u' mM mffimmmmmwmir''v wtfssp?'- T-. rwitffiswE-ff:KfrSftASi."ai kmW,ft$&7; "'' ;"V-,'- " EVENING FUBHO, IDGBRPHlIlADlDtiEHU:, ve Urr- -j,, - - r, w ,- !& fee -!' ' ! '' in. r m m m m m w w si 33 JE. 3.ttSl 3iH $i '1 .!J J ft a ?. II 1 jv 1; ' PI n n X j ffitt! m :iif ? ' w ? a (i B. fW i.B FARMERS BALK AT HERRIN JURY Admit Unwillingness te Sit In Judgment en Mine Mas sacre Case PRIVILEGE, JUDGE AVERS By a Staff Correspondent of the Evening Public Ledger M-rien, III., Ne.'. !2.-i. About eight en venlr-mpn nre left for examination today in th- llrrrr-n massacre trial, with only four juror netunllv In tln Ik.t. It in likely this number 'will net he. xhauiiteil today. Arrangements will ' k made however, for the Minimenltiic f another special vnlr for Mendny. ' Se far, -.'10 veniremen linve been1 Called, nctuiilly 1 .'!'' have bon or mined. Drain, incempetency of one ort or another, and sieKiiess cu-uscd the ethers before they readied exam ination. I Yesterday' sessions were full of in terest, though the jlelded no new Jurer, after State broke a panel by peremptorily ehnlleneing IWr.v Denten, a farcer, whose son l a miner and wt& has waited since early lnt week M a tentative juror. State' Attorney lmty examined veniremen. Four farm ers were eteust-d in hert order for heTing "rhe.1 opinions" ami then State tendered a panel of four. Hut defense broke this pntiel bv perempterllj challenging Hrm-st I.itnl ey. a farmer, and was forced te take the lead In examination". Defense's probing dtngB'd wenrilj. J'rniiient questions a- te the -irnic-venireman':, "prejudice" and hl "opinion en tlie lawfulness or unlaw fulness" of the rletln. at the Tester litrip mine ln't .lune, were .inferred till aft. miii ' ether less devastating questions had beer, asked. I'tiwIlllnR le Sit In .fur Thermn (!riie. a young farmer, was nlivleuslv net anxious te erve V," jovial Uus Neely, eatnlnin; for the flefense. retu.sed te give him r'i- nrn!.ie?1K'ryV,nMh-VenmlV nsellelted. tmallv mumbled he nimiuii i- .t j.itwi. ..I--. .. .. j..-..- iiiurvr -.,' Hiii'-iiiiif f in hi wi.tt inn 'trouble" grew ..in nf a 'aber dispute. He did net quite undei stand the iur.- tlen. but b" suid with unmistakable emphasis. "V"., it grfw Vilt 0 vie- lenee Attorney N'eely ral..ed his hand "1 don't vv.inr ynu te .-xpres, your niiilen." Iim ejcnlniued. "I ineint. fiave .veu any prejudice against or- ganbeil labor'-" With almost de.per.ite eonvietie't. ririin cried. "N'e. Ne." Defense con- tinued the pxnuiinati'in of Llri-n for tr.nny mere minutes .mil in the enn aid: "Yeu don't want te sit -u this Jury, either, de euV" "Ne. 1 want te get up and get out of here." replied Urim. "I have an opinion and I've expressed it." ludgi- Hartwell Interrupted the Jurers. Jun- .senlre Is IrUlleee ifui .ininr is iieirji- "I want veu te remember Hi-.." ad - menished he Judge he ebjeete.I te the jurors anmrent desire te run avvuy from jiirv service "If you had a farm and It burned p. .m, would be m.ght.v Sliifl te nc an- te irer a i rv i.teni or one man te give veu your inFurenee. ti it i in-iii- in.- " -ii-ni i itiii- L-.. Brim. relU ui.p, niue.i ua. .neii ei'i.rt- u "Listen here. Judge," cut in Brim. I ve an opinion mii.1 I ve expr It.' cJa. rii?,:""1" an,i " br0Ul" U" al'y Neel." ouVstlened this man three- euarters of an hour without r.skn.g him the one per.meiit one,,!,,,, about his wl h ; ,:'b Mi,: fCtt'StamSd,!;!,:1 vl...e ....ylK hetned I'.ilhr.e.fli i, In, If teVwa'SHwln" ihekinir I'rejuuu.u opinion en the kill lie. ,-, V"1.?. I,,;""'. ' ""V-- !(J Charles . Mlddlekauft. examining for 'Wens"; ntternejs th-n renfe-n-d for i,r ..,, ,s if.-r ,h f..r -.!! I V. 1...1 1 Atrnrnev Vee'li si'ilil nh .,,.!.,. ev ' pressed an opinion en that iere7 Ciillireath. uiismlllng. r.-ulied ele.irlr ypt," "OueHS we'll haie te .-tense 0U. Paid Neelj and that was ar l-l... one beur ufl'-r be had begun with ulbrenth. --..Te ...--...- . ...t-e TODAYS MARRIAGE LICENSES llus-li i T ..i.j -". . !i'iwiii i t K.i-1 Mr t Vlr.Snli. RSt V O.I. ,1'I rrl rv-his .urn - iieiii a net Orm I' wf- .u N j "".yh N'i 'VTi' ." T ,i.-f"-l ','.,h'..1 Eir-rt vv . ,-r "V. .,".! ,r in? Iii!-'" ll RxitiH il"T - jili.'.i" i Chanl..:rn.:'...u,,'",.? Jimx hm Hi. ''T Iviuftuinn - -t I vv rr . mJIOT. 'km,,,; &,","' Apr'-UneM ... nil Mrurll I Sniiirt J31! - Tlii.i JfUfph Shiirr (IH Jlit- - t aiil 'ii trud I.H.ttuvt. .-..'.7 Hdrl.-rrv rit Inn' K 1-Hi.iMi ".Til M-,lu hf i. mi? ttufh. . it i'...ii' ,i ,t Abmllltll A 'i -- N ' V. " . i j MlllfiU. Kii. .''S. l-Mi-i-n .t. Jehn Dnru.fl-y j- ' "I -ns ., Mury Knlliii. Ii i. i: rinnm m Tr)rlcl N I,jn. moo Ukfi.rd i "' - "i I l.n lian'K, 1 T f l ruri-r.l . Jfethith 'l-rr i:i'."i !".' - i F t.enc VV.ivti' l-rt ,.ni i:.he, hn l llei-nr ...ll. ..rsnrnt. s... unn .-Jl it iwaiii 1 ,. , ,iiKiri mi- . .. . ..... . ... . niurl K Jupl' IH.T.l S 'mill, ri Hill r.fien k Wt-iMiii -.-ai-i s- i'..r! k "'JBrKdvil.. VV 'vv'e".' si?V""ihTillt i". Se Upt 7.'s i r.irj me tid TII1U Flllr .7.Vu 1i1I!I!J...!iv,s.t . , .-.. ni ii. iiiw.nl si: m 7n ., Thd-l-u Nre.i nH-u Si-mi in i nn.nier rt Knd "rlt.e '.Ul'r "Vl".1 S "f.JlJ'i!, h c am! vim . Illpke'v" '.-"1 - S..H...M i ' E Ch. Hurry i MeNm. I.Unrrii r.i . ami At"MHeiiin""-i'j.,,'H. ..n-i .-ur 1 rt 1740 N fbrr t CV!., WjUXL'A .ilv,".'" k"' . H'"1 rridfrUk V "?li"..r". '.I9IV -ni' n! ,. and K'l.i vr.-Vui I- sM'l rniiikfirl ai. "ieu den t want te sit in tins ease. .,,,,.,,11 from the fore... n1.- "-tenh.v . gave the I lilted States spe- ij,,,, Whaiten. Virginia Bell and 'Jli' plan, and manner of tlie exeeutien .K-n ! iir'ite" N".'; . "t.wp- .I- I...I8P.I nRaln.t them w.ih .tie advice as te what it could de t-wnnl Ileiitrlc.. Cengd-m. of Kn-W 'J' . '"' B" "" ,.e hSS; -.?' HnehPl L dh e'e rl lVu V ,,", rhiI Sl,nk'" Vmmlssie before IK- unscrambling l'.urep-. He wants Amer- The (ileuces.er girls opened a gat.; :'' '' ",7, i t oe-ti rrefl .. t i .e-n? eners laughed ieu.ll. (,enrce hite i , , . " ' , llM,i nllevveil Ma.ver Andersen, assists reports s.i.v iliac it e.iurred at i.i, -uara , assisting the defense. furtivel fro-, t.ed The men vve-e su-P-nded after eon- ' ' a te t,l5,, rart in -a, Near K,lvt C " ' Ma.v..i-el.-ct McNally. te .titer, and j ,l!,h "nrracks, ethers at l'orteselloi the laughter et the live, defendants ,.,,,, ,,, . w,lllfc flfll, nce's..cl th,.m. terwicn at Lausanne, where this ceun- ,, . ,,.,.,! te the center of the lirldgp 1,lJf"cK;.l.,1 ,-v,.. .-, ....slilvpir ! i n e ii r 'rhy m"vt "' restored unless the Irv new has etil an observer. vv i.-ie in- met Mrcet tommis-ienei " v. "' '""'het 1 v 1 1 tir n- s.m .Jrt . I" A,"" rJLF'ZX ''u.rg.s ,,r.. fnrthpemln.. within thirty Turkey K represented at Lausanne. Vil'f&.T!!'..!! " IC,,', Ll?An ' The" ,ev-3 nrci ii in.- -i- !-- "ii-'-ii-t "i uum i.lv IMrerter I erfe vmi 'n nuts that 1 . -i i i ii.ui. niiiui-ii, nu jiii-scu inruusil - ; ," ", ,, ,-..' ..!.. ... .iiir.r.,.,.. ,n i,i... .i.. .i... "." t'lriiinr loruijeii .humus ,n.u nn,i . Kitnciice.-iii anneare.l te be even .i ..i.i. ... .i.... f.i.i.. mn.i.w n stntPinpiit. bv tln Keiutblieiiti . ,V ii t i " ' . v "'". "" .enne.-e. m nh the W-m.-n'. M.-d-.e.il ,. " v ,'u. . r. " , . ' you, .said .he v.ndb Judge .,. re (. M il,T11()l , ,,. ,,.,. f.uns "..(me. ,, .e manv I ceu Id an elder man than I am, if you ve a e, , rMtn'.-fl nm ii-i-nd--tit . IiiiIum -I '' all tn tune .l.-ing this, hi said.' fixed opinion, it v-.a., ngjit for you te .; , . , ,,..,, , , A- te v hat In vv at- America te de. tell us. V,u re eviiM-ii. ..'.,' . IMnl-i.le tihla tile lit-t st.-p wii. t --Mew that it stand. , At .'i:l--. Defense Attorney Neely h-' , '" ; ", ! !.lr,;,i f,,r ,i.st -. Tranee and l.-.pland. Clemen, cm began examining Kd rulbieath. a . TJl . iS ., , , ,rii eiMn ), te s - hrpt..f..r.. iSue until l.p up- farmer who us.-d te be a union miner. "'"' "" '' : H ,,mmt'l..r. ' "' "' '-'? r-r,-ael ed the .-ihnct of the l.au.s r, ,L. in .ii.i... .. . - . - -.....:...,....! - .- . , .....,,,.. .. .... .,.,... i... ,,... l i. i . '"Sin" KK0Kei'j 'V7iftf'T'ishin".nS,; "rJ K" Klrl 1'r"'- "','"" t!li"' ""' llP r"" -I-inius Morgan, s. r , -he late . I ler Chrlei ,t' iiuimV 3: v ':n'h i ,' invl plies 'It is all a part of tl .. general pout Morgan H. J! Morgan and Cem- Jullii L'afaiilv :)7!li s'l.intun m IU,lrf V .... S'J4 I! Ah.ii.n,. . An.ta !! VIIb ,..S,..I . 'll I. . h.i In H, Luther Humlly i')H V Mnrvinn ... HtaJ Furein;i ht.infnr.1, ge34 Mi lieliin nt Wllu. P.th. IJSTJ 8.1. .t and Tim. amurl Altwrnmi. i'OJli H Mmmid t, an'l Itiry .' Mi-Coel aegl ,1. Nmwperl rt Jrep Julinsen, -Jl S .'..Itli n uad A.MII Wrluht ft.TI l'-rr i-Uie .a.-... lull v '..u..u.. . ..-., ...- MHIll, mi ItlUWV H' ah. Jalin Tlenipi-ii. S3 Hnydrr ve., nnd I.llll tnavrau., n. ,v... , lord iron. 1139 Vvtrly it , and Dly .rd ti. Hity. I08 H. icih it., and M-pw. .p... .. 'it...v r. nil-, ,-ir.r- .,. .1 WinZ. O. I'V.-fl .1 Mill? .' ri.OIII 11 B-ir'Vviihi.-VT.V -SS'uV.. ., , leyw.;,,"..!. Tbe.v cilu go' I,, with T-rOtnVH, V V Nev W-Te KM. "i.uruni I" I7V Vo.wuel M ' "", tll.lt and Hi Ml III.- rest when tl.ey get Hf- delld and a third is .vprrted te die Jenli lln miHii. r.s.in Aiidi.ei. at . ami Umily , t,u iiniteiiiil " as III. "' '" "f tie Iil"Meii et Ihn c'SkXIPWk h,m v. 1?.?,v:.!-.;:';r..::f..".".v si"P 1 I'fiarin.ls K. .l.uuuil u u L'eil.ir b. Till: ...Kl. lir ham iikai'i. " "' '' -. '. " e 'in-i'i inu iH.. V-Ji HERE FOR THE BIG GAME 4& IMB!?'t'! tv. --a-H-L- .taaaaa ,r . iiiiB efa-aBBBBBBBaV AW""1 IJPJPJPJPJK sa-aaBBBBBBBaW Wa B - 3lilllllT PJPJPJPJPJPH HlMlMlMlMlF '"frli-iirr- ,- . I .."iiBr --sflHi ry JHH&itfiiKL JKki' iiiiiiiHlilHHiHH3l '- :m iiiiiiiii T" ''''''; aBB nHBfrk-k-BM'' . vtsc.H iiiiiiiiiiiilr$9liKiBiBP; .- 4u(iiH BBBBBBBBHtBBBBulRllSBlBCBBF KBBBBBBB k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-H Ns HKiik-Klk-k-k-H iiiiiiiiiiiB VkJPC9iHi-i-i-i-i-i-i-MHi l.md and Lady MetinthattcM, of Kitglnnri. will he en KriinUlln Field today te see the Anny-Nn.v classic. Lady MeuntbaUen, who wm Miss lAluina Ashley, and Lord Meunthattcti, who Is u cousin of King ticeise, are hoiie.imneiilng In the I'nlled States DOPE CHARGES BAR .. .A --I..- KM... nfil llir rnnnfl nilTll Y III I . I- hK U Mill 7 I ULIUL I liUlll UU1 I Action Against Detectives ac - cusecl by Peddlers Put Up te Citv Solicitor eity solicitor NINETEEN ARE IDENTIFIED 'it v S-lIclter Smv th ill he ns-.n,l , in,..,,.. i-...,.,i,.nl, . ,u.i.. , i, ,, i,. - - .".'...-.. ,.....-. n... .- te ,,,. ... ,, ,.,, ,,( ,,,,,,. ,,,.,,. ... i,.. ...,.., ,.( I. t- h,, ,.fWM ii"itlif f iiiiti will tint hi ! l. '" h ,,'L; V i,,,' '",,., ', j'-.i ,., , rLter.-.l't . dtitv' Hir..eter fort'e'vuu" ve.ter.li" .us- ., (,,!,,, iimpti!ci r-i-nie .pci'inl tii- l..-i.ie.i mra-m.li iiirrii.,. se.-iiii .;i tillm!in tf fl't- PPiidil -I'lil ( n'sl nn st-H " st-iti..." Hi. s, .Ji.pns i.t. i!,'i . ih st.ei'ts s.ltl..l. Jits sll.pl lsletl tii.li...H n i,u,i,i, . , 1(,T, ,. ,..n i.. uKi.., ,..- .-.. n i .... w.ire IVhv Ci-d.ille le.euli Itolleni all,l .t,,,.,,!, S.ititen-, c.-nvii r.-.I .liue sellers, vvij,. accus. ,i the ileti.nv.- and inlll. but hi. Ho.ten audience, ('hail.-si . patrolman. '. 1-It't. A Li.wience Lewell, presi- dent of Harvard, uud all the iutvllec- ' ww'a ri a ml- who could niuc.'xp Inte a liall Hit iXtVCiVCtffCtnCC -eating IMuu iiejseiis were there, took' ! 4 ,, lfnu, ':''' unite ..rieus. as he phta.ed his XJll A. I I iUUSCultl !!: for Aiiu-rii-an solicitude and gave, - wi.if he .ai-l were tlie faet.s up-m which . bn-,.,1 u. i Continual from race One i Helding up Fever.nl (.mail hlipi 0f i .f. .,"."'. I'"s-'".'-i. Ldueai'.ni.i. ."il ' r,ri:it.-(l iliiht. w hi-li he ..,1,1 is "net in- 'mM r,"'"r A",,;l,r"".1- "''' '' ,''" !;' tui-i-d for ou," he thu.s went back at i (lp riM.,.,,t ..fv-.v of the ., I.ihiN, ..iildii,,. ;..rmns ' 'that .lie... ".i.i. red tin- mi,., m-i a mat- -..Thev sav'i'iev don't fubrieite cisn ' ;. f gr, . ,.,.,.,,.. te ,.,,.,,. ,,1h I J ,, JrV .',' ' ,, ". " . ,,'. I .-Heueve-." ., centin "-peak- ; , . ,,( rl - m u r i, id "eel inu. a, member of -i b.,ar-i that ha ' ",.,;' b , .f hev .Inn' t:.b.., te te i ! ,,,.. WP,far llf fh(l ,.,,,,. ,Prv .,, '' - ' '' ".; ' ti u ..ite. t e ... i t ..... ti ... ,i .,. ,, ,i,., .... pr,,ri:iti'..n f..r .'i-ldir'.et..,!' fin III iieari. I -MM. Ill s.l II. a 11 file .10- ler tli- rr ji I,,,,,,,, tin-Hi. aerltiel Art .vi i.Puni in..i s wen irp ..I i n s "rf ' '".'l'1 J1'," ,,1.' rpn 0Li;ht tn ,,,,n" ""ftr T'vr. of the Sta-c if fun Is ' rhildren li. ivn.lvania d..p. nd. m en ''" ir'.'"" " llluU" '' '"u" '" k'z.'' J?' ' n" "" w- . . , , "Then- ..re -m-ugh --f eth linilUMl Ml Oil! Wilis. - i .m te make a' t.v, the .... of Wilkes. I-.arre The , I,.r. . ur .... - Igeut !".-. dependent en I '. Mll'l instauteti. in !l,e Si.-e w..!. ,.,,- a )( pf Heading. 'Th..- eughr te be i...-n.,t..' Ine-d ,! bVfer" ,(1,.S s ;, ,.., ,.. art I '"' "? ;U'K , 1 VlllTu I'f.'l be put into sehoels that weii'd t.riiiich Illl'l ' H IJ'I "" '" educ'itlena! ti.-bs f.,r th' well f-hlldren, if n t ihe .sick I'liliilreu "f I I'UllHileipma. With money rrv hard te get and taxe vn-.v I ik'i. Pr I'etfr. wlie is a ieiK.-. ... llti. !m lie I'.e.l-l! of tile , vv , ,ri lir.'v .,.... ,,, ,, v ,., , , , ,- ,t. , npi.re- priii'H" i-ki- f-r .In- art pa'.v. T,P .5. .-.nn.i mh inu-.um wit. .ev.-relj i-ritleu'i, 'e ( 'i.uii.'ilmau "' mi IC Hnrn ' "nrn.. ... ,, , "We are ,n t-.r this thing .nd ne h'"" "" '" " " ',"""-11." '" '-"d- "I"-' 1 r i i v ebj-'l te JU'iti'T in uhieli tin- job i. l.-ltlg done. "wi.. i ...int ... u .h.; f,,. .h no one ,etn. te Kneu t. llti ' '!"- g.l.erv . "f .';.;; M, v Tt'h7 ni!;;;" 'l.,: "Z before I eum 11, I.MV ttie puitis e, n 'iibl" and t.ll i!-,it Hi ee.t will lie. Then we can go ..I.pji.I ..ml i,Mre,;rln.e, kll-iultlg !mt nil-t ..- -1 Ihe ii 'll' I'l' i Id'-Il '-11111111' , '- . k . 1 -isxrwi.. ,,.. the whole thing Is a joke. Wi often g P-i-l tl,- .it-, at Hi. end of ihe rarkwav. .'inn we .. ok ii J' tne t,r- u't'T'' - .i.iiiii. ... .i' ..... .1.. ........ .,r ,., r. .'.n . r ,, 1 .,,1 t mi, ineie is i- 1 ..-.ii.- in i.i.j. terlnj ' Th u w k ig'it.i. -rv .-ar. - '"" l" lnllU" -"r" J""1 '"" UM' hturi" 1. leallv ill p!a e. "' '""t "'' ,1,n '""Id t.ll Mi what the tiling will ie.t nln tirn.li.nl And what I. mere, let ti,.- t-. I i.,i this- rl""' vur""- 'u"'d'"".n. n f ihein. a if 'he best iin,'iin. nt ,t, t!,e world for lieuip rule .V.i cue .!. l'rk "mt.iissien Th-v I .hen ., great ib'iil of the menev gi.i-n iii. .in, ''d tnsten.1 of putting it n te ihe Art MufPlllli proper they have .pent mm h t,C I, iiniiiev nnr the M:rp,iilili r, A .!. . dIhii.' And there veu nr. What .an .VOU 1 ion de? "They say, concerning the st.el.wnrk ' i nnxiositlen that th.-i oaiinet n nln.f..l ' 7 V ",'J. ... .... 'I. .. U . i I lt' " "M uu.H .in Hint' ill! tie steel. New, I am n mil- liuierv man l,,vl nn.l I knew nelf.el'v ....11 ll..f m.vseir, aim I knew i lu i well that ' muterilll Is Htlindardl7.ei I l,ev e,u, nut ..... I . Nn wonder 1.4-i.ter d Vyvter i 'ntistantl rerrl'.l. ter did vr lrl tm tnur !. tut than HltyT L-tr my tKc encuuretmnl tia.u He a.U that "fulm t.ti.ri ner wen .ndi'ar.'a.Vurid'ef amum.n iiJaTi rin,...rM.,.,t ..t VAVIf.ir.. i.r.l former V "'" ''"'" " ifuiU-il liar Comle Ktctlti of. I ? eiaa immr wwtumi &. - U. S. CAN ASSURE ..... Aiiii-i'!.i'T Athletic As-ociatleii. Knlrvlew niAnr PAlfOTinrn ,'Wl' V"1.,'"Vl'm.,.m Association, .ijt. Km .r .Uf. -rit I LllULiUniU IIULII "J I , i ens Bosten weignt at iau- , ... . , sanne Conference Would ' End Europe's Menace , tna turepe s menace . ! KRUPPS MAKING CANNON nsten. Nev. 2.-..-r.cerBC5i Clemen - .. .."...., ' ' i.......v ....,.v prim, in nil 'niiirr-s hi i rpinntir i einnie - a ere nppnhenslve about the Turks than ab",lr li'nany. "Thy greatest mas- '""''- "f People that has ever 1 :i I -.tnl of." he s.iil. "Turkish harbar ;,."" ,, ";,.. . " . ,,r t-m. ''vainu '--i,v, .ii--iiii iih.ikh,. -th-.e niv our piebl.ms. 1 simplj t.ll t . ,. N"" ""'''e 'k nothing that can -top (hi. I r".ent c.iliiblliatlell but I. Lngland, '''"' " and Ati.eric.i together." Clemetu-enu may be tilting at wind- , .,,, .,,.. ,,, 1 !,..,. ,,,.. ..a; ' ' "' .' -". '."-'.' i-r. of the allied armies di. covered ."iO ,s f ft- , two ''en- H-r- .. fie l,st s,.w v.l." J " "..., vvav.d the ,ner, but did cnf.renee. He - ',.. kvd as he b,--au . ohnned thI ln!i I-of.!' with h'sLJiVi fr ' ' . lf ".n rl. . . -i . .HJ Tl 1 I u r, ... fe, - mi . a. 'l"- "' 1 - 14 tit'" l" pa'F i II l I II' 1 (I IH f.T Mill -t. dar-d me. I an, nndv today in ll..e - e a t ef.iril..;r 1 .11. no, w ,.,, ti. de it. be.-au-e I did nut want te give Aii,.n.,ins the Impre.-len that 1 I..tr- f..r..,i ,n lhrjr own business, but h.nce 1 ...n asLed i0 .n, v hat I think. I g v v"i n-t nnlv adw-e but te let e,. I.i.jV wlnt I think. I will de it." H " !''.S f!' ""'"' ntm gesiur-d el.-lv with his -nm. lie crowd laughed and dapped their 1 md- (.l..,eni.iu .mtluiied : I. Is tlie eii .ininlPrt thing in the .,rl,l. Tlier ..it LiiiisMime a "-i it- pe,. wjth Knglund nr.d I'ranee m'i, ,. Li,nnr.i,l ... xii-n,- liifl. T . 'i 1 II ' 'i ,,.., nw, wi,h M,n. lllieu't' - l.-t .,,. linUL ne ami i-a.v . . -1 gentlemen. Is there a hf-nt f r . .. ' he. will give ldm nn arinel i'-. Tl ev are -tiM waiting for him N .i . .,r ..,,,... I.m..i ir 'im.iai'.-s li.-tt.-t. (, the." and oil vv-il i-i.el ' Tmtern question which has lie, . i i- ,, ; trouble te ihe veilr f. r t'e la-f -,,(-, r,,,.. ,) ,n will .' i -re Ve , ttI,, .,.... , ,;,.,.,. r ril., lt, b.-.auke the preseuc- (' Al'T. i in "'" "'"". iU '"'v! ,br ,,,rrn,,"s ..,., ,i.. ,. ee fnrt h.-r tlm- i erf nil ,.,,, ,., i,PPni is.- r.er-'...lf will ;,,;,,, ,lUl ,,,. N , ..., Bn m.U,ril, f v.1,1,.1. . I. 1 I. ,r,s . - ..,1,1 (. f .. Swrfvsas- ,i-iiiii vr-i i i MP,.. UUttN-IUWN ICLL ntAMU Officers of First U. S Nsval Cen- ,,-. ul D ..- li tlngent, 1917, Meld Reunion Here "H'eer. of the lir-t -,. . I ,r-e, . be Mi,i te I Ji en-tow u i' ,.r ' 'J7, Ijelfl .1 . r annual reunion Mm ,,,g!,t m th- l;, )' u-i Stratford II '. under the au-pir.-H of lh' I in'-d S'.vps bn m Ii of H,. (Jueenstevvn A n Crretinss of the H. M.li hranrh f.f (. associalie. u.r, .iin.e,j te the Anerican brnn-1. Ii K n.-.-r Williams. Til(. ijiii'i n.teun -ii .i givi ri m b-uier of Adliilinl W. ! r- ,.. .'-peak.-rs null Rebert lumn. I leiirefiiiiit ( e.iiiniind, r Hiiro K'i.l,.r inanuer I.eiiIh .Nimui Captain A. inuer i.e.iis .mmiii . apiain .. . Jehnsen was tnn-'uiaster. TWO DIE BY EXPLOSION t Beiler of Freight Locomotive Burst Near Aster's Estate A. tot- t .nm 1 near lie... la.r til.'l.i I'leces of the ..in;.m. bleu-n iiei.rlv n . ,i ,., .1 V ' 11 Ueari I a railCi "ft tire te liuildlti.l en the Aliter U'Ktate. Telephone and tclegrupU wire. r.-v: r"""rv .." ."".-." " ? "i HOLD TWO PARADES TO OPEN HIGHWAY Gloucester and Fairview Dedi cate New Read This Afternoon PRETTY GIRLS FORM "GATE" ftleueester nnd Knlrvlew this after noon celebrated the speeial opening of rellings! read, the only highway leading from (Slueeester te the former Uov-eminent-ewned village which Is new imrt of Camden. The celebration was In charge of the (Jleueester Chamber of Commerce assisted by the Civic Im provement Association and ether or er or gnnUatieni of Knlrvlew. There were two parade before exer cises at the center of the K.ssex etrect bridge, which divides thp two places. The Gloucester Cltv nmVinls n. sembled at City Hall with fourteen high s(lioel girls who were te form a gate at the entrance et tlm Gloucester . "We hope te have further confer side of the bridge. The decorated I en ees at which universal disarmament automobiles of the I linmber of Cem- will be discussed. Hut If we expect te mel'CP. LietW Clllll. business men Olid Imrn nnr InHneiien In tl.nun mnf.,,nd "'e1 leruieii en .iionmeuin street. Hie w,. must have an adequate navv. autetrucks floats, tire department and' "We hope we have removed tlie causes .ether vehicles formed en Atlantic, for any war In the Immediate future: .street. l he miiHm vn l. A. Stewart, hut war Is tee grave a matter te take I assisted by valentine H, AJendt, .Ielin(ly chances with. The defense of our IViiuety and llam Hambleton. , homes nnd of our children demands " s , I he parade passed out Monmouth 1 " l '" ' " ''vuru ami men liertn ( te the bridge. '1 he Kair lew parade, formed nt 1 t.'lO clock at the lerkship Heiiare and , .ioeee.ied te the Kalrviuw side of the i ,,!"i' , v ' "- j-.it. i-iv "fit.- hip con-- V.",,,,,.i;.V;. ,.""'V.".L.l',:ll,,; ihciel chllilren. Women's Club nf: ,. . t ., .. .a... iirview. leurtwnth,Urd ltepubllean uh. the Pemecriitu; Club, l-alryiew i in; K.iiips in; y a n. i. t ner ei'RrtnizatlmH. V1 ", .,,,:,.,,' V, ";' . , , ' , u-v and fourteen from (.leitcester who 1,"..,;i';1 l.l'Vn"!,..'0 ..f'lr0',,.. ,., ""- "-' u i,!lim.,,lir,i, iioreti.y tioedwin. An.ethst Wiekham. Helen Mctienasle. .Mildred I .,.1,1.... M., ,..!,.. 1.,...,ll (.1.. At i:iMV;.n:v"Kiiierii; Them".;;.: wmetiiy Adams. Klizubcth Tliccksten .....i .,i.l Wllll.nns ' Aiming the Fairview girls were i ellim von. Anna l.'nr.l.nii .. - I-i-itii ic-rl-iin. Di-lln r.nii.u.in. .; . ... . . . i v .. - -..: ' i.v-iMi i laniiieriain. Lie a t'anieieii 1 1M tail- wi (ijii1" nil inui bhiv, ! Th- I'airvievv p-trade then passed ev.- 'the bridge te (Jleueester and puradxl , tlneuh ou. ester. Then the Cleu- t.-r patad.' passed te Fairview and , .., ....... ,V ,,", ; ., ..,.". nun' i"M "vi mv riini'' i UlHi M r, rellings read starts from tlie Ke-c I i;,i .,, u , ,.,. ,...:... Mp-et budge and runs through I-air- view te West ('oliingsweod and con- ne.-t. with ether reads leading te nearbv , ,(,,W1 Christmas Cards Jkutlrv SlMTIt Watches Stationery J ECaldwell & Ce. CHESTNUT STREET BELOW BROAD A Bit of Business Experience Helps the Heme Girl Throughout Life And extra money helps her tremendously at Christmas-gift-time! Xumhers of refined, hensible girls n:ul women of an unusually high t-pc can be placed here jubt new m holiday bellinp; positions. The work simply consists of helping ether folks select and buy their Christmas gifts, etc., as YOU would like te be berved in buying eui. The pay is geed, ,the surreundiiijr- exceptional, and the oppor tunity te possibly found a business ciuecr is present. Likewise theie is the special shopping privilege extended te all Wanamnkcr empleyes. Apply without delay te the Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S m Help 5000 Veterans Families! These families of world-war veterans soldiers, sailors, marines in this neighborhood depend en YOU, through your RED CROSS. Help them! They need your help! Ne Heme Should Be Without a Red Cress Flag en Thanksgiving Day Fill in below :heck class of membership desired and return te Rell Call Headquarters S. E. corner 18th & Locust Sts., Phila. with check, cash or money order. A receipt, button and window flag will be forwarded immediately. American National Red Cress 1 923 S. E. Pennsylvania Chapter Name .......... Street .... Citv ......... 11 A.NMAI. CHKCK CJIJ8S OV jll 2'iiu advertittment paid for by a friend II ROOSEVELT URGES FULL 'TREATY NAVY' Tells Princeton Men Natien ...no ' j t IVIUSt Be Prepared ter Coming Wars HERE AS MIDDY ROOTER Theodere Roosevelt, Jr., AKslstant Secretary of the Navy, who Is here te attend the Artny-Xnvy game, makes a strong plea that the Natien maintain the navy te the full complement allowed under the disarmament conference treaty. He spoke at the annual Prince ton Club bamiuet lust night nt the Hltz-Carltnn. "A let of soft-headed people are try ing te persuade us that there will be no mere wars," he said. "I would be just a plain liar If I told you we would have no mere wars. There will be wars. and for that reason we must keep up our armaments. I "imn itiiii . ni -ii I It I it'll tr;jutlini ,,t we keep up a proper navy. Wc ,, ,10V(.r llKnin t,e caught uniirennrwl ns wp wcrp ,n p pn(lti "Let us keep our navy up fully te the ,"i-,ri-,'i ratio." "The Administration Shipping Hill," Mr. iioeseveir said, "ia et vital mi ,,mtnnce le this country. , enactment will help place lts speedy America te the refrentina,, overwhelming peace ,i(.,. .1,.. f .i i.i I tut..., .-. Hir . .n .., iim ,,utlll. ..An nde.piate merchant marine is a I ,ipf,,nMlv ewpr te ,mti()I. vs t. ,.., of tlll. fljjhtlns nnvy decreases, the I ,il,ie ,)f ,he ,ncrclmnt nmr"lp lneri-'aM's- Colonel Uoeevelt Is In lMilladelpliia as the Ruest of Senater Pepper te at- w,d tUe Army'SttVy ' tedw- n-pe ..--. nt.Tu CHILDERS MET DEATH .. ... . .... ' BY BULLETS IN JAIL Paper Says Irish Republican Was Silent as Deem Approached . itOiineii, -sm. . my .V. r. f.. X- .Iff . a t ,:i )IM ...... .. - --. -- - - . - , publicity department te the .-fleet that , f,"r t'ln'der-s had been told the ex.--I eutinn was te take place he requested , r. te hce a I'letestant clergyman whem'l .... i,... ,,. 1W .. liev Tlw. miiilu..... i'" uau- iwi"i - ..-,-. .. - . was with him. the Btntemetit said, when I... ...II,.,. ... l.Iu v..,.n.ln,i 11,. t,,!.,. be walked te his execution no words te his executioners. , Women in fork iretest.-,l ngainst ir- .'eculleii .it l Iiikipi-h. Individually engraved, convey ing your Personal Yuletide Message. Orders Should Be Placed Early Kra Ha m ., Date 10 I I III T CONTIUIll TlVli bPhT.I MKMIIUKM IP TAKEN II DENTISTS TO HAVE SAINT British Doubt Whether Patron Win End Hln Londen, Ner. '-'". KtiglUh dentists ere te bnve n natren nalnt. The In stallatien of St. Anollenla wilt take, place next week, when a painting of her will be unveiled by (he DucIicm or "whether this will lead In the futurn i I te an absence of nil pain In British . dental chalra remaliw te be cen. but history of t no patron saint is net tue best augury. FREE ALLEGED SMUGGLERS Twe Acquitted en Charges of Con spiracy te Impert Chlneee Inte U. 8. I'ensacela, Ha., Nev. 25. Captain Benjamin Kdmundsen, who operates u fleet of motorboats out of Pensacola, and Leuie Ying, alias Quan Yick, Chi nese, et riiiladelphin, were acquitted In Kedcral Court yesterday of a charge of conspiracy te import Chinese nllcnn Inte tills country from Cuba. SPIFF-O ANTl-FREEZE Riditter Compound E. k E. Laboratories. P. NO WATER Hand Sela 0. Bex et, Fhila. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Seap and Talcum 8p,Olntm.t,Ta1n)m,2Se tTnwhr Fsraa slot addrMi: CiBtrUrUrlM.D.Z, -t!ta,4M. Is fine for bathing babies Get Your Heme Wired for Xmti INCLUDING FIXTURES NOTHING TO PAY UNTIL AFTER THE NEW YEAH Then Wm Giv Yeu Up te 15 MONTHS TO PAY Whalen-Cresbv "SSsf 140 N. nth ST. m A. wai ?, ...a c- ... '"10 anrvBjq hwt .t. .. wmreay Alter-tee Business and Advertising ManaRcr wanted for live American daily newspaper published in Tokie. The first qualification must be thnt applicant is a .newspaper ad vcrtisinR salesman. He must be single. Should be about 37 years of ape. Must pos sess executive ability nnd Retieral newspaper training. Must re out te stny nt leust five years. Must be capable of accepting big responsibili ties. Salary entirely com mensurate with qualifica tions. Fer further details apply Bex Ne. A 028, Pub lie Ledger Office. . l'INACIAI. Tin: .tiii.i:tic amh iatien or TIIK IMl HIIMTl Ol' I'llVNSYI.. .yni. riiANKi.ix rn:i.i iin.r MeiiTCAiir. a rr.u r i:t srKii, ri'Mi iiei.n iiems, nui: jasu- ABY 1, 10 li. I'lirsiiint te tonus nt tn utir.iee ilntM t.uiiihry t. ll'Si! Ili-i llllll..r sned Iihiu-h i.-ii.lrrrt of alie. I en.N f.-r h .1.- im .1.. ei i.s of .liiniuiry 1, iliill, ut u urn nui ..e'."l- IrB 102'i'J lini tlilcinsl, l, On eMCIlt of Mli.TiOO, tl.e cum ii-jw nvHllub1- m tin. .sink liih' l-'un.l. SealeJ tetnlrrH stiitlnir nunilirr-, nf Immls efferfd, HrtilP-nril In .llll.VllI, TIII'st com. I'ANY, Truetee. s nklnit l-'ur I riie Atlileile AhHni'latluii i-f I',.' rnlveiin f l'oiinl l'eiinl iMtil.i 1'ranklln PI. I.I Titm m nt-.i.- mi I t CVnt Mnklna I'uti.l .!, II- , N ll l. iLel(.-l unlit I'.' M.. Ile.rnil.cr !.. ID.";. OIBAIIO Ttll'MT I'OMriM, Truatee "JIIOMAS .'. IIUI'KIS. "I ir iwiirer. l'llllailHilltM, I'l N.iMmii..r "j 1H.-J, IIAKI.mOH HltneKMOOli i OAli ( (i.viwnv fiii vi Mmrn. (.i; 0' Pl'.lt CUM MNKIM. I I Ml I.OI.I) ' nOMI.x, Mfl". 1U2. ; I'urm nit te term nf .- "i ,tn , te l .luiv I I. lllll tlm Utlllcri-Utl' I II I leer, f ii' -ii li.mi!n fer h'.le a- t - ., , f J.ui.iurt I. 10i!l. Mt h i-r , . m..,.)u li.'J'v Iier it'll! .iti'l UU.r. ' i .(. nt nf MO 7b!i '-ii. It-' mini imii - i- .i,.r tlie I tjliil.niK 1'unil. i ..ulrj tnnlerH, xtatlMi: ii.iti.li. r of Ik.ii.N ' . . - ..... .. ... .111. .!. . , ..7 V ,.H,,,',.,' I'VS'V. Trustee. NnUii,.' Km i llailsiuh. iiruokH.ie.1 rer,i . , i;;t", l!"." ,"',.l...'r ,lL,-n' ' ' ' '- i.. .. Jlir.ru, n ...irr--. ... -.... ... in en. riiinrr i'i iw--( i.iitAitn riiL'sr i empvm 'IIIU.MAS K. IUH'K.S Vhllidelphiji v N.ii-n.i. TruMre Mir r lli'.'Q KKII SMOKKlKhJi C UAI. 1 .IV",SY miit ...uniuiiur. e', iii ii i. f.i is IIIISDM, , U,,LU . , . i.. . Virt nil an ... .e. r .-. ;';?.."'."..""." i-'iri-utint te Tlia lurid., iliiwti ami rum with all iimiiii.urerl cuui-nn, !, ,',, J!";,". .n p-e-entI fur pamrnt at ll.. rti i, r ?k l-emtnrr I.I Trim Ciiniliar.y. I u .0'r'.?; Hall S.4ear. rhlladeluhla. en , ; j ' umy 1. IUJ3. wlwu all Intercut th. reen will "nes 'J4. 77 8. 113 ".03. I1 :-st I lleiids prevleu.il' druwn which neui,i k. I te.-n i.re.t-nleJ July I. 1022 ou"1 b Ne. r.7 CUMMKKUIAL TnUBT COMPa.Vv T,.. .IOIIN H. MASON iV-W''! , 2cteW HI. in-.'2 ' ' ""dent. rOCAIHIN r.s (OVSOI.IOATI.il (.,11,"," IKS imtl'WV IM'OHI'ORtTKItl'ii'r?1 .r.vi.i.,.,.vK,.,'7?;NT "" WW" t .... . . , reser.es llie rUllt te reje.t any nr ,.n .tenders In whom nr In pari u" Till: Ni:V YOlllv TKU&T fOMPANr Trtis.ew Ily A. ('. DOVWINij, Jr Aliant fttruturv Naw Yerlt. Vovember 5. lft:-2. wwy Annuul Mfftlnaa Sr'lUlK 40IirANNI.'AI.Jli:h'.S(i OF 1 -" the Tiireny llullnlnir mill Ixiun A. iliillen will be held In Milaln lli-ll Jiiilldlm.-, l.enKhnre and i:dmund Htieets. Tun.ni I Hnnday. Nevenilier 27. I, . Hl.M I'. .M,J' .1 11. Cl'Rllll-ll. S..relar I nivld'ndi " "" I tm"-. Mil. MAM MIAMI' A MISs .soil NlOlllll L'n.l I.e.... ..... unr.t i.t llltef.nrH at h ki,i l.i ...aa.. Inu held Uila lu ,1IIH "li-eliuel . iiiHrnrly .1 vl find "' ' ,'" '"'r "". I".yble IJMfi.il.Vr suih. 10S, t Hte. kh.ii.Jir. if Tlia tranafer benka of tin i Company 'wlh ba , oleaad for tha purpeta P thla dividend from ' 1 p. .. DecamUr Up, itSI. until 10 , e'm.!.' ' ,?"..Mr'E ." , m ajC- UsiLrl .late I Juh -1. H'nJ. Htjen (7i f ,'""'!' tuinlj tK.li for ,1300. liyve i,, dram, fit ridfiiiPtlen r,n January 1 1 !.- a, in ".ST and H-ini.il Intercut le tlmt ,i , ttl "-m Null..- In rier'.l.y given, imrmiu. , ,,, ,,, trrnH f th Murium dated Ful 1st tliOT I IllO . III', ifii'iri "t ,ny . ,ua,r. u 1 , , . , R-ali.l iin....s,lf in. le 2 V. VI if,' i!h ilnv of Urrrmhrr. I1WS. fur ll... s,i !,, ., J,1 bends ,h iitiu... deacrllied, euffl I ,, ,'" l ihe mini nf rtl.0'lK..10. Th ...I. 'Hl STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER f CLOVER DAY jfr In the Lewer-Price Basement Stere Time new te think of Christmas Shopping, and when you can think of It In terms of Clever Day Basement Stere prices it becomes a two-fold pleasure. Shep here, Monday, and save much. MISSES' NEW COATS WORTH HALF MORE $15 Tlir manufneturer let u have a smnll let of these Ceata nt n retnarkiible price conceFHlen, nnd we took n few from our e vv n Blocks nnd reduced tliem te HUM HPtl clul price for Clever Day. of heavy (lelllilc-fnced cont cent Inps, and polalre cloth, lined throuuli threuuli throuuli eut or In yoke. In brown, tan, and various mixtures. Sizes 14, IC nnd 18 years $lB.nO. Lewer-Price Hiicement Stere GIRLS' DRESSES EXTRA (9 OK SPECIAL JiD&VO StralRlit-Hne nnd blouse models nf navy blue M-rjre. Knib-el.l-.-red, brnl.Ud and applique, trim itilnjTu, In sir.ea 7 te 14 years. Werth one-third mere $2.35. Lewer-Price. Hnnrmeiit Mtere GIRLS' WINTER COATS, STRIKING IN VALUE, MONDAY $9 Jlethers. ni well ns .laughters, will ilcllKlit In t li vieartness ns well ns the .nnillty of tl.ef-e Coats, lleth sports and dress medi Is, of pol.ilre f leth a n .1 lu-.ivy re.itliiKs, in brown, reindeer and Sor rento blue. Sizes T te 1 1 years. Th.i . i-ei t of fe.it for trhoel and general wear, at a most unusual v.tvitiK in price 0.00. Lewer-Prln- lu-ement Hlnre CHILDREN'S WOOL SCARFS JS1.15 Des rable Searls f brushed wool. B2 Inches lour;, with Knotted filtiKO! 0 Inches wide. In navy blue and blown vvlih bolder. Much below rcKUlar price $1.13. l.e. .r.Prl.-e tii-.,nieiit Stere BOYS WASH 1 QZn SUITS NOW OOl Scores of these excellent Oliver Twlf-t Suits of washable luvinelble cloth at a vast i eductien In price. Trimmed with In aid en .elliu- and cuffs. In nr.'.y, green nnd tl.ul; and Unlit blue. Sizes '.' te 0 years SCe. Tnwi r-Prlre, Flu ki'iii, nt Slere CHILDREN'S KNIT SWEATER SETS REMARKABLE AT $4.50 Yes, en Clever Hay, 'mothers can Bet these cute and ptuc Ileal 3 -li loco p 1 a I n Knit Sweater Sets for aa llttle as i 1.30. Sets In . lude C a p. s w outer nnd UgijlnHi, and ceiiie In peacock b I u c, b r e w n, bulf and cnrdl t.al h li ,i .1 e s. SUes 1 te I years -l3e. Lnui-r-t-rlie lli"tnnt Mure MISCELLANEOUS pr A GIRDLES, NOW i OlJL Werth double and riiein th.m double. Thu ..-olleutlen Ineliitt.-s titrdle.', Hip C.infint-ra and Cor Cer bkttci of pink biecadi.', ntln uud open-ill. ah tabrlc. In styles in. rently discontinued by tin. in.inu fauluicii.. Ixjner.Prk.. lli-eiiint Stere PRIWCESS SLIPS EXCELLENT Q6T VALUE ODC Tallerrd meilels of black cotton taffeta, with Hliuiilder straps, uud jf.'itluiKd nt the hlp for added fulliiciis. l-'inlblicd vvith lain Lewer Prlie llin-ement Mnr- 100 SMART HATS AT A LOW PRICE $1.50 Small Ready-te-w.ar Hals, chl'itly ..f . ..I. ... tr. ..I j, V , ,. v-,i-., ... ,i., V and wantud telurii. Many aie worth ever one-half mere. nnd suiim worth limit- than double, An them are but 100, it will In vil-,0 U. I'uiue .is early aa ixisslble tur hist clieiic. txiuer-Priie P.u.iiuiit htere BATH ROBES , ten ? OF CORDUROY B-w.OD In einbijsted cffti-t or wldy w.ili luiiliuey, lne.ilif.iht le.iI or iilaln i'.obi models in Cepeiihaif.ii blue, en-lild, tuclisla and rese. Ilnlhtii-d with self kIi dl... Women's blzcH 30 te 44 under lilku $2 05, Iiwer-Prliu llaeineut hlure WOMEN'S QUILTED JACKETS FOR 1. ftr CLOVER DAY Vt)C (if blink in.iteilal, lliu d witu while, vvlih hi.iiiiH inui in,,, 1(JIIS neatly hound. Siis :ii; U 11 Much Uirt lliau ti mil !ir.e LoHcr-Prhe llukemmt Hture In1j! yfr) Ml H 111 8 JBHHVf K V . N A Tha 'ornerlene nt llil I.ewrr - I'rlra lliisement Htere tlnnil Will. flood Villi I another nnme for nnr fnltl. In Hlnuvlirl.ljte & Clellilrr ymir fatlli In Ihe .iwner.lilp, n.nniiJteiiienl, I l e n I a and mrri-linndlie of Ihla bunlnesi. Te ileaerve nnd pre. aerve your fleu.I Will, tlin Iitiwtr - Prlie II u a e in e n t St.irn .driven every day f a e r v e you well threujtli tiprlicht l.usl nraa mellie.la, f n I r prlrea, rellnhle ite.i.ls, i-ottrteeiia anil cllk-lent personnel. Ill WOMEN'S TOP COATS WORTH HALF MORE $9 P 1 e a s I n ply flne u n d at tractive Sports Coats of nll nll nll woel plaid back tweed ami lierrln Kbetm .coatings. Styled with Inverted plait In bark, Fet - In sleeves, lelt nnd patch pockets. In tun nnd brown. Sizes :t.: le 42. Only r.O ntthlsspecl.il Clever Price. t,ewer.Prlcn lLmi-inent Mere WOMEN'S DRESSES VERY UNUSUAI) JS8.85 A f-avlnc of 'several dollars for you, en these lovely Dresses. Slv different, distinctive styles, of rn lie .In ililne. trk-elette inui Pelret twill. In navy blue, blown and black, with some of worsted jersey in various thades. Sizes .'lb' te 14. !., r-rrlcn ninenient Stere SAVE ON WOMEN'S BROWN CONEY COATS, MONDAY $29.50 A n e w let of I-'ur Coats j.pe t'lally purchased for Clever Pay and maiked at a ivniatkably low price. They nr 10 IiicIicsj Ien k, of In-own ceney and may be vw.in with or without bell, as y e u piefer. Sizes 34 te tl te statt with, but don't delay for tliere are but 2a coats in nil. Irfmer-Prlm lliiM-inrnt Stere WOMEN'S SKIRTS UNDER "i (JQ 7K PRICE DO.IJ Attractive all-wool Skirts of serife. plaited and plain, or checked and striped material. In 1 .i ti. navy bluu and black; sizes 2C te 32. I.wer.rrl.e Jl moment Mete WOMEN'S SAMPLE suits jJeiyD I'itslly worth ever one - half mere. 'awef,t lentr-llne models, of eleur, ti-loetlne. Pelret twill and ether wool fabrics, lined with silk and interlined. Seni with . ellnrs of nutila, ethers finbreln-.-ted or plain tailored. In black, n. ivy bluu and brown ; ilzca J'J te 42. I.-wr Prl.e tliineinent Slew WOMEN'S SWEATERS WORTH ONE- $1.50 THIRD MORE Attractive nnd sporty loeklm? slip-en model with round-neck and Icinif sleeves. Mulshed at thj vvalit with patent leather belt. In brown, blud; aud white; bUis 3(1 te 44. I.ner.Prl-f Ilmement Stere FLANNELETTE , QK NIGHT GOWNS Out Then- value Is half MB.iln the 'lever price ! C'f he.ny flannel .tie. in women's ilzis, with ilouble eIc. front and back, V-m-i.lv and neat bi.ud tiimmiiirT. L-mi-rPrli-.. Ilni'iii.'iil htnre 1,000 PAIRS OF HIGH AND LOW SHOES, HALF PRICE AND LESS $1.50 TlireuKh fertu- iialu ulreu in- If cured a let ur llnely made llisn Sliees at a very :i d v a n t a if eon lirlce, concession. Th.-hO .'.re Brnup ed wllh 'fceveral lets of I.e S li e u s rciluied from rerfular uteik, maklnif ' wonderful Clever U.ty Shoe Special for Memmy. HIbH Shoes, at black kid, with Cuban mill mill tiuv hi'ulw, all (Joedyear-welteil. sU.n 2'. te h, widths A; hUcs .'j te 7, widths U uud C. I.ew Shoes, Oxford.! and Slr.H1 I'uiiips nf liliick and blown KM and iiii.nl leather. In sl7es 2'j J" 8, wl.ltlm A A te It. Ihuiiuh nut hi nil hl leh. . Th. m. values .eitalul"' nil'""!1 rieiv.l DiIh shoe SeiHlen "illl tin Uiy M..keis ufti-r oed Slief- Ijiwi r-I'rlce llawuiant Blew 3 ajll 1 I Ifr- '1 (hi -flH eik- w Lamxa. "Hak 1: traeka -Het s wBW P reV-'4 fee tw -- I ie-a-a---a-a---- - .,-,,. , Zwamnh Bl-&i-is .4 fifr-fjll M,...