TCJ9HgdBHaimiinHPJRH!nM JHntulfHHH ''.':,n;MIHlHPiP)iSH ri ! 4 ilut I J w- r" - tT'-th -a -'WTjannm BT BlBMBBBBBMBHBBBBBBlnBfVBBBBBBUBBABBr BBBBBl BBBBBBBMlBBBBBBBiBBYBBBBBBKvBb ? rBBBBB K BBkBBBBBhBVBBBBiBBBBBBiBI WMnJf M JKm BBVBBBBBBBBB -BB BBfc BBBBBBBBBBk &V 7SBVBBBBe VUmlffr . WbbbbV I 1fflB9Br Ml KmUBrMtlUmr r ,JW ." bwbbLV. HiBHBK? 'ilwPlvv aMbbbVbW MdtMUUmwKmWttKT bbbV V VUHinE BKmfttCMwW W IbBBBBBBTI I bbbbbbbbbbbWLV BBkV 4bbM " " zflunmwAWmw m bbbb5 S bbbSbbVbV bbLV SU mBMt JT BBBBLh J!SSSm. I LH I SBLLl LBLm 1 wBfw BLalBBBlBHr wBcDt9JBEBB vaaMB V bbbbbbbbI i IbbbbbbbB lll ja? K affULvHw b9Hb lirMliB mr 5r k55 m Mmmw MBIml A WttM 35bW. tHbVWbb i' " M mmmf UJlkwmmmMB. tmMMmmmmm Jmwmmr .kmmw MmBkuwMmmk .aw aBBHBBBBLBMh. LaW ,r .mmMMMMMmi JflpUVBA t4RwMmmmM Mm tmmKmmr Mm aSuBBBLmA. 9rMm alLr LbbwEsbbbW. Lbw .bbw .Mmmmmmmmmmr Mm fwfjHmxBk 9&KmWMmw mwnmmOilmm "Hr " nHHIMflHIPvV XB r"fr im "Cfe Daily Mevie Magazine I7 ilOFE FATS LETTERBOX Hv ITRNMtY M. NRELT Cemjinny Mgnnri up cctinrie mill who Mevie ii'-'tti et "prci cuiim irem ftrlntis Miiirces, can be Bummnrlaed The Tn'tundgcH nrrlvc en the Mhure fjrla teil.iy. Cennie will attend the (ret ! Ins "f I'" "KnRt I Weil" it a Nc Yerk theatre en Humliiy. Uric von Htrelielm, hicnx his dear i-nrt! him slsned n centrnct te direct ml net for the Umilwyn The tunic orgnntzntlen linn sign June Mntlil. who wrote the h ... Tin. I'mir llerccinen" nin ,. ,iii-rni1v rrsnenslhle for the en join;; of Hotlelph Valentine for that 'Tu'arren Kerrigan will return te (he kkpii In a, picture ca led The Covered Wagen, " with Lela Wilsen H die leading- lady. Ilnibaia lledferd and Al Uowee were married recently in California and are BOW in the Kant. Cwll He Mllle comes te the defense f i he 'Ylfwiip" ill an exeeeilniglv dear nrtielc he has written. Here s rit he cava about this much-dia-CUMrd phne "of the movies : "I rniild make any rtery In the world In twelve das if 1 xtitycd twenty feet wav from my players. 'That sliilemeiit. I think, cpltemhes the eliange that has taken place in di recting pnrtice during the last decade, dprnile that has led us from n crude relation of incidents te a period where e are new putting through en the frreeti Hemeihing early technicians be lieved Impe-slhle. i..n. "It's the close-up that has length ened the time necessary te make pic tures and made them better. "Nine tears age I elierted in cven tes a pfeture that had only seventy nine seeiies. Today I nm making Idanm Kin. a story uy Jennie .um .um pheen. which will have some 000 script scenes. And my recent pictures itucli as 'Manslaughter.' 'Saturday 'XUht' and ToeI'h L'aradisc,' hnve all run into this length. "Why? "Ite(iine modern pictures grip tlirnii',-li the power of their psychology, 4im ..lnve nml intimate inlernliir of hit- man emotions. And only the human face can get ever thee subtleties. In the old d.iM wc would have shot a Mrinwle scene in n long shot, showing perhaps two men lighting en the fleer villi a wemnn al one side. In the long shot we could net get a Biigges Biigges tleii of the emotions being experienced. The pli.v-ieal net Ien, jes. but the soul (elieii, 'he reaction of the mentalities fiiiiiiiin-il. (lie siirciliB of love, hate, four up fiem the henrt and into the .liiesiv(. muscles of the face, the light n' the ejes. thill. Indeed is seliu-thilig jn'i e.'in only get by n llnsh te a close up ii." a M-nil-ideM'-up. "And, of i-eurse, at twenty f'et nwny frnni the camera jeu cannot get these fine '''iiillngi and dlMlnctien of light Ing lint makes the modern picture dif fer f'em the ancient as n Itembrandt iiiini-iii: tninK tbeu the litheiiraph en a .-iguiie.ird. "Seines twenlv feet nwny from the r.mieiii can be taken quickly. They are I'll e net Ien: they lire thu least of n diioeter'ii worries. "liiit the stiivlng for the glint of an eje that may register joy, sorrow or luite. the rehe.irsiug and rehearsing te get lut the proper ri-e or fall of an (jihnjw, I lie exact relation of the mus cular iiifivemeiit te the emotion ex-prcM-il, that's something that carries a piitiire irem two te eight, ten, twelve vcks. "lUncting has changed. And it Is it rhanp' that tins chaiigid the motion I'ietaie fiem a mem panoramic device ta "t-'it meial ami ethical inllucuce, pernaps me greatest in tlie world. "I'u tines take longer te make, hut the nwinge Is growing steadily better s meie iliieetms learn te bring their r.imenis eloper than twenty feet, lenrn Hint the eiidmiiig things of the motieu ri'tnie must be filmed in n manner that Mil" lead direct te the hearts of these who j,w them en the screen." VALENTINO'S LATEST PUBLIC APPEARANCE 'i'mmmmaWmmmmmWmmmM "-- t MM ''; -.v: -, W'mwkmmmWlmmWAdYiW ; :dJmSBkmmmmmMmmwm I - "'MHBBWfflMMmBmmma&aBmwMm h'-l- '"?'' ' 'm4lmMSEBmmmMmmmWM 'MMwMWBMwmMMwMwMwMMmMwMBlM h ' 'mmMWMWMWMWMmssmmmmmMmmMWmWMWMWN'M .JmmmMmkWB9mmMm .mMmMmMmmmMkmMmMmmBKmBmMmmmMmmmm It wasn't n professional appearance. Rudy Is shown here with bis "wife," Winifred Hudnut, In n dance they did at n recent Actors' equity ball in New Yerk. Incidentally, they declare that they will go through a second wedding ceremony as Koen as the California legal year for Jean Acker's divorce is ended sulks j won't act. Fnmeus-Lasky im ports French screen star named Da Itochefert (no, you can't make that pun, because the ether eheec Is spelled with a "q") te take his place. (Jreat excitement. Fans nit indignant. Write te me and blame me for the whole thing. Say, I ought te be ashamed of myself. I nm.) 'The bully characterization and the Cehan atmosphere you noticed dominating the entire Ince work. Very geed ! ' 'The Hound of the Kaskervlllcs,' 1'1,'Ie .Norwood ns Skylark Homeless (Lnglish made), was passably well done and just like the book except for the all-important fnet that they forget te mention what made the dogs mad! "X'eu nre our 'Kadie King nnd se jeu should be interested in that par ticular scriel. If you want te have a geed laugh at the most impossible, ab surd and Illogical mess of hokum in all of film history steal a glimpse nt this Universal serinl masterpiece! "Why be serious? Until some dear reader of was Mid Mr. Dtnlelt. "Brr IM tta wii a '.by we hare celled her that. Just before the baby was born I had been reading one of Oulda'a neTeJa, which vas very popular at that time. 'Twe Little Weeden Shoes' had a lov able little girl In it named Debe and I llkyd the character ae much I decided that would be a geed name for my baby, Her aunts, who had also been reading 'Ouida,' liked the name, tee. Be w christened her Uebe." RsSTAMMERERSi rear iech tf ct eerrecUa by teitcKi prfnelphs el perch production. Art sbeiit Kin iter Cluh for ilmnim Bind for flMkltt Fhn Wttnnt ISM R KINOSLKY PLAN or Thaa a wi" tin tr.ia.t nt " LiACOBS (Jboeks 1628 Cheslnut Street CARDS ANP CALENDARS lnBmwMi V JUMP" I 16 Ounces of Health EVERY pound et Leuella Butter contains the Pas teurized cream from tan quarts of pure, rich milk. lb 60 The Inest Butter in Aaerka! In all our Stre$ (l. IVe Nenamakcr writes intrigue is ever! "1 have decided te fellow your ad vice nnti -come inreugn. "Our pictures me net furnished by crooked postal authorities or by em em peoyes of the exchanges who arc net tliistwerth.v. We htililieu te nav lmuhI cash for our films and obtain them in , lifted my cognomen I me iisuui way at pessiDiy a very rea-1 doubt lemcmbcr. 'Ne seunblc (igtire. The reduced priic is or tlireugn the eiterts et n prominent mas- nate connected with iilm row, and the n K S T mn't ir .. v-i fact that wc use the pictures en Hun.,,., ?.: , .i i, 'knew it. He. is in New Yerk or its ... 4iI!,,i n.ew ? 'J10 ibls cxpe8 v."1"1 vlll'J-. I'Ut doesn't want his residence the disclosing of just who we are. Nene, known, ether tbun u i harming Iutiii iluli nf . . artists, writers and gentlemen of He-1 ,. heininn characteristics who de enjoy the . Oreen hjes Montagu I.evn Is work Herman style cooking their beer nnd !"K iu Herldn with Aliee llrady, mak- thelr cntcrtnlnment. Alse their strong- '"B ' ' "' i.eepaniess, se juu'd hotter yours as von no Name. backward rtiAvnv ........I v . Cilnger writes: "Would you be kind rnetivili te tell t:n wlmt Miln tnltc nt Hotlelph Valentine's rcturiilns te Eu- lope, ami nf some Frenchman or ether taking his place? "New, phase he serious, and don't give me any silly answer, such as 'this information appeared in this column three diis age,' because I hinen't any old p.ipeis and 1 nm asking jeu e as te find iiiu and net for any sentimental reui-niis." (Y'mislit te be taken out nnd shot M Minile. Tills inforuiatien appeared In tills (elituin All right; I'll suminnrLie briefly, tneiigli the papers ami fan magazines nave tnlil it a dozen times: iX"',''.ll,lne r fuses te continue contract iili I nmeifs.,iiy. Sues te he freed. e'iit upheliK centrnct. Vnleiitine smelling nines and their overly stout fraulelns. 'lint nimllL'll nf fills. nnr lu n movie column, nnd the like' of tliis Iiiir ! wnrcl it 'ittle te de with our favorite en Stre- lieim nnd thu UlcKerings.eC Kmly's nu merous pyelnshcs and cigarette dust. "Have caught quite n few since I last troubled you, but have been busily nwny from dear old lilue-lawed I'hlliv! What a charming town this burg is en j Sundays, with nothing te de hut te visit the 'mums in Horticultural Hall, or go te our oasis, the Dutch Club. I'll write you up some time, Hen, henrsi, and we'll repeut 'Foolish I'rnus' jut for your special benefit. "Hack te our subject again: " '(irniulmn's Hey' was u pip, with Lloyd at his great best. I put it down ns the picture I've always hoped nnd wished for -the film that was my dream flicker, and that's saying 100 per cent success. " 'Weed nnd Sand,' seen pimply be cause the young lndy that gees te the movies with mu insisted, proved a let nf bleed, but net much sand for peer lludj If ,miii knew what I mean. It just missed belnr n wonderful picture. Hut these fnke bull-rlng scenes were just bull, nnd nothing morei " 'The Prisoner of Zend.i' wns geed, and se wns your alwajs ndnrable Alice. Did you notice the one scoundrel's re semblance te Eric? Net that all scoun drels are Eric-like but- ! ! ! "Mae Murray dominated '(roadway Rete' nnd mnnnged te pass the censers while they peacefully cat-napped: net thnt there wns anything radically naughty, but there were several scenes nnd two titles. Oh, well! " 'Skin Deep' hart n annrty escape from a jail. Milt Sills giving us n just uddrcss Mine letter te Mini, in nm of the Famous l'larrs.,iivy Studie, Asteria, I,. I., nnd nsk them te for- mm Bebe Daniels herself pronounces it "Kee-bee." That's official new. She recently arrived In New Yerk te start work in the Leng Island Studie, nnd her mother became irritated at the half dozen pronunciations of her daughter's name. "We nlwnys call her 'nee-bee,' " Vffidinea rash went hear it Attempts te conceal complexion blemishes ususlly fail, and only serve te draw attention te the defects. Underneath most unattractive skins Is a clear, pleasing complexion all that is needed is the prepertreatmentl It is surprising hew often a brief use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Seap will clear away blotches, redness and roughness ana give the skin its natural freshness and charm. Art row drucgUt for Resinol as riWTerr.AYH FHOTOFLATR v. cTJa?1 !SB theatref obtain their pictures through the SI ANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for th theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. OSMM SAMPLE SHOE SHOP OVER CHI LBS RES. M. A S.W Cer.10 the? MARKHSTS UKUQHII WilV WORRY ABOUT rf ubvtfei ur lunnci a jg r uoedncss! Yeu snve mero than enough en these Special vir,.- 1 (,iue8 te previde the family with a substantial dinner en THANKSO!VIN ' vv V .1 smmk J&m mmj 3 ijmw ALHAMBRA ?l ?$! CHARLES JONES lu ''WEST OF CHICAGO" MrVLUVJ M.MIM'f HUT.Y CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "THE WORLDLY MADONNA" ARDMORE ''..VV MARY MILES MINTER In "THE COWnOY ANDjritE LADY" ACiTOD i:ieuth tc i.ntAKe avb! MOIUIX MAIIMM' IUII.V Crcighten Hale and Mellie King in "HER MAJFSTY'' AND VAUDEVILLE BLUEBIRD "rsMurATi BETTY COMPSON In '1THEI.ITTLE MINISTER colonial ,s,": tmrt t:z MIRIAM COOPER In "KINDRED OF THE DUST" FAIRM6UNT-"u,hMn,d,?,'Ss'i,.AAia WALLACE REID In "THE OHOST DREAKERJ' CLTLJ CT TlltlA'lill. Ilelnw Spruce ju 1 ri 31. Mni:i: imii.y HOUSE PETERS nn.l tr.AI RE WINDSOR In "RICH MEN'S WIVES" 'AMBASSADOR Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt inJJjrH!LH101t SEAS" BALTIMORE Blj WALLACE REID "THE OHORTBrAyrB.1 BELMONT .SVfflsSrW Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt" In "ON THE HIOH SEAS" CEDAR VafrOT55 WALLACE REID tn "THE OHOST BREAKEK" COLISEUM TJWW1 WALLACE REID ' In "THE OHOST BHEAHlm JUMBO GREAT NORTHERN nimWi Srt5 GUY BATES POST in "THE MAHIJUfcttAJ. 1 rr ixnrniAi imith A WALNUT BT8 llVirtrlrL. Mat" 2 'l'' V.s. 7 & 0 GEORGE ARLISS InJITHE MAN WHO PLAYED 000" rTniTOTV llHOAl) & COI.LMUIA AV. HENRY WALTHALL ISLl'THE LO.NO CHANCER nDICMT AVue'll ui'l Ae. at OSd fit. Ullt.lN 1 MAIINEi: IMII.Y CIA,TCLEAR CALL8 OVERBROOK MD V!,IA?k THOMAS MEIGHAN In "IF YOU BELIEVE IT, IT'S 80 PAliVl nA.M.iuia avi: and 1 ALivl Neititi.s sniKCT GUY BATES POST In "THE MASQUEUADER" DCtTM'T MAIIKi:T NT. IMew 17TH KH.VjK.1N 1 HI . M. te It V. M. CHARLES RAY In THEDEU0E OF SrADES" D'l A l"T:r OnitMA.NTOWN "AVENl'K KIALlw r 'ii i I'Knni'KPv Hr IIOUSF PFTERS nl CLAIRE WINDSOR in "RICH MEN'S WIVES" Ti? MARKET aF;F?. :7" KUO.NT ST. AM) tURARD AVB , Jnint-e Jure. ,n Yitnkttit V ALICE LAKE la "KISSES" LEADER 41ST npSAvS: llf A " ' ' R U. TTbL.AE, KC.IU ' lEOJHpSTBREAKE' In LOCUST wii A.M IJlPI'Mf amn Z Mnti .i. :, Vfi"f HOUSE PETERS u in J1UMAW HEARTH'. NIXON 8!D AND M-uiKCT-is; SHIRLEY MASON' n "vgitr TRni.Yvnnnf RIVOLI 6-P..AN wjaujsr TOM MIX In "JUST TONY" SHERWOOD BiViSSrS DOROTHY PHILUPS m JiuntnuawE'HnAT.' 69TH ST Tha,rJV Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt ID I'ON THE HIOHSEAS STRAND a Aw. at Vmw ma r... .... -I". 7 A (I J, u (VIAKT MILES MINTER In "THE COWBOY AND THE rZ COWBOY AND THE Iinyi AT OTHER THEArw.r MEMBERS OF M.P.r.CLA IPnll A IttllSf Tfc.1 Blii al . UCKlViaiN 1UWIN "u, r,r2,Sl,ir.i. MAE MURRAY ,ux In "JASOINATION" OR ANT 2S UAUV AVIS. jr-i i j, T(1ur. .. CERESOTA FLOUR 12 lb Bag NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT Pkg 12 i Ac C A&P Mines Meat m lc MffiBRW Fancy Big Meaty Walnuts Mixed Nuls ' 25 R&R Plum Pudding 29 QPC I Choice Paper Shell OCV wD Almonds lb3& Individ, nal size 12 C Mb size 30 C Mb CC size Ou DEL MONTE PEACHES Ne. 2'2 Can A&P SLICED n9. PINEAPPLE cln &&' Sun-Maid RAISINS Seeded or Seedless 15 oz Pkg 14 t Vn Fancy CRANBERRIES " 14 4PPIES ttSP - 30' Large Green COOKING 4( t Candy Suggestions 6ornaei's Whipped Creams, asst. lb box 3Sc I Staffed Daintier Nut rh .q. Mixcn SraJSX&XASiP RpahI ee . U Qe, I en.. c.-i r . . L.r., w..w - , ww ! .my ci iifuiuj , ID ODt lb CITRON 60c Whole Milk Cheese 2BC Pure Fruit Preserves Dromedary Combination Candied PELL yj S5c S: Peel 3DC 15 oz Jar 9Q Queen Anme Fraif Cake Grandmother's Jam $i$l 2 lb Tin Decorated $1 fe5E N. B. c. Asserted Sugar Wafers PKfl 1 6 Sweet CIDER N. B. C. Plum Pudding lib e?c 2 lb - size 3J '4? 50' size CJO Encore OLIVE OIL pint Elc can POTATOES pecK f OTHER SEASOMBLE SUGGESTIONS llm PUfllllni ... en- . ..... - A&P CATSUP uJ ?2C - -tn bmau UKESSING ... bel 37C HARTLEY'S MARMALADE . j 27c rancy currants 2lc All Baba Dates . . . ioez dIj 20c FANCY JERSEY PUMPKIN. . . . large can 15c SJG JUICY GRAPE FRUIT e.ih 10c THySKSe g 'U ATMORES MINCE MEAT lb 20c i Am? . . k M I mLtauw Ln pJd aLBIafKri i m OT iiy ,wYiTlaiBBBya'aitpjiEiyJ3vv . .V yi-ySffyfBHWIffffTJBBr '7bgb9'2bw FvWVuAkmflBWaV a i n M n a KKXjjmjJim i - i. - ". RICHARD BARTHELMEsi as "Mwrr i I e as " vst TOM MIX lialLiiiiuL . -