RT3K9HHH mmmj (arvard Eleven Off for New Haven Confident of Beating Bulldog P.B.WHITE&CO. Philadelphia's Largest Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St LAFAYETTE STARS ARMY IN BATTLE FORMATION FOR TITLE TODAY L FRANKFORD PLAYS m ffiMRD Tackles Germaritewn High for Scholastic Grid Cham pionship PIONEERS FAVORED TO WIN Schwab and Gazeila Have Played in Three Games Against Lehigh ItK'M tiermtntewn Itlrt Hfnnett...,.1l5t;2 itftrnncK ftt tnrklft Kt3 I? rt Kiisra . cnte- rliM euarrt , . . rli-ht iiirkie .. UIT Zlsaler .XTiln- Oinlep O'Kane nhlmtr . ...Onrtwrrv ri"ni 'nil left buif-nrlc. tiifitrtrrnileK IU hAtfhnfib C'hAtlwIck TICK'OII SiVill'.-'t " ".' italinm ..,. iuiiiiiich i,miii""""" n,f-r.p Wheeler. MBverinrn. umpire ?ldwn. rnn. Linesman Hart. L,arayeue. Be of periods 1214 mlnutea. The Interwlielnnllc Football League HU will be settled this afternoon when Frnnkferd Mali nnd Uermnntetfn High clash en the N'ertlictiHt With Field. Twenty-ninth nnl Clearfield itreete. Tlie-Rame In .r-heiluletl te get nder way at fl :15 o'clock. The Pioneers will go te the pefct the faterlte. This is due te its better rec ord In league game-. Germantown HIrIi was the sur prise of the league last year. By get ting the Jump in the opening game against West Philadelphia, defeating them 0 te 0, Coach Miller's eleven litis offered one defeat since. This canto t the hands of Southern High when the downtewners were in the midst it a winning streak. Central High and Northeast fell be fore the Cliveden onslaught since that time. The three victories and one de feat gives the team six points, will!" Frankford's three wins, lis tic game with West I'lillntlfanhln High brims Jts total te set en. Sharplem. end, and Oulgley, tackle, is well as Thornten, will be unable te start the game for Germantown. Katz ivill be nt left tackle, Kurback at end, and O'Kanc at the ether wing. Captain Gorden, whose injured leg has kept him out of action the ma jority of the games, will start for the third time this season nt right tackle. On his last appearance Gorden re tnnlneil in action about flve minutes gainst Northeast High. Should the Cllvcdcns come through this afternoon it would mark the first time in the history of the school that it fnntlmll team has wen the cham pionship in the Interscholastic League. This was the case last year when Fiankferd waded through its schedule te the title. WEST PHILA. CLINCHES 20 PLACE IN LEAGUE Humbles Southern High by 27-te-3 8cere The West Philadelphia High Scheel gridders clinched second place tn tbe Interscholastic League yesterday after noon when they humbled Southern High en .SheUline Field, 27 te 3. The Speedbeys exhibited a brilliant game of football in downing the down tow tiers en their home lawn. Four thousand people were en hand te see the Keil nnd Black go down te defeat. Southern started off with a rush, the same as has been the case in the last tne league games. Frem the kick-off it started a march that was featured by brilliant runs by Samuels and Feley. Carrying the pigskin te the 12-yard line. Feley, the Southern back, dropped In the rear te his 15-yard line, where he booted a field goal, with Samuels holding the ball, for the only score of the garce. This was their last chance. The Specilbeys, with a lead stnring them in the fnee, fought like tigers, pushed ever two touchdowns in the second qunrter tnd added another pair in the final period. liergmnnn, Cellier. McFceley and Walker made the scores, and Bergmnnn Kleked two of the three goals after touchdew n. Northeast High suffered its yearly defeat nt the hand of the Girnnl Col Cel We dribblers en the latter' field, 2 te 0. Itohtusen, the collegians' forward, made both scores of the winners, regis trim; in each half. Catholic High, by defeating St. Jeseph I'rep in their second straight sneicr fuss, cnpttired the soccer cham pionship of the Catholic schools. The flnal score wns 3 te 0. toele"headsjtlantic President of International League Elected by New Baseball Circuit Tim new Atlantic Unseal! League nt meeting here jesterday elected Jehn enway Teele, president of the Inter national League, as head of the new trcnit, and E. C. Landsruf, former owner of the Syracuse Internationals, vice president. Franchises were anarded te clubs In Trenten. N. J. ; Tork, Allentown und Lancaster, l'a. Jehn Debbins, former enner of the , , '' '- 'oek the Tren ten franchise, Frank Dessau will direct tu aumui'H nt Yerk, "Duke" Land .am will control the Allentown club nd L. O. Green that at Lancaster. Paterson, N. J. j Scranton, Pa., and Tenkcrs, N. Y have applied for fran hes. President Teele will 8eek Clnss H pMtertien for the new league nt the National Association meeting nt Louis ville iu December. PENN Tmun veir, j)r'"- Mursv V. Pcnntlt WwkM,.. new, . . nr j I I I I I I I 1 ) y SM SL SK SJ SH SG SF SE SD SC SB SA A 6ft n n I n n I n n n n n n n r -'. - SOUTH a T A (N e - 0 m m NL NK NJ m NG NF ME Nt NC NB NA U ,' vjSSM 1 P'SWWwpivwinMMMiMiMVBpH K. " B BBflBBL BBBh BBKBHcff h Br "BBt-JPmPiim BKr . vIBBVBS'PIvVBBb IvrtBMa1 4PPMBj " v Jflww4KjHf "BBSZte BflBflEL&& hL. BflBff UlLlBflBflBflr ' ''' ? WL BBIBIB 'v 'BflBflBr p"' Bfl&BflBT' ' BV i BbV ' BbVbW ''fc '''' , ' r ? ' " ' V : :"' . "' s" - s 'y , ' ' '. , '' VT?1! (ktw tit4 vl w iw! wy k vV A'iiwi. .-kJrfv. A.-; X-a - ... - - nsW i wrnn fm ., -ini..i'lrit-i-.1lf v . i-ifi-ifnTifii I rifltiitftnWit -hYf Vf"l"V"ftr if rt"V l""1tV If ff VirTia Y Ji'fcMfc iJfwfc11MMTH-fcaJi .V 'telkwai-wA'!W'A GET GETTYSBURG! IS F. & M. SLOGAN Blue and White Has Wen Seven Out of Nine Games en Grid HELD PENN TO 14-0 SCORE Lancaster, Nev, 24. "Let's get Gettysburg!" With this slogan upon the lips e every Blue and White enthusiast plans are being made te bring one of the most successful gridiron seasons in the history of Franklin nnd Marshall Col lege te a close when these two rivals meet Thnnksghing Day. F. andvM. hns been exceedingly for tunate en the gridiron thli yenr, win ning seven out of nine gnmes- played. In winning the majority of her gnmes Franklin and Marshull succeeded in compiling a grand tetnl of 273 points, while her opponents gathered only 31. Albright College was the first victim te fall before the Blue and White's brilliant offensive nttack. Minus the services of "Briggs" Kingsley, their scoring nee, F. nnd M. easily defeated the Myerstown collegians, 23-2. Then came their biggest gnme of the year. Franklin nnd Marshall held the Uni versity of Pennsylvania eleven te u 14-0 score in the first gnme played en the new Franklin Field stadium. The University of Western Maryland came next en the Blue nnd White schedule, and the Fmmltsburg gridders received one of the worst drubbings of the year, 31-0. . Mount St. Mary's proved te be easy nicking for F. nnd M., and wns wal wal 'eped, 48-0. Next came Dickinsen. Coach Glenn Killlnger't) preteges tri umphed, 13-7. Following the Dickinsen tilt Frank lin and Marshal! struck its btride once mere and wound up the bnlnnce of her schedule in a blaze of glory. Haver ford was overwhelmed, Hl-0, while P. M. C. failed te halt the terrific on slaught. The military lads went down te defeat by a 42-0 score. Then came another crucial test. Swarthmore had tilnved brillinntlv neninst Penn nnd Princeton, and was favored te win ever F. and M. But the old fighting spirit was still intact and Franklin nnd Marshall fin ished en the long end of a 19-0 score, tlrsinus wns the latest victim te fall before Conch Price's preteges. The Cellegcvllle lnds were trounced, 42-0. In short only a victory ever Gettys burg is needed te conclude one of the greatest football sensens enjoyed by the Blue nnd White In years. Fer the last two yenrs Gettysburg has battled with F. and M. te a standstill, while the vear before the Battlefield lads wen, 3-0. ST. JOSEPH'S PREP PLAYS SALESIANUM Coach Miller Will Use Tally at Quarterback St. Jeseph's Prep Salcslanum High Tltfh. . . left mi fuhey Ci'onauuliten. l.iiumakln. ... Duller MRKlnnlR Itonehue Kane Tally T. Nerthr&p. . ...lcft-tnch) 1'iantx .luft suard. .. ItUS'O center ..rlKht guard... , .rUlit tnclde. . ...r Klit ind. ... , .nuartnliiek. . ..left hilfbuli .. . Huran . l.cmen Mnleney . . Dunn . I-e,lt . Koe-o , . Ilurks , Delan Ii. Northrop, . , .rlaht fullback. , Ogboine fullljirk. St. Jeseph's Prep, without the berv ices of twti of its tegular bnckfielil men. travels te Wilmington. Del., this ufter ufter nemi nnd opposes the Siilesianum High Scheel tenia in n league game. The less of Magner and Prostevitch makes It necessary fur Heinle Miller te use Jimmy Tnll, the cunrtcrbnck of last season, in that position mid the two Northrop brothers as halfbacks. However, lcii with this line-up St. Jee should kepp its record clean. Sale Mnnuin wen Its first game of the season lust Saturday afternoon, defeating Wilmington High by two touchdowns. The same line-up which humbled the Wilmington hunch will take the Held against the Crimson and Gray. O'Connor te Lead Albany Club Hartferd. Conn.. Nu 24. t' F O'Con nor, manaeer et tin Albany Club of the lliimein I.aKiif the lat tw nannnH, liai dliined a rentraU Ut inanaira the Hurtfur.1 tcsm for JO'.'.t He will sue'ihI Jnik t'ef. fey. STADIUM SEATING Seuth Street XII U U U U U U U ii' I ii I .,' 'l -ia - mmy VAw MitiliW'maWtWicWWf The West Point Cadets practiced en Franklin Field yesterday harvard grid squad OFF TO BA TTLE ELIS Leave for Netv Haven This Morning and Will Held Short Drill in Yale Bowl This Afternoon PLAYERS CONFIDENT Cambridge, Masa., Nev. 24. The Hnrvard football squad, which con sisted of eighty-three persons, includ ing players, coaches and assistants, left here this morning for New Haven, where they meet Yale tomorrow after noon. The Crimson players were chock check full of confidence us they departed, and will held a short workout In the Yale bowl this afternoon, where wind cur rents will be tried out and the sound provided with just enough work te re lieve uny stiffness from railroad travel. The records show thnt since 1007 Ynle has made a single touchdown against Harvard, and in the last three games the Bulldog has scored but once, being held scoreless by both Iowa and Princeton. Yesterday the entire undergraduate body marched te the stadium in the largest end noisiest parade which ever hns had as it objective the idea te make the varsity eleven feel that the students are solidly behind It. Fer mere than half en hour the stu dents sang and cheered while the three Harvard teams ran through kick-offs nnd plays for their entertainment, and If the undergraduate body is behind the team in hnlf-hearted fashion there was no evidence of it. Beb Fisher's team had a long and vigorous drill te wind up its practice campaign. Again the defenses against' the Yale plays were rehearsed, and then came the usual workout en plays for the varsity and the first substitutes. Wnlly Trumbull took the guards and tackles aside, putting en the finishing touches for their line play. " After the practice the head coach announced his line-up for the game at New Haven. Tbe team will take tne field as follews: Jenkins, left end ; Dunker, left tackle ; Kunhnrdt, left guard; Clark, center; Hubbard, right guard; Eastman, right tackle: Helder, right end; Buell. quar terback; Owen, left halfback; Gehrkc, right halfback; cither Hammend or Churchill, fullback YALE Removing Its heavv covering of straw from the bowl, Yale official1 efficial1 yesterday sent the eleven into Its firnt practice of the week en the playing field en which they will meet Harvard to morrow. Extreme care has been taken te prevent the field from freezing, and from accumulating moisture, and It was banked with straw again after the play ers finished their practice. One of the eldest of Yale's tradi tions was smashed last night, when President James Rewlnnd Angell ap peared at n football tally te lend his support te the teum thnt will face Har nrd tomorrow. Hn was gretted by a tenr of cheers from one of the largest rallies nt Yale in recent years. President Angell said that he knew he was breaking a tradition, but added that he did it because he wanted te pay his respects te a team "that took de feat as Yale men should." In dis cussing the work of the team President Angell said that he had noted te a friend Yale's apparent inability te negotiate the last few yards every time a touchdown was in sight. He added that the friend had suggested "Yale should shorten the field 10 yards and then try again." BROWN With the victory ever Harvard safely tucked away, Brown will take en Dartmouth at Fenway Pnrk, Bosten, tomorrow with one of the best teams that ever trotted out en the field te meet the fighting Indians from Hanover. On comparative scores this season Brown -heuld win by a snfe margin. The Bears beat Bosten University handily, while the Green had difficulty in coming out en top against the same tram a week later. Brown trounced Harvard with something te spare and Harvard halted Dartmouth, 12 te 3. ('each CanueU's men have lest three games this fall us ngnlnst only one for Brown. Ynle wns responsible for that defeat, although the Bears out- PLAN a)fc3C4-twvfaWABvwwrfAfifayrwiw fatawwwHWXt-Wfr Jfaifc YiV 'wl afternoon for their combat with the Navy .Middles tomorrow Army -Notre Dame Break Is Denied Feughkeepsle, N. Y., Nev. 24. Denying reports that athletic rela tions between West Point and Notre Dame College have been severed, Majer Charles Daley, head coach of theArmy foetbnll team, In a letter received here stated that negotia tions are already under way for a game between the two institutions next yenr te be played In New Yerk City. rushed the Ells nnd otherwise gave a geed account of themselves. But In the Brown camp the feeling prevnils that Dartmouth will be a hard nut te crack in spite of its admittedly peer record. Accordingly, the team is prepared te fight the battle of the sea son tomorrow. It hag been working eti special plays for the game for the Inst three weeks and the chances are that It will open up wide for the frn. Every regular Is fit for action, and Head Coach Robinson has plenty of geed substitute material. There -will be no alibis if the Haneverians upset the applecart and win. CORNELL Evidence that prepa rations are being mntle for Penn were shown in n genernl lightening up nil along the line in rrgnrd te information about final plans and tbe pc-simlstlc statement that hns cmanntcd from Doble since the Dartmouth game. "Yeu knew the seylirg thnt things either move forward or backwnrd, den t you?" said the Cernell mentor. "Well." he continued, "the Cernell football tcmn hns net been moving since the Dartmouth geme." This statement Is hardly likely te be accepted literally, but It is an indication of Doble's ap preciation of what is at stake for him and Cernell in the Thanksgiving Day battle, and ns evidence that he is net going te permit the team one bit of ever-confidence. If he knows. Anether evidence of lightening up trnu tlin nnnnntifiiimnnt flint- th itantlnn. tien of the eleven when It lenves here next Thursday will be ken secret. A tapering off in hard work was en yes terday, the scrimmage being only i perfunctory. Debio giving the team. In- I stend, a len drill en fundamentals, and ! then an hour's reheat mi! in nlnvs. Buckley, Dexter, Gouinlock nnd Kneen I were all en the swing. Hansen, Hund-' strem. Mercy. Sullivan nnd Zacher. tackles, and Berenn nnd Brnnnen, ns well as Kberhole nnd Flynn, nt guard. The Cernell coach al'e gave bis second-string backs a chance, some of whom he thinks nre likely te b needed because of the hard pace at which t' came is seinc te b nlaved. Thpv nre I Rooney, quarterback; Pest and Hart, luneacKs, anu wade, rignt naif LAFAYETTE Dr. Jeck nuttier- inuu vtue nil mimes ns lie waicnetl nis Maroen slirnal drill last evenlnr In nrpn. . , ,li, L . . . . ' nratien for the annual classic with Le high University tomorrow. "I feel much better ever the out come of the Lehtch came." snld Pnncli Sutherland, ns lie sent trie squad te the showers. "The men have kssumAl , serious attitude nnd ns a result I nm quite relieved. The team is net going te held Lehigh cheaply and ente? the I game ever-confident. They are aware of Lehigh's strength and fighting quail- ties and Lehigh Will net get the jump , en US." Doub Crkte. the former Pamd.n HI!, Scheel nthlete nnd a ' member of the Lafayette basketball team last winter. has a chance of ..tarting the Lehigh firnmp nt ptt pnrl tn Titnna xrn. IVPnnnnlt th Pnafnn ln .h i U Uenncil, tne r.asten latl, Who has been a regular for two years. Crate is one of the scrappiest players en the !5H?.? ri,ie fe" ,?:?" "L.V1B "?fl iifu lanmuii iin- ni-i liiuuiu mat tne position new is n tns-tip. The full-lnt hnek bntt e hetwpen f'h nfennalrl --.i Gebhardt also Is tn doubt. LEHIGH That the itudent body h behind the Brown nnd White tenm. crippled though it is, was evidenced ' when ewi out et tne tneusand in the betly packed themselves in the Univer sity Commens ycstetjdny te attend a "pep" luncheon. Net only did 800 mrn nttnnrt. hut ever 100 ethura .. i,...J Mn.n luftdiiu. .it tantr As .. '"ni'i"' ""':'. ..'.- - -' 1VaC.?l iiie luiimrmi ,,ua u ,cai pep party, tee. After the repast had been tucked away, the cheer leaders appeared en the hcene ami. although it was tee crowded for them te go through the proper motions, the Lehigh men envn fnrth thplr rhrnra fnr the T eMr.1 t lertn meir encers ier ine L,enigli team nun riiuwuin, i;irriii cre 11111(16 HV lnuiviauai memuers 01 me tenm ni aIiau r.f th. A. leal Besey Belter gave one of his usual Inspiring speeches. It was one of the best gathering of the year, and it showed that the !elilgh team was get ting support from the student body. Buy next year's underwear new This is what manufacturer are doing is yar Yarn prices have risen 507c Buy newt undtrwar price must jump toen $3.50 $4 Weel Se Marshall . (Incameruted) W. CATHOLIC TACKLES , VILLANOVA PREP TODAY Victory Over Main Liners May Give Burra Title West Catholic Hlch Vlllaneva Pr Duffy left end Drlncell I 1'iunxeii lert tacwe wncian ...re. .. .... .KiLKUiaru ...... M-t ....... Mnler flcycr center .. D' Amour rlvht Kuard Hah? rlaht tnckl Murphy right end Buttfl Quarterback . ..Courtney . . . . McCann Cenltn Harley Qulnn Hrnythe... right halfback AlKtn McDonnell fullback Martin Bier in left halfback West Catholic High will play Its final game in the Catholic League this afternoon with Villanova Prep, at Villanova. A win today will place West Catho lic High in a position te captnre the Catholic League title, as the game with St. Jeseph Prep was thrown out and n victory given te the Burrs. Therefore, a victory today will give West Catholic 6 points for their final standing. The Burrs have been practicing dally for this frny nnd the entire squad is in geed shape. Vnil, who steed out se prominently in the Catholic High deadlock, has shown up well In practice and, along with Jimmy Qulnn, Aiken and Mc Guinn, will make up the rest of the backfield. , Scholastic Gridiron and Soccer Games ' rNTCRSCUOLASTIC LEAQCB Prankford I!l?h v normantewn Hlrh. at Northeast Field. Twenty-ninth and Clear nld itreetii. CATHOLIC LEAGUE) Went Catholic Hlfh vs. Vlltanenra Prep, at Villanova. l'a St. Joeph Prep vs. Saletlantun Hlsh. at Wilmington, Del. OTHER QAMXS St. Luke'a Scheel vs. Chettnut Hill Acad emy. at 8t. Martina Pa. Germantown Academy vs. V. I. V.. at Sit. Airy. P Media High va. Lanidewna High, at Mount Airy. l'a. Mlllvllle High va. Brtdraten High, at Mill vllle N. J. Moorestown High va. Burlington High, at Burlington. N. J. KldUy Park High va Ambler High, at Ambler. Pa. Qlaanbore High vp. Woodbury High, at Woodbury. N. J. Hndden HelRhta vs. Colllnesweod High, at ColllnKKweod, N. J. Hadden. High w. Haverford High, at Oakmont, Ta. tomorrow's eame9 inti:rschelabtic league vfJJ'1 S'S'l new Ttrccts. va. Nertheaat High, at Twent -ninth and Ciear- OTHER GAMES Catholic Hlsh v, Itnverhlll. Mass. St. James' High, at Trenten High va. Camden High, at For Fer rest Hill Pirk Camden. . Allentown High vs. Norrtrtewn High, at Norrlstewn. Pa Mount Alte Forestry Bcheel va. Shlppeni burs lllith. at Shlpnenaburg. Alteena liign a. jennmiawn ttign, at a,VYi2S,ip tnena pa. Atlantic City High va. Veptuna High, at Atlantic City, J. J. . ... . lieya' High va, jioraemewn (tigs, t nor- nnA..rn'. itik Thw..i.n ms Liii.irevina .... .....,.. .... at ceatesviue. l'a. Hammonton Hlh ja. Plaaiantvtua Hleti. nt Hnmmentnn. N. J. I.ansdale High n. Quakartewn High, at Landalc. Pa. Pennington Scheel va. Williamson Scheel, at rennlnnten. N. J. . . Tome school vs. unman acnoei, at jert Deposit. Ma. atwffSt cc& "Uh "' pAMta" Hia. wi kes.Hnrr Hiali va. Wtltlamapert Hih. a,,"k,"'Parrfi, Pv.' . w. . . Wenonah 8 n? if'8h W"a"h M' " " ' soccer school!? Annapolis vt. Olrard Cellars, at Twenty-fourth and Olrard avenue, West Philadelphia High va. Oaergs 8hl- M G'er8 Sohe01- """ ' Notes Of the SeCCeHsts T "' ' "-viioe i ' Ciine. lh center forward of the Kaywsed eiMfn. u one of the beat at hla position I that has bn seen around hare, for aema ( """' I With only nta. Mayer, en th, fl.ld th. ' Hlbemwns nv a miicntv one exhibition of and itoed football, when they held tlia nnv.ee yarners te mree geaia, Filrhllt hue evidently learned a limn mi han dmnre.1 all eutMd" ilars Every ene i "in tnv' nn'' the result is tt '""" that hai' ,,0,e,1 th color" ln ne rest years rnrrell. Inside left, rare a splendid exhl- htiien of hill cllmblns tn the iriha- ifnrrn ltd anparsntly liad a ladder with htm neisner as he eutfumped his opponent In everv in stance atleatt by a feet, net losing a. ball In the air once. Ntihen Flkun. of Merrtll Mtlla. th. teunr ' ef or this athletle family Is the hut of the lnt, tvhlc-n is sawng ftemeining nin one I considers his brethera Tilmp and Heek Z JXttTS0 J? fflSS",,, letes he never aema te arew old He Is ' ""' "10"' th best soccer n'.nvers. hut . ale a "ack clndr-path performer ami ' Ufeeail jiajer. pan la net found wantin ..H..n it ciimpa fe handling th. mltta an.1 If he can only develop Inte a tennis player he will t a regular all-around athlsta. It's pretty hard te get them any bttr than 0erpe Watah, who la nlaylna- renter la.tback fnr Dunkirk In the West Phllndel ilil.t division Ha 1 In ft class by Iilms-lf In thit division. Woolen Union Suits All weights the belt makes VV guarantee both quality and (it pBi .HO 17.50 Fine, but warm, SOc te $2 Smith & Bre. AthUtie IN FOURTH GAME SATURDAY Easten, Pa., Nev. 34. Frank "Dutch" Schwab and "Mike" Gazeila two of the stars en the Lafayette Col lege football team, have unusual records in athletic contests with Le high University, Lafayette's natural rival In all branches of fpert. Schwab nnd Gazelle nre members of tbe senior class the first full class te enter Lafayette after the World War and whose members have suc ceeded In restoring Lafayette nt the top of intercollegiate athletics. Schunb and Gnzclln succeedtd in winning var sity berthfc In their freshman year and, therefore, hnp achieved n fine record Saturday will mnrk the fourth time Schwab fld Oiuellu have played foot ball against Lehigh. The three game thus far have all ended In Lafayette triumph, nnd another victory Satur day will give Schwab and Gnzella a mark that will probably never be equaled in future jcars, especially Ii Lafayette passes ttip ene-cnr rule. In nildltlen te taking, pnrt in three football victories ever Lehigh. Gazel'u has been n important factor In tbe run of eight consecutive victories tnllicd by Lafajette baseball teams ever Le high. Gnrelln is regarded as one of the most finished inficlders In college baseball, and in the course of his three fears at Lafajette has received a num ber of offers from major-league clubs Gazeila hn taken part in every enf of the eight baseball triumphs, se his record is eleven wins and no defeats. Schwab nnd Guzclln nre the enlv members of the foetbnll team who will graduate In June. But Saturday's tame will mark the flnnl )iemr uppear nnce of Un ether stars "Dots" Brunner nnd Matt Brennan. Beth Brunner nnd Brennan have plnyed three years of foetbnll, se this v. Ill be their final game en March Field. The closing game of the ywir. with George town, will be played Dcccmber 2 at Washington. "BUCK" 0'NEiiLLREilGNS Columbia Football Coach te Devote Entire Time te Business New Yerk. Nev. 24. .Frank J (Buck) O'Neill, hend football coach nt Columbia University for tin Inst three years, hns reclgned te deete his entire attention te business. O NelUs centrnct expired this year, and he will sever relations with the Blue and White after the Thanksgiving Day gnme with Colgate, which closes the season. A successor te O "Nelll already is be ing sought, and it is honed te obtain ' a new mentor by Christmas, se he can P have plenty of time te lay plans for the , 1023 season. i SUITS TO ORDER $ Jft.00 Reduced from $35 & $30 Blue Sergei, Blacks, Grays. Herringbones. Browns, Pencil Stripes; Alse OVERCOATS See Our 15 Windows. Largest Display of Tailoring in Philadelphia Ready-te-Wear Overcoats $11.8e JL JL Reduced from $25 & $20 PeterMonmSCe. S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sis. EttablUhed 50 Yean Open Monday & Saturday Evenbgt Till 9 o'Cleck iV'r'rsle'issssssM ' ' asLK-v ""' i'iAiiitf -.; sssm-'..' ,; - '." ,,mM Tem Maleney, Mgr. SPECIAL Announcement Large Purchase of Suitings- from AMERICAN WOOLEN CO. Included in This Special Sale Men's Fall and Winter SUITS Made te Measure 1 WITH 2-Pr. TROUSERS t VALUES UP TO $49.50 BLUE SERGE WITH 2 PAIRS TROUSERS GUARANTEED ALL SUN PROOF, FAST COLORS Winter Overcoats Made te THE FINEST ASSORTMENT i OF THE LATEST L SHADES AND PATTERNS P.B.WHITE&CO. 11 PHILADELPHIA'S LARGEST MEN'S PHILADELPHIA'S MERCHANT TAILORS At Beth Stores 1 808 Chestnut St AND 104 Se. $ OPEN MONDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 l. M. I ran WOOL $ Measure m Jp LARGEST MEN'S 8th St. n i i i men v v . tUXST0h,.S7KeZT , " ' I Fmnhhlmt, 734 ChMtnut-StrMt GeWe .