Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1922, Night Extra, Image 35

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fMerate the Editor
maidIUI War Memerial
iKn. Ythe Forum's corrcitpen.
JrZ ether lay suggested recognl recegnl
" L h relucs, nue and ether,
"'.l' . lme nncrlt.ee In the
without getting the acclaim
w.rtd War
.t,ie valorous aeiuier
tbat w?;,c1iivliinlly nnd pmnawje. for
icSVr ?? r
tie. In ,renc,nir of means brcathe
JJd bright"" with the pawltt of the
Hn' 11 !.. ntmiit this recognition of
.' 'tl8 "?rh I Urtlly imierse,
"Lhl.us l"cn directed also te
thought lint """ ,,,. ln the
".Sn of the .problem of
rl i Ltieiild de of n suitable memo meme
tal1 I 4e died in the war te
11,1 t0Minwtten ami humanity. Out
lClayi. nl v nnd county aid; this great
BfiJl Mulpment te stand as a
"mint te ex-rcrv cc men.
e.nu l c Lt0nhut as appropriate a me-
j,n v ,. .. . miinmlinity C0um nulla
.Inl nH 11IIJ ..- -.. . .,
S"Mate W! in
I inc Kieni
lout health
rl . nm iieldlcrs who
.'i. .. in the great war, ami ter
Si'S. M bEk only Je b.,le
and for
Aeple Blossoms In November
. ,a, r,uter cf the Evening Public Lviiecr:
'tr- "nth- month of " I
enticed "n account In a Philadelphia
SsMr telling of certain apple trees
KwVeit Chester that had blossoms
S? due te a severe hall storm the lust
e?' August. I " t0 state that al
luKh e did net get any ha 1 with
the "tern of that time, nevertheless we
iaVtww that blossomed nt that time
wllf and new I am able te ret one
bttrr or this day (November 21). 1
ricked " '"" PPte M0880" V. lch
ie the table before me as I write.
Thl Is such nn extraordinary thing
te roe that I thought It might be worthy
ft mention. It may be this Is mere
?end rful te me after living In Mlnnc
i,ta, hcre things arc frozen up at
Su'tlme. thW bring K " "
Penns ivanle . W ATTLU A. OLD.
Elktiew. Chester County, Pu.. fto fte
wrier 21, 2.
The Heuse of Bendage
f tke fiiiler e the Everine Public Ledger:
Sir Once mere me luruing cunrn
til demons of the underground have
taken a hcavv tell from among the men
who labor there te provide these above
rlth fuel. The somber tragedy in Ala
bama, reported In today's newspapers, Is
is old ns the mining industry, ester
diVs Kvksimi l'uni.ie Ledekh had
the news thnt the mine management
had been held responsible for the
recent disaster nt Spanglcr, in this
With all Its progress, science has
ten unable te erect effective safe
jvanU izainst the silent, uiiFeen and
treacherous tneiny of the cenl miner.
The sword of Damocles still hangs
emineuclv evir the beads of the men
he supply ns with heat, transporta
tion, light nnd power.
Only ii few days before the Spongier
Master, n committee of Investigators
from New Yerk, reporting en the con
dition of ether Pennsylvania coal mln
s, declared thnt "men are driven
harder limn ever an Egyptian Pharaoh
drove his Moves." Worse, these who
rebelled were driven from their homes
ith a brutality comparable te thnt
attending the expulsion of the Israel
ites from Lgnt. Mothers dying from
exposure, children starving in ben
houses, were sketched in as high lights
it this desulpte panorama. ,
The connection between, and the
toniliislens from the two tragic stories
ire obvious. The people of the United
States simply will net much longer
permit such treatment te be meted te
people who labor in the shadow of death
te pretide nn indispensable necessity
ef life. V must lime coal. Some Seme Some
ted) must mine It. Certain individuals
ire willing te perform that dangerous
nd ditty task. It fellows inexorably
that they should receive net peer, but
the vcrj best treutment, Indeed, and
a rate of uimpcnsntien compatible with
the risks uml dibiidviintuges of the job.
Philadelphia, November 23, 1022.
The Study of Prese
Te the hditer of the Evening i'ublle Ltdgtr:
Sir The student of preisj Is a rara
ails neuudiijs nnd the reason for this
is net far te seek. We lme made the
IruiiMnMen of thought through speech
eisier at the cxnense of exactitude. We
re splitting sen-e inMend of wiwlng it.
netnplieiliiilly speaking. We have
shen te many of our words n fluidity
of Hi ailing when what was needed was
WMiiity. Seme of our most respecta
ble words have denned pantomimic rai
ment and the professor 1ms new te leek
t tliein nskanee mid seek ether me
jengers for his muse. On the ether
J'luid. mtniii Milgnr words have been
iieUted hiKli nnd have bevn ungracious
'J prujiLiitl Inte it llgurative chimney
pot hat. t)ne such Ih the word "grub,"
"ii J of the new -rich.
I luue suld that the fault lies mainly
in our speich ns explaining the lack of
prose students teduy. New It has been
Mid Unit the knack of writing convin cenvin
"ugly uud withal with a certain charm
was te he free fiem mental tension, ul ul
aest without n enre for the effect like
IJ te be prediued, s thnt jeu might be
natural and buir nil our own colloquial
imtes, ceiiKenuently te impart a keener
Mm te j our views.
I'iKe nil ether nxiems this is only
partly true. Indeed, the lesser hnlf
ei it is preferable, te the greater, for
Uncommon Sense
'pHrilB is
rnrrsv In
lest motion nnd wiiHtetl
every Inibinewi pstabllsh
nfnt, an well uh In every life.
Frem tlie wlilte iloern of n Brunt uu
lOmeUlll USHI'IIlhllnir atnhlltdiintit n
wj" Ii-mics every forty second), theorctl theerctl
cally, But Mimptltnra the Inspector notice
'fit this fnfty Kecentls in Htretelntl te
Then they go Inte the plimt, find out
'iere the hitch Ih, und tnke up the
Ag a result this pittnt coiiieh n near
te pcrfict elnrleney eh nny in the werltl.
I'T hihIi n rnte of production wiik
enlv nttnliu'tl ufter len pxperlt'iiic.
"'iei pliiniilng by libit, ,.ngiHtr, uml
inuch bpeedliiK up en individual ef-
1?cl! '" '"Binir.ntleiiH Ih nlwayn ex
Pilyp, for It ineiniH Iekh of time, and
Im In piild for by the hour,
nt- ryi '"i"" lest "'',t Jiel Hlty mill-
- imin ier wiuieiti result.
The vHtiibllslinifnt Unit inn hwp Mat-k
Jt minimum in the one thut imyn dlvl-
the particular plant of which we
letters te the Editor should be as
brief nnd te the point as possible,
avoiding anything that would open
a denominational or sectarian dis
cussion. Ne attention will be paid te anony
mous Icttem. Names and addresses
must be signed as an evidence of
reed faith, although names will net
be printed If request Is made that
they be emitted.
The publication of a letter Is net
te he taken aa nn Indersement of Its
Vlewe by this paper.
Communications will net be re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
stilted prose only induces a mental
ache, where the word "garbage" of
the mart and the street produces an
, Fearing te extend this note lest I
become unduly critical, I will new
clese It with a few Intimations that
may be of use, if only for mental di
version. The study of prose Is at once
me most entertaining una usciui men
tal occupations for our young men to
day. Ife net confuse this with the
study of literature : rather take It as a
parallel te the academic study of pecsv,
I wish te say that there is no limit te
its ramifications, nnd en its highways
nnd bywuys you will skirt all knowl
edge. The study of prose is In reality the
louniintien ter the setting up ei erudi
tion ln one, nnd the machine by which
It Is at length te be made manifest. We
nil knew the ndvnntages some machines
have ever ethers In the metering world.
Heme are mere economical, some mere
speedy, some unusually silent In opera
tion : ethers nenln whleh nrc exceeding
ly powerful nnd lasting. Just se must
you consider the vehicle of language
te be driven by a mnchlne of your own
make, your very own style, mnde for
your own particular needs. Oct nwny
fiem the standardised product in the
prose business. After n while may we
lope that some of us may be easily de
lected lu our prusu nnd that no matter
Iiew we try te disguise it we may find
such n thing Impossible. I wonder if
nny epe could tell me who wrote "The
Lunatic D'rlnge." nn article in last
week's Saturday Kvenlng Pest (No
vember 18). I will bet my shirt that
1 knew and thanks te my study of ether
people's prose I knew that I knew.
Ocenn City, N. J.. November 21, 1022.
Questions Answered
Meaning of Initial!
Te the Editor of the Uvenine Public Lrdeer:
Sir Is there any special significance In
the letters "B. V. D." en men'e underwear,
semctlmee but nut always, for I hme acen
and worn muterlnl that did net hau these
tabullstlc ijmlwls? If there In any meaning,
will ou kindly say what It Is?
Philadelphia, November S3, 1022.
The Initials form a trade name which has
keen dcrlvvd from the name nf the manu
facturer of the garments Indicated IJever
ley, Verle A Day.
The Old Rubber Ceat
Te the Kdtter of the Rvcuine Public Ltiatti
Sir Please tell mi If there It any way
te ki-cp an old rubber coat from Ntlcklng to
gether. A. M.
Philadelphia. November 23, 1922.
Ordinarily rubber Is net ery long lived.
Having- a R-arment stick together In a sign
that th" rubber in It is deteriorating. There
Is no remedy.
"Gibraltar of America"
Te the Kdtter of the Eimlne Public l.rrfeer:
Sir I sometimes hear a town spoken of
aa the Ulbraltar of America, but fergut what
It Is. Will ou kindly name It?
Philadelphia. November 22. 1D22.
Quebec, Canada, often Is re designated en
account of Its strateglc position.
Poems, Songs Desired I
"Jane Conquest"
Te the Editor of the Eienlng Public r.edatr:
Blr tnclesed please find the poem "Jane
Conquest." asked for recently by a reader
of the People' Forum,
Philadelphia, November 20. 1922
Twos about the tlmn of Christinas,
Net many years age;
The sky wns black with wrath nnd wrack,
While the earth was nhlte with snow.
And alone, amid the tumult of waves and
winds at strife.
In her home by the sea.
With her babe en her knee,
Sat Harry Conquest's wife.
And he was en the ocean.
Although she knew net where.
Fer no word of his ship had reached her
Te lighten her lead of cere.
And her little babe vves dvlng; the pulse In
Its tiny wrist
Was all but still.
And Its brew was chill
And pale as the gray sea mist.
The fire burned low In the hearthstone.
The wild wind reared with a win.
And burled In deep and dreamless sleep
Lay the hamlet under the hill.
But leul threush the nlnht and tempest
Oarn n cry te Jsne Conquest's ear.
Thrilling her through, for well she knew
'Twas the veire of mortal fear.
And a light leaped In nt the lattice.
Sudden und swift and red,
Crimsoning all the whitened wall
And the fleer and th reef o'er head.
Ter one brief moment, heedless
Of the bube upon her knee,
With the frmzliHl Mart of a frightened
Up te her feet rote she:
And through the qualm old casement
She looked out en the sea.
Thank Oed that the sight she uaw lhat
Se rare a sight should be.
Hemmed In by hungry billows.
With msd nnd feamlius lips.
A mile from shore er hardly mere
Pile saw a gallant ship
Aflame from deck ta leimast
Aflame from Ktem te sterni
Fer there seemed no specie
On ull llmt wnck
Where the fljrce Urn did net burn:
And llie nlsht wns l.ke a sunset;
The sea llke u sea of bleid.
And the rocks and shore
Were bathed all "'er '
As by sumo gory flood.
Again that cry of nnnulH
Thrilled through the temprsl's
: Taking Up the stack
have Hpeken the enrs move Alene, en
u ienvecr hjetcm. nnd ench mun Iiiih
te de IiIh piirtlciilnr purt of the an
Hemblime eh it puhhcm.
ITOIinH. when Ihey ereur, which
The imiti'H time Ih filled, Imviiukv
muni de hit) Jeb ut the right lime.
Could everbedy nrrunvti IiIn life en
thnt bnsts there would be no nlnek,
no leHt time, nml no wnsted effort.
(iitehliiK up," that meHt dlfflcult
of nil thliiKB te de, would be elimi
nated. An arrangement of thltt himl Is peg
slble in fact It i made by tlien who
are iiiinnIiii; their fellewM en the up.
watd climb.
Hut it Involved plnnniuK lu advance
nnd thought ami care.
Thetvc are dlfllcult, even for eight
heurH a duy.
Hut they are just ni neeessniv tn n
Hteudy ami prefitnble output of phyMeul
or mental pretlurtlvlty iik the conveyer
KVBtem Is netcnt-ary te the Meady and
regular output of the uuteiuublle uu
aembly eBUbllgbment.
Cegvrtgaf. tf
i.'l f'
And It wkned then In hr hurt and
Thy active, thlnklns Ufa.
The light of an Inspiration
taaptd te hr brlihtenad era,
na en Up and brew were written new
A purpose pur and high.
Swiftly the turned and Mftly '
Hhe ereited the chamber fleer
And fajterln net In Its tiny cot
u8h" '"Id the babe she bore,
en. Chrltt, who rtldst bear the eceurglnf.
Hut new doth wear the crown.
Here at Thy feet. eh. true and sweet.
I lev my burden down.
ti'.Z'0?1, thou hnewest what peril
Jeth threat these peer men'e Uvea.
ii ,'.1lim'" most weak and human.
Weed for their waiting wlvee.
Theu canet net let them perleht
UD. IjOra. In Thw .I.. Hih .. ..
Prem the scorching breath of thla terrible
9n ii1" crul winter wave.
Take Theu my babe and watch It.
. Ne enre is tike te Thine,
u , Thyi pew,r ,n lhl Perilous hour
Supply what lack le mine.
Solemn and weird and lonely.
Amid Ite counties grave.
en us tan rock perch steed the old
a.I'.'J""11. th" " na " waves.
Ana thither Jane Conquest bravely threush
the tempest fought her way
By snowy deep and slippery steep, for there
her duty lay.
She crept through a narrow window
And climbed the belfry stair,
.. rVp(, ,h8 ret- sels cord of hope
Fer the mariners In despair.
And the wild wind helped her bravely,
And she wrought with an earnest will,
Ana the clamorous bell spoke out right
wen i
Te the hamlet under the hill.
And It reused the slumbering fishers.
Ner Its warning task gave o'er
Till a hundred fleet and eager feet
Were hurrying te the shore.
And then It ceasei Its ringing.
Fer the woman's work was done.
And many a beat that was new afloat
Bhewed man's work had begun.
Then back te her home Jane Conquest
Fought her way through the blast,
Te find te her Jey her danger
And gloom nnd grief were past:
Fer the child she had left with heart
Of hepe and wrung with pain
She found In peaceful slumber laid
When she reached Its slde again;
And she knew that Christ had watched It,
And she thanked Him for His care
As beslda her baby's cradle
Oncj mere she knelt In prayer.
Bliss Carman 8eng
Te the A'rtifer of the r.vtnine Public Ledger:
Sir I Inclese the senif by lilies Carman,
requested by Mary SI. Illack In the People's
Forum of November IN.
PleisantMlle, N. J November 20. 1822.
By Bliss Carman, In "Songs of Vngabnndla"
There Is something In the autumn that Is
nitHe te my bleed
Teurh of manner. hint of moed:
And my heart Is llke a rhyme,
With the tellew nnd the purple and the
crimson keeping time.
The scarlet of the maples can shake me like
a cry
Of bugles going by.
And my lonely spirit thrills
Te see the frosty asters like a smoke upon
the hills.
There la something In October sets the
gypsy bleed nstlr:
We muit rise and fellow her
When from every hill of flame
She calls and calls each agabend by
In the Evening PuEjift lid
In the Sunday . rublle d
oepesr dally
r. and alia
idear. ftteva
dlaeusaln flmslv toetes trill na nslntM.
ns well aa rraaestrd poems, and otieatleas
el apeetal Interest will be answered.
Did you go te a "little red schoolhouse" ta
these happy childhood dsysT Then you will
certainly enjoy reading this homely .story of
fhtt rijtva nf mlttenu And flDDet.
lie aays or muiens ana tippei. e;
y Katherlne
of the Hub.
day PI
..- w ...... . .. .-.r-..
f. in tne Maaaaine. necuen ei ins eun-
rrsLic L,aeass.
Stake It a Habit."
Beth Re tea
Bookkeeping a shorthand, day night eta
rhlla. nustness College. 1710 Markst I
Germantown Branch
80 East Walnut Lane. Phene Otn. 8SM.
Presprctus mulled. Jeseph . Clarke. Hlr.
inmML tee
AnwcfPHDite twtSarcoMyetn
mount roreyo. PA.
Teia nahunnilOpen all year. Medem. Ideal
ine UBIWOOa.iien. gneclsl fait sod
winter rates. Booklet. E. t. B .V. Artmaa.
(Vndtr Contract vith Bermuda Oevt.)
Via Palatial, TwlnSersw, Oil-Burning
Sach U.000 Tens Blistacement.
Frem mew Yerx wea.
A St.
from Bermuda Tuei.
k Stt.
Special Holiday Sailings
Leaving New Yerk llec. 2U. 2.J end 30
f i Christmas or New War In Bermuda.
Special Extra Christmas Trip
Spendlag Chliitmai Teek In Bermuda.
tearing New Yerk Dee. a$d
Arriving New Yerk Jan. lit.
Btraeda Offtrs All Outdoor Spsrii
Modern Hotels. Ne Passports
Boek Slew for Winter Kelldsy Bsillngs.
Fer Illustrated Bei-klets write te
M WhlUhaU St.. New Yerk
rurnewWlthr Ce.. Ltd. Bourse Bldg..
riills. Or Any lecsl Teiirlxt Agent.
for Baltimore
Freight end passengers t Baltimore, and
the south. Htesmers leave fiim Pier 8.
R. Belswars Ave., daily st a. 00 P. St..
Sslnrdar at S no. Nu Hueduy stcsmer.
r 1 flreres. sgrnt.
- . ' ir n iEffini s - ii
vwc 3cT e wev.c arw9. A WWM ( iUpirs A
i ...r.UT ssi I I I J m. ACK O A. W t W I .- 1
-V SWUUL PRXTTlC6. OH J I H O "' flsAX X t V wnr' 1
f J UKMl M.nT IIJUIUS, I I-sr.TxX . A " . e'
Iev-M. II -V13.' j) gat.g
ATLAWf iff "(TITV M. J.
Atlantic City
Dlsealts em the Oaeati Vrttmt
Tke Asearitan FUn Hetel pareacelleaes
( the AHeetle (eatt.
I frisk Oarage ea WALTER J. BUZBT.
I feiefiripetej Owmt eatl lluager
AHKairaw et.iw
. Itet and CeldSslt Wstr Bsths .
fteealss wstsr. U CO per prreesj
bilk, M 00 sad jp.00 per penea
I sad Bath
ta ftteinna. 114 SO hi Us
..i""i,r:'.-.-".-'""" -
St.aarles PI. aear Boardwalk, Hsasadsled. A
naaatsfwatsr. Print-baths. Cap, 500.1
Issslsl wtater reus. New ewaenkip taaa I
sgsssl. BcheenthslftWIrtaehtftsr J
KKCI'M W ll-l-
Virginia are.. 2d house from Ileaiitnralk AStSsI !
Pier. Every appointment. Highest standard la
Bilslne and service. Hun, water In eurjr roees. ,
kit, JTIates Ially 4. wei kly. single J5.
teublt fti, with lutli. slncle fu. double 809 '
i. Bethwell, Prep.
lie JBreafeer?;
S Oeesa fieat rtneraeJ
erlrsn European Plins. flnlf Club nttV
m. Oar. Bedm-ed Fall end Winter resea,
Alays open. always
Lentmentnl reedy: termi , moderate.
vuiiMiiciiiei nrrlt( or nhen(!
M. wai.sk nnvrw .
LA MARNE artlmiU ut Uttiiu .we.
LA HiniMlC, Wnter rate. dully. M.nO.
with running water. 82110 w"i private bath.
WMtminster f'"'-
Ave. nesr bacb.
te street. Prlv.
netns. run, water, a. v.
KOPP Own. A Pr-n.
New Clarien
Kent irkv Ave,
Boardwalk. B. K
tnst Off
Inrlferatlng climate. 18-hule golf
course. Saddle horses. Fine
walks. Daily concerts and danc
ing. Superior reads (or motor meter
ing. FRANK F. SHUTE, Manager
Formerly ef Laurel in the Pines
LAKEWOOP. N. J. New nnd nimlern
throughout. Famous for excelkrt Hun
garian cuisine. Hun parlors, grille. . MW
(lards. orchestra, dancing. Booklet.
Phene Ijikewoed 8S1 New Yerk office. 2S8
Broadway. Phene Schuyler S22S.
Brewa's-Milli-in-the-Pines, N. J.
welremes all Its old tjnti-l. .Inrltidtng
weekenders and transit nts. Entire beuse has
been rf-dereratt-d, new furnaces Installed, sad
a two-neie gmr course cempieiea oe us
nnenai netunern cinine ey colored
Phene Pemherten asi
phkvtt,t,t: w. e.
iJfltl hi Hup location, virlueklng Uit rltjr tnd
Vm sssa Slav Kiss affsueesesa ai fH!1 matei Aa jatleatak m
Twoiurtfrier Ii-
Bit) Gelf CtaBI-astsl RlM BltF
ara lurfare meter riMdt
Openi1lyir. WlLHUrt iu VrM"F, Mirr
Have veu steed en
One of the many
r ht-
k 1 1
Os the Besak rreni . .. . Always Osea
AMERICAN EXPRESS Luxury Cruise en the
te the Mediterranean
Frem New Yerk February 7th 66 Days of Enchantment
The MAURETANIA your home all the way
Carle, Nice, Naples, Pompeii, Reme, Athem, Constantinople, Palestine,
Egypt, Corsica, Lisben, Southampton, Londen (5 days), Cherbourg.
Send for illustrated announcement
I Js llgsssgswaiai.si.. si A
mmmttttttttttmmmttmmmWrJ1' lmWTrTnftVt fl TT't Fttft J
Te the age-old splendors and present dny charms of CHINA, JAPAN,
KOREA te the American possessions tn the Orient: the; PHILIP
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offered incur Tour Ne. 14
Sailing from San FrancUce Jan. 25, Returning May H
An eiceptienal Itinerary embracing Honolulu, YrLchama, Shanghai, Heng
Keng, Manila, Canten, Macao, Nanking, Peking, Tientsin, Seoul, Mlyaneihita,
Mlyajlms, Kebe, Tokyo, Nlkke.
Other similar tours sailing in February and March,
Literature end full Information en request
130 Se. 15th St. PHILADELPHIA Telephone Spruce 6S20
SCHItACK, widow or Willie It. Armeteenf.
Hl.nSr",.Mrv,'C" 8a,J A. M.. reaieenw.
IBS Maplcwoed nve.. Oermantewn. Int. prlv.
. A8IIDOWN.-NeV. 20. llEnTHOt.Dq.,
huMinnil of Aitna J Aetidewn. runerel Frl..
2 I. M., realdence. .'1(115 Emerald et. Int.
Oakland fern. Hemnlns may be viewed
Tliur, after T J. M.
IIATKMAN. Mniirlreiewn. N. 3 Nev. 2.
CVpt, WAI.TI3H IIA1T.MAN, aned BT. nela
tls nnd frlen'ls nre lnllpd te atteml tu
nc ml, from hl Inte reeldence, Bun . at 1
P. M. Herv.cee ut the residence. Int. nt
IIAXTHIt. Nev. 28. 1022. .MAItT 3.,
yldew iif llriiirrt llaxter ttrlatlvs nnd
frli'nili me i it, te n"1 fn"i' 'fv
KsStffahtn City
A else el weaesifal Mttae sad a
the jiind wekeees. A asUgktfal ckf ssr
ileissre and recreulea.
Cllaiit all4 aa eaasskt.
sad iweei eeesa breeaet all rssr.
Tke see eltce vkers ttl isvrssilms era eelereS
nxt-oenr-tnlt, ,Mn. rsckSsg, swlamlsg.
ksatlai. fseae. qaelu. kewllng. kaieMU. sMWltsg,
Mladl4 sceoausedatlenj te salt eretresa.
Wme fst kaetlets aa its CM ai aa
scfssiles. Anr laforesttee ea tegsssL
r.A.Lawrsnce. Chasibef el Cei
8l. Ptlstiburs. PlerWs
Royal Poinciana Hetel
SI bachelor and hotel
mudern convenience- toef
..mm. IV, f n fne hnnlclet.
apartments t etery
garden and dlalai
West Palm Beach. Fla
Bread veranda face werld'a finest beseh.
MiKlern. Cuisine nneTcellsd. Bates 13.80 te
jn per rtav. Ameitcan plan.
TKE BELLEVIKW. Belletlr Heights. Flerida.
Oelfer's Southern Paradlse. Open Jan. 8th.
Bktt. -Write
COME TO TAMPA, Hillsborough County,
Flerida. Ilaltnr uiather, outdoor recreations,
htislniss and agrtinlturnl opportunities. Boek.
ict- tn rcquc-t. Tumps Ilnard of Trade. S34
.efiyctte bt.. Tamp i, Fls.
bu need this folder
te plan yQur trip
te California
"Hew te Sa Call.
fernla" sent frta.
Contains special
relief map of Cal
ifornia, illustrates
points of interest,
gives Information
en railroad lines.
Californians Inc.ia
a non-profit organ
izatien te furnish
authentic informs
tien. Address
Iltitten llulldlng, San Frunrlsce. Calif.
rare experiences offered by the
1 1 R
jaw" i
i, mm
l in
1 ravel Department
Philadelphia! 1.03 Chestnut bt. Spruce AS93
ijamucre: m wui arena bi.
Washington. I2ii F Street. N. W.
lees. Thure
1732 M
.- t recltely. at
her late
etutm"nt me. Int.
iiiaihit a ,""";:"; '.:.... !. d.
NANWy UltlNUJY. widow t Uterne rueker
Il'apham, Ks'i,, and yeunrrsi daughter at
the late Kdwurd l Ilrlne, Kat of i'hlla.
end Newport. In her 72d car.
. 1I01.1C1I Nev. Jl. 1-122. hllWAftl) I),
husband of Kllsabeth I;. Ilellch. Funeral
servicer Krl.. 2 p. M., at his IJte resldenre,
2 W. Duvnl st , Uernmntewn. Int. prl-vav-
Friends tnav cill Ihurs ve
. BOYLE. Nev. 22. AONKH, wife of the
tate .Patrick J, Beyle. Itcintlvfs nnd friends
Invited te attend funeral Hat . H se A M..
late. residence. R2:(i H siith st. Illnh mass
HI. Haphael'e Lhurch in A. M, Int. private.
Friends may call Irl, eve.
imADL.KY..vev. 2e. m:2, vkiienca
KATlIAJtlNIJ, beloved wife of James I.
Bradley, (ne., Mrlienatdl llelatlvts end
frineds invitd te funurnl. Sat s no A, M..
from her Inte reitlili nc, ,1247 N. '1th st
Helemn requiem rnuii at Bt. Veronica's
Church 10 A. M. tucclscly. Int. at Ca
thedral Cem,
ukaijv, un n v 22. .MAHV A , winew
the Inte t'ntnilhiH Hreily. fernn rly
171S InRersell it Itr.tnlUrt. und friends.
also flcsll II. V M. Sndnlltv, Invited te
runeTai, hat s 3D A. A!., from re-ildence,
,Mf N, -tutli st Snl, inn re'iuletn mass at
Ou Mether .of Heirnvvs Church 10 A. M,
Int. Hely t'reii t em.
nnBITKNIlArail. Suddenly, en Nev.
31, 1U22, WII.l.lxM ! , hu-tliitid nf Antile
It. IlreltenbaKh n, liitlv.-, and friends ere
invilta te uie e-rvlci- en baturuav oner ener oner
neon, at 2 e'elixl-, nt hit Inte residence
lhl3 PprlnKOeid ae. Interment private.
CAMPIini.l,.- Nev. 22, IICUTIIA WJl'ISH.
wife of Clinrles IJ. Camplell. JlelatlveM nnd
friends Invite 1 te fumrnl nervlt i Sat., 11
A. M , at Inte rxB.ilem.'. :,01S Locust st. Inl
CATIinSOV. Of ,17I7 N nth st . en Nev
22. 1822. AMCI.lv, vvldjw nf Jehn F Cuter,
son. Itelntlut nn I frl nds are Invited te th
service. Hat.. I I M nt the O'lv-r II. llnlr
Bldg.. 1S2U Pheirut St. Int pilvale. ile
mnlns may lnj viewed Frl eve
husband of llm Inte Musin Costelle (nee
Hotisen) HelHtlvfH and friends, nlse U. M
Ornnt Circle. Ne. 7.". 13 of A . and Court
Merrlmuc. Ne. nil, ". of A., ure Invited te
funeral serv ten, Snt , 2 3u V M, st his
late resldcnte. 3111 N. Frent st. Int Oreii.
weed (K. of p.j Lem, Friends may cill
Frl eve.
CtmilIi:it "ev. '.3 1122 JOHN II CFK-
muit. ui ins re. hi. en-, :i7H. ixinRiiiere -it.
Tacenv, vlce nn ulint of the 1'tnnj Mote
leaxue or if. uml I, As. r.. and n tneinlur
of the Phlln. Ileal l!iate Heard. Due notice
of the ft;nernl will t, Riven
DANIKl. -A I W Kl'urv. N. t Nev. "2.
aged 72. Fun, rui fnun th- rl-! m .. of her
sen-ln-lavv. Itev J c Strk. loe Hunter st..
Woodbury, N .1 . Sat . Nev 2'i. I p. .M. Int.
Mechanics' Cem . i'lillmle pi,ia,
UKKItY H iMen'v. Nev 20 1022. PAT
RICK DEi:ttV mbi :a ll-lntivcs end
friends, alee nil be etie of h rh In- wns a
member, are Invited te attend funeral. Sat.,
SJ 30 A. M, rrl nre .',127 )effer-nn St.
High tnni of renuiein St (Srec rv Phurch
10AI..J.,.1'" .""Iv S tmlehre Cem
DOWNir:.-N'tiv 21 I'isj lute of 1011 w
I.eht!li ave . HAItAII I.VIjIA, wife of ISeerKe
DeWnlA (nep Ttirirtfr.il, nulitff.MM and
friends, lm Os Cnunell Ne 105. I), of
p CimiM Ne 31, p e S "f A. are
Invited te nt'en-l funeral ervee at
2 P. M. rnrlerx uf I) ICe'iler. irlilt
N. inth st Int a-, nwoed (K. of p) cm
Remains tutu ) u,-wed I"-i nfter 7 P. M
deti.ij .-1 r.Awnn.wi: j. hu-
hand of Mirir..t y je-le tne Hlckey) i
iv, iHinrs Tiui i .n i- i - u'v e no A.
O. H.. und C-i'irt v i- ! till . Ne. 22'i K
of A.. re Inwti I te fun-r.il. at , 8 V) A.
M.. late reslilinci 1 1 ?.' .4 With st. Sel-tnn
requiem mns .it M. firthafe-s Church 10
A. M Int He'v r it,., fVm
DUIIOIR - Nev. 2:, t!2 JAMKS hu.
Vnnd of the lite I em DuIieIh (nte K'eln).
Ile'atlves tutl frl-ndi Invlti I te funeral,
Hat.. 7.30 A M fr m reild nee 2fnl a st,
He'emn reeul-m rnai--i In Church nf the
Visitation. A M Int. at Hely Sepulchre
ucrrr. Nev 21. 1022. pTrtir-u .1.,
leleved hUJhnnl of Cithnrlne A. Uuffy (nee
KeatlnK). Fr -n. ire Invlfd te nttnd fu
neral. Sat., 6 31 A M.. rrsSlence. 2041 Ap
p'etree st. Ke1emn reuilfm mass at
Cathedral 10 A M Int Helv Cre Cem
KADS At hr resli'encc, Montuemerv an t
Pnrk nve-, Kllln-i I'.irk. .V.i -Jl 1fi'.'2.
DORA OKItTIU Il. wife nf Arthur II. Ilads
Ulin nniirr. ni ii.ni will te mun,
Kt.DRWny. bjddenly Nev. 21
ST1TKH. huluinl of Annl 1'enre
Funeral servl'n nt his into r-fld-nce. 41121
Revttl st. litrmantjun Frl, 12 nuen. Int.
EI.DRIDOr: N v 22, 1122 SAlJllI. wife
of William J I'.'l-il; Funeral Kervlren Bt
her late reiJeii- ',-,7 Manlilm st . Satur
day. I 1. M Int rment private
EVANS Nev n ' er 22 HAItnr H'. hus
lnd of 1.117 it, th I.vanu (nee Muil-rV Rela
tives and rrlrniH ure Invite i,, nttrnd the
funeral rv Ires Mt
At 2 P. I d.ijuhtei .
residence. .017 .
Fellows Cemetery
EYT1I Nev. 21
7th st. Interment Odd
May be viewed Friday
1022. ADAM, husband
of the late Anna
i:yth. Relatives and
friends, also I. hlsh Ave. t'nterstuetzen
verem are invin-a te attend runerai services
Sat.. I -SO P SI at reallenee of her s m-ln- I
law. 400R N. F ilrhlll et Int Urenmeunt
Cem. Friends may u I Frl eve.
FARRKI.I. vt Atlantl Ct N.J Nev.
23. 102J. WML'I:l, f eon of David Rnd
Kllmieth Fnrrtll . Relatives nnd friends
nre Invited te nturd fum-ral from the resl
deniM of Mrs H. J Flhlir 227 W Wo We
minz ave, Oermnntixvn, but.. 2.30 I. SI.
Int. Westminster Cem
FI.OHR. At Philadelphia, Nev 22. 1022
HANNAH C. vvlf.. of T hi A FInh-. nge,
SI. .Relatives and friends Inv te I te funeril
tervlces Sit Nev 2". at Tin P. SI. resi
dence. 3'1J7 Cutht-'t st Phi t A se fur.
ther services at Mrs Mu-v .--chnildi's. at
Olossbero N. J. 'un . 2 I' St
tlMtRlVTT. .-'ull.nts Nm 22 JASIR
husband of SInr .-. tli-reit Relative,, .ml
friend", also SrnrtHcus Castle Ne. nt K '5 I
H anl Isaac C t'nd rdnun Assenblv'Ne
S". O. of A . invited te fun-il, Slui.fnv,
I. 31.. late resilettrt, seen l; ('lenier.tire Ht
Interment iirlvat SI mun ent Cemetery.'
VlewlnB Sunday ivmlng. I
OIIISOS" On Nev 22. 1022 S.M.Mn K I
wife of (Jeerite F, tJIbsen Jr Re' ittves and
friends are Im It d te th" services Men 2
P. SI, at hr liti res, , nee nil! ft. Ssth'iit i
Int. prlvite. Fr'en Ij may (all Sun eve r
u I. !-... -im 1. - v ;ev ill ihj.1, j( UN
J, son of the te Jehn und Kithrvn (llenn
Rel-itlves and fr i n !. an 1 t'ltj Hull Ltiirdr
nre Invited te utund funeril hit. S, 3Q a'
SI. lata reld r. 132'i V. 21 n sneri n
reiiulem ma t t Sllebnei's Church 10
A. SI. Int II Sepulchre O-n
widow of Fnnl.lin A Ur.iham. aired 8S
runerai services private, ,st 2 p si at
ter late residence moo sit Vernen st.
Friends mav ra I Frl. eve . 7 te 0
ORAt'UR (fllll 7( rn V v 22 IP""
SARAH J -vi' of Chir.es l d-auer
Rclntlves and fr et is n-. i, m ,j te the
KK.,ci. ?" 2 '' V Ht h"r i'x'" r"illnce
2S20 N'letnts st Int prlsa'.
cuttinNi: - Nev l'2. id.', i.min a
OItUi:NK. Ui O'n tstene ave Torerto
Canada. Int T. ronte
OIlKl'lr N '.1 I.DWVRIi I. hll ltd
of the Ute i a'li r ne lir th 'ne K hi) It I
lives and frl 1 .i ln i'.l ij .ui,.t, t e
funeral, haturl - HA I frjm his la ..
residence ."He N II nrl "110010 t ns
of requiem 1 1 A v i'i ir h of th ,1.
tlen It V M r II 1 -. niVhte ( r
HARNKD On Vn 21 -i;j SIATH.Dv
SI., widow of V. 1 im It Ilnrred Rela
vivrs nu ir ' 1 ire mv te.i ta cn'l en
at ht r lit,, r.sll, nce
Intirmfnt private en
2M1S N. Iirt , 1 ,
r rldty meirnt :
loved husb.in.l 1,1
Nkimee). father '
Itel-vtlves nti 1 1
which he vv n a
fum ral. Slen
residence. 24J 1
:" m:j rrvan t.-
M irv Hirreti (nee Me
lt v Tbn n is J l i-ren
1 t e 11 I s irli ites of
ii'ii r nvlt ! te uttend
V M trim his late
i in iv e uleinn re-
dulem mass at M
iii s uiir s Ch'jren
I) A St Int
i i
1 il
husblnil uf He-
N .11 i. J HARRY
. I i '..'
' 1. i
1 Ut
Hi li A
t,V.'S all I
. , 7H
' Court
Mil' I t'l
n I uit r
I friends, nlxn I
' I O. H A Ce un
Coherkslnk. N i
, Ledge, Ne 113 K
Keihtned Frauttt v
Jeshurun Ludite. .S
Invited te funeral
St . from his lute
st Interment Sh t te
HIH Nev. ..I
mini Hrsa (nee 11
funeral luttr from
N Mil at.
1 .Hi- lierti.iM
ml r O J S
!ie at lu.Ui A
1'I7 .N ibth
i m ti rv
N V V wife of Iter
v iti nn term ni.
r s ii, 1i l. 122
Hunt, . Nev
1H2J nreitriF H
f e Is are inv t. I
J V M at Till N
e u .' 1 rl "ti
ir Hi I vnr Potts
HICH Relative
an 1
.te attend services .-.ii
I 27th at. Renin ins in i
1' SI. Int. North t . I.r
town iPal papers p v. ,
HOI.I.'OOI). Imsbw t
urine Ilollvweod, of I'irt
( i unl Tyrene. I.. ,id
friends nre lnvlt It m t
S 30 A St , from his w i
Jehn Duffs, 22.10 ." hi
tii-vss uf rtqu .m nt hi 1 i
tie ife I
if i ill M'rttunrt,
R. I Ms II 1
I f mil il at
i 1 1 si I. i ee
- ' it h gh
1 i i li ii h 10
A " ' II. t I I is
HOSKINS Nev 21 1 U2
if i.ttietcii and I.itu liei n
i II ,
; is. '
I tlHATttW ' T J
seed US. Relatives and friends. Slse Pnst
Ne. 87, American Legien and Meh'can
Tribe. Ne. SI, I. O. R. M.. Invited ti funeral
Hat., 2 P. M.. from Ih3 IladdenOeld Baptist
Chntiel. Remains may le viewed Trl eve..
nt his late reeldenrc, 4bU Kinxs lllahwny,
Last Hadilenfleld, N. J, . .. ,
JANVIIIlt, Kntered Inte rest en Nev. 22
1(122. at his resident e. 3u llunnjmede ave .
Lansdowne. Pa.,. THOMAS CI., son of the
late tleerae and Katherlne Pavnter Janvier,
of Newcastle. Del. Services and Interment
P,IKHPI.KR On Nev. .22. 1093. , BMZA
nil'Ill AUSTIN KKPMIR. Relatives and
friends nre Invited te the service, Sat., 2.30
P. M at the resldenre of her hrether-ln-law,
Jihn J, Stewart. 1220 N. GOth st. Int
private. ' ...
KIHSClItlAItM. Suddenly, en. Nev. 22,
M IIARRV, son of Jewnh and Maria ne
Ileffmnn) Klrschbaum. nseil 20 le-irs. Itela.
I"i"h and frl, tuls nre Invited te nltend tlje
'uneml servltej.. en Saturday, 3 e cle K.
retn his parents- residence, insi ; ''
ted st Int. private, at Ml. Pen. ' fin
iiry Frlendi may irtll Friday evenltut.
'ion 7 te It o't'e-k .......... .. ,.
I.ALTK.- Nev. 21. 102I. IIKI.r.N M . wife
f fleorne l.auck. Funeral Frl.. 2 10 Iv I.
rerldenee, lull F Jessue gt. Int. Mt. Paee
evm llemulns mav te viewed lhurs.. 8 te
'VrillR. Nev. 21. CIIAHI.KS H . husband
nf Hnreh I.. !hr and son of the late I.el
...., ...... 1.... , u.. ,h... ... r.-?r.n A.t Hunt, lit
i.iii'i ..in muni.; 1.111, ti.i'." " "'' " .'.'" ,
' He'stlve nnd frlmd. at'" Mt llereh Ixlje,
.no r,2M r anil A, .M . r inviieu te iu.
nrl serv It,-,, Sat. 1 I'. M.. at. the funeral
parlors of Wllllsm II f'hew. H W. ter Bdtli
end Snrnc" ts Int. fedsr Hill Cem. Friends
mtiv tal' Frl . 8 te 10 P. M
I.I:ITHI:AI On Nev. 21. 1"22.
IIII.Iti:(l.HI)i: wife of Jehn W. L
iini iikn. nnri r-lnrfi. are invited te the serv
ice. Frl . 2 P M.. ut her late residence, 010
N 4ld st, Int private.
I.neVAltn, At his into re'ldenre Klt-flj
leth N. J . Nev. 20. 1022 WIM.tAM
HK.S'RY, husband of Careline Rrtleni Ion Ien
ard In hlr 18th year. P.e atlve; and
friends also Tvrlnn Ixedes. .Ne. 134. F.
and A. M , of Hllzabeth. N. J : American
Stnndprtl Council. Ne. 830, O I A : Atnerl
ran Standard Council. Ne 30. Sens and
DniiRhters of Liberty, ure Invited te attend
ftmeril services, Frl.. 2 P. M. precisely,
nt the Djvld II. Schuvler Illdg., Ilread and
Dlvmend ats Int. private
1. in:; en Nev. 22 1022. rii wii-mam
MNN husband of Minnie I.lnn Il"latlves
nnd friends also St. Jehn's Ledge Ne. lis.
1 F and A. M . are Invited te the services.
tn Frl., S I'. M.i at nia residence, itn n.
:,Sth st Int. at Reading. Pa ...Sat
MACKLIN Nev. 23 i:i.l.AIli:TH,
will w of Jehn MwcKlln. aed SO Relatives
nml friends tire Invlttd te funeral services
M mday. 2PM. late resl lenci. 0327 Oreen
way ave Intetment et Mount Merlsh Cem-
t ry Friends may call Sunday, h te l'
I M- ... .. .. ...
MAHTiri.iVOV. i Alifil- ,-.. who ni
r.ilnrd Martin tnce Kelly).. Relatives and
f 1 lends, nlse U. V. M Sodality. Invited te
t.ttctnl funeral. at.. 1 A. M , late reMtnre.
Calumet it. Fnlls of Srhuylklll. He emn
requiem mass st Hrldget's Church '..J0
A M Int Westminster.
, MATHURS Nev 21. MAROARKT. wife
of Wll.lam II. Mathers and daughter of tl-e
Inte Jehn nnd Alice Welstmhnm eued 72
! Funeral servlres Set.. 2-10 P M.. at
t ephew's residence William M Helmes 1111
! Fnulkred st . Frankford. Int North Cedar
Hlil (Vm Remains mav te viewed Frl eve
I McIlF.VITT. Nev S3 1022 MARY F.
! wife of Jehn F McDevitt (ree Mrtlenlete).
Relatives and friends Invited te funera'
Men . S 3ft A M . from relderee of her hus.
land. 2112 S. Woedsiwk st I2n-h and Rlt
ner) Solemn requiem mi" at Church of St.
Mnnlea 10 A. M. Int at Hely Cress Cem.
M1LLKR. Nev. 22 1022. MVRTIN S
husbind "f Inir (nee Meln) aged 34 RelnV
tlv.s and friends, also Progressive Assem
bly. Ne 4. Order of Artlsnns, are Invited
te atttnd funernl servlres Sat. 2 P. M. nt
resldenre 1420 W Venango st. Int. private
MITCHELL Nev. 21. HARRY, son of
Harry and Jnserhlr.e Mltebetl (nee Cehen)
ered 2S. Relatives nnd friends, also Camp
Ne. 4S. P O. S, of A.: Wlnremucca Trlbe
Ne 230. I. O R M and empleies of A J.
Reach Ce , are invited te attend fureral.
"st , 2.80 P M from h Hte residence
2B.V7 N. Franklin st Int. Northwood Cem
Friends may call Frl. eve.
XAOT.R Kntere.1 into rest, at his res'
dence. Ocnnts P.i . Nev 22. 1022. LOUIS
A NAtJl.K runerni services at at fall Is 1
Church Ocents Set. 2 15 P M. Int. prl
vnte Remains miy be vln-ied at Jay Coeke
Ve-nnrlal Hall. Ozentz. Sat.. 12 te 2 P. M
I'le-i'e emit flowers
Ni:RSON Nev 22. ANNA wife of W'l-
lintn Netsen r."lntives end irien'ls tire in
vited te atterd funeral, f-at 7 30 A. M.
fro-Ti his late reslderce,. Riet O rnrd ave
.'oiemn re.)jieni mass nt St Oreser's
Ch rr- 0 M. lit St. Denis' Cem.
TANCOA ST --Suddenly, en Nev 2t Miss
JMA.HTIIA M.. deueh'er of t-e lite Charles
r, Hnii .iia: n rium' ipi c- .hi:', miii i""
held at ht Michael's Chnrrh. High st.. Qcr-
rrmewn aturuay tn .. i- .vi
I RKNNKR. Nev. 22 MARY K.. widow of
I Wlillnm IUnrer. egct ni .servlcs Frl.. a P.
I M late rtIJence. 626J y. Cth st. Int.
ROflKRS On Nev. 21. 1022. ENOCH '
mi art Rt'tiKK". runerai services en.
I'ridav. 11 A. SI . at the lite residence. 203
Re'-erts resd Ardn-ere. Pu, Int. private !
f-rHLOShHR Nev 2t 11122 JOSEPH. ,
hubhand of StdDhle r,chleser. aired TO Hela-
tlves and frleniic. -.'; Frank'ln r'lrcle, Ne i
11. It of A nnd Paklma Trlle. Ne. 9. I. O.
rv tit. aiv iii.ivrti . niiniu iuiii isii 0iun..
2 P SI . from residence fl",21 Frankford
nve int Oakland fern Remalns may be
viewed Sun. after 7 P. Sf.
' itll'I'ri. Nev 2.' 1l22. DAVID L
MIIPPS Relatives and friends are lnvltd
tn attend fnnenl "ervlces, Hat , 2 P M. at
varlers of F M. Rew'and k Sen. 1608 Dia
mond s. Int pr vft
slIOFMAKFR On Nev. 22. 1122 WIL
LIAM St .SHOPMAKKR Service Sat.. 2.10
1' SI . at the residence of hla son-in-law. Mr
.siinuel J. Creswell 204 Chu-ch read, Ard
m re Pa, Int. private C'envejences will
meet train leaving Urend St. .Station at 1 43
I .lfl.l Suddenly Nev 23. 1P22 D
tnirv F HMt'LL. at h's lite re.idenre 2'.tl
W. Ihlghave Due notice of funeral will be
, ulven from David II. bchuy.er's HldK.,
I Uread nnd Diamond sts.
hPHRR Nev 22. KATHF.RINF. daueh
'er of the late Cl-arles anl Anna yperr
ied 22 vears Relatives anl friends also
omplejes of Olmbc nres.. -vre invited te at-
'tend the funeral s. rvtce, en Hund.iy, 2
1 I SI . from 2120 Mister et Int. prlv ite
I nt Northwood t'pmeterv rrlnds mav call
n JRtfdvv evenl"i- frin 7 te O nrlvl,
StAN aue 00. Relat vei and friends also
Oriental Lede. Ne. .""".. F. nnd A. M, are
Invited te services Hat 1 30 P M pre.
vlselv. at his late residence. 4442 (Jrlserm
st , Frankford. Int. Sit Slerlah Cem Friends
nav call Frl. eve
TAYLOR On Nav 2t lf22 SIAR
OARHT wife of Heward Tavler Relitlvea
I nnd friends are Invited te the funeral en
laturdnv mern'nr at in o'clock from
her residence. JUtW Constitution read. Fair
view. N J rte'emn hlir "i ut St Jean
uf Are t-Mireh at 10 e clock
VAVIir.vnit On Nev 21 1022 .Tt'T.Ti
widow of Henjamln Var.dever Relatives and '
'rlcnds are Inv Ite 1 te th se-vlce Slen . 2
I M., at the rei lence of her dauuhter. i
Mrs f.ukens 1S H itnpden read th and
.Mn-ket sts. Int irlvate I
sister of Rev, Frederlclt D Ward, rector of
M Kilanbeth Church and di.u.nter .,f the
lute Rebert and IsatelU Newt n Ward of
Hirrnud.i Funeral services svturdav. Ne
vnnber js. at In A M at st Klisibeth
(.lurch 10th nnd M.flll'i sts . sn,.r for
;li. Imd Frldnv. after evensn s le P I
U V'lON. At Atre V .1 Nu . I Ul..
VI! 'PIN L. son of Mary I jr i II ran p I
it son, agd ,1 :erv c .-tin. . p !
pu tils' residence, Alce, J Int It. r n
i ,
W VTSON At her residenre jts, ,
Sth st en Vv lit. 1022 KI.I.X C. w fs
cf Hi hifl It. Watsen aaed 111 vears Serv.
Ice in Sattirdav morning, at 10 n cImk a
tie Ollv.r II llalr Hlda.. 1K20 Thestnut st
Interment t rivals. New Yerk Clt tarers
ti ea ne or r v
WI'TIIIIRII.I Nev. 22, m"'
DRIM1 WKTHnnil.I.. In the r2d e,r , r h
nk-e Funeril serv s at Jamestown R I
Int servli'iu at st limes the Less- rvtii
ti i lei hln 1 me te te? announce 1 a
Wit 111. "n . i. J3 Hi.'.' KsTHFR h
Wlliri; Villnw Of n II White in,,,! -
irs llemiirs mn be viewed Snturlaj
f r-Hill'sF lower Shep
4465 Frankford Avenue
Call Frankford 0770
AsfviWrs any plict, agy ligM
Burning the Midnight Oil
- outtSeisl MPv&TtMce.sJ
LiW-iMO rb(irWfxT-srTlCS-
Hcvi&iet-tyictri Ht. tujus
( ABOfVi6.a RGaecs,'
if1 BROAD and
at ti.e residence.
Ijtnhttr Mrs. A. II. Oinnn. 4S N. II
mnitr Mrs. a. 11. innnn,
ite nr.l Intetnwtit. I.tirht Htreet.
WII.I.ARIJ. On Nev. 28. 10i2. Ul
II,, ten if the late Jeseph W. and. Anna
friends Ihvlted te funeral services en Frl;!
ni 1 f. ai, at cnnnei 01 iinurrw j. j
Sen, Arch and iittti sts. intermrn
town cemeterv. riewlewn. ducks ue
e i M
wiLser At iininstmri. n. .1.. et.
tna. .lnsllPIHS'H I)., widow nf James
Wilsen, eued r,e Services, nt her late r
dence Hnlncapurt. N. J . Sat . 2 P,
emi I.
H, llntlv.
022, 11, anenatf tt&'til
Wnch. ngeeL ! '$n
WINCH On Nev, 21 1
li,,.t. n1 tt t.nllfn llltl
nn-a t7i.1ntlvs ntiil frleiuls. also FsfBe
weed LedKe, Ne. r.13, F. and A, M.! Unlet
verrlty Charter. Ne. 2VI. It. A. M.l Ph a
detphla Cemmnndery, Ne. 2. K, T.i Phlla
delphla Coti-lstery, S C. It. H Ne. ;
Fraftsmin t.lub, CI ften llclshts. S, P. A.,
Ne. 1, Invited In funeral en Sit , at I
V M . fiem residence, 2d Sutnmltt St.,
Cl'flnn Ilt-lvt.ls. Delawnre County. Pa. Int.
Arlington t 1 nete-rv. Friends in ly call Frl
dav from S te 10 P. M.
pATtCr.r, TOCT
nine laatber and teaenar
palms. Well esddea.
VVell made, double slurri
ed Kery toy should nsra
set. It Is a tnenns a
strnn hslthy esrclse.
etO Rfl Per Reg. VaU
-'aU Set M.
Pestsge ltr estra
Pear-Shaped Ptaiching Bag
Mads ef best quelttj
leather. double-stitched
and aelted seam, malting
It strong and ajis te
withstand the hsrdeet
use A bag tkat IH
appreciated tr all seat
Res. val.. !
Rugby Football, Full Size
tleatilne lesther cerrr with guaranteed
litilder. erv rned ball
'vies. S1 l Kff- '' 8 50-
rice yi.oe 1,. i,c, iOi i:xtrs
W'e al-r, bse u lienvy iiislltv pehhle
rained leather. Fill l-c. wlih guaran
-ed hltilder IliN I. the tanie tpe of
all as used hy sehimls
ag PricelS2.50
Rrgelar Valee,
6 00
f'ustngr, 10c Extra
oe'-t-tr or Basket Ball
HesTT genuine leath
er, band made 8 sec
tions, with guaranteed
bladder. This Is the
same kind of bslt ss
used ln the professing!
nn viiur tr 'e
I'ii tnnr tOr ,'xtra
Price, $3.50
Stiite Kind nn Want
Write for our H ilitlnv ("Itculnr
Wander, 502 Market St., Phila.
A Fur Set or Ceat
Our SIOO 000 StMk cf F rfeitcd Leans of
highest rrerchsii'lse s b"lnr ul'l at
50 Belew Cost
Goods are A N i. 1, ren oveil and in e
eell'nt shape, Step In anl loci them ever.
Y u don't m ve te buy.
(Jowls stnf C O. li en
utvui-al. If etttiiflnl vV
Postman .' If tot return
Nete Fdliwlng Bargslnis
$125 Sealln. 50
$176 Muikrat
$200 S"allne Ceat.
Bkur.'t Cellar SIOO
and Cuffs. . -vv
$200 Sealinn Ceat
Squirrel Cellar CIOO
and Cuffs.... -I-vv'
1175 Beallne SIOO
Vell'Q see
$300 Seal
$500 Hudsen
Seal Cost
$1810 Mink
Sabl Ceat
Coats. Wraps. Dol Del
mans Ch hers, CrlLiri.
Neck Pieces. Etc.,
Sflf. pa?
Carver W- Reed
Old Fstnrjli.hrd Lnnn Office
ie-J fuaranteed as Rapr ntei' r SfensV
R'furited With ut Ouejtien "
U. S. Array
Khaki Coats
Wi'h Puttees
65 c cu
2 for $1.25
P-rc-l Pest.
lOe Extra
Geed for hunting
and anv eutdoer
e r I P rfect
cinilltlen. Geed
st n vv.
I f r"POWTINO X)03 O TOY5Jl.. I
Q Beys' Boxing Gleve
f T
U. S. ARMY Weel
nn xi). rv
SOCKS. 35c 3 for $1 00
1"e r tr 's-e.l " st
Menty I hcirtitllii l'iurulil t
.v&f sit' ' 'i my
PLOa, fa. I
t I .-nt. CI
i ji
pu rn I
S 'u i si, ire
Pit IVitu
Stnuni r
NI ,. 'i nil ne i
I It. k rv st k-
iiii K llt w ite
ple f i an ills (Use
Chat. S. Walten Ce., .
nnn in.,iU mil, Ci A
$5 up te $150
Scarfa and CheUers
in Sable, Mnrlrti, Mink, rata
and ittilf
Fur Coats,
$50 up te $700
S-le.sl '! 'It" t Slesl Sf,),,
Iftesti yueifa uers It, ( un emr
annds by n rtlttiblt f'urrur
tridenberg'i, 37 N. Ut
I'hll utrlnhla
Hi II I r it .in 1 1 i r far I
Ilei. HH.-J Mislils), Jatltoel
I'ekvr (anl. Ixneis list net
aad rilmllt All Imr'ilns
Kastern Oltlee
10? N. th fit
?henet Ilell fitiUr s7Ii
tVLNlnG Ci.UlHie.
111 HUH. AMI I ou sw i:
Full Itltes mil I lulu Milli
(nlitHiis for Mm I a ttl t .I.lliis
IJIte.t Mm) 'Is li' Mil lift (Jllllll.
SAMUF.!. COPPFR ,.;""?,
1010 C.1RARD AVE. r,..
Z -t: GTA SSFiS myntr kmim
TAuwn lr,w,::ee?(?"!
faaeCUsrieKi rune Aars-Kiri lr iMstHTga
1 1000 Tf.r.i!jttRt CmUl Cardi $,QQ
I 0. . KOCH, itl Xiiiha At., 0amH, V, fc.
TA i, ..I..,! I..