B 11, ffl Ill !' i rirl ,;-! 8;r& Ifcn rbfFf A .,... .i J7.T- K' PTT"1 Msje-jraBPFJ : lyfcNQ. ' pct Mjc; . :m)dppiipBip i'w. Sffiwi8vi'flPw?K i iii i iiiiiffi i R:,h '. ,,". ira K fA1 fc'ur"' rw . V. ,tt I p" j? i mny Boynton, Fermer All-American Grid Star, Plays Here Tomorrow LSKETBALLERS TO INTERPRET RULINGS fe. i ' ' JtUIII U.IJ l M Rw ." neia Annual uame Ter CHAMPION HOCKEY TEAM W; i ;' 3 Players and Coaches en Saturday, Dec. 2 CATHEDRAL VS. ST. PETER'S By WIMJAM S. DALLAS Thf t-cventh iitimial Intorpretntlv Baekctliall tinnie nnil mectlns of the lhlln''t'!,'1ih Hennl nf AimtevpiI llasftet- t11 OffirlnN will be held en Saturday, December -. In flip Second Ilectmcnt Armery, Itrnnil nml Dlntnnml streets, at 2 V. M. and P. M. ' The en me will be played Ir.' the nft- arnoen for the purpose of IntTivntlns rules te plnyerc. ce!iclie.. ellielnU and '.eth'rs IntcrrMi'il In the prometlm "f ' fcncketball. AM persons connected with choels and colleges arc invited te at- tend. The Philadelphia beard Is the authority en the came. The men in the organization ns referee" mid 'Mlriul arc lei'der lrv basketball in Amerlea. All players nnd Hi'-liil should attend, as It gives them an opportunity te ct Uniform Interpretations and ritllnqs and become nnpinhitcd with conches and athletic director of the colleges and choels and ether ilficla's. The meeting will be held In the evening In the officers room, at which all coaches, athletic directors. faciUv ; representatives ur.il ether officials will participate in tne uiscusMun uiai m take place. Cathedral's Of all tli !fv nntii, Mfn tifin 4 'ntln.i1r.il which has it- home ha'1 at Machinists' Temple. Thirteenth and Spring Ciirdcn. The Cathedral rooter.-. are mere steamed up ever the cafe same Ihnn since the tlm the l.egan Sipiare boys battled St. Anne for the ilium- EMS!'.,' nij.ini, t t M m , r'Mify?M 'Sm -"MSI MILLVILLE ELEVEN T 0 PLAY NEWARK Manager Jehnsen Cannet See Hew Melrose Can Claim Seuth Jersey Honors BELONG TO RIVERSIDE Millville, undismayed by the first set- linrtf I tAM ...tat..!. . 1 imi-n in mu inuiii wiurii uccurrca msi ,i, . i,,.f Saturdny, when the Itlverslde eleven ! ,.i"!J,5i III:, should wty Hint the 'hlg Green tenm' lir n very excellent claim te the cham pionship becnuse Millville hml nlrendy wen from Woodbury, which tenm with out Its star, Nick Carter, held A Celli ngswoed te n tie, and because Mill ville nlse wen from Gloucester 'be cnuse Riverside nnd Woodbury elim inated Itlverten, Westvllle. Pnulsbore nnd Woodstown' from, the race by de cisive victories. l "Of course, there tt no contention that one eleven can play all the teams In Seuth Jersey, nnd the cbnmnjeiHili must be decided upon an elimination bnsls. Regarding the claims of Me rose, T will nay Melrose lias net defeated n New Jersey team this season. Were Offered Dates "Millville offered te give tbe resort eleven n game en Thanksgiving Day. I offered them the privilege of taking half wen a touch game by n single touch down, Is nil Mt for its biggest task of tl:e season tomorrow ngalnst Ncwnrk, n team which claims the State championship. Ncwnrk nnd Orange have been wrnn thnv ilemnnded n flat c-iinrntitee. nnd Millville did net feel like n lowing the Atlnntlc City eleven te dlctntc terms. "We In Millville have no doubt biij that we could repeat Inst yenr'a 18-te-O victory ever the Melrose eleven, with The Seuth Jersey (Jills' Field llmlie.v I.eariie title was wen by the (ilotireter Hlqli Scheel maids without a defeat. First row. left le right Martha I'arnell. Alta Pnrnell, Irene Denncy, Addle Hurrls, Tlielma Ress. Second row Substitute. 0. Thompson. Itlamhe Kniest. Mar- Parnell. Hiitb Mnhy. .Third row Amethyst Wlcltham, Kllabelli sheckstmi (r.iptain), Sue Peme. Helen .Alcliuiiacle, Julia Ilugliea, S'adle Alexander. Tep, Miss Until Weeley, coach MingXmt",., ;itTeSfertl7.a Tn h 9 without gelling together. Ncwnrk has Riverside could win from them, tee. finally offered te tdny Orange or I he! "It's hard for me te see new Mel cntc. receipts and the chnllenge has net rose, plnylng Phllndelphln teams all yet been accepted. season, can lny nny claim te a Seuth l.nst Saturday Newark defented the fwy tlT"1'-. 1 tl,cnJ,1trlj0"' F??' .'ieeil Nntley grid combination, 12 te ,,,llr.v f In'L'J?,V)7er.t''0 eKnt ,cnm (i. Newark has wen six games te dnte, . 'I"1' l,1".v Mlllvllle tomorrow. I'.ellevllle. N. J., having been their I "Considerable publicity Is being given easiest victim. t!7 te 0. te the fnct that Melrose plnvs Wlldwoed ("eacli Archer, with the knowledge A. A., of Frnnkferd. Sunday and thnt that Millville is going up against the Wlldwoed defeated Riverside. 7 te fl. strongest combination of the yenr, has Net much can be obtained from this. I.een giving bis men long workouts daily, i Millville bent A lldwoed 13 te 0 and Nene of the Millville players were in- I they never mnde n first down en the nig Game j CCCCDQftMC UAlf :BARRETT-MORAN WINKER Submarine Team Plays Tie A "(INF-TflN i INF" n Ulu. lun LliL jilenship of the Catholic League way . .... back in loe-'. Three Fermer Syracuse Huskies in the Center Average 230 Pounds MAY CLASH WITH WHITE u.X HtT f: (ill tfani" pl.iyM n rt-tn-0 t! game at th Red-Head Anxious for Leng Beut tulminrlnc bnim hrn yeterdny. With Chicago Vet j CIarke Gets Declsen 0ver Red T!ie hunt f"r an opponent for Charlev M'rrrtiT. Jinn., Nev St. Jackie Clarke White in 'a I'fti'en-retind lie-ih-i ii" ' f All. Mown. I'n . was nwnrded th.- derision lie-ii iii New Y"rl; may lend te this elt uri'd in tne mversiue coment. i oai eai dale has been Invited te piny In Mill- I v ille early in uceemeer. According te Manager Virgil John Jehn Min. of Millville. Riverside is certainly entitled te the championship of Seuth .le.scy. Here is whnt he says: "Millville wen the title In W'Jl. when M'drese, Riverside, Pitman, Penns trove, Monmouth nnd Oriental, of (Meiicester, were decisively defeated. In locals." Amherst Five Practleaa Amhrnt, Nev. 24. Ftrnt practice of thj iTnn rcr .xninern's nnsKeinau fqime wn lipid hers with about thirty candidate ap lnrlnK. Th teuiii will have for ttH coach 1 unn iritnuktlli . .. urn tuu.uiiii cuxcil. ulie tumfd nut enn of tha ittrennpst quln tns In We.-tern tvnnylvnnla whlls with Westminster College lun yenr. Fermer Ballplayer Dying And they have the best tenm since i these days under the direction of j Charlie White, the former Parkeshurg itiasebnll catcher and basketball player. "White hns surrounded liimself with the Jeading players, his line-up including j vensen. Livingstone, rej.ett, Doug Deug 'Jas. McMahon and Calhoun. i lenigin uaineerai enn-iiains ,-?t. i ,,fl ,, . , . ,, ., . Peter's nnd one of the hie came 0f H.K'KfleIc!. led 1 Iti-nny I.o.Miten. th 'the season Is en. The Saints have an . '''American t-ir from Williams, the 11-stnr cast In WMi a line i' -if average '.W peurds and a f'i .t and hard-hitting rver I'al Held, of llojten, at the end nf ! e'r len.rniinl Knit hrA. , "ti Thanks'-lving Pay. New Yorkers i .dticwitKhts. am anxious te s-ee the challenger of -- j Leenard in action, but as yet they lmve , net found a Miltahle opponent. TV' merthig between Rebby ltarrett, of Cliften Heights-, and Pal Mnran. "f "ew Orlenns, In the final of live eight -round bouts nt t'.ie Arena next Thur--day afternoon i ,nv co n long way Beath tlend, Ind., Nev. 34. Edward An-' that same year these tentnH defeated all nutnelrter. nnd at ena time manager of the ( t'"i- logical contenders for the title. Terre Hnuti- nnd Wh-ellnc tenma. of the old ,.t t Unhmlnr 'fl.nat,1.. ,.l.,.e Ontrnl I.fnKue, la In a aerleua condition In The men nre , r i i ' Vi i i i n 1"1 hefMtiil f rnm stemncli trouble, Little " relieved Millville of the honor and 1 1 hope Ih felt for His rereverj'. ,' McNlehel. hunleavy. I Rochester XTer-,,, lirP ,,i,li,len't of ,nu,r'1 ''erniiniir,- the logical rival for . Peveriek and Regan, i,,,,,. t,, Iir.t ,,., , ,(,Vi.,,r ,,, ,.,()r NMilte. Jl win ne .1 niini-ieugiit game anil lew f,f ,), i',..,,,!-,.. ; Yeilnwini-ki'ts The ltarrett surprised White In tlieir Ins: BOinis win separaie me v,iihut ami ,,.., p!aj. , .,.,.,, A ,,, Fiii'ikf "8Al ...,. . l.l i ,. , . Thru, of ill,. vi-,'.ir.s' lineme Out nt Thirty-eighth and Market trcets in the K. of C. Hall, the Tri Council team will oppose Nativity in neuier rauien uini iireiiiibcs m ue iui. ,.., ,,1,,,;,.,, T, iltfhte-t man en th h hcuuu. .wumy win currj M-verai n ; i; ,. tf, , ,i f,,r,..,. f i,r rd. men were members of tie fai nu "one-ten line" i' Svraeuse. nn.l two of them Alex- i :i r n ti.l Thetmisnti. were all- Ameri- , veteran ever the lift ecu -round route. N r-"-l fJ-. rlT ilTfc f """ s MiHtf LiAi 13 JmyMS CSSSSETS h. meeting ever the eight-round route in this oily. The Cliften Heights lad i-nnxleu-i for n meeting with the Chicago Elevenths Market Streets Johnny Dundee, who has been taking 't esy ler severnl months, will resume m. i a . . t ..I m i i'M- i nil 1 1 I'l UK i i lit ' nunureu roeicre in uie puiiie. i ne pre- i np, , .k,(J t i,.lf.,VPMr !aist r,,nri ,,. ..etive campa-.-nlng in the fniirth .llminary will feature (elumbus Council , ,, , ,.n , .,;- mn(K ",,,-. -, meeting AW Hart, nf Ohie. nd Nattvity Reserves and the lug, ' ,.....,.; h.ku nrP .! Tipliu is v. .rking hard for his clash must start at U:l.i 1. M. In "' , ' ,r , .'" ''', l1.1' K1 i f'r iCih sshnmrs (VP.rlen f Yonkers orderte make way for dam-Ins. which , f.'P'-d In the .ener, with oeley. , ' ' ' " " !. .'V r, s! eT'd . Is a feature of the weekly Trl-Omncll -" Pounds ami ' hempM.n -Jin a- "".' ,. . .:., f; t,V, v ! " i ..-.-..- . L-iinrili. nvd Alexander, who ve!hs r v ' "'" " ' '" " 1"'! . ' '" i nl v 'JL'O pounds, tit center. Alexan der also eapteiris tbe team. The 'eel-e.feP .,, ' ii.a'!"ii lias proven te be eue of the best tennis ;-i the Ameri- wl ; Glrla Organise League , The Rirls section of the Philadel . uuin .un.uuiiiLLULL'i.1 iji-iitui vum mil im- ulii- i iar i"--i imi.ih .iii- .im - ... .- . flally organized last night at a meeting can League of Profienal I-'oethall m:i nd. mt:e.se at 1220 Arch street. Four teams at Teams. i ma lia co-i V. -tin .! e 1 ujv n ' tf tOmtl of thly eltv. irv.-i.e I with a rush. of ibis cltv. v.l'l be f.ie .lehniiy line- tll of ' nd bout. King, an nll-Amrl'-an back from rv," v 'n'-.wTf-a.Mnf.TiiK- 'iwyrr! Hnriard: Ai!ter. SvnieiiM :iul Argus, . .-, .. .-. K "mB5,w,-"e,,," ai"1 L,,h,sh r"':": ";.'':'"::., ;:::.:::; v:: ir1 iuiiiyuiii, Ltd. present comprise the circuit. They nre Keystone Telephone. Ameriean Rail-, 'tiTa'Iey Railroad. They will piny prier te the contests ' been p!a Ing I'ojuteii. lloyiten. partuMilarly. has foe'.b..". tli- f the league nt enah Hall en .Men- Ins epeti-li. 'd ruining bei'ig of the days and n ediiesdnys. Only one gnnici spectacular enlibre. an 1 his .'irectmn pas been arranged te date, and that of the team -'mn -ig line gem r i'ship. U en Monday between Keystone and, The H !: ter t, .1:1 w s I "d i'e ! te Hallways. The representatives of the'arrjVL, s.ert!v nf1 -r :..:dmglit. '.d i 1 teams decided te let the officers of me mnUe its iieadnuarter a tl" " Jtaiue have charge of tlieir affairs until ,iJimes Hetel. Lit week "e visitors ucn nme as mey Become mere lamil- ' .i.,r.,,..,i the (.tre-i? tVn.'' .' ee :-i team, li te (I. Londen Clethes for Men OCORES of Eritish fabrics 1 J custom made te your order, also ready for service. 1314 Walnut St. .-f.1"5. trrxTrr7r,riT!7-,,ffw,wr.--ti.--i1 w H Bread Tee Dress Oxford $13.00 tar with the Icacue details. i Several ether firms will enter teams. nd they will be granted franchises daring the coming week. Twe mere are certain te enter. Teams wish'tv: Information en the subject sheu d get In touch with the president nt 1220 Arch street or phone Spruce 2000. Gannon Win Over Lynch "flaw Yerk. Nev 24, Johnny cjinnen i Seuth Brooklyn. nrn-d ttm rieclilen e"r Temmy Lynch, of Wlinarr.aburg. in n f-i, tura tT-reund anceunt-r that teppd in art at th Rink Spertlnif Club, it Mm. trn. In the. aaml-f.nal alTnlr e? t-n rounds Harrr Maheney, of Merrt-tewn ai wardad tha decision ever Charley PapcH. X Orceca. Sandy MeDermett Dead Manifleld. O.. Nev. !4 Charl n "iBnl"'' 1 MeDermett. fermsr National rmt',, hn Taall umpire, d.ed here nfte- an "-e of Svaral months. He was about elxty v. nml . t. Hb umpired In lh National I.eairjj 1 aerlsc isse te 1RSS. : I Basketball Statistics L , j ?:.STEJIN LBAGL'C ' M w. i.. i-.c w. i. r , Camden.. 7 1 ,s7.1 Jasper... a 4 igi Tranten.. a 2 .714 Atl city. n ; ,,, Catea. Ill, 4 3 571 Heading u ,ila nit" wkkk's i;..mi;s ! Tonight Ceatcivllle nt Trr t ,n. Saturday Jasper at lteddln OTHEIl O.XMKH T'lNt'lIIT North I'hlladrlphla t'hur'h !., a s -ct m "A" Seventh .sittei .M 13 it (,i wny lu- formed. PennrylvunU Ha.lrend .M-n t;. r, r, pc IHKUe AU'l'er ' It, FUrcnneinir, r u u V M anth m Pi't.rt h':i" Bt t'et'T nt '! ,'ral. Thlr-s-nth a-id 53 . . , , -, prln- liuri.n Mtreets. H A k," m CT "VJ y Ti T j1 vl 7 7 NittlWtv (, t ari.(:,,a..ell. Thirrv...!, v. ..., id A C ,j llli v I. 1 3 ift ft m V llarket .tree,... . ' - H Aftn. iKe Y S 5W3 . t M B rj -"- . Iii 1 j ' 1 n --sj n j te ! v u AAdAVA f aV W att, 11 y'. 4fc"vT- ! tj ,Vj rVilTViV Bf Ait iiLmafllfJVi4SHflLfllftsWaVv Jvlk'lfl3iLLP "MMMmii iHtSJBi WZtfh wr n Wfmm 1 Iwd LMm m Uearanceef I Beginning Tomorrow, a Phenomenal Value - Giving Sale of $25 te $40 A new model. Pateil leather -mart, comfortable and correct. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut A 7SZZJ2ZZZL , u t.iOfrl5l"It BIWiiCtCitZSTSS DflUhte-a of Columbus vh Arena, Trenten, N. J. A. Men, here is the overcoat you want at the price you want te pay. Mere different styles than you've ever seen at these prices mere different patterns of overcoat fabrics. LAST NIi HIT'S Itn.STI.T5 Catlnl Ari-.it. -r !.wiirie si i im.1, , Arch l-'i-i I.' '.'J. !-t Je ,. ;., .. ,, Vi ID text' a ! M'i'tl y Klrnrr'i.: I. k.iue I..nd Tit e a' ! j rn- f 5. Pern M'Jtuul 10 IVIir.l It ... " ?J . Rrvldent 'I' i'sr Id North I' i'a'llph!a Ctuireh l.mu- s,r I tlen A. I ii . i h .-i in .'.,', ,. aierUI IB. M ileh,.-' II Hi ! , - Clreen rl x ' I- I" lt',,knei ' I ' -Christ Chur li, 5.' ll-t.U i,f N ,ri i Ax- Bt. Jehn's 2s CamhrlH, A. C , is I BDhas i'4i Han k fj, II, L Wilbur L's Wirivlrk ;e Tettl! Ixu.'U jak.T I.n -e ,' e.,i... Bletlery 21 Dead lUrls 20 Trlunii Sp.,r- :t rniluil-! hia V S, H a j., ,s ... Itwij elt Jun "- s Twentieth Wur', :i, H'-au'.t . Clet ler. 13 City C 1 ! Lcnuije 1ln' -raafni -.- i-.,, delphln lVs, of 1 "l '. -r 1. ,,,, i. yhla Ieital 22. Alt St-' i,l i; Aetna Tiiivelirs II Sle .h. I" Bt 11. r i'l 3.' I.himI. r .. Ilrsr'H ' (' 31. A I c'j . n .'1. i is-,. in,, ii n ,u ny a i- . 7 Helm I'i ib 24 Slhiuen. 2.' Wl' -.ill- I r - I .,, 4C GO TO i CAMDRIA A. CLUB i:' - - a I'rld.v r.,eTilrjr Never h r 24. 1121 ATTtirO M.nV v V'D'A'J I-.USSEI.L Tour 0 her Star II ulj BIJOU "boxing tonight In OnJuncMnn with B t in ' - S'.ew 12 Fast Amateur Bouts 12 Via repress; tri'in-' itli I srr-i 1:1 i ruitv ;.t m l 11:10 l. M. NEW YORK 7 ti ms FOOTBALL HAVERFORD vs. SWARTHMORE Walten Fitld. Haverford, Pa. ATUBDaY, NOV. IS, AT 3 V. M, .Aft, aaiaW t"11 ,nm Srd li" Mi-.wiSilf ftW.tnlaflr.lttM.tliliiN In -iM'tlnn ' i r i' ,r ri.in st 4 00 P V and 8 0'j "' '! . tw , .r.ec 1 'riini w!U euve III. U '' '" "KI'IU, 1! - n' Murk' t Hi, lit -V ' 'V 'Oltlt lj ii. aa'.n .Iter .1 ) ft. .' . I nrl j i! t-. n vi 11 leave at 1PM -I ep.tir car fur l,'-jr Yerif u -. -i : . i -t' a,is Ti-ni.i .al at 1.00 A. St. Ticl.Pts r. J spratienn nt 1341 ClH'tnut St., or at th KvudiiiK 'IVrminul, 1-Mi & Marit-'t Philadelphia & Reading Railway - jmtm f mmkjfa m mdi AND WINTER SUITS 1 jm ,r. D Jiil3v.il,' xffi. v fi sMwffitBMimlk WIS. .S . V- 1?J.. C A. " "- -Jti Wl t. tlS'iJ JsT 1 tn- 1 n t.i!W(. 'W-JWr?MW?HWV' XX mmWA Suite l ! mSmMrM it-A Sw .Til lit 4 Becker Quality Clethes iOC SUITS AND 7.4J0VERC0AT5 NOW En tire Stock Reduced te iiz Price Get this clear every garment marked devm te a price lower than the manufacturing cost Don't delay if you need an overcoat or suit. This is your great opportunity THE opportunity of the year. Many Suits Have 2 PANTS Overcoats The season's newest styles and ma terialsRaglans, Kimene Sleeve Coats, Ulsters, Ulsterettes in rich plaid and fancy back effects. Popu lar medium and dark colors te se lect from. All sizes for men and young men. 'ul'rr.iin I'arler Car leiue t HKVIWTT j C '. .M., 5:00 1. M., fiioe 1'. M S:J0 1'. M 1 ' 'r . Men's and Yeung Men's Serges, Worsteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds and New Pencil Stripes. Single and double breasted and sports models. Express Elevator Frem Lebby te Third Fleer 65 SUITS AND OVERCOATS NOW Stere Orders Accepted 1514 MARKET ST. Wm 'iMkhJ-'U M -1 l 'ef ', t-S f, . "i; 1..1 .-yt,.v?y.i-vi.A-A,i-Vss