ffic Kt YCVP5 PiTia2U'Brai?!8?lra!K I'kVT,'fr'i3r,w.Vl3M.W,Trs'i' l,;GW"Wtt;!Wi'ili-,i' ' r" l , v A- M mmm 7 ;v.ffl:iv?flra;L ".' . wr'tr.' wwi f- ' j'"'kj?t -. --v- kwvv j i feVBN&G VW)WBS2.MilSaiEiPHU' MDAYl-OVteMBKB, . 1828 e-w mmyp&ff GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE fancy Wynne Talks of Various Happenings en Salur- fay Entertainments Given for Commander Griffin and Other Navy and Army Officers F. crjlTAINW WM Mn " Bali"""' ' ...ll 'I rnunirn Mm tnit In town u ""-'' -.-.. "-. -1 "1 " i. .., Ai-mv inpii or Nnvy red met Army men or nvy K." "nrf.U ell nml blue nn.l gray i!S MitHei "trcnininf from boil; "LW"f ch",wntbPimlii, violets nn.l h Snuert f Army or Navy color. E IlKnta, nm-ttw net wen- "i'l Wwe'll'hiv the umf hrre ! .nr ethPl' flirt 111 tllO WurUl, Mi J.Tas t Sm MHml, wul I tblnk Mto(!uMceJwny. Tllg mph K'rlw nv n delightful dnce for Bnrbnra Ctajtnn en Sat urdir "lbt out t the WW cBMtth r ,'i younger niter. and mnite lier febut t a tea In October. It wan the matMtWiInf te we tbe two tjUtem en Hke..n froeki. of red velvet trlmtucl lliht aiul the slilrtH full, nml they car ttU rrreHa te match. Beth Mm. Karle irn.l ar barn arc fcrk, and vwv pretty tin- ilcbiitnnta Mni 'taller than nor ltpr' .'' l8 X prtfte. TUemwere nevcrnl dm Sin before. the party. Mr. nnd !. wniltm MinhaH Partington enter iVinnl and Mr. and lrn. llobert V. Er.,i W. and Mm. Uilbert Mather nle gave dinners, most of them for deDllianira ","' "ST " ",nd affair. Mw., On.v en, Mr. Etrle'i 'and Harbaia'a mother looked ffnAwme In a gown el blank vr-hut. SEVERAL entertainments were, given Saturday nnd eHterda.v tot Com Cem minder nnd -Mrs,. J'.rlffi". who onme up hire from AnnapelU. for the Army and Natv tamer Mr. nlid Mrs. Heward Worthing Lew la gave a tea for them and eerl ether Navy men nnd their wires en -Saturday afternoon, and tout nlKbt Mr.,.and Mr: J. Bertram i Lin Lin Ulncett gave a wipper In their honor, it their heihe. 1'X'i Spruce street. nriHE latest fad of the pest -debutantes I seems te be raining dogs, nnd new' tk. nintersatlnn ut brldec imrtiex ami , lunelieens is all about whether pink or WaeK neves are meat .desirable mid what kind of puppy blseuits" are best. Stj les In dogs rhnnge as In, everything el.se. nd new the most fashionable seem te be pollce dogs and wire-haired fe ter- Mrs. Muscen (iarnett, who was Mi Careline ISnrelny, wiih most iirrcssful raising the Intter kind Inst spring. Her father. Mr. William Lttlcten llarclny, il sn expert en dogs. Mls Katherlne KIiik, who spends met of the jc-nr with her purents. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Klni; nt their plnce, Tip Tep 'Farm, nt 5wnedd Vnl pj, is enthusiastic nheut wlic-haircd fox' terriers, tee. . Mis Cnrehn Valentine, who, with her mother, Mrs. Abrftm Valentine, re turned in September from ljurope, wliere they spent a year, brought with krr tline little 4ekm trem l.ngland. I'nfsrtuniitely one, of them died en the way out, hut the ether two are erj n n.i.l n,a .,lln IMtlt fnllriUM. The (leerse Kurles. ,'M, haxe raised tog, tie, I hear. If 1 am net mis tilen they specinllae In polUe dogs. T.HAW Mnry i'ah-k ',nnd her mother nt the Helevue-Strntferd the ether dij. Jlarv I suppose, was en her wav te the lelii.trsnl ret- the Charity Hull. (She's going t dnnre In It,. von knew, and there was n rehearsal that nfter nfter neun). He thnt ns It may, sue looked very Httractixn in n frock of ilark blue triMtiii", embroidered in Hulgnrlau braid nt the neck nnd half way up the skirt. The sleeves wete full, bell shaped with undcrtdeeves of light tan finished off with n hand of Hulgnrlau braid. Her hat was a mushroom shape of blnrk elet trimmed nt the left side lth a large Imw of gresgrnin ribbon, and she was carrying her fur rout of raccoon and tun pony sUin ever her arm. Mrs. Knlck looked smnit In a suit ef black diuct.Mie with a deep cellar of Ijnx fur, which fur was ulse used le trim the edge of the ee.it and the uffd. Her hat was a turban of black illppeil heaver. Mr. nnd .Mrs. l'nlrk will give n hall for Mnrj tomorrow exenlng at the Hel-levue-Strntferd, and from the number ef dinners nnd theatre parlies te be given before It, I should n It will be a ery "iieppy" nffulr. As Mrs. Falel, U in ineurntng, Mrs. .lelm It. Large will reeeiie with Mr. FnkU and Mary. The KaUks. ou knew, are net Phil adelphlaiis. They mned te C'liesttua Hill n couple of jearx uge. .Mr. Fnlck, who came from Ceergin originally, being an officer of the Heading ICti ilreatl. And Mr. has made se many Irlends, she has been m-ked te all the bud patties and Is a general faierlte. I hear she has a lovely eicc nnd plava her own aeisimpanlmentN very well, which is some accomplishment, believe sat, MOTlinil was euteitnlnliig several ether ladles nt tea en Saturdav afternoon when pieceedings were inn mentanly interrupted by Hetty, aged three nnd a half jeius, who enme neiiiuling in with curls bobbing and iheeks glowing, while i-hc e v'luimed "dn ibjutedl) : 'Ue, I just enme in from the out." NANCY WYNXK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Among tin, (jtifsta who uttcniled the lumtifen which Mr and Mis. Chuiltcii rarnan ne Jesterdnv at ('mm Creek Jiirm, p.-von, m honor t their debit 'nts dmiKhttr, MIhm Akiics Yaruall, jere Mit -.Maud Harrison, Miss I.lllle "'H. Mlwi Helen Wan in Allen, Mies Helen HejiH M.mtBemery. Mlts Marlen 1-lUabnii Wilsen. MIsh Mnrv II Stew i t. Mlsa IMly Paticenst, Mr. William ii!.,v"n' s' I.awience rimlth. Mr. Hfiirv (ic.Mlm m,. Henry Wilsen and JeJui K Hi 1 ulng. Jr. -,M,r- nnd Mr (Uoike WIIIIiik Jr.. et ,.A,.rfuvV-'1 la"": cii".tnm Hill will 'ntertulri at dlnmr tomeiiMv eeiiliiir In Mnu,',J,f lr Lamtlinrne Hullltt Dick. fL.Ki,,,'-kl '10- wltl Mr- "', ami llieir 'm l liave beiih livllig nhiead, is visiting ,or futh,.,-. Mr. Clmiles H ."r'K'i. .it lil Iiiiuiu .'rt Ninth Six 'erith street Mis DI.U will hlieitls iii is."', i'rniiii', wlicie slie will Jein ;!': D'k at C'mineH, wlier (hey haw W.1J1.'1 '."JU," f'"' ,,1" int''i- Mrs. fy'hi who l niiMj nbiead, la at l.ake v-onie, Italy, hMr. tn Mi Ilaula McKaddrn. of MlL ""I,K- l'e'inibir I.', In honor et iie.1 Akiu-i aiimll. ilrliiitiintc daucli- hif-SI V.r ".'"!. M"." 'iailten Yarnall.1 KdiuriT. """ Viuix Ml- "l J,rH' wm f -'"er. of -JO.!'. Locust street. nenF .iuti lh" HiillMue.Htintfiiril In via... ' ' ;: " ueiniianie uiiuuuier, .aiiss Agnai'er ls"r' u,,a ",0r ntw' Mls"1 ?ir:"a MrM- l'rederlek W. Lewis will Knni?a".'u ,lln"cr ut their hemu, 1!M fell)fu.9Jh,.,c'', tomorrow eveuliur, te e i.,"0e'l by 11 box party at the open i "A Perrormunce of the Meironelitau -??. l. t 11 Ac.ideniy of Milble. The VZ. ..'" jnciuun .Mr. and .Mrs. iiewaid tiitelK.1''" nU Mrs. Arthur V. M01-uftiftMvMr,'- and Mra. Hanjamln Hush. Mjrr-,Htary I, JaM eg.lia Spruea rt . annnnnwManBk, 4kkB 'lannnnnM HHiCSianB HanY ..Hit1 I'dote bv Mincjtu MISS EVA V. I'ARKK Daughter of Mr. nnd .lxi. Ar lltnr Parke, of U'cit Chester, who trill be among the attend ants ut the tnutriage of Ai'ss Helen Aliec Trigg, tluuaiiler of Mr. and Mrs. Knit si T. Trigg, of Ovcrbroek, and Mr. Cltmlex Jamci) Strain, Jr., which trill take place en Wednesday next at St. Pmd'H Chinch, Ocer brook. Mind Trigg ban recently returned from an extended trip through Europe strct. will uln !i tllmifr ami the.itre p.uty early In .lammiv In h'mei of her riii're, Miss i:ii..iin iii Meiuin. (kim (kim t.itite d.iURlitei nf .Mr. mid Mih liccil A. MerKUtl, of Millwoeds, I'liiftnut 1 1111. Mis. Samuel MiCllnlixK 11 iinlll. of JlliO Kpitue Htreet, has Is-neil lni lni tatlens fur 11 illuner en S.imimI.iv m1 nliitf. December :m, in Imtiei nf lni il:ui(;htr. Alls:! Fiaueet lnllir. ami Mlsrt Ulltinr Den, nice, il nik-liter of Mr. and Mis Jnliii T. Den mice, of '"'' ''",. Ivc.in Mr and Mm Halsey d' Wolf, of New- Yerk, wh" will euupv tlie bes of Mis Wolf's mellnr. Mis. Ilnbeit M. Howe, of I rt22 Kecnst stieel, at tlie opening IHifermauie if tlu Me'topelltan npit.v Cimipati) at the Ac.idim,v of Music to te to meirow eveiiltiif. will havn an their KUcst.s Mi. aiul Mih. Liiiicihe Dediuc. M1.1 Mahlen S Kline (f Clie-tnut Hill, will Kivn a small iliimei- at let Inline en 'I nuisday iveiilm; in M In honei of her Kianddiughlei-, .Mif, Dotethv H Valentine, di Imtaute ilaimbtu of Mi. and Mis Ham- Valentine, of (,ci man town, befeti. tlie d moo uhlili Mi. and Mis. Willluni 11. tloedin.i I Chestnut Hill, will Kive at tlie Plillmlclph! 1 Ciliket Club in hoiiei- of tin 11 tiliit. Miss Hutmu I'. lieMlman, 1I1 butaille iluughter of .Mis llewuul H. heaver Ml.-C Telbeit N'. Hlchaiilsen, et (!or (!er (!or mautewu, has Issiieil Invitations fei a luuclieeu en Thuisdiy, DikiiiIhi- 21, In honor of her debutante iIiukIiKi, Mi's haiaelleii ltli.ll,ll(lMll. Mi s Kill nd nd "en, who Is a utudtiit at Smith Celli gu, will upend tli ('In Istmiis liuhiltis w lilt hur paivuts Mm was iuti din.ul ut 11 leu. last tpiiug. Tliu KUest.s wlie will utttud the din ner which Mis Peter ll el. of I'.j .Seuth lJii;litii nth Htleet, will kIvu to te mm tow evening at the liillivuc-ritiat-leul in honor (f Miss Venn" Petti -en. dtbutantn daughter of Mi mid Mis. ilcergi' I'etclseu, of Aulmeie. Inlote the el line Mr and Mis J'mletnU .MiCj l'all. of Chestnut Hill, will iUvk at tlie llt-lliHue-hti.itteul In lnni.11 01 tlieir iliugltter. Miss Mary Pnltk. will Include Mxs Mill v ItldKclv Cnrlii .Mi-s Doto Deto Dote then Snottsiveod Mebl, Aliss Mai.v Car re 11 Itelln, Mr. Palmer l.lejil, Mi .lames S MeWv, Mr. C!ienllle Toeuoil and Mr. Climles C. Knight Tlie riiisis vvlie will attend the linn In-ou and ihentie pally whlih MHs Mevttisen. of U2l .spruce sttent, will nive en hatilidi.v, De cembi r 2. in Mls.s iviuwui laumi, will lui'lilde Mls .MalM.uel McAdoo, Mluti .N'eilllil (Jley, Ml.-S Dolelln II I.ei, i.Ti-'t, I.Ue.vlle Austin, .Miss M.UKiuiile ,1. ll.vlt. Miss Clleti II Uieek and Mhi UlUabctii Cusaiuvt. Mi. William I. Moei house, of l.in canlir avenue, ht. Diviils, lias stud In vitations for a luiilge paitv en Wed nesilay aftitnoeit, Dt'itinbir t '. In honor of Miss r.llalutli I'amea-t llilev, tlelui tlelui t.lllte diuithtii et Mis .lifeph Cot bit D.ivls, of Wleliwied, Aliiblil. Owing le the Illness of Mia Ullner Merlce, tti'i p.utv whli h Mis William .N. Moilee, of liillmir, Chestnut Mill, was te Jiave jjlvcn toineriow In hoiiei of tlie (tnth blitlulav ut liei- daugh ter has been postponed. Commander Meinn J. Peele. 3d, H, N, and Mrs Poule cutt italuetl nt tia at theli liniiie, IM" I'lnu tieet, en Hn fill day ufleinoeii altn the Aiuiy mill Na toelliall game Mr, mid Mis IMwaid A Schmidt, of Haduer, anueuin e the engagement of their niece, MI-m lUleue Matliililn UoeM-li, te Mr. Tliema.s Me Council, :.d Count Hi. 1 Tolstej. of Itii'sla. son of the Inte l.ee Tolstoi, is the gut t of Colonel .lelm S Miukli! al his home, 2UJ.J Walnut stiei t. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mi- Clenic W Mti'luiig, of 62.12 Jefftrsen Mlietit, iintieuuen tint en gagemeut of tlieir dauglitei, .Miss Lillian Olaih.s MeCluug, and Ml l.euige ,M. Hill. Mr. and Mis Walter Kaiser, of :r.!2 Osuite avenue, nteitaiiii d a few of tlieir frliudH Itifermallv lint evt iilng. Among the KU'itH viiie Mr and Mis Paul Mc cormick Mr. .lames Mi nimU l. Mls.s M I'utinv mid Mi William O'Hrlun, of PlilllpMiunr, Pa. Mr. and Mrs Peheri (llbseu, Sd. of King's Court, 'I hiit-niih and chestnut Htieets, aie icitlviug 1 ntigialiilatlens en the tilt tli ef a son, Heluit (iilisen, pli, en .NeVfllllier 13 .Mis 1 1 lie en Wh- hefere In r maillage Miss t'lalle Velie, iluughter et Mis. Kleruiicu Viile, of thla city Ml. ami Mrs Hew aid Orlnnn, or 6225 ' Allman stnet, celebrated their thltd wedding nnulvewiry en Satutday last. 1 Mis. Urlmiii w'lll b" lenumbeieil aa Miss llstlicr l.nene, 01 j- iiit-uigiuu sircei illli Cedar avenue North Philadelphia Mrs Charles A. Keder. of 21.18 Netth SUUeulh street, lett this city en Sit in ilny for a ten days' may In Uouteii, Mass. Mrs. 1 C, CNrU!, et 2Q33 f North Tircmd Ftrcet, announce!! the, betrethml of lier dnuehler, MIm Fleift I). Uabrled. te Mr. llrniinu N. Ochwarts, also of thla city. Mr. nnil Mra Simuel Jr. Brnchman. of 1139 WlngohecklnK street. hae left for a lliireppiin trip. The Alplw Hlgtnii I'pullen Krnternlty Mill ee ita fourth iinnual dunre en Sniiiiclnv etiiliiff, Decembcr 2, at the Mlinufneturcru' Club. Mrn. ,T. ti. Palmer, of Brend anil Maa- ier mrceis, win entertain me inemDer of her Ihi! tiiiiulreil club at her home tomeriow nflernoen. Tim guenta will be Mrs. TheniHH AnRlcn. Mm. C. t'eeter, Mrs. Hebert Hnilth. Mm. Paul Canten, Mm. M. Stelmnn, Mrs. O. It. Watsen and Mri. O. May. Mrs. Ida Wiener, who spent the sum mer nnd autumn with her sen-ln-lawr nml daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Lang. of Itenhenter, K. Y hag returned te her apartment lit tm Hetel Majestle. Seuth Philadelphia Mr and Mrs. Mlrhnel KriUffmfrn. of 1('5n Merila Hircet. are c:i(.rinlninit their mint, Mrs. I'. Kalkpti, of Plltnbutgh. Mih. s-ilken will remain In this city ever 1 h.'itikeshliit,. Mlis Kxtlier Sear, of 1611 Perter hlrrrt. hng u. hrr iriirHl thin WMilt Miss .iae stei iniK'. or New verK, rermcriy or .Seuth Philadelphia. AtneiiK these who attended the dinner which Sirs. lCdtolle Chapped Rave fol lowing the Atmv-.Vavy garde wer Miss IieatrTce McCHjrmlck. Miss Ethel Mc Brldc, Mls llplen Donahue. Miss Re Klim fehnne, Mr Krancls Clieen, Mr. Itehert Slmti'en. Mr. Mat Kane and Mr. llaymeiid O'leaiy. Strawberry Mansion Mr. and Mr. S. Solet. of 2tiVferth Thirty-tlral street, entertained en Frl diy OAcnlux last In honor of Mrs. -'ilet's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. nni Mrs. Jeseph P. Watsen. Among ths guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. Wat htm, Mr. and Mr. Cenner, Mr. and Mis. 11 Flold Mr. and Mrs. Hcheen. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Oiimbre, Mr. and Mrs. II. llrewn, Mr. nnd Mra Soletoff, Mr. and Mr-i. X. t.i-1ce. Mr. and Mra. C. Slew man and Mr. Leuis Solet. Along the Main Line Mr. IMwnnl M.u-k, of Overbioek. has l-silcd lnltatlein fee a luncheon en Tuesday, December IS. Mr. limk Wllfetd entertained at dln-ni-r at tlin Bellevue-Htratferd-,- fallowed by n theatre partv. en Friday evening. Mr. Wilfeid'a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan 8elter. Wil ful d, of Merlen, chaperoned the party. Germantawn Mis Kathailne Hubbs. daughter et Mr. and Mrs .lelm II. HubbB, of Ger Ger luautewu, will entertain the members of h"i briilge club at her home tomeriow afternoon, Mr. and Mis. I. H. Cravls. of 16::. West L'rie.iveiiue, aie occupying; their new home at 6627 Wunc avonue. ' Mr. and Mrs. S Kreksteln and their ilaughtir. Miss Itegina Rrukstnlu, hae me veil te thelr ;icw- hotne-at 161 J West Cllvcdt 11 avenue. Miss M.via. Hilten, of Lincoln drive, will kaie. tonieitovv- for Washington, whele slie wl.l be the guest Of Miss Helen llegeile, daughter of Mr. nnd Mis T Picsteu Hegurle, ever tlie Thanksgiving helldas. Delaware County Ml-s l.otilse Macfurlntie. of Chester, ilittrtalnid Informally nt two small hridge iaitles at her home en Thurs day and l-'rldav afternoons. Miss Hfleti Atherholt. of lUdle' Park. -peiil the tvtck-eiid wltli friends at Atlantic! City. Mr. and Mrs Hlchard Meyers, of Now New Haven, Conn, havi bicn the guests of Mr. 11ml Mrs Hewaid Hill, of Drvxel 1 1111, for u few ila.vs. Bailey r-Schaufielc A pretty home wedding took plate en Situnlav last nt I o'clock, when Mlsa lliiima P. Scliauffele, of 543i Trlnltv idace, became the brlcle of Mr. Hewaul llallc.v. The bilde was attendctl by Mls.s Marv Allen as maid of honor, Mr. tlieiue W. Uniltiy. brothel of the groom, aetml as best man A reception fol lowed the icrttneiiv, nfter vvhlrh Mr. and Mrs. llallcv pft for Atlantic Clt Aftet Dtceniber 15 Mr. and Mis. Bailey will be at home it BS15 lliaument ave nue, West 1'hllaiteliitila. JtlLty uui.i: A w eildlng of Intel est took place, en Satuidav but at 2 (clock in Calvarv Lutljci.m Chmeli, Kett-tlrst siieet and Mantua avenue, when Mls.s Violet II. itule, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Peter Krancls Itule, of 4IKJ Pennsgrove street, became tint bride of Mr. Samuel 11. Hill, of C'linmbeisbuiK. I'll. The bride was alien in munlage l- her father. Mrs. Hilda fleittul atteiuUd the biidu as ma tron of honor, and Miss Hllzahetli Itule, sister cf the btlde, acted as brides maid Mr Cbailcs Cockier acted at best man. Tint uslier.s Included Mr. Henry Kule, brothel- of the btldu; Mr. Ileiverd Hebetts and Mr. William Itedgers, of I'lmmbersburg. A ticeptlt 11 followed the ceremony nt the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs Hill will make their home In I'liambettbuig after December 13. schakkkhh wn.t.rAMn The jnarrlage of Mra. Helen Sullivan Williams, daughter of .Mrs Frederick Selilele, of 237 L'nst Main street, Nor Ner Nor ilstetvn, nnd Mr. Lewis Paul Schaeffer, son of Mr. and Mis Chailes Schaeffer, of North Wales, took plat in New YetU City en Saturila.v list. I'peti their return from a iwilillug trip tu Itosten Mr. and Mrs Schaeffer will Uve at 112 Hast Preedlev ttiect Norrlstewu. They will be ut home, aftei I'eliruary 21, "A gracious manner upon meeting a new Hcquuintaure in c a 11 a much in dollars and cents. It is ,1 matter of poise easily learned in a short time." Marguerite Walt The WALZ STUDIOS 1604 Walnut Street Bui I room, Dallct and Stage DulH'lll? Ipekd'l (imf Hata ( jinn Ui-quest V spruce eji GkasHcjvuj Sxus It's net a real Thanksgiving without Flowers Yeu can get a nice box Frem $3 te $5 CHARLES HENRY FOX "Tkt Sign el tkt Asm" 221 Seuth lre4 Strut Hl'HUCJSai8 4fJ - Wk m m. JpWhHJI I ! 1MII0CB" TwinkliM Frolic I alallB aaT , I MURRAY STUTZ 1 LlLllHaVM H JI.'MIbF'' I aIKACOKDYSCU&All 1 fa? JflJCMrWAa I ROGERS, ROY A ROGERS wriTgi VtLwrSvBHB 1 "just vebsatiix" G bav -t&Zi&MamFz atWlaf AST JaBaBaWliBK' I Cenndy Skit "Bin of Trmtr" 1 aBMKpa EmMMnKESmL. morten tsMASftM tlHs99iLBBK05AnnnnnH9 I "JtvwKLVAtznoteowtv' I 8 MMtfllAN "miEmMMlEmSlki? LA MONT'S COCKATOOS ' m tint""'7 BajHBVafllEIPCi 1 the wineed wetiptitg n . lyHBRlHlrSrv I BIG TWO-PART COMEDY I allttarcait ZZ0s3U5&2E ROBli,Bew CRU80E- "D " I 'tv .4"V JStSSSStm I EXTBA BIO TH&MXBOtVIMO H I' efTNiriiisaaMgMaMaaaaa I bill, bio doings, come eably 1 J" - Jl FEATtfHE. EDUOATIONAL AND H gfaaaaaaassHaasaaavaBasBaaaaaaaaaaaai iB . IBafMaffMM" 'Pftpft Mitlncii. 15c A 20r. (hlldren. " BfafA ifjaMafaaaiMMBaaaM ,",,M te-. nni 40- fafafafi -nmrJaji - I !i I r- 1 I w r EITH'S THEATRE! IIPCIIAIIII EITH'S THEATRE THANKSGIVING WEEK JUBILEE KLSIK JAMS ta n Entirety Mw Zrerrim JOE LAURIE, Jr. a Shew Thsaktii i3WWfctffei aa mtmSri Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 i A Splendid Line of Velour Hats Formerly Selling as High as $12 at $2.75 We have assembled together a collection of beautiful velour hats for women, misses and children and have reduced them from as high as $12.00 te $2.75, They all have grosgrain ribbon bands and come in a wide range of colors. jf Handkerchief Handkerchief Specials, 50c and 75c At these low prices there are handkerchiefs with em broidered corners in a mul titude of lovely designs, as well as pretty colored ones with rolled hems. There are also white handker chiefs with colored embroidery. $ Children's Three-Quarter Weel Socks, .$1.50 C h i 1 d r e n's wool secles in the popular three-quarter length in heather mixtures. Regular $3.00 value at $1.50. Novelties at 45c te $6.50 Make Charming, Inexpensive Gifts A young girl will appreciate a pair of pretty ribbon garters. They come in attractive colors at $1.00, $1.2."i ami $1.50. There are ribbon sachets all the way from one at 45e te a magnificent affair trimmed with geld flowers and leaves at $6.50. Trimnuul shoe trees are $1.50. Sets of three lingerie pins may be had at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Our Christmas Cards at 50c a Dezen Are the Best Values in Philadelphia Our Christmas Cards re 10 jiretty nnd popular and they have been belling be well jn the last few days that, for the convenience of our customers, we have, enlarged our space fir showing them nnd tlicy may new he scen at various plucea In the store. The sooner you cheese the ones veu want the better will be your selection, for they are going fast. Come early while there me many styles and while there is time te havu your per sonal engraving done. The loveliest curds we have ever show at 50c a denen. BWti&& Kin. .. Cumbrtaed Mirlitly Ht S:1S 'lalt. riic . ISium.. Hit. THE EXaTERS MAE DESMOND and PLAYERS in Vnlvertltr (lite tnd Orchiitra Cbaeirt Csn IT. nt P. Htujanti 'Acidimy of Kude. Wd.. NOT. NOT' s itis.r. si. tiehh (inciuainc rermti aanea M.IO. Upper tloealti, 50 ctaU Utpps'i. In tarn), te ai.ie Established 1837 ftd if Wife. CBS crS Heavy-Weight Harvard Mills Underwear, $1.00 a Garment This line brand of underwear in tlie heavy weight may be had in shirt and drawers at SI. OX) a garment. The shirts come with high rnvk and long sleeves or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. The drawers are knee or ankle length, MUbIC METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY. V Y TO MORROW OPENING NIGHT EV E. AT 8 Hpp TROCADERO J&SSgSWJSS? and MMLE. KATXLLE. 5f if AOADEMY OT Tlelittt Acxtumy A Happa'i. ilia Ohtitnut Piver's Pace Powder, Extract and Sachet Reduced Piver's Floramye a n d Azurea face powder, 00c size, at 75c a box. Piver's Floramye Extract, $1.90 size, at $1.50. Piver's Floramye, Azurea or Violet sachet powder, 55c a bottle. te ft ft Heubigant's Purse Size Extracts, $1.00 Heubigant's extracts in 12 popular odor?, including Quelques, Fleurs and Ideal. Purse size in an attractive bottle with glass test stop step per and metal top. $1.00 a bottle. a 1 w I Sf ftp tf tf tf tf tft tf tf' K tf. wi 1 SnUAUDE.VILLE DAILY MATS,, gilft rves. AT S:I3 LOU HOLTZ Lts Feture f OVurre WMte Beaedala STEPPIN' AROUND With JAMES C. MORTON A 8tupendeit Muilcil Revue I Ce. tf id THE VENTOWR 8B0S. Barry Bleem Harry Eoyce i MaU Ecinlei JAMES C. MORTON With Mmiic, Lilna nnd Alfred Morten LYRIC 3 MATH. THIS WEEK EVES. AT 8 1 15 Pep. Mat. Wed. Ifellilav Mt. Thtirj, BLOSSOM iifiruiar nai, bai, BCORE tdltJBERT'B OWK M'hIcT STORY SrilUnCRTS OWN RfANCC j.U a.aaaBa. Katr Thlir.llAV f" SHUBtlfT (Tha-A,iivTnV) . Carlt Catllen't Maticat Cctmdy Tritmpk AELPHI iAr wrnit I.VES. AT 8 20 Hjliday Mat. Thurs. Final Mat. Sat. JU nis m Mtriv t um; nv i jtviw NEXT Wr.TX &LATS THURSDAY "TO LOVE" Dv PAUL OERALDY With NORMAN TREVOR GARRICK TONIGHT fgk AT 8:15 lfif Jliunei'i hm, J ir.uikBlvlnc nnl Snturnn) il , 1 ii.ink-sli ItSTMUSKAi fUNNIBTMUSKAL HIT IM TOWN lYMHRK ORlCilNftl RlORf TWFOTRf NV Cfif FOSRtNST LVU.'INOS AT 8ll Tliaiikigivlnit &jAt. Wlli . V 411 Charle-i Dilllrrhim Trintn His 12-Star Mulrl Cerrjsity Hit Y. Caat Invact PDAA fkEienings. 3 80 Mats. Wed. .ThankJBivina- 1- Sat HENRY MILLER RUTH CHATTERTON l.N HEMtY lUfAII.M.S f.ItKAT TLAT "LA TENDRESSE" Ui:.M)KU.St.Sa) C0MMF.VCIK0 MONDAY. DEC. 4 AcIOHN PRINKWATER'J Kf BRAhAfl UNCDLN flWiTH FRANK McGLYIN 1 II ACADEMY OF USIC P HILADFAJPHiA ORCHESTRA I tllUMI CKIKOWSKI. ( ml'i ter jKiiiv: i iriiMiiis m.r 1 vi van .sVIItTl.VV I M MM, IIH . I j, 15 SVdliit ALEXANDER SILOTI. Tianlit 3JDN .. Symphony Ne, 2 In D AAC1I . . Era.nrttmbutE Concfrte in D major i ler Piane rlute and Vinltn ?LJiv'ER Jft'! Butterfltef . I.ISZT . Teti-ntanr ' WAQNER I'lnal from "Gotti-rdiimmeriiBir" M.lt Ae nl llll .V. Ill iiy - 1111' 'ucr-Ulijt st Second Special Concert TONIGHT AT 8:15 ntAKCK DUKAS DEBUSSY Sviniihcni Thp Sorcerer h in D miner Aiirntlr Prelude te Tile Afternoon nt a I nun BAINT-SAE.SS Sjni. I'enn. Dansn Macabre" 9IABWLR -Esi an Rhap.edy Tlckcta at Hpie a and Academy uf Mualc METROPOLITAN "r TIKAL WEEK HOUSE CRANDGPERA "OMdlir 11 IV IIOIII'MI Mtrn I linrL-heli "iiInjh-- Vj l Ii H 1 1 1,1 IAI.-1, f Imrli Ijui. K I., u II ,, ii ,1 rlxiipl'i, PIIIhv . Wtd l.V (I(ireMA pvl.lk, Il Vtetti' kiln I rr V u, rii im Mt ( v vi.i i i'i v i i ru. I I VI I I d At. aellllllri MllM Hi""!! riiirlHliula huliii,il,iH I'ii II Ii t, i rn.it, Tliu'" JJik l.LiIA I j Iips K no i vilarur Vnlli. h r , i . 1 1 1 s Ul I iliu ' tii. ru. it ,, ,, , , . ii j, ,(Mi iii vj i im rrritm m -i i. virttp Hum Hi, i, s ii vp n i i e ,' Hull 11 il VUk-Biidn . I'm ii . K i n S'n , Hiii- a IavI ,( r r ii i I'm n- J I ' ",ii $.' i in ;i -. ;e nl Mm din II , , i UfAB NifiT Holiday Matin,.,. MI.I1WI Tliankanflving Dav KEOULAR MAT SAT LAST i TItn.3 R aMBEAU NrXT WI.EK SEAT NOW srLLINQ PAULINE LORD IN rVGENr ONL1LLS MASJIRrilCL "AKRA GKBISTiE" winr okjeinai .vw vefk cat BROAD A POrLAR STRtFTi lltllAnELrillA TRLMITR Monday Eve, Dec. 4, 8:15 CLUCK CHITON S Tilt KOMANTIC KIOItY OP AMIPICA'B (lOinW riAYh OT WHALIkH .- HI (J Tl'RKKYS : OIVTN AWAY TOI.'IO! T AT THE CASTLE 219 S. BROAD ST. Jlfre'n Yoer Chan" fe TbKp Henm a Thanlluii(r Tnrkp tc Kuthrr ne.vr miss ir DUMONT'SllAir,",. V, s, EMMETT WELCH Minatrels Satirr THl OLD HOIIEnTIAD Casine fAgmiUng Ml A Wmihil af Imli.) gYr W Y Ct.in OrlplnICtt mmm nvi !km IHreetlim ef Bluiilnjr rwnliii nf ""fUWu. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE HOOCifiH mams Uitu utikint uiHiirv ADDED National Male QuarUtti? 'VKMY-NAVY FOOTBALL CAfW STANTOH Hiril VND M.MtKKT ti se i -te 3 no r. no. 7 a" 0:im srrreMi ki:k wii.i.iam rex rret NERO (IK1A.STK I)Altl.V(i COItOEOUB ., , IMlbl'IMII. f.StlAUf.MENT COMMENCING MONDAY NEXT mmm davies WHEN KNIGHT was in flewer: 1MB MO.sT isCNHATlriNAI, HIT tiKW" iOKK MAN tllU IIIMIKIi IV UCni.ST TEAM ALDINE '.01 h AND CKE3TNUT J?RICE 60e ii in ii iKiiit) r JIKXliO IMIKSI'.MS VIOLA DANA $5 BABY IV THE V.vi: S. COBB'S GREATEST STORY 0Ii A HU.RI IN PAWN K&Um BULL MONTANA ""A1"1 tll'UVO 43 A M. TO 11 1 , V. M. Abroad & chestvwt BEBE DANIELS and CONRAD RAGEL l MiW I'AItAMUl si run r it & f Vinaed Wings IllP.H U.ll I'.V IM.MMIW t-l VM.AWF PALACE I'nrmneiiiit l'lcfini i.'iit .v M.vitki;r ie it. re u is j-. m.j nmitli Turk nirtun fiteryl ., 1 1 1 "CLARENCE" Wallace Reid AGNES AYRES and MAY McAVOY VICTORIA 'TII A M Vllhlir ;i .V M id II 1.1 P. M. WM. FARNUM S&- AT BOTH THESE THEATRES ARCADIA ELAINE Hifll .V. I Ut-.MM'I HAMMERSTEIN is rutsr i'i:li:nta'iie CAPITOL in .; .m vuM.r UNDER ami at im: s a run ARCADIA U A 1 ii GLOBE JUNIPER AND MARKET 11 TO 11 Tremendous Holiday Bill Quality and Quantity Vaudeville BROADWAY UJIOAD AND eNYDEJt VAUDEVILLE A- Trk uavf Awn m uri n inn- COMPbON and BERT LYTELL ALLEGHENY lRAKKPORD ALLLOHENY 2 15 T A 9 PRIbCILLA "UNDER TWO FLAGS" III AN hi COKJU.M. Jius WITH VAUDEV1LAE Ut I1.S, KiiVV '"T'1 AND MARKET SHEFT EL RtVILW eptE rir.iinnunt I'lidirf BILLIESHAW: THE MOST BEAUTIFULLY .. rOR.MED GIUL IN THE WORLD DAZZLING REVUE Suj)pi.rtKl by JOSEPHINE LAVOIE LESTER LANE Barnr Oliver Mnbcl Geul4 Jcnn Archer nnd Eight Other Beautiful Girl Tip Me Eliuerut" Roiue Lvti baeu 1a Plilladtlphia All Bieaduay Vaieiittt Don't Miti It , BAZAAR BOUTIQUE ".I'M I " Of llll- JIMIIK I f.UH nuaii.ina tliur h Inatitutn nf Phiia. l).r.,fit 1 1 tlie Buildlnjr Funit AT THE UlLLEVUE.STHAIiOJtD DE0EMI1FR 5TH TH 7TH AMD UK 1R0M II A M TO 11 P. 1C, Ii 1 Ml. II I VlWIr.N I iiiilnur In Phil,, I, li.t.lu im I i'i Int.- MAN1 MVKI,1IM. II ,. i ti I'll Inii1iiiIii sun Nuw Yurkl iitiirliaiiu li.fi Imih Inn aflpniu.nn annl, v lliliv i.i.jr i'j.im uriiiivirai wntag. V.i ii It iil." I Miriiuin m I he liiimanu,, mi r 'la h ii I eniprt Mill Iinnrlng, Kaab f i ii 1 1 "ilii r KmiiirM. I'.an , I'I' il n tv fur I lirUlmaa Nluinnia linn, f u I ii.i.rtninii i,t IIKjHKrtrdLAl ,,M,rT llll I ".r lininitr, TICKETS IS OEMTI u OACt ai iibrrc , mi 'if ri&.n f i 1 ' ' .! H I" M lit M ill t(V r.il ' " J. t'lljl :k X' iv I '-n f'i IVrtj' - V y Lj., '?Hb. s fir .Jr.-j .U r. " It .f nu-y - r -XL w,.j:i 1 r 4. ",VSJ, il- .?'' ""Tv iiit, ttefi 'pt . BF?1 VI 1 1. Al lk