t-nsi rfAi -(!. '" 4'Vl.r",8" ".- $1 ' . - y v 'TiTO ?,'. iWHftW?' " T- CJi . 1 i l i l Vl ' Wl'' . . 4 'A'.V. .V fi ?k. IT w&rm k I Mil Jfel- B-iM Sit! . nil1 Ira fcttl I ;$.& ' rctfra UK i',I " ' ! : TMW r S-l sfi lUft tin id W, I iM; tf Xilt l(Mh fflH ; Mm 111 11 14 tiV&XlKG PUBLIC lEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY,1 XOVEiMBER 27, 192 SANTA DISMAYED lnrrlrl ttm Amur liml irrnd Ihtimcjli inn i iii llimr. T AT N. J. TAX BILLS : j Christmas Savings Will Be Cut Inte by Payments te RECORC FOR AGED LAWYERS ........ MA V... - I'.i ,., . . .. . , - . ... li.lMI'Hi .'Ml. 0" Ml I II -1 Ml ' Mini iw.iwriM-r. mi in- n'liir in,, ,((s(l f ,.,,, ,,.,,,, ,)f ,,, ,,,,,,, In. riimiwnj. .., ,.,nra,' nf 111- liu- ,,,,, , Mmi'jIiiihI Hint Iiiim- nn liplitiMi ii ml miici-itiIi'iI In -iii vims tin; ; I i , ,.,.,. .....i v... H t nl Hie (minimi:, wliMi win il.u.iimeil ,,;,fi)p)I , .M!iiliiml Cunt of Aipi-iil NlltiMIHilillKlv mi tin' U'lilti' lliil-i' nl AiimiiHilie. Thi'lr Kinliliii'it iiifiw I'illi- i.-n-l,ul llii'it ruis nciilliv Hii'l nn ,l i'in. TIipj mi' Colonel .tinnr- It'llml iMil-v mil lilltlilllli-. I' Miilllt.lii. T!l: !i-1ii-i'iil .lnvi.nl, It. Ii wut ml limine. Tlir inn i-known Si'Mi. 77. mill Alfied l Tlmrti. "-. tn imtiii l'liil:iiti'liliiil multilist-. 'c, ,.,-,. , nrmii-il ln-t in-k. I TERNINAL AARK&T I cazScrew Machine; products Per It or A tumbled Artielit mad te Specineadenti PREMIER RADIO MFG. CO. I Kj 1000 North flth St. I M CnlnniM 4M4 Pur "W 'tey.il-Wm.WJjjj..uj;j;i;V,!2 21 SI si j -. 1 v a i ' a Government ; BANKS RELEASING MILLIONS i J Jn-r r' II nn'rh tt I i ( ', h I nW ritmaii. N. .. N'n. -7 Miltlnn- !' J llllllnH 111 llH .IK.'K'U'lltl' 'll I'" f'l'M-i I fur tile pilMllflll n' SIM'S mid lin J ('hclMuM" "fi(iiiniB iliicmcli i"i , i'IiiIis li lunik" in Nn-rli .Ipi-i'j. ! J twfpti t'niiiilni nml tlie -lii'ir, thix "'. Total .iiiiimnl ! In' imnl "lit r i I t lij bntiKeiw te pmi'piI nil piMiieii ,'.n-. "Jii 'lilic of iiieii- et li-' uii-i'IiIimI tini nis nml hi'iictrial lomlltieii ilnnni in,.,,,1 .Mere Hull nml inn"' m iiiliri. nn J linrr feiiml r It 1 no u n 'e In1 ''' II fllllll' lit llie Clel of till' I'll I. Ill Wiv'i'l IJ 1 Vl lip". 'Ilf1 l'"lellill't' tm till" III" ) fi-i'iii in lieliil.ii ,tlns- le i nf ijii ' hunks :iri pl;iliiiiiis le mini 'Sn'ii 1 l - J en or liol'eio lin I'liihi'i I. "i In Ii i" tm' ii fintil I.i.x for tlii' pr.Mii"iii nl iiiM'i V Wliile tnt i ellii let- a,.' .luni. miih i I' t'lailh .1 Villi for till' Ilinllt'V. iliie lii 'In' "imt tli.it t.i lull- .Hi- ui.ibl; tun ii mere tlinn ilm'c wi'pU lii'inri1 i'liii- ' mil. :iite.nl of en Di'ri'itilii'i' '.'ii. ! " iiii.h'r tin' "Ill tinliu ".v-ii'in. lmiili'i " BJ tllpf l 'e'l mil lliei-i tllnlU'l tn Ii Ii ilit"lhl'ti'i tm lielimil Iiiiill!! t lull. I for tn'.i"i jl n 'ii in i ni'ti ii. i ' "i '- ' t iniii'l) Lit : i' in 'iii "i 'In !-'- '-''' ' l!'llin.pll I 'I li HI I m 'I' '" ' '" " n mi'ii in iinu'i'i lielinii li i-nii' - '.', Iluoiicliei't eifli I x .no! hi H li I'lill.nMplim ili-M'i 'iinl '' In- ' i ' " reallv mini itTirtiii' .m "iiii'i" ' ' 'I ' '. Jnnr ('III I'llil.l' ilmppliii i'H'Ij 1J iP.i'eti of tin- si'lu'iluh' tm :1m J, ilinttib ltmi; of k.nln.- I'luli-i i'.ii'Ii i i1 1-the far r thai iiuiiiy mini . 1 1 -i i - " nic net tni'lilhi'i of tlm lull" li.ni- '' !' Icil tlm p.i.vniB of tlim tiit'i uiiti1 0 tlm l.i-t miir.li. m iolli-tei -in- 'i'i" J! for n i i'Ii nt tlimr etln . tlii1- w-i-", Sume munlripalliiri -nieiiinnl .irH JJ pnimr-it'. in pu'i'eii". M-ar- 1'.' 'ft- ni hil llf-lOllllt en mi hil- pnul II I'i " ' I'll' llll- 'I " ilnt ".I" r I "I " '" i 1 lrgil (iinl mi . Iiin.ii.it-il ii. i i'.n i ; MOTORISTS AID IN FIRE ,! IN WHITE HORSE PIKE INN Third Fleer of Silver Lake Hetel Damaged by Blaze r Th lnii' t1 ii . n- no ' i I . ' Inn. Wii te llnr-i l'i,i. iic'm- i W.i i entnin n ii. I t'l-ni ' " .1.. i- iliiniriEi-il hi li'- icti'il.ii tt-iiii..'i . ' thi" prepi n-ors ii. -i' i'im,ii n; tn i i iat- flmi 1 1 em i . ' A gll'"' linn- I, i 111- 'inm en ' . itiiin i fle'T mil n'ltnl I iliV'l ii. Il -ni'" 'I'lif i liimim mi- a tii- .i-in 'in- tl.nn--J' iinrlmil il.- Moeiliiork n -n- ree ,i W'licii iii'tiirn "mm n-ai b i .'"mm nn illlllllllllllllllllKBHvi i IH pJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJHV Eli. a. ka''BI''Bk'Bk'BH 'Vfier Tonuinew- Afternoon 2 :-'50 Bellevue-Strati'erd Ballroom UN'1T.R?T 'a bcri tl'f apprftnatien of i'lipe IsarU' . coeptiejul eire it i char nitcri.'cd b -iu'i ra'-e peiicr and delicacv nf tone tliat Kc lu- l""i!i termed b noted critu- one of the gr".i'r-' Atv.enean tenor of the da. In common u ''' t " ere-cut tendenev .itiien.; artit. lie rcc ird- e..r -neii te.- Brtmw, k '. AU the re,.r-t B- 'ti-' iv.Vc de.iler te play tliee Karle retold- ier 0".: M .-7 Ker In .lnnf '.n(hiiiii-riiia Il I- Ollli ll I mi (mrdl'll . dti i r W.j.l .11,-11 lint Unit ilnf Heur M erir-Ki I ' If oil Mould leir llr .jm Ma L1r!ii .1 limn ulthln lln- nriln of M llrnri Ien r ifr ". ' e- "-e An Phenegtspk Can P!a Biursmch Rtcerdt TMK BKL'NiiWICK KM KK COI 1 'NDIB CO. i HICAC.O MWNORK CINCINNATI BRUNSWICK. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS ClIIAlgO San I ran;ij ?..'4 t Hoslen AVif Ybrk MEN'S CAMEL HAIR SWEATERS & HOSE AMONG the very first te sponsor Camel's Hair for sport and sheet wear Jaeger new presents several unusual values selected from tie regular stock and representative of the fine quality always associated with Jaeger Apparel. Camel's Hair Ceat Sweaters 12oe I!Iitrrtvi- Medium weight, brushed sweater that ful fills the. requirements of ReliinR, metering, street v;ar v indoors. In the natural tan color. Men's Scotch Imported Natural Tan Camels Hair Hese JO I ill c Fer Street Medium weiglu liee v:lh wide or narrow rib. If Fer Qelf 3.50 Ribbed hose for golf and ether .ports. Me-i'i Si.-rfi e' iji$l.:i hwhed &vJ's Huitj in the t.in cnl.-r. Si:c S-5 inchc- ' 3.25 rW. -1 Wi' Q natural t is ec Ci'tid's Hi. ,n color . . . . ter street or .pert near; in the 2.25 1701 CHESTNUT STREET Cerner 17th Street r KllV sf sel- ' - X 'N the race of life the nerve-wracking contest for success the man WITH BAD TEETH rides UNDER A HANDICAP, the extent of which he dem realizes. It is THE MAN WITH A SMILE who forges ahead as he covers the distance from day te day. Why? Because there is VITALITY back of the smile. He has MENTAL EQUIPOISE which fits him te take advantage of EVERY opportunity. The man WITH BAD TEETH does NOT smile. In the first place, he fears te betray his dental defect. In the next place, he has BAD DIGESTION, and bad digestion is the SWORN ENEMY OF A SMILE. The Smiling User of Kolynes The user of Kolynes smiles BECAUSE HIS MOUTH FEELS CLEAN, and also BECAUSE HE IS NOT AFRAID TO SHOW HIS TEETH. He has been told JUST WHAT KOLYNOS DOES, most likely by a dentist or physician, or a scrupulously clean and hygienic acquaintance who is also WINNING OUT in the race. He knows that the dangerous bacteria in the mouth DISEASE GERMS are very apt te run riot if they are net kept under control, and that KOLYNOS DOES CONTROL THEM. He has learned that Kely nes brings te the teeth their NATURAL LUSTRE and pre serves them in that condition, because It dissolves the film nnrl hicriniVa11ir cleanses their ENTIRE environment. We haye en file in our New Haven laboratories personal applications from ever 47,000 American Dentists and 74,000 American Physicians for Kolynes Dental Cream, te distribute among their patients. Any physician or dentist will tell you that decayed teeth are strong predisposing causes of many serious diseases, both in children and adults. Kolynes Prevents Decay While a GRITTY dentifrice one which may whiten your teeth in a surprisingly short time will scour away and destroy the enamel, leaving the dentine exposed te immediate decay, KOLYNOS PRESERVES THE ENAMEL. Kolynes contains NO GRIT. Certain of the mouth bacteria PRODUCE THE ACID which, in turn, PRODUCES TOOTH DECAY. Kolynes DESTROYS, RENDERS INACTIVE and WASHES AWAY millions of these germs the greatest service a dentifrice can perform. WIN OUT! DO NOT NEGLECT OR TRIFLE WITH YOUR TEETH! USE KOLYNOS! ' ill h ,yi"'"'- The Kolynes Company Mew Haven Conn. U.S.A. 1 ' M i'1 n ! -i HANDICAPPED A S c e 4 4 ASCO ASCO W i i'V ,Sv -W.Vw'VKS . m il i i ii-inr til t ivin .am iijbiii -mmm0 ; VA y;y "inSWAWwcm A9UVI A9UU THANKSGIVING What big, round, joyous note in that name! Every yllable teundt p e a c and plenlyi Every letter tpelli the joy of living. Let lit give thank te Ged at did evr Pilgrim forefather in 1621 thank te Him for our big harvest, our pr-etperitiet, our peace. Truly, nt a Natien we have caute ter ine deepest gratitude and praiie. As we contemplate these mercic and appreciate these blessings, may we all recegnise the Divine Provid ence that it the arbiter of our det tinles and the invisible control and force te which all nations and people are supjeci. Our Stere Will Be Closed Thanksgiving Day Open Until 9 P. 31., Wednesday Night te Better Serve Yeu Delightful Yellow Lemen-Cling rtAtnw ri mri faektd In tugar cant tyrup ' aH Kraft's Tasty Cheeses Rich, Creamy Cheese Mlip.r (lire pti ft )-i-l. -....--- ............. t,.. i,tr ,iiiirlenii t.nnf Ih 4V Anirrlrnn niiIm Ill 4c Anirrlrnn ( linlitnr lln Mr Ainerlmu rimeiile tin 18r riinente ( lief I'kr l.V tmy Cheese lb. 30r. Fancy Sound Yellow Onions, 3 lbs. 10c A Generous List of Wholesome, Timely Feeds Selected Mixed NnU lb. 25c Fancy Calif. Walnuts lb. 35c California Almonds lb. 35c Very Cheic Filberts Ih. 17c Selected Bucl Nuts '.....lb. 17c Fancy Orange Peel lb. 25c pur. Apple Sauce Can 15c Rtady le SrV Wm Dtliciaut Fancy Lemen Peel lb. 25c Extra Fine Glace Citren -Ib. 30c ASCO Catsup big beh 15c Calif. Seeded Raisins pkx. 16c ASCO Ginger Ate bet. 10c ASCO Grape Juice pt. bet. 20c Cooking Herbs big pkg. 5c Baker's Shredded Cocoanut pkg. 7c, 14c Baker's Grated Cocoanut can 15c Pure Van'lla Extract bet. 12c 22: Dcl'rieuv Plum Pudding can 30c Wilbur's Baking Chocolate Vi-ib- cake 7c R?pd. Cranberries ,b 14c Cranhtrry Sate with tht Pat CeHr Asce Seedless Raisins pkg. 9c ASCO Cocea Vg-lb. can 15c Zaytek Cake Icing pkg. 10c Pat-a-Cake Fleur pkg. 19c Pure Fruit Preiervei Tumbler 15c Mixed Vegetables (Fer Soup).. can 12c sS ;mslr read lire, I'll ll l.llilf Tlii- !nulll nml luunlll ltmi iinii- n pun linir or Mlur nlitn.t ii pun tinner iif Vlitm n t n EXTRA Bread Minrpmp ?'p Our natter bk9r$mast,rpu9! ' 9c Lard lb. 12c Here i a been for thr TliankscivinR baking. TM'. lard i pure and epenkeMle rendered the beat. 30c Fruits for Breakfast Selected Bikini Aetlci lb. Ac j Extra Fine tttin f Applet, dm Juicy Florid n 1A Crpe Fruit. C 1UC Sweet, Juicy Flerida Oranfei, dot. 30c, 38c, SOc An, Investment in Health 11 lirii ou bin ur rBK. It N lll- Kill n X In -(inr in.i tliluil ler- nml Inijlm lirultli. Ilct iliin'l iit-rfiirni mlrui li-. Iml tli-. him- Hull rrmlti'il. Ktriiil.t .milrll ti- punrr Hint U -iir- le liullil ,'nn up II .1 .hi mi rim iIiiiiii hihI (it Krrp .inn up If jiu Hn uiiriiiiit. Eggs, 40c S&edbMi vll. dozen l.riirn te rn- iiKui'f 1 li ' ' mrlen nf lln flllfkl I.iiIIit In nirrliii! Husbands and Wives lull i- -illU. "Ihr tllir-t Imlli-r r rrr lHl.i:" ll U mill nr. r-ir.r for ,ieu te liny n peu ml of Kiln celilru KOeilnr- te iiiuiliirr jeiir.rlf li:i ittnll llii".' milil l Irili-. GOLD SEAL EGGS Carten of TweKe 70. Butter 62c . 7"i Pick of the Nests ! W.v imz -";- - -at.." -a Richland Butter ,b 54c I'tll-K iri'Hln, A m it h 'e-iiiIIpi iMirs 4-rfHiiirrj nrln1s Mutt uin HlHtitl lit III. .nA...IU.I ill i . t-ii nr, - ?kw "sn nP- i asce Mince Meat lb. 21c It smacUs of that foeJ etd-timt flavor Cakes for All N. B. C. Sorbette en Sandwichei lb. OOC Firtiide Cncntnut Juir.blei, lb. L 1 C Pieffernueiie Cikei, nl ib. eCC 45C0 TEAS 4-lb. pk..t2-lb. pk;., Mb. pk?. 12c 23c 45c Encore! Encore! Wrn .Miii n.irtli lit.irtv lit.. mi llilur nr mlii nn lln "line, .'mi I i n ' I ippliinl for iinin nimllii'i -mm, iiuullirr T im. Tlii- Willi" I trui- nf Hil ill--Hi Inn- mfTi-r ion -httpl niU't Irne Hull ienil iin OSCO Coffee it. 29c Fancy Gelden Pumpkin 1 2V2c in inn CoeheJ rrndy in uir delicious! Candy Specials Chocolate & Ben Bem, ) On S-lb. be $L,LU i llllllllillK-' ri-iiiiut llrilili- ie ( rciin Mini-. . ItrllilniK. -.lll tl'll lioiel.ilp II, pUt wC n 25c lu. 39c j 39c .rmli 4C (hiiii't- e i iwifin pUk in. i iii lr I n in ii il. I Iniiilllli' ll.lilllll It.'ii- mMmrtisammEm Yeu Can Plan a Delicious Meal Frem fhis List Brand Lern can IZ'vjC Peas can 17c. 19c. 25c Tomatoes med. can 12c Sliced Bacen pkg. 17c Buckwheat phj. 10c Gelden Syrup 3 cans 25c Noetllej pkg. 5c Pure Cider Vinegar bat. 16c W. D. Vinegar bet. 12c Sliced Beef pkg. 13c Bread Crumbs pkg. 10c Cracker Meal pkfj. 10c Geld Seal Oats pkg. 9c Geld Seal Macaroni 3 pkgs. 25c Imported Sardines (in olive oil) tin 15c Choice Pink Salmen . . . .tail can 12c Red Alaska Selmen . . . .tall can 25c Fancy Cel. R:vcr Salmnn V-Ib. can 25c Fancy Cal. Mulr Peaches Ib. 23c Extra Large Prunes lb. 19c Fancy Queen Olives . . . .bat. 10c, 20: Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple can 19c, 25c Hawaiian Crushed Pineapple.med.can 19c Fancy Calif. Cherries can 23c, 39c Neck Breast. . . . Shoulders . QUALITY MEATS FINEST QUALITY MILK FED COUNTRY VEAL ltC I I :, U Uaclr Priori ' 22c Rib Chops . . " 28c Cutlets ' 40c 16c 20c Lein Chops lb SOFT MEAT MILK-FED POULTRY Fresh Killed ROASTING TRYING STEWING Chickens ib 35c City Dressed Perk Best Cuts. . . Chops or Roasts .lb 28c Ib lOc i city :.Pgggggd Perk; Shoulders ib 22c Little Pig Roasting Hams ib 22c Large Cup Pepper Sauce T saaaT ". Pure Perk Sauiarjc 'b 32c Delicious Fresh Sausage ib. 25c Delicious Country Scrapple lb. 1 2r qt. 5c I asce I P,CM Wuan ' 0ii LfciL"!i,,,,It cmit I Ae 1 ' i.n.iityamii..aVj lt Markets aisussKJssj. I SCO New Made Sour Kreut I 10c J ' n i ?I i 'HI I i. ' y AtBsm. ' ) y x jjak. i . -;.V- .. , dsfiBWLl t iA; Afi 42,