Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 25, 1922, Night Extra, Page 20, Image 20

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    rrvi, "vv.vm.-UrU' ui'v.AV'i,, mL.:v M..v,iUwttWUfuw.ij
MAT v' .-. t -f in-f-5Fvi f.-iyi -' - -t ' - -y-."itt ii " ''-.'lvv's: ,.- i-r hj ' ,i'rcP7ilf)JHiJBlBlBlBWrr..'i7V-T 3d
' '' " T ' " - -'-. ' ' 7'M'WeVS 5
"wf T '. JiHRJfcv.TO.1 ?7TW1IIBHWM
ww .-
- I 'V
, 1
T s
-. MAI,
Charlie O'Hearn, Yale's Star Drep Kicker, Will Be in Game Against Harvard ; Elis Fayerfl
Many Distinguished Persons,
Including Geerges Clemenceau,
at Harvard-Eli Came
Jnkln t'l t.1
punkiT lft In kle
tunhr'li . . I"fl irvard
Clarke . tentsr
Itul-bur'. Muhr "Timril
Fnliiini. Hpl, la. Mr
llohler r-c'il M it
Tbisll iiu.i rf.'rl.n. k
Owin . left Imifl-HOk
'Ohrkf rlitln ImlfhMc is
Churchill fiinhm-k
Official" Utf- IT
I ll I
. .Mllti-
( riillislmnk
l. Hi'
N''.1l.ii-er '
ii Heur '
I .llll .In-dlll
O Mr en Tllf r
Vniplr" -!:rti"t Oulijle
I' fhl Jiii'm Vii
.lnesnuin - I'll i
rer vimiirij llei.l
Time of titUmIe 1. nilnti'e-
New llaien. Conn.. Nev. Q.i. Ideal
football Milliliter jiTi'tril Yale and ll.n'
ran) fur their f rf -l'n-t ..ntui.il t 1 ! -iron
c'u-U hcfoie 7".h)0 people in ilii
Hewl teda.r.
Farl.i morning eleiid. which liml
threatened snow flurilc-. i'iiiishe.1. in.!
Mii.Hin!ili.i.M.'lonllpkle. 'i"iiii-1.
Tl... .ii, .1,,.... ..( "-. ...!.
Tin iiiiiriiltiiT tiiniitiT.il ii ri nf LTi nil'
IewpiI te ii mark of ".. IlL-li uhuK
blew, ;isuriiis: it pundits: mum'.
NeIiiIiIp- .ii rl insr en tin- tirl vperinl
trnlii!" nii'liuli'il (ipnrsi'N rii'ini'tn euti.
wln'i' nrrhiil from Itnten .it noun win
tlie sUnul fur iuiir of :iii'l:iiii' .ill
nlmitf tlir llti-: W. W Altu-liur. II.
V. SlM'Imi. Iliireld .nul Urnitiiml Vtti.
di-rlillt. tl 1 1.1 in ti It iki'ti-lli' I'iM'i .
Iloekofi Hit. I.. P. lop p. Ir W. Se -
nnl Vp1. Itmrj I'.i.mip WImiiipj , tlip
ftitifp IVlniptiin pIpmmi. ii'i'iri epr
both tnilii) iiv.'il". .Hid 1 'lOM-nier i:pr-
i-tt I.iiUp. of CeiiiiPitn'iii. Iinltbiii'k 011
tlie ti 11 llni'Mtrd pIpm 11 t" dpfiiii Valp.
Metulit- Kiilili.ink- iitul Miif 1'iik-
ford hail tliPlr iipplip;itteu lur llikpt
tiirtii'd down Iiu'mim tiij w'li' net
YiiIp or I Ian 11 nl jr i.lualp. 'J'hpj at-
ipinli'd tl"' c.iiiH'. nliiaiiiin;; t.i'kn.. pu.
Mblj. from sjiPiMilaiin-. I'enr euil-ut-
ji'ii arrpvli'd en ihn 1 harp- 01 i'ilp.
ln7 . . , ,
( li'tupiirpau .t- thp enl su.'.t nf
thp dtij who .am.' without a tiekPt.
Norn- w.t- bft wIipii h" di'ilib'il '
tin. miii'li in. I In. hi 1 inn. il thp vpi.i
' ..,-.. . -- ..-
of 1111 illinium wlif I'eiiiri'jiiiPil hup of ,
iu in-M'i.
Het Ins .Irnnppil te tH'.irly urn tpn.i'.
HI neon with th'' mlM'til of tin- -mm 01
llunaid MiiMM.-trr-.. VrMenlm Y.iIp
bHik.r.swpr.' plu.i'.Miii; at eddv ..f r. t, .:!.'
I'uii .str.iiclit Defrats
Tad .leniw' plmi'ii i- sTiewt pewpr
nil M'lir pvpnt tu t he l'riiii'Pten sump.
i..i !.... .t... ..i... ,. !.;. .1L.1
r: v . .k f, v',U t I.
Id 11 lad tiiki-u tii.iii 1 .11 tiu-t 01 nit
jPars It aKe V..1I Iuiih ti- plT-.t ,
the phuiti,- of tin- l'.C- ip.'ims.
It viii iinneiini .-ii latp last liiKlit
inni i iiarii.' I- iipurn. u ui iu... -u
team for ii ml ubiiit te -ihimi t a
llarx'iri alie lias -noun stri-nsin ; nut , ,, it J , "" l"1 " i"1" "' i"""'"" oniei'uiars. 1
two reiwuitn tVals, eup bj th.- "" ! ' "'.f' ?l s" J'-. fniy Tli-rp wit., in iss-meptinss ttt both Today's S()CCer GatllCS
Tiirers .and tin' "tu-r b. Itrewn. lm- , '' : ',., " -;"- .."rai ej us ...,UK..s ,,-,.,, nipm. nery swi.s trout
tnkpti M.nip of the brilhaii.' from tb" l. ' ''M,-tI, I'!' ''";. tlm otlier fermer -t:1,',1' K,lvIlt 'H-Pbiy t i-ellvp',, and Where
i-operl of Hip FiM.prniPU ,, V ,"',,,' b.-t of physi,.., r. .,,. Th.- battlt-ry of tin' Hawiferd 1
If tl,.- HI11.. i, M.'li.rie'is it will h" '. "' f-'.'f. 1 eai-h .Nith.-rl.iiid hn- stmli'ltt is a tpaiiipilijr of thai fatueiib NVriONAI. Cfl' GA
'"J ir'ls. su ifr1r.sr,s,tasi!i?iu w -
late (lrep-Mt'M-r, "euiii Mini no- j.n-i. in-- iii-mug 011 umiij s trav t i 1 m-iiui itv of tlie (iru.-t irnnip. ihl u. i-euitn in.i .iitun.A.hiiu "i". """,tl ' "ti anil ill 11 couple weeKS
game. Neal- wa- er.sit.all Muted t,, lightest in r.-uis. I.afnwt.- .,.. have .""'"J, ,." f, 'sarTl or, ?.V,ukl" u.e.w. TMrt-nrst and ! "'!' I bay the sport field te thcia-
begin tin- gam.- at I.-tt haltb.uk with experienced gi.at dimetiliy in idacing , ,,, ,e,Vin,. tl "l-iiii I Iiit-trl- 'I m- H,. I UKnnen trV" l l.-r-rV. 11" Aanirerrt. . selves for the winter.
O'Hearn .11 lh Mdelines as a threat. . their lucre r.ehigh stui..tt d.-Mre te I ' ' B' ,,,.,., ,' ' t'", , f ', "-i 'M,.r i. i;mi T.p-i.wn nd Anether v ist of -nm0M . ,
Ills sudden switch prebabl, was cau.ed ' b;-t en p.,s but 1 afajette will B I .ZX"r nl "v l"e, "j - "'"'" -ttt" u, iei.s VjZ IV X.I. le t s
b. .l.ting.- 01 ta.tie. " bu'lier Hum .. te 1 m the outcome , kl: Wl)Ils .,,, K ,.. , ' ,' V,..,i ""'1 u,u"len ' att.-rmeii. altiieugh for the tirst time
Lu... ter line, ale ,i alme-t gen- of the wme , .' , .'. " c; 'r' ," '?.?. !,., L Sur.-hir. ,. m !... M..a.er n-i we.u-.in ,.. ,.,.!,, 1'hillies a e net in
era .itrr.'.'i te be t 1" stren.-er mi the I oetb-i 1 has been the main lenie of I a ,1 i ,' , .V .1 . i f mereiau.l e-.ot, l-.ofer.p a K.rten. act.mi -it h.nnn """ ''. net in
1... 1 ... 1.1 .. i.t ......I..V.! 1. 1, t. ..,,..! 1 ..11 ...i.J. ....'' ,(V W'l'' Mli lialtbMrk. atfl AMlllinilii a, ...... .,! i 'tmun Mlrtet Ilefnree HtlOUal Mil Illlllcl lit 'Pun tit ...1
INH hUrHi. Willi HJ'ii iiitit.uuir 'Ml " i-ti tm uiii. nt"rii j 1 1 1 ! if'r It 111111111-
seheuii- .it siirpris. -tratei. 1l1.it in-' hmj.es. faKer.s weu- tetmd li u-t iiiir .i
issue laj Kip -II at iuiiiterb.u-k would all .sirners, while ilerUr shops wi-ii'
be the "erafucM held general available deini; a tin i 11. i: business
in either camp, n "-Is 'eiipeiiPii.
Ueidlinger. 1 ah s opening . non-e.
Tteuld limp 10 make up much in rush-
111c alnliii t" unit istieii s in-or..-
tienul nml tactical value. Hut the lilue
expi'i'ted te I"' able te go 011 and
sum ground l sh.'.r tere-. adding te
it 111 the pinches pl.n s pri.M.led ler
spepial itiiatieiis ll.iiiiinl, mi tie
'Hie list of the dajs of kn.ght irra... ,
try, with which the scenes el tedaj are
best liketied. i mild hue presented no
picture te com par. ether than in mini
wi.li tlint nf rl... '.l.i Hi .it. I tl,.. k,ii-.
rounding count r side and a.li.n-. nr . in
before tl.p ga Inte New Union.
bj the train, bj meter, b ireib-i ami
ii feet, cieii lu nlrplitm-, "-ir-l the
77.01 s) sj tutors. Frin. s tuiiu-r
iiri-inii r .iii.iii. the li"' uii'liiiliil hun
dreds of highest sin,,, ing ,,, the peuti-
try, scleral score of wlmiu i-ann- by
speei.'il i ars
Willi lie- Fowl filling earli , llicsi.,p.
tacb' fren. t'p top et tin- gimt s.-ini.
sunken sailer of st.itnis, u,is that ..f ;i
grassj plain, white-lined at tin-iiird
Intenals for a stietcli of Hsi .,i...
surrounded In iising ridges et - i-
which wen- idling fust from reads ilm-
were choked almost ns far bai Ic as i ,'il.i
be seen, and from aiit.iiiieb b s in. ,
formed arks tint streti bed mile ji'k
mile and row upon row
Life and r-e!..r fteti ; niiiiir ai I i.'.l
frtuii lite iiiiilergiiiduat.'s . in.u.ig in -ne
full the blggi M -wirl dill in lhiir.ii.i-
deiuie jear. nn.-t of tli.-iu -u1! .- U,
te graduates and imients of plajeis who
inilde helld-il fel the ei. si.,, i, '
Central High Griddere Meet North
east Today
Central High
Wis. en .
aeruiln . .
3Ii.tui.nn ..
I.iiiKe . .
llunulnier . .
N r'h u
'eft end
' UuN"l- r
. u'llf
(t tai k "
. left k'lurd
. rlsht guard
rUIn tuvkiS
right md
I-ft hHlfti.uk
rlkht halflu.sk
.. fulltmck...
uu r
, Mahuiiey
The cellar championship of tln Inter.
nchelastic League will lie d id"l ledai,
when North -ast High and iVntral High
inppl at the former's lield. Tweiiti-
ninth end (Tearlield streets, at U'
O Cleck.
IVertlieust nas jei ie win a game in
ine l.'llgue. we ie euuiii nas wen one
game. Hint neiiig irein Muitlieril
Nurtlienvl lield Niiilheru le a .-i lie.
u.i... ,i........ ....... ........ i. ..i i i
I IIP .tlirreis. ntir liii-i niifiiiirii nisi
reek PJ "est I'lllllliieipilia 1 1 lull lij
the score of ll.'l te I), and also defeated
Northeast by Kl te 0. .Still, Central
looms us the fmerlte.
Louisville Will Rebuild
t'tilmie, Nui -.'.I. 'Ibc laiulsvllle cluh. of
e ,e week . .v..p.m .g ; .iVteu.: ,0 ;'et,;.,bie . :,,ari;; Kevh,;; ....,.. ";;;:;";" ;",:1';: ; "7";; "'. ' :. :v::w:siur,.y.t, ;v ,v ,' i ' ; " : ll,Arm ,!l",,, llllH mw,,n- i.,lril :t b'",,1 '" tl" f7-v, ,,um"lt '1
the al.. ittack in whi.li d.s et.iiie ' I. na ette's gl.u n.i,s de.sis .,f tl r t, ,sr V'.""1 u''.. pbij .ii.. n. il,. hr-t line,,! ..,... i-e'..,. r D-M- s, ,, and Sui.shii .. I i,ii i. ! The Navy was imt iiearlj s0 se, retive ' 'ts stuft en a slippery field, accord-
iftensV1''!.,, 1.,U ..reu'.'.'d ihu lalg.'-U J rU.iir un.'.therttli .. I M ,,;'1,i;?:,,ef,,,nU deiihu,' M;,r7,rVseWUn,I,',,;r - J' & . "Aim S th!m th,.., .h'l.M" Ll fit ,, ?.! lf 'l1'1 " V",Pt A$ "" VnMln , '" i V TW 'TV' W
lintwil !.. onts.-ere ule Owen Field this afternoon 1 he two police r""1 '". ' " V u ' -"'P .-"- and th" '"-""' Vii-tnr in -, iniit.'h ...,.. ." Field lust even rig. " eine en out. ' would biiM" Us bellow that a dry tied
tKUeut this' '.m. L l.eVir"u'hamlstieal,",nVki, "'"Town .nukhu 1ST s kcuu.n . ;- ;,XTpU ee" Tv 'eyH: e long as jeu don't iiuldlsh any-, favored them. Thej point te the fact
little mere than an hour of actual pla. crowd in a few stumpy and jazzy niim- I wl'l' "' . ' "' '' ' ' , . Third DMkn , terj for Ligltl.eu.se will U-ldWrn l, J 'Wnit about our technique, I have no 'that upon several notable occasions, the
and he told friends that en this his , lers. and Temmy Deulin. tlie L.,fay. we I .,ah" ""vcrferd line was composed of iv .r.i . m surti.. and Leuden ; ,,,., ' "i '.ti tnem into objection te jour wutcl.ing our prac- West Peinteis seemed te have the edge
'balllBanidr- l?:r!It,',"hardtiKU,,r,i,1JM,11,'r-'1-!;v JZA" sritXnt?irce'& ," b0 th
W Aninlviii AinoilBllen. will build a
IJW.whi hiiii.ill park w'litlnit Ih.noe te it,.
VSffVl-S kl"avmt.UUU uSSwifii5u
, Lehigh Crippled, but Counts en
i Fighting Spirit in Annual
. Grid Clash
I" rl
' h Hi
Mil us. i
'.' ' ' Illl'-N
' reninm
1.1 CI'
Mi ' I
HeriliT. in t
. iiriiik.f ii
II .f 'ii.it
i' ii k
It intii
I w n
. ,li I r i r
II i Iff
'-rt end
.lefl t i l.le
l"it uar.l '
t iklif 1. 1 ,iri1
rttrht I ii k
. rUht mhI
ijitirtMl ik
iift IlKllb.l.'k
rnrtii liajfii.irk
fiiiiti.-i. .i
v."" "i
Ml-ll! t f'l
i, ,.V ivT ",. Ore: -wunliriure I'm-
lil,. Drtin I'ni.. It..,., .. lirt1 i l. ..I....
' Ai I .-"'III 111 mi ml tin....
..''' i' ui i i in juimr
iHiiidJili-;,..A '""'. -I'iitiM'iw. nm of i
in i mux 10 muiujU'S
Il't Mil i
" '" hupntch In .-tr.ii'e rut.Kc I.cdarr
h.iMen. I'.t., .m. L'.-,, Ili-pinit Unit
"llll" r.ill'IM.' Mill M,lip oil tlll'Il' tin.
""""'i''' Mini iTtnple, tMi.th.ill loam,
nl'i' nl l.iliii-:, I'nlMi.ii, C,,. ,.K ill f.,1.
n..s vw,.i,t I,,,,, ,1.., fh.j.ii,.. ,-itv
-hrtl I.rf..r.' tl... ,i,.-m ,r i.mIih feri"'", 1p""':,rs ,lp uum
.ii, . . . . IMlllll'IlN Kriwl Mil ml
t ii in' t'lim.i ii tit. .1... i . .. f-n......
in "puim.t ,,..:. ... c
- iim.it. miuuiiiu' T.iifniclii-. f
" "'" I uil.miiU'il hs tlii" displ.iv I
i hip union l.pluKh tiisiittiit; -pirir
the I. ifu rt t.
cKiWil ri'spetidi'il
.,,i .;. ..,,,,. . ' ....
"""' " " i " ar inuuc cm "IHeii
v"!" mf pn-.;"
I..if.i,M'iti stmlpii's jiinl ur.ii luxe
'iiti' for elimiriim Tlmti" Mull net1
Pit"'" I'm- .tii-li faiiieu-. tvnm- n- t!n '
I niprMt. of I'litMitiish, rniptn of
l' uiihnnl:i, Kustmi 'eIIpi;ii, I'.iipK- '
"oil and Kiiters nil liup tru'd'n m tlu
I.ii tn spmhiik nn, t'.nlpil t ah ,
i"i" that cn-.tl V.iMitiiaien .rid .IpfTi r-!
"" eiiiiiiti.itiiui h.i- iipi ppipi tu
oiiTinrewiiiK l eai'it Sinlinrlntiil -
'""ikins ei,.,v j,, ,). .lsf ,,,.tI
k.iiiii pla.vpd lij l.,ifapttp.
., mn ,,.,,.,. ",,, ,,, ,,,,.
limn.. (at.d i.'lipimnt of tlip lloen
"'"! ".""" '-Ulitppn pen mix, ui-
,,.. ilau. , n UlUM n
M-tt.' r..Ilm ,. Matvl, Pii'l-i I.-mii.-
te 1 1 hi eh bii.'l, in iis (. ,,... ,,f
IT ... it 'i'i '. . '
.. ... .. . hi- iiipv.'ar iptii.tr .'rts lui"
jet te vC1. ,, ,, f ,,,,.,(,, ,.,.w.n .,, down
10 ii"niii en .1.1r1 11 lipid, mid trout thp
.nhati.'.' ,e. tl !s. w, ,..
piirlain ruiiu- duui en thp 1 Iinm-
.... MlI tmraarri'd b . lnTni,. "
...fur. """'Jrr.U n, ., I..n,' di-
' M" pln-ii'iil nindnien of thp tvn
'-'"""K "lj t nw of ninrkpi! 0.111-
";' la'li'Kh. tin- tinili'nleir in t...!'i'
! .t . . . --
;' v1; I," "" '""i' r"s
all-Atni-rii-an ambit en.
Tl,.,.,,,.,. nf th.- r.-ma, l.able plui mS of,
i!. Si.iherlan.l tiaBrosatien this and las, ,
-paeii. l.afajPtt.. ,.lHi rulrd u .'!-te-l
i.ni.ri.p. -vnii iph- laiui:!, tal.pr-. lu
of betli In-ritutleiis adnrned all biis-i
itein i.aiajetie atiu i.eiugii neiii ma-s-
ineeiiiijs nnu spjeKers last evening a
a tuning. up nrei-es-, i,,r the game At
letnieneni, e.ii-n nanmiti and lin-.-v
Iielter told the .-rails and tindi-rerii
at"s hew ilieir t.'ain was coming down
with a spirit tiajer 01 .1 r-di- te
1 m tie game et Lehigh s
Hue in Mr 1 -iitd Hall. 1 -1 j 1
ll.'. k
Phil.-i. Sehoelhovs Seek tn Au.nn..
,. .. .... .,
Defeat of Last Year
II llHIl 1 II
11 1
. II B 1
r.. i
I "Ml
H .
Mt l t
't a 1 r ..
'i' i.- Mr
i j"j h h,
' It-1
m k
M - u-
' I ,'f'
-l-t s i '
' 1.11 a
llll- l.
Il.uerlilll. Mass., .,v
eae High was it '1 s. ; t.. aienge it .1.
' '' i'i I'I. ladelplii i lu-i . n ,u tl ,.
I .uu1- nt St .lai e-s w' n ihe-e t. in.s
imi i 'nis a't. t noeii.
Die I'urp and Urnd lield i liti-'lr
drill ..n the Bosten College l'n'.
i.-rdui lift, ninen, nnd the pl.-mts w.re
in tine shape for the game.
'.e ln.li.- had a lug rnhalitnge ii
w.ighr eier tin loin.- kmiu. as t,i. hir-g-
' M man "i 'h "t .liime- t .in, is i..hn.
the giinnl. who neighs null Ids ie-,n.s
(low, nr. ill" IH!iTs ,,re one id Hie
1 st..si t. i ii.s. I,, t) .1 ,.u FiiJainl
ranks, ainl ' ne w.n the stri .1,'
Presidents, Outweighed, Will Play
Without Baslsta, Star Fullback
nr I J
t . .
' ...ii-lj
I I -
Siinm iih'fc
II note r
- ,1 tl' i
I r.tHMl
W cl. h
I'l.pientii .
Ii f
,' .
t ,,1,10,1
lfi lie
.-ft eimr-l
rishl guar
rii.-ni 'irkle
ru-ht et I
(in i Wi e it
i-r- i, rfi.ii i
rltfht h i '1
I J'lia.-k
IMr.ilt Mlili Vei U." The W.imIi.
iigteii and Jefforseii loetball mindi'iir is
a i,.heavj f.nerite in the s.en, UJl.
lm , ,1( .nniter Willi the 1 niif rll of
Iletrelt sii.ld, tills despitP the fai i tin
iisit.,i's iete eiiiweiElinl m-iirlv ten
pounds In Hie Illlill In III.' le.'HI team
Ceaeh 1 lilff.v . i
if I let roll, mtlslereij I he
stumgest line" available in mi cltmt
iage ihe "cemi back" followers m- t
It,, I and While huie been hoping for
Ill.isl of the season.
Washington ami Jeffciseu was minus
the servlcis el .1110 nasisia, Uie slur lull
back, who ha been III, and it was ill-
. j. ,' i iiMrei(i I'.rii'ksen lialfluiel,- ct.
W. owiei te a rent Injury.
awjaMw:j1w,MijBBfew' s
Quaker Colleges
in Big Battfe
Centlminl from Pac One
tOllltHirtirv MOIIlll'lt stl'Ml'tinnv linlihll'-
, uhnlll ."ilk I i'iii'Ii ntiil lii'lunit.K Hi., i.iii I
I'Himi'ily for lit,. Svitrli't nml
"" Suiirihinert clicprniR ni'tmii
i,Us ,tM.lf a i,ip leuden Mim.l n
the c;ft tnde of tin Held, wliieli run"
""r"1 ll1"' -lli. Hiis htiind In breuclit
"'r ifiiiit !ininii ter in ciiinp n
n fuiiiliiitti't' of slutli'tit VeIuiiIi'itm. nut
,, 1 M,iil.'ti. luburleiiblv ttiKi'ti ilnivu
niter ilic fni 11 emt ami t-iiili'd b:u k
It"111'' "Ktilii.
'I'1'"1"'' I- 'te mipIi ri-rlprei'ilv about
-n,i'"S ncioiiiineiliitiiiiis bptuppti nnj
oiler peIIpups in nip leiiutrj, ,i
Mr " iiMiilnblp ri'cenN show,
-eiiip l.'tltl IJarttPt ftm piiii puck
""'"l'"lv'" '"" 1 lii- "hind or ppn It
!l1""- '' f'lk't. whib tlip rpt -ttitul
"" ""' 't'l'' '"i,,s of roeit tn iiieluniir
li.irkid a fi-w jard bacU of tl
il.m inn'.
'IIipip i no wild rush te mrne at
tlie imiiip. JleM of the Htivprferd ad-
ltpti'iii Ihp in tlie vicinity mid knew
te a .plil pieiid jii"t Imw' Ieiik it will
' niki' t In-ill In lpjich thp tiidd.
Thp Swaithiimri' iniitlnypnt nuiipv
ai tens diiinlry in a pii.ilan of metet
.11-. .'Hid 11, loe, knows ju-i hew te
."-. ........ ,n.-i n..,i
. l1-'""' "" ."'"''''it'S Wnltmi PIpM 111 .1
' '"" ' ppuins "UI'-iip
IVdlj lilrN I'leiitlfiil
ti ,., :-t e .1
, ''''' !" ' I't'y '-'''N' fur;., tl....,-.
p..,llints l.ari.N. rmk.-tlnjc . Iippi". p.i-
tliii'iti-ni 11111 net, just iit ,, ',.n.
l'eriit'11 u.iuip. Hut it's nil in inmiic
uirc. like luekiiiK at tlu old l'r.inklin
1 udd, vij , thr.mj.-h tin- wrong end of
i'" w mpii .t u.i. .r m,d
,K.,.. its.-first Hi" Tlir,-.." . ii'n.i. ,!.....
Mm, Mn.'-Iu npi.m-
ihnpti,,,,! sherlpupd it down te "Vu
,., win.'
Thp line. tin. whi.-h l,n sf.nr,..,l ,1..
the fiilllia. k.
Ntl.r.iii llaierfnrd Baehllehl
f'.iai Ii Harmen -eiit a etei-,in
lii-ld a.-.unst tin- wurthiii.ue
1 rmrs.
lat liiewii, tin- ciptain, is
. rated n
one of the greatest stars in
Hiu. rf..rd histen. and he w.,- smi,.
u p-
I polled In Allen ml Baeen. haltbaeks
1 i,,i,,,i v., Allen u,i lt.ip.i 1, .1.1. ...1.
. an.l W 1 bur. I nrterhuek.
1 ,,.- siueess e, iin.-rierii. Ilnwrver,
w.il iiepend in a Iiirse measure en the
it Hi" ..tie I 1 tlain Ian.- for
ward- an in M rn tu 1 d 11 nd en i.,i.,r
Swanhmere holds an edge of about
tw., jieunds per man in weight. This
'acnauiage js .itii in uie eiiiKiiei-i i c;
liarnet lucks meiage 177 i-emN.
, against 170 for I I.nerferd. The .si.irlet
and Bl.u-k line aw-rnges 171'.. nun
I'-"-,d ',"1' ll- for the t.arint '1 ,
i le.nu iiieiiic.s aie iiaverieid li and
i Mi'irlhiiiere lT,';j.
The (,.11'in't has wet. sen-Mi.,, , f il.,
thirtj (eiiiests plaj'sl bet we. i, th. I'm
t en n s ilaiertnril lias i-aptui.-d i-Imi-h
and t.ie I an resulted ill tils.
Theae old-time rivals epi no. f.,eita
(l.itiet-s ter'y-thr.e jears gu a,,,,,
paved twentj -three times ,., te l'iiH,
.. I . .1. ....... Lrt. I .1 I.H., .1 t -.
win 11 i in-, "lie iuu-'-u ii ...'Hi. I j, in
"" ""II t I"' I'ViM '.111 L ! ("fill VliU li.L 1.1, ittl
11HIJ lli ues was In ll Ii 'I'll. Ilm. i Hum ,,m in Aril, n A A Nlnlli tr-"t
erfnnl wen tell, lest twehe and tu il in'il I "lia.aiii.uii aiit.U". Uiteiea. W.
Player Under Investigation by
Landis te Ge Inte Business
I ,os Angeles. Calif.. ..i g.'i -"Ued"
Ol. II, .illl pitcher of tile 1)1 It. ,it iliil, .il
the mriiiu H-isehnil I.. tg ,. i,,, s
iitid-r iniestigalien bv I Ige K. ,.
I.aiidis. commissioner et Im-elall. en
ihe i Large be jdiii.-. inni.- iia.Hhall
i . r. has aniieiiiii'i'd lie u !I tetire from
. iga'i ed liii'-eball and go in'e husines
i' ei tarie, near here ., - ni.ng te his
' rl'-nd'J.
I 1!
-. as I e.
: n i-
l.lghll I
S. nt-
( I)
'I :
n i:
i, i:
i: T
I.- .-
.' i
I. T
M int. ii
I I I i
I lenlev
1. li
K uu
1. II li
(I IS)
e,,, 0, ,. , , , ,.
.. " ..,,lylcs ' rankfenJ Hewt,er ir, j. Mellow ( la), l.undKien OS), Loe
Ti.v of wried;i-i61iJuntttJl,Ur8, U,"l",c-1 """ "c"'1 ""'....n-Slilrur.
s AWXzmtK& &tZZmL . zzz.zl" r -rrr tl rii.T :" 7?.-? w''i mm
e jwjjHHajHH
i-'in- i -irtmrnti mv "mtmzi .
$&&'lJ WmmmmmmmmW
.H. i .rVHSiEfliVh t. mmWNf5ttmmmMUmmt
CdPtam CORNELL Ccttter
Tenth ami 1!j'.-
111 l'lwUm
1'" - I'.itn., i- Miiuri'stivn
I; t . ik'orve ui tf.
ai 1 tt:i i.nvr.ci:
I ir". li Ishiii
ltib-"iaiH - K'-niint'en iiu.-i'Ai enal
J. .!. 11 . . .
jrt'Mzu- i!'r'i':Mue r,,1
., nm ,,,,'MniM
...... .... -
rirt DMikn
' Mr-.! MiiN- Ailn
, MMi-i'inl una
!f' - ir n,,",''' ""feree 11 T 'ra "f'-r-i
! r-iir .nonue HofercH 1
.. 'L' ' . '..,.. ...V"'v"
1 1 .1 v. Ii'inkirk. lur-'-tiintn ana
sj ru "tre l- U- fi-ree. V rnll I
s 1 nd IJ l"i 'l
t..insd iwr- r.ftv-t iKhth ,
yrd Hunilns I'r menu-. lt,f-ree. W
" '-wh-T , North American Lace, rifth
nnd Nedre str-ti' Il-fsrce W wllUlnseii.
'It -.1 IjlMS.iJIl
s-, a.j i -i (nl j'lfth i.n-1 IVest
m. relm.d tt.-"l" H't-r-" W l'..rs.
I', .. - .l A. '" t.jiisdnii. Tulip er.d
Am f.r-e-- '. I -. V. r H ri.-. ,
Kanihli r " T.t -t rrinkfei-l aicnua
: I I r.i-i s-ria- Hi f ' r - K i lai ten.
Mmn- I'ls.'iih i HiMiwec 'lerresa.u-
h'.iu.. .,i.i iv.linl r.' -dr-ii
iieterf.., i .
l.,ki theiisf 11
ind la. Hi.ru-
m Vii-mr I'rent tret
It-f- f . i; Mouney,
1. Mil I
1'i.jMh lJi.i4ien
'!., i K st r. Trout itr"t and
... .... ,,.,.,, i J,.,i
.S , l . -.-
It.ini -r l,H.r-s a Alhre, Slaffln-r i
str-.'-. .-'I A la ni. uu.) lt'f.-ri-. C. Lelb.
li.itd.iiew s l'.iu'eiiit, 11 mil Tieea I
'!..' II. In. fi s,, ,i
'l "ii - Ir.-h i" ' . Tv-nty-nlnth nnd
j-'Ursnn n.'i it-t.T. i;. Jiil.ln.
NeinnuAsr siji-neN
I in til i . iien
si IchtiH - II udii r Orthodox arl
Alii r,1 rfir IUI-., (I. ynlf. ,
- in kn'ik r fi I'm- i-iilur and Ar.ti
str. - r.!.i. i I ik Wnif I
he-'riKli i- IMrrtdin- Taoeny and faan-'
ger -e-'-i- H.'fi-ri A i .tlriiB.
s, t,e in n i T llmi riitf, Smte read1
in I uih f.' ISM-i.e II Sspten.
st :,wt ua.mi:
. e ' r .1' f r -t in
. r, t
' i ii Mi l-
Mrit h-i J i . r a .
1 V It Ft anl Iii'rm.r
A- .iii hi, Mxty.tlnr.i
l. li. if
IH lee
( IT)
I. T
U illiams
i.. i:
Iaiw. ry
K U.
f O
."Mllltll '
It T
'I heinpsiji,
I: ;
' i .)
: II ll
LePt te Rfft ALLEN.
dtif BACON
bCHNEIDER "Sariliitten? &.&
Will Play Falrhill Kickers at
Tenth and Butler
...... " I whole world today could possibly eclipse
KAYWOOD VS. WANDERERS)11' ' Jn.lM.rtnr.ee te them. It
The sikphp teams are coming into
l.ijtler street-, whole Bethlehem nml
11M ''; ;"l,l1!;:::.n'fr'
v .."... ...... 1 , .'.'"..,.. '.'" ' leisner
....,,,., .,,.- limn ai 1 weuty-Mxtii and
""" uep,s vmi rurltlill
rri.e ite
'" ''! b-ue net been going j- tee
i. hut uie ,-enttdent et holding down
"". ""' '". "" mew mown, rs,
' 1.. Kn weed I,, n ' t . fct.lp,,,,
u . .. Kajwoed uiteitaiiis the Wan-
, cl,l; (.x(llbiten ceu,'.s ..','. "",.'!
Tak; en Wiasahicken Gridders This'
'In Mount Airi f.n.tl..i11 llni.. ,.J
ha... pit en the tinl-hing tern lies for
i 'In game with Wissahii-ken this after-a-
.a ,n (.iiippii bine and P. It. ll. '
'i luer A. t'. was spheiliiled erici-
In, i ' . but Pliliceled at the Inst intim... I
ig'i- Yeung was fertuiiate in heim; i
in secure a
ii leiiin ei ihe caliber of
Tlie line-up:
li series
s .h ken
' ii.rt
Mount Airi- IU.nei
Iff I .ml
J Ward
. I utllllll
O UiinnII
. . (JMret
left til W
cut t,-u inl .
. lOlltn ,
right laiurd . . ,
right tin'itlii .
rirfti' "ii I .
.iiarii"l uck ,.
I. ft hHlflinck .
riKht hnlflHi k .
. . KlrLi I-. r-.
(leul'l. H
Pi. r...s.smith I, in ..man Siit-I
H i.iiiiiii, 'llin' 12 ii.lauie la-rhil
1.. .1 ...1 ..... iuieiiiiv. 1 lie same ipoenni? nvisreii in ueiii.
Swarthmore Has Slight
Edge en Haver ford
itlllliere lias wen seieiilceii of
'i. a rn garnet iig.iiiist llaierferd.
'I'll Main Lines liiue hieu nctori ncteri
ii ileien liiu.s. Twe games ended
I I lis
I I Me weie mi gaiilfs phllc.J be-
"ei liml and BUI. and the war
I'i' ' niul a iniili st iu Mils, The
sier. s of the lente-its iiiwdhtr jeurs
fellow :
llTii llin, rfenl .1! Suririlimnrn g.
, llawi'nr.j HI, .Swiirthiner.i s
-J ll.,i,rfiiiil t'. Mtsriliiniiii. 1L-.
si Il.ii-ifunl pi l-i,irtliiiiuri il.
--. 1l.,i..rt..r.l in. suri),iner lu
-1'. Iliiwrfnril Jit, .sw.irthii.iire ,'g
iss- ii.nnttnril il, SHrfriliinurii e
I "si, ilHi.rfuiil le, s- a a r lliiiie, 4,
is'. -Huierf-nl II, S artiiiiiuin ,111.
1-1.1 llaii-rf.ird 11. sw.irlhtner.- ill
I -li- II iMTfcrd .1, .siMtrihnirire gg.
1-1. 1 llawrfnnl 11, Huarll1111.ini Se
1 '11 ll.iierf.j--l 11, SMarthineri' ii.',
"-''". Umifrird gl S'ui.rihiii.irn II.
1 i'.l MiiBrfiir.l I'J snurlhniurL II
l'T- llaierfnrd s, ,Svs artliuiei 4 .1
l-'.s II iii-rf..rd ti.' hiirihiiiur 11
' -ii'i 11. 1. Hi. id 1J s,i,iriinlur, ;...
limn II..V. rlenl 1" fwuiilunerM 17
I'" 1 lliiierfurd il, Suarthinni'e 11
i'ii.' IPiiiTfiird 11, sviiirlhiiirne 2'.',
Hi- I lliii.rlnrd II. Huarihinun- in,
1 '0I llaierf.ird .1. Swst thniurn g7
Hill lliiierfniil !l. Snarlliiniiru .'I
U'l.', -lliiiiifnril n. swiirtluiiur 7
luld llHiirf'inl 10, SwHrtliiimrB 7,
1UI7 llaierfirl 7, s irlhinuie r.7.
Itil, ll.iierferd e, NftKMlimnre 44.
10:0- llaierferd 4. Snrlhiiiur -il,
1fi;i Tt.iverferf! 0, Jtwarlhtnerti B.
Coach Robinson, However, Ex-
peett Hard Qame Frem Big
Green Eleven
Slil-lclen Ift rit ...
, . , . Jeniktnun
, ., , Tnter
, , , . , I.J nrh
...... Iltirkp
, , , . . Ctclr
.... LittXltt
J. 8pllmn Irft trk e .
nrrtj HftKU.nl ...
nckatfln rfntrr, . . .
Sprnirue rich! itnrrl,.,
Oullun rlchllarkl..
Hnywnrd rluht rmt . , .
Jr .eunrtfrhnrk..
Swp't If t hnlf hck . .
i;nulknr rluht hnlfbuck. ,
fullMck.. ..
BoMen. Mmi Xer. 2.". Itrnwn niul
Dnrtnieuth trotted out en tlie gridiron
this afternoon prepared for the hunlcNt
battle of the pennon.
"Dartmouth has a fighting rlianre te
win." Mild Head Coach Ileblnwiti. of
llrewn, an his men left the clubhoiife.
"Just beeaiihc wf nre the favorites te
win Ik no Hhrn that we arc going in
overconfident. V beat Harvard Inst
week, but we realize that wc have our
work out out for uc."
Beth teams were In firi-t-rlaM con
dition, and neither ban any alibis te
offer If defeat comes their way.
Dartmouth stnrlcd the game without
Hie nervleen qf their bin tackle. Neld.
linger. They mlxscd him, for Neldlln
ger is n remarkable placement -goal
kicker. lie was replaced lu the line by
ijeldHteln, , who u its expected te give
fapeln Gullan. of Brown, a let of
,. "Don't let the Navy make It four
Thrantift Cheer .straight."
m iiiviiye irccci Navv sllpPerter8t en tllP ethcr ,inml(
AriHU nun IXfliyi were likely ti) come tip and whisper in
LLrr lUV one's ear. "De ou think we can di
It?" They all knew, as does Kelwcll,
Centlnntd frnm Pnse One that the Army lias the power and, quite
the event of the jour. But usually in likelj. the ability. Navy's only hope is
the past it was regarded mere tis a te eultlght ami outsmart the huskj
social event. A colorful outdoors pie- West I'einters. Can they de it?
ture, than a contest. This may hnvel The pre-gaine scenes were .similar te
been mere or less true when West l'elnt I these of previous jenri but at that
and Annapolis sent teams here which, there seemed l be mere nip te the
had done very little in the way of weleeme accorded the up-stuuding
genuine football before their one big Americans who are traim-d te de our
game. lighting. Philadelphia opened wide
New it is different. Philadelphia the floodgates of hospitality and the
welcomes today two of the foremost Army anil Navy shuttled in unison,
giidireu elevens in the Hast teams "We're glad we'te luck" or word- te
that have and can put up a creditable that effect.
fight against the best the season has Less than ene-three-hundredtli of
produced. It is certain te be n battle' Hie total population of this great City
that will display strength, alertness of "f Brotherly Leve will have seats inside
mind and body, kicking, passing and the Franklin Field Stadium this nf
tackling that one will net see sur-, ternoeii. But thai niiule no difference
passed en any gridiron. It Is a fight te hospitable l'hlludelphluns for the
between two well-coached and smart chap who were the Army gray or the
teams. Navy blue there was a hearty welcome
When you write about an Army- wherever he might go; a "glad te see
vy game that word lieht Is certa in te
creep in about every paragraph. Which
is ns it should tie. roe te the cour
ageous young men from West Point
and Annapolis the winning of this an
nual grnl light stands our pre-eminent
I nothing else that might happen in this
' 11 111. iii.n.iii, In tlm l!fi. 1,..i il.nt -
""" "I'l'i.mii i u.i; unit; iinu uii'j
aid: it was still mere apparent in their
attitude; it was written in their faces.
Phjsically, these young men are
"enily t light. Pre 111 both camps came
the message this morning that net one
regular player was in the slightest de
gree incapacitate".. Neither of the
heed coaches, Majer Charles Daly, of
lb.-Army, or.Beb Folwell. of the Navj',
will present any alibis en that score, i""' yeiiew 111111 gray 01 uie -Army nun
And when you sny that thee teams Hie yellow and blue of the Navy. Phil -are
phjsically fit, jeii lnrve said a ndelphlnns were impartial in their
whole let. They need every ounce of showing of colors, as they were in their
energy that tln-ir muscles i-an put forth. ' hospitality.
After another very secret practice en Probably the major portion of our
Franklin Field jesierduv afternoon, citizens believed the Army would win
Majer Daly fairly beamed confidence it sure does appear that way "en
and satisfaction. The head coach said paper." jeu knew. But the ."'.'.(MM) who
veiy little he did net need te talk, had seats, and the additional tens of
What he did sav was that the Amu- thousands who could only read about
had the better team and should win.
"Wc can't let the Navy equal our rec-
lMt lW
rli." i-nlfl Daly. The ph.jers within
,.an.10t ddpd assent an.l smiled con -
ight in this academy
Iii fact. Farmer Beb was se clum Hint
one of his friends cull.d him the I
"Original air. uioetii.
Folwell Is Anxious
"Well T-nn linve tin i.i, ai i,., ., -
well, you IIUle no lip , what tills
f Ult. itnsurei tlie
Plajed fni.thall. couched
I neier did J feel quit",
game menus in
ceiiL-h. "I nave
at colleges, and
Lihe-Up for Swarthmore-Haverford
Football Game en Main Line Gridiron
Brown (t'apt.i
F. 11
W. tr.i-l!. 11
11. II. li
W. 1H0-1I. 0
L. II.
l") 'llll
Ktiellg Beinhiirilt
i7-i-r.ii imi.e.'j
ll. r,
I.. 1;
10.-, ;..n
Kiiuin 1
17) L. T.
1 ."-0
(. B.
W' M.--H. 5.7
L. 11. IL
W. 18."i-H. 5.11
N. Wilcox
F. B
W. 'JIC,. II. 0.1
Weight llietllge: l.ine-Swarlliiueie. I7L': llaiei-leiil. ITI ,
tiobl-Sttiirthmere, lu; Hud rfenl,
ilaverferd, 1711
Substitutes: Itnierlerd Ullle (.0. Striiiiliriiloe in, v...
Lombardi (I'J). Comfert (III. While dOi. Lord (17i. Kuinn, !-,, '
CJO), Oliver ILM). Neck l'..M. I.cwis .'.':!,, Stokes I, T , A, t
wall CM). Lewry W . Hell,,,,,,, yW), Uoberise,, cj ,. Sni h',,,0 ''
Theeimn 4), Lpn (). Ilauli 10), Imtierer (II), I'mirlnev 1 1
(III, I l,,,l,or...e MOl. K'U.U. .mi u t.u. ..' "r"".l '" lleWUIll
en .......s. x. .......,,. , ,u., nnnii ii;i. nevimine -J7 1
Time of nerledft Fifteen .latnutei,,
Army Has Scored 211
Points This Season
The Army lias pla.ed ten games te
date, wining eight and .He '"
I he latter with tale and Notre
Ilame. The Cadets have registered
Ult points te t for their opponents.
Their nensen record follews:
Army.-. Hprlnglleld 0.
Army ia, Lebanon alley .
Army t.'l, Kansas 0.
Army 111, Auburn (
Army R.1, New Ilampuhire 0.
Army 7. Yale 7.
Army Kl, St. Hennventiirc 0.
Armv . Notre Dumc 0.
Army 3!, Bates 0. n
Totals, Army all, opponents 13.
the Rjme en (lie eve of n game an I
de since I am with the Nary. These
boys mean business. Te them losing the
annual game is hi the nature of a dis
grace. If lese they must, they will
lese like the game sportsmen, the true
Americans, tbat they arc. Hut I feel
the burden because I de net want them
te lese. ...
"On paper the Army lias us faded.
We knew tbat. But paper champions
sometimes come n cropper when they
meet n team of real lighters. The Navy
knows football; I de net fear nnj thing
the Army may attempt te dhow us in
the way of strategy. But the West
l'elnt team outweighs us. It Is up te
us te show huperfer spirit and light.
That is whv my team is net going
Hi-eund laughing and talking victory.
They can't help but be serious when
they knew what a tough job is ahead
of them."
I'Mlndelnhlii Is said tn be n Vnw
town that mny be true. But there
wire Army supporters iipieiity in tlie
.nay supporters aplenty In thp
nbbies this morning, and all
bete 1
l.iAl lm rviimn mf inut u AlA 11..1..
T,'p Arlj M ,-enlident because It knewv
j, IHH S0I1,i teillll, unm ,mt
t,.10a the t.wt. Tln.Ip lintll.. or,- u
you and "what can I de for ou' air
that the soldiers nnt sailors said made
them feel right at home.
"Se different from cold and blase
New Yerk." said nn admiral in the
Ilelleviie this morning as he rlnpcd
iijg a
nil. hands with a gene
The football
J Unlit between the Army and Navy en
j rrnnkllii Field this afternoon, will bei
.tlin firut k tut' Oil In tliiu itv tu nlirlif
1 - s.., -. . . ..,. ... . ps.
years and there is net the slightest
, doubt but that the men who wear the
Riay aim nine uniforms were iieilguted
te be back in the land of hospitality and
The stranger in our midst had no
reason te ask what was going en here
abeuts, livery building, eiery shop
window, ciery hotel lobby displayed
". "ere aware of the well-known Navy
fisht. nnd, as one chap put it. "This
K " ear f
' The Nniy wan
is tne jear 01 upsets; way net one
ted and will get a dry
1'he light biiekiielil that I'el-
Letters for Amherst Men
Amherst, Mass., Nev. '.". 1'uellnill l.tteri
1 were awarded te lht.n men at a uu'etlng
nf the An.limt '".illeB'J Stud.'tit Amibclntlun
. . ..1l..a m t rn ntultl U'l MIlilTia I .I,.,....
of tlie Amln rBt fiili-B-j sj'udi'tit Amibclntlun
r..lln: CiiMi n Win inn. A.liiinu.
hf (UIU". .-, "iiiii'lllfl, AW4IIiint
' Memeu. f'lapp. inn, Hill .lilisnn, .Tcm,
iV.t-Vrnv.Cx': .V4'.,.V,. SS
mid .Mi ("Untuck, assistant maiuiur.
W. 100.11. fl
L. II. B.
1 l.'l 1
.leiies Ilelllngshead Monlgemeiy
17.r..0,'J l.sri..-i.le 17,'Ml.a
L. ti. L. T.
l. 1:.
Km 11
'- M.ti. IL T.
170-ii 17."-ii Immi.i;
t'eriiell Slieeinaker L. WIIca
tl) 10 1 Cl
1:. 11. it
W. 17'J-II. 0.10
170. Team - Swan him...'. 1V11 .
Frankford Eleven Expech te
Find Rochester, N. V., Team
"Tough Nut te Crack"
Ye::'K,r,n8t ,,,c SSSW:
The game In the flrKr . ,4
Manager Bowker has arranged wl.h ,t'
best teams 11 tie ceunlrv i ,Y "V1
low-jeckois' drive te 1 attain ih.l.l"..I,i
hidependent rtdfrota,rtnlnnte2SBl,
vnrdV Wrkeff n "2TTO e'5vlb0 b:
whom the Pitt attack n ; ved , U "'
for the mythic. "nil '"e lven'lA
two years. un ""! 't
This year Havles hns werked 4
Hn Held, keeping himself tit bv .,fr;
sci'liiimnging during nlc jn"ln'!!''
periods. Several of Hie hie M
teams made tempting offers $ hhnS3
he turned them 'down. New" w?B R
n-erk at Pem, virtually ,-, doted C
will be with the Yellewja ckeis' ill
balajice of tlie season. J '' ,h
Anether nil-Ainpi-le ..1...;.. .
llrtunlly nil critic will soe service iJ
the game Ue is Benny Bovnlet, Jj
will call signals for ll,,: .litm
Boynton's open-field running nnd ri?.
iliieciien of plnjs has had i,m,., t9 j!
with tiie victories turned in ,v tii
visitors this jenr. y '
Alexander nntl Thenmsnn n.4-..n
enn llnemen from the fnmeus 0B;.
en" lbie of Sj rneuse. will Ue ,,by ht
the .Teffi'rsens. Alexander as cetiVr .nl
captain and Thompson at guard Kins
another "all" choice, from H.nift
will piny one of the halfback p,t,;
The visiting line averages 'JOS pound?
inn sunns ui ns ,p Mreugest adriBrc
line jet encountered by the home tMm
The Itechester team lias appeared in
Ibis section twice. Last ear they
plajed the strong Philadelphia (Juakcn
and hebl them te a tie at .". all. Lit
Saturday the .Icffersens nlueil nt Pe...
shohecken and without Hie yenices e(
nojnten iieieateu (lie strong Iron
workers' team by a tl te 0 tunrrin.
Captain Miller, of the YcllewjacWh,
mis nan 111c r ransieru siitau praetit;.
Ing daily in i.ntlcipatien of the teuth-
est game se fur this season. All th
men who plajed In the Heliiiusburj
game last Saturday, in which the Yel
low-jackets wen tlie city championship,
are in prime condition.
Toe Lehecka, who was in lured tun
weeks age. Is still en the sbb-llnes, in)
Davics will start nt left half as tun
'' 'V'1' f,,,;Tm' .,"r' tnth''
; s V ."""JJ-Sft
back in place of "Dec" Klliett, ale
a Lafayette product. The line 11 ill I,e
the sniue as iu previous games.
Wolf Canen te Meet Sergeant Ray
Smith Thanksgiving Night
Fer th" third time iu 11 number et
years n Thanksgiving Night bexitigpne
gram will be heliLln I'hiladclphki. Wi
llis Britt has arranged for Ihe well
matched eight-round bouts te lie decide,
at Ills Chestnut Street Arena, I'iftcenlSi
and Chestnut streets, next Tlnirsdaj
A heavyweight buttle w ill be t!iehe,iil
liner. Sergeant Bay Smith, the soldier
here, who pveied in his 'ast heutngnin-t
Frankie Britteu. that he was holing in
Is'tter shape than ei.-r before, will I
i.ti-iesnil in Wolf Parson, the (ILIiilimna
' (iilillt. ill the W'lllil-llp.
labile Iemj)s,.j and illie lurry mil
be semi tiiialists and the iirelinis sn-:
AI (loi-den vs. .linimy Tierm-i. Dill
Unas s. Billy Cannen and Temmy
Q11I1111 s. Johnny Clark.
Referee Disqualifies Eddie O'Oewd
I-reildniie. It. I., Nev .'.".. - Afl-r,r-peited
wiriilnKH by Kofereo Jnik rirlne-l 10
rifrnln from holding. Uddis O'DemiI Iin
lamiiclglil, ttein tVilumbus. ", lest mi th't
core ivlen lm was illqiillll-"l in Ine Ptntn
round of n. schoduled tni-ruuml lnil n;e
Willi Kid XVIUIatiiB, nf Ualtlmure. Whll tin
bout was en. Wllll.itus was anll- ll.l Mtef.
St. Menica at Racine
Tln Itndtie foothill i lull w I! battle k;
Menica this riftorneou nt a ..'10 I M en tnlr
home holt nl Legan Hall Park, laiitimntl
nnd Kuekliinil Hr-l.
IlllCllie WlM 1'1'iy -'11 I'S lOlll.llllll g KJ"i"
here and i-xls-rts Hi tmiiiilahi Hi" f-cem
eMliibllsln..! earlier I" th shs.ii of 0r-uu-
il, l..-sl of the Indi'ii'n.l-nl elfieiii
11 lm Urn up
St .Menica
' I i-;.i
I M.UW.-1I
I inlay
; . r.N.-HI
Ilwrkniers .. .
. . left smi
. Iftt tarll.'
left kii ird
.. eelil.'l ..
. right s-u.ir.l ,
right tiirlde
. right end ...
riurlerha.'K .
1-ft hiilfhailc
right hnlfbicl.
.. tullbnrk .
Purhmiu. . . ..
11 nn p. M.
AEM0RY. 32.1 ft Lnciitr Aeenu
Second City Troop
The Timber Teppers
AHH0RY. 32d ft UncMbsr Awnut
Frankford Yellewjackets
vs. Rochester JeffeweW
See Ten AH'Amejricans
TODAY . Sl30 ?; '
trmiKIern "J." 10 mrrt m.
Phila. Scheel of Dramatic Art
TRAYFR' ""' i hi-iinii h,r"li,,a
aiixAIfclxS Thll Bt Biiiliiei j;;;
1'p.lllnix guniiiiitii'ill enter mm er-ili-
iunkli-enn ft sherlliiti.l. d '1lntf,,,it
PhlU llutii (.'ellfr. "'" MrW
NTKAMMIir Ml I 111.'
AMmmmlA. LINf
vii.-iu vim u 'rn nn'i TRRDAM
Via Plnnniitli. Boulesne-BUMIK.-
I tJOCJRDAM ...Dje. Jn. "t
ebt"ninTi?,f, s ?-; Mjr
lUcln ,
ij Iinnechu
. ri.niH.'"
jl uluii'l
, . W?n'(
. . . uarru
1 and Cmremlnn. PrefeMHlniial HW'.JviiSfi
tlnn nml Knnllsli X'l.ralnlUri. l-'WfVwLi
I Clillilrrn'ii UUssea. Dv und .Kl". 'j4jT
BctiMiiei I'rln 1714 rhestnut HrrucSjiBJ
Q&LI Si'riH-jT.
i2X Ii
i.-Mr ,..- v..
h ' "fill l" ,