c Christinas Tree Ornaments, 35c dez.
75c Christmas Tree Balls box, 50c; en string,
all color.-.
$1 Cribs or Mangers, 15c; for under the
Christmas t" e. ,
S3.50 Magic Lanterns $2.35; complete with
$12.50 Kell Tep Desk & Chair Set, S8.95; desk
with pigeon holes-. In gtlden oak and
fumed oak finish.
$1.50 Flexible Fiver Sleds. $3.25; self steer
ing; 12 inches long.
Pictures and Mirrors
$3.50 Pictures, $1.25 reproductions of old mas
ters in colors and sepia tones, framed in
3-inch brown frame; pleasing subject?.
$1.00 Pictures $1.95: Hiiins of Kemc in sepia
tones Forum, Celicuni, Custlc St. Angcle
and ether subjects framed in 3-in. brown
-$12 00 Oil Paintings. $5.00; framed in .spe
cially designed tenu frames -sheep, cattle,
landscapes. Would make acceptable gift.
Sl.4h Imported Cretonne. Yard, 65c; beautiful
coloring- and rich patterns. Suitable for
any treatment. Fxtra fun quality.
K9c Madras, Yard, 35c; natural color, excel,
lent quality, pn-tty de-igits
7.V te SHJ.9S (Jdl Pair- and Lace indew
Panels, 48c te $10.65; len.-i-tiug of m rim,
marquisette nc-, til. u, ;et, Ins, i'01n,
and met every known style. Celeis both
in the pairs, curtains and panel-.
I he original price remains en the ticket
c-,,,u r,a,'c ,l,,r ew" reduction of one-third.
f..9S lapestrv Couch Cevers, S3.25; beautiful
cennh covers; excellent eunlitv. Full size.
SI.1S ..O.mch Drapery Peplin. Yard. 79c; e.
eellent quality, .() inches wide. .U color
Can be split for draperies.
On the Fourth Fleer
Fleer Ceverinas
100 Kegular $17.50 te $50.00 AU-Weel elet
Bugs. $31.7: made of fine duality all-wool
yarns, m pretty Chinese, ' Oriental and
.1..I -.. 1 t-. . I
Hill loiers. ,-smr'i i .'
or any woman in the
Jioii-e. Positively none sold te dealers. Ne
mail or phone '.orders. Si;:os ,i2 and I
8,3x10.6. I
$1.35 1-Yard Wide Best Printed Cerk Line-
some Jeutjths te cover a k, Ue ,-oein.
$1.1.1 .Mardiili .standard llcavv Inlaid
Linoleum, .s.,. Yd.. $1.15; pretty see ""
e Pa terns Karlyshepp,,,,; f, ndvisab"
is sonic of the patterns will net last all
"Knv'' ,ien. 'Un,'nf'-" t'nrpet. Yard,
$-80. 'New ami pretty patterns. Suitable
for rooms, halls and stairs. ""-u.c
On the Fifth Fleer
Upright Pianos
'1'! M,S0" l ,,riKht ,,nnl,, (,U'M- cu-h
"Tn"' Sch,,l,z L'nrKnt I'Ihmeh (new), each
Musical Instruments
$9,85 Italian Accordion, $9.50,
; a