TCT W JCST IWWMR B WfTvtsamsTMi" 'atmwv&simn MfcogeHj 3B'r7S WlM -f W ' . T"3V"V T i r - i T " .w ,(( t wwm KW-TftSWBSK 1 A"f EVENING PVBLIO LElfeER PHILADELPHIA' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1922 Mrs. Wilsen Gives - Dakota Recipes 'X Community Dinner Which Has Been Adapted for Use i . . -i. e - . n..i. at a Lauren euf ar By MRS. M. A. WILSON SUNDAY, October the 20t!i, in n little Tilings culled New England. Kerth Dakota, the. entire populace turned out te give praise te the Supreme for n bountiful harvest. In this North Daketn village n nlcndld dinner was served, te com cem com ncaernto thli day, and the geed fceuffwlves of the community each lent i willing hand in the preparation of tbefcMt. The menu' vea nil prepared by the keffle folks and Is splendid. Vegetable Soup Celerv Garden OnlenH Chew "Chew Pickled Onions Chicken Stew with Orny und Dump- Cranberry Sauce Beast Tork with Hnifc Droning Brown Gravy Apple Snuce Potatoes Itensted in the Open Fire Cauliflower . ' Mnshed Turnips Coleslaw Chocolate Nut Cnke Dakota Pumpkin Pie Faked Apple Cobbler June Hug Snuce Coffee Ten pi,!. .. n reiniminitv dinner, and the recipes entirely tee large for tne .-Mi., family. 1 have prepnred the recipes w th"' tnev can "J8 uscJ ut n fhureli supper or for n club. Chicken Stew with Dumplings Pelcct old chickens, known as stpwers, since and wneh well, cut ns for stewing incl plan te serve from six te eight I perfetis from each chicken. Fer a inrtv of twentv-flve, four chicken, ifhing nbeut fifteen or sixteen pounds, will I e ample. Place the chicken in the prewving kettle and add Sufficient halting if flier te eetrr, Tuclvr latge onions, cut in half. Four large carrot, cut in large dice, Twe bunches of soup herbs. Cever rleely and took slowly until the chicken is tender. Drain off the stock, and place this stock in separate wncepan, and add fine-quarter cup of salt, Ttre tablespoons of ichltr jneppcr. Tire and one-half cups of flour, die nhtd in Hca cupi of cold tenter. Stir te blend and bring te boil In point, cook for fifteen minutes, jieur back en the cooked chicken. Dakota Cobbler, June Hug Sauce Pare nnd core si medium-sized apples nnd place In the muffin pan te take, ndding one tablespoon of encli water and sugar te each npple. Bnke In flew een for twenty-live minutes. Place the linked apples in a biking cIMi, pour nreiinil the npples u thick uppie iniee. New sprinkle eer nil Ohe and one-half cupi of hreicn wide strips, forming in lattice fashion. Unite In slew even for forty-five minutes, June Dug Sauce Place In saucepan Three cup of milk, Mr level tablespoons of cornstarch, One-half cup of sugar. Stir te blend nnd bring te boiling point. Cook for five minutes. Then odd Bat. ist? First Aid te Broken Delb Dell Hospital Broken Dell Repaired and Mai te Loek Like New Part$, Wigs, Rubber, tie. Frank Kiesling 2139 Germantewa Ave. .A. &M Three tablespoent of butter, Yolks of three eggs. Ilent hard te blend nnd cook for three minutes. New whip in the stiffly bentcn whites of eggs. Coel, then add One and one-half cups of whipped cream. One cup of rich strawberry preserve. Feld in the preserve, with the whipped cream. , WEDDING m lOO BNIHIAVKD 1 J.'0' I I E iMKniTMi'Vurvtl Older Htln Nat KnmiTrd 90ve per iuu Wrtln or phene Walnut SV53 for I Intent knnr.1.. ntifl wirMPt fnrfflfl. I Iternl EnirnTlnc Hbep. ill Walnut Bt$f Large Attertmant of DeUi, Toys, Ceachei, Etc. SPECIAL THANKSQIVIM SALE CITABLE LINEN mh 250 Det. High Crai Linen Hemstitched NAPKINS $4-80 Hand-tmbreiitnd Madeira Rtdatedl 13-INCH LUNCHEON ($C7S up T0 $Q Napkins, per der. C Gueit Tewtli, $1, $1.2$ & $1.50 Orders Filled h' Mall In Tims for Ttmnkiglvlni- STORE ORDERS IJnihlf Ven te. Buy Anything, Anywhere and Pay Ub en Eaay Terms S. R. WEAVER, Inc. 1112 CHESTNUT ST. Roem St and 23 iViiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiitifflniiiiiiiaiiiiimi I JONES' SHOES Arch Support-Shoei 2752 Germantown Ave. LeUts FlntH Vlci KU Cmhrl Shots, with Sttil Arth Sappwt, Rubber Metis Attached. Real Ntrart't Comfert tC All sires Frem 3V4D jC0'' All widths te 10. nt f !iminiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuaiiiiniiinitiniiiniiiiitiiniinniirtMimi!!l Miff&m iM0dar&ms 36 Se. IthSt. ORES ince Meat The easiest nnd best way te make Mince Pie is with Atmore's Mince Meat all the old time flavor. Years of knowing hew makes this Mince Meat wonderfully different. Wanamaker'sDewn Stairs Stord Has Such Pretty Gifts at Lew Prices Ready for the Pie Ask Your Grocer thi-n nmnr One-half cup of finely chopped nuts. One-half package of sceaca ramus. Plice en n top crust of pnstry in inch Mecha Duvetyne Ladies' Hand Bags Marcassite Trimmed Center Pocket ' Ki i T , .. 'm '"' '"' u" '"'., T 'm. ' "' "m '"' 'm 'm ' mcemmmmmMs 5 IlcRuUr $7.50 Value All the newest shndes. Brown, Caster, Tan, Black and Blue. "CHESTNU-' Next te Keith's Theatre, Phila. Mall Ordnrs Klllfit rhMManWtofestkTMtiedtteEtfcrtimtePfM I Will Furnish a Beautiful and Complete Funeral; Funeral With Metal Casket, $500 and up Complete Snnr unlld mtnl emket, lilshljr nellliH. npheMtprnt nlth Mt, "parte jilllew nnrl innttrPMM. iher Imr linnrtlM. lat pngratpil; fl.Allh sTKI.I, VAl'lr OfAH ANTKEIl 00 YnAIlS; litnnin ami thn' lltnmt.lnen, imlmlnilnc Imlj. iv for opening Bruvp, tlrtimltiB lieilv, blanket and elllt liandkculilef, chilri ami iruiii, nilcrtllii8 runtral In newipapem. $275.00 Complete Fqnar nnllil mnhnpauy highly pelliliid iuki't. nphol.tcreil nlth Mlk, B"parst rlllew nnd Inntlrc.HPii, alhrr Imr hanllt, pint" puxrimd: mitl'l" lninhv...l jMilNhrd rip, cepjM r inftnntPd. rhetnut or ok; lieiiup nnd ii ItmniHln . (mlnlmlng IkhIi, pny for npcnliiK gntp, drfeln 1rxl, Mimkit nnd ullk linndkinhlif, fnrnNh grni If f.imlljr hn n plure of hut-Ill. clinlr nnd irnpp, n'hirtMnc fimcnil In tipivnpnpprii. Call and See the Caskets Yeu Will Be Better Satisfied Ne rhnrgp for tlie n f eir Fnnprnl I'irleri. Onlnc te muniifuituiliit; my own ra.kpt. nnd C.itp. and lui line my nun ("tnplstu Aute Kcuiimrnt I uui iihlc te furnlih tliu iihetP iinrwliprn wlllilli the rltj limit.. An prien of inntvrluln mljiinti ltpf, thP.e prlcen will hp rrdticcd nipf.rcllnnly. Fur-Trimmed Coats Like the Picture, $45 These and ether equally inter esting coats at $45 arc the type that will be wanted mere and mere all Winter. Made of belivia in rich brown, navy blue or black and trimmed with soft durable black Manchurian wolf the wolf that is really of the wild deg family of Manchuria. All are warmly interlined and silk lined. Other Dress Coats Specially Priced Belivia coats with threw scarfs sit $32.50. Wrappy belnia ccats, with large plain cellnis, $32.50. Fur-trimmed wrappy coats in twenty or mere styles at $3H.i"0. Tan pole coats, .sill: lined throughout and with beaver cellar? at $ 12.50. Tweed coats with shawl cellar of lacccen and sill: lmini? at $12.50. Tweed car's with plaid hacks and shoulder lining of slk have raccoon or badger cellars at $33.50. Coats for Christmas Gifts, $9.25 te $20 Almest a dozen styles at these very special prices. Surprisinfflv .soft, woolly tweeds. We'l made. Plaid backs geed linings. Coats one can give or wear with pleasure. ( le n Stulrs Htnr. Murl.,1) S15 s or vViniamH.Battcrsby.Ur.dertakei' . ; 3316N6vthBread St,,.. iett Phene, TTesl 266748 .l ' Umeusinds ie re f , ------- - -- Abbotts lu?e Grativ ICECREAM WHAT was the best part of Grandmother's old-time Thanksgiving dinner? Wasn't it her rich, spicy plum pudding, with its wonder ful, savory sauce ? In Abbotts Grandmother's Pudding we have caught all of this old-time luscious flavor. It's a royal Thanksgiving dessert. Be sure te order an extra supply. Levely Dance Frecks, $15 te $38.50 All ready for the girls coming home from school and college for Thanksgiv ing. Dance, dinner and theatre frocks. With little sleeves and with out any. With cellars of geld or silver lace or shilling silver embroid ery. With enchanting flowers and draperies and the rich beauty of metal cloth, according te the style of the fwek. Pastel tafFeta flecks at $15 and $25. Dainty chiffon frocks, $25, $15 and $37.50. Ileeeming lace frocks in brown, cocoa or black at $15, $H!.50, $25 and $33.50. Seme of these charming frocks are combined with Can Can eon ciepe or have lustieus foun dations of charmeiiM'. Sizes mostly 1 1 te 20. (lien n l!ilr tnr' Overcoats That Are All-Weel Are, Warmer Than Weel and Cotten Tiiev win wnjir. inn. Thev keen their leeks. A man' can put his money in an all-wool overcoat and knew that it will pay its price back te the last dollar's worth. Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Overcoats for Men Are All All-Weel Mighty geed ones are $25, S32.50, $35 and $37.50. $25 for double-breasted ulsterettes of heav y heather mixed knitted wool yes, heavy enough te keep out even very cold weather. $32.50 for herringbone coats in gray, brown and tan mixtures. These come from the Far West where the wool is grown, the all wool material woven and the coats tailored te our specifications. Ne wonder they are .se geed! $35 and $37.50 for plaid-back overcoats of the sort almost every man wants this season. All-Weel Overcoats in Small Sizes, $18.50 Deuble-breasted ulsterettes of oxford gray all-wool overceatings. Sizes 34, 35 and 36 only. Limited number. (IJtmn Miilri slnr,. for .Men, nn Hip (iiillrry, Murkft, I nil ImxIiIp flip iihuiy iloer.) ft??) &&l vf V (A ' w -4 51? re, - i 'J ly . i!;t r"lwt mwifWM mn.fc.j 'w M sx: i s ltriiS'J T5(rfll."i.jA-,t3 ?B,ttl " " . ? 1 tSi . '. 1 irt '' v --.t-"l r f J T'vrrJl m V r:::.5e S2.1.50 MurKcl) lrt?;:, . rrssf 1-- f a Te retain all its exquisite flavor we have packed Grandmothers Pudding in bulk, in the conven ient, machine filled car ton, which brings the ice cream te you untouched by hand. OrJcr it from ihc Abbetls dealer. ClPrirfUn Warm Quilts, $2 te $12.50 Many people like them because they can be folded across the feet of a bed and used or net :u the temperature dictates, roler.. te match almost any furnishing scheme. S2. S.! and $1 (Uilt-i filled with puie cotton. I'l'iueied ieerd, j.eme with plain ber !or.-. Mi, S7 and S10 for rjuilt- filled with pine wool. I'lewered Mitecn ceer', ,semt with plain lieidci, or plain borders and back.. S10 and $12.50 for extremely liitht waim 'iiiilts til'ed with pine down. $10 (juilts have flewcicd -ateen cevn.-. $12.50 quilts hae ileucicd tep.s and plain backs and holders. (Ilnnn ttirH -"liirr-, Criilrnl) Seal-Dyed Ceney Capes, $115 and $120 Big circular capes that are lovely for evening wear as well as for the street. The pelts are cut te give the unusual border effect that one finds en much mere expensive wraps. Full length. Seal-Dyed Ceney Coats $150 te $190 lO.inrh hcal-djcd coin with vktttik celkir and cuili 150 te $175 15-inch ceney coat with skunk cellar an:! cunS SKiO te $185 10-inch 'cul-ihed cniiev ciuK witli squirrel cellar and rull $100 ll-incii ceiu 10.1N with be.ner cellar and cufli SHU) Persian Paw Coats $140 te $200 iIIiihii Mnlrs Mnr Miirki-li Nn WW4 ' ' I dfi . " 1 1J() All-Silk White Pongee, $J.23 Yard Smeeth ("en weave tlat n aki - pretty tin i ' i n Inn tkev ln f- for nn'ii I'i'ii w nuii. M.tKi lunir-we.irin i . ' i nty mulii l' iuk'-i, tJ0. .'.0 nn hi- wide Ail-Silk Crepc-de-Chine, $1.7: Yav Sixteen leeh i-h.i li . il.:t i.iree fieni I'aik I te (Klicate hi'iie-diw and "iihid. H liiehe.s wick. All-Silk Cluirmeuse, $2.30 Yard luxuriiu-, we mht, with ImrIi lijrh's in the l'elil- 1'. V, .ind n.i. 10 mehie w i' lllnuii "(nir sinri', (iiitriil) ml black ii own Jfawt Women's Duplex Chamois Lisle Gloves for Gifts 2Clasi)65c Strap-Wrist $1.15 Se heay and se smoothly woven that enl ilw inspection discloses the fact that they're net Minle ! l.ecause they were a manufacturer's overstock it is possible te sell them at this unusually low price. 2-claM st ! in blown, Riay, luaur ard M.iek with Pan--point t itched back-, 05c. Sti.ip-wrist st.vie with lenir, full cull's and with two-tern' iinbreuleieil backs, ?1.15. Hi own, luinei, pray, mode, Wju and white. Women's Novelty Chamois-Lisle Gloves, $1.15 Strap-wii'it jrnuiitlets with cutis that ate cfl'crthelv in in hieideied and hae centnihtiiij; Iiiuhku. Hrewn, mode, biscuit, white and black. All sizes in the let, but net, peilmps, in eery style. IIIiihii muUk -inri', (iiilnil) j??25jn MB l WvO. vr2 ii -j . r "Made" Curtains Ready for Thanksgiving Curtains all ready te put up, se it is still possible te have windows freshly curtained for Thanksgiving Day. Irish Point Lace Curtains, $4.50 te $10.25 Special purchase of imported lace curtains at less than their regular price. Geed-looking heavy designs in white, cream and ecru. 21 yards long. Fringed Scrim, Marquisette and Voile Curtains, $4 te $5.23 Pair S4 for f rinsed barred 'crim eui tains with both edges hemstitched. They may be iieed singly as panels. Si j.nd $.".25 for fringed dotted marquisette curtains. &5 for fringed voile eui tains hemstitched in black. All 2'b yards lenpr. White, crtam and ecru, though perhaps net in eich style. Cress-Barred Scrim, Specially Priced 40c Y'ard A try pietty pattern in drawn-work effect, with wide hem stitched borders en be.h sides. U6 inches wide. (Iiiiwn Mnlr lere, ( lirnlmiO Warm Blankets Are Plenty in the Down Stairs Bedding Shep Such a geed selection of blankets is en hand in the Bedding Shep that a busy housewife need spend very few minutes in finding just what she wants. Prices are mode rate and Wanamaker quality insures their serviceability. Cotten Blankets, S2.50 and $2.75 White . turn hlank"ts. (in.7!5 mibrs $2.50 Gray cotton blat.kK-., 0iSO inches S2.75 Weel-Mixed Blankets, $5 te $S Geed blanket - nl pan w !, pait cotton, with neatly bound hems. Si! er-KiMj woe'-niitd I'larV'"-, C(V sn n'ches Silt r-iri.i' woel-nutd blanket. "J2 inches Plaid woel-mrtd blankets, CCi'.sp mches White woel-nnid blanket's, 72S2 mche- $5 All-Weel Blankets, $10 Thick, fleecv blankets w".h warmth in cverv inch. Plaid or white all-wool l'mkit-., 7n0 inches $10 (Iiin "tmr, liir., (rnlr.ll) Slippers Are Ever Welcome Gifts for Women. Children and Men Slipper- always rank high en every one's Christmas shopping li.t. Moreover, it's a geed thing te buy early whiic size ranges are .still intact. Fer Women, $1 te $2.50 Waim felt -hpic'- with -ft -oles and -ilken 1. In IikIu blue cnieme learner pompons euine in jkin, ' i'.'1". ' . na ukie aii'l iee, with button-eei tin cutT-, -1.2.. Qtiilterl satin sl'n-ii-, with pompons and suft chrome leathei soles in blai k and 'ese, SI -je. Blink felt sipner- wih fur-ik-th trimmine hae laiire tentrues .ind liurh. "-ni'irly fitrinc b.i'-ks te keep ankles warm With leather sole- an! lir M-, 'te whuh ru1 ' ei h' e!s ha-.e been attached, S1.H5. ii' ."Jitjpevs w 'h -icnr i i ,iiui Uath" soles and heels, 517". In -nt'tei leather a'll n Idiuk iml tin, $2 25. Gray, b'aek ard biev. v slippcs with pompons and leather tuie". and 1 ei N, S:!.,"ii. Fer Children, 80c te $1.25 Blue fi't slippei- have ray painted dcutcs en t'ie tees. Seft pudde '. -e'e- m ike tlv "i nue and waim Sn.c- (i te 2, Slip Kfd and f 't biet- come up h'jrh arnund the ankles i. id thus will le n r c im ' ill le! Thev haL- q mint tii:u s and nursery .niiirlrs .no .'id th tip- 1 fei sm.illi r si( s i t i hildii n fieni 1 te 7 j ear-. ?l -"' ter t iu-' f r 'in ri "eve wn-up" fn f (IIimmi suir, slir,., ( lii'-tnntl Fer Men, SI. 50 and $2 lippei' n K"a, biewn and blui hae soft, padded I t. It slinini' n ir -a 1 Ml. 1 eathei "Ki nu us" an and bhuk at 2 i I , s ii stulrs stnrr ild fiiMirite ', 1 1 com si, "les at and eenu in tan fur ln, mi i hi' ii itlcrt MurUi'M Men Will Like Woven Madras Shirts, $1.50 firm eae in narrow and cluster stripe Madf long atal comfortably full with .seams month. Celhrif.s.s .stjle with double turned .. Sizes 1 1 te 17. Knitted Striped Tics, 50c (lOod-leokim; knitted ties fur tioed patten's. Hat a-ul back cufl' -S.V HirR .11 X s lliH Vi ' W Si nwl 111 d: 0e! lii'ie thev aie, silkv, evenly woven "lies striped in a de-en dilTeicnt pat-tirn-. Mostly ' n'li' colors, Scarfs of Weel or Silk Effects, $1,50 te $5 51.50 fei fleecy warm woel'ii sc.iris nam color or witn the new -j -x XN Knirlish btnpes running lentttliwue. Jr" -i L-'ruitfid ends. i j ' ..-..- . . ... ... eajfci. Mi 50 for .silk nnd fiber tubular Haifa with Mriped, fringed ends. Celeis hainienize with this Hciiben'H coats. .'" for specially handsome tubular hcurfs in the same .style. Very ueft ami line. (Ilnnn S(i,r Stere fur Mill, en tlie liullrr.i , .Mnrkr f A ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, INC. " - : i r 'M Vf. L22'ii