PH-oaealfaamaaaanaaaHaWHllKPai''iwB! S -(. p AWWSMWMsX' ? ft VV' "?! SMippWTliir'MiBijMi aaaa-aaai - , . , " j r "" " . "Hi t-i yvmi 41 TTm - a, ii - m&w. i -. -1. . -. . PHI KT ws NINO, ITALIAN KWS' w& EX-PREMIER A DIES t t&SPfW . WADE .of Jewish Fathtr and Scot- tlth Mether Was 75 Years Old in March fe. 5 r . ALLIES PAY WELL Reme, Hu Aainctatnl Pren Nev. 'J . Unren Sonnino, twice Primp Mlnklcr of it.ilv nnil nNe e 'nmtvn f lntunr .i...i... t.n ..a-.. .. .. i'illf . i I "uuiig nil- (4'"l Willi ami liini Uigur. On Mnnrlnv Itiren Sennltm hml nt i .tended n session of thn Si'tintp, np '.tearing In .pleinllit spirits, nnd en I Tuesday, iiltlieuuh tlie HlttltiBs hnd r been MitiPN(lp(l. Iip went te i tin Sen ate Chamber nnd lonverfrd nt lenRtli nd with nnlmntlen with n number of till mlienffiipq. T.ntnr lm unv upon nut ('walking with hit ctistem.iry light and ialmoet mouthful Men. When the surnrHng newn enme wednewlnr of his hnUnc Miffcieil n .Stroke, King Victer IJiiimuiniel ".rented J te fcpl the blew keenlj and nkPd te he j .Informed of the Hnrnn's condition every j half -hour Slgner Tittnnl inldint! j of the Semite, who n-' e it of the J jrl ty, rptniTud immeiliiiteU .utd j hastened te tlie bed-dde of lit diiu j friend. Bnren Svdnpv Sonnino, twl'e Prime Minister of Itnh nnd Mmi-te tt Foreign Affairs during tlie Wmll , War, had long been wm of thp mm ' mandlng tigiins in Itilun pelitie-il life. He wan Premier of Itih In 1IMIU Jknd nenln In l'MO. K-ni I'M I te 1010 he n .it the Iiril m the r.Meigu 'affairH deimrtniPiit and nt tin1 e i'i 1 l-ion t ,tt the war nttpndpd tin 1'uri peic ( wmferenee .is the nihwer of Prime Minister Oil.ind). lip brought te tlie ! Versatile meeting tli reputation of t "the firt fitinneler of I'ti;nie: the man ' Who hnd nrehd the economic life of the world te its core." A Jew by race, a l'retclnnt by filth and n native of Egypt, the man who was one day dewtlnnd te handle the Ittillnn nhl of state wnn horn of an Itnllllll .t Uriel. rtlllnM ,,...1 .1 Jrtnttltil. .ii, ,i in-u ittiiii:! 111111 i iruiiiii ItlnfliMM mi TrtiMli 11 Ittl? , lli.i l.fiiil.u ""nil 1 i'n .iiiiilii in 11.111, tin iin- iiiiih of the Nile. He was cdnuited pnrtb 111 i.tiginiui mm nt tiiu l nnprxity 01 Pirn. Hi grandfather migrated f rem I thrt elintfn in f .filrliiifiti. tthlt. itt PiM ttt whete lie built up nti enermnita for- rune as -i unnuer. a tertune wiucn tlie future Premiet of Italy enjejed, Entered Dlplemillc fer-lce Twe venrH nftpr receiving his degree fftm lint 111,1, nlalf Mnnttltin aiiIhiwiiI the dltdematic Heiilcq. lie competed for and wen a peNt In thef erelgn of- uiv nnu wns niincnru in turn ie tne Itnlinn legations of Madrid. Vienna, 1I...II.. ....I V.,..umI1I. I., lw-e l. It 1111 linn iri'iiiini 111 j jim 111" It"" turned te it'ih and with his frletiu, l.eeiuld rrancheltli Joined Pnsiiuale Vlllnrl In n Jtntly if peerty nnd Its rrmedlis. Thp made nn exhaustive liKiuirv Inte condition In Slellv anil ptililisheil n two-elume reiwrt of tluli lnrstleitlens. Then lip ti'tned te ieurnnllim. which eventti.illv ltd him into the politic ll airiin. in 1-n no was pie ipii a iiepuii from Sin near Pletenee, ami1 lie has ieprei tiled the di"tlltt in the chimber ever iiuc. His tirt cppri 1 enee 111 an nnuaw enuinct came 111 I", when he succeedwl (Jernrdi as tinder peciet.irv of .t.ite for the trets- r, neiuius inai eiiice 1111111 cnu mil 1 of tlie t'uxpl mltiMr in iss). Til lDt ll 1iiu I'nliinrt fnt mmt In which Sonnino held the pi t of Minister of rin.tnce nnd of tie Tie.i--UM. which he held fur three c.ii''. Sinnine roe te the upmhi and re re eistiiImI liit ceimtr's ti urns 'Pin. nunUti t'ellnpMcl nnd ei i .1 n mad" I'reiiiiei. His atit lmi it l.itnl I 1fHl ih. tilelittt leturniiu te p"wer i Aintlir turn of tie wluel of Imtuuc and iintilli" agiiu be , 1111c Prinutr: but niim his teiuiii' if etl'ne etih 100 ih When the Wer'd War bteke. Sun nine was tendered the fnrelsn nfTuIr portfolio and in the four dark jui that fellow id hi wn- 1 tewi'r of "trtn.'th te tli il led powers. Alwni In- initd tint no sepni ite pea m trentu slinitM 'hi s sn d but it t' Pnrls t'unfi ipute h" stiihbut'i'i m p ied the nuplintl nn of the .Tiigmlns 11 m 1 yerblnns wl"' inup 1'reiiiii 1 ( it -l.indu h'l 1 e-pin v I.iIm Sin In U uf Ul. he ln'-i-fe I it' 11 hnvutg en pe 111 I uf Austr i t1 -'1 Season's Debutante ajaaaMMw. .v f f s , v ww -a attttHaHPHVBliH jaaaaaaTW"-vxv iBaBel BaaBaaaK'C!'ISfe.::' x HBTS HlaK:v' Mmm TllaallfHllHB-i ilHi9rjBaiBaBBaBaH - irtSTViBaF&aBecKBBBBBnaBBBa ' SniEKaBaaaiaaaaaaaB .,i jflKXaaiiiiiiiiHmaaB I J bviL--Ba-r u- 3B-al------r .miss am:natu cex Ilchtitiii'.te iliugltter of Intrrst.ite Conunrrte Cotuiuissiener and Mrs. ncderlrU Ce, will niaUe her debut in December premlepd te him b the 1015 trcnt in l.(iiiden, whpu thp Jugeslav btnte and Indepiiiilent llelipinin were net een ill turned of bj the great powers of the entente, and nt the timp when Ituel 1 was ltmdlti; the dual empire and nNn pitietintiiu far Inte the cistern prn -itn'i' uf (iirmntiN. IVisetuln ltaren Sonnino vn- un un pepnlfli with the mass of hl eoiititn eeiititn m ti as well is with his 1 1 Hi. 1 il i il 1 uues II u. lc-ened nnd made no c"Virt te miiit piipulnr faer. lie wti" nn ( it if. and hi spppehes in 1'irlin- ment almost nlways were read from manuscript. When he attempted In Kprak extemporaneously hi delivery was se haltlni! thnt it excited the mirth of hi hcarern. Huren Sonnino was one of the most abstemious of men In spite of hi wrjillli. tltntt linfnrn tlm wiir. lin tirne lleed the most rugged economic. Italy cenni net norrew uivernniy in 1110 1.011 den mnrkct by reason of her enormous public debt, Sonnino lowered It 1y igoreus taxation, by reducing public "nlntles and cxpcndlturea nnd dlsmhs Ing needless cmplees. Tlie jielltlclnns, therefore, hated him. Hefere entering pelltlen lie was editor of the magazine Hassengnn," which lie founded ami in which for years lie aired Ids political and economic views. He also wrote and lectured en Dante nnd Petrarch, of whose works he was a close student. BARBER COLLECTS 'FORTUNE' AND BRIDE IN GERMANY Colllngsweod 'Mark Millionaire Changed Views en Matrimony Julius O. W. FrilPch, Colllngnweod's barber nnd "mark millionaire," who went te Oermnny te collect an inherit ance, has nlse acquired a fiancee. Frltsch was notified several months nse Hint nn uncle In Dussplderf had left him 20,000.000 mnths, nermnllv S.'.OOO.OOO. The Ormnn currency is new slmt se full of lieles that the nst "ittu represents about S-U(H) in 1111 money. 'I'lte barber I n widower and Is fifty two c.trs old. When he left rellings weed for Oermnnv he snid he wouldn't nnrry the best wemin Ihing unless slip was worth twice ns much as him. Yes terdav n friend retelted n cable an nmtiii lug Piltsch's en,n,:em"nt te Pratt lein Marin lleek, of Dttsselderf. Prltseh Intends te In ing his bride le cVdlittgswoed next spring. Laborers' Jobs Ce Begging Seme treub'e is being expeiieneed In the local Cixil Seee ('itiitnissi.iu tn rain libeieis nnd diiM'ts fur the di- M-iei of s(iiit clemingt the i1ilUi1e riglter for the positions hnvitu' In en 1 1 li ted. Thp npplli ntltin filed t d ite niiiiiher 120, compared with J 000 one eir age. r HOW ROCKEFELLER PARTED WITH $10 Church Usher Thought Such a Gift Toe Large New Yerk, Nev. 21. (By A. P.) Ignernnt of the Identity of the donor, n church usher once offered te return a $10 bill te Jehn D. Rockefeller bs cause h thought he had net Intended te put thnt much In the collection plate. Tin story wn told by his son, Jehn D. ltorkefpller. Jr.. at. the dedica tion rece ttlen Inst night- In the new Park Avenue llnptlst Church. The elder Rockefeller, with two friends, was attending church servlcw In Springfield, Mass., u, a etabr of n cumuiiucc iu uuur iuc ntii vn " II. 1. Pounce preach. .Mr. Hecee feller hesitated before dropping the IM0 In the plate, thinking it might re veal his Identity, y After the service the usher approached Mr. Rockefeller nnd told him he noticed hi hesitancy, nnd thnt (lf he had net meant te give se large an amount he would gladly re turn it. BLIZZARD .UME8 OLKAN, N. Y. Olean.'N. Y.. Ner. 24. (Ry A. P.) Train and trolley service was crippled todev by the biggest November snow fall 'in the history of the "city. The storm developed Inte a bliuard nnd mere than four Inches of mew already has fallen. yl fe Fer !er X V M J ri HALLOVELL Gift Baskets a Thanksgiving The Qift Supreme Perfect delivery guaranteed nnywlicre within 1000 miles $5 te $50 I Henry R. ttallewett & Sen U I T1....l IhIhei PUlai.l j I -: m irunu i'ciuw vietiiui w wV -2J BauaanmsH KIN SEE OSTEOPATH KILLED BY REVOLVER Or. Geerge A. Still Accidentally Meeta Death Before Quests Klrksvllle, Me., Ner. U. (Ry A. P. Ills wife, parents and thirty-five guests at an entertainment nt his home saw Dr. Geerge A. Still, president of the American Scheel of Osteopathy here, and nationally known as an os teopath, Instantly killed last night flAVWJ when he occidental! litatiM tf. and a bullet from If pentratdl2l hrnln. . r ""?.? 'vwi Dr. Still, sportsman ,and lever of tii. ' uiiiuutin, iiiki Bnunn uieinecrs of it., party his shelguns, nnd was chlbli!! the incchnnlsnt of a recently inirch..!! pistol when the accident occurred. ' KITCtlKV nv . It SltneM stftRRerii the litinulnallen l ip renrets thnt one In run r reVSn.?.,l5 Ht!8?i "?" & U." .llni"! in ent'lOT .h. ,D7n vi: Irtureatlnit. fact mid comment, wh ph"1.8' iimm renulnnjr en the l.illterlnl Wm I, f Bait?gJai"Ufi t'"K", "'"" A a Saa-i--lll-M--lWlt,,,M. I Woolen Stockings - nr Fer Ladies, Misses and Girls Our own importations from the best Scotch and English makers, together with domestic selections. Many confined styles. 1.95 te 8.75 Sweaters Shirtwaists MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET ratail.'iW1 1i4lMillinery Moderately PricedS K H FJ Z -D Purchasing Agent' Orders AcceptedHL I 0 2 3 S3 Mail Orders ! '5 IS 0 Cellar and Cuffs Sets and Fur Trimmings, Chil- I Special dren s Fur Sets and Coats at Moderate Prices H , fyisy' Scarfs IV!.? RSrZeH ll IT1' 1 lP "aWf' r7iVW I S5fa.rt r.-ES, Jlmmt-H "TIBEKKHHBHMMMVrtMBIHHaaH " I 1 iBjjiiBiSM eiM I Sweaters Jm?ik ' Sweaters i 5 Weel Slip-en Sweaters, jgBV. r J M of fine quality brushed wool; h round neck models. All ff s lR y Mr Atei fi JNd A9 Jt slip-en nnd golf coat med- g . -j ""Special"" 7.50 I Ch eken of Natural Squir rel, Taupe or Brown Fex, Jap Mink an. Kelinsky. a-tWaRJtOM: WAIS ATi6 i M SUaU V V Sta&Jiri CU L? -afiLa & 1215 Cheslnut&treeh ck m n mvkTtW 1 OO CA Chokers of h Natural B a u m H Marten, Blend- S cd Sable nnd h Stene Marten. B, 'iMiiiiiirwuiiiii'ii'iniiiiiiiiiTiiiir-d One Thousand Fur Coats Offered Tomorrow at Prices That Are Made Possible Gnlv bv a Merchant and Manufacturer Selling Directly te the Consumer 9 Once mere we offer a startling demonstration of our enormous merchan dising powers. Once mere we prove with unmatchable values the tremendous advantages that this house of quality offers you in the selection of fine furs. J Because of our enormous volume of business, and because Ave manufacture our own furs, thereby saving you the unnecessary middlemen's profits, we can, and de, give you fur-values that are b eyend comparison, as you can prove by examining tomorrow's offerings. BUY TOMORROW FOR XMAS A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR PURCHASE UNTIL REQUIRED mi M&z V RUI ssnch .Coats 59.50 French Seal Wrnps 59.50 fsaMi fUfi Mm. Si.alSS f m it lie mm fill N'- "'-MP, ,f r -Ah. MEiil itji,l.iiii,illlr,llil!i!.iilillllliiiliillil iii!i!ii!iii:iiiini!i llillilirtiiiii'i'ii "iHHi''iiiifflg'lBTig c c-1 Ik It-. Extraordinary Reductions Fer Tomorrow We Have Taken from Our Regular Stock a Number of Attractive Daytime & Evening Dresses " ' 1 ' Reduced lA te !4 Belew Fermer Prices mi m ffJu HI Li 1 1 1 '18, $24, They are among the meat pop ular and the newest of the late fall models, including street, afternoon, dinner and evening gowns and dance frocks. The fabrics are satin-faced iCantens, Crepe Renee, Crepe Rema, Peiret Twill, Chiffen Velvet and ether desirable ma terial, in black, navy, and all daytime and evening shades. They were up te $89.50 Reduced te $ 37.50, a -vl Nr 1 X?J $45, 54 j P. 1 T 79..") 0 79.50 Irnme i Tyrant ) j l... Celts rf 89.50 t .1. ' TrniPil I 'epara at ' its 9S.,-0 TrtmniMl Mirme' 1 1 nts S9.50 OS ft .1 '"j-WiTV i?-;.fiAL in jJ'fit-!i ' ' i& iA r- i At, :r"Wi. mt .. sk 3&2 hi)&5r &LjAi- gfaist &?--& ,.ifem ii r mss s vr r. -af at.iT t. n j iv "., 'j. - 11 ,; , ijh .-t. - u jf.wcdtv.wmun l . bed ;m,mm J! mP im V mihHu I M l' natnrm! Jh Hair "yVf I --nh 'V r -j -s, ) l KIT! B Cnll iWVS' I1.11U . L 1 Ll m. Z. ' 1 e'h t ( M , Jr.. 'Vi . J- ( 'J-"l JIW 111 I I MP HI' t ti.50 98.50 " 93.30 98.50 T J 15.00 115.00 . k.-W V-a V ,1 1 ff iU"-uu It! R H;l; : L M fc$ Ste. 5L M te l V i 1 HI1-!' m r M'!y wm9L ill ffiStf ilet sk mm MiM Jfi&ttffiL mkK iiiii eBas. bifemmF mm. &m?M imsm n II : 11 lilt !lllw.fl I M PI . B 1 Allll m ill HI m M Kkj&sW-ttO-a? 195.00 h - 225.00 205.00 m 295.00 -&&& 295.00 P 115.00 M& Mri- Mmdaen Seal 1$ Dyed Muskrat. French Seal Is Dyed Ceney. Extra Large Size Coats and Wraps Up te 54 Bust j j .,,.... HSKjIHinaMHaW1 ' '4'"gat'laa"lTl,Tr """""-""" -lllllgspa-iiWlllll',l g PurcbasM PayabU i. liTntxjiUKmmWBW i"l1,lHUlWl.lf11-1 ! gS-----Wtail'iAMMiAii ,- . idsW. !.....- I ,. ... ' ,, . , gsMgS-- I . rM 1 A Fur-Trimmed Coats and Wraps At Reductions of 20 te 35 l - i. J Rt. llrr Tr'rrm l rrfn -i , Seal r ' '" ) 115.00 Trench f.'ea's far icul Tnmmeil 1R3.00 TOW mfm i ' I V ft 1S5.00 mL. i -vjttT( 1 -fi.y 'MWA! it'-mm nf i 1 1 I if it? MfcA aV-3 ,, II u 11 M. i5j iiaaSlK wmkMm ImilSS - je'-- vjam ir ri,ga-- t- far m - . jk .uj r--i i miMt i t Muy 1 ! IP Ml , Al1r-?nLeur ir .st05ki new this Beasen and the very last word in ityle and tailoring. The hat of fabrics and fura is a complete roster of this Beasen's fashions. In Ave groups as follews: Were up te $79.50 Were up te $125 $89.50 Were up te $155 Were up te $175 Were up te $210 All Purchases Billed January 1st 1220-22-24 Walnut Street $125 $149.50 Beilsillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll V ii tui-i "' saas