-.TTEi..W HP 'WkKMwvmFw s?'yFm rv& vfe - ! J fc'Jt U" Ai YJVim 1 ( U. -"-.ft.. lf.CTiY?.thTi,,i jf 3 vi ' raiw.'f ;..-? i--fflK-fttfi i iLfe?aj:v ffiB.i -. '-v.kk - . - w '- v -b r:w ii.-w w.-i t f iwr.tt m ')en "i . m "-r. 7 ffi IW? i!' Y-'jt '-f v -- - -- -'."re v uv-y2 'wt'L'r 'J r. .-""a-"-riwFj u -frrn t , -ifS2FTi vfm Krv r. jryir-. m . 7" '. J'CXfi'mMjm 1 wtfm tffiW&$'tfK& rwtKm-W. -.U ., -"'- - -, c ' . Vi. i.iij . t' a (Mir Ilr an- """" cum lo le t witf HwMtay with levmt tenliht bout 88 w W - j fresh, winds. imlrKHATlHK AT BACH HPU rSTlHHHll fiSTBttt 130 1ST 12 i i -' a i 4 7t7 138 llll VOL. lX.r-N0. 63. Cnfuicd a Sftcend-Ci ih Alr attfu Po.lefflc at Philadelphia, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 Published Dally i:.lt Sunday. Hiitiwrlpllnri Trim fil a. Year by Mall. Cepyrl-lit? 1U22, by l'ubllc Ledger Company. prick; TWO CENTS' rf ..n n i u -,. ui Aiarcn e. ibiv lV.UI 7vJT'ij: 'x - W BHP F - Mr.M -, . . - m VHrBHl H H' W V j V iriiitiinn iHithlt ?-" J ' '. MU w m- -" v-m ' IV ?'' WW . I l-l r THRONES CER M M NAVY IS GMIE STMTS .$2,000 Rear Greetings te Uncle f tm' Stalwarts at Annual Football Battle Rather clear and ' cold for biq contest Streng Wind May Bether Kick ersMiddies Depend en Speed and Strategy BOB FOLWELL IS SILENT High Officials of State and Na Na teon Attend Twenty-fifth Struggle Army . ,. Mulllgun 3) . Brtlditer (1) Navy , .. (9) Parr . (1!)) Belles (17) Carney ..left end. .left tackle, .left guard. OarblSch (5) ..renter.. (15) Mathewn Firwlck (4) .rlRht guard. (33) Wlnkjer (toedmon (3) .right tackle. . (55) Clyde While (7) ...right end... (21) Tayler Bmythe U4 .quartcrbuck. (6) Conrey Tlmb'rtake (15) left halfback (1) McKcei Deda (19) .rigni nairnacK. .t; v.uiien Weed (!') ...fullback. .. (7) tiarcliet V Weight averages: xinc, Army, ibs ; Nav)'! l2i team, Army, 183 ' Navy, 179. Official Tteferee, Tem Thorp. Co lumbia, rmplre, A. C. Tyler. Prince ten. Held judge. W. rt. OkcKOn. t.e- high. Head linesman, II. W. KerMburg, t llarvard. Time of periods 15 minuter. ' By STONKV MrLINN Clear iklev, a ttreng wind and i thrwiR of r&OOO greeleij I he Army nnd Nary when the MnlwnrlH of fuele Sum I trolled out en Imp white-lined gridiron ' of Franklin Field for tl.r twcui.i.! fifth football kIi-iikrIp this iiftomeon. I A rwr runii rolling iirrntm the ktmlium from the south fide (is tlic Miililles". led hj Ciiplnin Conrey, rnnn out of the R.imnithiiim. Tlie Mlilijicv, ' iMiarhTeil in I lie Noi-tietiN tluit nsiiullj Iieiiv IVntmyhimia Ktiii-nt. iehc t'ei llifir Iwt uml I'heert for Hip N-A-V-Y ipseiuhIpiI for niutircH about Wp.-t I'liiliiili'lphin. A few lullilitrn liilnr thp PniletH fnl. Ned Cuplttln lireldater in ti hprint i from the north rltd of the Lnmnnuinm I timd It f Ihe Atuu'h turn tl pncmii- .' ill. ..in, fciwiii (U tU 11 ! 1 Olllf liiiMirlc i ))'M' ,5.1."..w '" '' " '" crowd. , "We will," niiKwer Hip WVnt Point rintbnll wurrinrfi, brimful of centldencp .'lul the rvMiiulinii te prccnt tln mid-I 'lirj from nmkin it four Mrnlght ic- i "Wiitt till Hie gnmc is epr." comes from Hm Aniinpelis hnldlec "We're Iit le liwlit : net tnlk." I Ami I there iti have he st.irv. the Ann. with the bulk inn) the Irawn, the heiirl te de or die. nivl record which shows net one defenl, v Tlc,nrv, ,:,.,,' KniiwiM uml lies with . Ule ind Notre Diiiiip. is confident ; ' lierhuiis net overcenlident, but pe- ' wened of the venjiiroseiiip spirit Hint i round in men who haw wlmt is n sarileil ns Hip bcht uuimuiiitien and i KIIOW It, , Niny Men Net neastlng The Nnvy. n!ii:!!v ;ia .... .. i. . (tclerinliu.,1 t,. ,1,.),,' . .u. t ..." l"" , it. llHIiinl te le L.illV.iiT : : ,J""' bra Ip I ' I . H,,i ,; x.'ini"U r,,PK0 ZS '. "'"'"w ,'huf they are out- eiRliei tedni ; that they wrrP ,ip. f'nteil h PennsAluiiiin en i.i HM'I three weeks uge. The feel H t" ne i.ve ueth nK le bas about save e . V nB. Ul,l,'i' ' " ''"'itage e the,,, freai AnnapeilM (,., that w f"'8ln "'is same gridiron battle in i j eurs, gene h, semetimiH with the oil; , even K,,ter en Hi d,. of West Wli will win? TIip question heard i nil tlie hotels this morning as i'k possessors of tickets gathered far and near te exchange creel- tlie liii frmn i n . .V ",,r 0''hangP grPPt -. ... i uieii nun tieceuie units in the ,i,m,ss ,ward Pranklln ',.I Man) answered It with iiii.iip-il It ln fuel Hun lt.r,.. tee. the h ilk of lh.. ceniilenee was with llu- Ar (Vld I 'M'jInJIreldster'sseldiPVnng IheuKh there were net mnny AnV " .is ut even n.ee.v. T re Is f, urtM esisth.g among I'. e . .Sam's ' Point and Annapolis g a,hn SHIII,' nt in ds. A true Vrine ,. v man wmiid i J....; ' , .A,"V f" V'vy Ids team : ".' '"V "?" tluit ''-l( ,,.s 0 t, ... ,,, hud te buttle -. ... ,... HIIIIUUl ridlien II it'll eniiiuls te Attend II,- a HVN,'5t is COIOI' geld lillii.l .... n " ' ' oiiuerms aiti siini'i.. ...,- in i eis , - - .... ui. es lllUtL'll belw if. " .'."" i.l'U cam ,, niieu Of L'iil'Ic Lrlv ., .''." .""'"S "ll fll liimL v. ."" ""uiirais (luttll t.k ... t";.j iiieiner s W'leim..,! , ,i, son who lieienBh or jllw i . nwu- ! '"ii'i liaiUCH ii one, it. uml Hud very few MnJ!!! ..vrriii win "WH that tl ""'"I"'"' ler leu ,veai.s .nit tlm Aniiy-Niivy game Is """- 'e Tent. luluam SU I vvMDHLL CULIrSkS F RE Yeu ngsters Let Blaze at Ln m,. cy Estate Destroy Flower Beds I Mr. Ul!,,.i,.u.!:,wl1 "". "", ,,s,,""i "f &', " " '' I ".Mm "edav " P1 out only after it ha desl vid '' "rei.r shn.l.s.. iiwinv ,i rhiid.Hlf.ii. I'cds. lint iJfin'e' i ' ,,, ! i'1' . ",'"'' i mm ii nn 'II... .! ' ilm ..la i "i ul"'1! M,m" H""H ') ll..il- 1. " !S'll"IHOU Willi were cooking I ;.'' ' n the grounds became se :" uu in ,',-'"'"l Ilia for this binduv f'l" -'"' l"'1" "" V-W Ww gift of cer- ri;ei i.H.Jnl Washington and .ehci.H "'' l'1""" "m r "m '''ll"''"tt. It 1 'Httileliiliiu. And 1.' ..". .."T'1"1 Is f,. the .enter of the I lav ci ford shU i i in...... - i Here it line siitn lieriiiniieiii irriiiie- i ip ti ,.r I.....T"" """ run uewii -.;.! ... .... i . . i. ... :. -r BROAD STREET ON ARMY-NAVY DAY : r7,yfr f '" t " yMBrv ' wrm" t flMHBHHBMMtft lPm " XPC ''-; PB9 PJ jk JKV- HK 'V9iV K'rli :';-MB'';BsliBBVvtlH KaI' I - -v m Jillrri Hf 'Wi BBk aPHssw1lf " 4'Hh fflii 4 'p '"; ' i 'M.; ' Ji . "' '. - Km -- "- (C3M JP' P'''3;' ''PH bkkbbby7'L1HMb1bkJ ''' 1 Bi ?" ' EkMBB , ..'';''! P B " ' im'yWm " ' J sHHSisssssssssssssssssssssssss :H A 'b VH kVL'H "'yp '- "a "V" :-'5 ' ilB!liHHi BBBm.' ' A',M: v ,t - i,;w' '" ftr'fBBBBBHBVrSB9lSMiBSSSB5S0KB9'SSSSSSSSSSl ,; ., M mm- "ivjnHHBuKJHErWMsiBBBiH 9IRH 'ijr3IMPHJHC rJRepn HPRUPC!BBRiOg4IsVB9p UllHiBBBBW BHeSnlHv 'WPikBBPSHfiaMileCSilBWV,'lr 'tP 'HiS.-4MMKf" BHI pP9.!' ;- :aB1PfeBWnIK!PSS!HvBVBK' T- Tin l fiiGf lkliPa liHi vJlr? 7:BP7M-CM' .f- lBi 'r , Jr ' v7sL BMSH Lr"T -ii?KiT; '" ,-t " V 'jbMB IrV ''r' L. ,,,:Krl' I,. . wk;, i"" Hr ;- -sK V sSLV.FVIaH-i'r i X'-''IH ; .:,-Ki iv ''iK,tJvVb ,! ?ii'. - ,s,.-,-"-.i PN ejLv HL - HH" Hb jMHlMHBi4 Hs9lEliiHB HHIKi:'' :flHiHIF:l phsv v',AAip!ri l VHs3H " ' 4dHEK-w i HHRv -'-'" iRBI-BPBl HBi-':i.; v BNf " iiEKJ ttiH ; ' ;:- ;:''PVK? vV9 :: F'HE Hiellwuiikfl-KF vj'v"1 HIIL JiHlrA -'BvvH KC3Hnwnfld Beauty and brawn, fur coats and flewrrn. Army gray and Navy blue, made Seuth Bread street a kaleidoscope of color today before Hie. sen Ice game at Franklin Field Penn Only Team te Beat Navy This Year The Niivnl Apndeniy gridiron wnrrlers hnvc suffered but one de feat this jear. lesinc le IVnn 13 te 7. They handed INmiii State a 14 te 0 nucjse mid hnvc scored 107 points against 'JO for their oppon ents. The season record of the Mid dies fellows : Nnvy 7. Western Hesprvp 0. Nnvy 14, lluckncll 7. Xnvj J.", tieergia Tech 0. Nny 7. IVnn l.'l. Nnvy 1 J, IVnn Statu 0. Navy ,'. St. Ntivler 0. Totals, Nnv. 1(17 oiipeuenis -0. IN BIG BATTLE Swarthmore and MaverfOrd Stage Thirty-first Football ' Combat en Main Line , FAIR FANS SEE STRUGGLE lliiverfenl (11 ) AlontKe'iierv . (tM Helllimsliead (l.'l) .tiiiief . . . L (If.) .Miller SiVarllinieic , ..lacUsen ( 3) Willis CD i: T ! ... Liiuuerii) .f'einell. I'aiil. (1) (10) lMlllllin't (7) .streiiK. . . . (M Kheades.. (4) Wllliur (2) Allen.. .. It i. .Miecinnkcr nil . . It. T. ..I.. Wilcox tf.) . It. K Koru (17) . O. . . Sllllleder (S) ' L. II H...N. WlKex (12) K. II. U. . .Kuapp H4) Ci) Itacuii. . tl Blown. C.ipt...K. H...,splimdl. (1.1), WVIbIu iterate: Lin. Swarthmore. IT": tin et ford. I'M'. U.icklleld-- Swiirthii.ere. 77: lliiverfenl, 17". Team -Swat t'mieie. ITS'1;: tfuerferd. 1 Silbstltutea: llaxerfeid Hille C). Slr-wbrMBP ). Sussanian ism. I.eni- baidl (li). Comfeit ill). White tlfit, l..,nl (17). Kumm !!'. HufClle (in), uiu.i- Cli. Nuck (22). Lewis ii:n. ,"K,H '"-'i'- Vj'v.. r'5)' s!"tt1',l '-';1 (210. Swarthmore- Theeiuiu it) Leng I!'). It.Ulh I tin. Detleirr III). Courl Ceurl i.. M.". Heward (lti). LiinliurkM- (H'l, KNtler C.'O), Swope Ci'2), Sc.vmeur -7). Timu of pel teds Klftieii uiluutes. TIhp nncleiit rivaN, Swnnlimere and lliiverfenl, staged their Hiirtj-lirst i .nil ri '. i ii'iiiiui ii i .- i i lim'i i irwu jiidlieti bi ford .... . . battle tills afteriioeu at Haver- With lindilieiis extending buck into the dim pnsi Hie rlviilr.v between thee (Junker Colleges is just us Intense us between uny members of il Three." Ne matter hew dl-iistiuus the season niny have been up te their aiiiiunl meet ing", both tiunis piemptly forget tlie lnsl ii'id pill up a slam-bang battle agniis ciieh ether. Ker tlie last decade or mete Swartli mine luis Ii ii I Ihe edge, but Haver ford has tuning iartliiig sin prise-, two or llitee times iid is ever liepeful of lining it iigain. I'a miliar Faces Tlie llneiigs at tills game are al most the same, season after season, with the exieptieii, of ceiir-e, Hint the uinlergi ailiiule clieeriirt section cliunges friiin jcur te j ear. But tlie same " grads" and their families are peien uial. Walten l-'ield. h,v the waj. the home viiiiiiids of the Scai lei it in! Black Unv ei ford clan, is peciillarlv iilctiiresque. i'erihed en a lilllc plateau le the south of Hie isillege proper, it has no high fences around il, no teweilug stand''. There s one small pcriiiuiicnt grand- ( entlniinl nn I'ukp Turiili. Column rtirrr JOHN WANAMAKERIN BED Merchant, Suffering Frem Heavy , Celd, Is Improving, Physicians Say ' 1.1... It'... ii, Inn lu In I.... I ... 1.1. Jehn Waiiauiuker Is In bed nt his home. 2IKI2 Walnut stnet, with a 1 heavy cold, it was stated this morning. A bulletin or ins ciimiiiinn Issued nt lOs'Ml o'clock stated: will.'., i.eavy cold, hfil h no. in anv . I'""-'''" lumii'dliit. danger. As alwa.vs I"' " ttl"' I""1"!"" ' ',' s '"'" "''r " Iluctuatleiis In lis .ondl.ien which. .. r(, ei alai'iiilng. He has, Mr. vvaniiiiuiher is cnuuiicu te tieil Oil till' Willie, lic.-li in....... i.i'Hiens III Hie past few dii)s and is lesting loinferlabl.v." .. ..,...,.. 11. .I ,i. .... ....... iui VIII! WANT taut THKRR ARR Bltnty of ilhrin ailVAPtlM dvorilaeil. In tin .- Hl Wanted telumnk today en pan is -tctv. QUAKER COLLEGES GRAY "POINTERS" SWING INTO CITY AHEAD OF MIDDIES Cadet Battalion Charges Res taurants Before Assembling for Stadium Battle "IGHTING SLOGANS ADORN FUTURE ADMIRALS' TRAIN We.st I'eint cadets and Annapolis miilshipmeii. future bretlierH in anus i luit today fricmllj ciicniies. arrived in ecia1 trains for the Jlaltle of I'rankliii . V leld. "' nij-iiiited fulure soldier i nine in nine special train-. Hip It ret nncli- nig Diniiu mi'cci t-i ii nun m 1 1 :", icu Illllllllt'S lli'lMIMI SCIICIIIMI. .'1IIII IOC - I OIIO at 1 1 i.iii. twiiil n. mules lielilml run llillg tune. Auetlier special Meatlie into the Seuth street jitrd". ' Tl.'" '".:) !'''' ,'""',,.".."f . WMU? reiicneii ii i"pi I iiiineeipiiia mhiiiim hi l-illtt mid at l:lll another prcinl steamed Inte the K.illiuierc and Ohie Millien, Twcnl.i -fourth and t'liestiml streets, fnllewcd ten uiiiiulcx hllir In a third ilelacliiiienl at Ihe Wc-I I'liiln ilelplilii Millien of Hip I'cnns.vhauia Itailrend. ("tewds were wailing ut llrend Street Station for Hie arrhal of the "Point ers." Ily the lime Hip lii'M. train steamed up te the platform the lnead """"""" ,'" "" T"."i "N '"""."" ' people- proud lathers, beaming mothers, breathlees sweethentts and jllst pl.illi friend I As the I in In rolled in ihe ci-ew'd iiiuiIp a dash for Ihe gates and hundreds I bee through befeie the guai-ils i eiild stiqi them or push them lurk. The cadets swung off the (rain liki siliool silieol silioel Ihijs set free for an aflei noun's lieli- . da.v., ' 1 liseipline was su.peniled when the' slatien vvas leached, and the tadets were at liberty until I e'clm k, when they were under orders te assemble ii: i Hie quadrangle ut Hie I'niM'i -ii.v of., Pennsylvania te march te rrauklin , ' Frontal Attack en Itestaurant i As the gia.v-evt '.iml soldiers i chcarged down the pliiifnim and ihieiigli Hip gates there vveie liuiidieds e bliss- fill reunions, with metheis hangingjilieiit lliell i.erl.a im.l f l I wl.i iihiih, tli.mi '"K'eli the back, or swcethcaits kitting tliem before ever) body. After the men had ili'iialued tlieic was a scramble (r luuelieeii. Ii was ever.v man for himself, and siiiic Inni dltliciilty timling scats in nenrb.v res taurants. Bread Strcei Siaiien res tn ii t ii ut was seen crewiliil lie.veml ca pacity and everj dining room neiiili) wns jummeil with cadets ami tlieir frieniN, I The West Point Baml. willi its in-, slriiments, detruiiied l.isi fieiii the lii-st section, but did net iln.. reserving its efforts for tlie afti riioeii. Majer S. B. Buckmaii wns in i barge of the lirst section; Majer I' Kemble of the bund, and Majer II. N I'aufeiii, com mandant of Hip corps of cailels, in yen eral cliare of the haiialinu. The cadets as they b ft tlic train were smiling in happ) anticipation of the giune, and ceutideni ns iiMts outieme. These vvlie stepped le talk predicted CeiitliiucJ en I'iiki- Iwu (1111111111 Tu ERWIN BERGDOLL IN NEW FREEDOM FIGHT Seeks Release In Kansas City en Habeas Corpus Writ 1' IM In It, .re. lull COIIViCtCll lll'.ll'l evader, renew nl Ids ilve-vear liulit I'm freedom In the 1 niied Mates federal Court in Kaiisa Cnv teiln.v. His eiiusel nsked .ImL'e Pollock le elder lll n leilse en u will el habeas corpus, Lnisim; his upptal 11 Hie claim tluil the "eons 'rlpt Ien in 1 wns new void." It liidge Po'leck iiilis f.ivetalilv te Hem Hem dell, the gates will I"' open for Hie te- ..in 11, ui,- 1 iiii'-i - - '.- 1 . II. .....I. ,11 I.U iml ier. 11 Iiil' I i-e - . ..-.i.-'ii. .11- , ...r...... ill'.lll UiHlger llnw in iieiiiiauv I'.rwin lleigilell. lllleiuil his at- Wiiim.v- I1.1t ,.iveihiil his 111 . V lulls stalnl '".-. - . - - 1 1 -' iiguiusi the dt.itt ndiiiitting its valldli) in litis Iml claiming Hint t!mi the war has clesi d and the dralt act. s no longer elVci'live, JiiIn net's held under Un previsions can no longer be it strained of their liberty. llergdell was tint nreugnt from Leavenworth PeiiitenUiiry for the hear-1 injr;" ' r ' 2000 ORPHANS IN PERIL IN RELIEF SHIP CRASH Panic Among Children, but Ne Lives Are Lest Constantinople, Nev. '.". (II A. P.) Twe thousand I liristimi orphans mid two American relief workers were Im periled Hiis morning when the steam ship llplgriivlati. eliurtcreil b tie Near Knsl Itellef, collided with the trims Atlantic liner New eik at Ihe western entrance of the Ho-perus this morn ing. Allied ship, dipatclieil hnrrii-dl.v te Hip scene, reported tliut mini of the children had been ialiifiill injured, but that no llc were lest. Iloclers mid nurses were henl from the Near KiiM lieadiimrters here le iiltPlid the iniiircil. The New Yerk carried no piij-kciiuprs. Iteperts recpitcd here dei'lare pnnic rciuncd among the cliildreit after Hie Impart which tore awn.s Ihe brliluc n ml ferenuist of l lie IliOgrntiuu, smiislied tlic lifeboat and IhiciiciI seten of the wsscl's nlalcs. The hteauiprV wil'P- less iiiiaialtls also was pill out of coin- jM(,M ', uncriiiin relief werKcrs aoenrd ,( Kelgrax inn arc I 'mi I Hells, Tewiiii- idn. I'a.. uml Miss i:iiubcth Murlcsn. ' 'of llmtferd. Conn. TENANT FIGHTS FIRE AS .ONE-MAN DEPARTMENT! Discovers Blaze, Gives Alarm, Drives Truck and Checks Flames ltiissel Surlier, after disievering a tire h. the kitchen of his iniartliii'lit at Broekllue boulevard and Darb.v mini at II :.' o'clock last ulglit. sent in tin-1 alarm and ran te the l.lanercli lire house, drove Hie lire liui'l, te his home and fought the flntiii" with a chemical I'Ose until Iiip volunteer lu'e-iightcis ar rived. While fighting tlie lire fiem a twenty-live-feel ladder in rear of I Iip house, W. M. Carlies. 21 Hi Vine beule- .'i,-il. was Kneclveil te tl struck with n stieam I,.. 1 !. iiink-ii ! liii.i ' gieiiuil when f unler fiiiin . lie was taken: i I. is iieuip suffering with cuts nud in ill - i Him age le tlie apartment was estl- mated at SttMMl. Saibei nducts drug store mi the first of Hip building. ,, c DDICftMCD PAPUCn I U. O. rKldUIMtn UAUnCU SO GUARD CAN SEE GAME Denver Federal Marshal Adept in Cemblning Business and Pleasure " . ,, .. . ... ,, , .ii....... -......k. ,i ii r.irii i i. ill',! ... I OH II l-'l'i' " Denver. Cel., proud fat her et n West I'eint cadet . I a pn-i master of Hip ail et milling iiiisiii.ss mi pieus-M;,,,,K un'. , . BtiiTis arrived here last night from the West with a prisoner, William Leftiis. of I leaver, wanted hi .lack- senvllle. Kla., en a charge of using tin mulls te defruilil. "Tills ii. what I'm up ag'lllist," tlie Mni'slial told l.leulciianl Coegau nl ih - lectivi hciidiiuarters. "I'm bringing ibis man te .iacieiiviiie. inn want want te j.'e Hip Al'Ul.v -.miv) game. "Mv son is a s nd-.vear man ut West 'Point and lie I I" town new, I want te see him and then go out te r'tniikltu 1'iclil uml net my head off for the Arii. Can I leave mfv prisoner here for a while?" Coogan said I.efnis could be kept in Ihe Ceiitial Station cellroem. i "Any object Rin te sta.ving ever hei-n for a da?" the marshal m-kpil his pris oner. I "Net u bit." I .of tits tiild. "(Je ejit i ami enje) .veui'sclf, 1 Iieip the Armv ! wins, l.eliiis was escettcil te a cell and 1 1,., mnltlitil left ('In Hull I.. huiue';.1':. ! "ireniiy .'..rV,,., i,e'i, 1,1".;;' 1 ncx ii pastehenid f.r the gnu.,.. PROF. TIERNAN REMARRIES .. Paternity Case Principal Reweds Twe Days After Obtaining Divorce -. . ... .. in irrieii leiia) ii) .111 -lice Kemp, at Crown I'eint, lad. jlevvaru! J he pre. ' H-S-..I. win. mie .11. in. hi "II I IIIII'Mlay limn ins n lie. ..lis, .iiim.tin iieruaii. in no ii'iii hi nn- 1 ici nun-1 0111111 pater. 1 I.:.. . t: I. Il I i'i " ' ' en.. iir-,- 111 ii.iiiti , .inn, u,e nl I.I.I...U.. Tl,.. I..-I.I.. ....... I '"' lllfe lis mill) -two. 1 lie urine gave ii(.r ,... -' V ' " - iii-r li. as in. .mi. .Leu- After the iniirriiige lerciuen.v the .in-. . in ..1... . .,- . i-,i-iiniii -mi ,.U,,, left f row n Point immediiitelv vvillnul uiciitleiiiiig thcli desiluaHeu ' II111 sill, liiu-. Nev. 2"i. 1 Hv A. p.i Itlaticlie Briiiiiuer, who married Prof, Jehn P. Tiirnan, of Nene Dame fame' Is the daughter of the Itcv. and l..' Chillies 11. Haw 11. Mr, Ilawn is a Methodist rlerg) man liere. ' ' ' . - r iiiiinineuti, inii.. .ev. -.1. -iitv A. Memn V. inen t, ,.,.,. n s ,11M P.I - Pret Jehn P. li'rnaii. of Seuth, there ami the hoi,e s still occupied bv Bend. Ind., aiul Mis. Blamlie). Biim. ,i, metliei, who I, eight) three vein's ll.er, ill llaiisell, Iowa, a willow'. Wei'ei..l,l Billy Sunday Gives Turkey te Harding Heed River, Ore., Nev. V.3. (By A. !.) 1'realdent Hnrdlng will hnvc nn Oregon turkey for hln Tlipiiksglvlng dinner, a twenty-two pound Tem, grown en Hip country place of the He v. William A. (Hilly) Sunday. The bird 1m.h been expreHsed te the White Iioiihe. A twenty-one pound bird went te Geerge II, Christian, (secretary te the l'rcsldent. OIL MAN HELD AS Frank O. Bennett Under $3000 Bail for Injuring Willow Greve Couple FAILED TO GIVE AID, CHARGE Frank O. Kennett, oil man. with offices in Hie Wldener lliilliling ana tin npartmnit at tlie Merieu f'rickpt Club, was held under .$:00 liuil by Magistrate Williams at Abingteu late last night, clutrged wltii having driven an automobile while drunk. It is charg ed also he failed te render aid te In jured pci'Mius whom he hit, and with llggrauitcil nssiult and batter.x. Bennett. It was testified, while driv ing tiear Willow (ireve en AilKiit U4 last run down Mr. and Mrs. William Penr-jen, of Willow roe. Mrs. Pear sons' lett ear and her nose were tern off, her left eje tern out. and she re ceived ether Injuries. Pearson was in jured internally. It Is charged that Bennett did net slop his car. The injured persons were taken te the Mnngten Hospital by an ambulance an hour Inter. Mete!, persons tcMilicd nl Hie hear ing. Pear-mi and his wife Identified Bennett and Hip car. It was declared the automobile was found after the ac cident la the lumuew in the spceihI fleer el a barn en tlic grounds of lliPi Merieu Cricket Club, covered with straw. Tlie left lump and mud-guard i hail lieen dnmnged. II wns testined. In demamliii': liciiv.v bail. Hie aftor after ne.i fur .Mrs. Pearson chiirnctcri.cd the conduct of Itenneit "as anything but decent aii.vthiug oilier Hiaii what one would expect from a real num. lie tan awa) because he knew In- wns guilt.i . ami his action in hiding Ihe machine within tweut) -four hours afterward eiupiiasi.cii inni iip Miew lie was i gulllj." ... ! Henry t. I'ev. of Norrislewn. rep I resenting lleutiett, protested agititi'-t the amount of Imil demandeil. "Wh.v, lliej don't ask that anieiiul in a ca-e in whii'li murder is charged," he' lisserteil. , The milj teplj of the nnigislriitc was "Hip ImiII stand"- consider ,eurselfi Itick.v it is net higher." 1 Bennett made no defense, supplied Ills bail ut.d left with hLs atterne.. FUGITIVES IN AUTO FIGHT POLICEMAN One Believed te Have Been Wounded by Officer's Bullet 'I luce men fleeing in in-, , titoinebile from a house at IL"I West Master street earl.v this morning engaged in a running pistol tight with Patrolman Wnl of the l.ighlli and Jeffersen streets station. One of them 3 be lieved te have been wounded. Screams of Kvu Conners, an occupant ' of the house, were heard by the patrol- ' mini, who was at Master and Marviue' stneis. Up ran toward the house. I Seeing Hip men have hurriedly and i tump into an auioaienne. vvai. (Heugh I llie.v tliev were reliliers and opened tire when tefused te eIipv his order te bteil. I h' replied with a velle.v of bullets. "' " ,,0"T " "!7 ,"'"" l"' "''' bad (been guests, but had become mi dlser- , du-lv that MKs Conners hecainij fright- '"'.,1 l,1"1 s'''camid ''"' ""'" M(' '"'J . '"ie man was .icu le lunge terward in his teat us tlmiuli hit by a liullet. I li'eiip.ints of tin Matter street house (-aid thi'i did nei knew the men. GREEK CABINET QUITS Political Situation at Athens Very Complicated Is Mheiis. .. '-. ill A. P.) T ,-,,1,1,1 lias resigned. The pelill- cal s ' ii.-il inn is eMretnel) nplic.iii-ij. , - . ,iiarv authorities an taking nM ,,, .unpromising attitude regarding ,',,. teruier Ministers who aie un trial eliaigid with neaseii. Miicp tin deft ill el the decks ,v t'.e j Turks iliue lias been ineie or lest'di. ! ti n.-mn n Un , with the Itepubliiau i ami Meiuuciutis teeKiug sii,iein,iev i ami Meiiiuchits I The llevollllletial) (euilillltee. which has luen In i lia i gp of the tittniiieii tun. tia ovirtluevv of Kim; Ciinstaii- line ii.is iiiiui witn a strong hand. Tin in present Cabinet was formed Sep. liii "in with Aleainlcr .aliuis aw liner telilli Premier ADMIRAL VISITS MOTHER Head of Annapolis Manages Short Chat With Her Before Game .VIM I..I lieill) Ii. VV lsen, , ,,,1. 'maii.liini el the .Naval Acadi m.v at An- I.I 1'i'n ,, .in unn,. iiiiui Kruilll 111 ."""" ,,,"III,,rr nT"1 , "u,y ,",(, "I"1 (i..v. inni. nt ellid al, sherll) niter tench- i the Htv mill sielil u il el the . .. 1 . 1 1 e liieniiiig witn 111, metiier, .Mr-. .Mar) A. W Isnii. 111 her home In Camden. Be.inliiig the siiiivvu), tlie adiulial w"1 '" ll"' "ln-t inn stieet feirlts nud , alli't i ng iiiiiini 111 1 aiuileii, innK mm In (lie rninilv liniini nl fll-. .1 1 - . t.i ..ii. "Meth, r mil I li.-nl ipilte a iea,iiut eliut." he said afltr leavlmr. "inni I ',,(,, , , vetV llllli I never uiiss an .,.,.., innm In oppeltillillv te see her I Ills time I ,.;. . oil!) 1 te tall. Willi her for about MVCIII) .''.."'"'. eeciint,. ,11 I... ii... Iiillillte, Inn, ... nn I Illllllis 1 ll H in ,l,i..w ,n I'M iiieuiii ,, .,,... , i.i,ii.i..i,,i,i,. i ' -- : 1 11. .11 willi looking after out Nuv) rooters. Nnvy Luncheon at Bellevue Admnl Niilteu, cemuitiiiduut of the Philadelphia Nin.v anl. guve a lunch run at 'I"' llellevue-Slratferil ut neon In lioiiet of Secretin) Denb), Assist ant Secretin-) Itoesevelt ami Admiral Hims. There were about fifty dU thtguished guesta. DRUNKEN DIVER WOMEN CONDEMN EXTRAVAGANCE OF ART MUSEUM PLAN Declare Better Schools, Better Care of Peer, Come Before $8,500,000 Palace FINAL COST IS MYSTERY, SAYS COUNCILMAN HORN Mrs. Geerge Dunning Believes "a Few Fewer Millions' Will Be Enough The women are interested keenly in the "budget" fr Hte Art Museum. They want le knew hew that re quested extra S."VI(),f)00 will be spent, and they want te knew just what has been done with Hie f.'i.OOO.OOO already cspended. While tliej wiint the Art Museum, and applaud its purpose and are heart ily for the undertaking en a reasonable scale, they are Htutmed te learn that a project wln.-e cost erlginallv was es timated at .:i.:MK.(K)(l should new tench a sum of Sy.-,i MUiim. witli the possi bility of going be.veiid that figure. Mrs. (ienrgp I tunning belleies Hint "a few fewer millions" would Iip suffi cient te provide for a suitable Art Museum. "It isn't that I don't believe art is important," -lie stressed, "but it seems le me there are many mere urgent programs- en which the. excess million could be spent. IMuealiennl work, for Instance." Mrs. Waller M, New kirk, a member f'niillniiril nn I'uce Fuur. teliimn Twe LAST-MINUTE NEWS SOCCER Coheckdnk 0 22 GIRLS' FIELD 3 30 Shipley . CHINESE PREMIER AND CABINET RESIGNS PEKING. Nev. 25. Ptemicr W.uig Chung Hui tesigned to day. The resignation of tht tntitu cabiuct have been i tht Iiaud.4 oil Prtuclent Li Yuan-Hu:i aim e the aircbt n week age of Le Wen-Kan, Finance Ullm-i'.ci. en the thaigt of accexsting a neiseuitl comrals&ien in connection with the negotiation et a yit war lean with Austrian rtn'l Guiuau cnuituiists. LATEST RACING RESULTS E0WTE Fn-s Yi Speit S3 DO. S3, fi.ceud: Advuituies.. Turn-lent BelpJu-izenia, Hillheuie. Du&tei Btlk jf Blue Bi(!)r S(ht"rf-.Blup China. 2ms Ln-sie nnrl Racket nlte ran PLUNKETT TO COMMAND BROOKLYN NAVY YARD XT.W YORK, Nev. 23. Rear Admnnl Chailbs P Pluukett en Met.Jay will asbuine cemnutud et thu Brooklyn -Navj- Yiu, relieving Knu Admiul Cntl T. Tegely.'.snng. he leaves en Decemb'. 7 ter "giazil a head et tin Amencau unvul luisaiea which ' 'i'I; :t'-ic.!in,.ie 'In. Btnzillan nny, Tt wa auaumiced WARBURTON SHIFTS ATTACKONWELFARE Blames High Cost of State In stitutions en Delays in Payments ENJOYS SPROUL CRITICISM The greater cost ,,f 1 Slate institutions uudi 1 1 piirtmeiit of Welfaie. M 1 11. Warburton, liirect.u Welfaie, n-serted tednv. ilel.l), in pajmeut of S1.1i1 1 -i ivnina M lie I ie- liiielav I l'ubllc , 11 le i. 1n1.pt la- s.ini. tlllll". That was what he iin-a it when in a statement ;iti,i.l Slate welfare ailmliiistr,iteii In ,os ,s.i(itt,iHiii mere than uudu thu i It old svstim et weltate control. Miiier Wiiibuiten app.n.iiil u- le.veil the thrusts ll 111.' at him vistet da) b) lioveinef Spriiiil, wlie I f m I. 1 Ihe Stale Welfare llepiirtineni and pointed out Hint it costs uppt'ewiii.iiclv Sl.'tl.HllO for two .veurs. The Cit Welfare I'lleiter leferrcd te tle nov el nor un William in his replv wlinb lollewt . "William ami let man) .vears. whom I have the ami tetpeet and I hi lave been turlii He Is a man lm greatest .nliiiiiiilieii lobedy eiije.ved his I'nnllinii-il en ttte Thre. CaTiiiini lutir Dflluln tlie family at linnr. mrvii Ur I'le for iKiiart.niad nwrry nn -.miliar iraai REPORT CHAPLIN AND POLA NEGRI ENGAGED I M, VsVTii llHMlK-9H IHRBr ' MB ' mym '' " HH H . i '. '.'"''Z ';Si ML ' , ' - -' ' l K " '"Hl VI ',. V'HH Vk4Hhm : ''HH tIw ' ''HH x " ? "' 'dKii i hb1JP!JIB IB' ii- " '"iHl - P ' ":' '- jQ 'VV,''Av'i;'rtHPI ' -; l-flBiaSia&Hcft - ?BiWB,T WfciArfAA.,: ,; HTHH POIjA NKfiKI lies Angeles, Nev. 2.-,. (P..v A P I The I.es Angeles Times tedn.v pub lished a news story stating that reports in motieti-plpture circles were Unit Charles Chaplin, movie comedian, and Pela Negri. Polish screen tragedienne, were engaged te lie married.. "I cannot saj jcs.' " Chaplin was quoted. "Anj sueli announcement must of necessity come from her. Neither can I shv 'no.' Think of the, position that would place her in." Later Chaplin leiumented : "Mar riage is no crime." According te the Tune-,, Pela Negri canceled un engagement le give a rep resentative of that newspaper an in tervievv when she recelveii intitnatien of ' subject he vvisheil te discuss SCORES Kensington 0 0- 0 HOCKEY SCORES St Mm y Academy. 0 0 S8.10. S:. f-Z '0 en 93.00. third Tin.1, Pennm. 1 21 4-5. PRESIDENT MAKES DRY LAW APPEAL Serious Difficulties of Prohibi tion Enforcement Revealed in Cabinet Decision HAYNES SHARPLY ATTACKED II) (I.IMON W. (.II.BDKr st.ir ( nrri-siNinilt-iit rvi-iilnr Pulille I rilrrr i.ilr (7'U Ut!, 1,1 l hi Ir.lj.r Ce,,,,,,,,, WasliliiKten. ei '.'.-, n-mun. ' ll.elll Itntn III. White Heuse ) etterda) 1l1.1t the Cabinet, niter an hour, dit. iissien. ,,,ul, t),,,,!, f ,, ,ltl(lp ,A. peilient than an appeal te th,. moral tlllient of llle ceunttv shows hew giave a cri,ls eistt ii, ti. cnfei.ement 1 f the ptehibjHiiu law . Sign, of tin, crisis ii,t en everv IiiiihI Washington ha, bi eu lull ,,f charge, ami counter. ( harge, against luoliibitleu agents and eiifenement of- tlCels. Km Un) nes, uatiem.l ilit-ictiir of prohibition, nppa th mad. se b, the wetries of Ills efliie, is in in,,' Intnl. The White Heuse statement that the President migl t hit veal the whole siiiintleii te the leuiilr.v llidlcales that inn half the i.tet-v has In en i.. M. Iheugli s w rii I State ilirii'tnis have luen removed Of iPtUlie.l or ate about te resign u,uir I'm and nllheiigli 11 iiiiiuber of agents hav. been indicted fur co operating with boetleg.'etti. Siuatera from wet States are taking ltatiBM faca Tare. Columa'tlve .. . Aim ras UPON AN OPEN-DOOR ' POLICY IN TURKEY Statement by Ambassador ' Child Amazes Diplomats at '- Lausanne Conference ', t U. S. DELEGATES THERE IN HUMANITARIAN INTEREST 1 ! I Net Seeking Selfish Ends, but ' Protecting National v j Principles i is Lausanne. v. 2.",. (Ilv A. P.) TtIchnrd Wiishburn Child, chief Ameri can spokesman at the Near Knster ("enfetence, atuaeil the ether delegates at Hiis morning's session h. reiteratlnir tli Insistence ,f the t'nited States upon the open doer-polle.v in Turkey ' Me read the aide-memeire delivered ion October "0 te (treat Britain. France I and Itnlj. and said Unit the American (Government and public supported this J pellcj. The conference adjourned its morning session lmmeilaie,v after die comple tion of Ambassador Child's .statement and will resume the discussion of boundaries this afterii'eri. Mr. Child spoke as follews: "It Is net and will net be i" con cern of the repi'esejiljiljves of thp I'llltcd Stales t. express at this conference views which have net for their basis the legitimate national interest of the Cnlted States or these of humanitarian I islderatien. which I assume un shared In ever) delegation present. "We vvlll. however, ami I trust nc cpptald). state when the oecasiieii arisen Hie position of the I niled Slates. We believe thai a .eiivetiieul and appro appre prime occasion new has arisen, Sp I "It is net tiiiktiewu te these vvli I have observed the hlsfer) of conferences and negotiations that few subjects mar ( lie eeiiseidiTeil bv thcins.lve. j "I Hele, referring te the .specific Kllh- 1 je.-t under discussion, that all the va j rieus iieinih of negotiation must in IC I end I nsidereil as a unit, and it a Oltell irile mat llel one ilelitil of IIPBO- nations can be letisfdered from the nt hers. iselalcd 1 "The lepn ilntives of tl. Itiitrl Stats are iinalile, therefore, te hear j concluded ihe dlsi u.-ii.n of an) terri- lerlal .settlement which in Its turn may riffici oilier settlements without dtavv. Illg lie jltntltiiill or Ihe cellferellci. iiitahi tiaililieiial prineiplet, of foreign tudic) of Auuncii " Beailt Mfinelie Clause, "lleferenee li this pollev was tnnd In an iildc-mciunire dellvend le til Mil Islets of reii'tgu Affairs ,,f th,. tliree inviting lowers m tt.-iebi'i "tl. le.ss ihaB ne nixnlh as'." Mere Mr. Child rend ihe clauses from the Vmeric.m . mini iinieatieti relating te Hip opposition el Hie I nit.il Slates te teel-et llealiet ami llgreellieuts, etpii- eiallv I., these providing for 'ones of seeiiil economic and ceuimercial in-tlueni-p 111 Turkev as follews: "A- 1 he beei in view in siibmiltinf I Ibis -ugg.stleii illint 1-. te send nl). sptver, te Lau-aiiuci , the elimination of anv possible cause of misunderstand ing. It 1, considered nppinprinle te call inculii.ii In the ntlililde of tlie CnllPil States in tespe.-t te -ei ret t tea I Irs and 1 agreements, "It is net felt that arruliCPlliPUta ' prev leil mnile with respect te Turkish tertiterv which provided fr I lie eslab- lisliineni of etic, of -pi.-ial ciin.inen.'ial ami 11 iiiiiiiiii inlliieiice such for px- ainnle a, the tripartite agreement of I'.C'n an 1 ui, -mi. ml with tin priiicipla vl'iln ciiiialitv l 1 iieiiiic opportunity . . "It i, ii,tiiiiiid that tlie allied puvvprfl 1 "ill iml new il.siie alnl de pet iievt 1 inii'iid in carr.v tui.i effect inv lolls tir- raiigeiuelit, t till, liallire. ' 'Tin I nil.. I Slate, lm, no desire te 1 i.il.i anv 10 lien which might cmhnrrar'A Hip allied powers m tin- piepir effort te si cure pe.e e "ll iesu, neihiiig whiih need con tin I with tlie inteie-t, of oilier mull me, if the principle of leiuiiercial op. n.i-tiiuil v lm- all nations is iccegnied .11 the Hill -el. Net ."teeliing Privileges '1 he I iiiti-d Mate- has no nilctit!e- it' , king fei itself or 11, nationals I os 1 011 of ,p. cial privilege but it de sire 1.1 iiieiei't it, rights and le insure tile 0,11 a deer.' I 1 mi 1 ein lading tin, re'idiug in-'ui,- -liii 1 Ii 1 lil went 1 n ''1 Ills 1 eTil.'leiiee 111,11 be glud tektlOW Hail t In- eM'i-vv lieliiiiug sentiimut of the ieepb ill lh. I titled Male, , in favor of tin, poll. net niiK a, a iiiitleiinl pelllV, but a, ntie vvlll. Ii. Were ll le lp adept..! li) everv uuiieii en enrlh, would 1 1- 111 lentnis", perhaps in the s-eareh fur leiritertal m- eih i .ill prlvi- "get en f . t 1 ic 1 1 ,..i, a Kiwerfiii cle iient in the 1 sinbllshnietit . f an.v slnlile .. in Hip I'oumlaiieii f.i-gi -liter eiiiity ,11 tin- i.-biiieti et nation with nation, I ml ,1 ba,, for mole pi egri,sv i is.e in. line development of iPITItlUIPs " 'I'le, eii phatic nliei'iiiep of Anmri- 1.1 - opposition te the illl,en of 'I'ur-lii-i into ,p.s ml .Hie, of ceintnen'lal and ei oiieiiin- million c UMs regit rihsl l)jr tin delejilll', lls espe, Hill) significant 11! ilii, lime, whin beuiiiliitie, nic under 1 eiimiIci ntieii and when tin liference I, ill, mil te celislilel 'link.')', (Ilspesi. ti 1 teititerie, im lulling the .Mcse- l, ,1,11111. 1 ml In Id,. fin- ii'(iiest of tjie Turkish delegates te 1I11 Nciii Last 1 'iiiifi'iem e ler a neu- tr.il mi 1 Tuik..)'s western hound- an has 1 held up. appiinutly . aii. no nalinii want, te guiiriintaa pen . in am I'lilknii em Isnii I Pnshn's -inn nn at tluit Tur kev ie. mil ihe Pevvptt te guuriintet lln neinialil) of a licit thlrl.v j;e. meter, wide oil eai h Hilt e the Twrke- liiilgaiian iml I urke diei inn frontier abilit' the Mai it. i 1'ivt'i-, brought na delllllte lieisnni 0) Ihe 'evveM, 1 1 wti- evuleiitl) ngrieil Hull th ueutr.illlv iUeslteu leilbl he dlh)es'd of later, ut tin Him of Hie expected ills i iissien en the Itaidatielles ipieHtleti, Runaway Girl Found Here i;iinbiii lieiigliiv, sixteen .venr- elil, wb dlsiippearid 1 1 tun In i huuic In At lauiii Cliv, November Is, was arrcted ben Inst 11 1 h t in a loeiiiiiig heusi) in l.eipir siieil. riaiiltfenl She will i t- til. buck 'je her hulue teiay. i mw i n im m r... .. u..i.i.ii.w. l -mi .....I m iiyirii A t.i.. ........ a- wnl. teu'll Oinl It emvaaa . 4v. iU& fri the i 1 .1 1 ' 'I K A .sil W!., e.1,1. , A'