mnpfnsrewE m&wmrmm5wmmmmrn$?mkmm gcrT j?m HSSB 3-M ''y' T RS BEFORE THE CURTAIN GOES UP "Molly-Deling" Musical Shew at Garrick, Is Week's Only OfteningCenccrning "La Tendrcsse Ferrest and Shubert Have Bully Musical Shows Other News , , STII.L nnelhrr member of tl.e muMcnl comedy her.l-nnd from all reports prltt-irimwr-wM mugglr Inte the Philadelphia theatrical fold net week. "Thin single opening will be "Melly Darling," which comes te the Oat-nek Thwtre, featuring the aiila leg and comic flfta of Jack Donahue. OtherVe, Se theatrical line-up xvl I renin In the same. "la TendreMC" will play It flna SU at tl" """' "nd-M"l". S'"r'e'" will continue at the Ferrest.'-Tan. wrlne" t the Hliubert, "HIoHsem Tlmn" at the Lyric, "The Goldfish" will Slay lt fourth and Anal Walnut and "Junt Married" wlU round V .' ,...ii ..... nf ill.. Ailelnhl. . OUt a sin"'"! ..... "v . . THIS btwlnws of looking dramatic .tft hertrs In the mouth Is neither nf nor profitable, considering hew wry. very ncarcc the gifts are. Ner la It kind te treat In any but a sober n I dignified vein an attraction which mirperts te treat In a aerieua and dra He fnhlen some defln te theme. n Nevertlielcw, the, fact remains that the Batallle Pln.v, "La Temlicssc," new it the Urend, Ih net half se ponderous Km vital ax some of us were led e iriipct On tba credit side of Its Star there is a certain flavor of lit; irarf distinction and n mirencss of IllCntlV 10 lie Kllim "-"'" .."" 'iictiehs. On the iiemt tune is a memo STARS OF THE STAGE COMING HERE NEXT WEEK . evrt.'1.. "j , ,. f nt no time thrusts its point home in ,1 n structure tlmt contains a num. Sir of the old mess -covered ytnndhxs of the Mage, which help rob the story of Its appeal. . . ,, In taking a theme that Is In Its foundation nliatrnct-the c-enfllct or re re te ion-hip of two kinds of love, that rf desire nml that of tenderness lln lln teille did net exactly commit himself. We can cimceKc of this idea being mbreldcrrd Inte a story of great power 5ml vcrv real poignancy. Hut when the French dramatist cliose te exemplify M tliome It. the persons of a middle ircd tncl retrospective Academician nml his voting and sportive mistress he set his steps in the way of well-worn cen-tln-nhil dramatic ruts and minimized its" effectiveness ever here, where Manilards and customs are quite differ- "'La Tendrcsse" is the kind of a -i ..l.lni.. In lncttlivr the tenseness of a great drama, givea opportunity for. fluppr little thoughts, often irrelevant, during the course of the action. ler example, it occurred te us that in this type of domestic entanglement, charac ters seem te love te go out of their irnv, clear around Itebln Heed s bnrn, m "te speak, te Hay nasty ami disagree ulilc things. This propensity is net con fined te the unpleasant people in the iwv either. Ter example, in the mat set 'of "Tendrcsse," Bnrnnc, the here, Is shown ns a saddened, unhappy man nhe. Iv his own udmiien. bus for given his loved one's treachery even though the sere remains. Yet, when she comes te linn, ne icis nu piuii,i,.i slip te cut her te the quick, l.very time he opens his mouth, It is te say something unkind. And that Interminable "I-am-geins" scene ! When, finally, peer Miss I'hatterten was forced te speak a line, 'I nn, enltis little b.v little." It wns mnall wonder the audience tittered, Tiiniii-imiii iiiw itrnletiEpd departure, we couldn't help but think of the critic who declared lie was going re whip n plav. eme day, In which thp heroine prel'lnimed her Intention of leaving ami left n the instant. The bet parts of "T,n Tendressp occur In tin- first net nnd a part of the last. The former was interesting bc caute of the distinction of the dialogue, and tin- hitter, partly ns a relief from the high-flown absurdities of the fcceend ad climax, nnd partly because of its real wilfulness. A quiii ter of a century age even ten jean iike, for that matter "I.a Ten dresn'" would probably have been con filleted real meat, but of Lite, de spite ether shortcomings, the htnge has rid Itself of a let of ith stilted verbiage and its stock gilt, and plush furniture. These tue things have probably ills pilseil mere silly nnd tiresome plays and giu'ii I hem the outward appear ance of intellectual depth or pjsehologl pjsehelogl pjseholegl ral research tliun any ether two factors. But tliey cannot disguise "La Ten drcsse." It's no particular mental hazanl. (lencrilllv speaking, we would be se dad te sec a faxerltc actress rid for fer fW nf 1'nll.x iiimiiitH. hut the fuel re malns that ltuth Clintterten, xxhen she deniud tli black wig of Martins LM LM Ileres, nttempted something (lint doesn't liecnnie Ikt wc mean the part as well tlip wig. Kvlilenlly the gilt nml the phisli nnil stiltedncss of Hatuillc's piny taried lln; beautiful and imnffectPil Mary Hese twin out of lier. Although die hiM-elf did the translation of "I,a Tendre-su." she was unsuccessful In c.itdiim; the spirit in which her own role xxus wriiiui. She was neither sut Hfirutlj smilless and unprincipled as the Martin- of tin- first act, nor itpliftisl jneusli for tin- chnngcil and redeemed Mnrlhe of (he fniillc. Instead, she pl'.jed the iwi, en much tin- Mime Kcj, and ruined the effect. Shows That Are Coming te Philadelphia Soen DeccmW 4 "Anna Christie," with . I'aullne Lord, Walnut. "Te Leve," with Grace Geerge, Adelphl. "Alirehntn Lincoln," with Prank McOlynn, Iiread. December 85 "The Puslng Bhew of 19i2," Shubert Cemlnic "Trie Monster," with Kmmctt Cerrlgan, Walnut, "The Dever nead," with Charles .Cherry, Walnut. "The cat and the Canary," Adelphl. "The aullty rftie," with Pauline Krederlcu, Adelphl, t WHAT Philadelphia lias lachi-d in ' drumatle proilm-tieiih this season nas bf i-it. In ii icrtaln mciiMirc, com cem yiiiijted li the wealth of rcallv at tr:utip imiinIciiI show t, "IIIesmiih Time," whi. !i we ai- te see has yi'U'ht oil III splendid st,le nt the Ljlic. js (. Wtlt ( ,(,, ll(t ""' two openings Imn e(,iv ur(, Mia niiilf a wij hIkix e avi-ragp. 'luiijieriiie ' l the mere erlttiiial of tup two, nml K.ntiilns n definite and tangible plot In which urn. h fun js ii i"1 "r,,li,l marital dlflipultips. He th ice husbands i nf perhaps i Mould sa,i t-x-huslwiiiM sojeiirnluc en H'c nmhieil M.ind of Tiingerine. w, Mns, ,ee IViKihh, ,m instltiiled a f'Mmn f letting the wiie.s de all Hie "r; win!,. ii. ,ihbi,ii,!s loll in the fnnli-, leinpiir,, , ,vit, t Itt-Ii- real '""-J and lind be also has been In the Mallow Mnrt ii. H MM ilnss-'" I ii.t- ,lfc.. . ,! I,. ... t'lnss of 'IIS," nml ,..ecM en te lllllt lln., ..I......I L1.... it , , ,- imii,,-ii rnr niiiK Ijnt .in, I,., niiide ii i).,iiir, run. r.,',',Ih ""d" is lb.. ment. nml he ,2.S- l.",, go,Vr .., es. ."',." """ " "a and chain tained some rather neat lyrics, makes a pleasant motif, and "Didn't Yeu He lieve?" has a fragile kind of beauty. As n matter of Tact, tlierc Is prob ably mere catchy mimic in "Dearie" than there was In "Sally," but the difference Is that the attempted plot and its accompanying sentimental love story break down in the middle of the present musical, comedy, whereas It clung te the t-iid of "Sally." As a re suit the present occupant of the Ferrest I one of the many musical shows! whose Bccend acts are inferior te the Hut, after all, nets don't count for much in musical comedy. Fer example, slnce the opening of "The Hunch unit I udy, ' they've completely rcnevuted the second act, which, ns we said, xvas net se geed. New. Judy marries tin Scottish Larl (if that means anything), who was such a cad, and the Ameri can lever has te be mitlstk-d with some one else. Alse, they've introduced a Itusslan cafe for geed measure. This show opens in New Yerk Monday. A Strange Lincoln Play Jehn Drink water's play. "Abraham Lincoln. which returnc In fh n-n.wl en December 4, has resulted in bring ing our, interesting tacts concerning thn plays which lirve been written around Lincoln's career. One of the strangest was recalled by n New Yerk man ns having been produced in 1800 In a theatre at Muehlhausen in AJsnce- Lerraine. The title of the play xvas "La VI-j Pt La Mert d' Abraham Lin coln" ("The Life and Death of Abra ham Lincoln"). In the third act Lin coln hed attained the Presidency and teeth had thus early appeared as a suitor for the hand of Lincoln's niece. Renter's motive for Lincoln's murder is derived from n ban put en the suit of lioeth. The fifth and sixth acts lend up te the assassination and te cap off the historic vagaries of the drama Lin coln was shown witnessing net "Our American Tensiii." but "King Lear," when assassinated. ') VZBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHk BwBBBBBBHBTBBBi BwIsav BBVI BBxr 'IBB BBBK ' BBBB KM' HbtBBB (BK 'VC ' I BifcL'. I B' '"'" tWUt mbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH'bbbbbHbbi t4'' ' A Hk-'''' ' Wi ''''BB aWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBRAaaSMBBBW.'iVBKS-jBUW BWWPBlfcBBMjiBWJBBI KmIIWBBMIBbI 1HBMSB'bbBVHUC1jCW FPANK E UC'E dr cJOAN MAITH WkKffVl'6;-i BBMEN. FIELDEP. KiLlv, Chwtaut Vt MRY SsKBKn-'AUmWf tebbbbW. MOLLY hBBH:'f;i:r J3f RST-f .- ' "bbbB PAPLING" G arrtelr,1lBMMt WlMm MWT3ZJf - " Ti wlBBBB I - BBHHHHLf. 7,7RrBv'' f VWBBHfff 4ivBr AVLiBM.vaBBBBBBBBBBBBI ' ' jj? " BBaMiLl.' '' ' ' " 'AWm j T "" -' -'45"mBBBBf HtBWfiBT'sX ,v " .,'V'- aW1. " ' -x, J'SaajaViBBB K Im&'S i ;: " IWf j0myfr vaaaH ' ' "Im: t. '&, j-a.' wsaHLl f''-'.m7 BKbVB KxB ' j .. v v V Ai '"''. BBBbbV H LF Akkkkkmi AWAWw"' .... mBaBV Taal yfc-i&jfc: im UbbB aw. &- vlA m k- J7P:J-:S -- m IbIBbBI s J bbbbbw Amd j, BB B -V sMm- - wM wmAm:jiwWrm mm Mmm I T VKSbT .l?'- bBB BBBBBBBBBBWx'diBBrWB T vxr I I BTf SbBbBh IB Bbiwv! B iBBIBBTX'w-aBBB I l?Hffi&IB I , $i: -N- ' X OLSA COOK ' X & s s . ' OVa D.KIK-.IV1 'v x - iSf-- .BBBV ' sBBBBBMk. . r DEATOCW wT T PmWTW'WMMm' Lyr,c PjBr'""1' "'''bBBB s '''bBBW -Pi v , s WUUUWr m&&AMK x mmLWrr j 9 r OTraSKM'Hw'TO f4'1'ft.'.?L', ih-v1 .i.i fJte'JAi-Vftt'iJItJfcCL J r ' . V ff 'II ' " J t '" J .f?rf Jl! a ', ,"i Jl"r2T.j.r4M",f7.n'ttnHliinil ffwnaw "4 M '- "' rimm -w w- - . . . . - ., v-W'lJ ...I r. - ii in i m mmm tf m ORCHESTRA PRESENTS FINE FRENCH PROGRAM Franck Symphony the Feature, With Varying Emotions in Other Numbers JLcniyEV'n a n)ra nt? Tir t MmMKlu iwm m v t.b ri a- r. t rifT, vi' Tyic" 'ors e the ScreenValentine in uT1ie YeVHtfA Rajah" at Stanley Next Week Babe Daniels, Viela Dana and William Farnum in New Films PODOLI'H VALENTINO as an Must Indian Itnjah! v Knnnlh ilniicer! WHIInni t'nrtiiiin iw tiik raennAM Pymrlieny I) mlnf r Frnnclr The Hereercr'K Aptirpntle. ..Dukas Afturnnen of n l-nn nhuHy Bno Mnciibrc Halnt-Sftenii apana UhaiiVHjy Chabrler Tfie riillaileliililn Orchestra presented n beautiful program of French music, TI' IT'S true that the stngi-Is in need at its concert in the Academy jesterdayj f- of the old-fashioned stoel: company &. m Kehe Daniels a tue-lNlcil Northwoods HIictMII And Viela Dana as a "Five-Dellar llabyt" ' Here's lln- film line-up In this city next weWt. with popular faveritea in roles In which they've already become known te (In- fans. Valentine's featurft Is "The Yeung Itnjah" at the Stanley, Miss Daniels will be seen in "Slnttd Wings" at tli,. Knrltnn, Farnum in "Without Compromise" at the Victeria and Mlfn Dana in Irvin Cobb's story, "The Five. Dellar Haby," at thn AldiM. afternoon. It was the first time in the memory of the icvlewer that an ex- cluslvply French program has been lea te allow actors nnd ncin-svcH te t-cape the rut of "type" lelcs, It is even mere true that something of son in neetieii in tie f ms. Imt. mi- given by the orchestra, and the general fettunately, a large body nf the fan- ini,rmMlii nf Hi.. miiu (lint of "rm 'J"' blggPt obstacle. These funs imprpssl.n of the cencer was tliut " demand that their Idels play the rob-s -i ' "" ill'-, l llliil J'll',- til.' I '.!." Ot for Ulltr-ll Hl.ll'V,. iwitn.1 ltn.....iu.. H',.l. d'f i luce ISelil proved Fiirceshful In an auto- OUt lllelll ( Cernell VI'Olllinwe llmtr ili-iinllid a rapidly shitting hnieliioscetn' beautiful impressions all radically ferent but nlniext euitiillv beautlfiil ucitiiiinii in nivir uiifui ii, U1V--10I1"'- inai mis nne ana versatile actor keep cmotietH. I en playing In such pictures; bceaiifp the Urst came the tVsar 1 ranch sym- sb-pk-hniied lUidelph wen their heart" phony, prehnlil.i th-fim-it expiesi-len of ; i,., t. romantic Sheik, they InsM the symphonic leim hy tmy walllc com- j tlirt Iip .tick te l-eles of exotic appeal; pencr, umi is regariiiug i ran im French net ik c.cluslch Itelgiani ns Debiif.v clashed him. The weik was pcrleniicil In honor of tin- up-1 prencning centenary el the great com JOSEPH D. WILSON ESTATE GOING TO MASONIC HOME Trust Fund Created for Benefit of Institution at Ellzabethtewn The Masonic Heme at Klizabethtewn. I'a., eventually will receive the bulk of the cstate of Jeseph D. Wilsen, 21 OS North 11 read .street, valued at mere than S242.0U0. who died en November 1 :. Mr. N ilsen .was collected with the Textile Supply Company. , '"b's JH1, which wns probated to te tluy, .S1000 was left te Franklin Ledge, I . and A. M., the Incnini- of which is te be used te aid peer and sick mem bers of the ledge. He left scleral ether bequests and created heveral annuities te friends and relatives. The residue and nectiinulnted interest is te be held in trust. When the annuities expire these will he added te the residue and all Is te lie used for no or mere buildings for tin- Masonic Heme at i:il.ihcthlewn as a memorial te tin- tiwtuter and his widow. Hannah W. Davis, who died recently nt the West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital, lei I an istntu uiliml ut S.'ll',. SMIU. Invenlefic, of tin- nei-seiml in nn- following were filed Schliiulgiceil. if.-i2"(IOi Ida Sl.",4."tJ; ,1. ITmiu-y Hey. S(irr.'2 .1. Smith. i5.-rf,2.'IS ; Marv A. ?l!l""l. ISABEL aMADIGAN. "JUST MADRIED" AJetphi LOUISE GtTOODY and OSCAR SHAW. "GOOD MORNING DEARIE" Fbrrxysfc' THE CRITIC TALKS TO MUSIC LOVERS Iy S MLKL L. UVCIAR ALL vocalists, whether they admit it or net, leek te the operatic stage ns their ultimate goal, but as in most ether walks of life, only a very few of them succeed in their desires. This Is nn entirely justifiable ambition, for the rewards of stellar operatic singing are far Inrger than any ether in nil music, and the "white light that beats upon" the star In opera takes en n golden tinge caused b.v the money which fellows it, such as no ether line of musical endeavor ever yet gave. With this certainty of fame and fortune, it is little wonder that every vocalist aspires te the operatic stane; that se few of them succeed in getting there In the sense of becoming stars Is due te a variety of cuuses, of which in this country lack of opportunity In ncquirlng the necessary experience is one of the principal ones. Of course, te be u successful operatic singer demands n very great equip ment in matters just as essential as the mere possession of a fine elce. In fact, one of the greatest operatic j stars has linn SOFIA CHARLEBOIS. 9&y Carle Ce Metropolitan " J JULIA SANDERSON, TANGtRINE Shubert , 9 -: '"-v j AMauar- .v s Tir 'f t'Y poser nnd never has there been a liner rending of it than Mr. Stekes, rhvc yesterday. I. generally took It at a sllclilly tempo tliun 1ms been his custom, nnd If ihcre was n lobs In spirit, an attribute of Franck net u-ninU" at corded te him, but which In- has in abundance, there was a gain in the marvelous detail of the weik, In which it is net appniacheil by any s.Mnplieni ill till orchestral liteiatilie. The slew movement and scher.e eemlilneil was especially effective, as it always Is. Next came the clever schere. "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" of, one of the best expositions of modern trench. mn sic in a fiistinciivc mmii. i ,i, ,,,t, flirtiiii. in- jitKP rue sympneny it was ncaiiuiniij vnrieil telcs, uiu H'tauip I itrnuin imlulcei In u cIiisr hare-tlsted battle with Themas Snnt schl ill "The Spoilers," they cliilni In; should hae at least one xlgoreus tight in all his films, and because Douglas Fnlrb'inks risked life and limb in "Itis Picture in the Papers'," he spent two or three years In hair-raising gymnas tics en the scicpn. Theodere Huberts, who used te play roles of every com enable cliaractet, was finally pigron-helcd by his com pany ns a grunt man for gruff business men' roles or ns a snarling father-in-law te romantic heieines. The result wiih that for three jears he wns Heeded with such pints, nnd escaped only when another tempnnj borrowed him f r "Hail the Weman," In which he plajcd the role of the bigoted New Knglaiiders only u great artit could. New, is being gnen num. the last nuneiiufi Photoplays te Be Seew On Lecal Screens Soen llrrrtulii-r 4 " V lien KlllphthOO Was In .'lnwer," with Lyn llanllriK, Ktiinten "Th. Impossible Mrs. Hellew," liierla Swiiusen, Hlanley. "Mown le tluj Sen In Ships,' Motieolititii opera lfeuse. 'The i:iib Title," with Itayinend Hallen, Knrltnn "Im firel Niire," ultli Tem MIX. Vlcierin. "If I Wen- Queen," with Ethil I'lnyten, Arcmlin, "i:nter Mmlimn " wltli Clara Kimball Veung, Abllne "Thn .Man Who Saw Tomorrow," with Tiiennia Mi'lghnn, Palace. iCLUBWOMENTOHOLD GIRL SCOUT RALLY New Century Members Have Invited Others te Attend Exercises ,V llieelillir hn heen nrrniit'eil fnr i Wednesihiv iifternoen te interest club women in the work nf the Ciil .Scouts. This (iirl Scout rnlh. wlibh is under ,1 e . i . .. .., ntnv.,1. tlw. I,;... .! mnlrn bus. ....... I.... l.' .. m I... e 1 i.. '".' '".'"I" V". ."' " -M'W 1 llltiry fllllJ. ,-...,. ., .,. ,.--.,.,..,. , ..,. llll'llt litis II, 111 -''il 17" I'-ll I III -i m lull hn of the life of the singer, first lu learning roles, and then in no retaining them as te be ready te slpg them nt a mo ment's notice. The 'coloratura, above all ether miccs, net even excepting the tenor, must keep In perfect X'ecal condition all the time. of this or any ether generation . ." hen a singer Is prepared for a inle her way te the ver top with- ,"'ut. she says, the matter of getting an laceb Pelper. Minnie Allisen, FIRES DO $1500 DAMAGE piles ilei ihe leg. Peer el IJUU ft,,,, frr'iy gum; ue en jour King. The invasion of u tin- Stales spoils his per .Paradise, and his i-Iuht lit- mn the ill- lirilitn their ipiam-ls with their IS .,(t .1 1 . . . nil ,.i,i i ', """iieiiiii- nr inn . with only t, ,,lt fr (.empi,liy. uhl. .i . " lie icis rushy date ""0"u", "(Je keep , r. "i ,"".1 t,i,,t i"' th cust.ii AiacrliM ter the diV le lh, M th " "M the, all rebel, .se H,.' ..'.. '"-' '"".' ""' men from limn Mien up niveti. go jour Allentliiisliiiil,. ... ,i . , . our nt.l i.i ","',, ,,ri"i,iii was accen uii ".el iJbe f ll'klng. lln has had ills- ' ' t. s fn ..'I"" l""". is said te ll he ",,Cb,t of ,h" let- vc can li,k "n 'V. 1IeH tuc B1,me ,M I ly" f.,I,,0,M il,,w '" '"Vh" VMi 'V a,,i. 'I1 Knett the Tailor in "ni lliiviiiifl. t. ii.. ii .iH'twhe.riieliVssniii,--ie.lbtiiii,Hlv.. ' lugu -te say Engine Sparks Start Reef Blaze. Tailor Shep Aflame Twe early morning fires In wldelv separated sections of the cltl caused damage of Sl.'lKl ami in one c.-ue tied up trntllc for ten minutes. Sparks from a loiemotlve ignited ihn reef of a warehouse he'engiug le the Philadelphia Paper Mills. .Mnninnnk. The llaiues threateticil te te lln. main Mructui-e, in which hundreds of bales of wiihle paper are stored, hut u-" extinguish) d b.v piempt action of II r iii'ii. '. rnfl'u' was )lela,ci while firemen ieiikui a siiinnniu mure in tiic lniieiuent of the tailor shop of Charles Mjers, Fourth st t eel .mil Snjder aieuue, shnrtlj bi-ferp S n)'!nck The fire, be. Hexed le h.MP been c.uiseil hv a ilcfc'ctiic hintcr, cniised ilani.ige of ?."0il. 'CAVE MAN" MUST WORK Jeb and Heme Obtained en Prom Prem ise te Treat Family Better William Ware, the "cae man" ar issteil u week age near Stratford, V .1., because he kept his family in n hut in the weeds, will be released Monday from the I'ninilcn Count) jail, niwii a job and a home for his family near tileuccsicr. and ordered te keep his wife umi three chlldicu as they should be kept. Ware's wife and children Imve been lu the Camden County Hospital slnce his arrest, He has four ether children who have been placed in homes. Pros ecutor Wolverleu obtained n job and u home for Ware and his family after the "cac man" premised te go te work. WILL SUPERVISE SCHOOLS Qenetee, N, Y., Educator Elected te ColllnQsweod, N. J., Pett Dr. V. Fowler Hucke, of (iencsee, N. Y.. xvas elected supervising prin cipal of Ihe Colllngsweod, N. .1., schools lust night at a meeting of the beard of rducntlen. There were seventy-live applications for the position. Dr. Jlueke Is new head nf the de- piirtmeut of cilui'iitlen teacher 4 I I, llll.-i.v .'. . w ..,,.- TV 'it'Hi'FMi'.'vru.j i . tiuiuiiig of the (lencsie State Nermal 1 "i- ,. ' ,SN,,Sh "l"1 music, Scheel, lie will asiiiiie his new pest ii,,.a ,'i M"juliig Dearie" has the de- nexl Frid.ij He fills the xucancy live K, 'i 'V "'I'Htlen te the seduc- caused bj the death of Henry Neal "I the ii i ll'.:): 'I'pip In a gifiit ih-iili thicp menlhs age. Dew a r 1 .n.V,er-y" llu "Wy ,',"r '" l,u '.l"''l''t,iu'' wttu the Wst Li?Ilu Kay Wcklns" is the (lenesee Htnte Nermal Scheel, Dr. ' Haw. "Brery Qlrl," ta-bleh ceu linnkn wns first principal of the Tech. meal High Hchoel of Hatrlsburf, Fa out this possession, but she has dra malic gifts of the I'ernlinrdt or He fane order, and above all a personal ity which xveuld have insured her suc cess in any line of xverk which she might hae cared te undertake. TO IlECOMK nn operatic star, thereferp, rpipiircs xeici-, stage presencp, personality, dramatic ablliiy. experience, an imiueusp amount of ha id work nnd stud, ability te cet along with all kinds of persons, and Htmlly the opportunity. Theie may be a lew lew ether reipiirenu'lits net here enumerated, but these are siiIHcient te show why, out of se many who think they un called, se few are chosen. I'p te the close of the Itelllul-Dnni-zetli period of Italian epcin, little was demanded from the siimer except the ability te sing the biillhiui parts which the composers wrote, mlrs which weie cspeclallj designed In show off tlm vocal accomplishments of tin- sing ers and practically netbli.g ele. Hut with the coining of Vctdl, and leancxpii gi cater extent, Wagner and Puccini, xxlille the xoeal demands were xlrtu ally as great, although along different Hues, the dramatic rcqu In. meats were intensified a thuusuudfehl. The elder cotnpeer.s wrote for the elcc alone. They knew Us pnsslhlli tics nnil Its llmitiitietis jn t as well ns the singers themselves- better than most of Ihe Minghlrds -and therefurp what Ihei composed could be sung by an arlist of the first class. Vcnli knew the xelce, tee, about as well as auj composer, and while his robs are tre mendously iliibVuli, siill i hey are nil along the lines of legituuiiii- illtHi'ul lies. IJut Wagner and. le a lesser nilent. Puccini tisunll.v wiele for en semble effect and the singer encountered j IIIUIi'lllllPH llllKIIOllll in Hi'- "iu l- canto, cxeli though th'1 adherents of thai stjle of singing hvlaie that If a person i an sing bcl c.mte pieperlj, im J thing xeenl is net only possible, reasonably casj . a sufficient number of goeu singers for their stellar roles. In u way this is true, according te the jeutig soprune, but the big companies naturally demand singers of the highest finish and wide experlunee, and the American singer has practically no place te get the oppor tunity te learn the actual technique of the operatic stage, en ucceuiit of the sc.-ucity of companies and this tech nique is something which can be learned only by actual operatic singing. Miss I.ucchest- finds un ever-awakening interest in opera in this count rj it has been noticeable eiin In hpr short experience and it must be remembered that this brilliant leimir t-1 , i --..i- lu ,mlv lu her second professional jcar. With1 heroine the natural increase of this interest ' alvc. mere opportunities will be pieilded for tin- singers te get the experience nec essary through the formation of ether companies and then, if thev lime the stuff in them. It is only a (jue.stlen until they can enter the big companies as Hturs. seen pet forming their prominent parts. as did all of tin- weed wimlx. with fine tene and clear execution. This was fol lowed by the ever-popular "Afternoon of n Faun" of Debussy, one of the most poetic compositions of any composer. In which Wllllnm M. Klncnld. the first llute. especially distinguished himself. The "Uinse Macabre" of Saint which has net been plaveil by thp orchestra for some time, was the next number and was glien a syuipa tliPtlc reading by the conductor and plajpd xvith especially beautiful tone. one neeessitj of French nui-Ic. bv the sole instruments ns eI us bv the whole orchestra. Tin- program closed with the "Kspann" rhapsody of Chabrler. the least re.illv French number of the lencert. as all of the themes but one in In- composition ai" taken b",lil from Spanish sources. However. It mnde a xlgoreus close te a beautiful concert. held at that clubhouse 124 If -u. ........' . 1.1,1. -.! 1 .11. ., .. I .1 . .. II. t .. ... reiiip.t un ii ijiii .mum!- pi".-'-" i Miutii iwelfth street, en t le stage. I The inembeis of ether women's clubi 'I here lire certain actors of the screen m, j.eet. iiniled te tin- uilh. at which who, by th xerj great ni-w of their at - then- uill lm ,i..m e ,n.i .1.. .1... ..ii . 1..1.1 ,.i f i .. .-. -. . ......,,.,,, ,,, .,,,, ','"-., "i'"-, "" -"-'"'I i,....- " , .-scour activities, including the the lilm producers te suhmeige them ' Mf 1...1.1. bathing A NEW CARMEN ltllklttlIrr . .......!.... ... .1 t.... I"i'r'""i",i in .iiiiriirii in imv w niir ,kIic r 1 is one rf th. most difficult ' ,.,,. l1...,L . .- 1... . ..I. ....I S,t .... iiuiviin ii. in- iMiiveti, .uihs i.nccnese sang for the late Knrice Caruso enlv a few months before he left the I'nlted StntiM for Italy en what prexed te be his last journey, and his enthusiastic commendation of her voice and method both encouraged her and helped her materially. The tumble in getting a hearing is clnelli due te the very small number of operatic lempauies in this ceunti-v. A III,, nil .iw.i.ij,!,,!!. 1. 1...1. ., !. 7"-' ...,.,, ,11 inn,-, iiieri- are . ,1, 1 ellllllllllf-s ill nvfi,t .!,. j.f .i...i.. .It 1 10 ,. , . - ' v . '',. ". ,.-i lilt-Ill UIU Dorethy Jarden Singe Title Rele at Splendid Performance by Galle Forces A new name xas added last night at the Metropolitan Opera Heuse te the long list of tin-si- who have sung I'izct'n cenuettlsli mnl sometimes tigerish The gamut ranges trnm the classic iuipersouater. through Zelie ile I.ussan. another hue Carmen: Marx fJiuden. rich in diama; the favorite ('enildiiie Fnrrar. Maria Hay's sordid and dirti -tempered clgn retie girl: Jeanne (ierxllb- Keache's poetic inippr-iinatieu te inpntiun only the outstanding incumbents of the role. Dorethy .rnrdmi. formerly of the Chi cago (Jra'nd iii-era Company, was the Icbiituntp tinmen lutrediicpd b.v the lu "type relc. Such a man is Ita.x mend Ilatten, who plajs tin- role of IIulsli in Steieiisen's "I'M) Tide," which comes te the Kailteu in another week. Dr. let us tnke Nerma Talmndgp, probably the supreme woman nrtiite el the screen. I'vimlnc her iccent films and jeii'll find that she bus plajcd the roles of Chinese girls. Indian maiden-, Spanish -cnentiis, ladies in lmop lmep skllts, dm hoses, untameil gilli of the veldts, tus(i- island ilamsaN. and a score mere ,s opposed te that leceid, L.. .. M. ...!.. .j 1.1...1 ... Ml" 1111,1- 'Tl' .- ,111-1111. ,..-1l.'l I'. , ,.!,., I,.., .i.t I,. ,...-, ,...! I...t. mi.,1 f,i,i,.v 1 'I'l'-pil will ri head dresses Isn't it a shnmeV es, and cspi-i'ially kiiin- .MifS wansen showed all kinds of premise at one time. Phllemusian Club Hugh Walpole will lecture en "Uoeki and Friendship" Saturdav. Ten and a rcieptien te Mr. Wnlpele uill fol fel low the lecture. flip TO CO.VTINFi: Kode: excursions into the Iph Valentine's San Carle t'ratul Opera Company in Mis XA especially interesting ami laluable because she Is one of the ict-y few1 iiuiiiir .t miirii'Ti nu ii-ii ii 11 mu lIi.iii.., . 1.1 ma ... . , I . ... 1 s ....i,.-,,,,,, str k ne v ttlicient am verj en ey- Amei lean singer, though few have been 'l,,n... -'" '-"""eipu.ii a mm ... imt llllllll, II 'MM,- w. - n-'rti- ,., , .1.-,. ' " . I,n -iki I. itniK.I ill l.ix.r.'.i I . Xt'itr.i'c. rex ue. singing the "Habaneia ' and ether nninbeis in costume. Mi-n .Tnr .Tnr den. statuesiiiie in peisen, offers a endowed by nature .0 enuewcii ey nature with unci penrauce ami dramatic ubilitx us she. 1 She is convinced that the dii.x is rap-. Idly passing. If It has net actually gene, xheii Fiirepeun spi-eens necessary te operatic pre-eiuluence In this ciiiintrx nnil thliiKs that alilllt.x. no matter where round, is coming mete and mure te be nly conslder.itien. The mnniiL'ers 'his fermi r 1 empaiix seiuhl out ). A. Mitchell's jiepuhir best seller. "Ames Jildd." leliniiiei it "The Yeuilj lt.lj.lll" llllil pieilnceil it With scenes of opulence ami splendor. One of the settings of this picture is a little New I.ngl.i.iil town where, upon 11 stormy night, two Hindus bring 11 little boy ii in I Icine him at a lonely farmhouse. The fanner is Informed bx 11 note that tin- bej is the son of his toether In Calcutta'. It ile.elnp that the jeungster is heir te iui Indian tin one, hut he N kept in ignorance, natueil Ames .liuhl, and tiuall.x sent te .ellege. lie fall 1 111 lexi- xvith an American and en the cxe of his maniage i iiucrincil that In- must letuin te India te cciupj the thiene that is iightfulix Ids. Having suni this much, xxe will step se that till (be Valeiniiie funs xxill net haxe the stmx's dramatic dim n spoiled ter them. Whether or tint, lln- til 111 is Miti hell 11 ml "Ames ,ludd ' m Hellj -wiinil anil "The Yeung It.iiah" i h ti -elhir thing xxi' will Idixc uuiui-iirieiieil. for the simple i' son that xe de net Hathaway Sbahespe.ire Club There will M. nu-eting of l..xeciltixe llniiii nt 1 ,.,..t..'.. v.i,t. -,, , , - "v.v.rt ...HUT, joiieweii i,v .1 reception. With the president. Mr.. cilnrpS Ir,.ln!. ,,r. :Vv ; M7. !,'"'rt '" "'hctt. Mrs. I X illiaill (r. M.nlT,.-, Xf,. t j.- Jp,r ,Mr. i-i-ank New tee nn,! in. 'ti,.--J ceivc. f !.. 1 ... . . .,,., -,,-,. .iiansiiip. or 11, 0 tjer tjer iiiai.tewn High Sciioei, il u.,i,. itpr. pretixe readlncs and Mrs I. yj n. Culm will review "Ilabbitt"' 'nnd Secret Places of the Heart." Chic Club ,'.!!? ,,,'";,r,,l "f ''"'"t'lrs will meet at It -.10 Mendnj. Tues.I,., t n o'clock there xxill he a gcncial lnc-tim- .',n,i..:. lapnian ilmu of Temnli- I'liln-paii-v Sihoel. will sp, nk en "Slmll x I nlferin Mnirlagr- nml Dliorce In the I niteil Stiitp'." (' Law Haxe Law- Tl l.xecutlxi W.ilnesilin ;,t 10 P. e'cl a. rd will meat .Hi si.e. 111 11 inereiern flu. iiiimiuit. ,,r ,..,.,.. i Iiil'm I'ee !itiililt.ii..j .,i,., . ... ... ' tlllli1 -"" ' "' ".",.,-, ..un,, Isilln-'IM 10 gnln the experience thcx must have be- ion- iieing ntted te go before the public wiiu 11 nne company is xerv Kreatef. In this tespecl, she snjN that Fortune ii.lle. of the San Carle Company, offers' aiuiest me euiy oppei I unity, and this low is suppeiieti ey III of the greatest companies haxe for some sell II Till Carmen that Is almost exeti T !...!.. I siieiis, ji is i.iiiiui-i 1111.- .11111 nn;.-, umi . instinct with a gj ps strain of wildn.'ss, ami willfulness, iicr xeice, ici-.ctx nnil dan- in nne. is n,-n nnapteii ter Knew 1 adib d lxxn ; Fbb '" Haxe .nil t ,en tin Ills ni il and 11 1 ll Until. I'llll lliukds ,111 III tlllls te Ulieil,! king lii XXI- de lint 1 . haxe "The "Te II' te pil'llll'llell' tine American xmcis that the ceuutrj Iris xxlthin Its holders, as N shown hi- ,ii... ;,,,..i.,.Li.,.r .,,.,..1..... ..r , .-.. miicli ' , i' '-. nt, miiiii.ii-. nu .iiiierii'au 1nu1.11 Litt,.,,,. Ii, ,1,1,1,. ,i,,i ti.i ,, ....... .1 .1. i-,,,-., ... ..,. ..(,,,,.1,.,-,. .-..-ii iiiuii-ii few of Ihem are jet the greatest stars. Mil Rani-na'a fJntAl Q4 lit ww taawwiMWi f4WVl g.dl I 1 -can ...... I iii.r lilimiJIT 1 v. . .. nf initfif Vii..p1e., :..... .. l..s i. ,M iiimv i-ii imif unin' - .- i"i iiilill -"1 IIfa-I J I 11 LI IlllXfi I . t .ari ;is (irncf iSrntcp. had tl.eir chume with Mr. CSnll.V. W I, ' ', '"Cbcrt wl iv"' the spiead of t peratic traditle -Y.1 ,h ' . ,r. '"VV ,'"" .Nn'-'""" bee, which, she feels. s certain tn "eZ ' V,'.'."- 'V mm il'ix ml- f"""!' ' V before long this . nmlii Inn u-lll K,. Cenilier , was pl.ijlllg in ,1 jnxen le niti,, greatly increased. I KL' mm.!1I p!ax "''an',, A aikimca i.,.,i ....... i.n. ,'!- from llu- niiditeriuu. of the theatre. A , ,, "".""'When she thought she b.1,1 acinind iindeulilcilly has according te Miss Lucchese. nut it lias net yet the operatic atmo sphere in which jeung singei.s fieiirish and develop. She is aNe of the opinion that then; nie iu the I'nlted States a geed mniiv jeutig singers, lieth male mid female, who would make geed 1 pent if the chance eulj cauu' te them. liul there are .se mauj unu-e applicant- than there me opportunities. been conscious of the wealth efi the music. All in all the .l.ndnii f'.ir- inen Is coieitut ami alluring. Jesephine I.ucchcse, the harming umi lexclx iideratuia pnm.i denna, xvhe is one of Fortune '1 ille's must happy "linil-. ' xxas the Mich-Iu, .md the line air aiiniicii in tip. m,e with grace and tenderness. Famulus, the (ireek tennr, g.ue .1 geed account of himself iu the Den .lese p.nt. ion-. Ing the nic.isiit.s xx it Ii passion and ait lug the inle x.nli nnir" ihuu usual m UiHIlticlsm. Philadelphia s own jlenti Scott XXIIs the Ten lillei-, ,1 Inle in which he luis nfieii ..ppf'iifil in this city xvltb tin- MeMopelitiin ami piiiin-delphia-Chlcign 1 .imp.iuie. but nnxer jte better ,fl,,i. ullnr dramatii .ill.x or xecnll.x. lis sinyiii.. un ,-,,ji voiced and rn Ii .tin! his interpict.-itieti could hnrill.x b" belt. red. TltVIN SIll'KWSBITtY Ciilip. has L had little. s tar. te i with ihe li'nis, though lie uicntmneil as the tllle-wrller nt" .1 -.cent put in in whiih Yiiian M.iitin appealed, Pardmi M French." Mr Cnbb Is tic .tutlmr of "1 ix. -H.1ll.1r Main," t.r .1 in.igaiiie. Ve I li'.s li'm X' 1 1 restore il.i. e X'.lilcli riglltfilll.x PllOllgt. Ol till' e'SCtltlllls of s,t. ;rt. sl.p applied te Charles Fiehiimu fn.' a position. Her first cngagcnienl was In "The Nexv Hey." I.e.ixing tin- I telii inn ninnageiiient she ciinic umler tin. nl 1 Ylela I .an. 1 which he xx 1011 I sin. erely hop. Miss Dana te tl Icleugs te her. lu llieearlx daxs. liefme li, Ii ft si. n. Miss Dana did s,n, nlic. marked her for an eni"tniiiiil ,1, tn mil nbllitj. nnd preli.ibij ilie bis et pritlnis en 1 lie -ci 11 As the months h.ixc, pie.iners of Ii-s Dana s pnlims ii.ue ,e, ideil i,, a i'einiMii-iinc elll e. in T. IX ell, M mn. F.ll- 1 hat ss f 1 IX- On the ether managers claim 1 William A. I'r.nlx 11 1 was in 11b' a stiii her tir-i 1 being in "I'.cttx Pegg.i " IMP.'iel.ible pel fel malice of "I 111 S.i t iIhii'r "Ijix iircniis." M 111111I. the operatic, si nidi ieeis and fellnxxeil at ihej cannot get " ,uuan's Wax." iiinl later lipear.ince lu lit-t j pr.i'lltie" iss (leerge this with Girl Missing for Four Months A.lllie (illll IU I lliele, 11 c,s, .-in,-, Werth stH. 1, his i..,.ii icpnr.i'il te ih,. police as iiiissin.- sii , I,,. 1 ,hil, 'I'!,,, girl's father, "-nn- 11- i.iiihi., n, his daughter hid .m t AM. nun i m in June te work, .nil 1l.1t 111 word Im-, been receiied of he- f.i fn 11 lueiiths. sn are. U'uiiii n' ,j M'.iul.ix W! NOTES OF WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC Ilial 111 it-.-ll w. is imt se Pad. Imr 1" f. rtuiiuielx Miss D.ina ,' x I, , hexed that t" be hiimnieiis she u usi jbnih kit.eiiili and -..,, ci.siiiig .i 111.cs the -mi ..'ii. I, mil .111,1 lu nix nf Miss I !, 1 s , inir is gn w ilissiitisiied and I nl Ii 1 I II I, He Miss 1 i.iiia, ex idenilx 1 ing Icr error, retuincd te .11 Methods of I Illlleilj 1 -..iiai- 1 .ii ni in n 1 - .1 , ,11 1 .ri-s ..m 1b.1i in. 1.1.1. , lbri. . 1 n .. IlnlTmHti. I. din Hnr- ,,-,.,,,.l K.IIIkUl .1110 -llllj' Weman's Club of Hala-Cjnwyd Fi.Ilexxnig the business meeting xx.ilnesdn.x and a book r.-x i-w the pro gram will be in charge of th, home eco nomics dcpnitment. U,i LVtwoed- Selbett Will s,...k , ...J'l,,. l.,)Sshii. ties of ih.. Amateur 111 Heme Decora tion.' Tea will be serxed and an open meet ing will be I .hi iitterwird. Weman's Club, of .cnnanlewii The . lass iu bridge will meet We.lnes. iImx m.'iiiiug Tin- class ni liii-ralun will In lenducieil hx Mrs. Mlnten I'.xne. .it Hi ::n i.Vlmk Thin daj. r Finlix the iidi.'iuieil class 1,, public speaking under Mrs, M.11.1 l!es0 Cellins will meet at HI :.'!(. e". Im k. 'Ihe New Centurj Club I Tin. Men la; meiiiing da-s will Irive I i program en sp,..ii e!,,!, nerk. I These m1iU uiu 1 11 k pan an Mrs, I. I M James, piesiiient ,,, the Dnv lestewn NlilUle Clilli; Mrs r I'. Mehler. presi- l.'iif 1 f the Amblei Cel'ii.x Club: Mrs. A I.. Swart;:, picsideni of th,. .NenW- 1 lewn ( ..iiiei-alinnal I'luh. .Jrs. V. M. UnS". p.esldent nf ih,. Ch.Ms. MnnJ I nay i 11111. 11 hd Mrs xi. c I dent nf the Wciuis,la,x Phlhidelphiii, Ai .'..111 en Miimlax M, I Cellins miJi talk nn ' 'Tin tin- .-speai'ing X !".' ax .1 :: ,.,.k t, , ,, n, haie It- hct nf t.n Icituie 011 Vexxs rmiii the I'mui ,,f m. nf the NeWsiie,." Imln I., (JnliiiiM uiu peak. Women's t lub of Media Mis. Cli'iib s In ing Pin in II prcsi- delll nl" the llillhawax Slull(eslie,ir Will speak nil "Sweet, t Slink... Fim.x's Child.' 1,1 ihe t lub 1 f Media nil T .esdiiy. elii'ge Club 1 e .-le. k l I nil. tircsi.. Club, West M.nx Itnse Tin mil" of U-s neriiial The rue- llllU,. slipp. IC.ilpu l."X -ion. 11hur Ne . 'i 11 1. k I Mil II ill- 111 111- - I p. I' I 1 Plan. iilin'i W ill Mi 1 I ein.iu' lUlnl! 1 '.d I I' Hill 1 mlit r 1 . II of ll. will nt In Anna II. U hue- nenk en 1 1 I n'.'li ing I" . ( ll.h of ..r 1 em ... nie Frankt Te. s. n e ..uii nie ratiklerd 1 11. 1 ir.iifln I Free it v .'' I" mil-'., nnl .iM. ITII this iu mind. I talked (he ether day with Miss Jesephine T.ucchese, the brilliant jeunz A inert- can coleratuu "f Ha r4'" t'.n'e Opera . Ceiupiinv, who this season hits done, such splendid work hen In some ex- ! cecdiugly trxing celnrniuia .eles. uela- ' bly that of (ilhla In "Ulgolptte." Miss laicchesn is net enlv Aiuetican b.x birth but she has nexcr been nut of this country, Imvliig had all her train Ing here. ' She Is emphatically of the opinion that it Is net at all u "" te go 1 abroad for the tciluucnl training of the xeice, which is (he first essential of the operatic singer. Her own fault less met hed of using her voice Is proof of this assertion, but then she xvas fuituunte In hm lug an extremely xvisn teacher, one who real Ixed the full possibilities of her remark nble veire, but show id wisdom in net pushing it tee fast or trjlt.g tee early for an operatic dtbut. Miss Lucchese was born in Texas (ulse the home Stale of Mine. Olga Samareff) und lecelxeil all of her early Instruction there. Of ceurse, she wns a natural slngir. which helped matters a -let, but it gees te show- that musi cal success does net necessarily rest upon limitless in the gicat musical centers of Uiu country The operatic tradition was a heiitage of her Italian paieutage. TUB hardest kind of work Is neces wry, she snjs, te master the vocal tecbniuue, n& U& ceutlfluw. U tie tmi Tins Plilliirllrlili pen-nn nf th Melropnl Melrepnl Itnn Op.'r. .VinirHTiy will ni en til Ihe Aeuj. nnv ut XIiihIi- en 'I'll, si I ii . wnlnK una lliiiies 'Metifiiiuli. ' u Mil .!i eiiilniu Km-nl-in 'innc, iVintni CImIi iiiln In Ihe title rule Willi XP 1 lnl',iiii xxill s 11.; Mm.' A l.l.i an Xl.iruu.i le Mine Pernie, lis Itelsii nf 't'rnv, Mice. IVrlnl .is XI in,, 1111 I IVntiiliH, Mi. ll It'll ,1- I'lllst .mil M' I'll lillllell hh XX'H t- ner and .Nerej, li XI autumn n 111 lunJuct. Next wnl.'s llsl of ui is anil ..tutu nf the Sim I'ui-lu Uriuiil i-p'-ri "im mrinni t Ihr Xtetiei-illtnn Is nn tutl'ms Mmnln, "I.a, Dull, nie ' wllh I'llIn I'h.ulil'.iU, HdhiMi, Vn lie. I Li III..BI. 'IllHslrfX ' I'liUMt," Willi riinrl'liiiU. Kllnnxn, lli.'iii cl Jinne'll, n.i Hlnrl X'e.1ii"s'lax. "In llleiend," xvllh ll.. I.xs, U,- Mi tie lillrnix.i Harm, Vil. li Wail; Tlmrs1l.11, iiMtluin, "I'.uuTerln llutli'ini ' "Hh il Mle.iii Ire. KIla.iiH, Uinta Ititernini.' XI..U. r Pi Iffer xl eon. ilui-t; ihIIii.mmI le ' I'.i- (., I unit I'h.-iile-Wil I-.iiniiiPi 11 iii.-in r-lla. "I,ehii. S'rln " x.itli I'liilil I'luier..", ll.mi.irui, X'tilln nml I" Hla-i H tie n nuilii.e "Miiilnmn llllellh," III! XI urn 1 1. Jlell.. Hum, llnui-iml. De lii.isl t "' I .-lis, Snur its 1. "II 'I'leiHinr'. n.i lUi'i'iihl. ir.Mcs. mtiulre. rniumtas, inn iriuit", t'rrxl. Tvxn fsnturri en tli Phll.i IflphlH (lichrni trn lireBium for PrMay Hf irrne.ii and St urrtjy excnliiB nxt re tlii ai)rrancn of Alxmirtn Hlletl 11s soelt nml thn firm Irvnl rerfnrnintii-e of Cimillli. Zfrliver' prlti inililtl'iii. "Jude lliutrllls " The gym. iiuii Ih Ihn .s nnt. In U. ty IliiyJn, knnxin 11 h th "lAinden" Hynii.livny The vencluillns 1111111I1.T is the tlnule fnun "cleeltcrrtiumn. riiim " Theic urn txe xxerkii lu whim tha lilimi flsur.")- tin- Hnc-li Hrrfinlnnburtf coti ceti i hi in fur ili, nn tint nml xlelln, and tlia "D.ilii... uf Iie.iih," hi lAstt. I- litis et'hrtt,i will e il'r- I S.. nf ll 1 11 XI s-nl I U. I I, 1' Ir I .11 t i invert In the ' .. Ipllln (lr, Ii. an,, 1 . x.iiin. it lie- . . 1' 1..1 ll! t ll.,, II s.lle m t lit- X. Ii Mis I ll ,. I ' 1 e nt !! it t I, kin tel .11 th. AiMi'dm 1 1 11 1 n t.nnnriiiw . 1 1 rinen n, , ! I'liiii. ii ml lln. I'h '.'' ,. l"x.iii.Jr hi J '1. 1 rnfi 1 ..III I'llll. , Sttiinltz nrl-H i -r, Mr Cl.llll Hll! ir I '1 - II . A I . - ' X .J I . TJM-u W (t If lr 11 t XXnPer IMiuiisi-h' m rke hU fnrri 11 ipe ,1,1111 11 turn fin- this feitm hi, .en. iluiinr 111 I'm lliinl '.in ert nf ihn N-pw YinK s 1 u.'innv tilth's ni III tlm Aruilm,y Ii.'itiulitt ll, uliui lm win iiimiM im nil l.rctrtuxcii iirmiiiini Till" iinmrtttn will 1 mtii i.r uiiuiiii i.eniiiir,, jve ;i n,, the Siiiii-iiniix Ne a "i:r.ilra " nnil mu le imiiii. further lntt-etlHK Lv an uiljr..i. xthlih .Mr. immresih xxill mnke en the "lleeirinim hyinpheat." In which h mn rlUfUUitt- nml tlhistrutn at Hit. rlne tha mudlctl ntructur of ilia work .pralltnlnarr te lu iMrienMet IH XqiuU. msA MUk Hi- I" 11 Mi hi 1 tin 1 l:ni -..i lil win r ,it II -,i.lnt .'.III,: et the t Infni.'l Mu- x - iii'i n lem ,rrn rt.rn. in ,t 1 .. t-l.x k in Ih" I. li'm. m nf ili, 11- leiux 'II wi.'Hli . miiiiriM'i. .1 ir.'tie fei mn ilnliii, 11 J iinla. In Uier.ik, ,1 ilivenlit lie nt f i Iliite, (Le, e iriuet Imiimi.iii, I t.n. a. 1 ll.inn, h) Xllurt 11 .usvei ,h, ., illlle f i- the entlin enkenihlr ntltl, Iht.i.ii ili I nukuitr li'dM," h Umiu "lel r Die Mi nee Mum. nl t' nl, i.m r-ni,t f,, Ih tlrst i i. In rhiliiMnhl.i Hi tnun An .ii 01 tenor. Ili-.i Ktrl i, H i . t t.n.erl nil., ll will ul... plme t,, ,l,r H Ii.iiin nf ih. iiillciu Ml.itfunl umi ,.,a tl i ..I' int. ii, I h,n XI i .null .in thn lliliiiiin rc,na( will k .' tl thlr.l nml ,ist nf Hie prns,..,! Heiis nf nrKun cfinurts , thn WiinrtliuKcr turn ii. xt Tuiiday exeiilnir t Inn til. ll stu.r-1,.1 ,n i nf M l...k. 1 ' lew Hit. r innli it xx i.i u'lili entire .f ...nitniM. ra A svlei l n will he lilOf.l , w llll lln in i.e,, I, ,, rimn ivill bn uinler Alix.iuit'1 .MkUIiciss. III. 11. I r K-1. 111 ' - V K-.i I I'ltllH 1 II. II .1 "i Ph., I "f II Th Miislnil Art i'luh xtlll Kii , rft'rn. tlnn te Vnrturi" tlilln ,,ini tlu- , nrtist nf Hi" .sin t'ailn liiainl Uis-m Cm' run ,.i (mm ciubhi.ii.n ihii n,,iitmj Mrmt. nil huntlay afifriienii ut I u'cletk. Thn MllnurHrtur.' Cluh will ulx-n thn m tin.l nmliHle ' Inn srnmn Memlav at "in Tie .trtlns mil lm H.nitrl.t. K'mhill Union . .miriilte tirntrt lierk. nlnnlat: XVII Ham Hi"' it.l, flute, I.iiil.'l llnni.ln, (.LtrP lifli. 1 i slarlt 11 iiiiiuatiii i-luulst A, lh hfrnml Rrtlstii' ennenrt u, Ih. d.i. Mnin ." hiwl nn Miindsx- nn-nlriK thn. Mem.ii livi.tni will n. In iU ,niik-, n- ,n er. i-iiinti, uii'l li.iiullii IPker, tenor, uf .N'ew fmuu t eili 1h I'hiliiililphln Musi, j ,, will 111" l llet 1tjns(lll i, t , i s-mi.,.!,:, ni Mum., m.iiei.1 ti., . , . l.enrk-i. P IIiiXIm win ,elnr , Nllleil .jf tdll.h. Hl am.,,., hi inusle. 1 tin H.'rxi.-n of ntjf..tit i ,. i !.'" . N" ',""!, - - l-rt ii t ,j. i 'first Hint Hnut ptr,,.s s, . , llm i-i,..,uii will eniisin ,.f r.l i I iniitij ii itienuJItln mm ,. , " .n,rs .ii Am. rlci, ,'H, 1 HIKIl Hiiwii ltn,' i,nrmil, , Inti.l Hi- Iiuir ta unilar Hi j , Mini lern 'S I, nt -nit t ' f of te 11- llll I'll.-. r . M'llltTI N.'n:i.. Xte ,'iuiiel tell much nlieui ' Mtii, .1 Wlii.-s " in xx 11. he I lam,- ii-lii, . It I , in ill l he Km Ite.i -iil.leii, nml i x n ,, mi, nu H mi is m iiii. Inn u. i liter s' .n.l I' .It it s i -i..ii i tl ,, I'iii.isi,., imt, ri'i ,.it xxiili a iiiIhk thine I nil ns lis , hi-f scttmj , lltn il e tncl tint It, In. mi'1 Ii, s , , .spiiin-h, t',,niii Siiyle a- th. lexel A I lp' ill. ill tl ,- 'he ix l nn ,1 IJe'icri Ur ixxer ami finest 'I'm i, n . in -uini.ii titij; ml. , is ,, u,. i an ti II .Uill. The i XXlll ,e !s. t.'eill I. s,, l'l ( ll t I. 'ill X XV II .IX I '.n llll le.i ( luh ii"Ut hlx i i isi. i i, k, IX ell 'I'tp sil.l in I Mill I, I tl 111. I '". I II t II I lit. i I i .1 I . I st I l I II I dub I, I. iu ! ixnlge. Miisp ul ' nt' thn i Music, 1 'grain iiieiiern FOSSILS TO ACADEMY E''A1 i.aim: HA.MMi:ui''ri:iv ii ut heth Aiciiih.i .11. il Tlic'lttes ill Mnrj et ln...leli ntnl sneieix- i nllcil "Cinl ., Villiiiin I' irnuin's si,,rx of tl. xxesi it i j, idi-ni , ,,,s s 1.1 nf tlay rimrch. Thlnt direction of HuieM iirncrnm nf ih., ,. A.i... . . N,.b!; i.rBHiii.t of St ''"he,,,,. New Ti-rk. ll 111 le BH-n ..""i"1' , nxfii ink' hy ihn ihelr ..f n,.,i. Kii4j-ina ktifets XX. Ulltwrt. T., .' kr. h ' n f lil- i I rfr h lillj. il,, Tin I Ik-lithnlln Cheru, of m,l , - Mu. ,,nu,. xntutut ter? iui, 0,t nn ens in, ..,v,,0n, th, firm en ii -(-. -,. una ,,,.,,.. . ii Xln.klHh" Xtlll n ,. '!','"., ,l lUx'ln s "X I. alie,," '"lull 'V xxill be I'lipltel Inis ne-s Hi ll N..fth- W'l.sOII I'.'li.'It .Mclxiin. Tiill Miiislinll ami .'tis lliirliin iu bi. puns Cull. in , Mi.nic Is the licteluc ,,i 'Tile Wul! i rinxx ,t." the lU'geut ftiiture. I'nx 1 xx ill haxe iinether .'erthxest meuiiie 1" I X. If 11 f.i'ittniii It,.,. ,..,.,. ..., , - , ..... .-.'..UII, 111,11 "Nere xxill continue lis engagement at the Stanten "Cnrr n.'e," one of th,. ear'h tllicst comedies, will piny m the I' COLD WEATHER AHEAD nil Cincinnati Wemnns Collection Will Ge te Philadelphia Instituten i Tatuin k'e tn the here ami t its de-' Ic-Uli of I' Leng, i . miliiig , . nl et ... ,---.-.... b ... It I in 11111,1 1 1 I i.ll.l Miss I. nn.' xxns ii i:hoIelm Minion nnd I xx i.l. 'x l.iiexiti ,., I,, ter ,,f fossils inanit. t-i'i-ipis mil pietin,. Tin's,. n, Kl) j0 Ih" Aciidillix ..I .Natmal Si ien. , ,-. nk SI i hi,) tn i.iinplet,. nml puhiish (l tepert en iln- ..llu, xi in, li is considered one of the lie-,1 ,.u.r ,,,,),. ,y ,,mrrj. cuil cellet ler. I 'I'll" ,.s,t. of X.s, i.i I .itik' x ii.K'.I nt 'sill nun . id, in- i t N.'it uriil , , ., I . I'uixi-isiii ,.t I .ill-inn n i iu , p.iitm. nt "f : .1. ux ift, i- i,, I h.-r .n'.tliet is I'li.h, i, ' I ".xx I mi; , In, ,,.,, x, " III" X ill llleil ill III, I, nil, ,1, il-er:r I lili, uienltilv limit- will held thn tcnnd nf t" ilnn iniriiuriKiian euiifi for hla i, I. ii fll'tn i i in l'hl niin s,-i)ra or ,. .nii:ii,.i will u ,, r, nunll. sml Inx.lte.l k-.Uftii en Tunmlav morn. Plmrt' ituu .,., li'. i'..J," ". '' "'.' ins ,i,t ut u cluck at thn sn, n-.-. :.:.v. .. ....,'...- .-"-bm. LlI.ln M..hnnl. " " .V"""T ". ".' " ei"CK -" - ,ren SO ii amnnir tmrllli 'fiBut Forecaster Sees Rains for Lat- ,;' ter Part of Week 't WevhiiiL'teii. Nev li",. UK a P. i for tin xx c, It SOVIET DANK .SUSPENDS lioinleil, Nev. LTi - A It luii mcKMiia-, soviet I lie XX, Miller oulleok bculniillll! Meliilnx .Ninth and .Mid, lie Atlantic States: ( ilMlt'1'ltll V tllti With t,ti-,.ix.n ... K.,.1,... lemht-r it at u'cleck Th'i i. i v. ", .iii"-nim wuiun .... . , . buvu ef Muile " --" vciuwi Ulintuiwi and nfterne. 1 ,wrmt with prebubly nhiM. le t S nie !n I It'll lli'X of Uienei I inir - , ports thni ih ri mis k sp, mi,, i pinmeiit f in iense.ti n,L uf hi,uUuse wiii:n nu niten-, it en vnrn mlath IM ou k-i hi a - 'lln r,l nhoeiholJ'A'J" theia happy clilMheml la? Than viu LA a.'" r ,.np.,v,.",ni '.MrljiSsa '1 . A1 XJ K J y JS (V !'Ji't ..-J,r. !Si?Jj $&. LiiSikr Jt s-'lk