Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1922, Night Extra, Page 26, Image 26

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'Ji ' . W
M i A
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-',U.V, ,
pLrmy Eleven Appears te Have Stronger Forwards Than Navy for Battle Tomorrow Afternoei
-- . .
Br.i jtt's
H Mi
k id
Whitemhrsh and Lu Lu With
Tbp-Xetch Teams Have Reached Point of Perfection ethers Contemplating Added
and Rely en Hooters en Offensive and Defensive.
Army Forwards Streng
THIj ! t tour if the h.onc.t-tti-jreo(lnei traditional football battles
of this eri.j -turj M'iien we find in the news vterit'i emanating from th
Ight pniet it fid H till enlightening MMitence, " lnrf special attention tens
pftiit te thr Aiclm ' (if course, eti knew uhat that mean tlmt the late late
ceuten Jpft'tti of the top-notch gridiieti mi.nl has reached the l'eint of per
fectien where u team without a powerful punter.
it Mire-tirc drop-ticker and alert and speedy
ends and tackle N pretty much like .a racing
motorcar without four geed tires. '
In Philadelphia tomorrow afternoon, where
Wet Point mw t. Annapolis en Franklin Field;
in r.i.ten, where I.nfaette opposes Lehigh: en
'lie Main Line, where Haverford entertain
Sw irtlimer', and in Xew Haven, where Yale
tlshTj. Hurt nnl for second place in the Hlg
Three imp. kicking N being practiced dili
gently. Fer if a "break" wins the game, u it
prebablj w ill. a fumbled punt or a blocked or
hurried kick likely will be a contributing factor,
Tem Thorp coach of the New Yerk I'nl
eriity eleven and a noted grid expert, believes
that before another v.iseu opens the rules may
be changed se that the attacking team will h.ue
one mere down in which te gain 10 yards; or
'f the 'ame number of downs prevail, then the
dittance te be gained w 1 be shortened re S yards. There is a long winter
head of us and there will be space anient in which te discuss the future
Today we art- dealing with the prcent
And in tomorrow s games you must pick the winner by using the r
ere dope that is te ay, the team w-th 'he stronger defence undoubtedly wil1
jet the break and the uctery.
Nnturuln -i powerful defense is net worth one hoeraj unless it ba as an
effensUe. ace a man with a wicked punch m hi- beet. Permit .m-n uie illus
tration, in" Saturday in Princeton th Yale eleven opened with en attack
that quickly put the ball en the 1-jnrd lni" There the Tigers d"fene
found itelf
Hut some hing mere was needed it wa- a lung, positive punt that would
crry that ball past the danger zone. J.ick t'lfae a the man who kicked
fhe ball away from there, net enlj that time, but ftequently in the course of
the battle. Once the Tigers realized th.it they .uuld stnp the Hulldegs they
were check-a-block with the winning spirit. Fer 'he' tad the eenila! com cem
44ence in Cleaves and his muscular right leg
i kiekn i.i I, i ;! 'ini'h imi
take advantage of tht hrenk. iheuld urn four additional ganes m
the Eit tomerrotr a'ternoen. Whih four of thi tight team de you
think jieiimj the ee ijr i;MiIiTi,.,ineH ' Without intending thif
u jiredictien, ire believe that if you pell 4,.alli ' irtth one "I ' u'ing
the first letters of the mime of jnm tcmt. ;.ou h 'he probable
Iriny Hns the Stronger Femarih
AKMY has what te the folks m the knew appears te be ceriMijerablj the
stronger line. That 21."-p.'Uiid captain. Kre dster. who piny guard, i-i n
ferocious bull en the defense and that ' intended a' a compliment. On the
ether side of the line we find at "i'i. the JiiO pound Geedman, who plaj
rip te his name en the gridiron Mil 1 .'in and F.irwick are hu-ky chaps who
de their hare alongside Iireulster and ifedman, respe'tivety. (iarbisch is
one of the geed centers of the em
Navy has Carney, a "1."-peunder, r guard; he will net play opposite -he
West Point captain. Helies at tackle perhaps, is Fehvell's bet all-around
lineman. The Annapeli ends, Parr and Taj ler, size up as Miperier te the
Army wingmrn. Matthews, at center, i e rover who will de mere en the
defense than hi opponent. All in all, theush, 'he West Point forward line
neems better fertimd for a hard battle
Ieweer, we spek-' of kb-king as a nectary tidjur; te r, s-reng defense,
and there again the advantage unquemetmblj is with the Army Weed, the
huaky fullback, is one of the leading runters m the eeuntry. His kicks pe far.
re well placed and hard te handle, ("ullen, for the Navy, is by no means a
weakling in the booting department. But in earlier games Weed's feet drives
were quite w-ell superior te these by Cullen
Assuming, as w have, that Army N -trenger en the defense and has th
better kicker, then We"t Point "heuld and may rule the favorite. Fer against
this superiority Beb Folwell has jat two ace card forward pasitig and
ight. We leek for the Navy te open up 'i variety of long and deceptive chucks
that will worry the Armj's great defetwe team. AnnapelN aNe has Barchet
he, when he is himself is n --lipp. r bwke darting through tacl'le and around
end. It is reasonable t' suppose ttiat Fulwtll appreciating Anna's, superior
trencth, will give 'em all he's get in the nrst peneii, hoping te score enrl
?"d 'bus gain what might he called the pyeliolegira' eJg
lI7 it coffin' fi ight the I :!p ana aggrefsinness i. e tak
" the Say. Without m'anmg 'n iltparaie the spirit of thr young
men iche ar studying te tweed tUnrrtil Perihmg. tee iWictr thire
t mere of that vp-and -1 -'em itvj in the play of the futui' ad
inil pmhttllv hfante t""r 'eui'i Beh Felu ell n that ipe ei
huit Pauses Keep Defense K anted
THE Arn,,' n.is hewn an inclination f r the short forward pas-, h,en i i
geed effdisive srrafejj, since if keeps t.'i tackle en the jump, f.nnr
pajes, when they -iiccepii, arc mere likcb te get iieint, hut the short pass,.i,,
mixed in with end uin- and line buck". d- much te break down th" defensive
morale of the opponent-
If thi ,arie - -. 'ie tiiught bv ii-uti that had deelepel an a'tick a'
'he etpen.. if - .. . n- Ineli ; is i,et w . would lillle mere te snv tbeut
U"e,t Pem '- bin kin d n rln nf th. nj As it Is, w- ;,e! rj-nr 'he battle
of punts, with tli ii.i idle brtak, pl.t t',e burden en n.. ami ('illen
"U'hen the break "iim uther nam nuij 'ine u scoring punch, awl if raaj be a
terwnrd iass - un.- buek or nid r in, ti n k pluj et a 'ield g.il that will sain
tb wintiinc point
West p. in' ha an umbfeated team and 'eme folks ti nn. the f,fnems
have pla5'd the nn re -ti Minus schedule Tliev ' mk mi Kun-as it, earlv
October arnl bun tin W.sterners 1K-0. I'n.n hi Id Yile re a 7-7 tie, and ii
the interse tii ii.il r- t l th Notre Unine th1 -enre was 0-n We can'' a
!e much ler !! 1'iiir t, ,i . tbat Majer I)a' l.iddus '.ave hokei) I. .ban in
Vallej, pruuiie''l New Hampshire State, ;- Iten.,w irure and Bates
Imbed, we iind Nu s schedule as u.nre ri.'jui tnan that of th. Ir
jncienr rivals. Atiet a pnlimitmr cati'ir wit a Wi - rn Heserte, the An
Jiapnln Minths beat Bueknill and Gemi- i Ierh, lest te Penn and si ,1Vs
later cr'ishul through Penn Sta'e peweit'.l rl f u-i team for a 11-0 tri
umph. The Navy's jime with St. Xavi.r wu- a i-et up et course. Therefore,
while Felwtll's figlitei- wire hi'k'd, the; 'id a mere strenuous f sl rf.
Mmpuign thnti did 'he Amy.
Yardage Next Season Here j
SOME local llnksineti have laid nlde
the golf bag for the season, but thp
decision didn't hne much te de with
the "tremendous" fall of snow this
! w eek,
In most instances it's a case of fer
vently assisting in what seems te be get
ting near n habit i'i PhllncHnhin. This
is the matter of adding adlitiennl holes
te some of the local vightceii-hele lay lay
eutx. The fii!iil"ps for extra links around
this eit has been styled sort of an
'epidemic " ,Net spnsen will see the
definite etmning of the new links of the
Phi'.ide'phla Cricket Club, which is pet
ting rend' for ether courses also.
Plenty of holes hnve been added nt
Philmont. and WhitPinnrsh is ald te
have under consideration a plan te ex
tend the course theie te include an
other nine or olshteeii-holp course.
7 is njse siiel te lie enlv n e'iftnm
of time before the Iai I, it Temp'e Conn
try Club will sprmd out. The Phila
delphia Count! v Club mieht lie nntked
in the same column nnd eth'r c'ubs here
r eTni"st' disetis-ing the project
where necessary. ,
j Extension of their playgrounds i
being considered easterly enough by the '
1 private club, but the city could surely
se r, scTtil'i" of "live public ienises.
The Cebhs Creek course is the only one
'here and. while it i- rntcd ns one of
I the het ptib'i courses in the country,
the xerj pnssef lnkmg citizenrt then
proves the need of mere public j.-elt
courses in Philadelphia.
i New Memberships Sought
Down in Wllmii.itnti tbc are engaired
in n campaign t.. obtain ,()0 member
hips for the MuiKipal (lelf Av-ocia-'ien
there. The i hlii ceure theie hns
' een In existe'iiM se-iietliinc meej tlnn u
venr and it has been successful. It is
said that mere than 17.IKHI persons
geiteii ttiere irem .pill te jseeenibe-
The land for the ceuip was donated! 7 PHILA. TITLES DECIDED
bj one of the clt depnittnentp, but the x
m "ie te keen iii i mrse u' and im
prove it i- centribufrd by eitiVens. By LOOS II. JAFFE
One of these talking the mee for I T710RTY-EI0HT minutes of gridiron
new tnemhersliiti is r .1. lit rue. and he LT .! ...
is pressing the .-.mpaign for member-! nctien In the wnoen a gruel
sh i there ri'.'l i ln.irtily. Te boost the ini- football fracas in which his eleven
, c.impaign tin re is talk of a match next ' wns defeated failed te deter David
sens..u betv, n experts who learned the ! r.eleff. tnr end of Seuth Philrwleinhln
game .... pui-lie links -at ilminsteu and I ,,. ',,, t ,., . ,.,.,
I'UUailelplii i. It ought te go big.
"23r'mmmgPsSS ISSPI m 4Q3R stm
OtnJ?in s. ''
Te PecouCUpep.TeMoatc 1
Hew Dees It Strike Yeu
College and Public
Girls Spert Attire
Schoolboy Kickers .
Cnpirteht, 191!, by Public Ledger Company
Beleff. Seuth Phillle End, Is,
Crowned Amateur Champ
After Thrilling Battles
1922 Phila. Amateur
Boxing Titleheldcrs
Flyweight Splk Corbett, Den Boice
Club. .
liantamnelKlit Chick XVy. Quaker
City A. A.
FeathprwrlKht Qeerae Burns. Villa
no n Cnllcsv.
MuhtnclRht Dvld Eclen. Beuth Phil
Rile v'. U HlRh.
WelterwilKht Fmnelii Qutnn, Quaker
Cltv A. A. T
MlrtdlcwclKht Pat Donahue. O'Brlen'g
Htntyn right Huchle Sultur. North
mates from Den Besco of Seuth Phlln-'
delphlu, qunlitied for the final match lr.
the flyweight division, nnd the former
returned a winner. Corbett scored n
knockout in the second round. Leva
and Corbett wen their semi-final bouts,
defeating Walter Bosten, P. H. B., and
Charley Becker, West Philadelphia, re
spectively. I rtnniB win rrit
Schaefer, ex-Champien, and
Hagenlacher, German Star,
In 2400-Point Match
Twe of the biggest factors in the
recent vjuimplenshlp blllard teutnament
Jnke fchnefer, ex -world's champion,
nnd Erich Hagenlacher, (Sennar.- title-
holder will meet In n !i-t nil -point match
ASTUDIINT pnbllcnllen n!ms te exprenn editorially the sentiment of il,
undergraduate body. When flint Rciitlment Is divided the opinion a It
dally Is very likely te take the form of the personal Ideas of the student Ji.
The Mnroen. imdergrndtmtc organ of the University of Chlenge t S
editorially the ether day that neither the nludcntn nor the faculty unnti
new stadium and that the university did ntt need te caler te the nubile I. i
. In nttemptliig te hack up the nwertlen, the editorial writer explained it,
Chicago did net receive any money from the elty or 8tnte of Illinois n
urtlclc reads in part: ' ib
"The university has, plenty of money. The university, all.ef it, fepi. ,v
It is net nn Integral part of the rlty. It receives no money from Chle J
Illinois, except in the form of tuitiens.' -"caw e,
The exception breaks down the ntfrument. The tuitiens nid In the sunt '
of Chicago University, and every educational Instifutien ldcpendcnt unen rt
imbllc. '
Since the publication of the article graduates have denied that this rent,
sents the sentiment of the entire student body. The alumni turn . .
active In the movement for nncw stadium and assert it has found rnd
pert from the students. y iU1'
Thp public does net ask te be catered te, but It does like te be and shmiii
be considered. OTI"
The University of Chicago Is a part of the city, and the citizens of rt.
Western metropolis should he as proud of their institution as Phlladelnhlnn. .
of the University of Pennsylvania. "ipnians ir
C 0
PENNSYLVANIA Is proud that It Is part of Philadelphia and it
should be. It te believed Benjamin Franklin, the founder, never
intended II should be apart from the city he loved.
The Martyr of Girl Track Athletics
THE T'iiiui.sity of Washington hnB made a martyr of Miss Julia Durrant, th
young .sophomore, who had the temerity te wear 'men's running trunk, u .
track meet and the courage te say that she was active In a movement te hrn..
ldens en athletic nttlre for girls. 0MM
.Miss Durrant has been barred from athletics until the end of the academic
quarter, but three of her classmates who were also guilty of "immodesty" win
in- uiiunvii iu vntuiieie, lur me; uuve preuunru 10 wear jumper-DlOOtner suits In
lilt- 1IIIU1U. .1111 hU Willi .UlH Ullllll,
Miss Durrant is a determined maid, fhe made her Htand in front c
nrademlc criticism nnd said she would fight for the movement te the end.
If it were net for the "Miss Durrnntn" In swimming, girls in aauntle '.
petitions would still be wearing the cumbersome full skirt, bloomers and blouses
that make for nothing except slew times: 'and If It were net for the "Julias" f
icnnis, our icnunine pinjerw weuiu fiiu dp mirueneu wttn a let of heavy, usels
albeit selish clothing. '
Tull 'bloomers nnd blouses catch the wind and retard the runner. Th
1, !.... .,. !, . .. 1 .. .. , I I 1 I .t .,-.. "v'
usiwuti i" iic nge in. icKi""'uiism sieeven uim ueei-iengxn SKiriS,
IF OUR girls are te maintain the prestige of America In sports, they
should net be hampered In their activities by narrow-minded, ancient
and warped Ideas of modesty.
Kicking Iladdeu Heights te Gridiron Fame
RIX'ENTIA we commented en the scarcity of field-goal bootee in scholastic
ranks In this cit unci the importance of practicing the art of drep-kicklnr
C. '!'. H. writes in te inform us that Hadden Heights is one schoelbov team thm
has taken ndvnntnge of this method of scoring.
"May I call your nttcntlen," the letter reads, "te the work of Jehn Nnrrit.
' .ii,i.t,.,tin.sN ri n TfmldAn ITnltvltta tTfnlt U1iaa1 AnnHk l.l,. .. ffl.t.. 1
nt th. rnmn. nf It,, tln.lse,, tfprri.ntlen I I '"-' "'-' "' .'" "." "s.h..l(. ...Bu s..Uu. ..-. .,s l-r, l.lis mil am
n . vmw r .mi e Wckl four t ehl goals this season one each against Gloucester, Ilurllngtra.
ltkfMiNiii icnlfrr hn
s. - t il'ituin' v i.
.' utti lnt--' but n- th lajt mlnite crowned
i uai zi- nil 10 canci ire p( ns thin
.ear i ".f nearr
rad i stutT iMu
30 '." l CIT.W
1 nj mint l is ail
An merli-in ctilpwr. Je Dvlden Is n
t.'i-nt-r fi - Kur it this n-k sjkj i, Bam
te b th" 1-t "r.iilnr ' ir pr'rrlnif a
s iif suit f'.r attire en thi- beat H ars
i rei.-h se" "lit with Ktilckrs and h.i
'n- saiti: ' al. m blank blink 'em
Dnnilrt t'irsen, 'VnupsneT-i has bn r
u-rfl tii innr uf tin- Carnllna teuri i
- fir' it Kli-nu'"t "l n ok H ilustKl off
B J Harbir Ki e nnd. s and 'J In thi
t na ct tri" tlriit trn.
TIli-li s!,l,r,nl frnm flnlc(ilnv In n lilnn
of glety in the Philadelphia amateur Geerge Burns, Villuneva College
championships. Last night nt the featherweight, annexed the crown in
Olympin ( tilt jeung wleff was that dUisIen en a knockout against
crowned with the lightweight diadem ,... ,,.,. . . .... ,.
of this city's notice 133 -peunders. J1""' JlLlu-- '"a '
In annexing his laurels the sixteen-1'. M. C. A.. In the first round. Prc-
vear-eld high nhoel junior wen a . vieus te dropping Bader with n terrific
', ,nin,.e twiWf fr.im llnrrv Klmliln. rleht te the Jaw Burns himself was
1':il..r,..n r-nlUi... 1 inli t tt'al nil t In til ran ' rOCkl(l Witll (I llpftV WttllOIl tO the Cllln ' ..,-n,l nmn mlnht l.nln ..l.lnlrl
rounds. Previously, Beleff had been nnd he appeared te be dozed at the ,,,' , , ffi, i i,.t(r fnrm ihnn ' 17!i ,,','' at mle ,ilM runlnf ,l",l, hls wn I!0111' Smith Is net exceptlnnall;
i , .. J..ll'.. ... f.. ,..l limn l, r,nnnutil with the tinnl mine i "is i"ie, 'or m was 111 in in r mrm lllllll . . . , . . . . lht.ntnln n, i.lli,n, n . ht.h h.,nl l.-x"
They will play each afternoon at "
o'clock nnd each evening nt 8 P. M . in
blocks of -100.
Beth of them, though young men.
are outstanding stnrs In the billiard
world. Schaefer, had he played a safely
Paulsboro and Hnddenlield. The last two of these games were decided bv coal
lie McKeri, ttie score in eacn case neing ;t-u.
"The writer umpired the Hndden Weights-Hnddenfield game last week ntil
I would like te acquaint you with the fnct that Halfback Smith, of Hadden
Heights, mnde a remarkable run in the .second period, very similar te the one
made by Sullivan In the rcnn-Alahama game.
--mnn caugnt n puni en nis own ie-yara line ana ne was uewneii en
ITnddenfield's 20-ynrd line after a run during which he covered at least 150 te
Heppe, but he took chances and
these chances beat him.
Though Ilngenliicher lest nil five of
his matches, he showed conclusively that
he must be reckoned with In fnturp
t" nlmj in three rounds from Johnny competition. Ile gave Heppe the hard
g. Mn'tetMin, Quaker City A. A. I J1" '? of th- tournament, and. hut
,. One of the biggest surprises of the for falling te plnv safe when he had
Trie of Lecal Stars Will Get In Next
Game of Freezers
i p" I'l.'nnial lei ("ream clashe
nth W.i.mr in th next game in the
I' ill.idelphi.i Man itaetiirers,' Basketball
I.Ma.'ue .Metidaj night the freezers will
hni e iirtnn'.lv a new line-up.
Mnniu'i-r .Mestell, r has signed "M n
nun" I'Hlhmin, B v Black and Mrs Mrs
Davidsen Th" tit--' two were with t)
K.istiTti I.e.isne f..- some time. Thfv
mi' phi? regulnr'i nith Colonial, anil
' i free?f new hm nsiens of wlnn nj
1 ' rennaut
ii'imis away are nNe desired with
i -lis lr. New .Tu-si and Pennhmn i
Mrrss t, Irit Ji-r. C'olenia! '
i ri"HB, or ph uie Market ,400.
Pitcher Quits Baseball With Landis
Investigation On
I.ms Angiles. N'.n I'I. "Bed fi!
am. pltc) ,.r i.f tin- Detroit cvili if tv
iiii "lean l'.ii Lull I.eamie, wh s
f i-ni's' ,..,t ,, , .fud'.'f K M
i mi' - i "ii iniss ni ,r of liascli.il . ,,,
i I nr.'i- he ;i'.inl winter lull I . n
'in uni'd ii- will retire fmni ' r"i' i
si bill irel gu into business at m
t ii in ii.er here nccerdug i
I'.'l I' it i. win also 'ins fin i
I il'i I.nnlis for i'nlng wnn- ne.
i ' in re - i,iet(.(l as s,li, n.- ' I ,
i 'i si i from Ilnrrv II rnite
i 'i. - i.f 1 1 Bosten eluli r f , r i -
ii I i: te pl if nn lu i hi, r-
ii i "ti the contesting I
rendered the decision after four rounds time he connected with the hnal punch
u.'alnst Clark Toetle, Quaker City Ath- of the mix-up.
letie Association, an extra period having i Bader entered the final round by
been ordered bv Beferee narry Cress stepping A. G. Smedley, of the est
when the judges disagreed. Branch Y. M. C. A., and Burns wen
Fer three rounds ueietr and 'ioeties ' '" ristin. ie m ier me hup . ni
mit en one of the most thrilling bat
,lw Ai?a sfinn In the Olvmnln rtner
ik-s --v. ."- - . -. . .,- ... . ,- ,
nn,l in the fourth frame tllCV con- s.'iie ui iue uigiivsi ruriirisrs in iiir- - ----- -" - - --- -
ana in cue iimitiu irniue ini. ion -hii.. .. lint thiitv-elsht nelnts te rim out.
tiniiei their terrific nace. with tne munivy " uik inirai ei unc imr- -,- , ---. . , :.-
sJeuth PI imdelphU Kayeuln C. C. in the welter- Pivc the chanp l-m an opening, and the
.h hetter ever the U uakw Cltv ent, v weight llnal. He was stepped in the ! lii''cr tinishe, the victor.
VfterSlmkfns disposed of Temmv I third round by Francis (.lulnn, (Maker This rateh will I the first of a
Bnrk. We t Phlln IcQa in theTrst City A. A. Fer two rounds thev went , series of billiard matches that will be
Khe evenly, first one and then the ;t,,g.d , Philadelphia during the
lie eiT net enlv upset the dope, but he "ther taking the lead, until n the winter.
did it hi a tather nifty nnl splendid I third period Qu nn scored two knock-,
manner'. ' &1' thJetl' ttefw Na Stnl,h PLANETS PLAY LEESPORT
Net of Cheese iartety a."li middleweight championship
A big glevenian who showed up en- was decided In the first round, Pat
tire' ditfeient trem what his nn'ne Donahue, O'Brien's Institute, knock kneck
inlcht indicate, reeled off two knock- j Ing out Jack Garloch. Villunna Col Cel
outs and lecHiii. the heavj weight eham- lege, after n minute of slugging.
nien of PhlladelpUla. lie is iiugiue i imam u. iiecup. lemmy j.etign
,ulter. competing unattached from
N'erth Philadelphia. It took Sultzer
i tnnn two minutes tu knock
i. ir .Tuck Dade, of West Philadelphia.
,i,r. flrct riiMiift. nnrl then he rencaterl
n Us lime against Sandy McLn'ren, st""' ns were the timekeepers nnd Babe i m number of the best un-Ktiife com-
Villuneva College football star, who I Hf'urke dlri n nice job at announcing, blnatiens. The l'lanets hire- four
n.iied with West Point last year. filter loving eups, were presented tefrmer Kastern League phters In the
(hick Weay, who IS wearing tne i "' invm nun ruiiners-up in earn line-up.
s-'hss. iney nre managini nv rail lie Frank-
'J lie tournament was a big succes, lin, president of the Philadelphia
iiii ii ivi si, uuaiiik w-iii rinuiiea,
iilthniigh the uttendann- was net se
fast, but his dodging nnd straight -arming were excellent for a high school boy.'
The conch who Insists' en his pupils practicing drop-kicking counter
balances an advantage a rival mentor may have in material, and the athlete wb
learns te' dodge and use the straight arm overcomes the edge his opponent rai;
have In speed,
PHILADELPHIA has three live wires en the American Olympic
Committee. They are Michael J. Slattery, president of the Na
tional Yeung Men's Catholic Union; Murdock Kendrick, the chairman
of the University of PerinsyUanla Track Committee, and James Snyder,
the president of the Middle Atlantic District. They were chosen nt the
meeting in Washington.
ran. Benny Bass, Otte Hughes. Nate
Smith nnd Ilnrry Cres, were the ref
nees. Jack Kofoed, biter relieved bv
Ch.irle.v Ilnlpen, and Bill Kennedy,
weie the judges. Jee Cenine nnd Jehn
Latest Addition te Independent
Ranks Meets Up-State Five Tonight
The Philadelphia Planets, the latest
addition te the big traveling clubs,
play at T.eespert tonight, and Manager
Franklin linpis te keep the record of
the team intact.
Te date eleien came have been
plaed and all levuiti-d in vi 'eries eiei
PM .iilelnhin bantamweight crown te-
f'nv. proved himself a hard hitter by
,i Inning Ills laurels after three cen-tf-iitiM.
kr.tickeuts. First Chick put
iuiv Sinnlej. De .-sen, te sleep in tne i ""
third reund: then he stewed away Ben-
mi in Samuelson. North Branch Y. M. Tiger Eleven Elects Manager
V , in the set nnd. and finished up I I'rimrinn, '. J.. N. '.i jiprtfrt x
i Hh a second-reuud kii against Sam 'imi it . HrcMmn. hbeenh.a
illliee, of Seutll lnn. I im fur thu 1028 tias n Hp m a mmbfr
s-nil.e Corbett and James Ieva, club- t i- jrrrent Junier cU
. , . V.
.Aianuiaciurers .engue i or
address 1220 Arch street ,,r
Spruce 201)0.
Klauder Welden Wants, Game
Jimmy Smith tnnia-r ' Hi Klnurlir Klnurlir
.'ilen ti'Hni iitiieuiii.s tint in- Jenkln
luwrnr'' nre without u nm f r sumlay nml
v 'I 'Up te set la t u I, I". - -nn n" "t. i
elans club.
Scraps A bout Scrappers
T U.I I J 'aid hu trail of suggeitmn te the, u ni ueula mk thr
lust hettle en 'he rmv or uthi n of tie fai'iiitit in tninerian i
baltliH that neu trill de u II te tnki i .'e mhi tufteri hal all impnr
tant void, naditiun l tiain mn i i nimble the jnmil't doormat
throughout an cntir, teuten, but n hen the day of thr final battle
uniiii im the i nn. In i iiniir , the lari of the young icarrior, icarrier,
".tncirrtt innU; gu ( 'nn' ' semi thing fie'iifntlii Af?;.;i? some.
thing thai Hi-imlj fi mski t of ptafhii.
imarlhtnere Appears the Stronger leant
NOW, if one ghiiiied flown the list i.f girues played y Sw irilu m. .-l
then looked out Haverford record might be apropos in sm ,.0h
the ninlnihince. " Bur den t be foebd. CempnrntMe scores prove net a thl'ig
when these traditional runls f the M'lm I.uie mc t tu de or die I'pun two
men, Asplundh, of the (Jariiet, nnd Brown, of the Scirlet and Black will the
brunt of the tight rist. Beth are klektrs Asplundh, without dmiht, ihfj
Jlube Uuth of the college set, bregiinlcull) t-peitking The Swurttunen; ace n
an all-around eiTcnshe power, but when punting is eliminatnl Brown in
thought te be a match for his rival, as th- Hiverfenl uiptam hurls insseij
xpertl and carries the ball forward sitently. It will he in the ii.ttnrn
of a Mirprise if the Scarlet and Black eluen wiii but then we haw humped
into several surprises this season.
When we said the mine of one probable wiiimr began with the letter
'I," we were b no means specific that letter starts both l.itfmute and
Lehigh. However, mere than in any of tin tour games under dis'iisiun, urn
team appears certain te win I.nfajette, of course. But don't think jeu will
hand us the bird tomorrow evening if Lehigh triumphs remember, if hae
, arranged the "traditional" alibi as n cushion upon which te alight.
0.V PAPER, Kith Buell directing the plai, Ifanard iheutd b'at
Yalt, Hut if Itiifll is tint physualli fit he mil net he the guiel,
t thinking general he was againit ('nitre, eien if he it in there t,t,
1'aff, profiting by the lessen learned last tiaturday, iieuld plop
. brighter nnd snappier football. Venseifuently ire tn line teicnrd ) nl.
'though Priiwetau, bii beating 'em both, took th idge ejj thu iradt
Af 1.4 '. - ....
ejr; ffeaul Jighl lu tin, triin( itAere ire flare fief ytren it rnwc pre gam
SLAV . . mmmiuMM '
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II irriinil VJ 'I0U Mike ,
K I Happy -in I At Fex vi.
At Fatima mthri
and after all, what
ether cigarette is
se highly respected
by se many men?
I LiccieTT ,V VIvrmTeBACCft Ce.
gff ft"'
v i- '
800 Overcoats in a
Great Special Offer
33.50 & $43.50
(Werth a geed third mere)
Many of them made of imported
fabrics, brought te us by one of the
best manufacturersef men's cloth
ing in Philadelphia, whose product
we sell regularly the year around.
T UST finished by his tailors.
He found that the unusually
warm weather prevented him from
disposing of them at regular prices.
Se, preferring cash te merchandise
in hand, he brought the whole 800 te
us and we purchased them.
That is why this special oppor
tunity te buy spick, span, new
double-breasted fashionable Winter
overcoats at much below regular fair
value is offered te our customers.
We think se much of them-that
we have filled the whole East side of
our windows with a special display
of these handsome, new-fashioned
plaid-back garments.
William IL Wanamaker
I 1217-19 Chestnut Street