PffSSHSlBBESraiira mrmmmWiwwmMmimmmmmm mi , , . Z'wmmwfgl Jj, te' Photoplay for the Wee fr Come Mm PhOtMltf . v iTha Yeunf Rajah." adnpt- $TW7 a MlichtfM novel, "Ames VI?.miih rtttlnM which Jump frenl Si 1. W"1 UJV fbVr rem ' .. nun niitn nt ftrOKer. ""..- .li.llnrH. ?r?,r."H. - A T'cn- STARS APPEARING ON LOCAL SCREENS NEXT WEEK e ffiin ta ,eP role of ft Hpanl.h I' !nccr, ana Bunecrtlnr i"Xdrama of mpdern bu.ln. and r n-iih Ele ne Himnwrimn, u Vtid by Mahlert Hamilton, Nlles Ifllch nd ether-. t I .,.., of J "Wltneul tempremimii W.&f thT Nerffiwttt with William Sffiff and Lela Wllwn aa the heroine. .JSrW-'The Wall Mower." a Iu "B0.. Huihea story about an Ugly Efltin. with Colleen Moere In the Bf r'el. and Richard Dlx a. the ",r0, Preileuily Reviewed triVTOS "Nere," spectacular pro pre 'auction? phenlnsr famous burning of SSS. nreducecf by .1. Gorden Ed- SjaaCed" wltl? Violet Memeau i?d a cant of foreign star. PALACE "Clarence." Beeth Tarklng-P.n- use clawilc about a, returned ioufhbeyi screened with Wallace Reld. May McAvoy and nebert Agnew. nrnviAh Monday, Tuesday arm CQ.:' Wu and Te Hed." aS'BJrt'Lytall: Thursday. Friday Jni Saturday. "The Man Who Flayed eJS," with Oecrrge Arllse. etlUT SORTIIERX Monday. Tuev ety and Wednesday, "Leve ts an iiful Thing," with Owen Mecre: Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "The Bend BesV with RlcharU Barihelmesa. lUPERIAL Monday. Tuesday nml Wednesday, "Veur Best Krlend' with Vtra Gorden: Thursday. Friday and (Saturday, "Te Have and te Held," with Bert Lytell. r mnKET STREET Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Mente Crlste," with Jsck Gilbert: Thursday, Friday and baturday. "Sure Flre Flint," with jehnny nines. LOCVST "Te Have and te Held," adapted from Mary Johnsten's novel, with Bert I.ytell and Betty Compseu u early Virginia levers ' .V.VO.VS AWBASSADOn Monday. Tuesdav and Wednesday, "Te Have and te Held." with Bert Lyteil ; Thurs day, I'rlday und Saturday, "Just Teny," with Tem Mix. JtlVOU "Your Best Friend," human Interest story, with Vera Gorden, and "Fer Rent Haunted," short comedy, with Johnny Hlnes. BELMOST Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Pink .Gods." with Bebe Daniels: Thursday. Friday and Sat urday, "Anna Ascends," with Allce Brady. C0U8EVV Monday and Tuesday. "The race In the Feg," with Lionel Barnmere, Wednesday, "Hener Klrst": Thursday and Friday, "The 6lren Call": Saturday, "The (ilrl Who Ran Wild," with Gladjs Wnlten. CEDAR Monday, "Hener Klrnt." with Jack Ollbci t ; Tuesday. "Tite Olrl Who Ran Wild" ; Wednesday and Thurs day, "The Face In the Feg"; Friday via eauiruay. wie siren call. " IVUBO Monday. "Afraid te Fight." with irjntt Jlajc: Tuesday and Wed nesday. "While Satan Sleeps." with Jack Helt; Thursday. "The Bended Weman": Friday, "A Foel There Was' : Saturday. "Just Teny." with Tem Mix. SISTY.SIXTII HTttEKT Menduv. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Te Have and te Held," with Bert Lte, Thursday. .Friday- and Saturday. Tlnk Gods," ulth Bcbe Daniels. lEADEK Monday. Tuesday and Wed nesday, "Manslaughter." with Themas Meghan- Thursday. Friday and Hat- w.SAy, ,7"" HUen '-a'1-" v.tth Dor Der Dor othy Daltem. 8J7M.VJJ -'Te Han.Hnd te HrJi!'" Mamed from Mary Johnsten's novel. S.U.hi B?ll.yCompHen und Bert Lytell te the leading roles Hew Shaw Wen Hla Wife Oscar Shaw, win nf n nkiin,uini,:n hndscapc painter nml n mi'mlier of the rat of "Cined MernliiK, Dearie," t ine rerrest 'Jliwitre. wiih n student at the Inlientiir of Pennsshania in HM)7. lutneen stnnmn- a,.nln .n.n tn Pitying amateur and professional bnsc wl, Sbaw in a desultory wnv was tryinsr te nnnm liimmlf tm ik. i During a holiday. Sbaw went te WIN Mngten en a isit. ami attended thn first Illebt" nprfnrmiinfie nt nil,.,.. Ien known as "The Miinlc World." Me vtss raucb uttracted by certain Ilrl in the chorus and staed in WIN Wngten a week, instead of two or threo My. He saw the show eerv night. m each night after the perfermnnrp watched the stage deer. The show SI!i,itJ,.0.,AtIinl,c (-'"y ","1 tllc " jmUdephin, but Shaw bad no suceesn in i meeting the girl. Frem Plillndelpliiii jur.uimip worm" went te New Yerk. nert; u iiuiiliccl for work mm mi . tICricurHl plinpiiL. mnn .....I ... .1... '. He met the. girl. Miss Leuis.. !. and l...fore "The Mimie World" HOSM, Jl Lss Cult. un. Mr. .1 Shaw. """ v'"u' kVPlP. tlnm's&c "w. vy''i . iiBw i imEP' -iwfj- iiiiiiiiiiiiK'iiiK kiiRBniiiiiimfii IjIB HK?SHBP3I I Commencing lV4ay: tT J Wfmlx 3M I Wen6eyG Vav, . . Ti'.lLmm -',- -MUkviy &. u uMm HBfiMKj 1 I : :M::' S'ln1iiEliiHi:'' - itmtBBSBt''W"iHK without m JBI; ?:'iisXLiE!!!;!iBiBfej' victeria -';LwJiLLLLLVSbLbbbKbV -' lfltMu.V 2,;?iAaaBaw , x ' eLt cse 1IV '"' "-" '"'''' 'lBBBBBB;"BBW!r'::' i WINQ3 SJBbI Xaodelxfo 'Wlantivve "Bv-7 ' M bbbPHbbH m , HnlaM aaWsk'.;: . Jli'.i BIPI'',;'bH "THIYOUNGRAjXh'' I iW.yV. sjgmtJl . " MP '':', - v i;J 5' 'SHMbBbbbbbbI -'?' 'v;H "THL WALL FLOWER 1'iKPk"' V' ''AWm RECENT -' .MHHrl' , -;iV'"Bfl ' ' " ': IbVbHbVBbP " 'K"'" iBiBiT' ''' il!fc..-:' " VBWBiBiBiBiBiBiBl BB yHHH,. WiBiBMBtt! Ml' BlBlBk.' '. BlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlHBll yBiVVSHBIKV BlBiBiBiHK SbV' aBlTKJhauBBllBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBHBB kV Blr .tjKJ it1' "BiBVV ;''-';',aBiBiBr'BaV'BH ?,bV BlBK BHBIBBiBiBiBiBiBiVBBVBBaqBBBBBBBBBBBBB BH gh AaBBBFiiBSBliKVMkfOBiBkl Tv'vjBBBBBBBfjT'',r .aBfL ' '1 BBBBBBuBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9BBBBBBBBBBBB flll ABBB BBBBBBBflVNBBfBBBA , Hu' K -" H BB1BB1B1B1B1B1B1BiV?2'7'S?B1B1b1bV AaiBlBlBlBlBlBUBauBlBHBHBlBlBlBlBIK ' ' VflL, VaV BHEbIbIBIBIBIBIBIfSV'' -rOSBW!BIHkBl Hill JBlBlBlBlBlBBHBBlBIBimBMBSIBlBHlK:i'' 7 , PHI MBBlVBlBlBlBlVibV W 9NCaaiV kV EHBngf,;fl fl9igMiifiKSSSBl 111 (aBiBMrBAiHrBfPBISHBi'aH ''SKMfflLiBifeBraEiYV H lnVL H4BiBiVriJBiuM'HalBHbiLiJBaiBl - biVbI bbibi tmJBm ; "v4RH - -JiHH dollar . ItiiStki-'xvw ni ii STl peri uvieii- '.E: 'r-7 '.HJIMl - - I ft'j2 ii'''Kw, -M. & .' mi wm '--'-"- -w 'idinfniraeiSJ. .Mm- -.,')' :&fp stanten gtjiiwnniT ffflfrSTANLEY COMEANYAMERICAS THANKSGIVING PROCLAMmONtQ TfcAJBH NINETEENTH AND MARKET OOOiPM AT-1 1 AM TO-IIRM. Jl Paramount Picture ftLPNTiNO IN THC VOUNG RAJAW vjithWAN)DA HAWLBYANDCHARLeS OGLE-. rnOf TUB hKNHATIONAti 8TAOE IM,A 'AMOS JCmi" T. Al.KrilliA ll,TB AND 11LU FAMOLU MlVCb BV JOUN Mil' IIIILJ.. ttlflLC'lUll II V I'UILU ItOHEN TO HAVE7VNOT0 MOLD LOCUST BROADWAY COLONIAL Biographies of Twe Stars Henry Miller and nuth Chiittertnn. wbe nre unpeeriug at the Bread in UutnllleV piny, "La Tendressc."nroteo well known te need any Introductions, but It muv be of Interest te note their rnreers. Mr. Miller, a Lendener by birth, emigrated te Canadu at un early1 age. and it was in Terente tlmt be made h!n first stage appearance. Later he went te New Yerk, where he wen success, first us lending man and later as u stnr and producer in his own right. Among his successes have been "The Great Divide." "The Only Way," "Her Husband's Wife." "The Rain bow." "Tb Servant In the Heuse," "Daddv Leng-legs" uud "The Famous Mrs. Kair." Huth Cbattcrten has played ncre in such plas as "The Rainlww," In which she made her first appearance with Henry Miller, and as the nter of "Cemi- Out of the Kttcueu. ueerge Scarborough' "Moonlight and Heney- sucllu" and Bnrrie b "Mary Hese. i, , Jean Malth'a Voice Jean Mtilth, prima denun of "Step ntn' Arnmid." Weber and Friedlander's revue at the Chestnut Street Opera , Heuse net week developed a remark-. able eir when ,only a girl )f four teen. She haa studied under the well- I ...!.... TIm.xI .. ,lm la( vil. 1.11 m 1 Kl'OWn lll'iairi, 111)111 IM 1UC ,.irui.l - - tnn Opera Heuse, und knows, the lead-1 'J ing roles of "La Heheme." "MHdnine U "Hutterllj" and "Muneu." She hn-' V anpe.iri'd in many well-known inuticul i pirns. Including Sanage's "Have u l lleart." Ulnplea' "The Muglc Kiddle" ; and the winter uaraen prouucnen, "Mente Cristn, Jr." Ee; sfttfwart " THE NhJOCENT CMCAT FAV'J New Dance Team at Keith's ' A new dancing turn has recently been formed for vaudeville. It is composed of Richard W. Keene and Bernlrc Spcer and they are te have their Initial show ing at Keith's Theatre next, week in n ehicle called, "Tea for Twe I Mean Three," in which they will be assisted by Violet Palmer. They offer u pet peurri of harmony, melody und dancing. Keene w n native of this city and leurned te dance here. Until recently he was a member of "The Music Bex Revue" and prier te that nppeured at Keith's here with Kintnu Iinlg, also a Philadelphia!), who has been one of the features of "The Music Bex" eer since she .left vaudeville. MKs Specr hnf alfe been in vaudeville with Nat Nazarre, Jr. The production has been given special w'cuic mounting. New Comedy at Desmond "The Exciters," a comedy in four acts by Martin Brewu, will be pre sented by Mac Desmond and Her Play ers at the Desmond Theatre next week. The play deal with u bored maiden athirst for excitement and who must marrv in order te validate n clause In a will. Miss Desmond will pl.ij the girl and this role given her unusuui comedy opportunities. Frank Fielder. Louise Canford, Sumner NicheR Jehn N. Lett. Bfttv Ourde, De Ferrest Dawley, Itlln D.ivis, Chnrlrn Squires. Edtyhe Harceiirt, Clement Bcrkel, Sam C. Miller und ethers have been cast In cengeuinl relci.. Trocadero's New Shew "The Oriental Oirlb" is scheduled te play at the Trocadero Theatre next week. Mile. Katelle. dnnseuse, will be seen with "The Oriental Girls" durine their ftn. She will he seen in her elnsMc dunce, which she will present for the llr-t time in this cit.v. Tin principal pla.vers in thW matuinntli ag gregation uru Cal Berr.v, tramp com edian; Anna Grant, prima denna: Geerge Hart. Helen Mantell, Florence Whitford and Boze Broek'!. THE COLOSSUS OP SPECTACLES ! HISTORY'S MIGHTIEST, THRILLING DRAMA IN THE WORLD'S GREATESTARENA OF EVIL WILLIAM FOX'S Reduction Japan Lecture Next Week The third Travelogue te be given by II. .ts... tfs,1mja m thn Arnilpmv fif She Beaan In Stack MuJn U mi Lnfradle Ileum's Un- Riimrii-i nt .1.- -...ii,.. -. r. .. I fun Ilinp .Inimii. It the kterv nf all Lord's acilmr i-nm inyiw'ienti.. .-!! artMIe and scntluientnl pllgriuiase te rs e ew erk nreduccrs when .lie.the iiiffillh irf7uwft7-iil sm imrmiz!txm "IfeliHilZgV SlIlUM.r.aVIBJBBBWTBBBBBB' JTW MM - ' VB BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgaBBUaBiaB VSKSw&aVrviV i!SWkFVi' fni-.awav nnn untamtitar Placing joined n stock company in SnrinefU-ld ' her Lafcadie Heurn lived uni levein Mi, She opened theVe "The f i and labored. With Ileum s eldest sod t""lx." with Charles Menklns. Fred 77"". 17 f,:llev, ,lJrln'i Mr- I Tide,, , Alexander Leftwlch in the eiw followed Mep In step Henri si n. Sin i eedlng nrodiictleiis liiiliiiilli '"iiry trull. Burten Helmes will kIv ''Old, H,lde,wBP "Sold ers of Fer "'"'f'"'"" Hwrii'H I'nfnmillar" tune, n,e llnsiest Wav" "Beiiclit I' riilu evening. December 1. mxl Sat- n-l Paw Fer!" "The CHmbers" "fnd "Jy afternoon, December 2. -. nun iiini'i itiiu iii'n i Kjys. She has appeared In mere than ,. Vi ",,! 5IIh' ''"rd first l,"lll'! under 'Oe Irrrtlen of Arthur Hepkins when LI. , ,l"' '" "ucceed Mar.v Nsh ywln.' Mir un, r "On Trial." Other 'lepuiis priiductleiiH besides "Anna 'M-Mii- in uiiici, si, il!IM t.i.aii ,. (tH.e D.lug,." m August. 11)17. nml in ..""""" unu we iinh" last Jll-rtllll. Mj(. js 'nriMti-- which wemlicr I vear with fentureil in "Anna ienics te tin- Walnut A took "Dn mm Whaling Picture Coming iiiiilieii-plctme iiuilui-linu that ""te than a vear te make Is ii te the Sen in Ships," which ii-.. """ .ueuoneiiinn iiu-ra i'lifi . ' . M"",uy- le.eiub.-r -1. L'imcr filiffliu' '""? "wwlntcU with D. W. ,iM,.Ih' "l0k wmipHiiy of motion Z i-" ,.V',,"rN ",, "' HhaleiH down te hi,-aril,,'i,an ''M'reslv te appear in vve. ?f ""' l'ur're or vvhulei us they In ,i lin,rloem-d In the old dajs. reurV.'.1 l,,a.d " rel,, ur" Marguerite Vni, m"".'1 ,"in'l McKee, William Ciiii? 'i'1, lhn""0' Biisten, William rieu arSb, '"'."'"i" Turller. Clara fur u tl"ri", yn"n' A, Lai--k. P.l..IT1i::;,,0,rl'k H"r,,B"n 0,", Mis. O'Madljan's Career dnU l.',,,,l '". ",IuM Mnrrled." Is the ?! .r "f hv 1,u " 0' I.' Ml1"81.?" C,litf,r St' t a .V.M I" Mlln was educated fhA, '"'" ".' M'"vlUs Me wbeii- nilnh l'"r,i"1 "Am' ntenalnments, ll h f.r. i1rV,,,,,J,,,"l- (1"H'lte a conserv censerv I a. ' "" " "I'Jw'Ueiw, continued her h u """'"' U"r ITOffHsllllllll liilc-w "'"'" M""1" ' rnmpuii. "cliird i,u'h'.l!H Wtt,ttn mmn for Mlta vV",,,,s" '' "", "vl' Belasco. i-uJL" -""'IIUUirH lielnhle reeeiil int. ;Vr7'r. ''""''luting ",lst Married" i. "The Brat" ami Banrf.i Famous Remance en Film "When Knighthood Was in Flower," (he Cosmopolitan picture featuring Marlen Deve, vv be Iho featiue nt- 1 tinctleti ut the Stunten Theatre fur an indefinite engagement, beginning Mon Men dm. Dei ember 1. It is taken frem'l Chnrles Majer's famous novel, which1 pictures all the pmnji and ceremony, I tlif plotting and Inlrisue, the guntenua , Hilender of the courts of King Henrv , VIII of England, und King LnuU XII of France. . gccuJWEEfiggl JOYOUS THANKSGIVING WEEK JUBILEE! 3 Performances Thanksgiving Day 1 : 30, 4 : 30 & 8 P. M. SPECIAL BED TICKETS FOK 4:30 MATINEE vm, rm&i SECOND AND FINAL TRIUMPHANT WEEK! ELSIE JANIS AMERICA'S MOST VERSATILE GENIUS IN A COMPLETE CHANGE or PBOOBAM OF JANIS IMPRESSIONS ZUHN & DREIS DEKENTUS AHEHICAKOB JOSEF DISKAY FAMOUS KVNOARIAN TENOR T, TeniRht THE NIOHT FOR ALL Fellow the Arrew t -THE GRAND Dancing fTe!"1" 1736-48 N. Bread St, Th mt bfiiitlful bullroem In Phllfdel Phil Nwlr dcirta throughout. Mmli K? Frnl P Sle and lilt Ornl Oreiulni. Trnltht Mlew the cruw.l neil ySn will lern te tb Ornd TKANKSOITINO ETE.. WED., OV. Sf Masque Dance 1300 IN CASK PRIZM U4IM, 0e OtatUMM. H Vtw Attnotieu WhUy ff EARL OEOROE KELLY'S NEWEST COHEOY SUCCESS "THE WEAK SPOT A DRAMATIC ODDITY IN ONE ACT A BIT OF DIVERTING NONSENSE HAMPTON & BLAKE IM THE SECOND KDTTION OF "BEATTQQtTP NUISANCE" DOROTHY MARY GAUTIER'S PONY BOY 4 CO. THE KITAROS NOVELTY RI5LEY ARTISTS Extra Added Attraction I THE PINT SIZE COMEDIAN AND Extra Added Attraction! RICHARD W. BERNIOE JOE LAURIE, Jr. IN AN ORtOINAL MONOLOGUE "FAM1LV0L0OY" KEENE &SPEER Willi VIOLET PALMER In "TEA FOR 2 t MEAV 3" THE WICKEDEST MANandWOMAN IN HISTORY MATCHING FORCES IN MIL CONFLICT iAROMMCESPECTACLE ! I61fl AND MARKET 11! t mv i .Mm 7'mmmkVJimmmmh ''PW; .-j MWLmtmi. i lmmmmmVmLmW9IIKkmm Mmmwa&' v-i'QiurV, ifmmmm ' Mmm 0W5i h MtMmmmMmm mmmmmmmKmmmmkmmmi'' WmlmaWammWimmmWtL'. . i I IRVIN S. COBB'S & ,dLDI!l4frl CELEBRATED STORY Eg TcTSd ?h Es7nut rffl TJ WJS v D C N x hcj t rfj w"w LXiy'v,r w y M VvO1 wis mm J i ' mm aw Jrbtm r-r BULL MONTANA ? ib "9feLAPIESMAN VJJ INDEFINITE ENGAGEMENT COMMENCING DECEMBER 4 DIltrcT FROM TUB cniTEUION TUCATHi:. .V. T. MARION DAV1ES COSMnpei.tTAN PIIUDI'CTION KNIGHT WAS IN FLOWER a PiitMenjip PIC HUE nnn BROAD ml CHESTNUT 7juHtxm ONE WEEK ONLY COMMENCINQ MONDAY PARAMOUNT riCIUBE BEBE DANIELS and CONRAD NAGEL IN A PENBHYN BTANLAWS PRODUCTION SINGED WIN ADAPTED FROM KATHERIST NEWLIN BURT'S MAGAZINF STORY GS VICTORIA MNTH AMI MinKirr A. M. Ill II 1.1 P. M. S nx r"w i; i: k William Fex presents WILLIAM FARNUM WITHOUT COMPROMISE Tomer. "nuht Lxlra Performance COLONIA'. ' 'I?.,4 r :; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD BETTY CQMPSON ana l it.LL ARCADIA AT BOTH THEATRES MTU A CHr.ST.Nn NEXT WEEK 9TH AM) MARKJ1 CAPITOL ELMNE fff"inffl A Stlsmrk Production STEIN NDER X V A mmmmmm "v T uaih A Tale of Tangled Intrigues' for the Leve of a Werbhwhil e Weman P'y- PALACE 111 II AM) MARKET in M 10 11 1", I' M. NEXT WLhK WILLIAM DE MILLE M PRODUCTION AMI 11 WALLACE REIO Arne Ayrr and May McAvoy i nM " st l-icii in V in l' hr BOOTH TARKINOTON GREAT K0RTH5HN i"".' "LOVE IS AN AWFUL THING" w ih ewrx Moenr VAUDEVILLE -VAUDEVILLE- 1' Khenn Dll. 'J A I' M. $t Wt. Tax liiclmlwl VtU-fk, Mn , nil MIp linn !IOe A. .Ve. llei, W etk lit Arlvntirt. ,,Z rW,i, 3 ' """" ' iii'rt a.VJb, ACAUclViV Oh MUSIC. Men. Afternoon, Dec. 4, 2:30 PADEREWSKI Tlckt t Kpp'i AntcJspiy Ampliftliettre tlcktti (unrcientd) t deer, ftr"rftr ( wti r K EITH'S THEATRE; jams ii TpJcil Jnl Ht e.a JkoeKWeiL ft FOX-AI Mud-Pewiiri , w I1M Ywmb in. Wllfi. ,uu IHI u 7m$ wm I WITH AN TIONAIXY WEUU.pALANCtD CAST HEADED KElK I I.AHK ' Tk Famil AND A GALAXY OF TWENTY GLORIOUS GIRLS, GRACEFULLY GARBED IN GORGEOUS GOWNS NONDAY-CANIVl NITE-fUN, SOUVENIRS 3Mb Nw for TbukifMaf MsUmc, at 3 P. M. i I I I tWI ..EXT ' SJAWEEK mmmmm i BADWAY BB0AP ND SNYDFR AVE. I r I H 7 S n fl THANKSGIVING WEEK A riiODI I HON UK SIIIU'II A MIILODY "TOO MANY SWEETHEARTS" .', II i' i I imeily A 1th t..u I'npiilsr Janie.i McCool and Fred Sheets Turn Kiley and Clarence Marks I'vu.vMut M rirrrnr ei r' I luuiaurlit' Mii'erh Uudii "TO HAVE AP TO HOLD" Betty Compjen & Bert Lytell JUANKM.lVIVl. DV con ri.M'ers l .-n nil P M. "d aJSllcONTINUOns ' l'iU 9Lf f KORMANC Sr a. m 1 ri mm r. n. ""4 1 - Aw ft sql ten Smith 1 TRAVELUNO g A 8ALEBMA.V -fA " r-.i iuC Sit ibV a OH Jl? . S5.!- lKzf'-txFl. 1 I v. I r- rMORRIS IVAiiOEVIllf ALHAMBRAi i 1 1 1 in. 'i in iiii BERMUDA BAND tu 1 ii S m I . ri. itirx join Gilbert, Hener First Ail l"l -"Niib nf tin- Nnrlli." Xe. 1 HIM. TKAKOKll Tlll'lwn AN APPETIZING THANKSGIVING MENU llll 1 Ol s IN il.K.S Mlns u HMLIS f. GLOBE JUNIRE - AND sNARKET -VAUDEVILLE- VAUDEVILLE iB LU! MAVIM"M JALITV FAUDrv OF IIU MIKIMVM COST ifan sac:m LOIhE V m PIATOV & NATALtE 4 I 'IHKIR I'llll 'S VI lKHI'Ml inilll-W i UF XTIOS m Alex Sparks ni KK2Y KAT KAPERS Lucky & Harris ODDITIEi Or SOVO CHATTER Jehn Ingtts Tb KeinlibT i Chlllren ' fsJGse. ksiuv M'Pr.ii m nun ion m -M clay niirw se, en &m 7 v n w w v m m ALLEOHENY rUANKFORD AND ALLEGHENY r . n imi i i' i P I Mi M't 1IH..1L U I ii L VAUDEVILLE iv i us v Jes n un riscUd iJOL Hean MT'SlfM lil'H ' nif M)i M(i K Gardner & Revere I Peters & Lebuf ARTISTIC TRAMPOLINE NO.N8E.NtL NOVIHT i s ur.Ni i.iuuieLa Rlnder TwifMgs KI'l'l'IAl AI'I'I I' M I I. i HON FOUR FA NT! f OS A 8ENRATI0NAL AERIAL AND IR0N.JAW U0VELTY V CROSS KYS A MINIATURE EDITION OF SMI I I I I U (IN(, COMPANY OF II AETUT1 BILL OHAHOED TUUBIOAV kMT t . k. OUtliX (M MJk'bTl IvAi'.nifl REVIEW! ,:tm ' '.itC Kl 'krtikm 'l --" OTIW , ) J J ( Mi ,i?ui K-V. ti ,H '.i