Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 25, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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wti- 5 or
JHUny Luncheons and Dinner
for Entertainment of No Ne
' , table Guests
Ireuntbattens are here
Official Wushluitleii s in (tic city
today for tbe Army und Navy game.
The contingent was completed with
the arrirat this innrnttic of Vicr I'ren!'
dtnt Coelldpe and Mrx. Coelldgo nnd
General Jehn J. lVrauing.
The Vice Prrsldent nnd his wife rrre
Joined here by Willii.m WbltlnR, of
Uolyekc, Muss., hr will be vith the
party in their box at the game.
General I'erMiiin: legtatered nf the
(Hetel Adeltihiu He w.is accompanied
bf bin aide. Majer Cieerge l". Mn r-li;ill,
and Mr. Marshall, who went with him
te the garni'.
Secretary et W'ur Wpls and Mr.
Weeks armed at nlglit and arc reg
Ihtcred at the lJelleucStratferd. Sw
rctury nf the Nmy penby i a cuet at
the Naj Yard.
Theodere Kixi-evelt. .tr . the Ai-t
nnt Seerelnrx of the uv. nnd Mrs
Roereveii an". giieMh ;f Senater ivp.
per. Their gtict.s at llie game ure Mr.
and Mrs. Archibald lioeMMelt. of New New
Yerk, and Command) r l.etah C War-
fen aii"i .Mr. Warren
These and ere of ether.- nf the
capital's sncletj folk s-wrptjnpf, gen
eralb, admirals and ethers) are here as
tbe guests of friends or registered at
tin uniii.iil !.. s1 .
till- icixrni iiun-ii.
Many entertainment features b.-ne
been a Tranced b.
i the lMters. tieiirnl
rertbliii will enterttiin in his pirt. In
addition te bin aide. Mr. and Mr,
fi'eerse MrF'iiMcii and Mr and Mrs.
I'. T. Stete.sbury, Dr. ltebcrt 0ens
and William Hglln
Secretary Weeks ami Mr. Weeks
will tpenil tbe week-end at the Belle
vue. 'J'hey will h.'Me with tliem Mr.
nnd Mrs. .lelui M.ivnlge, their seu-in-law
and daughter and Majer .1 M
Walnw right the Secretary's aide
Admiral William S Sims arrhed at
the Ititz-Curlteu jenterday from New
port. It. 1
Mount hat tens. s Oarne
Among distinguished visitors at the
game were Lord and Lad? Mountbat Meuntbat
ten, who jrrned tednj in a special car
as the suestj. of Colonel It. M Thomp
son. Lord and I.arty .Meuntb.ittcn arc'0f ,ue team '
in mis country en ineir wruemg tour.
Among these who will attend thc
Arm dinner at the Adeiphia after the
game are Majer Uencral Crowder and
party of sl. : General C S. Fartiswerth
iiu p.tii,'' vi si, iiruit'iiaut utMimn '
Hew land B. hills and parti of nine:
Majer C G. Mortimer and part of
twele; Colonel U. T. Oliver. Lieuten
ant Colonel B. H. Williams), Lieutenant
Colonel O. P. Tewnsbend.
Among these who entertained at
luncheon before the game were senator
W. P. Jacksen, of MarManu, and P. M.
I'hiiiuller. nf tins t'ifv r nt rlltmer.
Charier- A. Mider. State Treasurer of
Pennsylvania . Mrs. Sidney Thaier. of
Havcrferd . Setmter Dawd A. Heed
Secretar of War Weeks and Com
mander Douglas Heward.
Denbjs; at Navy Yard
The Secretarv of the Naw and Mr.
Denb.v. acceinininied by their veuns
son, I.dwin, Jr . und Miss Adcluuk
Canheld, a ceuin et Mrs.. Denby'
who i.s visiting them, will he the guest?.
until tomorrow of Colonel and Mrs. Da
vid Perter I . S. M. C, at their quar
ters at League Island. Admiral A.
M. Nultuu. commandant at the Phila
delphia Nnvy Yard, entertained a large
company at luncheon at the Bellevue
Stratford today in their honor
Mayhew W-unwrisht. Assistant Sec
retary of War and Mrs. Waiuwrish'
had vvith them their daughter. Miss
Fonreso Walnw right: Solicitor Genera!
Jame. M Beck . Brigadier General
and Mrs. Andre W. Brwter: Captain
Geerge Thenault, of the French Em
bassy, and Parker Gilbert, Under
hecrctary of the Treasury.
illiatn Pliillins. I nder.Seeret.nn nf
fttate, and Mrs Phillips attended "the
game, as did Mr. II. C Wal'are. wife
of the Se.-ret.irv of Weiiltnre
Sli. 'Mnrv eVll., e , I" ' n .1
1,. .. - ' 4.UIU
, anace.
Admiral Rebert W. Count and M--Coeutz
had with them their en, Llu
tenan' Count, tnd their young .laugh
ter, Miss MUdre. Coenv.
.Majer .ienn 'juehrmever, wan j or,
General Pershing's stmT attended the I
game, but net In G-neril Pershing's'
partv. lie went with two of his !
brothers, und they met a third, who is
a caflet at west relnt, the four .rnn;
the game together
(commanded bv Lie.jtenmt 1 emsiander
Seven "Scalpers" Arrested While G. B H"'lev
Selling Army-Navy "Pasteboards"! nhhIi .ird IVt-Ind lp
Superintenden' M'lli. i-sued a warn- Elal-rit ..1-1 ,- "is ue-. !'.,.;
Ing tbi.-t tiK.inins taut .m .ufempt w.isjfer rb. -. . . r t 1 1 ! th- n. ', 1 1 . .
being u.ude te flood this city with0'id f,ril'i l1-"" ll-',p- "" -peci.i, tr-urs,
smirleiis tickets for the Army and Navy Including i .'. ti m from M . st I'miii',
fen'ball game tedav 1 he went 'e tie "ith sireet yard-, of
Feredal inst.s teis seurche.l th.-the Pennsvlvania Railroad
grun.. stands at Franklin Field this The pj.iu s;.- tit s00u tisiug up th
afternoon in truciug u regii.terei pack- ed yard, ele.i'un.' and pep. h rig it and
age of twenty -live ti.kets, stolen from tree nig .1 ' r: ig ler the iiv .i ,..
the mails y.sterday -er.sr rv th- l-.ii'.ing ibere 1 -
Seven scalpers were arrested last we-., ij.-, tii.iineu ,md .'miw. .
night. Th s .ilpi-rs ha. I ticke s v.ilu.il 1 duty n t!.e ...th -tfn't v .rd ' i 1 -at
between ?I1'M) and $700, which thev "mnnn. -f II Mars i-m-'.'
were selling at $-11 te j'jr, apie.e, .
Cording te detectives
The prisoners i.iid thev were Nat
Walker, twenty. two years old, Eight
eenth strict above Race, Jack Pmkei
son, eighteen. Second street neur Wash
ington avenue Willv Edwards, twentv .
three, Third street near Dickinsen , Mi
chael Rueheni, seventeen, Wharten
Street near Eleventh M. Merris. Cat!..
erine sheet near 'Iwemieih. Benjumm
naitznitin. Moeie mid .Nevvirk streetn,
and Jacob .liiffe. New erk City They
fttra Knlil tn !tl!l.11 l-it .in h Ki. Miii.ii..
""-" "' '' ' ' '" ." ".' """
trnte Ceward today for a further hear-
Itlg Mendav
The hettmu nearly dropped out of the
sculpers' market tedav who,, ne nf
the leading ticket agencies refused te
sell seats for the came ut mer- than
110 apiece. The s.alp-rs lined Bread
street, etTcrlug tickets uny where from
11 te !j-,Vl u tea i.
Watch for Pickpockets and Beet-
loggers In Crowds
, One hundred detectives mingled
amour the feet bull crowds here for the
Army-Navy game and l.epi a sliarp
lookout for pickpeckvia a ml bootleg-
The men were sent out c.iriy today
by Captain of Uct. etives Souder. Extra' from the Seuth ever the Pennsylvania
-T.n , ulwn .mil ... the Imt.l. . I.e.... I W I ,1... lll,li I ul,'.., ,..,
TWM "'IV -" .iii tw H.-I'i" "MM'
tJM football throngs arc largest.
lisrry lu-rnsiein. icase si
ticel, was
tail hi- illectlves :. he mltiL'leil
i crewda in the Bullevuc-Stratferd
nlfbt. He wus held in' 8U0 bull
uacisiraie uewura ier a
mmmn- 5V .'-5 , '
. r- vr;,V.fi t.fi
LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLWr - f i-1LaaBaPaaaaaaaaaaPaaaH
BLBIlBvf BL9-' KLLViBVBBBaP j' ;' jPflnH
raaaaMryLV VBlQaiaW1laaH ' J 3.1 " "" VaWNOy ' ' Kvfi',H
ifl'HBBBKlBVk.dBW'lT bV bS - " A "' t'M'.iWm ym"f J-tNt' H
bS bbbbI-bm:'!' iB "SSBB ' -ifr:i I'JLVBWA4''mV
P.l t Jw j W ft i M
IfMBir i j ( h ( I ' ' !'- - v4a
WBWBHPMBMBBMBMMMMajTliWBWI ift'imwii mi i ,, I
The main body of Wet 1'eint cadets are shown leating their Mpecliil train this morning prepared te All the air
at Franklin Field with Army yells during the grid classic
, t4rmY and iVat'v Men Admit
J .
Paul Pages 'That Redheaded One of the State Game'
The petite girl ha
her iiiiiitigs at
Vet the hie. huk.v mciuber.s et the
Army and Nn football teams sjj that
,,, -,.. .... .- .. , - ,.. .,
t.'i.fr"' W.'V , "; 'J. ....'.. . .V S" "
i ,. ' .... ... ..i, ,,,...
they ure the heroes of the hour
words u.ie weight. i
And the piefer a coed looker e a
jL4 d-l. tit
And wh.it is mere, the, all like
bobbed hair
And what i a whole let mere, they
think girls are unutteubly stupbl when
It mm!', te football.
But a Fdwin .lohnsen. sub-quarterback
et the Arm. --ai", "Yeu can't
blame the girls, but the sure are
dumb. Why, wli'ii the ie the referee
and umpire running around tin- field,
they think that tbex arc reporters
watching the pljj. But if thej are
little and pr-'tt and geed dajU'Ts and
bae lets of 'pep' ,t doesn't make much
difference On of them s(i(l te ine
once. 'Uh. are ou quarterback-' 1
thought the quarterbaik was the brains
Was she dumb or ih -
,i Ailelph Zibr substitute . ntir
, 0f the Naw. knows tin nre stupid
Hi, arc alwav- sipieallui: tlurlng
a giinn ,'" he sas ' The chief trouble
Bill Strebecker. of the Aran, who
hjil from Oregon, says the average giri
is a Uetieueaii .nu. since no is sit
i feet four and one. half unites fill, it I
-air v safe ter Mini te unhe micu r
marks. After that he s.inl "A Ctrl'
will believe ar.vthiit.- von tell her up ut
West Point, wi'li the riv-r ami a memi.
The uniform f-i ln.ites them, tee I
, guess been use it i-. wiintUinc different
land unusual 1' fuimv. The waiters
there think v e are sort et st'i-h en
account or our uniforms .vnu tuey ny
jti'l feed us damn' , honest, they mid"
a million trips brinsirg a be it ,i ten ten ten
froenfill of purled rice each time W'f
seen showed them we vvereti ' stvUMi
and could eat mere than our chirr
"The cirN like te en te football
canies. s.nd I'd lie Norris. of the
Nav.v " "An 1 'hev leek ,.t ev-rvt'
but the Kume Bit ( is nne t. kn.i
Special Trains Bring
Thousands for Game
CerflniifU from fise One
that a decisive defeat
,iw lit. d the
s- ..
', '.,.,' , , . . . ,
, X "" 'T freB1 . ;''"' 7"r"
I'li-tered with sU-ns win. h sen .miej the
de-n e of the middies .0 Lamstrnu the
1 unnv mule
'Ruck em and sock tin, naw
I r-.i'l one si.-u .in in.- ('i'i wn.n
' breu.-ht the tlnrd b.itt ilimi t" the B
iiind st.it. rui at r'..'.(i ..'. Imk
I I Itln r pesters weie
"iiu-its 1 rave uiuie ii it ni-
: t. r (' navy " '11 ". 'in. 'Oit
hook 'em. ' "1 sir.tte " "U. 11 win,
i v w h ' 1 1 vv 1 n , "
Tin- s.iilurs si'jmt. red ..fl the I'a'ti
I nnd with L.eutenant einm.inuer W N
Richardson in .barge lined up in iend-
tne.s for th map h en Fiuiikliu Field
Ti-'-ir cheers and ic.id-i.n -en.'- blended
with these nf thi teur'h Riruli.i.,
which atne tn 1 fe.v minute- later
111a nnus'i aul (1 .; .. I'
in r J. P 1 ! ; r lad i -'n
7 '-1 -,
.-p'riters te k.'p ihings mevng
Netaldes Hrre for tj.ime
J. seemed ihil' the vvh'i'e ewvt'l hj'i
hurried te Phlludel; i.i.i for th. gin. .
1. e Ptr..ii,et - I '..' l.d-'. In 11' l.il
Persian-'. .-. .ic.irv i.f U ir ., i.s
nt tie NlVV
'el t v.
(lore It veil .ir '
Ot 'In NllV . aild Hi ,11'
- at. s,
A'ln n.il
!' I
retired, ar" dumm: Hi'
I . ..!... ...
1 '""'V V ' , j .
"'' " t,'lS '"' overcrew. .-d bv neon
they were f.nrh b.ir-ting wni, iUs 1
humiinin . run. t.t wnl, anv k.tn of uc
' comuiediiMotis if ..nlv th. .euld be 11
, I"'rt ".' ""' rp" ""' pta.uhr -iff.ilr
. tai- afternoon
Fast special trains of mnrv- .eieh.-a
each, crew. ltd te cipiieltj . sp,,J f.r,.
from Wiishniiten. They left between
0 (." and ''.'', ii nd urnv! sbertlv
afte, PJ o'clock neon
Anether spe. ial train
' svlvani.i Ituilmud. Irfi Annapnlia ut
, -e ,) ib-traimd Its th .usuii'i
i or mere passengi-ru a liule after nimn
hour. Besuics iiiese special trains
I Ikil II '''! t it" i'""""i' mt' 'ill" "I
up tine.. -hccihIs, ruuniiitf u almost
Himilar schedules.
The I'enu-y Ivnnia and the Beuding
lines sent special trains also from New
Yerk, and in addition the regular trains
en both reads were heavily crowded
I irith visitors for tlw jpaM,
is that the sque.i i tiie wrong times suppose. ,,, ,,rlr , ,,. Arm.v-Nay feet lull back what she .ilwm c.i, i,..ii, ..i k.
when their team is losing ttie ,cil les. et tue .ruiy. comes tr.vn P;Mne. ! hclen-eil m l.er C. a ., i, .. . . '
Iwlthdeltg'it alwa wrong. But bring Flerida, where th-re arc no flappers The ciests ar-ived at neon at Cel- , u ' ,,, i I, n ?i'8
,en the -fljuner'-.i little bebbci -hiir "We enl. have imported fl.ii.ners Un le M.,11. when, ther foeml tl... Tnl. .'!.. ' "."""' Ill0"5 about ill the
brunette She'b my choice." I there the Flerida girN ar- nice and ersit, Baud of eight pieces lined up, Thi. rmv , t .
ri M n IM,.,,. ..! -. Ctrl' ',,ilfi- Se Ienc as " drl ,v ,,or, -lir 'en.m.indMl by Majer Lester M. Fer- w l;l J..? t ?.'RVr a mm'"0" ?f
The Moen, a Plebe and a Girl. ,,, , b, , , , , lllllr rf,s, ,,. ... , , ,,,, , t, . ..,, ' "est I eint trails, anted. 'I he uni-
ivnnun-r siieinii irain. stepping nt n.-.u up u.. unui . p...-i '""".':-. 10 isii) h lilm.
1 Baltimore, left Wiishlngten it S:20 and ,. . , u, ,, .. Thev .'ventually i. ached Baltimore , , hearing tuotercvcles ceminB
larn.H at Bread Strut Slat...,, jus. Luted States .,ohibitieti agents ,i group pulled out of there at f s ur '"f , , ' uwi ilTtl I
before neon .arrested four me,, vesterday ,,t the 10.10 en .1 .Krial scheduled te leave at ' , ' ' ' "iV" i .r' A. jnJ1' ,:
Many SeecUl Trains M-irket str.et f.rrjes, who admitted !) .-.lock. Anether Mua.l get , n'S'"'' M' h n rL'r' 1L ,ffc
I .uaiiy .-peci.ii i rains 'thev were inineitim? i.n..n. f.... !... ....., r...... 11.. 1,1..,, .. sn..c a leuv . 'r' '-ini -s, saw HI in run west en Seuth
Slill another sneci.il. ever the Penn. 1 ..'.. ,.nj v. - ' ' ,..'. . ... ." ' I street T hey tired SCVi.l.ll shot., at lilm.
- "rt v .W "
" WrV ' '
W ",'
Tit .
Fair Sex Fall for Uniforms and
' '
that the pnne I, there if the hmM
MM.,. tn l..b ... 1. Il..l.. til.- . I..
mt.i w ,h uniform -net that they like
nu.iL it, ii'i.n .ii it. ii.ri. ... (. in
!.. ui ,u r?r". s. ,UM .'r..1'. .elli,'r
lieepie loeKiiig ai tueiii. L.utic girls iei
mine, and I think ou will find thai
nilK t .!. t,n, u ... .!. .w.n.l..... 1,1 ..
tlmm lirtln " '
Glasgow." of the Army, who admits
is somewhat of a woman hater,
;,,' "The girls don't teem te have
anj s,m-v about the game. Bellee it
.r "'" !. "" " ,lI)cm s,it in thr
",t'l,n,u a'l!,1 'i',1,"1 !1 book dumb n; un
i lhl,,B T "' ,lls" " R'1'1 'i,,,p 0,"1 ,lar'
a nil oeoD'-u-naircii, tee. 1 ne, no llhc
ine tinimrni pronaeiy Mecause a uni
form attracts attention. People leek
.it them because thev arc unusual es
pecially here ill Philadelphia, and I
guess ;i cr Jik-os te get Marcd at 'Ihey
de f.il, for the brass buttons."
All Fall for I'ulferms
tel LecnU, N'iH mail, O. I '-
thi' I'helce of a sniail, dillk-baired irl
"But she'b get tn be practi.nl .s
l .'11 nn irnnil linl,hir. " he.nM. "I'nnf.
, b.ilP They can't get it'at'all. Sun'.
the se te the games, mid think th-y
ill.) it. but it's Hie h.its and clothe cletho clethe
the watch. Thi'i don't knew whit
nrn iy, but tnpv uui a untfuim
1 irinm Tlnt'y fi li....l;;n. T
' tv k, ..!.- - . 'iuiiiiiii, i
m.ikes m. difference
ntJt jau .Moere Civile, fumi Seuth
carellin, win. is, (all, aives a- a simple
f hi nbal strl "the tall girl with led
liehhed hair that 1 bad :.fter the l'enn
.!,,,., " He i a tackle with the Naw
,,n, ,b! this about a irl : "Besides
i'ii s .oedlo..kiug. she should be a bit
pr.H'ieal tee willing te settle down in
i mall ijui"t town. A girl at a foot feot foet
ballgame would much rather ee the
players thiu the same."
Se the Armv standing awfullv
straight ! their bliie-gr.i.v uniform uniferm
atid the Naw in their ilatk blue had
sin, ! 'bin; !! common besides a hope te
win the big i'laMi they had a M.e
soft hpi.r tn their hearts for the peine
diiln'v brunrtte even though she is
stupid when it ceuie.s te football, f.c
fnetlul' is fuilv ,i 1'iine. and girls i-.i:l-
it's Ml, i th.ii fault
Member of 1 ln rn v team s,-r-u,i-l.i.sl
1. ut ,,f . .,ii.r late tedav and
ll 1. 1 ,1 llSt.t bl-e.iktls' jt s:.",M, .-sciiis
if letter- l.iinv ut tl em special ii !'
iri- ,.ii. .1 h i'l" Ii i'idre.1 te'egi.iins
.'run 'he var.niis 1 in-, lerp-, mil
friends were 'l vv .- 'ig tlleill Dull
Gtltfit'l, .1 S 1H1 .1 1 i .1 led the list v-n'i
t'.r'e -pecial .Icliv-rv letters.
Thev tb.n preceeiled te spend tin
'in runic hour- .it leisure, leading i!,.
in wsp.ii ei, .md -'rolling through ti
Green 1 1 til Farm- creunds m iivei iivei iivei
broek Th- !i. vers 'i ft the hotel -it 1
., .. , r I'l mkl '. 1 .!i
1 i .- C b-ii. I I! Graves , .
t-1 kn w. ,,- '( ' ' i .ii-.i s, tli :t. r
il. - i in! nf I'." and he.id c. -e h .i
1. iinv 1 .i, vis.i.d the he. id piiitti r r
ef the Annj ,nsi nicln te leek w r
the te.ir.l
lili.ng n'li. ,- vis,tir le the mmv
camp last ii.g'it wire Maiei 'I in i . .
ll.niinieiid .f th.. ,ir Depaitiii.it
fiirmer " h .f tl. Armv f 1 1 'I s ,m i . n
rd en the Arte- mm of lftnij, E M
Garbi-cli f.tii'T nt tin Army . "tit. .
I Mm ' if A tl i nt i- City, fathei ..
"' rniv 'eft en 1. niid '. L. Dash, i
. isl I,-'...
I' --! ' I r. .,.- i eri-'tit lane nf
I ' 'll . . -'s . II I .1, ' I.. ,j t .(,,
. m .ii- .1.1 .t i ji. .. i ini !, rin i pi. ii
ii ivr i ! i.'. ll , i.lsi ,. s, i, i, vv . ,e
pree, del bv fi ,r .meter.- . e p.i'reliueii.
Thnr-iuchh d lighted with their re-c-pti"!.
anl ' the pink t .en litien.
tl." i rti" men beamed "Well " said
nr.i if them, reilectivilv , , .(. ,-, ri
..- !,'ll I. k"d, . very le! TV ill
'.luV we an yellow ibcs ,i, i 've'll
..'.mil n '
N.ivt's cohorts at tbe Bil'e.ijr were
" ist'i itit'l ;U0 (.'c'e.'K when the
l.id i m. bb d out of bid .f"r i long
. i ' - lefr. shing si. i i ii ! ler
br'akf.ist and eager for battle.
1 'r '.ri.ikf.ist th N iv t. n i ,"
. ii.s. nne. bad i ' r-.il limb
. ;:- t. i-t mid uunv. a' :
,-i v '1 hi n followed ,
u' j .' I i In- hotel and a
tl i. . .iv ,.s a bin. 'r
" l'MP,'1 "
' ", ,,"",r
k 'hr.uigii
lob ' I .dwell, hi I
id N .w coach,
1 - h ifg. -, the
'- !v t..iin
1 -..id, lath' r
i vti te brink-
v " ar' going
ii -bb ndld con-
" Armv the but-
' f seirui broth
a" 1 1 ;!n e i-le'k
tv.i- i.p liefel'1' ,iti' t
light i battle In hi .
in- j lighting li.iii'
grimly vvhen be ..iiic
fast, '"and, believe n
te fight. My no " it.
dltler. and will nne .
tie of its career '
Luncheon n-i '.d
find toast, pin tn k ti '
r ivil-n WPnOTIi'DC"
rip Vtr1 r llfr' urrn
tUtX DLr Lr.i.li HLLU
The men give tbeir names ns .frihn
Fariell. of Ciimbu, Beland I! Welst,
GbiU'ester. Iinie (low, I'alinvra.
era iigi- Th v ,r I', ' ,i
' ''"."h .. "' ."r' '",,U "' I ID' I 'i
N. .1.. ami 'I I' M. I'lrland. of East
einl Buibliiig where they will be given
a Hearing i.niuy.
Fire In Unoccueled Heuse
, '
. .iTt '.' ,','"' ,ll,ril rt"r of the uneccii-
pled bulldlnj at W2 Old Yerk read
uintumj me almost isw dauatx.
' i
Warmly Greeted by Dr. R. B.
Owens. Old Nebraska Colleague
'i In' tialn carr.rlng General Per
sIiiiil aiiil hi.- n.'irlv te the Armv dihII
. W"W,TW.
-Vn '''!'";; ,ll,'lv ,i!!,,!,,b". !,,,l1 ,s,!!!1"1' ' were sbining-ecd girls who
,'""' M,lli"11 '" 1 -'.!- ey'h- ;.'":iere (lowers and looked i.r. I, i le
former mpinai ceiuiuander-ln-i'Llcf
i was- i ill nil.' Itini'tuen.
Mr It. It Owens, of tlw Franklin
. . ...
s L.n.,i ,,:,,.;;i y
;. y ,. ' ;. . ;? r, ,
-'I'lef. He and t.cueral Pershing arc elu
I ll'lf M'H.
' lJii Orteiw bearded the truin nnd
join d Grmr.il Pershing ut luncheon
"i-er they had greeted each ether wit'i
much waiinth. Nearly twenty-three
jears age ir. tiuens was u piofcsser
jt the FniieiMty of Nebraska when
(Jeiiiiil Pershing was an instructor
With the gciier.il of the armies of the
Fnited States, a.s General Pershing Is
knew t ntlicially, wcte Majer General
i ,. if i i V ,
Junes Harberd. formerly nMimt
,h.ef of s-.,t, Cdenel Qiinkenicjcr.
PM"lm.B Ii "he! ' fl'"1 '"'
1 .islam.. .Ii , his se.i.
Governer-Elect and Senater Attend low and gray flags made u colorful frame
Luncheon and Reception , "IS 3.1 VT
ftnieiiinr-rlect Pi'ichet ulld Senater if the rest of the crowd bad arrived
T'enner were cuests of lhe Hn.inl ef'rin.r,. uni... ..II ,!, .... .1
! - . ---.- --
TruM.s et tlie I niprMt.v of lVmw
:. ...1 ..'. .. 1 1. ' 1 ..
;i H i,i ii u.i a i ii i u in uvi'i iiiiu rvri
I'i'iin-.vh una," a cniiipaiiy
ii t.i-;
se, rotary. 1 I .-riles Morgan, treasurer ;
.1 Milt ev Meim-k, vice provest:
J It 1 1 M (.st .mil J. It Lippnix't
Rester Had Doubled When Time
Came te Start for Game
Itei, irkubli- speed in ncpiiiing mu
sical j.r. Ii.'ieiii was -hi-wii b '.-vrriil
Peen students when thev ieall.ed tli.it
members et Hie It;d .ind Hluc bindi
would be invited te filinish th-open-air
seb-'tieiis at today's Armv -Navy game,
l irdiuarilv the band ha about seveiit.v
Men at th'1 gale thought at tit -t the
band w.i- a section of the Fir- Regi
ment. Hut nole.) asked rpir-stinns
i,. c.lU-e there was He time
Four bundled Penti men sought jobs
.IsU-hei-, but eiilv "III) were picked.
Head of Temple University Sees His
First Big Gridiron Tussle
The Rev. Dr. Russell II. Conwell. of
In le r.iivc-sttv was probably the
most interested nf all the spectators nt
in hi. Arinv-Navv battle, as it was
the tirst big Inetball game he had ever
s. . n
Aeciiipanii d bv Jcre l-pssey, fiiper
intend) nt of the Temple Sunday Scheel,
Dr Conwell was en hand early. He
viewed th- preliminary proceedings and
the dash ,itid ..der with enthusiasm.
Asked which be favored te win the
vetiei.ible i l.'isvman mid he was neu
Disabled Veterans Canvass Throng
for Relief Fund
The emblem of the Red Cress wan
fon-plcue'is at 'he Army-Nuvy game
at Franklin Field tedav. A score of
ili-alibil v.'.rui.K of the World War
i ,,,,.,. kll,i ,i1B teeth-ill crowd for
i.eniberebip in the great relief organ!-
..it ten
I'n.seiice of the men whose crutches
nnd enmly sieves kIvc ele.pient testi
u.i.ny of 'their service te their country
w,is' . feri'fui leinitider that th'
Rid Cress iiecls aid in its prenetit
vveik of ciring ter former fighting men.
Power Trouble en Electric Line
Makes Midshipmen Late
Tim nil.l.himni.n worn delayed in
reaching here tedav by trouble en the
miniiiiere, i ..summon u.in .....,
elc.tiic i.idwnv. Tin- beyH took
eleciri': te Aniiupnlls; .Junction ami w.tl
ll.'OI lip ill. IIOUI l) HI" 'l l.-"!'"
Ai.-rri ci avcd nr Rift TERM
New Yerk, Nev
A meter slayer
I nose 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 V . . 1 1 1 - rail liun.l - ...-
a live-yeur-eld i ut play en the
Mdewulk last Muy, wiim found guilty
i or manmaugbter in tbe wcem or.
line of uniformed men te he deer of:""""' insignia dotted the crowd und i Walter I. Moeic, of .lohii'en Citv. N. I " I. Iiurns, Hnef of ihe iJepaitinent
Ce',1. ce Hall, iiemmpanled bv '''itulil i s,'vcnl.1 "eunded soldiers caused for a I Y. and Benjamin T. Moere. The "' Justice Bute.iii of Investigation, te
Mur.Mii. r.H'eiitlv elected .li.ii, .u of J eeeinl 11 pause M the gay ety of ether daughters are Miss Grace F. Moere, get the facts, for Congress.
th. lb aid of Trustee youths. Mrs. F E. Uien. Mr.s. Jehn At. Car-1 .Although th.ie has- been 110 intliua intliua
Anieng these utieudlng the rcieptten At neon at (he Adelphi.i General I lisle. Mrs. II. 11. HutchliiMiu, Mr-. A. ''en from leaders us te probable action
viie Dr. Jeseph II. IVnniuinn, acting Pershing's staff spread 11 tin ill through 'F Schulu and Mrs. Gemge II. Jehn-.0" ""' ''''solution, Mr. Itainey said he
provost. Dr. Civile L. King, Edwin the lehhv as Its members inailc theii , -.in. VIS s't'sl"d a sweeping iniiiiry would
Madiera, Geercc K. Nit.sche, re. order wii.v te rooms that had been reserved. The funeral will be held Monday aft- be ordered,
of th- I nhei-il : i: W. Mumfeid. the 1 In room l(cj n gimd steed before a ' ernoeii at '2 o'clock from Mr. Moere's 1
. I . -. , i .. .1 . i. ..: .1
hid ..'ineM tw as many The band ,,. "tm ,,;' ' ; ' , " ' ' -
I.a.b-r himself vv-as 1 ttle puzzVd. , Thc ,,,,, water was biisjeV If that
' en,e facs looked straiiirel unfamiliar w. ,,, ,h ,. , , ', r ,;' ,'"''.'
t was iietbe. that nm iv carrts ' .... Y.i.. ..:,i,,, , , i'1",
tmndie'ie, as though th.-y were crillchen ',u , "1, ', " w ' Kl "i" 'V1;1
,.,,i..i. j.ii, ....-, .... j,i,i..i.ri. ,iv . ,,,,, tH i,tn, It. r fM,,,,.... ...... ...
iniiv gu niicen yeais in in.. I- ie nor iiiti.- girl winch, lenlaln.-d .
tut as the lesiilt of a verdict i'""' wa- taken bv the lliief.
leied by .ij.ii ... i;""fil '7. i Th. ban!, wa, later found en the reef
.sterda, Nathan I, .In, tweit , llf , ll(,jM,IK. ,. ,. r
."!,s. ':'.....?,. '..I:"1".i:.. "TO i i . W' l I hew It get there. Bleed
).- -
i -
Hostelries Jammed With Nota
bles in Uniform and
In "Clvies"
Bread utrect today in n lane of wel
coming flag snapping In the wind, and
in the hotel lobbies bellboys strut about
paging names of significance which pale
before names of greater significance.
Fer this is the Army nnd Navy game.
At 10 this morning Admiral William
S. Sime, retired, was eating breakfast
in the Ititz-Carlten and looking out of
the window at it sky that was start
's ngty blue and sunnhine that washed
It read street as though the day was
It was that Hert of n day!
Theusunds rilled the hotels te super
capacity and overflowed In the lobbies
groups se ear-hearted that nothing
could disturb their equanimity. At
neon tbe lobby of the Hellcvue-Strat-
lord rescmeieu rscw ear s Day. clec
"l0" nlht. ,uml Christmas Eve In tbe
U,,7 Ann7 and Navv .aX" .7
I tin.' if tnu .llffiBn TV tl-l-. ...a
give Philadelphia tbe gala day flavor
of Army and Navy Day.
Youth and Beauty Out
i,!..s ui win jeuns men in unwicxs uni-
tern. There were hteamer rugs thrown
oer stalwart arms, and flashing II
! VI .,,'fle.' ?" the
: s.."stbj' tus w
braided insiimla of the effievm nr htirii.
rank. At the Bellevue, rJecretarics
Mecks nnd Denby and Assistant Seere-tar-
Roosevelt were part of the crowd.
Eager-eyed youth in the persons of
the Army and Nnvy and Its best girl
bumped shoulders with this important
otHcialriem, but officialdom did net seem
te mind. Gravely accoutered directors
et the Natien's destinies flashed smiles
back- at pretty girls they did net knew.
One hum u fair Navy rooter dropped
her trul gigantic yellow chrs,inthe-
i Hjiiin nun mi unporianr-ieo (inc ircntle-
; man in bis fortes picked it ii v. " UU
deep bow. He turned out te be Gov-
"n'T 1ii1,.i' at Mai-yland.'whe iCe
,, th Bellpul(, ,, mcmber(, of Us
mum nun tin important-looking gentle
Army Spirit High
At the Adi-lpliiu Hetel Hie spuii flf
the Army surged high. Black and yel-
v ". uii 1111: ri iiiiiiiiii s ii nm inn
, Amu umi v..ih. ii,: . ... .i, i..i.
V. '. -;.. -v J i Ul" il 1IMII1-
., , . . . - - -
Marred deer. ibis, was .1 sti-nnshehl
1 besieged but net te be culned entnii
into etcept bv speei'il permit. It was
the pla.e where A liny ohleer-. sat who
had 1 barge of the distositien of the
official ticket!, for the Armv tide of the
I stadium at Franklin Field.
re.it Day for Iliad Waller
Unc by one. or te sp. ,ik nunc irul.
deen bv de.en, they .atne up te uini
and tried te find i-eme one who was te
irrive ier uutain en the li'::!(i ti.ilii
s. eifmistei"s,ithsen'siit'iei:lster "
, W01)I, alsu, , "
is possible. Bm mostly the arrival
n. id net arrive. i. .Ne one minded. It
hewrv.-r, there was a lnvsteiieiis nass.
uge .. something fimu bind te hand
ai..! t'. gentleman went 1 miiiius;. He
..ii . his women foil,- und asrtirc.l
tin n n wmild I'fi all right. After the
gnnie thev would eat.
"(.rid" Spirit in Streets
'II. sir,.el,s thcnisilv.s i,,ok mi the
vv f -pint that reigned in the hotels.
L.ir.v tins morning street v. nib is si .v.
ir.d in the Li-ink football witil Cat
-i ui. BiM.-.d fitreet, but by in .-.
th -ini and many lUsteme'rs ,'uuj
w ini.. i lieui into iiiierprisi- an ' -'.j,.
lie - They did ii thriving biisln....
In nub imy und Nav.v footballs and
in- ' i en m ei uie saies was a vvlin.
e'l'i 'd Navy goat or baleful loei.ing
gi.n rtiy mule
r vendes with th
e.l tl touch cf '. vivid t'linbii tn t,
s'n I-
Wnl Governer Kitchie, of Marv
latei iiisic,,., m the Bellevtie-Stra't-t
i ' v-. i, William M, Malev chairuiati
't 'I' I'ubllc Service Ceniuil- ii'iti ; E.
Pi" l Lee, fei'l-li-.' Sim
ii a 'iiiy of ci.-at present r feiuivr
Bait ei. eftlclals.
A' c m ethers seen nt the Bit. Curl-
' Adiiiiral Moffet, Lieutenant
(".. .!. . ! Harriett and Mr?. Bait
I; ' I 'iitenant Cemmaiider V. C.
Gul ii n n Miv. Griffin, Licute.i,.'i.
" n ler E. I,. Merrisev nnd Jl.-s.
M in-, v Ceuimiind.T K. Whiting and
M luting an. I Cenimuuder I uuv..,'.
s .' i Ch.iile.s A, BaKten, of I i.i.-,
i" of ". winking Id- wav
t'n ..ii the tbreng ul the A.lrlph.s.
Fire at Thief in 8tere, but He Es
capes With Child's Bank
I'e'i.e, unfilled by a pedestrian who
bad -.ei, ,t burglar's flashlight playing
uvir in. leunt.'rs ' II cigar stere lit
tneijsne .seuti, street early tedav. routed
,, pi(l)r fr0UJ n MnrPi lJ( fn
but he dodged into a durk ulle.v uud
c""n" me p.ltreiincil.
Mrs. Murv
A savings bunk beleualni
stulim wen- also found in the klreel.
Ifiidlng le the belief that thc thief was
i rli'li.nin iit-iniirnl has t. .,... .. i.i.. t. .
of the lie-i '", ,l """i" JUis lime note new
.... ..- , . ,.,, ,,,,,, I.,,,., I, ,-llll,- lllll'.S.
. . V.
(' ...s d.l iii i.fcs swiftly ,,,,, ;,,gi V.-,,'t ,0'r0T, i try i no ir. Z: H ''" ""' f I,ln(l,,lljv 'V1"1' l'1'1 "'
a t.-.n.-s ,nd "G.t .u. c-,. - I - , .utevvn. Zd s-v ,- v., , " ?.B' " iMeric interest. Machines were fr.
the .,,h" became u pe,s,Mri,t c he She wa- the JOtincesI dain.-l.ter of l t he ' .',' ,.b'V ,hnW, l'' or,"'"',"" er,"'"',""
vl i'i testivit it lb. .lav 'Ir. ivivvurd h. Brinlev ,,f n,i e.fv ,l,p "tlnK ift mrt "' ,,lr, '"',v y-teiu of
J' .-.nne.. of women's clnthes i. n.i . v..".?, Ii IT '1 i a '""', r.'. show nig the students actual s,0,ie, r
Dead Police Veteran
Sergeant Rebert M. Ward, (or al
most fifty-one yean en the force,
who died at his home, 24.1 Recter
street, Roxborough, today.
Served In Civil War Before Begin
ning 60 Years' Service en Force
Police Sergeant Rebert II. Ward, for
mere than lift)' years a member of the
force, died today at his home, 245 Rec Rec
eor street, Roxborough.
In April of thia year he completed
fifty years of continuous service with
the police force. All of this time he
was nttached te the Thirteenth District
in Maiuniink. In 187L', when he was
appointed patrolman, his beat exteuded
from Montgomery avenue te Majiayunk,
a distance of several mijes. He became
a sergeant Mnrch 2rt, 18S1, and had
missed but a few days ei service since
that time.
Snrgeant Ward served two enlist
ments in the Union Cavalry in the Civil
War. He enlisted in Company L, 102d
Pennsylvania Volunteers, nnd was with
Sherman en his famous March te tbe
Funeral services will be held at his
home at 1! o'clock Wednesday itftcrnoen.
The Rev. W. Galloway Tyson, of the
Roxborough Central Methodist Episco
pal Church, will officiate.
Aged Delaware County Resident
Started Community Which
Bears His Name
tfTv'tft $? ''sLLW
Georce W Moere, a retired builder MI'V J('"," Peullnej, Kenneth M. Mur
an eef hVfoSrsef Moere,. Del- ' J"'" " Jehn J Hieslln. from ,1,1s
nw.re County, died at his home ther" ' ' ;, """ ,,,1" ''iie Stur liner
last night after an illness. f ,ue weeks. Baltic for Liverpool.
He was seventy-six vears old
Lutil atwut n year und a half age.
Mr. Moere had led an active life and
was prominent in many of the activl
lies nf Ih'liivviitf) County. He was t-ec-
retarv of the Ridjey Township school .
Beard, etic of the first burgesf.es of,
Prospect P.nk Borough, and secretary
of the Beard of Trustees el Pres-
peel Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. t
Sloen- Is survived bv widow. Mr-. I
Eliw Fletcher Moere, three sons ,-md
si daughters.
Mr. Moere's sous are Dr. Washing-
.... . . .. r. .. it.. ....... 1. 1. . . .t.rt lfA..
mn .n mm e. ,11 1 .i..i.ii'.iiii.ii . inc ,,--.
' home. Interment will be In Piesi.ect
Geerge Henry Story
New Wk, Nev. 'J."i. Geerse Henry
Ster.v. eiKhiv -seven vears old. who wen
fame as an artist through his portrait
of Abraham Lincoln, died hen- .vcstei
di.v .
Charles C. Hlghley
Charles Corsen lllghlev, for thirty-
r'Kht "iir. cashier .,, the National Bank
I , Mlveiii, Pa. died yesterday at his
ll0M"' '" Mnlvun, of pernicious unemiu.
"' ,UJh M:u years u.i.
Edward W. Sutherland
Edward W. Sutherland, who served
during the war with Base Hospital -14,
died suddenly Wednesday. He was cm-
pleyed u.s sale-man by S D Conwell
A. Ce., and was a meml.ei of Cen-
cordial Ledge, F and A I . Man-
Chester 1 tilty Ledge, I u (IF., and
of Deuuld P. Shcnteti le-t, Am-ncan
.. i r .. r-
Mrs. Jane Darnall Engle
Mrc. Jane Darnall Engl. , win, for
many years was associated with h.-r
liii-liuiul in epviating the Fnsli-ide
Hetel at Beach Haven, died today in
the home of her seu. It 1' Engle. in
the Covington. She w. uglily -four
years i Id- The fuinr.il vv'l be !.. Id
M. i lay at hie i rieinis aii tmn H,
Moeks.o.mi, :. J. iinetuiiiit win I,.
it Mount H"ily, .. I ,
Mrs. Nancy B. Bispham
Mrs. Nancy Brinley Hisph.-.m. widow
of Geerge Tucker Bishphtim. for nianv
v.ars one et me leiuiius cnrpiratlen
Philadc plila colony at tin famous -turn-
mer ieert.
Buffet Sets
of Silver
Rifuisd te Break Secial Seeluilen
During Illness of Wife
President Harding's absence from the
Army-Navy game today l due solely te
his feeling flat If he broke Ida Pfes
ent rule of social seclusion maintained
because of Mrs. Harding's" health, he
would be deluged with a flood of Invl
This statement was made by Geerge
Christian, the President's secretary,
who m here te be ai impartial us he
can, although be han a boy who was
graduated from West Point.
"The President wanted very badly
te come," said' Mr. Christian. "In
fact, he had nrranged te go with a large
party, and was thinking of the trip
with pleasurable anth Ipatien. He felt,
however, that If be went te the Army
Navy game It would be difficult te re
fuse the many Invitations which would
be bound te fellow. Mrs. Harding Is
much Improved, but by no means en
tirely well." - . .
- Mr. Christian dUcufsed the game
with enthusiasm, though he, did net
wish te make u prediction as te the
outcome. "I am supposed te be neu
tral," he said, "but my boy Is a grad
uate 6f West Point and Mrs. Chris
tian is vcryr much an Army rooter. I
leek for n wonderfully played game,
with something doing every moment."
Mr. Christian refuted te comment en
national or international problems, es
pecially the siti.atien in regard te Pre
mier Clcmcnreau.
"The President "ill arrange te meet
M. Clcmcnreau officially," said Mr.
Christian, "and probably will give a
luncheon In bis honor."
Many Leaving for Europe en Liners
Scheduled te Leave Today
Phlladelphians booked te sail today
from New Yerk for the Mediterranean
en the Canard steamship Scythla in
cluded Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Mears, Mlfts
Esther F. Mea, Miss Agnes B. Clay,
Miss M. L. Curtis, Miss Dorethy Cur
tis, Mrs. E. Ii. Duer, Mrs. Jehn C.
Corbit, Mrs.tT. D. Sutten. Mls Con Cen
stance Malik)-, Mrs. U. D. Hubbard,
Miss Eureka Hubbard, Miss Louise
Hubbard, Jeseph Hubbard. Miss Emily
Miller. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gane. Mr.
and Mrs. Claience Wrlgiey, Arthur N.
Wrlgle.v and Mrs.' Henry Anell,
The White Star liner Majestic sailed
treui New Yerk for Cherbourg" and
Southampton with the following Philn
delphinns: Miss Kathleen Rllter, Miss Mary
Geedman. Miss Margaret Itesengarten,
Miss Cthel Lucas. Miss Dclphlnc
Brandt. Miss Resn Bleck, W. E. Lay
land. Mr. mill Mrs. I-Yrdlniiti.l T feller
'and Miss: Irma Heller.
.lames M. Gray. Rebert Poultney.
Will Ask Burns te Get Facts for
ushingtnii. Nev. 'J5. (By A. P.)
Representative Rniney. Illinois, vvlie
jutrixluccd yesterday n resolution for
iiiicstigutluii of reports that the Kit
Mux Klan had computed an liiitintieti
ocicmeny under the denip of the Capitel,
atllieilcnil triflni' tlinf lm .t.ftiil.l ..d. It'll.
. .. .-.,.-.... , .... v ,,. ,, vl, ,,, -,, ,, ,,.
I Atternoen, instead of Evening Re-
s-cpiien, is reaiure ei uregram
S.nnter Frank A. Smith, Dauphin
e.itit. thiiirmiiii of tin- I.oglslaiive In
augural Commit tee. tedav begun m-.
raiigements for the formal Induction
into eflice of Glffeid Pincbet, as t;0v.
criier of P'lins.vlviiiiia, in accordance
with the desire of the Govirnei". elect
that all expenses will be held within
The program will be simp.., accord
inc te Senater Smith. It will take
nlace at neon in front nf ,1m -,.. ..i
and the parade wl I fellow iiuniedi-
ately. When the new Governer Iiiih re-
viewed it In- will g te the rotunda
f the Capitel, where the public re-
ceptien will be held. Heretofore such
receptions have taken place in the eve-
nlng. The program will 1 miidi-tH
In the afternoon, and when the reccn-
lien cuds the Governer will take up his
Senater Smith's first efhcial uct was
t" name Adjutant dencral Frank D.
B-ary as chief marshal of tht parade,
Plan fr the iiarudc provide ler repre-
N'litatieii et the liiaiiir.v, cavalry and
in tilery arms of the National Guard
State police, Bey und Girl Sceiiin, vet-
eralls of all wars, pellhrtil . lubs mul i,(l
Ilarnsbiirg hrt- depaitment, which has
bikrn part In nil Inaugurations here for
a centuiy. Ne invitations will be (.rnt
Shere Students Visit Philadelphia
SiM.v students of the Atlantic Citv
High S. hoel took ini iiiitoiiielule run
cveniB recerueri in me uisieries tin v ait-
A Centerpiece or Compo Cempo Compe
tiere with two smaller side
pieces. Seme with candle
sticks te match
Suggesting a new utility
idea, a modern suggestion
for p r e 8 e n t - d a y fur
nishings. New in forms and decora
tion. J ECALDWELL & Ce.
I'urrhttita recrvtd for L'hriehuuv delivery.
Middies' 'Barch'at Back' g
Tribute te Prewsis
of Star
Seme entirely new Army and Nin
songs te help cheef their teams te A?
t?ryj.wc.rc Introduced by cadet, ,i
S&JS&i--'"' 'MS
These, of cetirne, were In a.uin.
te the "old reliable" inn that Ift
mnjf out from the cheering uVa.
Wielled Crab," In which n her ,m
Sje'made."0'"0"608 t0 the Arm
The slnglna and. cheering were
usual, one of the bis features of' th!
annual game, se when the Array sslit
the air with Its "Rocket Yell," and ili
Navy resiwnded with its "Siren," kmc.
tutors get almeyt ns much of a thrill I.
from fte playing Itself. As for th
selngs, few colleges can beast of pSttliw
mere spirit Inte their college lays ffi
Wt Point nnd Annapolis.
"Ucnny Havens" was the prineimi
reference te football, It is held i hh
regard by Cadets and put; u fijhtlnr
rplrlt Inte the Army eleven that hi!
often hr'ped carry it te victory Vj
crse and chorus run:
And rtand up In a row,
Te ctnslnt tantlmantally
Me1 re Kelns for te te:
In the army there'i gobrletv
I'roinetlon' very slew,
Se we'll ns our remlnlsccnci
ut Uenny Hsveut, Oh I
"Oh, Dnny Havenit, Oh!
ph. Benny Haven, Ohl
We M vine our rrmlnlneniaa
Ot Benny Haven, Ohl"
And "Benny Haven" never fail)
te draw a rep lv fro mthe Middies' root.
Illg stand with the famnie. v,. .!
"AncherJ. Awelgh." with its stirrlni
air. Its words arc:
"Htand Navy down tlie tteld,
KhII t te the sky.
we'll never chanse our reurce.
Se Army ou ateer i-hy.
Rell up the score, Navee;
Ancher uwelgli!
Sail Naw ilnun IIia .um
And ilnk the Army, alnk thc Army srtf.'"
.. Tn, Mf',(."p, "'se frequently niig thi
Army Mule." the werda te which art:
""Army mule. Army mule.
4.?.u .c"?.!fk n!,,) ball "n't tray
But football seu cannot play.
Armv mule, Armv mule.
Alkv. 'alky, 'alky, 'alky. Army mult,"
I lie "Alma Mater' song of the?
cadets, kept for iln final ell.-y, runs n
"Hull. Alma Mater, dear.
In u he ever near,
Help us tl.v mettn Ivur
ThreuBh all the jcar.
I.et Duty be ue'.l performed,
Hener he e'er untamed,
Country be ever armed,
Went I'elnt by thee."
Chief among the new enesuvias the
prewesn ei ineir star. i
"llarrhct back. I.nvv lhen ixnrAm nn .k.,..
When he cirri. the ball he can vain at
Hew th ara5leN flinch from the ivext at
tack vvncii inevliear Hie words called: Uracil
A favorite Army vel was the snamif
"S-S-S-S Beem, uh-h-h" rocket kell.
inc .miv.v "Mi-en ' yell was sunie
what similar te "Hoe-rnb. l'ennsvl.
vania," ciept thnt the "Hoe' was leni
drawn out, acnis and then lies, ended
and ciificl with a brisk.lv theutcd "ruli
ami .iiy" en the end.
Anether popular Navy .veil was tin
"Four-N." In which each letter in thi
iver.i nuvj was pioneiineed tour times,
Middies Invade Army Quarters With
$1000 te Bet
Betting w.-.s brisk en the Ami -Navy
tame, but the Navy usked odds of fife
te four. There was plenty of ary
money in sight, and this meiniti; two
middle, after waiting in vain for tern
el the Army men te show up wim
money te bet at thc Be'Ievuc. Invade!
the Army licnil.uarters at the Arti'lpDla
with SlOOll or mere of Navy money.
"We've get lets of Nnvy money, with
mere where nils came from, t icv an
neunced. The fund was peeled br
Navy rooters.
In past years there have been bettinj
peiis ergani7eu at both academies, out
this year the peels were prohibited
However, it wns whispeied that tunny
of tin- be).s get i heir money down any
l ir,hi!tlnti tn 1711 OOl. l,i . I 1111 h rf
n'nilv bfen aiinnuiKe.. 'lhat iinann tie ejici
of uiie-ew.my etKhili or .. .'am pnw;
lien. Of liivntliiidl.lc benellt te innnJilnB JJ
lull. si. ii.".'i'."" ' ." ' ,.
In- .ure of itlse.se. thin ledui-.iii.i tn prw
neaiin vvluei.pien.il bviiftlt. riniill' artlcl"
muiiu vv ii.ptini eun e.
Oil all et" meii. . i. n. vii i "" -- ni
.. ii. i. .. ..... ..A iu r.ir.
radium, cenatltuts n vart'er me aptil
th lluilliei- section cf the I'liuir I.W.SI.
,n u . i rin.moeui. h. ev.-! i I'm- ..f ."r. :
t a U tt n llal.li
IlKATllS .
NOIllll.s ,sudl. nlv uu ' k-"-r.v
l; . hMfbanil nr Mrftv i:. ,. , r,Tvi,:
rvii mi !miri.iv. at 3 1'. M.. u I ' .'!?
ealilcuce. r.s,ia Att.r si. Jiiierinvnt uric.iv
u,Mr'ur.i-:i)V. -Nev si it's'.' p!
vki"nUi:HV ltUtlvei) '!. (r eivjs a '",
vlted te fitunil finn-rui crv.'- t" Z irt
V M . hi the re-ldtm e .Jf hlM sl'ler, W
rharlM vvar.l. B30i N .Maaeher et. law
-ui-iu Cedar Mill Csmeterv. . ,,,TP ...
US..K S.OV ..! 1V-- ' ? "'-.,
.. ,., vv i ii .... ii i isl. i lit 1 .1 ?f ar.
niv-v ui .ii,iiii.i , - j '- . h I.4I
frle.uls uie lnvltf.1 le atteivl fiineral wrj'tjj
Tiis.l, : P M. at h r I'"'" ,;,'''lJn7
Intimrei.l nrlv.it. llir!ll. .C'-1"'1
rrienaa ill IV ..ill Mnniiav . i". f , 'j.
l'lUH'S'U Nev. St IBM. elM.IA- .WfJ,
nf l-inlH.-nlt rrrund. He .11 via ulil t.'lBaS
,,. ot.eri tn n. . nn.t n.rvlien Vli.n.i.
P M., ut lier late r-fl'lence 3SJT .N V-
iiitrtii"iii l'ui-i1.iy
Lunmi-ter. Pa
i. in.:
hushainl of L IU ." ainlann
of u'etin n1
.viaKKD ( Mf con.
ri i tieiliv of i ie Ivini
fici.n resl'leiice. r.riae Catharine M
WBTHKHIUI. Nev '.". HIAM I fl '"u
v.'i:rm.uii.i. m ihe sa.i "."'."'V.rr-
... l...u n. w, .uia .tin l.es.1 v.-
"V. :i.i'A'!?. Nv- -5.-.H...A-V,nv
nvM'Uiiu ?. ; ."' i",.,ts,-rii,
dniB ler f Ihn late Kehrt .ind t-it-' d
ranfei-l ItHinnea am frl-"" u,p, V vl.
ui her Isle riilvnv
ie ai.rn'i .unrai .ervji-a. .;"r':, h . ,n
Ulineni private
pi.s'Kinircs'.- en
v idew of W.istilnsieu
A I'llllCltell
uvea and frigid, luvlle.l te .funeral, en i"
day HlKti maaa at IO A. -. "-, ' .':uV
or our U.H1V of coiiaeiaiii'i.. i """ir-i,
I'a Frl-n.la uinv cull Menlav ev"1'0"
.1i;i7 Wehaler tl.. Phlladflphh.
city, the Urfsl aiel inett lul'UHir '
Meney lav sated hire w' ,,111J,,!u.,"'tm
show bU prellt In lh rnrlv airlnj '";
numrtunlllea ar hre If " w"1 '
300 ft. wean front riparian eran.l
frnntHgc... JS0 . tarni" ll
J50 emi ..t than 4.IJ0I11I11S' rr"Pr"
SO fl. m-uaii front corner, rlpnilan Kttnh
SSS.neii inn ft In next Miuare sul
fur fl.vni.i., lei iiic
10(i ft .h.mii f leie. 111,111 - "''iSfla'ri
irnlll new lilllll.ill ilnlll.r lielel. fl""1
ui Hut. ri.'.iiiin
Hi,'... :i irii...-lii.iia ..re ''" "ni
lUIHl ll.lll.lll. IIIHle. 1.1 irls t I" '" m,nd
Hi Hie 111 lies! III ml f IWl'l"""
lie 11 for 'lull U liiriu.ver
Cerner Sth snvl Ctntrsl a-'l
MumlrHa of theuM.ii.lt of , ''"Hatt ?.
h.) rn.i'te III O.-e.iu fli r"Jl ;''" Ztt
lug the next few i.im.llis. V'Ti.i'ili
in iipiiuncii in iLieii vi.
'If .fs