n. ',ii arm wEiiiV' ffv. aMS-Wfl TO3W3w -Tt.-, v- j v - reV?Cf" '" ' 1-V "J. ''TTWssMlJ'Y VI ATTrMjTl :;if??''PK?l.s'JM3i1ra f . ' ""' - yzirz ."a.- KjT!TCi'y-'T.--'V yy:HWAJJMPlRRIe'!yie&TOT!Tf1 T'jiaX "T 'f WM .'W-.Wl i 'HT v.vcVi fe'lfiP OTi j7 .'(. ' '! r. ii' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEBtHilBEaiHIA. ATUBtfAY.' NOVEkSfeB & ! 0 OTiSta. " '-- One Weman s Unhappy Gossiping feW SARAH D. LOWRJE'S SATURDAY EVENING TALK tuln Almest Ruined Anether Marriagi m: A nr rr rnTmm ' i f & sfen t 1 Mi w I 4B m m J8K 1 nit It "si 'in mvA U h Jf me r km 11 m m '.m jtn m i l in Citing Children the Right With I llAVH n picture in my memety that him Mined with hip nil. si crent any jcnia new, unil for wfcit renuu I never quite Knew until 1 mine across the anwer yesterdaj . , T mii" looking nut of my window one Boen, in ii country lieuc where T wn visiting, when 1 saw n boy riding a .yeny with sreut ! ill nlmn; n n.irrew little im Ii leidcrliig n garden. It was net incnnt f'T n pen.v, that imth, hut It was a vcrv minute iieny und :t very little boy. Presently lunch aa iin .., i '..,., i ,.,,! , . ... ,i,, - neanccd nnil, coming down that inme . garden path ,r, in arm. or lh?r hand in band wcr my Inut aid tlv; mue de,. ,... penj I'i't "een , , f knowledge that te eat b brew- in i ...,r. ., d lerls. 'liie., ,fc f thc h t e U-, In thl! boy remained te lnnli niiii uitcr enn- L,,,i 'I h" peii) had been left DOy remninrMi in nini-n unu uiirr run- .i ..i .. .. .,.. !! .. ..menu. irrvii Vii i"i i in- i"ii, . ii.it iia tiit. Execjit ju.u thl-, iuj ii 't wik ii clerji.x -an und tin- little Ivy's peeple were atfiA alfici ,i..m ..'!i n ii'h . itnurfc Hit. if la. tliv hit kiiv p i. ili.-ir lielshlieni I aa brin.' , eiiMient. us .i.-i .tik-'. I re- i marked .-. th elnld Vt-is p.-rmitttil te come .nder ,, differ.' . .m iutlueiv e. And nn host ..nwr.l with s,.mu. thins between a l.uiKh i.Md a -ic'i t'mt he wondered tee. 1 nllier ith. r-sl ... .i... ... i. . i i.... - .... ... entun nf Ms own nnd urirht be in for n mild cli'dmi; wlien he reach.sl home for tlie fifulj uienl .it two. V any rate, m i, cmerj i" that he did net turn tip nn ut !t. - while 1 wan there chtcnli l -.i" .1 '".tcr from him. new rn-inv i ir-- .it'terv i-i. tn t' !s name ' ' r.'v m.ni J dmi! t in all tin-" time (tie .! hid ever tin'i i -n it ap pears tlii't i1'" 'ii.'Uiur. of thai Mit he paid ii- .i ! il w.i- en -tn ii- in rlie writer i i i 'i. .nid f 'i je." ii an ei'd reason I wi- lie u.st tine tli.ir he hud e.r nei ii ut a iue.il wlieru there wai t "bicviiii; ' asked ! TlllI iiupit s.,mii nf i had evidently li.id .i w,i (f r'-'i'iii nn; tn him as.iiu and .i.'.ihi in til, aluM- a ..mil many eTpenen ! of nn.. relisimi kind or atmthcr, nine m lltisland duritu the war, nn mie nf lus brief f irn-eiitht-heur leatmMs fri i m a tint he went tn i iMi'iiiiininli. M i lnireli In cause priniirin n Knew rm ins wne wnniu ne euu day .ind tn tint s,. ii,. ,, lmue tli.it lie -,.-..,l it uu.'.l in in- ' mi Mlllll'hew a sensi The net bruu'it tieiruesv i t,,.r " Itll mere th.lll , that I . li.in il jt he re.i!ied wh.it com- j mtitn.'ii ieal,.i w.i an i.l nf tell w - hlnp th.if itii hide 1 liml H5 well n human Mul it w.,s n f.,r , r) tr..-n that ' first 1 es. s ,.f 'nil i" tint reveal- ingiiiieni ni'iiii, "i b r 1'ie first un- pri'smii b.i l , in..- in !., reela- tieii "! 'he '.ist IK reuiiMi u 'i'ii'ihw uaK. wnicti was win he v mt : it in f'i mini te who 'i he iw,d t'iu tirst cl.mpse of a lln'll IKe il " i te lied ' I s i jmsc tur iwrv epresn,. von whn puis hiii i te .'iii- tuaiiKs fnr a first sti- nf ti im ,1 'unir m his ,sr,nl ther' jre i mi it "s t' '. .i,is win) new r nnalv.' in ile- .11 i mie, the ini tial si, p !'i !! ;i. r ,.denture nf faith I'm rinii f in 'st nf ii' have fersntien the nihil in.presi.jiis. t'lere remain for cw r i"" i: us wt iiiu.n.iut iiinu- eries of th-n.-s Irtle i'i tlcmselw-s, fhnt ttenl i-i' . t'if m.init.. nl us there ill ine hernnnm- .,!.,! winch I, this ilav Indn i ,il,.,,,,. .... ,l.,r. ,, .,'r ,, -. ,, ,imi 'i il .liill li'ill . ,,iii .... lllflll e ,i;,i i .in lint. e ktl"W t' that minis tn ,i- ni.irk us as 'eepi , en rhnii.'h wt'hive bis prf1-- ne i . . n" -ii'ii'iN's it ilis . appnintnieti'- as ,i.n ,.f th" h.rle thin.-s ,.f i ',i lli'imi Till, t.llk nf -en .ihls. ,. C.Tsllii cml 'Iren. the s'jihl 11 , r 'lpreliei i in if th( lie 11.111.; 11! sijji'h.-i 'hit hal Can Kj It. I Yen Tell? ! ! I tl'. ftedmer Hew lloers .mil Walls re DeadrnKi Wii'. . 1 . nf a tl ei- or w ill is he 1 , ili ., .lid." we 'i. an 11 'it seu sub tan 1 , i- ' i'lt. 1 ip r or nrber : ". ". eniidectnr ' -' i'1 h.i- been insert ! bct'i'-n the n i'mi "t lie rwm b-d' w . ill the !'ii r abi't '. Inltvepi ' 11 sides iv t'.f w l.l TL.- m ire re rfie' 1 sn r i ' "r .1 ' 1 'or 1- i II . 1 s it m I 1 ls-,1,' lit -i .11 1 , ,i, 1 w 1,1 1 i-- thr mj 1 .1 v 1 I nr.'v If t I" ill 1 I .-ni'd 1 end . . r 'seu-ij Tt a tt i!i 1 I ni'i t !'' ill-, 1 I i f ' ' m ii ' linn ! ' ' r of sum ,, il,, m 11:1 1 w I ; iss t 4i lli) I l.ltt, r 1 'VV t' e't li.e Will' V 11 id - I. es;.eeiiliv .-nod 1 "lid I tnr ef s,,in d It is 1 ,n letter than .rr Tri ' 1 f 111 ' n ,1 'i " end f a Inc. mu ,w- aini n r pe--iiii Un 1 v iin' t1 . r t il w Un 1 wit 1 ii his hand. If In n''i tie watih nwiv from t'ie I 'i; v,i ; cinnet hear tr ti k but '"! I" iil- 1 wdtcu 1 n the 1 1 of tl ! i.' .ml ' 1 1. wiur e-ir at the up .1 -1 1 i .1 ' 1 'I Un; of th' waii'h 1 .ri '1 h 'id i'ii.i -t ti we'l n- thm. ;h . car -hcii'1 11. I V s-, . wave duetiirs 1 Wl.ll fin is IHI.lt ." sound 1 h' i ti"1 f' 1 Inke 1 sound mat wall, 1' v tin: ; 1 ir te veur i,n cin ! a -a i ier I I17 sound , 'i'e better ci.n- i'i vi , ' tl in the an 1" ri 1 "i'h wrudi a v J I 11,.' i:r 1 1 cnu lueturs 1 f 1 11 .1 waves nre then deal- ' , ,. p cw i- t lien t' e , r n'ld ,' I. I I'll . c I nl i'ir. i;h j deadene 1 'I" 1 1 n fain' Mendaj Mi.v U0W1 ll.ue 'I we Kyes,' rilling Yeu II Leve te Make IVf.U Case Christinas ' Tlut M.ihes a Nice '1 IliillKllt" tr ,. .in ii vl ,i nice little clft In send is a Christmas reniembraiue, make ifclh Miin'l tniM in? wis. nt I'etlies- plus line ami inks. Make nn en- irlene case ut cretonne or silk. i:ii.imei intnihtT nl hi in i i j iuuit"iiui unu - " i t"ii'nuv nuimn i ... , v " "" decorate t' cm wi'h blue fnrgcl-mc tedn in tlie Mimrt sihcIuIij s,pr.. rhia rnie i e ine r.uii i.iien th.it many Sets 1'astei. smile strong, thin twine en- is plaited silver tiw.e, and the dl-1 P"1"1 W"".., te the marrittge of! ?,? two rii i.c.k'd pli.h Stitch a Idling M"'tlnn is in black crepe. their daughters en account of age nre te two ci . u,,;i '".'' ",,i(Il, l'f uth" v I unreasonable .Since u,r mairnceH . .band of e as '".i'..."..,.,1?' KlTriir.vn ns vmixi.n are advocated by that State, the (ie- case and .11 off w h stlt thing te ,t n u'iUnr) whn MnnM.nt has ,ppW. ihat if a girl under , f JlOld tie Clothespins ami Him. inm nn r.titn that mu lit rllrei srvd ' tweiltS-OIie jears nf a-e can't L'el lier i V.V VslaTin-c,rhandyBfer8MrniDg IW&APM!& S' ?nL b' mayria6Ke 'he. bk,- : vrnsi rp"u . "ih n -r. iKcr.j.: -..""""""' " - iBiU' w iJ vi MtBih"pMV W10 wiinueiQing ei censcBi. f pne, Religious Impressions te Start (hitherto e.vnped our Attention; the reason clven for nn net. the revelation of n situation, the real vision of what jealousy '". what poverty Is, what ser sor ser rew ii. what n.iin is: the unreason ableness of some angry punlahmenti tlie injustice of peme net of partiaiitr nfiil fl.i, rtt,w tnAlrttl1filAnfM nf nnnf I net of love : the imnliejitien nf emrt s'icetien tJint we ilM net nmlerstanil at the time, but reeennUseil years later, i in n tiniJi, aa n aatnr i?nal nil or them little iu-ta 0n the part of ether, ' In flu, tiftncn tf iinnrttfAftlffltnl lolcenM in the sene of unpretneuitnteii teaent , ..,, . , .... ..n fn.Ms.nii,. m firtil UbiSStaSiSSS.S S(, m 'WtM from thl. ftll ... 1..1 .-v. -v. .- .,'. .uv... " .------ us I fruit New that we knew, what our fathers did net knew nnd only half gueved, that the minds of children are Ineal- eulnhly mere impn5sieiinble than the minds of mntun; person, and tnat the yihconadeus mind of a child and his lonreieus mind irre but a breath apart: - that frUht. timidity, untruthful- "" , merbidness, bewilderment, hntea ,,",,J ,,ev,'' h" ?,ml 'M,rM: Cn,n stimulnteil or nl!iied, calmed or strengthened by action and reaction from the conscious te the aubcon aubcen aubcon Tteus and Kick te the conscious new !nt this is scientifically proved, thc whole atmosphere of thoe early year) of ,i fluid's life has an Importance that e.i'i smn-ely he tee sreatly tuastnlfied. N" inns is really little or unimpor tant that happens te a child. l'liND crnndmether was remarking ' te me ttii'i jirldc. net lone age. tint she lniii watched her own iui ml his hj from her window stroll across a meadow together. The mnn ha 1 his hands folded back of him. vwinjrinc a s'iek as he walked, and e h.id the child, carefully widening his strides te uia'eh his fathers se far as lie could The father had taken a pamphlet te read while he rested under the shade nf a tree that merloeked the farm, lie had thrust it Inte his pock et. And the bev had (.Hatched nn i.l, ..rtUnmi.nf nnil stuffed it into his lrm,er P 1 lie man looking down at ,1,,, ltfi,. end. teeiiLMiUed the whole , mule nf iluiilli atieri iin.I was tern bed .,, ,,ri,Ulj- nm I dare say humble tie would, no doubt, cut out from his , ....,,. ,, ,V..n, ),Is nnrel..s smnll .iiiui, el- t,ct,.ivier many little thine ,,., ,, ,.!.,,,. ,ml thL.y would be ,.,,iiled" with the rest. Most poed tM'h.T-s tn- te make tliemehes ever in , .., ,-t fr 'the snke of their children, i;,lt ., ,nn,iern child, rich or peer, is ,1t much witli ln fat'.ier, and feme arc I1(lt muc., Ulti (iH.,t. mother. Man children s-pend their waklnc hmir-i with sirnuer who at best are set te keep t'lem nut of piisral harm's v.-iv. ud tieusamls of ,'hililr-n are! ;tr te "fiMd ter themselves relicietis-, , lien- a-I there a teacher will b- ti'id w' ri s i-neiiKli te make tied al unu t'i- iie;innnii;s 01 1111:11 simple i (j: li't!" tuni'i-, but net m.inj. Oil, m thcrs and fathe pn p; te lirej) j-e ir thcrs and fathers, if you are children down into In v nurseries and kindergarten and tlie-i into p. i i imt ' mid till ill und and summer into the hishwaysj and lvw.ivs t life, le-ieli ttieni tn tn 'n" .' O'l ll II, I'lK leVilblc, tllld I.nmv (.ml as th"lr lather intinlteh tt ti l niiuv invar e and loving. )"i hiive no . , , , .,,.,,, .u. ,,., .,. .!J;ll ii. iiiiik inuuiii iii'-,., iniii in, te set them auritt without n sre.-it hope t c!ii.' tn. a sre.it faith tn eer by and 1 src.it love te live for. net i'v human love ! t .1 love m which t,.c-e s re wi"i,rlenest neither fin low that I- cist by tururis' s U:ll D. LOW lit E. Renaissance Hat With - 1 tt t -. Skull Cap CrOlVn Hy mitlNNK LOWE The shoe i f t ,s a i"imn 's tongue Ind '1 hi . i- ' .if, the difference b I vti.i ti (he i nnd ' I e Medel tl al iii.'nn of this tear ii tiling four, i.v in ti,.., Il " I .ncu" lie't i .nts U he'd t'i the sh it the vids 1 1, -ulentallt , tee, one ma' nii,irA that us the ,'isnn advances tl.e tun.' c r"i'iiis. I'ei tie smartest iii1i. n w hate tliu detail reduced te a isnisi rvati e area. In this cnnuci tien nti"' ii 1st si itk, (no, of the , nonueiin pe uiai'Hj "I brown Mjedn shoes for afieriienii wejir ji t m , tee, is frequent- j i e i Inped lfl this tntie. We arc shewnu tednj a colonial clip pered lad.v in u new model et black und i irp.e crepe. I'!... combination of the two leh.rs is psieedinclv skillful a id tlie little slietilder cape of back crepe, soefmi ri'p.atid in prent ilav '. . . ' . '' mj . i . i "if "nun miHei is nlwat , tieemllig te the sh n- Uer UnUre Mere striking than the Ku j,ef 1S the lint worn Willi this "own 'l'l,iu .. reents the n -w s,ui crown with a ridge e centrastnu' material extending from i ear te ear S;n ii hat , borrowed by vev- erui ei me rn-iicn ui-igners from Hen 7 . 11 ' ffWWHSfei. 1 m w mThIbSObiI t t... i n Uiiince mm ii. nrn ipi..iii..nti.. i i iul' itw ! iiiki iii i rnmpnr naui --i" vt -. mm'iwmi -h -'-vr . . &t iv , w&mrnmm; - ? mwmmim flvi 1 if:..K:::f:i;il-':"" :.:r',. mdiA ,:M UVM VMMl 1 3ffJ'& '1 m. "i 'iHvc .- .-, n. MiSfe-'rB ... .;, , i - m &?,,, rt.m mKmmmWk , '';:-' 7 W fvVi ' ' 111 f JEV k: SKfsss.aBEHfcsrs, " ; fw 4iV" -Jr r. rs "1 ;tri itR.-i-- i .KiWHr'-r IK.M- i J' t& ' ',i :m U 11 MJMHH :.:,: Aim; 'sVMHirrwSVVH 1 , B ; I 1 i ;l c RA V "MBt . t K-Xm . ' JR.. MIT ! F- TO' .' f ! BBBBBBBBKiV.I.Ulli. .1 I ' I f '- IUIbI .U Ilf i t lHitll K .- J. Of & A f BbBbBbBbBbbbbBVs? ''S sbbS Ae Vf ' B IbBWbBWbBWbBWbBWbBWbBWbH s'bBWbBWBskV,X t ''t s'flS J v? 1 "Wrc " & V U MaMWBv BbBBBBBbRK'4 y' S iSB Bfc s s I BBBBBlBJllBr ' MB BBBwBBttP ' JHBB L )'' . ' S "A " aBBBbfhnV .BBBBBBBBBaBBBBHLsCBBBW. rfBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - 'BmbV BBBBBB WXbuW JAbbbbbbbbbibbbbtWIbbbbbw bbbbbbpbbbp .rfBBl 4bbbb BIVbbM vR1' bABBBBbIBKBBBMBBBBBBbW BBBBBPjBWt a,HH B VflffBB Jk-v 2k IIBBHb2JBBBhb!1bViU iBB'i '-ttB& &BhVBhBhBHBBhBhbVV1 KPVMlHBTft - - : bVabbWHUIV llHJM 7 ?e Reckless Age KUtwXmSHHMm Allnc Feitrr. a runnier of thc p-i! I paunyrr (, Jifcemis tnya'iiu '" i'harlcu 7nc. nef fucutidc .iic ,in- Aim, Ji liriui, ikcj term e it'll tiiitcil te nirh vthfr. Jltit .Uiii' in ttntt upon btnn frcr, it ml, scene in her ability te Imlil I'tunlcy, h en en ceurages thc attintttnw of lrium t.em), ii iciitcr. ('hurley rimoii rimeii s(i'i(i'9 111 rnln iiihI jinnlly aih.i ti he released from thcii haryain. .Unu i pride .suffcis n wnlblc blev, bu' shortly aftir ril, ic rcflucs ""if jie has really fnltni in eie icitA Uu'en Len'j nnd the turn her tit trillion te him. M'Acm ihc hears through a mud tint! Mten l.enn hat been tisim the younger set at watcital for a neul, thc neies . her. Acting Oil Impulse e ' rFill- temptatteu te pt te Mimmi I.eu; with what she had heard occurred ' a ne dur lis the salad course ut mach eon. She had net dared te let her thoughts dwell en what ll'len had told her, but in .spite of her cQerts te rele gate it te the buek of her mind, it kipt chtrudlnu itself, nun there were times during the meal when she ft't that Mi' would scream aloud if she had tu bit till another moment. 'It couldn't he true," sh,. told her self ever and ever I'ate wouldn't plaj a i-eurv.v trick like that ,011 h'-r. And vi t sell'iehuvv. ji -r heart t"'d her 1' was true Hi desire te stnitv uer, m ,,i' rv her cles.lt like a tf'im unde a mu roscepe vvnuid a unt tnr .tiJseti l.nic s .'.ttitude fricii the verv besin- nin,;. She recal.ed the mativ times Ile imd wonder d why li wa s(, cnld. why she. had never been nl'le te get near I him. When he had lnus.ln"I. it li.nl al- wavs been at her, inner with h-r. and 'hew retlcmr he Ind alvvavs been about himself, wlu'e le had n-nuraucd 1 "i- te 1, j . I,..., I ,,.,. .,,, 1 f.i " h .'.V. sVh"Mtheught ,11"' . '1 ricMnl Tien had come the tlieugni 01 ;ein; , te Masen l.en.' and cotifrentlne I Im vith what she had heard. It w -isn't 1 ' wise plan, but at bant it did away wit , ! suspense. What Aline vvatitfil was union 11 she were going te be hurt, hurt sn tr ribi.v that her proud spirit would inter recover from the blew, then rlie w nit I it evi;r with at once, the wanted te knew the truth. The uncoiiventieiinlity of geins alone te Maaen Lengs apartment did ma trouble her. 1 he pesihllitt thai he miffht net lind him ulene, and that it might be pmbantSfing was net i-'iih i ciently important te mutter Wiwt mattered was the fact that she had t,, 'sit here nnd mouth cnininniiplii" es. that she had te appear ga.v and up hi. - rn-d uh.le the interminable. IiiiuL.eu drew v, ill. II. sew v te n close. "' ' . At lflht it wis ever! At list -ifter ten minutes of farewells, aid s ,-,,. mre fullj cenitructeil lies ceuei r tig n en cagement for tea. he w.is s: ,- den in the elevator. At lift -h' vis in the ureet. hai'icg a taxi, at I m tii.V.j en Ler wat dv. n te Graiii',"' I On Fifth pvenue. the tnth i- heavv ind it nemeil te.Vlineas i t-iet -teppnj etery two blocks, l'lntuit m despera tion t-he put her head t -in ,-h tl window nnd directed tin .i. er te go ever te Madisen uvpiim . un I -iffr th.it they made better progress I he slreef, went slowly by. Thirtj ei.-l l.Thirtv sixth, new they were (,i Ii i it -fourth street slopping for the ine..ti,.tn traf fic and then at lust tlnv cr. going nn again. When at lnt n. i,i stnpped betnre a tall nrewris-.i i iim.- rm the North side f (Jrutini I'ark. Aline hml reached II pitch i f '' ne nt that Mould have carried In r In 1 "nv" I I 111!. wiiriT cntnpesure an I t n him liber- iillv. Then she win ',,.'!, up the lirew nstetie steps, tl t ' i . i,. r tiipirc, etqut-ltely dressisl iinj inti the hell under the card llm' i' id "Masen J.eng." 1 he lafn cnchi'ii iii d -i pnsiied open tlie uoer uu' 'in ii i in. Heuse was an old one, and a '..-,g tl .-hi of stairs with a heuvlly ciirn-,1 , , .. lln bulus - trade, led up te the Mem, nhet". Kdp a moment Aim his,tnted. She hail never mine i in an apaitment bad never bifnre hei", m n apaitment ..IUj.h un nlftl iiIib ..i.,1 I. .11... I... II "iinum- " "I iiim i ne nun nun vsl,l l,h ,'1"'."1 ,1""rs ,,""'' ,,ll 'de, . ..... a.I unniiilii.il ...l.l .....I f. -1...I.I!.... ;',," "''inuiiiiig, 1 Hi; !!', H4"i . ""HI, eli'' 'WIS gll Ing mewiy up me s,,,,,,,. Tn Itn Continued) But That's Ret Here! hue' nver lie time, thef lull I'l'Ml 10- " ' ""'s -.,..., .;. ... - .......... ieti cr. What a 'itt'e feel hhe had b.e.i. s"1 "! ' " '""I'l.v reprni : the lnmiiy am -ilvvavs she hi I Uinight h.'i-.l' - 'PPr-'Intieii of her cflnrts. i e. se well ba'ateid. m, e.i,il te in . . " "nil." whole w hen bread success- eccasKm. Whv. if what Helen s, fe'li is (sv ,f ten will fellow cleM'lv , ' were triV, he m st have been la.i.-luii; th.; following directiens: , ' lfl, .,,,,' ..i.ii,, si. i,' . I' ace n in x ne bowl two cups .if I ILK n't.:, "hat 'he tvaV falliii ll-. w-er ...old down te Ml degree ' I .ihpiiti unt Nnu' mill tn Mit t'TIi-m-. MM. XT '-..I 1 i . I mJmmrmm iff "1. -vafnBM-BWv BiRlifa4n'aBF "MfflOillunl'BMI.'l? I - iisaVaVaF BBlltBffiBf'iBTOJlH i,OMBBBBr H9H KfllBmBfr BBVsTsBBmV' vHIbkVBbBBbBv .. wk Seme Baking Recipes That Are Helpful Are Features of Mrs. Wilsons Article Whole-Wheat Bread. Seme Desserts and Cakes That Will Taste Delirious en Celd Winter Days fij MIIS. M. A. WIItOK Capyrtuht. u'ii. bu Mrs. .it. 1. IVdjen. Jill WiwtT ,- T'' r"trxc,d , , . HOI.L wheat bread, made jilmn. and with nuts, raisins nnd fruits js del'cieiis and well worth making, and " "" iiuuset lie ttui 11,'inir u i;iri ' "'- ,mei,lle,,.d f,-the Saturday l.nk 111 rv In tit n I Iiik luiiie nf lhm.11 Itnliilu 11 me neusewite win eteie u part hi Four tahlcsuevn sugar I irn rafnoent of ,ia. I'ri'tr tiih)snmtix nf kLnrtrnwa. I 'ntimlilA tn fitiA ivulI hiiI'a ami dtfi X I 'lllllll' HI ' ,' i 'I H . im- f ! .... l,n,,.l it. tint fundi ijiiirne iTil cnlf It' 4'1'Ii'l til 111'" (rllt r-itfttt iitl i-n i i New sift the whelii wheat flour through th- cidander. nnd add all the bran that r..i,inin in the cnhiiiiler te iIip flour. Add four lewd eup.s of this sifted flour te thi iircnareil mixture, in tlie mlv!ni; ij .lll( i,ent ln n tine smooth jl.lt,,,P iiw add two and thrrc-quar- tl rM PI1,1S IIllirf, f u,n w hole wheat flour ttui knead the dough te smooth elastic dough. 1'lnce in greased bowl, nnd rub the top of the iln'igli well with plent.v of geed shortening t' prevent a crust . e 1 k: ,!....!. .ul.ilA ifc- V "r"""s "" ll", """" ' ' " '"'. . ... i.. i.. -..,. 1 ...I-.. T- I. III! .! 1..... ... .1.... ..'. I ' .....-,- . . nnd 1 I nun iirnim mr iiin" one-nan half hours, in a - . mr. I . . room about iO degnes I'ahrenheit .-r..-..ln.,n ..,i.n fnr nter fertV milllltes. If ten just desire the plain wheb wheat bread, meld up In the usual' manner. I'ratislpnne Tarte Line deep pie plate with plain pastry and set in cool place. I'lav n .-aucepan Oar and thr,c iuartrrt rups of mill:. 'Iica-thudi cup of sugar, tine half up of flour, c... . .11...,. I,-,, ilir. Ilnnr. find Slicnr and thm place nn the stevn nnd bring te boiling point. I nK ier Iliree nun utes and then add 1 oil. of time emj". Veur tabletpoem of huttrr, 7 ii e ffimpoeni of vanilla. tun half t'atpoen of nutmeg, 7 lircc-rumten cup of acenirn .......... i-. "nr-hnlf cup of inefj cfleppc.I ' eandifd cireii, "ne cup of finely chnpprit nuta. I tl well anil then turn in the pre- parid phi plate and bake in slew even pat t . . I i .. ...!...... ier ininy iiiuhu'-s. Whip the whltfs of the three egSH ..... . .let ,.... ...1.J until very sun, iin-n imu i,,.i,,if i nn nf LTiinulatcd suirar I very slowly, whipping in the sugar well, 1 anil pile mi the turte for meringue. I'ltice in slew even te brown slightly. Splee Fruit Cookie Place in snucrpnn fine cup of melattctt. One cup of bretcn sugar, 7 te-thirds cup of geed shortening, 7 e teatpoent of ginger, Una teaspoon of cinnamon; One-half teaspoon of allspice, en;.,;;,, c;; ta ,ra ite One cup uj icy vheppea tceaca I no teaspoon nj tinist scca, rntMtna. , 's,,,..,r One cup e afeict-rf prune, cneppc Of e g ll etu, add nvU'nu.er fniit of -e.;ir,er iiiel, thick, cut and bake In hue... r.-'l as for jcll.t roll and pine '""' ire-ted fnr tl oektc nnd i tvel .greafe,l pan-. Let rise for one '... mid place together as for band- n, nne.ninrter hours and bake II, 'lh w "h the Itillg for H tilling. Evening wraps te suit each taste. A fur-trimmed, pink in soft velvet; taffeta with flowing sleeves and roses al thc neck; an Egyptian wrap, a silk and geld cape. Onr cup of chopped fiwM. 'J no-thirds cup of Unci: toffee. Simmer and bring the mixture te ' ieilirie point. Htlrrlntr oenitaMtl. When t1(, mutnre reaches bellin; point, cook Uw two minutes, then tuiu in mixing iintw anil ree . v hen cool add 'loe in II -beaten cpn. About five nnd one-half cups of flour in winch tv.e luvel tnbb spcetis of link In; powder has been sifted. Werk te smooth dough, nddlng little mere flour if nccei-fiir.v . Chill en the ice for two hmis ,,r ever night Is better: then roll en t'mired pnstrv beard in oblong sheet, about one-half 'inch thick. Cut with the biscuit cutter and place en well creased baklne sheet. ltake In med erate men for ten Minute. Coel nnd i 'l) 1 teaspoon of water icing en earn and ndd a nut in the center of r , COMK the ii'inir. Te ni'ikc the Icing, place the juice of eni-half lemon In small mixing bowl , and add two tablespoons of Ixiilliiij .vaier. ur te menu, men nuu sum i"if confectioner's sugar te make a Mift iflug that will net run. l'liue n tmspennful in each cookie and flat- ten out, placing the nut in the center of tin Icing. l 0 tint spread the icing nil ever the ' enk.e The icing should leek like a II,.- l -. I .1.. ,.,.. ,r ,', T . , ,," M"r.isc.nii cherries cut in half, or I'i'-' "M ill lllllLT CIIIIUl'il iruit, Jlllljr uu ...An... ..E ...... ......II...I f.... .... .. ,,.,i , .., . .i,. ' I "I I'm, U '!. HiU Jlilin. ', Trt rolling some of the cookie dough and one that both thy children and udulla nre trr.t fend of. WHAT'S WHAT Bu Helen Deeie n e annual football series will con- ' ude tilth th TliunltsKltlnR smnes wek Heme people, who have lean or Hceimr tun ki tiiiutial Inturcellealnta athlrtUi events, Ne ene wantii te inlas nny point of the play What could be ruder than for one or two spectators te stand up and thus shut off the view of thobe liume- I ilUttly behind thctnV Courtesy which, fundamentally, la consideration for oth eth ers should govern outdoor as well uti indoor affairs. wneri muking tip a pariy te go te a football game Tn ih chill of late Ne- Wir ,,e ,sewr nti ether te previ(je ft uteamer or autome Hit, me few nv,,,' twn nerserifl Invited, or te remlnt) soma of the guesta te brlnv incir rugs wnn uiein. . . . .... I f I'i mT.mirru tllllt ItPA l.irf npn, nfln m... 1 1 is iii. lues ii iieiicieus nnve tv - uku nieiiey in iiui'iiM iivcrv Kiinie ii t ,an nny woman wne sua iievvn and rrHheMm.h',o,li?itnreu,ni,U '"1V """' prepares endle vegetables, cutting her lit." Tim paS, iK!J pavH well, for llngera if lire Knife ; alius, etc. )e.i ca 11, f. i,rhllnD.. ,.t utl'lm. !,.. nnl i.ll. Iillv Wlllll SUIlll 1 Call It -" Peer" Please Tell Me What te De ny CYNTHIA T.fttcrs te CvntMa's column must t$ Mrttlet ea 0110 Uric of the taper 011I1; find mutt fc tinned with thn tvrtttr 1 am run! aditrftt. Tlu imine will net hi publtthfit II thr writer deri no tDitn it. I'nUanril intns eiwl Irturt icrltt i en oefi Met of the uaerr will net M answerrj. Wrllrrs who 11 talk piraeiinl irimtrs that iuik h' ult'cu dk In column u'til iilrae loefc there. OS ffr ffr tetal (rltrri lire enlu u'rillcn wrk 0M0 lulilt' iiccctsarv. Ask Her, Plot Her Frlenda Dear Cynthia I inn a htcady leader of your column. I am In love with a Klrl who tr.ive me the air one Saturday nlRlit. Can you tell me hew I can win back her levcV My friends tell me she loves me. liul why would sbe give inc the air? I mu willing te forget all mnl go back with her, ter 1 leve lier. Slie In twenty jcars old nnd I am twenty twenty twenty otie yvura old. I have watched your' column, and tlnd that help comes from It. C. It. C. If jeii want te find out If the Klrl cares for jeu jeu will have te ask Tier .veuriulf. It's the only way te Hud out. Advice te "Puzzled" JVear Cynthia I have never written te jour column before, but alwajn en joyed reading it. se 1 thought I would write a line te the girl who lb puzzled. Well, here goen: Five yeara elder than our f i lend In net much. My mother la seven years elder than my father, ard they inairled when father was nir.ctitn, and lived twenty-five years of happy life until father died. Mether never married ag tin, ns s10 s,ad there was never a man win could tnke futhei's pluce. He what de uu think of that'.' Never let age htep you. Let me tell veu that age never brings jeu leve and happlne.su. Se ,0iyt let tt bother you. YOURS KVUlt. Say "Sparrow" Is Kissing Bug Dear inthla. l'lease print this te "S-parrevv : ".Spanevf." tthat are veni trvlnir te rliew through tha column, that eti are a kissing bug? Yeu ure .seme wild Wrd, I'll bay Your letter shetts your iheapness. Yeu would net take a girl out without home cuintbai.k for your cat fare. It's tee bad you don't git the girls you really .should fall In with the ones, I mean, who would send jmi te u dentist for new ttelli after getting your own knocked out. I will iiiv again, imv rellned and decent girl will net allow a fellow te kiss her unless she Is engaged nnd any decent fellow who knows hew tn ispect a girl would net kls.s a glil fnr going out with him. IIi:nui:itT. An Old Friend Is Hurt Dear Cynthia- I Just read in one of the papers about a friend of mine being hurt In un automobile nceldi nt and that he Is In1" the hospital with concussion of the brain or something te that cf feet I am writing te ask jeu if you think It would seem tee fervv.ird for me te go and see, him? Yeu see. lie Is net an intlmate friend : he did call several times, hut nt that time I wa. ri.t uiii r si, I nmi our friendship dropped. That waa about two yeursi age. I would llke te tea him Just for the sake of old .ujiualiit .incfl, but would net like 1,1s p'oule or aiiv one oho te think I am bold. I am n daily reader of jour columns nnd want te congratulate, jeu en the wonderful ndviee jeu give; it certainly Is Interesting. Seme d. 1 ani going te sit down mnl write juu a. nlee Ions' letter en ii mere vital subject; however, udvlce won't help that any, but I thought perhaps the icader.i would llke te read It. MAIJ U Whv net send a few flowers or a let ter of F.ttnpathy te him'' It would ucitn wiser net te call en him. Adventures With a Purse DID jeu ever see n girl who was se marvelous looking that veu wanted tn just sit and leek at her, hoping that she would net notice, and think you rude? I saw one the ether day; she waa dressed in aeft black satin, the green jade of her neckline .iK t, only touch nf color en the frock. Jade earrings Mviiug merrily te each move ment of her head, nnd ns she reached out her nrin T ww a jade btncelet it was just the right note. We ran de a let, jeu and I, by learning the value of thnt "right nod'" ; it is n large item. While adventuring I found a bracelet of dear, cool jade, and it was only bet enty-five cents. During the war I knew a man in the service, ami otie day I came upon him In a blind rage he'd been detailed te kitchen duty, nnd upcnt most of the afternoon paring I"''.' And. oil hew he loathed it I . ut ,1 net bclieve that he could illslIKe It one bit tnore u-iilrh Is tint, and made of some lmni substance. It is backed with metal, m which Is a little loop into which slips jour finger. This is rubbed ever the surface of the potatoes nnd the skin is removed, but there is no waste, i'er all vegetables, carrots, which are particu larly difficult te pare, this Is excel lent and gees down aa one of the house heuse wife'a delight. U is priced at twenty five cent. BSS5?fis?!"n! I IFie TfTe ail Been Serenely Happy Began te Doubt H v Husband, and There cannot u t'eace Where There h Doubt 11HEY hare been perfectly happy em Bint their tnarrlane, until Just lately. Ma Is traveling man. She always used te be ready In her prettiest dress when he came home after a trip, no clad te see him after the long separation, nnd they would have a beautiful time while he was h""' ..... Then a neighbor, also the wife of a traveling man, benan te talk te her. This woman's hiftband had mane her very unhappy, with his tinfnlthfulnfca. and se ahe thought all men who traveled were like him. tm 8he telil the happy wife that, any hew. Perhaps It was because she wanted nomebedy else te be unhappy, tee, or perhaps nbe really did think that all truvcllng men wcre as bad en hers. Whatever she thought alie talked con vlnclngly, until thc happy wife began te suspect her own husband and grew terribly Jealous. fTIHE next time he came home ahe wa JL different : they didn't have the hnnjiv time they usually hart. IT bml te se te his office one morn lng nnd whlV he was away there was a long-distance. call fnr him, Ilia wife a us we red nnd n woman's voice insisted that she must have Mr. Jehnsen : where could she get him if he wasn't there? Ne. she couldn't give the inessnite. Frantically jealous nnd auspicious Mrs. Jehnsen refused te tell where her huKbnnd wan, thereby losing a nice contract for him. When she told him about it he raved accordingly. "Hut it was a woman's voice! ' she insisted. "Why, of course It was! All tele phone operator hnve get women's voices," reared the disappointed talcs man. Hut It was no uc. All thn tlme 1 was home there was that little strained atmosphere which made it impossible for them te be huppy tosetuer. THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE Itu Bereitd Denaidr,n JjBerfefn The Cily Apartment Tt has hern thc experience of the writer that people tee often set about furnishing apartments in the city en the same scale as they would houses two or three times the area, and in consequence they are disappointed if their upartment docs net leek attrac tive, l'-ven If the net mil !! of thc rooms is the same as in a house, the absence of halls und p:is.sQKe wajs gives an apartment a cramped nppctirunee unless the furniture in it is carefully selected. If the dining room and living room in veur apartment open into one another "it will probably be wise te treat them ns one room, and thereby gain n sense of tpnec. Cheese the same wallpaper or paint for both rooms, and have the woodwork done tn the biimn color. It may he well, tee, te have the Fame hangings in both rooms. Jf jeu can, emphasize jour windows. I.enve the center of your rooms ns clear ns possi ble. Cheese chnlr.s and tables that ate small in Msce, and ubc a rug or rugs of a plain inateilal in one or two tones. A drop-leaf table may be used in the dining room, and when net in use it may be steed against the wall. If, aa se frequently happens, the en trance hall in your upartment is small and very darh, use plenty of artificial light and have a bowl or vase of home bright, cheerful color. A mirror will oftentimes give a sense of space nnd light in a small dark hull, as illustrated above. Ceiuright, 19IS, by Public l.tdetr Company Tlie Weman's Exchange Te Fatten the Legs Te the Kdlter of li'emau'.i I'eyr: Dear Madam I am a reader of tour wonderful column and knew jeu help be many, i I, tow, will ask a favor. Would jeu kindly print In jour column something te fatten the leg with'.' Mita. m. Dancing rxrrclres or gymnasium c.tcr cIhm will help jeu if jeu use cocoa butter nt the sumo time. Massaging jour leirs with the coce.i butter and taking these exercises will develop the uiuacles and round out the Mesh evenly. Wants te Play Heckey Te the Kdlter of H'emmt' Page: Dear Madan Is It posslble for jeu te tell me et seme club or society I might Jein where I would be able te play field hockey? A HKADER. Nearlv all the hockey teams are com cem com peitcd of girls who arc members of the cluhs at which thej- pnj There has been some talk, of hturtlng a team of non-club nicmbera. Mis. Itfward Krumbhaar. of Chestnut Hill, whe Is the head of the Heckey League, could probably tell jeu mero about this, as ehe known all the details of the matter. n T firm-, n I II ft I i i sm :!i !!' f m l;i ) i iTT fe i4jgiyi l TH "V NOW that man is going te wert, in the time he Is away en hit 2 trip, about the reception he'll gttMH he gees home again. ' "" ww iiiinui iiuuiir IH!I DIlfllnBB whether somebody Is telling his wfc some mere lies, nnd stirring un a2 Ideas that she never had before. As for her. idie'll be ....- ... worried and suspicious cverr tnlnJi! until Mho eels him rtf !,! .1-.""" And then she'll Im i1Imbma.Ii. " This Is just about the beglnnini i the end of their contentment terJthe? It can never be quite the Mine wf" cause she hasn't confidence eneuth Z common sense eneti&h te s. .iii.w enee between her own hunbund and Si ether woman's husband. " nne win suspect nnd accuse, ih m possible te Please. " "na And he, net knowing what te U about It. will make matters Z et-err limn Im Irlnu , ,.1.. .t. .un r-" - -" "- " "unw mrra bet. ISN'T It dreadful that one wemn'i talk can hrrntc nn n umk. ..j ... tented married life In tht ..?re"' aVi think that n woman's fntth'in her husband could be se cnnilv ur,i. ' ." That Miitabhling pair you. see at tli theatre, mlsunderstnndlnff enei. mi...:! every word, spending the time .ft!; each net arguing end'essly alwut p ti things there's lack of trust there She doesn't believe In him, and h has lest his respect for her becaeai A tiAp (tniiivlnf, -s Tt a traaic hedman !(' r..n.i. If I hey could Just step and think hack te where they get their found" tlen for their doubts nnd disappoint, men fa. n Only hearsay, gossip, "maybe," "if" nothing certain or proved. ' J heir faith In each cither must bin been weak te atnrt with, if it gave wit under such trifling causes. '' And the saddest narr of If nit 1. ,v.. re many hundreds of mnrrlnge trt -" "i jf jubi iuis Kina or un- Hwiwai llllly. LOVE NOTS By KAY KEAN The Foolish Lever Once there was n lever, who, IetIhi greatly, was much worried because tit object of tils love wrapped herself rm. tlntially in the gloom of jealousy, entf ami rear. Le, lie begged nnd implored In a deit I different ways that shn would leave el i tormenting her soul with mich senstlm doublings. Even did he spend much time Ii thinking up ways of proving te Hi beloved thnt, where he was cencernfd, there was no need for jealeuey, enry and fear te enter In between them. He ieiii ner mat ne loved her and adored her in every possible way known t mnn. Even did he pride himself en bit eloquence nnd persuasive newprs. Alas! He did net knew that, se lest ns a woman ran be jealous of a man'i affections, envious of everv one he em leeks nt, nnd fearful always of losing him only be long can she find bla , Interesting. Se the woman, belne convinced thit there was no mere need for her te bother herself, turned her back upon the foolish lever una went en te seek another low. Cepurittht. l2. hit Publio l.tdetr Cerneam An English Weman's Ideas and impressions of Amerl can girls and women and customs nre always Interesting. When they ure In the form of articles, written in charming style by n person ae well known as May Christie Who will be remembered as i member of the staff of the Hvemse Public Lkucihr some ear age, they have n double appeal. A serin of such articles will appear tbrtt times a week en The Weman's Page Beginning Tuesday, November 28 I . A flne selection of HOUSEHOLD I practical and artistic "ZZZZEzUrl Jtlfta nriced at ?.. Ulf JLa an.oe. 97.30 Miud 810.00. 1A.LDIAMENK&1 1615 Walaut St. tt Btrfferd,h POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL Sold Everywhere SAUNDERS DIAMOND STORES W art ettirlat te etrVr Znui tuyeri tern ti ti ti otptlentl d I m e a d Ttln. Bpeeltl. Fun WblU Ptrftct DUml t la platinum $50M top rtoe7ied 30 Years llftUS.StkSt. 27I0GmBlevfAT. Quality and Charm Distinguish SA1ADA II "Th meat Delicious Ta you can bu?" HFIIXKB CO.. WHOI.KftAI AOKNTH. 1 BDKTII niOMT 0THKKT. fUUA ' HE14, TELETHONS LOMBABO 1M i4