iBlWOi WSpiPPV'frpfJVWWt "VV . . -.4 -X. war EVENING . PUBLIC LBDOBB-PmEADBLPHlA. MONDAY. NOVEMBER ST. 1922 WB r MUST FACE COURT habeas Corpus Writ Ordering Yeung Heiress' Attendance Obtained by Gardiner ' neil"". Ner. 27.-DorethyOor.loii, -mf Utile rlr-li Srl. yltec mind N e !rC,fl ,v lllnrHH Hint the rnnnet fccil ...i .. iihmit dip nstIstBn"p of a ninni- rccii "' it the M'-Inn Private Iiiwhk Jul. nt Wnverly, will Imve te pltal Inxanp lle.i- ,,l WilVOI' V. Will iiiivp uih'viii (or'e tlie B"I'IB curiosity of u creud- 7 7. ..Tehii fj-rdlnrr, h? iptuiis :i xtnprtbc by obtaining a writ of J&"V7crH that Dorethy Gor Ger jm l hfliiB Illegally restrained by Dr. rei II. I'nrKnril, fciiperlntetident of the mVlcuii Hospital, anil forced te n.vq late In a LiUWlns " luimllcj.. a -SeiirIi lifl awprlH tint elm Is' herelf quite t'tiir .mil n.illc of reiinuglng linr "uoret'lu'tioiiloli liorf-elf fears te tip-Mi- in u'.urt. 'I'li! Miiini? woman. l)lle fn pefsclnii of all of her f.iniltles, Ih III ami no oho realizes. It mere than herself. It wn imponible te keep the uncle' ! ltet mnc from tier, though the results were feared. ORCHESTRA ENSEMBLE-IN CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT Second of the Sunday Afternoon Meetings Provides Novelties The Pliilmlelphi.i Orchestra en semble, composed of the "iirsth" of the erelieMra. par the tecend Chum fcrr "Itifrfe rnneeit at the fJellcvtin ifiterdav. It consisted of Thaddcua Bleb, lirst violin; Dald Dublnsky. Kencl tielin; Hemain Verney. loin ; .Michael Pcnha. cello; Anten Terelle, centralw: W. M. Klnn.i.l. flnf; '...,,! rrnltninnii nhrtn fSmri?rs (tri al art; vi iii"i' ..... , r- - - - irr, clarinet; Walter fiuettcr, har-roeti, and Anion Herner, horn. Te this rfgnlir renipleinent viy added a piano, phne'l I'V 1 I11W Clark Ilainnmiin. . lhc fe'mert opened with nil interest ing Hpedmcn of modern French tnnplc, a divert Isgement for flute, oboe, clarl- rh,,teSOOA,J...h.et2-.?M PJ?.e. poser Id one of the 'most talented pupil? of ncent d'Ind,.wUe performed ene Here Kplendldly, played, ts .thoroughly char acteristic of the Freneh school which Ilqusscl represents. i j uv evi-umi uumuer nas llie well KIIOWII terzette of nvnrnV. f. n tfi'v."01.",1 YMa' ,fla?C(1 by Mesai. Kich, Dublnsky and Verney. It ia an exceedingly rlaberatn work for only three instruments, written In Kenatii form in four movements, of which the M-herwi is decidedly the best. Like tie divertissement, tun trio was beau- i- . ,y V,!,fr,,.Mr,..VcrnJr especially diMtliiRuishinK himself with the elab orate .mil difficult viola part. lhc clediiit number wns n untnnp toiupesiliun by taenia Tn.ler for all the sole Instruments, with piano added. In a sense it la n piece of program music hased en certain Incidents In I.i1n f.'nrrnll'N fiminiiH I'titlitrnn's book. "Tlirniiffh llin l.n.iklnir.lllilsN." Mr., liarfjiMdi..! u I n...1u I........ .1 . I.I 1 , l .!. 1..1IUM Of III tl'OFKA With thl nml...!.. k.. I ..!. Iu ,,.! ..-!. ..,. I. .1l..l.l.. Ha "5. ef.!'0"'. The.-work," which waa. the subject he chose. The first move meat, railed Ded catien, ia a vertr lovely bit of wilting showing the sole character of almost, all the Instnt-l menu, 'iuu second movement is tee famous affair of the .Tahberweck, and it is very cleverly written. In the third, "The White KnlRht," there is a beautiful melody for cello, exquisitely k.l... 1... ,u ft l... tL . u.BA . Iiiiijcd ii,r iur. it'iiiui. 11 e'curs iwm. once with piano accompaniment and again with a considerable contrapuntal overlay, later appearing in. the violin with piano alone. The last movement describes tenallv the looking-glass In secta. using all the resources of the eleven liiMtrupienta, and is sehcreo sehcree like in diameter and speed. , WANTED Associate AUTOMOBILE DEALERS The Oldnmobile clitributers arc looking for a few live and mergctic retail dealers te represent them in Philadelphia and burreunding vicinity. Wc have a high-grade automobile which has been estab lished for 25 yearn. We are offering a preposition un equaled in price, appearance and performance. Te the proper party interested, we can efft-r unusual and attractive inducement. Communicate with LARSON-OLDSMOBILE COMPANY 800 N. BROAD ST., PH1LA. On Menth Hence Cemn Chr1tn, tnt wbetrcr plin th (Acil alft of nrfum Imported nr Amtrlcin will N wine te mika rly rhelr from ear unmuilly rti Mertmnt new romplete for lielldtjr nelMtlea. riftv centi te Iwcntj-Bre dollars a bettle. LLEWELLYN'S Phlltitt'lphlii's Stiindril Drm Otere IBIS Cheitnut Strati Open Dally Until Midnieht MX77mussswrjnrwjMn WANTED Kemawhere In or about Phila delphia, there la an Industrial establahment that Is net pro pre duclng or earning as It should. Thla condition may be due te equipment, management, weate of materials, marketing methods or a little of eaclL The owners seek a man big and bread enough te iiulctly loeate the trouble and produce, results. Fer your man address It iSO, L.KDOEII OFFICn CORNS Start a QenuinePcail NecklaceforYeur Little Qirl 3 Ptarls $300 S Pearls $7.50 8 Pearls $10.00 Ctdda-beart 9 Pearls SlS.OO 10 Pearls $2000 12 Pearls $2&00 NICKLACI The Add-a-Pearl Necklace consists of a group of genuine Oriental pearls strung en a silk cord, inserted in a fine geld neck chain, se that addi tional pearls of any number may be added en birthdays, Christmas and ether special occasions until the necklace is completed. S. Kind & Sens, nm chestnut st. DIAMOND MKRiMIlANTS JlTvVKMillS -SlkVUttHMrnitf Lift Off with Fingers Ffi 1 1 Fer Holiday Gifts Exceptional Lamps, Mirret8 and Mahogany Furniture These in search of unusual ,amps and Shades, Period Mirrors, and Mahogany High Beys, Desks, Tables, Dressers, Chain, etc., for gift purposes will find here an assortment that in without counterpart aa regards both the vuricty and character of the articles. Dougherty' Faultless Bedding jVaii' Mattresses Bex Springs Hcdsteada 1632 Chestnut Street While They Last! Doesn't hurt a bit! Drep a little "Freezenc" en an aching corn, instantly that corn steps hurting, then shortly jen lift it right off with fingers. Truly; Your druggist soils a tiny betm of "FrfTzetie" for a few routs. fimili'iit te remeve rer nani corn, mft corn or eni between the tetv, nnd the callu'et. without fcoreiifKs or irritation. Adv. si Rely en Cuticura Te Clear Away Skin Troubles Hoteelinte, Olettiwnt te loethtjil'om le oeir. tu.'&z. Sainplft of Ottttus, I3tl S.Mnain.Mm 1 I i I ! Geld ttv . NEW YORK'S CLUB XX $ LIKE HOTEL Times Square (Southwest) INDIVIDUALITY X0ElLESf . OfflSISE Eeemt Sinele 53.00 te SJ.09 fYU CAN BUY1 AT PRICES AND VALUES THAT DEFY COMPETITION, IF YOU WILL CO.V.L TO THE FACTORY. ALL KINDS I ALL SIZES! $200,000 STOCK. WONDERFUL BARGAINS. COURTE OUS SALESMrN. Wiltens, AxmintterM, VelvtM and Brunei Extraordinary Quality and Dtiigni. In an size liiffyest Bargains ilk Town Special! Extraordinary! Axminitcr and Vel- $99 Hil "I1 et, 9x12 CtCitOV Axminster Rugs, $OC AA MliVV up S.llxlO.G Aminster and Vel- SIA CA up U't. 7.69 lifOV Aminster Rugs. $0 CA up 27r,t LMX3 SVFZKtXNE bEAMLES3 g.f tt( Hill TflMP Bxl2 ' 53 & p I'OXM TAPFSTRY BRUSSELS, 1 O CA u Pitfict Goods. SHxIOB IO.OU Sue, Runner. CtrpeU by th- YaH U'i, 27 and 30 inches wide all grades, Le RUgmilT3 Jul or and Orleans abore Cambria St. Take Reute 3 er 6 te Cimbrla St,, or mnaferd "L" te Sentrsft St. SU., and viVi ene square east te Jasprr St, and g juare. north te factory. 2030 N. Open Men . Vtei.. Fri., Until 10 P. M Open Bit. BPrl nihfr riv u.i,ll A P. M. lf.t SOriitrs Illlid. Frte Aute Dfllvcrv. i p .& JatnBr'-- (JaLsLie't & Bt Juniii C)i; "Bernard cfliaw: "ljreatEerms--"the old mistakes of creation". TRUE te form, he re x marks: "When ;i nun Puts a Fermamint tablet in tu his meutli te wipe out lew million bnetena, lie i trying te correct the old mistakes of creation." All of which admirably sums up the services of j'emwmtnf, the threat Uib m that dctiwlly fylfs germs. At all drug stores. wmamint I GMH-KIUING THROAT TABUTS Ut44ilin mr vnivi SAWlESl loacijuainMeiiuliN rtmamiiil ue uill Ittul a (rial Tube nn rt(t f of 4c in jiampi Hlraiwilirw ceit Mdreii Thf Bauer Comical Ce., i M VC. i8i it , N. V. C10 i' H That oitlTef Medal Milk? aaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaMsWsaWsaaallsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ VsfSMHLaHHHLHsBHH asBraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal B "aW, 'aaVaaaaaasaaaaaBBaaaaaaalBlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalsai LaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBb! I f yOuk, I ill M T I H SS?3: IQ vBjDMaViTOlBSMlaaan!lM IBJaaM,'eBasaaaailiaBaaaaaajaMHaaBHs L TABLE II Laaf ik LAinrc IA s W " II Ja' One S Bread l.l I III The Practical Christmas Gift .1' r W "!is3 300 ART GLASS -r'SS READING v'yvV m-A"?v g4 Wnile They Latt i:.c-li lamp Is 2r." hlKh vltlt an 1 V Miaile In Nile, nmlier or PUIT"-t pl,T'? Hl0117f'.nillnllPd Rtaiidf with 2 .Mctiic llchts. Must tm Fren te bf appwluted. N.E. CUR. 13TH AND ARCH SrS. Open Meb., Wed., Fri. sad Sat. Eveaicgi Bleck Frem Reading Station, 2 Blocks Frem St. Station FREE DELIVERY gj A GLEAMING, cryatal-clean container, revealing through t tranaparent glaaa the purity, richneaa and deep cream line of its content!. Thoroughly sterilized by costly, but efficient, machinery before it, is filled with fresh, rich, wholesome milk from healthy, selected and inspected herds. Milk that, without delay in delivery from the cow te the cut cut temer, must meet exacting, rigid tests all along the line. Milk that is weighed and tested for butter-fat content, flavor, sweetness and purity before it is accepted as worthy of fill, ing the mere than a quarter of a million bottles that a confid ing public requires daily. Milk tested at the rural receiving centre, at the city dairy laboratory and receiving platforms. Werk conscientiously performed by experts whose 'experience is long, whose knowledge is bread. Jt is only after such tests that the fresh, rich, wholesome milk with which you are invariably served is geed enough te be bottled and distributed as GOLD MEDAL MILK. Twenty-six national and international awards for quality have given GOLD MEDAL MILK an enviable reputation te sustain. QurWatchwerd is Sterling Quality backed by prompt, efficient, courteous service. Our cus tomers will confer a favor by promptly reporting any case in which our product or our service falls short of the standard of perfection we seek. Help 5000 Veterans' Families! These families of world-war veterans soldiers, sailors, marines in this neighborhood depend en YOU, through your RED CROSS. Help them! They need your help! Ne Heme Should Be Without a Red Cress Flag en Thanksgiving Day Fill ia below cheek class of membership desired' and return te Bell Call Headquarters S. E. corner 18th & Locust Sts., Phil a. with check, cash or money order. A receipt, button and window flag will be forwarded immediately. American National Red Cress 1923 S. E. Pennsylvania Chapter san lainC aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai StX6V aaa taaaaaaaeaaaaaaaa ta-lty aaaaaaaaas.a UalC St ilNM'AL rONTKIIil'TINO SIO ftT.INING rriKCK CLAM or MKMnr.RMiir taken This advertisement paid for by a friend SUPPLEE-WILLS -JONES GOLD MEDAL MILK HI? li iBb EatsBBBBaBlBBBW I 1MELALbB ill wmm m I i in ii m 2x!sVn BissiBiiiaAaiaiiBiBtiiiiVP l-KK-J luHaHaVaVaaal II Jyr v I 26 Awards of 'Quality San Francisce His favorite Pert of Call Familiar with every world pert, his 6rs: choice is friendly, care-free San Francisce. Fer here U hit happy, changeful, resttul. Gay pleasure palaces ocean beaches golf metering jaunts te nearby moun tains and seaside resorts. Visit San Francisce thi winter. And te its many pleasures add the scenic delights of a transcontinental trip en the Union Pacific's boulevard of steel. Yeu parallel the historic Overland Trail cres the Reckies and the Great Salt Lake traverse the high Sierra, and skim along the rimuf the American River Canyon. S: Francisce Overland Limited Leaves Chicago (C. 6. N. W. Terminal) 8 10 p. m. daily. Solid Pullman train with observation, buffet-club and dining cars. Pacific Limited Leaves Chicago (C. M. &. St. P. Station) 10.45 a. m. daily. Observation, standard and tourist slrcpers, chair cars and diner. Reduced Round Trip Fares fat tarnatiens, ccmpltu inomdiien and dticnpmt beeUtu, ask V. I. Fraklm, General Afnt Inlen raUir Nrstrm, MM rum'l Trust llldf., 1.1th anil HarkrtBta. I'beae leust ;. rhilail.lphla, I'a. Pnien Pacific ,m tf i v -'-m i.m,, JJ